Pruning a lily - when should it be done? Lilies - dig bulbs for the winter or leave in the soil

During the summer season, lilies do not require special care. It is enough to irrigate so that the soil around them is not dry, loosen the soil around each bush, remove weeds and fertilize several times a season. But with the advent of autumn, caring for lilies will be more difficult. How to prepare flowers for the winter season? When do they need to be dug up, and which ones can just be cut and covered before the onset of cold weather? All this should be reminded to those flower growers who decide to grow these beautiful flowers in their garden.

Features of caring for lilies in the fall and preparing for winter

Not all types of lilies require careful care in the autumn - the simplest of them are enough to feed and cut. And you can not even cover before the onset of frost. But you can’t just leave varietal varieties of lilies for the winter- most likely, they will just freeze. The main procedures carried out in the fall in the flower garden with these beautiful plants, will be described below.

Pruning lilies in autumn

When should lilies be cut in autumn and how to do it correctly? Is it really necessary to carry out this procedure: maybe just leave these plants as they are? However experienced growers still recommend to autumn pruning lilies. The process of pruning these flowers is simple, the main thing is to carry out this procedure on time so as not to harm the plants.

When to prune lilies: after flowering or in autumn for winter

Most varieties finish their flowering early - by mid-summer. And many inexperienced gardeners tend to immediately prune these flowers. Is it correct? It turns out not. Not only do the cut stems look ugly in a flower bed next to the plants that continue to bloom, but such an untimely procedure harms the lilies themselves. After the end of flowering in the foliage and stems, life processes continue. The roots continue to grow and store nutrients for the winter, the process of photosynthesis continues in the foliage. Therefore, immediately after the end of flowering, lilies are not pruned, but give the bulb an opportunity to gain strength before the coming winter.

Lily pruning technology after flowering (summer) and autumn

Circumcision of lilies is done gradually. At the end of flowering, the petals fall off on their own, boxes with seeds begin to form in place of the flowers, and they will need to be cut off so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of seeds. In addition, most likely, this will positively affect the development and better ripening of the bulb. In general, such pruning is called summer.

Video: lily pruning in summer after flowering

BUT final pruning the lilies are already holding autumn so to speak, for the winter, when the stems and leaves wither and dry, in other words, the formation of the bulb will end. This usually happens (depending on climatic conditions) in early or mid-September. Then the stems are either completely removed, or stumps up to 10-15 cm high are left.

It is better not to leave withered stems and foliage uncut until spring (if the variety overwinters in open field). They can "hide" for the winter pests or pathogens that will wake up in the spring and bring a lot of harm flowering plants and other crops growing in the garden. It is better to immediately collect and burn all cut above-ground parts.

Autumn lily care before and after pruning

In addition to cutting, autumn period to prepare for winter, lilies require top dressing and treatment for diseases.

Top dressing

Immediately after these perennials bloom, under them fertilizers should be applied, which include potassium and phosphorus. For example, you can use potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) and superphosphate, 30-40 grams per 1 sq. meter beds or flower beds, or a special finished mineral fertilizer marked " Autumn". For lovers organic farming fit bone flour(phosphorus) and wood ash(potassium), 100 grams per 1 sq. meter.

Important! However, ash cannot be used for lilies that do not tolerate alkalization of the soil, and these are varieties such as Oriental, Asian, American, LA hybrids.

Such potassium-phosphorus top dressing will allow the plants to ripen by the onset of winter, restore strength after abundant flowering and prepare for the onset of cold weather. These fertilizers will allow the root system to receive a large amount of nutrients and better withstand the cold, and in the spring they will make it possible to grow faster in the aerial part of the flowers.

Under those lilies that will not be dug up for the winter, a layer of rotted foliage or compost should be added.(the thickness of such a layer should be at least 15-20 cm). This fertilizer will serve as a kind of "blanket" for the roots and their additional protection from impending frosts. And in the spring, humus will be a good fertilizer and mulch for lilies.

Such a shelter is suitable for long-flowered, oriental and American hybrids.

The main top dressing is over, but caring for flowering perennials continues.

Disease treatment


Already from the end of summer, that is, from about mid-August, it is recommended to exclude watering lilies altogether, because. bulbs can simply get wet due to abundant moisture.

How to cover lilies for the winter

If flower growers leave their flowers to winter in the open field, then before the onset of cold weather, most of them should be covered. You can leave these flowers without shelter if the winters are mild in the region (for example, in the South of Russia), and the varieties are highly frost-resistant.

In principle, if lilies do not grow in the conditions of the Far North (and close to them in terms of climatic conditions), then many varieties and hybrids can be left in flowerbeds for the winter:

  • Asian (brindle) hybrids;
  • Martagon (curly);
  • Candidum;
  • tubular;
  • hybrids Longiflorum Asian (LA),
  • OT hybrids;
  • Royal;
  • Daurian.

All of the above varieties feel great in the garden and in winter, only they should be covered in case of severe frosts.

Shelter needed only long-flowered, oriental and American lily hybrids.

Usually, lilies do not need special shelter. if a large amount of snow falls in the region in winter, which will cover the bulbs during the winter. If there is little snow or the winter is warm, then care should be taken in advance to prepare a natural covering material. It is best to use needles (pine or spruce sawdust, or spruce branches), under which slugs and other "harmful" insects, as well as pests (especially mice) that can damage the growth points of bulbous plants, will not crawl. On top of the needles, you can pour a layer of high-moor peat, which will prevent the needles from scattering when the wind gusts. In colder regions, the top is covered with a special covering material.

By the way! In autumn, with heavy rains, lilies are recommended to be slightly covered with a film. As soon as a constant minus is established, the film is removed.

Thus, it is necessary to cover the lilies for the winter correctly, as well as remove (remove) the shelter on time. If removed too early, then growing stems will freeze during spring frosts. And when opened too late, the stems grow too thin.

Digging up lily bulbs and storing them in winter

But if exclusive varieties of these flowers were planted in the flower garden, about the frost resistance of which flower growers know little, then it is better to dig such lilies for the winter and store them at home. There are types and varieties of these flowers that are too delicate and even when good insulation may freeze over the winter:

If possible, then such varieties of lilies for the winter are transplanted into a greenhouse or grown there all year round . Otherwise, the bulbs of these varieties are dug up in the fall and stored indoors.

But not only those varieties of lilies that do not differ in high frost resistance are dug up for the winter. Some hybrid varieties from Asiatic and other species dig in the fall to separate the babes who grew up for summer season, from mother bulbs. During the winter, the children grow so tightly to the main bulb that it will no longer be possible to separate them. In the spring, they will take on the bulk of the nutrients and moisture, which will adversely affect the development of the mother bulb and the entire plant as a whole. As a result, the plant will be weakened, grow more slowly, and flowering will be weak.

Therefore, in the fall, such lilies are also dug up, the bulbs are separated from the children, and then the main bulbs are again planted in open ground. It is better to plant children in a flower garden in the spring, and leave them indoors for the winter.

The process of digging up lily bulbs is carried out in stages:

  • first, the stems of the bulbs are cut;
  • then you need to dig the bulbs out of pre-moistened soil;
  • all the soil from them must be gently shaken off;
  • you should carefully examine the bulbs - whether the roots have rotted, whether there are dried scales;
  • then they are washed under running cold water;
  • clean bulbs are placed for half an hour in a disinfectant solution (in potassium permanganate or "Karbofos", "Maxim");
  • then the onions are laid out to dry.

And only after carrying out all the above procedures, the lily bulbs are ready for storage.

How and where to store

Lily bulbs are optimally stored in cool and fairly humid rooms at a positive temperature of up to 10 degrees (ideally 6-8), humidity - from 70% and above.

As for the storage method, it is good to sprinkle the bulbs in a box that was previously covered with newspapers with a mixture of peat and sawdust ( conifers), and then again close the top with newspapers or paper.

Advice! During storage, periodically inspect the lily bulbs for decay and treat them with fungicides or the most common brilliant green in time.

Video: preparing lilies for winter - digging and storage

Mistakes in caring for lilies in the fall and in preparation for winter

The main mistakes that beginner flower growers make when caring for lilies in the fall:

  • continue to water, although in autumn there is already a lot of precipitation;
  • forget to fertilize in the fall;
  • the stems and foliage of plants are cut too early or not cut at all;
  • do not dig up the bulbs of those varieties in the fall, in which the children can grow to the mother ones over the winter;
  • do not dig up in the fall those varieties that cannot winter in the open field;
  • incorrectly cover plants for the winter;
  • too soon or too late, they remove the shelter from the lilies.

autumn care for lilies and preparation for winter should be carried out correctly so that the plant next year "thanks" the owners with active flowering.

Video: how to prepare lilies for winter

In contact with

It is necessary to take care not only in spring, summer during their growth, flowering, but also in autumn. How well the lilies are prepared for the winter largely depends on what kind of bulb they will form, whether they will get sick and how they will endure frosts.

We start preparing for winter at the end of summer

Preparation for winter, which is a serious test for any plant, begins early - immediately after the lilies bloom. It is important to feed the plant at this time, then it will have time to form before frost. large onion, which has a greater chance of overwintering than the small one. In addition, large flowers will appear from such planting material next year.

In order for the buds to be voluminous, after it has faded, in no case should its stem be cut off, especially at the root. If you do this, then make it impossible for the tuber to take nutrients from the stem and grow. After flowering, you need to gnaw the leaves from the spray bottle with Bordeaux mixture.

In order for the lily to overwinter well, it is necessary 2 times - in early August and early September, to feed it with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. From the second half of summer, lilies are not fed with nitrogen.

in 5 liters hot water dissolve a teaspoon of crushed superphosphate and the same amount of potassium salt. Stir the solution. When it cools to a warm state, then pour 500 ml under the root for each plant.

The next day after watering and top dressing, the earth must be loosened.

Shelter lilies for the winter

In the southern latitudes of our country, lilies winter well without shelter. In the middle - the feasibility of this procedure depends on the variety. So, Asian hybrids, the royal variety, Pennsylvania, Daurian, winter well without warming.

AT northern regions it is necessary to warm the tubers. And the “gentle” hybrids: American, tubular, oriental are also insulated in the middle latitudes. To do this, in the middle - the end of September, you need to cut off the stem, leaving a stump, which will rise 3-4 cm from the ground.

Lilies are afraid of dampness. Therefore, the ground under them in early October is covered with cellophane. Then, during wintering, the soil under the plant will be dry and this will help the lily to winter well.

To prepare for winter, at the end of October, peat is poured into the place where the onion is located, with a layer of 5-7 cm, and spruce branches are laid on top. It will not allow rodents to damage the tuber. Put a film on top and press it down along the edges with stones or sticks.

Shelter is removed at the end of April. If the weather is warm, then in the middle of this month. The lily will overwinter well and will bloom luxuriantly and for a long time in the summer, sparkling with the glossy surface of its leaves, like a diamond.

Low-growing varieties are suitable for flowerpots and borders, from tall plants various shades can make a wonderful composition for a flower bed. Choosing the Right Plants different terms flowering, they will delight your eye all summer.

Autumn is coming, and the florist has new worries: how the plants will endure the winter and whether they will be just as beautiful next year. Anxiety is in vain proper care lilies winter well. Use our tips, and next summer your flower beds will become even more magnificent and brighter.

Should I cook or not?

If a novice florist asks his friends if lilies need care in the fall and preparation for winter, he will receive a variety of answers. Some carry out this work very carefully, others will say that nothing needs to be done, the bulbs will winter well anyway. In part, this statement is true: nature has endowed its creatures with great vitality, you can do nothing to help your flowers survive the cold season.

You can also not water, loosen or feed them - the bulk of the plants will still survive. Just don't be surprised when next year instead of pompously flowering bush you will see some stunted flowers. How you take care of your pets is how they will thank you.

For those who prefer to contemplate a multi-colored flower bed without any effort, it is better to immediately abandon the lilies and plant more hardy flowers.

If you want to enjoy a bright, lush bouquet, spare no effort in preparing the plants for winter.

Even if you live in an area where there is no severe frost, protect the bulbs from mice and spring flooding.

When to start preparing lilies for winter?

Spring, summer or autumn? A good grower starts this work already at the time of landing. Determine how deep the groundwater is, if it is close to the surface, when the snow melts, the bulbs will be in the water and may rot. In this case, arrange drainage or plant flowers in high beds.

Do I need to dig up lilies for the winter?

If you don't live in the far north, many varieties of lilies overwinter well in the ground. Asian hybrids, Martagon, Royal and Daurian lilies are adapted to frosty climates, and shelter will help them survive extreme cold. Of course, if you have plant of a particularly rare and valuable variety, and even in a single copy, it is better not to risk it and keep the bulb at home.

Another thing - American and Eastern hybrids, they are more delicate and can die even with good insulation.. Those who have a greenhouse can grow these varieties there, and if this is not possible, in the fall you need to dig up the bulbs and store them indoors.

IMPORTANT! Some varieties, such as Asian hybrids, need to be dug up not only to protect against the cold, but also to heal the plant. In the summer, their bulbs produce many babies, which during the winter will grow so tightly to the mother bulb that it will be impossible to separate them.

In the spring, they will begin to take a significant share of the water and nutrients intended for the main plant. The lily will begin to weaken, grow poorly and bloom. The rhizomes of such varieties in the fall must be dug up and freed from the children, and then decide whether they will winter in the ground or indoors.


Step-by-step care for lilies in the fall and preparation for winter:


Cut off in autumn above-ground part plants, leaving stems 10 cm long. When is the best time to do this?

In the middle of summer, there are no more flowers, only empty stems remain, which are difficult to mistake for a decorative element.

Maybe remove them immediately after flowering?

ATTENTION! Do not make such a mistake, trust nature, which does nothing in vain. If the stems and leaves were not needed by the plant, they would die back in the summer.

After flowering, the bulb accumulates the nutrients necessary for the development of the plant in next year and photosynthesis takes place in the aerial part. You need to cut the stems when they begin to dry out naturally.

top dressing

The lilies have faded, and the plant begins serious work on the formation of the bulb. Feed the plant, now it is in great need of nutrients. A good rhizome is formed if immediately after flowering and in early September, apply potash and phosphorus fertilizers to the soil, and lilies do not need nitrogen at this time. You can use this recipe:

Take 5 liters of hot water and dissolve 1 teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium salt in it. Pour 0.5 liters of warm solution under each bush, and loosen the ground the next day.

How to cover lilies for the winter?

Do I need to cover lilies for the winter? This question is asked by many beginner gardeners. And the answer is extremely simple. Cover the bulbs with leaves, sawdust, or straw to keep the bulbs from freezing during frosty winters.

ATTENTION! The best way- needles, slugs, for which young shoots are a favorite delicacy, will not crawl into this prickly shelter. Mice and other rodents also do not like sharp needles. The thickness of the mulch layer is about 10 cm, cut stems will serve as a measure.

Keep in mind that snow is also an excellent insulation, if the snowdrift above your flower bed is expected to be high, the mulch layer may be small, if the snow barely covers the ground, bury the plants thoroughly. This work is best done in late autumn, when upper layer the ground starts to freeze.

Moisture protection

In warm regions, Oriental hybrids can also be left for wintering in the ground, but some features of these varieties must be taken into account.

You can perfectly warm the plants, the winter will not be frosty and very snowy, and the lilies will still die or get sick.

The reason is not that the bulbs were cold, but that they do not tolerate excessive moisture, melt water just flooded them.

If you want these hybrids to be in the open field all year round, take care of this when planting. Arrange for plants high bed or special mounds, into the wells put sand under the roots, and sprinkle them on top of the onion. The entire underground part will be, as it were, in a sand bag, which will remove excess moisture from it.

How to properly prepare lilies and others bulbous plants for wintering in the open field, you can watch this video:

Wintering in the ground bulbs of tender varieties

You can also try leave in the soil for the winter Oriental hybrids and in more frosty regions, but you need to warm them very carefully.

Cover the bed with peat before frost. When the ground freezes, cover it with a thick layer of foliage, needles or sawdust, and put a film on top that will protect it from melting spring waters. In the spring, remove only the film and leaves, and peat will serve as fertilizer.

IMPORTANT! There is no guarantee that tender bulbs will overwinter without loss.

When to open lilies?

It is important not only to cover the lilies in time, but also to remove the insulation in time. This should be done immediately after the snow melts in the flower bed. If you dig up the snow and open the plants too early, the bright spring sun will provoke early development sprouts and can be damaged by frost. If you are late with the cleaning of the mulch, due to the lack of light, the aerial part of the plants will grow and develop poorly.

bulb preparation

You decided not to risk it and keep the lily bulbs at home.

For points on how to prepare lilies for wintering, you can read here:

  1. In autumn, when the stems and leaves begin to die, cut off the dried above-ground part plants.
  2. Dig up the lilies and carefully shake off the roots from the adhering earth.
  3. Thoroughly rinse bulbs in water room temperature , separate diseased rhizomes and burn them to destroy the infection. In healthy specimens, cut off damaged roots and dry scales.
  4. For disinfection half an hour hold the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, fundazol or karbofos.
  5. Dry the rhizomes in a ventilated place protected from sunlight. Do not rub or heat the bulbs, it is better to spend extra time drying naturally than to damage the buds and roots.

ATTENTION! Do not overdo it, your task is to rid the bulbs only of surface moisture, and the scales and roots should remain juicy.

If you have carefully completed all the steps preparatory work, the bulbs are ready to survive the winter at home. It remains to properly save them, and in the spring you can plant healthy strong rhizomes in the ground. They take root well and sprout quickly.

Wintering at home

The main task of the grower when storing lily bulbs indoors is choose the right place for their wintering. You need to follow two basic rules: the room should be cool with a temperature slightly above zero, and with normal humidity. If the latter condition cannot be met, a dry place is preferable.

In this case, so that the bulbs do not dry out, you can cover them with damp moss or a cloth. In a room that is too humid, it is more difficult to store them, the rhizomes may become moldy or begin to develop sprouts.

In the fridge

You can put the bulbs in a bag with wet peat and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In this case, try not to store fruits in the same refrigerator, they release ethylene, which is harmful to lilies.

In the garage, basement, cellar

This method of storage is acceptable if the room is sufficiently thermally insulated, and in severe frosts the temperature in it does not fall much below zero.

Pour into the bottom of a box or container a layer of wet peat or sand, lay out a layer of bulbs and cover it the same material. You can make several of these rows, and cover the top layer with wet burlap.

On the balcony or loggia

If there is absolutely no suitable place for lilies in the house, arrange storage on the balcony.

For this, any box with thermal insulation is suitable, for example, the body of an unusable refrigerator.

It is better to install it near the wall of the building, it will give warmth additional protection by cold.

IMPORTANT! Watch the weather, in a severe cold, the bulbs can freeze.

Craft lovers can improve the design. Install a thermometer and some incandescent bulbs inside. If the temperature begins to drop dangerously, turn on the lamps, they will serve as heaters.

Have you bought bulbs in winter?

Not only do-it-yourself lilies winter indoors. Sometimes you have to save the bulbs that you have in the winter. Try not to keep them warm and immediately remove to the same places where it lies planting material harvested in autumn.

Lilies of resistant varieties can be buried in the ground and buried with a deep layer of snow, but for winter conditions this job is too labor intensive. It is better to prepare in advance for such a situation and in the fall to dig a shallow hole, covered with a lid. Strengthen the walls from shedding, and put poison from rodents, who will definitely like this warm apartment.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget to arrange drainage so as not to flood the bulbs in the spring.

Fold the planting material to the bottom, insulate from above cardboard boxes, sawdust or peat, close the lid, put a film on top and throw it with snow.

winter care

Do not leave the bulbs unattended, periodically check their condition. If the roots and scales begin to dry out, moisten them if mold appears, dip in a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. In the spring, inspect the bulbs again, discard diseased specimens. Before planting, trim the roots, leaving a length of 5 cm.

Not only in one article, but in a whole book, it is impossible to give comprehensive recommendations on how best to help lilies survive the cold season.

It is necessary to take into account the variety, and the growing region, and the climate, and the forecast for next winter, and the soil, and many other conditions.

Take our advice as a basis and watch your pets.

Over time, you will begin to understand them, select the most suitable ways for your conditions to prepare plants for winter. The most important thing is to love flowers, then they long years will give you magnificent bouquets and a wonderful mood.

They are very diverse in their varieties. But everyone is similar in care.

For an unmistakable shelter before the onset of cold periods, follow the mandatory steps:

  1. Pruning.
  2. Bulb cover.
  3. Full excavation.

It is important to do this in the fall around the end of September. Many gardeners cannot find the best rule among the three options for all species and are looking for an individual approach to all varieties.

How to save lilies in winter

So that they overwinter and do not deteriorate, do not become moldy, follow the classic rules:

  1. Cold-resistant varieties can be covered with leaves or manure humus with a layer of 10–15 cm.
  2. Unstable species must be dug up.
  3. Roots should never be cut off.
  4. Proper storage of dug bulbs.
  5. Two weeks before planting, be sure to water them in the containers in which they were stored.
  6. Precise landing in spring.

There are varieties that are not at all adapted to temperature extremes. They must be dug up before the onset of cold weather.

Under the usual shelter, they will not be able to overwinter and please you with their flowering. Therefore, they are completely dug out of the soil of the earth.

Dig in several stages:

  1. Remove any dry petals or leaves.
  2. Dig out completely with the head.
  3. Inspect carefully appearance the bulb itself.
  4. Rinse head with warm water.
  5. Soak for half an hour in a disinfectant.
  6. Roll the onion in the ashes.
  7. Dry completely.
  8. Store in a cold room, constantly checking.

Having properly prepared, it should be placed in a special container and covered with a cloth similar to burlap. If possible, put in a container and moss.

In this way, we save from autumn to spring. Upon the arrival of spring, it is important to carefully examine the roots of the head and shorten them a little.

So that the bulbs do not deteriorate, also observe a few storage conditions:

  1. The storage location should not be very dry.
  2. The storage location should not be very wet.
  3. The air temperature should not be very high and not low.
  4. Watch out for mold.

How and when to prune lilies for the winter

If the species are resistant to cold periods, then they do not need to be completely dug up. Therefore, it is worth simply cutting off the dry parts according to the rules, preparing for the cold.

Gardeners constantly adhere to the wrong cut. As soon as the bud has faded, they immediately begin to cut the flower.

This is wrong because after flowering the stems still have vitality and continue to accumulate nutrients.

You can also cut off the sheets in several stages:

  1. Start the procedure before the onset of the first cold weather.
  2. Leaves are cut 10 cm from the ground.
  3. Loosen the soil gently.
  4. Sprinkle generously with sawdust around the tuber.
  5. Cover it near the ground with a film.
  6. Cut off old or damaged leaves annually.

Leaves and flowers die off on their own in the fall and therefore it is better not to touch in order to avoid dying off.

If they grow at an unstable temperature weather conditions, then it is better to dig them out for the winter. Thus, you will save your life for a long time.

How and what to cover lilies for the winter

Cold-resistant varieties do not particularly need special shelter. Shelter with a snow layer of up to 10 cm will be enough for them. But it is important to know that excess moisture will be a threat, and they will be able to freeze in the cold season.

You can hide them different materials.The main ones are:

  1. Wood sawdust.
  2. Peat.
  3. Compost.
  4. Ruberoid.
  5. Toli pieces.
  6. Film.

They usually cover in mid-October or a little later (when the first snow falls). Do this directly a week after the first snow.

It is also important to remove the buildup in time. If you remove it before the due date, then the heads may freeze and not survive for the next season. And when you remove it too late, the stems will be very thin and will not be able to grow normally.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Not knowing the rules for care or not adhering to them, gardeners make mistakes all the time. But there are also solutions. It is not always easy to find them right away.

But here are some of them:

How to feed the soil, for the growth of flowers in more than one year?

by the most the best fertilizer there may be potassium sulfate. It is desirable to apply it to the soil immediately after flowering. Now you will be able to keep the heads for more than one year.

Where is the best place to plant. In the shade or in the sun?

It is important to know the main characteristics of all varieties. They thrive in both sun and shade. But those growing in the shade grow tall and must be tied up. Lilies that grow in a sunny place need abundant watering. They bloom faster. An acceptable landing option would be places where the sun's rays live only half a day. Then watering should be only once a day (in the evening). Do not constantly flood the soil with water.

Can it be planted on clay soil?

These flowers do not need special soil. They can also grow in clay soil. The main thing to remember is that drainage is needed here. It promotes rotting of the bulbs.

How to achieve lush flowering?

Follow some specifics:

  1. Morning sun.
  2. Intensive watering when laying a bud.
  3. Top dressing with fertilizers.
  4. Soil loosening.
  5. In the first year of flowering, cut all buds.

What to do after flowering?

The buds fall off on their own and you don't need to do anything. The only thing worth knowing is the preparation for wintering. After flowering, you need to feed it for the last time, increase watering.

How to remove the withered bud?

There are no main differences from other herbs equipped with bulbs. You just have to remember that it is better to cut them off in the morning or in the evening. It is not advisable to cut with a knife as you can bring the disease. It is better to break it obliquely, then water will accumulate on the cut and the stem will not dry out.

If heads with sprouts, how to plant?

There are only two options here:

  • Wait until the bores grow up to 20 cm, then plant them in the ground.
  • Plant in a pot and leave to winter in it.

Why do leaves turn yellow?

contributes to yellowing high humidity. To avoid yellowing (if it is not possible to transplant), you can feed the plant. You can also process the composition of the Bordeaux liquid. On wet days, you can also water the photo with Spirina. This will encourage the growth of fungus.

Helpful advice:

Stick to care in cold period, and you will be able to save for more than one year for yourself a variety of color scheme a plant that doesn't really make you waste your time.

But you also need to take into account the features of all varieties.

Lily is a very beautiful flower that requires careful and high-quality care throughout the growing season and the flowering period of the lily. But in order to keep the lilies in their normal form until the next flowering, you need to properly take care of preserving this beautiful flower during the winter cold. About how to do it right preparation of lilies for winter, we will talk in this article.

Preparing lilies for winter. Fundamental rules

Preparing lilies for winter involves several required steps. This is the pruning of lilies, the shelter of these flowers, or the complete digging of lilies on winter period. Are lilies dug up for the winter, or are these flowers good enough to prune and cover?

Many gardeners disagree about digging up lilies for the winter. For some, this process is considered necessary and important, other gardeners omit it and believe that it is easiest to cover them with heat-insulating materials for the winter.

There is also an opinion that the lily is so resistant to cold that it can withstand the winter cold without any measures and therefore it practically does not need to be covered. The whole point is that different varieties of lilies tolerate the winter cold in different ways. And therefore, for each of the varieties of lilies, it is necessary to look for your own approach to preparing for the winter period.

Features of preparation for winter of lilies of unstable varieties

Do I need to dig up lilies for the winter, if their variety is not resistant to winter cold? There is only one answer here - lilies that are unstable to cold must be dug up. At the same time, digging and preparing lily bulbs should be carried out in several stages, which are as follows:

Initially, it is necessary to cut off the remaining dry petals and leaves from the lilies.

The next moment is directly digging out nests of lily bulbs.

It is necessary to shake off the soil from the bulbs, then carefully examine their appearance. If dry or rotten roots and scales are present on the bulb, then they must be removed immediately and do not leave spoiled or damaged bulbs for further lily breeding.

Bulbs need to be cleaned of clods of earth and then washed under running water at room temperature. It is desirable that the water is not too hot - this can damage the roots and disrupt their further growth and development.

Lily bulbs must be left for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate or another disinfectant. This will help eliminate harmful bacteria and insect larvae, which may remain on the roots and bulb of the lily after being dug up.

After soaking, the bulbs must be dried well in a shaded area under natural conditions. Do not dry the bulb by other methods - rubbing or aggressive drying using a hair dryer or gas burner. Such methods can cause the death of germs of sprouts into bulbs and damage to its root system.

Lily bulbs must be properly stored until the arrival of spring if they are not planned to be planted in the autumn. To keep the lily bulbs in comfortable conditions, you need to find a spacious container, put the dug and peeled bulbs in it and cover it with burlap or moistened moss on top.

Until spring, planting material prepared in this way must be stored in such conditions and in a completely dry room. When the time comes for planting lilies in the ground, you must first shorten the roots by about 5 cm.

Pruning lilies for the winter

In the event that lilies can calmly and without loss endure frosty weather, the question do lilies dig up for the winter, drops out. But this raises another question - when to prune lilies for the winter?

Lilies bloom early, and therefore gardeners with experience try to immediately cut off the stems that protrude ugly over a flower bed. Is this approach to pruning lilies correct? The fact is that lilies have a more complex structure and structure. Their stems, even after flowering, continue the processes of life, in the stems of the lily, the processes of photosynthesis continue to proceed.

Thanks to this, the lily accumulates nutrients even after flowering stops. In other words, if you cut the lily immediately after flowering, then its bulb simply will not be able to gain the necessary strength and will strengthen for further transplantation in the spring.

The lily bulb grows in the same way as the more well-known onion. We know that it is grown either for a feather or for a bulb. If the onion grows only for greenery, then a dense and large bulb cannot be obtained from it, because all the nutrition goes directly to the growth of the stem.

When to cut lilies for the winter - the answer to this question is unequivocal. Pruning of lilies for the winter must be carried out in the autumn, when the stems and leaves die off naturally, the processes of photosynthesis slow down and stop in them, and you can simply cut and remove unnecessary foliage. The height of the stem remaining above the ground should be at least 15 cm.

Shelter lilies for the winter

How to cover lilies for the winter- Another question that worries gardeners. Usually, lily shelter is not required due to the fact that a sufficient amount of snow falls in winter, and it acts as a kind of thermal cover for lily bulbs.

However, what needs to be done and how to cover the lilies for the winter in the event that there is no snow or if the forecast predicts a too warm winter? Then it is necessary to collect the fallen leaves, coniferous needles available on the site, take part of the dry peat.

It is best to cover the lilies for the winter with needles, because it prevents slugs and other pests from penetrating under such a warm flooring, which can help destroy the growth point of the lily shoots. Such a thermal shelter must not only be properly laid, but also removed on time.

If the thermal flooring on the lilies is removed ahead of time, then the activation of the growth of the stems can lead to their freezing during unstable spring weather. If the flooring is removed too late, then the stems of the lilies can be very thin and will not be able to subsequently produce a quality and large bulb.

Preparing lilies for winter carried out correctly and on time, will allow you to get beautiful flowers and developed stems. It is necessary to carry out the preparation of lilies for winter, taking into account their variety and species diversity. If you prepare the lilies for winter correctly, you will end up with very beautiful and lush inflorescences next year.