How and where to store garlic in the winter at home? Storage methods for winter (winter) and spring garlic


Garlic has long been an essential ingredient in many dishes and folk recipes... To all year round to have fragrant and fresh heads on hand, you need to know how and where to properly store them at home in the winter.

There are several common storage methods for this vegetable that will keep it edible until the next harvest.

As a rule, the following places are chosen for this:

  • underground;
  • balcony;
  • refrigerator;
  • dry places in the apartment.

It is more convenient for owners of private houses to choose an underground floor, since there may not always be enough space in the refrigerator. The presence of a dry place in an apartment or house is perfect for placing garlic braids and bunches or hanging a net. Glazed balcony - beautiful place for "wintering" this vegetable in jars and boxes.

Storage in braids

The time-tested method is it is a braided braid made from stem-dried heads. The finished braid is left in a dark and dry room. A closet or pantry is suitable for this. Garlic braids take up very little space, but they require skill and dexterity in order to weave the stems together well.

Storage in bundles

The heads dried with stems are tied into a bundle with a rope and hung in a dry room. The method is practically no different from the previous one, and the beams can also act as interior decoration.

Use of cans and boxes

Many people choose a vegetable for wintering. three-liter canswithout filling the heads with anything. This prevents it from drying out and germinating. Banks must be placed in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

To keep the garlic in the box, you need to sprinkle the bottom of it with salt, then lay out some of the heads, sprinkle with salt again and spread out layer by layer in this way. This option allows the vegetable to remain fresh and juicy for a long time.


Storage in bags

For this, bags made of natural materials... R it is recommended to periodically go through the contents of the bagto remove spoiled heads.

To reduce the risk of mold and bacteria, you must first soak the garlic in a concentrated salt solution, let it dry, and then place it in a bag.

Refrigerated storage in a city apartment

To leave a vegetable for the winter in the refrigerator, need to dry well, put in paper bags and put separately from other products.

To prevent spoilage in the refrigerator, it is recommended to sprinkle the contents of the bags with salt or onion peel.

Freezing and preserving

You can freeze whole peeled cloves, wrapped in foil or cling film, or finely chopped to shorten the cooking time when using them. This option suitable for those who do not use the vegetable for cooking so often, since freezing changes the taste and structure of this product.

For preservation, you can use wine or vinegar. To do this, the peeled cloves are placed in a jar and poured with dry wine or white vinegar. A tightly closed jar is placed in the refrigerator. The method allows the garlic not to spoil for up to four months.

How to properly prepare a crop for storage?

Proper preparation is a guarantee that the product does not deteriorate in winter period in a city apartment.

Preparation for wintering should begin with the harvesting phase. It is important to know that there are two types of garlic that determine the timing of its collection:

  • Winter:
    • collection time: end of July;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn yellow, the scales become thinner, the skin of the inflorescences begins to crack;
    • storage temperature: + 1-3 °;
  • Spring:
    • collection time: first half of August;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn very yellow and begin to bend over and lie on the ground;
    • storage temperature: + 16-20 °.

Digging must be done carefully, since damaged heads deteriorate much faster than whole ones and are more susceptible to the development of bacteria. For this purpose, a pitchfork or a shovel is used.

Preparing Garlic for Storage - Tying Together

After digging up, dry the garlic well. It is better to do this in the open sun. The stems must be cut off, except when braids or bundles are expected to be woven.

After harvesting, you need to get rid of all:

  • damaged heads;
  • rotten or infected with bacteria;
  • empty heads.

Garlic that has not come up can be dried and used as a spice.

After carrying out all of the above manipulations, you can start sending the vegetable for the winter.

Storage problems

The most important and practically the only problem that can arise during wintering is damage to the heads. It can happen for several reasons.

First of all, this is a fungal infection. This can be avoided by very careful sorting. Also, the product may deteriorate due to improper storage conditions.

Determine the corruption of the following signs:

  • unpleasant smell, reminiscent of overcooked garlic;
  • the presence of rotten slices or whole heads.

In order for garlic to remain usable for as long as possible in the winter season, it is necessary to strictly observe the algorithm for preparing for wintering and the conditions of the method chosen for this purpose.

Storing garlic for the winter at home is pretty easy. The main thing is to follow all the preparation measures and choose the most suitable method for yourself. After completing all established recommendations, you can delight yourself with a delicious and juicy vegetable until the next harvest.

The topic is relevant among novice gardeners and those who have never grown garlic for long-term storage. This material is also suitable for those who cannot preserve the harvest until summer. It is known that white and fragrant teeth have healing properties all year round, without losing its healing power.

But how to store garlic so that it does not dry out and spoil, and does not germinate ahead of time? In fact, there are many ways. In addition, the options for storage in an apartment and in a private house are still different. Therefore, below we will consider various nuances... Knowing how to tell bad from good garlic is very important.

First of all, the type of plant is important.

There are two types of garlic (not to be confused with the variety): winter and spring. The first ripens from mid-July to a maximum until mid-August. It all depends on the time of boarding, weather conditions... Spring ripens by mid-August, and it can be harvested until the second or third decade of the month. It is imperative to remember these two types, because many are wondering: how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in the winter before the new harvest? The fact is that some housewives unknowingly collect winter crops for storage in the hope that it will lie until spring, but with surprise and disappointment they find an unsuitable product for food.

It turns out that until spring and even before the beginning of summer, only that which is harvested at the end of summer can survive well. Since it ripens enough, it is poured and becomes capable of long-term storage. On the contrary, winter garlic - young, without many white and smooth scales. It can be stored for no more than 2-3 months, so it is advisable to eat it immediately, without preliminary drying.

How and when to collect?

The collection period strongly affects the further safety of garlic. You cannot dig the beds on rainy days. Better to wait for clear weather. The ground must be completely dry! To be convinced of this, it is better to dig up the soil on an un-seeded section of the garden to the depth at which the heads of garlic are supposedly located. If the soil is completely dry, then you can start.In addition, if you have already planned a day for harvesting garlic, then you should not water it and the surrounding fruit crops already in 2-3 days.

Winter garlic starts to be dug when bottom sheet will begin to turn yellow, and spring - if all the leaves turn yellow and begin to roll to the ground.

Before we get down to the topic of how to store garlic so that it does not dry out, we will analyze one more important point: selection. All heads must be sorted out before starting drying. They should be:

  • solid;
  • strong;
  • without stains and dents;
  • with white scales;
  • without any plaque.

If defects are found, such garlic should be eliminated, since it may contain pathogens. It is no longer suitable for food.

Where to dry?

When the heads are dug up, you need to place them in a dry and dark place, such as on a veranda in the shade or in an open shed. But so that there is always an influx fresh air... Then the garlic is cleaned from the remains of the earth. It's okay if the upper scales fall off. The tops are not cut yet. But here, too, you need to know where and how to store the garlic so that it does not dry out.

Care should be taken to avoid dampness. If rain is expected, move the crop to a warm, dry place. After about 3-4 days, slightly dried garlic is processed again: the roots and leaves are cut off with a pruner. The latter require leaving small tails (5 cm or more, depending on storage methods).

Storage conditions

When the dried garlic is ready to move to permanent place storage, you need to prepare the room in advance. There are several rules that will help the crop to survive until next summer:

  • air humidity about 40-50%;
  • optimal storage temperature - from +5 to +17 degrees;
  • the room must be dry, clean;
  • you can not keep garlic where various insects are found, mold may appear;
  • containers with the harvest should not interfere with those living in the house / apartment.

Here's how to store your garlic so it doesn't dry out until the next harvest. If you follow these conditions, you can be sure that the cloves of the healing product will remain intact.

Storage methods

There are several methods for storing garlic. But you need to know that the container must be "breathable", that is, it must allow air to pass through and not retain moisture. Now let's take a closer look at how to store garlic so that it does not dry out, methods and items / dishes:

  • a glass jar with a nylon toe or gauze instead of a lid;
  • wicker basket or dish;
  • cardboard box;
  • plywood box with holes on the sides;
  • shopping bags (mesh bags);
  • in a bundle.

The latter method implies that even at the cutting stage after digging, tails with a length of about 20-25 cm should be left.

In this case, the garlic can be braided into a braid and made into bundles using thick threads or ribbons. This method is suitable for hanging storage.

Where to store for those living in a private house?

Those who live in a private house with a plot have much more options on where and how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter. You can easily place a large supply of crops. And you can also find several different places at once:

  • cellar,
  • underground,
  • canopy,
  • barn,
  • barn,
  • terrace,
  • a cool place in the living area,
  • on glazed balcony (if available).

You just need to make sure that there is no dampness, mold, or a lot of dust in the room.

Cellar or canopy

Since ancient times, when there were more villages than cities in the country, our ancestors stored garlic in cellars or in the entryway. This is considered the most the best option taking into account the fact that the winter is snowy, cold and with occasional thaws. The peasants knew how to store the garlic so that it would not dry out: they hung the bundles in a safe place or placed the heads in baskets or tubs.

It should be noted that it is permissible to store both onions and garlic together if it is not possible to put them in separate containers.

In the ground in the garden

There is more complex, but no less efficient way of where and how to store the garlic so that it does not dry out in winter until the next harvest. And it means burying the crop in the ground. Only pre-dried and prepared garlic should be wrapped in polyethylene, wrapped in unnecessary insulated material, for example, an old coat. Then, on the site, you need to dig up the ground so deep that you can fill the top of the crop with 20-40 cm with earth. Do not forget to clearly and accurately mark the boundaries of the burial of garlic so that you can easily find and not accidentally hit good heads with a shovel.

But this method is more suitable if there is no more simple options... In addition, in our time it is impossible to predict what winter will be: warm and damp, or dry and cold.

Where to store in the apartment?

There is also a cool place to store garlic in the apartment. It should only be taken into account that heating devices (or central heating) were far from where the garlic will be stored. In addition, if there are pets in the house, insects may be found, then the crop will need to provide for a more reliable storage.

Sometimes people wonder if it makes sense to keep garlic in the fridge or freezer. Answer: you can. But in the refrigerator, whole cloves can be no more than 3 months. If there is a desire to put the crop in the freezer, it is recommended to pre-peel the garlic, pass the cloves through a press or a meat grinder, then place them in bags or containers for freezing.

Fresh and whole garlic should not be placed in plastic containers with a lid, as it may suffocate and start to deteriorate.


If the balcony or loggia is glazed, there is no heating in the room, then you can safely store the garlic either in boxes (boxes), or hang bundles. You just need to avoid direct sunlight, warming. Windows should not face south.


If there is and also a prepared place for garlic, you can place the crop in a cramped room. But provided that all optimal conditions are met. If you wish, you can hang an electronic weather station on the wall, which shows both humidity and temperature in the close space of the pantry. This will show you how to store your garlic so it doesn't dry out in winter. It is especially useful to have this device in the event that there is no experience in storing garlic in this place yet.

If the garlic has gone bad

It is advisable to control the storage process: from time to time (approximately every three to five weeks), check the state of the crop. If the first signs of defects or disease appear on at least one clove, then the head should be removed and consumed as soon as possible (but only healthy parts of the plant).

Dear friends, you have learned how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter, what to do so that it does not deteriorate until the next summer. If you follow the above recommendations, then you can achieve that almost the entire stock will delight you and your family for three seasons in a row: autumn, winter and spring.

Read on our website.

The ways

Long-term storage methods for garlic can also be attributed to some extent and using fresh air or household appliances.


How to prepare winter garlic for long-term storage?

To keep winter garlic for a long time, it should not be grown in damp places and excessively applied to the bud nitrogen fertilizers... Before harvesting garlic do not water for three weeks.

For storage, ripe, not damaged (mechanically or by pests) bulbs are selected: only they have good keeping quality. Each must have at least 3 dense scalescovering the entire bulb.

The collected garlic bulbs are dried within 28 days, cleaned of the top contaminated scales and cut off (if the harvest is not supposed to be stored in pigtails) the stem at a height 5 cm from the head, and the roots - leaving 1 centimeter... The roots, if desired, can also be plucked out or burned over a gas stove, leaving only the bottom.

Tips for harvesting winter garlic and preparing it for storage in this video:

How to store winter garlic in an apartment? To keep winter garlic longer, it is recommended to process its heads boiled for 2 hours vegetable oil with a few droplets iodine(0.5 liters of oil - 10 drops of iodine), then dry the crop in the open air.

Where to store winter garlic at home? Winter garlic is usually stored in pantry, in the kitchen or in refrigerator... It must be consumed in the first place: unlike spring garlic, it is less suitable for long-term storage.

How to store winter garlic at home - in what container? Sprinkled with salt, flour or expanded vermiculite, winter garlic can be stored in glass jars or pans.

Salt (flour, vermiculite) is poured on their bottom, and then a layer of garlic is placed.

Layers should be alternated as long as the height of the container allows. Above the last layer of garlic should be 2 cm layer... This method involves replacing the salt several times during the winter, as it becomes wet over time.

Uncut garlic braided and decorate the walls of the kitchen with them. As well as onions, in the villages, winter garlic is stored in nylon tights.

Special meshes for vegetables, they are convenient for storing garlic, but in them, as well as in a pigtail and nylon stockings, if the storage rules are not followed, winter garlic dries out rather quickly.

Winter garlic is stored in small canvas bags... And so that it does not lose moisture, they sprinkle it with onion peel.

Optimal conditions

How to keep winter garlic in the apartment longer? Temperature: +2 - +3 degrees Celsius (when stored in the refrigerator); +15 - +20 degrees Celsius (storage in a pantry or kitchen). Humidity: 70 to 80 percent.

The results of the experiment on storing garlic in an apartment for six months in different conditions in this video.

How to preserve garlic, storage of winter garlic, diseases

Winter garlic it is stored without loss for a short time - only a few months. Of course, zealous owners, who know many of the tricks of the longevity of vegetables, manage to keep it in the bins until spring.

But here the health of the heads is the main condition. However, the insidiousness of garlic ailments is that they are immediately invisible.

And we, unaware of the harmful consequences, put infectious heads with healthy ones in one container. But garlic does not get sick with anything during storage!

Possible diseases storage of garlic

Cervical rotis perhaps the most common fungal disease. The vegetable softens, becomes watery, yellowish, or generally mummifies.

It is also attacked by other infections caused by fungi. For instance, multi-colored mold - green, gray, black.

At the first (also called penicillosis) some teeth become lethargic, depressed light yellow spots form on the juicy tissue, which are then covered with a green mold.

Very small fungus spores begin to spread inward and outward, when the scales break through: from one affected denticle, they immediately penetrate into the head. The teeth wrinkle, darken, crumble. You touch the garlic, and it is empty.

Disputes scatter around, and after 2 - 3 months green mold becomes a massive disaster, covering all the garlic. Gray mold loves to settle on the sides and bottom of the teeth. Her insignia is a gray fluffy bloom. Black mold, or aspergillosis, affects the upper scales.

A black dusty mass of small spores forms between them, which infect neighbors not only with direct contact, but also flying through the air.

It happens in garlic and white rotlike light poppy seeds on the teeth. And it all ends with banal rot.

Sometimes rot and mildew provokes bacteriosis of garlic, which is no longer caused by fungi, but by bacteria. During storage, deep ulcers and stripes appear on the teeth, extending from the bottom upward.

The fabrics are made pearl yellow. This ailment is remarkably disguised. If you treat the symptoms described with carelessness and plant unhealthy teeth on the garden bed, shoots will appear on time, which will even develop normally. However, the entire crop, or its lion's share, will be of poor quality.

In general, all the diseases described rarely occur separately. On one head it happens up to 3-4 diseases... This is how a wonderful vegetable is sick, which is designed to bring us health. I guess, that detailed description his many sufferings will force gardeners to be more attentive to the stored garlic.

How to deal with diseases of garlic during storage

And they prevent all diseases in the same way. Since the summer cottage harvest is not as large as the industrial one, it is not worth pickling infected garlic with fungicides.

The environmental friendliness of the grown products is above all! Therefore, we will go in a more wasteful, but absolutely safe for health way: once every 10 days we will inspect the stored garlic and remove suspicious heads. And so that such as do not appear as long as possible, you need to create optimal conditions for the crop.

First of all, leave only dried, loose, dense garlic for the winter. Common dry scales in an amount of at least three, and the teeth should not be easily separated from the bottom, otherwise the resistance to diseases decreases.

Secondly, it is necessary to maintain a storage temperature of zero, or even a minus one (1-2 ° C). With it, the development of fungi stops, and therefore, rot and mold. But if the thermometer rises above 0 ° C, the heads get sick, dry out, or try to throw out the feeble escape.

Thirdly, it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room, optimal indicator for garlic - no more than 70-80%. Therefore, garlic should not be stored with vegetables for which the air is too dry.

In a room with such parameters, it makes sense to keep healthy garlic in canvas bags on which they put plastic bagsby leaving them open. If the crop is in a warm pantry, in a month the bag is tied so that the garlic does not wither.

from the article by Galina Borisova

Garlic is a must-have in any home. It is used not only as a seasoning for various dishes, but also as a preventive and therapeutic agent for many diseases. If you have a vegetable garden or country cottage area, you probably grow garlic "in reserve". However, over time, it begins to turn yellow, dry out, moldy or germinate, not even living up to mid-winter. Why does garlic spoil, how to avoid it and save the product?

The need to create certain conditions for storage

Like any plant whose fruits are subject to long-term storage, garlic requires certain conditions. Failure to comply will significantly reduce the shelf life of the product. You risk losing your entire crop if you don't provide the right temperature, humidity and light. You even need to pick garlic according to certain rules so that it does not spoil too quickly.

High requirements for storage conditions are due to the high content of aromatic oils in garlic.

Compliance with storage rules will help you preserve the harvest of garlic as long as possible.

If you do not follow the storage conditions, you run the risk of encountering the following problems:

  1. High humidity will lead to fungal attack - green mold, black rot.
  2. Heads dry quickly at high temperatures and low humidity. Such a product falls into disrepair: it does not have a specific taste and aroma, only an unpleasant smell.
  3. Exposure to direct sunlight activates the photosynthetic process, causing the garlic cloves to sprout, preparing to give life to a new crop. Not the most suitable optionif you planned to keep the product at least until spring.

The storage duration of garlic directly depends on the correct and timely harvest. When determining the timing, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the growing season of this culture, its growth and development.

Choose a dry and warm day for cleaning. But do not delay, you need to do everything promptly and on time. Any delay can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the product.

How to remove garlic correctly

Storage conditions

There are 2 ways to store garlic:

  1. Cold: humidity 70–80%, temperature +2 to + 4 ° C. It is recommended to store winter garlic under these conditions. These include the following varieties:
    • Hermann;
    • Alcor;
    • Dubkovsky;
    • Lyubasha;
    • Healer;
    • Zubrenok;
  2. Warm: humidity 50–70%, temperature from +16 to + 20 ° C. Used for spring varieties.
    • Abrek;
    • Aleisky;
    • Gulliver;
    • Yelenovsky;
    • Sochi-56.

Do not forget that winter garlic is not very suitable for long-term storage. Due to the smaller amount of covering scales, its heads begin to dry faster.

Air - ripe garlic seeds

The air is the garlic seed that forms at the top of the arrow after flowering. They are also called bulbs. Storage conditions depend on what type of garlic you are growing.

Effective ways

The most common way to store garlic at home, known to our ancestors, is by braiding. You have probably seen such bundles not only in historical films and in paintings, but also in your grandmother's house.

Timely harvested, well-dried garlic is braided according to the principle of a braid or wreath, and then hung in a cool room

If you decide to store garlic this way, you need to master the weaving technique. It's simple, but the first time you have to try. Remove all leaves, leaving a false stem and head. Start weaving from the bottom, adding new bulbs one by one, up to 15 pieces. Make a loop at the end of the braid so that you can hang the bundle.

This method is good if you live in a private house. For an apartment, other methods are more suitable.

  1. Pick up shallow baskets, cardboard boxes, or crates. Place well-dried garlic heads in them. Place the filled container in a cool, dry place, away from heating appliances... Sort through the garlic from time to time and remove the spoiled heads. This method is simple, but not effective enough: you will hardly be able to control the level of humidity and temperature in such conditions. Garlic may dry out or mold.

    Shallow baskets and drawers are very convenient, but do not provide long shelf life for garlic.

  2. Linen bags and nylon stockings are great for storing garlic. Fold the prepared heads in them and put in a dry dark place... If the air humidity in the room is low, you can sprinkle the garlic with onion peel, if it is high, the bag or stocking must be treated with a saturated saline solution (dipped in salt water and dried). This method is the most common, many housewives confirm its effectiveness.
  3. Storing garlic in nets where vegetables and fruits are sold. This is enough convenient option, properly dried bulbs, folded in such nets and suspended in a dark place with a suitable level of temperature and humidity, do not deteriorate for about 3 months.

    In a city apartment, a small amount of garlic can be stored in vegetable or fruit nets

  4. Place well-dried, unpeeled heads of garlic in sterilized dry jars or other deep dishes. Arrange them in rows, sprinkling each with flour. Close tightly with lids and place in a dark place. However, not all housewives like this method, many say that flour does not protect garlic well enough from drying out and mold.

    You can store garlic in a deep bowl, sprinkle each row with flour

  5. An effective, albeit not very common, way of storing garlic is dry pickling. Fold whole uncleaned heads into any suitable container (cans, boxes), pouring big amount coarse salt, the lower and upper layers of which should be at least 2-3 centimeters. Close the container with a tight lid and place in a cool, dark place. Salt will keep moisture out of the garlic, limit oxygen access and serve as an excellent antiseptic.

    Garlic keeps well in jars filled with table salt

  6. You probably know that the garlic sold in stores is covered with a layer of paraffin. This provides the product long-term storage... You can use this method at home if you are not very big harvest... Melt the paraffin in a water bath and immerse the heads in it one by one. Wait 2-3 hours and then place the garlic in the cartons. This method quite effective, but time consuming.

    If each head of garlic is covered with a thin layer of melted paraffin, the bulbs will not dry out, and the shelf life will be significantly increased.

  7. Many people prefer to store garlic in the refrigerator by folding it in perforated plastic bags. This is a good way, but only if you have few heads and plan to use them in the next 3 months.
  8. Garlic can be stored in freezer in the form of whole heads or teeth, not peeled from the husk. Required condition - the temperature is not lower than -2 degrees. Otherwise, the product will freeze and lose its taste qualities.

    It is interesting! Try the following storage method: chop the peeled garlic cloves with a press, mix with a little salt and spices, and place in ice cube trays. Freeze the mixture and store the resulting cubes in the freezer. They can always be used to fill the first and second courses.

  9. When preparing the garlic for storage, trim the roots, leaving about 10 mm. Burn the bottom of the head over an open fire (for example, on gas stove), then put the crop in boxes and hide in a dark, cool place. This method has been known for a long time, it provides long-term preservation.
  10. You can wrap each head of garlic in plastic wrap (in 2 layers) and fold into cardboard boxes or glass jars, sprinkling with fine sawdust.

    Wrap the garlic tightly in plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator

  11. If you have special lids for vacuum canning, put the clean dried heads in sterilized jars, cover with these lids and evacuate the air. Garlic canned in this way can be stored in the refrigerator: it for a long time will not lose its taste and healing properties.

    Vacuum canning devices help you preserve garlic for as long as possible

The above methods are effective enough, but you may not want drawers and jars to take up a lot of kitchen space. There are also non-traditional methods that will not only ensure long-term preservation, but also make the product always ready for consumption.

With vegetable oil

You will need:

  • pre-sterilized and dried glass jars;
  • capron covers;
  • peeled garlic cloves;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower, corn or olive).
  1. Make sure the garlic cloves are clean, strong, and free of damage.
  2. Place them tightly in jars and top with vegetable oil.
  3. Close the lids, put in the refrigerator.

Thus, the product will be stored for up to 3 months.

During storage, the oil will be saturated with garlic aroma, which will make it an excellent dressing for salads, main courses and soups. If you add herbs and spices, you get a complete sauce.

Garlic in vegetable oil with spices will be a complete addition to your dishes

How to store garlic in vegetable oil - video

Garlic powder at home

Garlic powder will be even better stored. It's not difficult to prepare it.

  1. Peel the garlic cloves, cut into thin slices.
  2. Dry them in an electric dryer at temperatures up to 60 degrees.
  3. Grind dry plates in a mortar or blender with a small amount of salt.

Chop the garlic into thin slices, dry and chop

You can store garlic powder in any tightly closed container. It does not take up much space and does not lose its properties during the year. In addition, subsequently you will significantly save time when cooking, because the garlic does not need to be washed, peeled and chopped. True, this method has a significant drawback: the product loses its beneficial features... But if you are interested in taste, this is what you need.

What to do if garlic starts to spoil

Many signs may indicate that the garlic has begun to disappear, in particular:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • wrinkling of teeth or whole heads;
  • falling of the lobule inside when you press it with your finger;
  • drying of the heads of garlic;
  • the appearance of mold.

The most common problem is the drying out of the garlic heads. This is due to the evaporation of moisture. If you are unable to provide a more suitable storage space, waxing can help. The congealed paraffin will retain moisture in the cloves, and the carbon dioxide that forms in the head from the breath of the stem will destroy harmful microorganisms and thereby protect the garlic from diseases.

To avoid mold growth during storage, be sure to dry the garlic in the sun after harvest.

During storage, mold can form on the bulb, and in some cases even black mold rot. This happens if the heads of garlic have been damaged or frostbitten. High temperature and humidity significantly accelerate the development of diseases. To avoid this, be sure to dry the garlic in the open sun after harvesting: ultraviolet light has a detrimental effect on fungus, mold and bacteria.

Another problem is the sprouting of the heads of garlic. As soon as green leaves hatch on the cloves, the bulb begins to give them all the valuable substances and dries out over time, losing its presentation and taste. In the best way to prevent germination is burning the bottoms of the bulbs. If you didn't manage to avoid trouble, we advise you to plant the sprouted slices in the garden in order to grow a new crop.

Storing garlic in the refrigerator in winter - video

Last year, I was advised to peel the garlic, put it in a jar, fill it with water and store it in the refrigerator. Did it! Ruined all the garlic it was! Fermented, foamed all over, ungrateful! Don't do that !!!


In me and in cardboard box I was lying in the kitchen under the cupboard, and when the box was thrown out, it was stored normally in a "T-shirt" bag (not closed, of course) in the closet. Until the new garlic lies calmly, and the entire harvesting is done with almost the old garlic. There was a storage record - until the next November it lasted, but we can, and still lie, but we ate it at last. True, I only grow it from bulbs, maybe that's the point.