The freezer of the refrigerator does not freeze - the reasons. The refrigerator works, but does not freeze

What to do if the upper compartment of the refrigerator does not freeze: 4 reasons

The upper chamber may not freeze for various reasons. The modern dwelling is packed to capacity with various gadgets. They are in every room, and without them it is difficult to imagine your life. Here you can find various game consoles, a TV, a video player, a washing and dishwasher and much more. One of those appliances that is really difficult to do without is the refrigerator. This appliance keeps perishable food fresh for a long time. However, it happens that this kitchen assistant breaks down, for example, it stops freezing in it freezer... What to do in this case, and what problem you can deal with yourself - read on.

Why does the freezer in the refrigerator not work?

The freezer is a very important part of the refrigerator. Not a single hostess can do without her. It stores meat and fish, freezes fruits and vegetables for the winter, and makes ice for drinks.

A huge variety of different refrigerators are displayed on store shelves. Such a device can have several chambers, or be two-chamber, it can also be one-compressor or two-compressor. An abundance of different brands of refrigerators is also presented, the most popular are such models as: Indesit, Atlant, Hotpoint, Ariston, Samsung, Nord, Stinol, Bosch, Snayge. Due to so many different models, it is difficult to unequivocally name the reason why the upper chamber of the refrigerator does not freeze. We will describe to you some of the most common ones.

Freezer compartment may be damaged if filter drier is clogged.

Why the freezer does not work:

  1. The freezer may not work due to a freon leak. Such a problem can arise if a microcrack has formed in the pipe through which the refrigerant flows, or someone has nailed a hole in it.
  2. If the freezer stops cooling and freezing food, it is possible that the capillary tube is clogged with ice or debris. In this case, it is purged with a special device.
  3. If the filter drier is clogged, the freezer compartment will also not function properly. Such a breakdown can occur in any refrigerator, even Samsung RL34ECSW and Liebherr.
  4. If malfunctions have occurred in a refrigerator with a Know Frost system, then it is quite possible that the problem is a broken fan or a frozen evaporator.
  5. Also, the freezer may not work well due to a breakdown in the temperature controller, start-up relay, control unit, compressor motor.

It is very important to identify the causes of the breakdown in time. In this case, you can quickly fix the problem. If you are not able to do it yourself, then it is better not to experiment and turn to an experienced specialist.

If the Indesit refrigerator does not freeze, how to fix it

Freezer breakage is a serious problem. If such a device is out of order important element, then without special skills, you will not be able to eliminate the malfunction.

If you understand that the freezer has broken down for a serious reason, for example, freon has leaked out, then it is best to immediately call the master to replace the tubes with the refrigerant. You will not be able to close the holes yourself.

However, not in every case you will have to pay money for repairs to a specialist. Here are some tips that you can follow to get your freezer working again. However, they are relevant only if the breakdown is small.

If you stopped freezing the Indesit refrigerator, in this case it is better to seek help from the masters

A few tricks to fix your freezer:

  1. Unplug the refrigerator from the mains and let the freezer defrost completely. It will be more convenient if you leave the refrigerator to defrost overnight, in this case in the morning you can start repairing it.
  2. After the refrigerator has completely defrosted, check that all its contacts are correctly connected to the mains. There are wiring diagrams for the Indesit refrigerator.
  3. Check the temperature settings of the refrigerator. It is quite real that temperature regime the freezer was displayed incorrectly on the display.
  4. It is also necessary to check whether the refrigeration unit is level. If it is not, then align it. A tilted refrigerator will never work properly.

If you've tried each of our tips, but the freezer still doesn't freeze, then the cause of the breakdown is more serious. In this case, you will have to contact a specialist. You may also need to replace some parts.

The reasons that the refrigerator does not cool, but the freezer works

Of course, the worst thing is when the freezer breaks. In this case, it rises hot topic about what to do with frozen food. Meat, fish and vegetables are food that, after defrosting, is suitable for consumption for no more than two days.

If your freezer is broken in winter time years, then you can take food out to the balcony. To keep your food fresh in the summer, a basin of ice water will help you.

However, if it doesn't get cold refrigerators compartment- it is too a big problem... This compartment stores dairy products and ready-to-eat meals. Of course, in the cold season, you can keep them fresh for several days, but in the summer, it only takes a couple of hours to spoil the food.

The refrigerator may not cool food due to a poorly closed door

Why the refrigerator compartment has stopped working:

  1. The most frequent problem, according to which the refrigerator compartment in the refrigerator may not work - this is not a hermetically closed door. The problem may lie both in your carelessness and in the contamination of the sealing gum.
  2. If your refrigerator does not have a Know Frost system, then it may not cool food well because you have not defrosted it for a long time. In this case, some parts of the unit are covered with a crust of ice and cannot function normally.
  3. The fact that your refrigerator is warm may be the result of an incorrectly set temperature regime. For example, if the temperature is very high in the room where the refrigerator is located at the maximum cooling level. In this case, the compressor may not be able to cope with the load assigned to it.

These are the main reasons why the refrigerator compartment may not work while the freezer is functioning normally. There are also more serious prerequisites for the breakdown of the refrigerator, but both chambers of the unit usually fail with them.

What to do if the refrigerator does not work in the Atlant two-compartment refrigerator

In a two-compartment refrigerator Atlant refrigerator, the refrigerator compartment may not function for a variety of reasons. In the previous section, we presented three of the most relevant ones.

Of course, repairing a refrigerator by a master gives you a guarantee of its proper operation for some time, otherwise home repair of breakdowns can be no less qualitative than repairing refrigerators by professionals.

To two-compartment refrigerator Atlant worked for a long time and was constantly freezing, it must be carefully looked after and cleaned of ice twice a month

If you see that the refrigerator does not close, then wash the sealing gum, it may be that it is covered with grease. Also, the door may open due to the fact that the refrigerator is not level.

Also, if you are not the owner of a unit with a system that does not require defrosting, remove ice from the refrigerator at least once every two months.

Why the upper compartment of the refrigerator does not freeze (video)

Fridge breakage is a really big problem. However, in most cases, you can fix the problem at home. Take care of your equipment and it will serve you for many years!

Problems in the operation of refrigeration equipment are quite common, but, as a rule, most of them can be eliminated without special efforts... The main thing is to entrust the repair to an experienced specialist and then you will not have to worry about the condition of the household appliance.

Urgently call the wizard for diagnostics, as the following could happen to your household appliances:

  1. Freon leak. As a rule, this happens 10 years after the start of operation, but there are many unfavorable factors that can significantly reduce this period. Refrigerant charging should only be carried out by a specialist, as this is a very delicate job that does not tolerate mistakes.
  2. Plugged tubes drainage system... Often blockages form in the tubes, which prevent the freon from circulating freely and cooling the chamber. To get rid of this, the tubes need to be tapped or tugged.
  3. Damage to the temperature sensor. It is possible that "incorrect information" is being supplied to the control module, which is why the chamber is not cooled. First, you need to carry out diagnostics and, if necessary, repair or replace the thermal sensor.

For two-compressor refrigerators, another problem is possible: if the refrigerator does not cool, and the freezer freezes, one of the compressors is out of order. This is a rather dangerous problem: it must be urgently eliminated (while the compressor is to be repaired), since its replacement will not be cheap. Competent master, accurate diagnostics and prompt action - this is what can save your household appliance, so you should not risk it and take on the troubleshooting yourself.

What can help?

Before calling the wizard for diagnostics, you can defrost the refrigerator. It's simple but very effective method, which not only updates the operation of the entire mechanism, but is also an excellent means of preventing many problems. Experts recommend defrosting the refrigerator every six months.

If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, the refrigerator does not cool, and the freezer freezes, look for good master to help you say goodbye to the problem forever.

Remember, a timely response to a problem is your chance to save your equipment and extend its service life!

Refrigerators are among the most complex devices that a person uses in everyday life. It includes different details and mechanisms. Together they provide its work. Manufacturers of this product group produce high-quality devices. They have a high level of reliability and durability. Therefore, they generally serve for a rather long time.

Features of the device

But, like any other technique, they can fail. It happens mostly unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. Thus, it causes a lot of inconvenience to the owners. And this is not surprising. After all, foodstuffs that are stored in the refrigerator are threatened with deterioration without special storage conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to hesitate in solving the problem. It is urgent to solve it.

Quite often, the owners of the device are faced with the problem that the refrigerator does not work, and the refrigerator and freezer works. It's pretty simple to define. Looking into the device, you will immediately feel the lack of the required temperature to store the temperature. In this case, the sensors may fail and there may be no light in the compartment.

But it is not always the case. Especially if everything is in order with his other mechanisms. It is possible to determine what the problem is only through a complete diagnosis of the device. It is difficult to carry it out on your own. This requires special tools and equipment, as well as knowledge and skills. Especially if the refrigerator is not working, but the refrigerator and freezer is working. To restore its work, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the breakdown. Only a specialist can handle this perfectly.

How does the device work?

The principle of operation of the device is based on its main part - the compressor. It helps to build up pressure. Thanks to him, the refrigerant begins to actively move. This happens directly to the capacitor. As a result, the gas turns into a liquid.

Anyone can determine that this process is proceeding correctly. It is enough to touch back wall technology. It should be warm. In addition, there are pipes in the mechanism of the device through which freon moves and becomes gas. Operates the refrigerant compressor. This consumes all its power. After the freon enters the evaporator, it heats up to high temperatures. As a result, cold is formed.

The refrigerator does not cool: what is the reason?

If the refrigerator does not freeze, and the freezer works, then this will also cause inconvenience. Moreover, this situation is rare. Since cold comes from the freezer to the entire device. This is due to the fact that it is wrapped in tubes. Moreover, even if the refrigerator fails, the freezer in many cases supports low temperature... After all, the refrigerant circulates and enters the compressor again.

The reason that the refrigerator does not cool, and the freezer works, may become loose closed door... This situation is common. It occurs due to the fact that there is an object between the rubber band and the device. It prevents tight closure. Or this elastic band has weakened over time, torn, pierced. It is necessary to constantly monitor its quality and, in case of defects, change it to a new one.

Also leads to the fact that the refrigerator does not cool, the high temperature of the air in the room. All single chamber models face this problem. It is especially necessary to pay particular attention to the equipment that is located next to the battery. In this case, it is important to choose sparing modes of its operation.

More serious causes of breakdown include damage to the cooling element, leakage of freon. Incorrect defrosting of the refrigerator can lead to this. Do not peel the ice off the walls with a knife or other sharp object. It is difficult to solve this problem with your own hands, the help of a specialist is needed. Since it will be necessary to seal the area that is damaged, as shown in the photo. Then fill the system with freon.

Complex problems

This list of reasons is typical for both single-chamber and double-chamber devices. Moreover, they are associated with improper operation. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor compliance with them. But often the reason lies in the malfunction of electrical appliances. Then you need to inspect and analyze them.

If the reason for the breakdown of the device is that the operation of one of its elements is disrupted, then the situation is more complicated. It will take more time and effort to eliminate it. Especially when it comes to a compressor or fan. At the same time, you will need to spend much more money.

Why doesn't the refrigerator work, but the freezer works? One of the most frequently asked questions. Since the device is one. This is due to the fact that it includes different mechanisms, which, although interconnected, work separately. Therefore, they can easily fail not together, but one at a time.

What to do?

Once you have determined that the Indesit, Atlant refrigerator is faulty, you should not immediately panic. A competent approach and common sense will help solve the problem. First, determine which part of it is out of order. After all, often the freezer works, but the refrigerator does not. This will allow you to correctly identify the cause of the problem.

Then check the vehicle settings. Today it is easy to do it. Modern devices are equipped with the corresponding control panel Indesit, Atlant and others. It displays the parameters by which the technique works. If they are not displayed correctly, then this is quite the reason. It is urgent to rectify the situation.

It is also important to establish the lifespan of the device. If it has been used for a long time, then rust, drips, and so on may appear on it. All this comes from old age. Moreover, such problems do not always make sense to eliminate.

You can watch the video how to identify and eliminate the causes of the breakdown.

Over time, even the dearest Appliances may crash. This also applies to the refrigerator. Such a device has many parts, each of which performs its own function. Such a malfunction is quite common in modern devices, when only one chamber is working (refrigerator or freezer). A similar problem occurs not only with two-compressor units, which have autonomous system cooling, but also for single-compressor units.

Room temperature is too high

A similar reason most often applies to models with one chamber, when the device is located near a hot spring, and the cooling process is used to the maximum. Under such operating conditions, the electronics of the device soon begin to malfunction in the program and stop working properly. This is the reason why the freezer does not work.

In this case, you should try using a less active mode. It is also recommended that you choose a time and defrost the refrigerator thoroughly throughout the day. Then you need to turn on the main mode again and observe the operation of the device. If the situation does not change, you will have to call the wizard.

Freon leakage or mechanical damage to the cooling system

It is fairly common not to chill, but the freezer works. The most common mistake many consumers make is not defrosting the refrigerator, but cleaning the ice with a sharp object. In this case, it is worth remembering that sooner or later the help of a qualified specialist will be simply a necessity.

The temperature sensor of the refrigerator compartment is out of order

Water droplets or food debris can cause the sensor to malfunction. Also, this part often ceases to function due to a factory defect. And not necessarily it will appear in the first days of work. As a rule, only a master can diagnose such a cause of a breakdown. If the cause of the malfunction, why the refrigerator does not work, and the freezer works, the user cannot install it on his own, it is better to hurry up with a call to a specialist. Since during this period, the compressor is working at its limit, which may lead to new breakdowns of the device.

According to statistics, most often the refrigerator stops working due to violations of the rules of operation, and only then due to a factory defect or breakdown of components associated with their service life. It is only possible to independently inspect the refrigerator for the occurrence visible defects, and in other situations it is necessary to call a specialist as soon as possible.

What to do if the refrigerator has stopped freezing?

As soon as it became known about a possible breakdown, since the temperature inside the chamber began to rise significantly, it is worth doing the following:

  • Analyze and observe the behavior of the refrigerator in order to understand which compartment is still not working: refrigerator or freezer.
  • Check for strong heating elements in the vicinity of the refrigerator. This is especially important in winter period, when the heating system works in the apartment, which becomes the reason why the refrigerator does not work, and the freezer works.

  • Check that the rubber band on the door is intact and that no foreign objects or food crumbs have fallen into it. According to the masters, wear rubber seal is the most common reason why the freezer in the "Atlant" refrigerator or the refrigerating chamber does not work, since not always high-quality raw materials are used for production.
  • Find out if the back wall of the refrigerating chamber is not deformed as a result of mechanical damage. Check for rust on visible parts of the cooling system or other signs of oxidation.

One of the most common breakdowns in refrigeration chambers is a drop in temperature to the point that food freezes both above and below. As a rule, it is impossible to cope with such a malfunction without some experience, but sometimes the cause of the breakdown is banal and you can restore normal work on your own. Next, we will tell the readers of the site what to do if the refrigerator freezes food in the refrigerator too much!

The most the simplest reason severe frost is considered to be switching the thermostat to a lower temperature regime. This happens very rarely, but it does happen sometimes. If you don't know why the refrigerator freezes food too much, check this point first. Optimal value, on which the regulator should be installed - 2-3.5. If you have new refrigerator very cool, set the temperature on the dial within +4 / + 6 degrees.

By the way, newer models of equipment have a super freeze button. Check if it is turned on yet. Perhaps the reason for the severe freezing is precisely that someone accidentally turned on this mode!

The second malfunction, due to which the refrigerator compartment can freeze food more than necessary, is damage to the seal on the door. A clear sign of damage to the gum is the formation of icing in the freezer and a small puddle of water that has not yet frozen. In the refrigerator at this time, the snow on the back wall can be very freezing, which is why the food freezes. Replacing the gum on your own or simply restoring it should not be difficult for you, which is confirmed by the video lesson below!

How to replace the sealing gum?

The third breakdown is a clogged drainage hole under the fruit and vegetable drawers. Drainage is needed so that condensation from the walls drains from the refrigerating chamber. If the holes are clogged, water will remain in the vegetable tray and freeze, severely freezing food in the refrigerator. It is not at all difficult to clean the drainage holes, you just need to defrost the camera and pour warm water into the blockage area (perform a syringe).

If your new refrigerator with the No Frost function freezes too much, we recommend watching this video:

Proper cleaning of the drainage system

Now let's move on to more complex breakdowns that you are unlikely to be able to repair yourself. If the recommendations above did not help you, it means that the problems are in the technical part and you will have to call the master for repair!

If the refrigerator freezes very much and does not turn off at the same time, most likely the refrigerant, freon, has escaped from the system, due to which the temperature in the chambers decreases. The reason for the leakage of freon is the appearance of microcracks in the cooling system or blood clots. Professionals will be able to quickly find cracks, solder them and fill them required amount freon for work (or to clear blood clots). You can read about the rest of the reasons in the corresponding article.

Also, a faulty thermostat may be the likely culprit for the fact that the refrigerating chamber has begun to freeze snow on the back wall. This element of the chain breaks either as a result of mechanical damage or moisture on the contacts. Try to find a thermostat, visually inspect it and, if you can, ring a tester. If the thermostat doesn't work, just replace it and the problem of severe freezing will be solved.

How to replace the thermostat?

Please note that thermostats are installed in refrigerators with electromechanical control (older). Newer models are equipped with an air sensor, which must also be found, checked and replaced if necessary!

Well, the last, sixth reason why the lower chamber is very cold and the upper one does not freeze is the sticking of the valve, which just contributes to switching the cooling modes of different compartments. The broken valve must be found and replaced with a working one.