Kitchen set with individual boiler. A burning question: how to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen. What about communications

90% of modern private houses and cottages are equipped with boilers individual heating... This allows owners to heat their homes at any time of the year and feel quite comfortable. There are many models of heating boilers, each of which has specific requirements. One of these requirements is the choice of the location for the equipment. Most often, the choice is stopped in the kitchen, since in a private house this room is quite spacious and has connections to the necessary communications. But in addition to convenience, the owners are wondering how to decorate the interior design of the kitchen in which heater.

Modern designers are working not only on interior design, but also on improving the appearance of various household appliances. The present heating equipment produced in a wide colors, It has small size and elegant appearance... Thanks to this, the individual heating boiler in the kitchen can be easily integrated into the interior design of this room.

In the retail network, models of black, white, with a facade are widely represented. metallic color, as well as with artistic painting. Such original models in the photo, can be used not only for heating, but also for decorative decoration premises, picking up equipment similar in color to the kitchen set. If you already have an individual heating boiler installed, you can decorate it by painting or applying artistic painting.

Wall mounted heating equipment

If the interior of the kitchen with the boiler does not look aesthetically pleasing, it is recommended to build a special box for the appliance. It is important that the niche is larger than the heater. This is necessary for the correct functioning of the equipment. There must be a gap of at least three centimeters between the walls of the niche and the body of the device. In addition, the shelf itself should not have a top, back or bottom wall. The sides of the casing must be covered with a heat-resistant material.

Note that most of the time this option fails to be implemented in practice. Since the existing kitchen sets are not designed to accommodate heating appliances. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a custom made headset. In this case, it is necessary to think over a niche not only for an individual heating boiler, but also a special case for hiding communication pipes and wires.

If there are not enough funds to purchase a custom-made headset, you can decorate the kitchen design with a boiler with an ordinary furniture case. It makes it possible not only to hide the heating device and all communications, but also allows you to place some dishes, containers and other kitchen utensils. In this case, it is recommended to equip the pencil case with two doors: for the boiler and for the crockery section.

Kitchen design with a corner boiler

Individual heating devices are often placed in the corner of the kitchen in the photo. To hide unsightly equipment, you can use corner cupboard, which will decorate the interior design, and hide the heating device from prying eyes.

You can go the other way - buy a headset, household appliances and a heating device in a single color palette. Then the boiler located in the corner of the room will not be conspicuous.

What about communications

Agree, hiding the heating device is not enough. For the kitchen to have an attractive appearance, it is important that the gas, water pipes and electrical wires are hidden from public view. It should be remembered that communications cannot be hidden within walls.

The presence of a gas boiler does not mean at all that the original and stylish design kitchen is impossible. The main thing is to think over the design of the kitchen with a gas boiler and fit it organically into the rest of the interior.

In this article we will offer you several original making to decorate the gas boiler or vice versa to make it the main decoration of the kitchen.

Gas boiler design

Modern gas water heaters become compact and reliable household appliances... Their design has become more elegant, and the range of colors has expanded. Boilers with a white body are mainly offered, but there are options with a black, metal facade or painting.

Such original technological specimens can not be hidden. You just need to correctly arrange them so that they blend harmoniously into the surrounding environment.

To do this, you can choose a boiler that matches the color of the kitchen set or household appliances. If you are making repairs and the gas boiler is already installed, you can simply change the color or decorate its front panel.

How to beat a gas boiler in the kitchen, transforming it beyond recognition:

  1. First you need to thoroughly clean the boiler casing.
  2. Then he is sanded and primed for metal.
  3. The next step is to paint the front panel of the boiler with heat-resistant metal enamel. The color of the enamel can be matched to the color of the cabinets, household appliances or choose a suitable shade.

If you have artistic skills, you can paint the boiler with your own hands. Then it will turn from an ordinary household unit into a work of art and make your kitchen unique, one of a kind.

We fit the gas boiler into the kitchen interior

To install a gas boiler between kitchen cabinets, it is necessary to take into account the regulations and safety rules.
There must be less than 3 cm of free space on all sides of the unit to ensure ventilation.
The sides of nearby cabinets need to be treated special means or be made of non-flammable materials.

If you are wondering how to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen, we can offer you the following option. So that the boiler is not visible at all, you just need to build it into a special cabinet.

Instructions for creating a decorative cabinet for decorating a cauldron:

  1. We remove the dimensions of the unit and draw a sketch of the future structure. The dimensions of the cabinet should be 5-10 cm larger than itself.
  2. For its production, you can contact a company that makes kitchen set.
  3. If you are ready to make it yourself, you can order only the doors in the same color as the rest of the kitchen. It is best if they are openwork. Then it will not only be a decoration in the kitchen interior with a gas boiler. Such doors will provide an opportunity for additional ventilation.
  4. The prepared cabinet sketch can be applied directly to the floor and walls. The guides are drawn parallel to the boiler planes. Along these lines, you will need to fix the profile.
  5. In order to assemble the base of the box, you will need profile sheets, a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.
  6. The pipes from the boiler can be hidden under metal carcass.
  7. The installed frame is sewn up with plasterboard and the front doors are hung. The surfaces are primed and, after drying, painted in the desired color.

If the layout of the kitchen furniture allows it, it is better that the cabinet does not have side walls. Also, he should not have back wall, bottom, and top cover.

Considering that kitchen sets are mainly made to order, a special cabinet for a speaker is unlikely to be a problem.

How to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen, installed in the corner. It’s very simple. Think of it as a corner cabinet. To do this, simply cover it with a door.

Another way to fit the boiler is to match the kitchen set and appliances in style and color. gas unit... In this case, it can be made from colored MDF.

The price of MDF facades with a glossy finish is quite affordable. A rich deep color will add brightness to your kitchen. Another plus of such surfaces is additional protection from exposure to temperature, moisture and mechanical damage.

We mask communications

In addition to the question of how to close the gas boiler in the kitchen, the question also arises of what to do with gas and water pipes, chimney, pipes and hoses. All of them are necessary for the installation and normal operation of the unit..

Under no circumstances should pipes and hoses be embedded into walls! They must be available at all times. But decorating them is easy enough. For these purposes, you can use special boxes or panels that are included with the equipment. With their help, communications are closed, if the need arises, they are easily removed.

Ready-made boxes can be purchased in specialized stores or made yourself from drywall or plywood. The finished structure, fixed to the wall, can be painted in the color of the furniture or the boiler.

If your kitchen is decorated in modern or high-tech style, you can leave the boiler open. The main thing is that the color of the trim matches the kitchen furniture.

The following video will introduce you to the device of a gas boiler:


Whatever version of the kitchen design with a gas boiler you choose, leave it open and arrange the rest of the interior in the same style as the unit, or build it into a decorative cabinet, we are sure you will succeed! Your kitchen will shine with new colors and will delight you and your loved ones.

In the kitchen, a gas water heater is indispensable for everyday life. The need to install such a technique causes more negative emotions... Many owners are sure that the gas boiler will ruin the overall interior of the room. However, this is a deep misconception! A well-planned kitchen design with a gas boiler will be stylish, unusual, and quite attractive. The most important thing is to organically fit the technique, to think over every detail of the kitchen interior. In that article, we will consider several solutions for decorating, masking a gas column.

A gas water heater in the kitchen is indispensable for everyday life.

Kitchen design with a gas boiler can be made beautiful and attractive

The most important thing is to fit this technique into the interior beautifully and harmoniously.

Standards, rules for installation in the kitchen

For the organization safe use of such a unit in the kitchen, it is important to adhere to certain rules. The room chosen for installation must be at least four square meters... It should contain: a window, an exit to the corridor, a special device that notifies of a leak.

To install a gas boiler, you need to adhere to certain rules.

The room in which the boiler will be installed must be at least four square meters

The power of the column should not be more than sixty kilowatts. The device can be installed on a wall or floor. Do not mount it too close to the kitchen unit - leave room for air circulation. If the device is mounted on a wall, then it must meet certain requirements. The kitchen wall must be made of non-combustible materials. It is better to close walls made of wood with a metal sheet.

A certain gap between the stove, refrigerator, gas water heater must be observed. Its minimum value is thirty centimeters. From the counter, electrical outlet you need to retreat almost one meter. After installation, you should definitely check the correct operation of the device, chimney.

Column power should not be more than sixty kilowatts

The column must be at least thirty centimeters from the stove and refrigerator,

In most cases gas water heater can harmoniously fit into the interior

Features of kitchen design with a column

Gas heating is a convenient, relatively inexpensive way to heat your home. Modern technology for these purposes is not very aesthetically pleasing. It often needs special design... When creating a kitchen design plan with a gas boiler, consider the following aspects.

    Own financial capabilities. With a high budget, you can afford to purchase a unit with attractive design... Then there will be no special problems in the interior of the kitchen.

    Location of the apparatus. This criterion should be selected solely based on the rules of installation, ease of use.

    The stylistic direction of the room. The method of decorating the apparatus will depend only on him.

Gas heating is a convenient, relatively inexpensive way to heat your home

Thinking over the design of a kitchen with a gas water heater, take into account all the nuances and features of the room

How to hide communications?

After installing the equipment, pipes, hoses, and a chimney are not at all pleasing to the eye. Many would gladly hide them in the wall. However, for safety reasons, this cannot be done. Items should always be available. There are several safe ways hide communications. One of them is the construction of a plasterboard box. Several profiles, moisture-resistant drywall are used for this.

It is impossible to hide pipes in the wall according to the rules of operation.

You can hide communications in the kitchen headset

Currently, you can purchase a column that fits perfectly into the kitchen design

A well-designed kitchen set will also help to hide communications. But there is one rule - cabinets, bedside tables, shelves should not press on the pipes. V ideal option the distance between them should be about one centimeter. For such purposes, the kitchen set is made to order.

Also communications can be decorated inexpensive way... They can be painted in the color of the walls, decorated with artificial flowers, mosaics.

A well-designed kitchen set will also help to hide communications.

Column pipes can be decorated. Paint in the color of the walls or decorate with mosaics

We think over the design

Modern kitchen design with a gas boiler on the wall can be different types... Let's consider the two main types in more detail in the table.


1. Open:

decoupage, pasting, painting, painting.

Provides for the allocation of equipment as original item interior. It is pasted over with photographs, originally painted with special safe paints, and decorated with mosaics. These techniques are great for Provence, country styles.

2. Closed:

disguise with drywall construction, furniture.

In this case, the gas boiler is masked as much as possible from others. The difficulty of this type is the observance of safety precautions. The materials must be non-combustible, the air must circulate freely. Outdoor equipment is masked with a pencil case. It will protect children from injury, will not contradict the main stylistic direction of the kitchen.

To completely hide the boiler, you can purchase a custom-made set

Be sure to adhere to safety rules

Modern kitchen design with a gas boiler on the wall can be of different types

Installation of a chipboard cabinet

The easiest method for camouflaging a gas boiler is furniture. Pipes, communications, a column can be easily placed inside a purchased cabinet. The choice of such furniture is quite large. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the dimensions, the possibility of embedding such equipment, the quality of the fittings, safety, and the price. It is also important to choose suitable design cabinet. It should be in harmony with the design features, room decoration.

As practice shows, it is very difficult to find a wardrobe in a store. In such a situation, you can do individual order from the masters. However, the cost of individual work will be quite high. The best way savings - making a simple cabinet with your own hands. Let's look at this process step by step.

Modern boilers can easily fit into the interior of the kitchen

Pipes and the boiler itself can be placed in a cabinet

    Development of the design of a cabinet for a gas boiler. For convenience, you can draw graphic plan products on a plain sheet of paper. The design of the cabinet should match the look and style of the rest of the furniture. It is worth choosing an identical paint color, if possible - an identical material. For ease of manufacture, you can exclude the top, bottom walls. This will significantly reduce the amount of time required to build the cabinet.

    Preparation of materials, tools. You will need: a tape measure, bolts, chipboard plates, a finished door, a jigsaw, awnings, wooden slats.

    Sizing. The gas boiler should be placed at a distance of three centimeters from the side of the cabinet. It is easy to calculate the size of the door - just add six centimeters to the width and height of the boiler.

    We make the side walls. We use chipboard plates, a jigsaw. We cut out two sides according to individual measurements.

    Cut out the holes for the furniture curtains. It is more convenient to do this with a crown.

    We attach two strips parallel to each other on the wall instead of the back wall. We attach the finished slabs to them with bolts. Then we install the doors.

Before you start hiding the boiler, draw a work plan.

Nowadays, it is not difficult to hide a gas boiler

If the gas boiler fits into the interior, you can not hide it

Gas boiler - original art object

Original gas boilers do not need to be hidden behind furniture doors. They themselves can become great decoration kitchens. To do this, you should choose the right color for the equipment, decorate it with decorative painting. This solution will allow you to add some zest to the interior, save money on the purchase (manufacture) of a special cabinet.

The gas boiler can be decorated with stickers or painted

The gas boiler can be easily hidden in the cabinet

It is not worth painting a gas boiler in the absence of minimal artistic skills. This can only damage the equipment. If you want to decorate it in this particular way, then it is better to use ready-made stencils. They can be easily found on the Internet, printed, cut out. With stencils, the pattern can be applied in a few minutes. The most important thing is to comply with the general theme of the room in terms of color and ornament.

Video: Kitchen design with a gas water heater

50 photos of kitchen design ideas with a gas boiler:

Loft includes antiquity brickwork, trendy or antique furniture. It is distinguished by its simplicity in the design of the wall, ceiling and floor decoration. For clarity, it is easy to equate it with Provence. This style is diverse in terms of the elements included in it., it is contradictory in details and is widely used in practice.

Historical reference

The loft was born in the first half of the 20th century. The foreign origin of the name of the style, translated into Russian, is the attic. Bearing structures not plastered, leaving in its original state. The roof beams were not overlapped, since the upper floor is intended for old unnecessary things. During the period economic crisis attics and attics were inhabited. This happened with other objects as well.

The unclaimed abandoned industrial buildings that appeared in America in the forties were transferred to citizens in need of housing. While mastering them, the layout, unacceptable for these purposes, was left unchanged.

Modern directions

In the technology of building houses one and a half or two floors, attics have become popular. The need to use the entire area of ​​the house led to their reconstruction. This made it possible to make them residential. The minimalist style that matches the Loft has found application in the design of these buildings as rooms.


Using this method, the cost of carrying out a Loft-style renovation will become economical. Without purchasing expensive finishing materials, they use what they have available, correctly adjusting individual parts of the structure.

When reconstructing a previously operated building, all brick walls leave in its original form. Their varnished or water-based paint wanting to give them light shade. A natural stone, brick or old whitewash complement modern or antique interior in the style of Minimalism. Against the background of such walls, ultra-fashionable individual elements look.

The kitchen should only have items necessary for everyday life that have a direct functional purpose... Her modern version complemented by a gas boiler for water heating. When doing a design project, the space to be reconstructed is left spacious. It is saturated with a functional setting. If pipes for heating and hot water are not supplied to the house on a general basis, special equipment is installed in it to compensate for this gap.

Design project with a gas boiler

Family members gather in the kitchen more often. It is convenient to make a dining room if the areas are large. Create with gas boiler design it is possible in spaces using zoning, dividing it into functional areas. This is done using finishing material, lighting, plumbing equipment, furniture and household appliances. Highlight working area is to concentrate items related to cooking and storing household utensils in one of them. For the integrity of each individual territory, it is supplemented with lighting elements.

Work zone

The central part in it is an apron on the wall, which is placed above the stove and sink. I recommend making the selection of material for its design close in style. A boiler is installed on the side of the sink. Depending on what it is, its fastening depends. In this case, the water supply is uninterrupted. To enhance of this effect, a circular pump is connected to the water supply... The floor in the proposed style is matched to it. To do this, use tiles or porcelain stoneware with imitation of old boards.

A kitchen with a gas boiler can be aesthetically decorated. For this, the unit is covered matte paint for metal light colors... To do this, use shades of matte steel, bronze or gloss. A pattern is stenciled onto the outer case. It is also painted by hand. Ready-made stickers will become a convenient help creating the necessary flavor in the kitchen.

One of the options for placing equipment is use of the opening between wall cabinets , leaving the outer case free for air access and preventive control over its operation. Appliances installed underneath must be visible.

Place the heating device in a fake cabinet. It's easy to do. The two sides are connected by a lattice door, leaving upper part free. To protect against heating, a foil overlap is made inside.

  • The volume of the boiler depends on the demand for water supply.
  • When developing a project, safety requirements for the placement of a gas boiler are taken into account.
  • In a private house, water heating equipment can be the same for circuit heating and domestic needs.
  • The boiler is installed in a place convenient for preventive maintenance.
  • It is not hidden in closed cabinet and are not fixed over the slab.
  • Frequent airing of the room will ensure the ecology in it.
  • A floor-standing unit will require less imagination to disguise it.
  • Non-combustible material is used for walls and floors adjacent to the heating device.

What's the best way to hide pipes?

  • They are not recommended to be hidden in walls.
  • Gas pipes are laid in an open way.
  • They must be visible.
  • They are placed under furniture, making a corner cut on the base.
  • Plasterboard pipes for pipes will provide an aesthetic impression of the interior.
  • They are manufactured in the form of a box.
  • The gas pipeline is not used as a support.
  • They are painted in those colors that enliven the interior.
  • Glass blocks will hide the equipment without violating the integrity of the space.


The assembly and installation of a set of technological gas equipment is entrusted to professionals. They will remove the chimney pipes, insulate and insulate it. The company will supply a complete set, for which they will be responsible. After putting the unit into operation, the customer does not have to worry, since the warranty service will be carried out for a year without additional investment. The period of its operation and the safety of the residents of the house depend on the quality of the installation.

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Boiler in the kitchen: installation requirements and 3 ways to decorate

About four years ago, during the renovation, we were faced with the question of how to hide the gas boiler in the kitchen and not violate any rules and requirements. We solved it.

And now, choosing new house, I understand that this problem will be relevant again, only you will have to mask the unit not standing on the floor, but hanging on the wall with a bunch of tubes. Surely many have already had or are yet to come across something similar, so the story about the types of gas heating boilers, the rules for their installation in the kitchen and the ways to "make it beautifully" will come in handy for someone.

Conditions for installing and decorating gas heating equipment in the kitchen

Our current cauldron is tucked away in a fairly loose plasterboard niche that has no door. It was impossible to do otherwise, since this is equipment with an open combustion chamber.

Most likely, it will be necessary to improve the boiler with a closed burner and not just in the kitchen, but in the kitchen-living room. And here completely different standards apply.

But first things first.

General requirements

In general, the rules for installing gas boilers are regulated by SNiP 31-01-2003 and 31-02-2001. But I will try to express them in simple "human" language.

  • There is one general rule : regardless of the type of equipment, it can only stand in rooms that, according to the current SNiP, are considered non-residential. The living room does not apply to them, so developers often bypass the ban, naming a kitchen combined with a living room, a kitchen-dining room. The dining room is non-residential.
  • Door presence... The room in which it is installed gas equipment, must be separated from living rooms... She, in turn, should not have a threshold so that air circulates freely throughout the house. Or a special convection channel is built into it.

  • The kitchen window must be equipped with a window for the same purpose - to ensure the circulation of air flows. With the advent of metal-plastic windows gas services become more loyal to their absence, if the window has a mechanism that allows you to open it for ventilation.

  • Number of window openings... To ensure the good daylight premises with a boiler, for each cubic meter of it there must be at least 0.03 sq.m. the area of ​​the window opening excluding frames and partitions.

As for the rules for embedding equipment in furniture and other attempts to disguise it, then they differ depending on the type of this equipment. But in any case, aesthetics should be in second place after the safety of its operation.

Boilers with an open burner and 3 options for their decor

Convection equipment with an open combustion chamber can be installed in the kitchen, but it is undesirable - it is better in the boiler room. And hiding it, observing all safety requirements, will be problematic, if not impossible. Here the main document, which will have to be guided by, will be the instructions for the boiler.

Installation requirements are:

Image rules

Room area.

Since the boiler needs air for combustion, which it takes from the room, the minimum kitchen area should be 9 square meters. m, and the ceiling height is 2.5 m.

Free air access.

It is strictly forbidden to hide it in a cabinet or a closed niche, as this will restrict air access to the burner and create emergency operating conditions.

Chimney device.

Such equipment requires a vertical chimney with a pipe height sufficient to maintain the draft.

Separate hood.

In a kitchen with such a boiler, there must be a separate hood for it, which cannot be combined with a common hood - a separate channel is needed.

Good air exchange.

The air exchange in the room with the equipment operating should be at least 200 cubic meters / h.

Such heat generators are most often of the floor type, less often of the wall type. Both those and others in the interior do not look the best way, unless the boiler is made in techno or loft style. Therefore, you always really want to hide them somehow.

This can be done, but only on condition that the air flow to the equipment is unimpeded in the volumes specified by the manufacturer. As well as access to it for maintenance and repair. What are the possible options?

Option 1 - decorative design of the external panel

  • It is painting, painting, decoupage, etc.... There are many ways to modify and decorate it with your own hands. Choosing a paint or pattern to match your kitchen set can work well.

  • Decorative front panel ... It is easier, but more expensive to buy a modern boiler from well-known manufacturers that produce models with a decorative front panel.

Option 2 - installation in a decorative box or cabinet

Before ordering furniture in the kitchen with the intention of placing a boiler in one of the modules, once again carefully study the instructions for it and get clarifications from the gas service employees.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that at the very first check you will be obliged to dismantle all this beauty. And this is still the most the best way... At worst ... well, you know what happens when gas appliances are misused.

The main requirements are:

  • Providing air access, for which the cabinet is made without a bottom, a lid, a back wall and with "leaky" facades. It can be a perforated metal plate or a grill made of any materials, the design of which matches the style of the furniture;

  • Distance from the walls of the boiler to the walls the cabinet and its facades must be specific, it is indicated in the technical documentation or installed by employees of the regulatory authorities;
  • Doors should open easily, and, if necessary, can be removed, like the entire structure that covers the equipment;

  • Security fire safety - this is one of the main points. It is achieved by covering the inner walls of the box with fire-resistant materials.

But even if all these requirements are met, obtain permission to build a boiler in furniture cabinet not always possible.

Option 3 - niche installation

It is good if the kitchen has a natural niche and the boiler is standing or hanging in it - it is not so striking. But you can do it yourself, using a metal frame and sheets of drywall.

We did just that when we were deciding how to close the floor heating equipment. I will show you how it happened and how it happened, but I immediately apologize for the quality of the photos - they were not supposed to be shown to anyone.

Images Description

That's how it was in the beginning - everything is in plain sight.

The plus is that the boiler is in the corner, it is easy to hide it.

Frame made of metal profiles assembled on self-tapping screws for metal.
Here it is already covered with plasterboard and covered with wallpaper from the outside.

From a different angle. The kitchen itself has the shape of the letter L, so you can't even see the niche from the entrance.

On the other side of the partition, a refrigerator and a pencil case stood up.

Now the cauldron can only be seen by going close to it.

Therefore, we did not begin to design the opening in the niche in any way. But if you wish, you can close it with a lattice door or blinds, but they must always be kept with half-open slats.

I repeat once again: if you don't have any boiler yet, you shouldn't buy with an open burner. Too much trouble with him if you want to hide. Yes, its price is lower, but you will either have to spend money on fulfilling all the conditions, or come to terms with the fact that it will constantly be an eyesore.

Boilers with closed burner

Such equipment is less demanding for installation and camouflage. At the same time, in itself it often looks much prettier, perfectly fitting into the interior of the kitchen without any tricks in the form of decoration or embedding into furniture. Judge for yourself:

You can choose a boiler with a closed combustion chamber from two types - turbocharged or condensing. What they have in common is that the rules for installing a gas boiler in the kitchen do not prohibit building their kitchen set or installing it in a closed niche.

And all because for combustion they do not need to take air from the room - it enters the burner through a coaxial chimney that has two circuits. The exhaust gases are discharged through the inner pipe, and the air enters through the outer one.

  • Turbocharged boilers are installed in rooms with an area of ​​6 sq.m. Their main disadvantage is the noise generated by the fans blowing air into the combustion chamber.

  • Condensing boilers during operation, they form, therefore they must be connected to the sewage system to remove moisture. They are most often used when a water-heated floor is installed to heat the house.

These heat generators, unlike the previous ones, need to be connected to the mains, as they are controlled by automation.

To minimize the costs of manufacturing and fitting kitchen furniture, you need to think in advance where to place them. It is advisable to do this as close to the chimney as possible.

What to do with pipes

The requirements for the installation of boilers also include the rules for connecting pipes to them - gas, water, smoke exhaust, and in the case of convection equipment and sewer.

Concerning chimneys, then from atmospheric units with an open combustion chamber, they are removed vertically. A coaxial flues boilers with a closed burner - horizontally through the outer wall.

All other pipelines, especially gas ones, are strictly prohibited to be laid in grooves or closed with non-removable structures. They must be freely accessible at any time.

However, there are several ways to hide pipes from heating devices.

  • Close with decorative boxes... You can buy them in the different performance, but you can do it yourself from scrap materials.

  • Enclose in a plasterboard box and finish with the same material as kitchen apron or adjacent walls. But the box must be removable or hatches must be installed in it opposite the taps and valves.

  • Install together with the boiler into kitchen furniture ... That is, to design the lockers in this way, making holes in them in the bottom and side walls, so that when the doors are open, access to the pipes is free.


Considering ready-made new homes with gas heating boilers, sometimes you are simply horrified at how out of place they hang, and how many different pipes lead to and from them. Immediately you start to think about how to hide the boiler in the kitchen, especially if it is combined with the living room or dining room.

As we have seen, this can be done. But first of all, you need to think about your own safety and the safety of the house, and only secondly - about how it will all look. Therefore, before starting to do something, you need to carefully study the technical documentation for the equipment. And make sure your idea meets the security requirements.

March 14, 2017

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