How to choose the right bathroom tile design. Fashionable options for laying tiles in the bathroom with design photos and diagrams Tile in the bathroom interior

November 2016

In every home, the bathroom is a room for hygiene procedures. And for many, it is also a place where you can be alone with yourself, relax or have spa treatments. That is why the design in it should be, first of all, comfortable, as well as simple and sophisticated.

Bathroom tiles are nothing new. At the same time, with the help of this material you can decorate the room in a very bold and original way, and without compromising square meters at all. Anyone can be convinced of this by looking at a photo of a bathroom being tiled.

Advantages of tiles

For finishing works bathroom requires care and careful approach. Compared to renovating other rooms in your home, redecorating hygiene room should be made so that it is beautiful, cozy and comfortable, and all the nuances and subtleties should be thought out, since in such a room, as a rule:

  • increased humidity levels;
  • higher temperatures;
  • Various cleaning and abrasive detergents are used.

In such a room there is a specific microclimate and there is a considerable probability for the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, which are very harmful to human body! This is especially true for small children, who, as a rule, love to chew or lick some surfaces.

It is possible to avoid “troubles”. To do this, you need to think about decorating the bathroom design with tiles so that it does not deteriorate over time, and also constantly (regularly) maintain the cleanliness of the hygienic room.

We can conclude that the material for finishing the bathroom should definitely have some qualities, namely:

  • resistant to high levels of humidity.
  • resistant to regular temperature changes.
  • hygienic.
  • safe from an environmental point of view.
  • Quite easy to wash and clean.

Today there are a large number of manufacturers ceramic tiles. Each of them offers a very wide range of finishing materials for both the ceiling and walls of the bathroom. You can also choose wallpaper that has a high degree of moisture resistance, or maybe plastic panels, plasterboard or special plaster for ceiling and wall decoration.

But for finishing bathrooms, it is tiles that have won the trust of most people. This material has been used for decades!

Features of bathroom tiles

  • Price. Due to the fact that the material is produced in huge production areas and in a very wide range, everyone will be able to choose for themselves exactly the option that they like best or that suits the price. Even if you have limited funds for the purchase of material, you will select exactly what you need in an excellent price-quality ratio.
  • Tile is a hypoallergenic material, completely non-toxic. During the production process, the material is burned. It is at this moment that any toxins or allergens are destroyed. Therefore, you can rest assured that even with prolonged contact with the material, no allergic reactions will occur.
  • In addition, when tiles are produced, there is no release of harmful substances, because it is an environmental material. Accordingly, no pollution environment also doesn't happen.
  • The finishing material is produced under the influence of high temperatures. Of course, during production any microflora is simply killed. Accordingly, if there are tiles on the floor and walls in the bathroom, there will be the lowest chance for the growth of bacteria and fungi compared to other finishing materials.

The only caveat is that mold and mildew can form at the joints between the tiles. This happens due to the fact that the walls in houses or apartments are not treated with anything. In order to avoid such formations in the future, it is worth using a special antifungal composition for laying slabs.

What is the advantage of tiles?

  • The tiles are moisture resistant. In addition, even over the years they do not lose their original appearance (especially with proper care!), and if the joints are properly sealed during installation, then the chances of flooding your premises or, worse, the neighbors below, will be zero.
  • The tiles in the bathroom are very easy to clean and wash. She is not at all afraid of cleaning and detergents. Due to the fact that it has a special coating, it is very easy to remove any dirt or grease stains. In addition, such material practically does not attract dust. That is why it is used for finishing work and in the kitchen.

  • If you lay tiles correctly and efficiently, they will last you for many decades! Most likely, you will want to change it, for which there will be reasons such as: the design is tired or outdated, it has become boring, etc., rather than it will fail and become unusable.
  • This material is very wear-resistant. It performs a protective function against damage to the appearance, for example, during the rearrangement and movement of furniture, from scratches and other minor mechanical defects.
  • Thanks to high degree strength, tiles can withstand heavy loads (weight, pressure). For example, the same bathtub made of cast iron!
  • Also, the material is fireproof. After all, tiles are not a flammable material and can even prevent the spread of fire! Therefore, in the kitchen, such material is also very often used to finish the apron.

In the event of a fire in the apartment, a tiled bathtub is the safest place!

Our collection of bathroom tiles 2016 will allow you to display real masterpieces of creative art, as well as make your old dream of creating a comfortable and stylish hygienic room come true.

If you compare the price range different materials, then it can be noted that for bathroom design tiles are the most inexpensive material, compared to stone, glass and porcelain tiles, which can also be used for the bathroom.

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic slabs are the most budget-friendly and most common material for bathroom cladding. It has a relatively low price level. Made from clay and sand, and top part covered with glaze, due to which the material acquires varied design textures, colors or patterns.

As a rule, the following main types of ceramics are distinguished:

  • Sprayed;
  • Matte;
  • Glossy.

In special catalogs you can view the most various photos finishing the bathroom with ceramic tiles.

Please note that when creating designs, only one type of tile is not always used. They can also be combined with each other, using two or three different types– this design will look great. The main thing is to choose an original color combination.

Porcelain tiles

This type of tile is very similar in its composition to porcelain, but at the same time, it resembles stone. The peculiarity of this material is its inability to absorb moisture and liquid. Accordingly, he is absolutely not afraid of either water or temperature changes. It is for these reasons that it is often used for external cladding work.

Porcelain granite has a structure very similar to stone. Less susceptible to cracks, chips and mechanical damage. This is a great option for decorating the floor, since porcelain stoneware is a very durable material.

Stone tiles

This material is wonderful and, moreover, environmentally friendly and natural. Stone tiles for the bathroom 2016 are already much more affordable compared to the old days, when they were a very expensive material.

Due to the fact that it has a unique structure, designers can create completely unique designs for bathroom cladding.

But it also has its drawbacks. Namely, that the stone is only to some extent able to withstand mechanical damage. It can also become covered with very small cracks. Due to the fact that stone slabs are not subjected to the same treatment, for example, as tiles, the risk of fungi and bacteria growing in them is much greater.

Glass tiles

If you are determined to create a futuristic interior style for your bathroom, then perfect option for facing the room - these are glass tiles. It can be used to decorate not only walls, but also completely decorate the floor. The glass used for decoration can be transparent or colored, as well as glossy or matte, smooth or textured.

Using glass tiles, you can create partitions in the bathroom, and quite stylish ones at that! Alternatively, you can also mask additional lighting with it.

But do not use such material to try to “hide” pipes, meters, valves, etc.

Choosing the size of tiles

Even though the color range of grout for sealing joints between laid tiles is presented in a fairly wide range, in any case it will not be possible to make them completely invisible, no matter how hard you try. And that is why the size of the selected slabs for finishing the bathroom is of great importance.

Standard tile

This material has a size of 20 x 30 cm. Its best design is for large or medium-sized bathrooms, since the frequency of the seams will not “loom” much. In addition, if you lay the tiles vertically or horizontally, you can visually make the room wider or make the ceilings higher.

Large slabs

If the size of one tile exceeds 25 x 40 cm, it is considered large. Often such slabs are used for laying floors, in more rare cases - on walls. If you prefer large slabs, use them when you have a large bathroom. Or you can use it to decorate some elements. But only if it is combined with smaller tiles.

It is best to choose tiles that do not require cutting.


It is also called small tiles. Using this material, you can very easily make adjustments even if the surface of the walls or floors is not perfectly flat. But its disadvantage is that it can visually reduce the size of the room. For this reason, you can combine it with medium-sized tiles.

Tiles and house type

Let's consider the main types of houses and what tiles need to be selected for finishing work.


As a rule, houses of this type have a combined bath and toilet, in which there is very little space (up to three square meters). For a small bathroom, it is best to choose medium-sized tiles. Also, choose it light and without patterns, especially large ones.

You can visually raise the ceilings in a small room by combining two colors of tiles: lighter at the top, darker at the bottom.

Panel house

As a rule, the bathroom is separate. The powder room can use the same finishes as the bathroom, or you can create a contrast. Here it is - whoever likes it more. But as for the size of the slabs, it is advisable to choose it the same for both rooms. In this case, they will be in harmony with each other!

Bathroom design in nautical style with mosaic from Dune factory

A private house

If you had an individual plan for construction, it means that you yourself provided for the exact dimensions of your bathroom and other premises. For hygiene procedures, the room can be made very comfortable, bright, and cozy. Here you can use large-sized tiles without causing any damage at all. square meters premises.

The floor in the bathroom is best made of porcelain tiles, since temperature changes can occur both indoors and outdoors.

Small bathroom tiles

  • It would be great to decorate the walls in a small room using medium tiles. After all, it is completely non-volumetric and will not ripple with joints (and in large numbers), compared to “small” material. In this case, you can also use mosaics, but as separate elements of interior decoration.
  • Since the bathroom should be comfortable and cozy, do not use cold shades of finishing materials in it!
  • If the room is small, it is best to choose tiles in light, warm shades. If you use dark colors, they will visually make an already small room smaller. To make accents, you can choose small elements with patterns.
  • Visually raise the height of the ceilings. To do this, you need to lay the tiles vertically. As for the floor, it is best to lay the material on it horizontally.
  • If you use raised tiles, they can clutter up the space, so if the bathroom is small, install smooth tiles covered with glaze. Matte tiles also look very original. In addition, it is less visible of the limescale deposits that appear from water over time. But such material, again, will make the room smaller.
    Mirror tiles for facing work will greatly help to increase space.
  • It is best not to make niches using tiles. For them, use other methods and materials.

Choice of colors

The most important rule when choosing the color scheme of slabs is the lighting of your bathroom. After all, the dimmer it is, the lighter the wall decoration should be.


Very stylish. But some people associate it with being sick, which can make the bathroom feel downright uncomfortable. Besides, White color It is very easily soiled and needs to be constantly monitored and kept clean regularly.

If we look at the interior design in white from the other side, then with the right furniture and the placement of bright original accents, your bathroom can become the most sophisticated!


Just like blue is the color of water. Therefore, it is often used to decorate the interior of a hygiene room.

An original idea is to arrange a bathroom in blue tones, with a marine theme. Why do you need some decorative design(even shells, fish, etc. will do). Of course, manufacturers of finishing materials always take this into account. Therefore, in each collection you can always choose something suitable for your interior!


This is a great analogue to blue or cyan. Green is a calm and measured color that gives harmony. If decorating with plain green seems boring to you, you can hang a curtain in the bathroom, for example, with frogs. Then the interior will be much more mischievous and fun!

Other color options

Tiles in colors are often used. For example, if your hygiene room is decorated in purple shades, the tiles could be violets or lavender. Very original combination pistachio or peach with violet.

Yellow as well as orange colors add warmth to any bathroom. Even if it’s bitterly cold outside, you definitely won’t be able to freeze in a yellow or orange color!

For young girls - a wonderful option for a pink bathroom.

For confident and impetuous men, a black or red bathroom design would be perfect.

DIY bathroom

If we consider the option of hiring workers to lay tiles in the bathroom, then this pleasure is far from the cheapest.

But if you have a strong desire, everything can be done with your own efforts. The main thing is to know and remember the main points:

  • It is necessary to clean the surface very thoroughly before laying the tiles.
  • The floor can also be leveled. But it is best to make a very small corner in the center of the room. Because there is always a possibility of water leaking in the bathroom, and it is much easier to “remove” it from the center of the room than, for example, it is inconvenient to get behind the bathtub.
  • Prepare the adhesion solution (glue, etc.) strictly according to the instructions provided for it. And it must be applied in a very thin layer.
  • When laying the slabs, place plastic crosses between them. This is necessary for identical seams.
  • Start laying out the material from the corner opposite the front door.
  • If you mark the wall in advance, you can independently calculate the places where you will need to cut the slabs and lay out the very bottom row in pieces. But lay the top rows in whole slabs!

Bathroom design
Small bathroom design: photo ideas
Toilet design
Shower cabins (150 photos)

We also suggest watching a few video tips on laying tiles in the bathroom, which will greatly simplify the installation process.

Video - secrets of installing ceramic tiles

Video - where to start laying tiles in the bathroom

Video - laying tiles in the bathroom from start to finish (floor and walls)

Photo gallery (186 photos)

New building materials are attracting the attention of owners of private houses and apartments. They are unique appearance, using modern technologies when creating them. Tiles are gaining popularity, and new technologies have made it possible to improve characteristics and create models with an unusual appearance. To turn an ordinary room into a comfortable place for taking hygiene procedures, you need to make a unique bathroom tile design.

In every home, the bathroom is a room for hygiene procedures.

It has been pleasing customers with its quality for a long time. There are similar characteristics with other materials, but they are few. Tile has more advantages that can make it unique.

The design in the bathroom should, first of all, be comfortable, as well as simple and sophisticated.

  • Moisture resistance. IN bathroom it is necessary to use options with high level moisture resistance. The tile is able to retain its shape under the influence of huge amounts of water.
  • Durability. If the owners or guests of the house handled the tiles normally and all processes were carried out correctly during installation, they will be able to remain in excellent condition for several decades. Ceramic and glass options do not require special care; it is better not to specifically impact it. The stone version is more whimsical. If you use marble, you need to polish it every 3 years.
  • Wide choose. You can buy different sizes, color scheme and texture options. You can choose without any problems bathroom tile design.
  • Easy to care for. No need to buy for cleaning special means. You can clean with chemicals, because they do not affect the material.

Bathroom tiles are nothing new.

The advantages help not only to focus specifically on tiles for bathroom , but also use them when choosing.

Decorating your bathroom yourself

Problems arise due to the small space. Owners of private houses or expensive apartments can afford large bathrooms , in which you can beautifully arrange the tiles. In ordinary apartments there is little space, you have to follow some rules to make the room beautiful, comfortable and visually enlarge it.

Using this material, you can decorate a room in a very bold and original way, without compromising square meters at all.

Bathroom tile design attracts with its diversity. First, just study the popular models on the market. This will allow you to pre-select options that match the style of the room. Next, write down for yourself the parameters by which you will select the tiles: color spectrum , patterns or various effects, size, quantity, quality of tiles, maximum price level.

Finishing the bathroom requires care and a thorough approach.

Pay attention to quality. Don't save money: quality option will last for several generations, poor quality - a maximum of a year. Ceramic tile must have a high level of resistance to high temperatures and high levels of moisture. Calculate in advance exact amount material. If you carry out the calculations correctly, you will be able to avoid mistakes and repeated returns to the store, respectively wasting time.

The renovation of the hygiene room should be done so that it is beautiful, cozy and comfortable.

Features of bathroom tiles

There are certain features that you should pay attention to when choosing.

Today there are a large number of manufacturers of ceramic tiles.

  • Aimed at people of all income levels. Produced in huge quantities and large areas, which allows you to sell it to people, regardless of their income. Of course, there will be more expensive options best quality and are presented in a larger number of sizes, colors, effects, but also inexpensive models are designed taking into account modern technologies.
  • Non-toxic. Toxins are destroyed during the firing procedure. If you use the tiles for a long time or you have children living in the house, nothing will happen to your body.
  • Low chance of bacterial and fungal growth. The latter is often found in bathroom , which worries many owners. During production, the material is repeatedly exposed to high temperatures. This kills all microflora, so, unlike many other materials, tiles reduce the level of bacteria to a minimum.

Everyone will be able to choose for themselves exactly the option that they like best or that suits the price.

Mold can form between the joints of the walls. This is not happening because tiles . The walls in apartments are not treated, so be sure to use an antifungal agent when installing them.

Nuances from the technical side

To the tiles in the bathroom The following technical requirements are presented:

  • High temperature resistance;
  • Stability to high humidity;
  • The external coating of the purchased material must not be susceptible to fading;
  • Household chemicals are often used for cleaning, so ceramic tile must be resistant to them;
  • Floor tiles must withstand deflections and abrasive effects.

Tile is a hypoallergenic material, completely non-toxic.

As you can see, the technical characteristics of the material for walls and floors are different. There are slightly more requirements for floor tiles; they must be of higher quality and durable. The exception is the use of the same type for the floor and walls. Such models are disadvantageous for the buyer: more expensive tiles are used for the floor than for the walls.

Important! Do not use floor tiles intended for walls. This is disadvantageous, because it will be softer and less resistant to stress.

You can rest assured that even with prolonged contact with the material, no allergic reactions will occur.

During repair work the material is often broken or specially sawn. After measuring the finishing area, buy 15% more tiles. If you break a small amount, you won't lose anything. To calculate, measure the area of ​​the floor and walls in the room. Check out several options to determine your exact size. To calculate the amount of border perimeter bathroom divided by the length of the curb element.

What types of tiles are there?

The material helps to make bathroom beautiful. But first you need to decide on the type. Pay attention to all the main parameters at once: price, quality, variety in colors and stylistic solutions, durability.

For bathroom design, tiles are the most inexpensive material.


One of the most expensive, but creative and stylish designs. Selection by specific color scheme and maintaining the overall style of the room is a process that requires certain knowledge. Usually for registration of all housing, including bathroom , are hiring professional designer with certain knowledge and experience.

You can choose a mosaic yourself, having first studied the basics of room design.

Additionally, you can make a mirror edging, highlight certain areas and make the necessary accents. The material is very finicky, it requires special attention, so you need to be as careful as possible. If you have an average or above average budget for decoration bathroom , mosaic definitely needs to be used.


You can use natural granite or marble, which are quite expensive, or their imitation. The material will last a long time, it is safe for health and looks very beautiful. Features Explained high cost. If you want to save money, choose artificial variants. Installation will also cost you less, but its service life is much shorter.

Due to the fact that it has a unique structure, designers can create completely unique designs for bathroom cladding.

Porcelain tiles

To create a spectacular bathroom tile design It is worth using porcelain stoneware. It looks beautiful, there are options for design bathroom in Baroque style. Floor tiles are used in most homes because they are not afraid of things falling. Types for sale that are ideal for wall decoration.

The peculiarity of this material is its inability to absorb moisture and liquid. Accordingly, he is absolutely not afraid of either water or temperature changes.

If high strength and long service life are the advantages of porcelain stoneware, the limited color palette is a clear disadvantage.When choosing an unglazed material, be prepared for some color. The problem can be solved with the help of glaze, applying it to the surface. This will help increase the number of colors and add additional print.


Unlike the previous type, glass allows you to give bathroom special details. You can choose an unusual texture or smooth models that can change color depending on the type of lighting. If this is not enough for you, use models with photo printing. You need to be very careful with glass and treat it with trepidation.

The glass used for decoration can be transparent or colored, as well as glossy or matte, smooth or textured.

Photo tile or 3D options

Approach the selection and installation of photo tiles in bathroom necessary correctly. If you choose a drawing successfully and in the right colors decorate the room, you will be able to enlarge it a little. For example, it is advisable to choose marine themes for the bathroom. You decorate one of the walls using a 3D effect. This will allow it to go into the distance, and the room will visually become much larger.

Photo tiles are perfect for any style.

Ceramic tile design ideas

Companies offer wide choose materials: a wide variety of sizes, shapes, colors, types. With its help, you can decorate a room, both in certain styles, and come up with a unique design.

In the event of a fire in the apartment, a tiled bathtub is the safest place!

Type of design Idea
Loft One of the most popular trends is characterized by rough wall coverings along with non-standard accessories. The tile allows you to create a semblance brick wall. Place in a dressing, slightly shifting the row. To most accurately imitate brick, choose a rectangular option with an aspect ratio of one to two. There are no rules for colors, but it is recommended to use gray material.
East style This direction is characterized by its bright colors, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate material. There must be ornaments or arabesques. You can experiment, for example, choose a hexagon or triangle instead of the classic shape.
Country Use softer coatings and focus on natural tones. Choose large tiles, laying them in the classic way.
Classic A universal option for both a room with a small area and for large apartments. Wall decoration should be done in two tones. If you use tiles with a geometric pattern or photo print, the bathroom will be more original.

Each style has its own characteristics, which should definitely be taken into account when choosing tiles.

Don't be afraid to experiment and add your own ideas.

How to choose tile size?

Once you have decided on the type of tile and its style, you need to choose a size. Pay attention to area and shape bathroom . If you take the correct measurements, the material will be ideal for the room, and therefore there will be less waste and financial costs. You can also reduce the number of seams.

It is best to choose tiles that do not require cutting.

Large tiles are more popular. It is practical, suitable for almost all styles, there will be fewer seams, and the speed of work will increase. Porcelain stoneware is considered the best flooring. Please note that if the surface has curves or arches, then the tiles large sizes there is no need to choose. Use mosaic or small options.

Color spectrum

Color plays a huge role in design bathroom. Correct color scheme can visually make a room larger, more beautiful, brighter. The harmony of floor tiles with wall tiles is important; most often, one or similar colors are chosen for decoration.

The most important rule when choosing the color scheme of slabs is the lighting of your bathroom.

Color design ideas.

  • White. Ideal for any room. It is able to visually enlarge the space. Consider the stainability of this color. Do not overdo it with white, because the room can turn into a hospital. You can add black tiles, accent lighting on certain patterns, add bright colors.

The white color is very easily soiled and must be constantly monitored and kept clean regularly.

  • Blue and blue. Often used in design bathroom . A marine style using decorative elements such as shells and stones brought from the sea is ideal.

An original idea is to arrange a bathroom in blue tones, with a marine theme.

  • Green. He is able to give harmony and calm a person. Don't decorate the entire room in green; add other colors or interesting decorative elements.

Green is a calm and measured color that gives harmony.

  • Red. Modern and stylish color for registration bathroom . Pairs perfectly with white. Used in oriental style and art deco. You can decorate only one wall with large red tiles, focusing attention on it.

For confident and impetuous individuals, a red bathroom design would be perfect.

  • Yellow. Bright color that can give good mood and create a comfortable environment. Combines with many colors.

Yellow as well as orange colors add warmth to any bathroom.

The tile is ideal for bathroom . It is practical, inexpensive and available in various sizes, flowers. This scares many people, because they are afraid of choosing the wrong tile and ruining the interior of the room. To avoid this, be sure to first decide on the size, color scheme, style and other basic parameters. Our article has already helped you with this, so you can safely use tiles to decorate the room.

VIDEO: 100 bathroom interior design options with tiles.

50 bathroom tile design options:

To make the bathroom not only a place for hygiene procedures, but also a place for comfortable spending time, make a beautiful tile design in the bathroom. Even a small room can look completely different if it is decorated correctly.

The interior design of a small bathroom deserves special attention; it can be used to visually expand the space and make the room more comfortable. This is especially true in Khrushchev, where often the bath is either a tiny room or is combined with a toilet. When looking through the options for which tile design to decorate walls or lay on the floor to choose, focus on light colors allowing you to expand a small space.

When choosing tiles to implement a project for decorating floors or walls, first of all you need to be guided by the basic rules that help you properly decorate the interior of a small bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building:

  • how smaller room, the smaller the ceramic tiles should be chosen for it. A large one does not look at all in a small bathroom; it distorts the proportions and visually makes the bathtub and toilet even smaller. Find out more about the rules by which you select here;
  • if you want to visually enlarge the space, choose white glossy tiles for the walls;
  • The best installation options for the floor are thick ceramic tiles with a rough surface. It is durable, even if she will fall something heavy will not damage the surface. And thanks to the rough surface, it does not slip, which is especially valuable for the bathroom, because the floor in this room is often wet and slippery;
  • A smooth, shiny surface is important for walls;
  • the best solution for a small bathroom - light surface pastel colors;
  • if you want to use bright colors, then it is better to do it pointwise, placing accents. There is no need to make all the walls in bright colors: this will overload the interior, and it will be uncomfortable to be in such a room.

Wood effect tiles

The bathtub and toilet, decorated with wood-like material, have a special charm. Since these rooms have high humidity, it is at least inappropriate to use real wood. But the tile looks very natural, and at the same time has all the properties necessary for wet rooms. You can use wood-look tiles only for laying floors, or you can decorate the entire room with it. But do not forget that such decor is small bath in Khrushchev it can be oppressive and dark, so it is better to dilute the wood with other tiles. Mosaic, plain classic tile, “hog” look good.

A wood-effect bathtub design project requires attention. Pay attention not only to the color of the “wood”, but also to the direction of the stripe characteristic of wooden products. For wall tiles, this plays a big role, since a vertical strip makes the ceiling higher, and a horizontal strip expands the walls. The same rule is true for floor tiles: a strip directed across the room expands, and along it narrows. We recommend that you know all the features it has right away.

It is possible to finish only the floor with wood-look tiles; in case of such installation, the appearance of plank flooring will be created. And for the walls, use a different tile that matches the color. An example of such a design would be a bath and toilet in a Khrushchev building in vintage style. Wood-effect tiles are laid only on the floor, and the walls are painted. I finish areas with high humidity with wild boar.

If the bathtub design involves a completely wood finish, then the ideal solution would be to use two colors. This will create an interesting, harmonious design.


– an ideal option for a small bath, which also gives a lot of room for imagination. There are two options for laying mosaics:

  • mosaic only;
  • combination of mosaic and tiles.

The first option is unusual and beautiful, but very labor-intensive. The second allows for a variety of designs. You can mosaic a fragment of a wall, line a bathtub or sink, and do the rest regular tiles. Mosaics and tiles look beautiful in several colors close to each other.

Brick wall

Tiles laid in a bandage look unusual: this installation creates the effect of a brick wall. Choose several similar tones of the same color to enhance the effect. For example, take a pink tile and match it with tiles in lighter and darker tones. And if you want to enhance the effect of a brick wall, give preference to orange tiles measuring 30×15.

Glass and stone

Glass tiles instantly transform the interior and give it an elegant look. Most often, the glass is painted, but there are options with photo printing, which makes the interior even more unique. Different surface glass tiles - smooth or textured, increases the choice. But textured tiles have a drawback: they are more difficult to maintain.

Stone-like tiles completely replicate external qualities natural material, it gives the bathroom a noble and elegant look, the interior looks rich. You can decorate the entire room with marble or granite tiles, and it will look good due to the pattern characteristic of natural stone.

Photo printing and 3D technologies

Photo printing means applying a photo pattern to the tile that does not wash off and is easy to clean, remaining in perfect condition. The advantages of photo printing are that you can make any design, be it a landscape or beautiful drawing. A well-chosen photo drawing will help expand the space of a small bathtub.

3D technologies allow you to create unusual and spectacular bathroom designs. Imagine: you go into the bathroom, and in front of you there is a view of the sea with a sandy beach, or you find yourself in the depths of the sea. But for small rooms, 3D material should be used with caution; it is better to decorate a small fragment of the room with it. You can study what it is like, and its main pros and cons.

Colors and design

Now it is important to choose the right color scheme for the bathroom. Considering that tiles are chosen for design in Khrushchev, it is important to draw up a project that takes into account the dimensions of a small bathroom. It means that decorative finishing should increase the space, make it cozy. How to achieve this? Of course, with the help of color. Here are the options for how best to choose colors for a bathroom in Khrushchev:

  • choose tones that are close to each other and located next to each other on the color wheel. For example, combine yellow tile with orange, turquoise with green, pink with purple. Such combinations will help present a small room in an advantageous light and create a pleasant atmosphere;
  • decoration in a marine style. Use colors reminiscent of the sea - blue, blue, sand. The presence of water and sea colors will be mentally attributed to Cote d'Azur, will help you relax. Choose the color intensity at your discretion: decorate the bathroom in calm, delicate shades, or use brighter colors. But before you decide on such a project, think about the fact that its color scheme is cold, and some people feel uncomfortable. If you are not one of them, then feel free to start implementing what you have planned;
  • use several bright, saturated colors for the walls. Combine orange with purple, red with green, orange with yellow and green. Dilute the brightness with white tiles, or use only rich colors. No other room in the apartment will tolerate such a surge of emotions, but the bathroom and toilet are an excellent option for an island of positivity. Every time you enter this room, you will feel a surge of energy and joy;
  • more interesting options laying tiles: if you notice a beautiful decorative insert, then select the colors of the rest of the tiles based on the decorative one. In this case, the basis can be white tiles, and several other shades can complement the design;
  • The bathroom in the Khrushchev is small, so small tiles, such as mosaics, are appropriate. Combine it with the usual one, choosing by color;
  • expands space well dark gray color, and so that the room does not seem gloomy and dull, add bright accents. This can be done using red, turquoise, yellow or orange colors;
  • a room in which brown and brown colors are used for the walls and floors looks stylish beige shades, diluted with white color. It is better to use soft, muted tones.

Tile texture

When choosing a tile, you need to pay attention to its texture. It can have both a decorative and practical function. The latter refers to floor tiles, special notches create an anti-slip effect. And decorative tiles can be glossy, rough, matte, aged, or have the texture of wood, brickwork or stone.

The texture of the tiles makes it possible to create interesting designs within the same color. An interesting move is to add tiles with imitation stone against the background of a plain glossy surface. Combining matte and glossy tiles is also a good way to diversify your design, especially when it comes to mosaics.

Finish the walls and floor with material different textures, but of the same color, or play also on color combinations There are a lot of options, the main thing is to use your imagination.

Original styling options

When drawing up a design project for a small bathroom or toilet, you need to pay attention not only to the correct color scheme of the finish, but also to the location of the tiles. The proportions and visual expansion of space largely depend on this. Non-trivial will add zest to the room. Both for a combined bath and toilet, and for a separate room, the following options are relevant:

  • possibility of laying in stripes alternating two colors;
  • inserts with an original, bright pattern, different from the main wall decoration;
  • vertical and horizontal stripes. Both are appropriate in a small bathroom: horizontal ones expand the walls, and vertical ones visually increase the height of the ceiling;
  • the possibility of laying zones on the toilet floor: come up with a design with squares, rhombuses, triangles. With everything your soul desires;
  • mirrors: they will help make the space of a small bathroom in Khrushchev wider, and they can be combined with absolutely any tile.

Even a small bathroom and toilet can look beautiful and cozy, regardless of their size. But for this you need to make an effort: draw up a project, choose high-quality tiles and do all the work according to the plan. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can hire professionals to install tiles on the floor or walls of your toilet or bathroom. Or you can do the renovation yourself, and then you will have more reasons to be proud when entering a beautiful bathroom.

The bathroom becomes not only functional, but also a beautiful, fashionable room modern apartment. This is a place of relaxation and rest after a busy day at work. That is why the bathroom design should be unobtrusive, harmonious, and cozy. As a rule, tiles or porcelain stoneware are used to decorate a modern bathroom. And the choice of this finishing material determines what your bathroom will ultimately be like.

If you don’t know what style to decorate your bathroom, what tiles to choose, how to think about a color combination, then read this article. In it we will look at the latest trends in bathroom design, current colors and stylistic decisions, popular finishing materials 2017-2018.

Bathroom decor with tiles: latest trends and new designs 2017 - 2018

IN Lately Minimalist urban and stylish light Scandinavian design are rapidly gaining popularity. These two trends in interior design have won the hearts of many owners of modern homes. Loft is gradually migrating from cafe interiors to our homes, and the restrained Scandinavian style imposed by IKEA catalogs is increasingly being chosen by designers to decorate modern kitchens and bathrooms. Both directions are distinguished by their conciseness and practicality.

Popular styles

If you have a small bathroom, then it is better to decorate it in light Scandinavian style. To do this, you will need either white tiles or very light ones. The floor can be decorated in black and white colors. To do this, choose a mosaic, hexagonal tiles or beautiful tiles with an interesting black and white pattern. Often, in the design of a Scandinavian-style bathroom, rectangular white tiles are used, imitating brickwork, moreover, in dry areas it is not laid across the entire wall, but ends in the middle of the wall, decorating the end with a beautiful border. The remaining wall can be painted light blue, purple, grey, turquoise or any other color you like.

If you have a bathroom big size, then you can arrange it in urban style. As a rule, creating such an interior requires walls that imitate “bare” concrete, but you can also finish it with textured tiles in dark shades, or it is better to use natural stone or porcelain stoneware slabs. Recently, matte tiles have been gaining popularity quite large size with the texture of natural stone or wood. Examples and photos of a bathroom with dark-colored tiles are presented below.

Current shapes and designs of ceramic tiles

The favorite among materials for finishing the bathroom is still tiles. Only the shape, color, patterns and texture of the tiles change. Recently, they have been used to decorate the bathroom. rectangular tiles size 60 x 30 cm. Natural stone and porcelain stoneware, which have different shapes, are also in fashion, but the slab itself is quite large. Such materials are good for decorating large and spacious rooms. The latest trend in bathroom design is the use of marble slabs; see the photos for examples of such interiors.

If you have, then it is better to give preference to light or white tiles small size or even use small mosaics for finishing. Now small tiles imitating brick have become fashionable. Glass mosaic is also trendy; it is used to decorate the area near the sink or shower wall. If you are decorating in a Scandinavian style or with Art Deco motifs, then the floor can be laid with stylish pixel tiles with geometric black and white patterns. At first glance, it somewhat resembles a mosaic, but this tile design looks much more interesting. You can find pixel tiles in the catalogs of online stores selling Italian ceramics.

Now designers are experimenting not only with combinations of colors and textures, but are also constantly searching for new ideas and forms. Therefore, now, when developing, they are increasingly using tiles non-standard shape and colors. They are also experimenting with options for laying ceramic tiles. It is laid out in a herringbone pattern, with narrow rectangular plates, combined in one interior different shapes tiles and mosaics. Hexagon-shaped tiles are back in fashion.

Photo of a bathroom interior with tiles: a new take on classic hexagonal tiles

Cladding wet areas with glass mosaic

Fashionable shades of tiles for the bathroom

In 2017 – 2018, designs that claim naturalness and authenticity will remain popular. “Natural” finishing materials such as wood, stone, clay, etc. will be in fashion. Therefore, to decorate modern bathrooms, matte tiles in beige, brown, gray shade with the texture of wood or stone. If funds allow, you can finish the bathroom with natural stone, while laying the floor and walls with slabs in the same color scheme. Single color designs are very popular right now.

Bathrooms decorated in black and white colors look no less stylish. For large baths it is important to use tiles various forms And different colors to create a visual separation between the wet and dry areas in the bathroom.

In catalogs with Italian tiles, you increasingly come across tile options with Scandinavian-style ornaments. By choosing similar colored tiles you can very easily create an interesting and at the same time uncomplicated interior. Simply divide the space into zones, cover one part of the wall with colored tiles with patterns, and the remaining wall with classic white tiles. For an example of this tile design in the bathroom, see the photo.

Which tiles for the bathroom should you choose?

As already indicated above, when choosing tiles and finishing materials in general, you should start primarily from the size of the room. It will be easier to cover the walls with small tiles, and finishing a large room will be less labor-intensive if you choose large rectangular or square tiles.

The color of the tile will depend on the overall concept that will be used in the design and decoration of the room. If we talk about the combination of furniture color and tile shade, then it is better to choose either very similar tones, or, on the contrary, very contrasting ones.

Most fashionable color this season will no doubt be grey. But don't think that an interior with gray tiles will be boring. Using the rich variety of shades and textures of this finishing material, you can create an atmosphere of luxury and relaxation in a gray bathroom. Considering the usage trend natural materials, stone tiles will be very popular this year. Here is an example of a photo of a bathroom tile design, in which you can see how the nobility of stone is combined with minimalism and others natural materials creates a truly stylish and modern atmosphere.

Often, to create a single harmonious atmosphere, ceramic tiles are chosen for finishing, duplicating the texture of bathroom furniture, i.e. if the furniture has glossy fronts, then the tiles should be glossy, and if you plan to buy furniture made of natural wood, then the tiles should match its texture.

Life hack: how to lay tiles yourself?

If you have decided to renovate and develop a bathroom design yourself, then video lessons that are devoted to laying bathroom tiles and small bathroom design tricks can help you.

Training video: tiling a bathroom

Tutorial video: how to make a hole in a tile

Beautiful tiles for the bathroom: photos with design ideas

You can create a beautiful, thoughtful bathroom interior, in which everything is carefully planned, on your own. Get inspired by a collection of photos from interesting design tiles in the bathroom and come up with your own interior solutions. After all, you can decorate absolutely any bathroom stylishly and beautifully, no matter if it is located in Khrushchev, panel house or cottage.

Stylish tiles

Interior solutions for the bathroom

Non-standard ways of laying tiles in the bathroom

Modern bathrooms

Hexagon Bathroom Tiles

Magnificent interiors with mosaics

Various bathroom tiling solutions

Restraint and minimalism are in fashion

Bathroom interior with hexagon tiles

Interior with blue tiles

Bathroom interior with fashionable hexagonal tiles

Color options for bathroom tiles

Orange tiles in the bathroom

Photo gallery of ceramic tiles from the collections of Russian and European manufacturers

In this section you will find interesting collections of ceramic tiles from Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Alcor bathroom tiles, interior design photos

Bathroom tiles Kerama Marazzi, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Europa Ceramica, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Cersanit, interior design photo

Ceradim bathroom tiles, interior design photos

You can find out prices for ceramic tiles on the official websites of manufacturers. If you want to save money, you can do it with a pattern that imitates tiles.