Should I make a hygienic shower in the washroom? Installation of a hygienic shower for a toilet: installation methods and nuances

Not all bathrooms allow you to install a bidet, and the level of comfort after appropriate manipulations is completely different. But for those whose areas do not allow installing an additional bowl, there are several different ways make a hygienic shower for the toilet. Some methods are costly, while others are quite affordable for middle-income families.

Toilet bidet shower - there are several options

What the market has to offer

It is certainly convenient to have a bidet in the bathroom, but not in every apartment it can be installed. But that doesn't mean that small bathroom- this is the reason to refuse such a procedure. There are several different ways to organize the conditions for this procedure:

All of the above methods are good. But it is the faucet for the hygienic shower that is the most attractive solution. There are models for the installation of which no repair and complex manipulations are required. You can connect the device to an existing system, or you can put a mixer with a special tap on the sink, to which you can connect a hygienic shower head. We will talk about the types of these devices and the features of their connection further.

Pros and cons versus bidet

As for what is more convenient - a pair of toilet bowl + bidet or a hygienic shower for the toilet bowl, there is no need to argue. Everyone decides for himself. Let's take a quick look at the main pros and cons of both devices:

Oddly enough, it is the last fact that is often decisive - an additional bonus in the form of extended functionality is always pleasant. The advantages of showers include the possibility of organizing for relatively little money. But this is about devices with a mixer.

Types of hygienic showers with mixer

According to the installation method, there are two types of faucets for hygienic showers with faucets:

  • for the sink;
  • wall
    • internal installation
    • outdoor installation.

Each of these options has pros and cons.

On the sink

If you put a hygienic shower on the sink, installation becomes much easier. All that is needed in this case is to replace the mixer. It has a separate outlet, to which a flexible hose with a watering can is connected. All you need to do is install the holder on the wall. The location of the sink is also important in this case. Ideally, you can reach the tap without getting up. Since such models have the following peculiarity of work: first, the tap on the washbasin is turned on, the water temperature is set on it. The water naturally flows into the sink. When you press the button on the shower, the tap is blocked, water flows through the watering can. As soon as the key was released, water poured back into the sink. This is how it works.

Installing a hygienic shower on a sink - easy and simple

Concealed wall mounted

If you have chosen the wall-mounted option, the complexity of the installation depends on how you plan to install it. Often there is a niche in the bathroom or toilet, in which all communications are hidden. Often it is located behind the toilet or somewhere nearby. In this case, you can connect the connection there, and install the mixer on the switchboard or come up with some other option.

Regular installation provides for wall slitting, laying hot and cold water and at the final stage - the installation of the mixer itself.

Surface mounted wall (with thermostat)

These are not all varieties. There is also a hygienic shower with a mixer that can only be connected to cold water. This does not mean that the procedures are carried out cold water... It's just that a flow-through electric heater is installed in the body. Such models are only for outdoor installation, since the thermostat cannot be walled into the wall. Connection to water - using a flexible hose, the device itself is attached to the wall with dowels or other suitable fasteners.

The temperature is set on the regulator, it is kept exactly. Only immediately after switching on, you need to wait a while - a few seconds until it warms up a heating element... A very good option for those who do not have hot water in the toilet (or in general). Yes, do not forget that these models require a mains connection.

An interesting installation option without guttering in the next video - the liner is laid over the walls, but closed with a box. It also has a holder for a watering can. It is worth paying attention to those for whom repairs in the toilet or bathroom are not expected.

Where to put

The installation height of the toilet shower is almost arbitrary. The only requirement is that the mixer must be installed above the toilet. There are no other restrictions.

The place of installation is absolutely arbitrary, the main criterion is ease of use, which is difficult to achieve in the conditions of small bathrooms. Therefore, we recommend that, before making a final decision, think over everything well and do all the actions with the watering can. This is the only way to be sure that it will be really convenient to use.

Installation features

Specifically, you can only say how to install a hygienic shower for the toilet on the spot. There are too many different nuances that are simply impossible to take into account. The connection principle is simple: supply cold and hot water to the corresponding inlets. That's all. And how to do it, pipes or flexible liners - the choice is yours. Of course, pipes are more reliable, but high-quality flexible hoses in a good braid can serve for years.

There is only one thing worth remembering. When the hygienic shower is connected to hot and cold water ( centralized system) be sure to install ball valves and check valves. Cranes are installed almost always, but check valves are often forgotten.

it check valve... During installation, unfold so that the arrow on the body coincides with the direction of the water flow

They are needed so that the water from the "cold" riser is not mixed into the hot one and vice versa. Usually, the opposite happens - you open cold water, and boiling water flows from there, but there are also opposite cases - hot water periodically becomes not hot at all. This is all because someone on your riser did not put a check valve when connecting a hygienic shower to the toilet. The tap was opened, the shower is not yet being used, and through the open mixer, water from one riser is mixed into another. What water where will go depends on where the pressure is higher. Usually higher in hot risers (almost twice), therefore such cases are more common. But mixing with cold is also possible. In general, do not forget to install shut-off valves. They cost mere pennies (compared to the cost of the equipment), and prevent unpleasant situations and proceedings with the operational campaign and "satisfied" neighbors.

In the process of carrying out repairs, the owners of the premises try to give the bathroom as much as possible more functionality... To this end, in addition to the toilet, they install a bidet for convenient hygiene procedures. If the bathroom is small, then there may simply not be a place for this. If you are faced with just such a situation, then the way out of it can be the installation of a combined plumbing fixture. An addition is a hygienic toilet shower with a mixer, which practically does not take up space, but brings great benefits.

A modern hygienic shower is a simplified version of the well-known bidet, combining the functions of two plumbing fixtures. Its use is especially important in separate bathrooms, since there is no need to visit several rooms one after the other.

The device consists of the following components:

  1. Mixer with control valve... Quality models have an additional push button to turn on the water.
  2. Flexible hose with shower... The shape and dimensions of the showerhead are quite ergonomic for ease of use. The nozzles have a direction that ensures the movement of water jets straight ahead, excluding their spraying to the sides.
  3. Watering can holder... It is usually mounted on the wall next to the faucet in such a way that it can be easily reached by hand. The shower head is inserted into the holder.
  4. Thermostat (on certain models)... It allows you to adjust the temperature of the incoming water. Once the thermostat is set to a specific temperature, no further adjustments can be made. The thermostat is installed on more expensive models.

All shower elements are chrome-plated, and the flexible hose is covered with a chrome-plated braid on the outside.

Tip: Choose a shower model that has an additional button to start the water on the shower head. It is more convenient and safe to use such a device. You will not need to open and close the mixer valve, which is not always convenient to do.

Toilet shower benefits

We list the advantages of a hygienic shower for a toilet with a mixer:

Read about how to make it in a separate material on the site.

And the answer to the question is in another article. It discusses the most effective ways cleaning.

Types and features

There are several types of hygienic showers, which differ in their design, location and capabilities. Let's list them.

Toilet with bidet function

This is the most convenient option, in which the toilet is equipped with a retractable nozzle. The mixer is installed separately or integrated into the toilet. The water flow is controlled manually.

with hygienic shower

Wall mounted shower

If preference is given wall option soul, then buy for this special mixer without spout... The water outlet will be carried out only through the flexible hose. The mixer for the hygienic shower in the toilet is mounted on the wall or built into it. A holder is also attached next to the mixer, into which a watering can is inserted.

Fixed on the sink

If there is a sink in the bathroom, not far from the toilet, then it makes sense to install a hygienic shower directly on it. It will be controlled by means of a mixer with a branch for a flexible hose. In this case, you do not have to purchase a special shower toilet, as there will always be an opportunity to reach from the toilet to the sink and use a flexible hose.

Built into the toilet lid

The built-in hygienic toilet shower can be built into the toilet lid. A huge plus of such a device is the ability to install it on any toilet. That is, this device is mobile. It can be removed and reinstalled on a toilet in another room. The lid is equipped with retractable nozzles made of antiseptic materials.

The bidet cover is operated manually or by means of an electric drive with a control panel. More advanced models can be equipped with the functions of a hair dryer, heated water and a seat.

Tips for choosing and reviews of the owner of a hygienic shower are presented in the video.

Installation of a hygienic shower

It is not enough just to purchase a plumbing fixture. It still needs to be properly installed in its place. It is extremely important to do it right, because the comfort of its use depends on it. Consider the installation methods different options hygienic shower.

Wall-mounted shower installation

A well-executed installation of a shower on the wall can decorate a bathroom, especially if you choose a device in the same style as the design of the room. Wall mounting can be done in two ways - open and closed.

Open installation is easier as it does not require any messy work. The mixer is mounted on the wall with anchors or dowels, using a drill. A holder for a watering can is screwed on next to the mixer.

Installation of a hygienic shower in the toilet closed way involves equipment in the wall of a special recess in which the mixer will be hidden. Only the control lever and the holder with the watering can remain visible.

Wall hung toilet with hygienic shower - example of a closed installation

In any case, it is necessary to bring the water supply pipes inside or outside the wall to the mixer and connect them. Often a thermostat is built into such a system, which is also mounted on the wall.

Installing a mixer tap on a sink

When there is a sink in the bathroom, it is not difficult to carry out a hygienic shower for the toilet from it. First, you need to decide on the type of mixer on the sink. If it is already installed, then you may not need to buy a new device. A prerequisite counts the presence of a special shaped watering can designed for hygiene procedures.

If there is no mixer yet, then buy exactly the same mixer as described above. Its installation is not difficult. The flexible hose should be able to reach the toilet bowl freely. It usually works in conjunction with a spout. When the tap is open, water flows into the spout, and when a button is pressed on the shower, water rushes into the flexible hose.

Built-in shower

When a toilet with a hygienic shower (toilet-bidet) is installed in the room, the old toilet is dismantled first. In its place, a new device is installed and fixed to the floor or wall. In the new room, the toilet is immediately installed in a permanent place.

When the built-in hygienic shower in the toilet is connected, the connection diagram is as follows:

  • water hoses are connected to the mixer;
  • the mixer is inserted into the existing hole and fixed there;
  • the ends of the hoses are screwed onto the water pipes;
  • shower tests and faucet operation are carried out;
  • if a retractable nozzle is used, its operation is checked.

How to choose and install, read another article on the site.

Do you know what the regulations should be? This indicator affects the operation of plumbing fixtures.

And the features of laying a water supply system made of polypropylene. The choice of pipe model, diameter, wiring diagram, as well as the nuances of installation.

Installing the bidet cover

This work can be easily carried out independently, since it does not imply violation of the integrity of the walls and tie-in to the water supply system. It is enough to purchase a tee that will be installed next to the toilet cistern.

Do-it-yourself installation of this type of hygienic shower in the toilet is performed in the following sequence:

  • the old lid is removed from the toilet, and a bidet lid is attached instead;
  • the water in the system is shut off;
  • the tank is completely drained;
  • the supply hose is unscrewed, through which the water flows into the tank;
  • a tee is installed between the water pipe and the tank. One end of the tee goes into the tank, and the other connects to the toilet lid;
  • if the device is controlled by an electric drive, then it is connected to a socket specially brought out for this purpose.

When buying a hygienic shower for the toilet, try to focus not only on the price, but also on well-known manufacturers who specialize in the production of such accessories. Thus, you will provide yourself with high-quality equipment, which you will not regret buying.

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Should I install a shower in the toilet?

Cleanliness is the key to health! Every person who respects himself and knows his own worth is simply obliged to take care of hygiene. Well-groomed persons are visible from afar, and it is always pleasant to communicate with them. The easiest way to completely tidy up is to take a shower, but this is inconvenient to do several times a day.

A hygienic shower in the toilet is very convenient, compact and greatly simplifies hygiene procedures.

Purpose of installing a shower in a toilet instead of a bidet

A hygienic shower is a small-diameter shower head with a shut-off valve on the handle, by pressing on which you deliver water.

Disregard such important detail like a hygienic shower, you just can't. This simple device will help you to put yourself in complete order after certain procedures without much movement and feel confident. Many designs of a hygienic shower are known, but the purpose of all is the same - to supply warm water at the desired time to a specific point.

Everyone knows that there is a bidet for such purposes. Bidet is a bath small size, which is used specifically for washing the external genitalia. Bidets are respected by especially ambitious people who do not accept toilet paper as a permanent attribute.

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Why not install a bidet?

If you think about what is better to install - a hygienic shower or a bidet for intimate hygiene, then there are many advantages in favor of a hygienic shower. So why is it better to install a hygienic shower instead of a bidet?

Instead of a bidet, it is better to install a hygienic shower, as it does not require a lot of space.

First, there are some drawbacks to consider when installing a bidet. For installation, you will definitely need a spacious toilet room. In this case, the bathroom can be combined with a shower or shower, or stand in a separate room.

Here again a dilemma arises: if the bathroom is separate, then in which room is it better to mount a bidet? If it is a toilet itself, you will have to constantly run from toilet to shower. If you install a bidet in the toilet, next to the toilet, then you will immediately need to provide for a sink for washing hands, as is done in most cases.

With a combined arrangement of a shower and a bathroom, a large number of plumbing fixtures will gather in the room.

Installing a bidet will require a fairly large investment and serious dismantling of the floor covering.

Installing a bidet will require a lot of investment and removal of the flooring.

Regardless of the relative location of the bathroom and toilet, you should remember about the mandatory standards for the installation of sanitary equipment. The bidet should be installed at a distance not exceeding 30 cm from the walls of the room and from other sanitary equipment.

For comfortable use, so much space from all sides may not be needed, but the norms require it. This once again proves the irrationality of using a bidet as a means of ensuring hygiene.

If elderly people live in the house, then installed bidet may cause some inconvenience in terms of use.

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Benefits of a shower in the toilet

The bidet shower does not take up much space and is also easy to install yourself.

For hygienic purposes, you can use great alternative and install a hygienic shower instead of a bidet. What can you win with this? To answer this question, it is worth going through all the disadvantages of installing a bidet. A hygienic shower will not bring any particular changes to the interior of the washroom. It can be installed in a toilet different ways, which will be discussed below. Moreover, the choice of installation method will not depend on the relative position of the bathroom and shower room.

A hygienic shower does not take up much space. Any wallet will hardly feel the financial costs of buying and installing. You can completely install the hygienic shower yourself or even buy a ready-made installation and attach it to the rim of the toilet bowl in the toilet.

- a pleasure, and in addition, you can get additional benefits. Some housewives find it convenient to use a hygienic shower as a device for cleaning baby pots or even pet trays, which are usually placed in the toilet.

Using a hygienic shower will be convenient and easy for anyone, regardless of age and height. Seniors will be pleased with the use of such equipment.

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The main types of shower in the toilet

It will be useful to consider the main types of hygienic shower devices. The installation of any of them is carried out in the immediate vicinity of an existing toilet, or it is mounted in the toilet itself in various ways. So, the main types can be distinguished:

Installing a hygienic shower will not damage the interior, the main thing is not to forget to turn off the shut-off valve on the mixer.

  1. Wall-mounted hygienic shower. This type of installation involves mounting a special metal-plastic hose with a mixer and a shower head in the wall near the toilet. You can also mount it yourself. In this case, it is not at all necessary to wait overhaul bathroom. Installation will not damage the interior. It is important that after using the hygienic shower, you must not only press the button on the shower head to stop the water supply, but also turn off the stopcock on the mixer. Otherwise, the weak valve of the nozzle may not withstand, and a flood will occur.
  2. Hygienic shower with mini-sink. Installing such a sink in the toilet will good advantage and will bring several additional features for the owners of the house. Useful space will be used sparingly, since it is installed on the wall, but it can be practically above the toilet. Mini-sinks can be either corner or regular - for installation on a solid wall. The width of any of them is just over 30 cm, and the height is barely more than 15 cm. In such a hygienic shower, you can wash your hands or small household items. When used as intended, the hose with the shower head must reach freely to the toilet.
  3. Toilet bidet cover. Such a device will be convenient for people who want to have all the advantages of a bidet, but do not have the spatial ability. At the same time, elements for supplying a hygienic shower are already installed in the toilet lid and are sold in assembled... Such devices can be supplied with an electric drive or be without it, have a control panel or a control panel on the armrest of the cover. The water supplied through a special nozzle can be additionally heated. Some bidet covers have a hairdryer in some functions. The price for such a device is high. And in practice, such a device, in contrast to the previous 2, will have only one purpose - directly for its intended purpose.
  4. Toilet with bidet function. Such a device in terms of hygiene can be rather dubious, because the device for supplying water is located directly in the toilet. Not everyone dares to do this, since if it is possible to achieve sterile cleanliness in the toilet, then only for a short period. And here it is about intimate hygiene.

A distinctive feature of such a hygienic shower will be that outwardly it will not bring anything new into the interior of a combined bathroom or a separate bathroom.

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Installation work for installing a shower in the toilet

  1. Hygienic shower. When installing it, there is no need to carry out new communications: water is diverted from the existing ones. As a rule, a shut-off valve with a water mixer is provided on the outer part of the wall, and the shower head has a button to stop the water supply. The design can provide for the installation of a thermostat, which eliminates the need for constant regulation of the temperature of the supplied water. Place the mixer as desired, on either side of the toilet, above its level. The hanging stand can be supplied with the mixer or purchased separately. It will be convenient to arrange next to the necessary liquid products hygiene products and napkins in special hanging holders.
  2. Hygienic shower with mini-sink. In this case, a mini sink of the selected shape is mounted in a corner or on a solid wall in the immediate vicinity of the toilet. In this case, a mixer with a shower hose and a special holder for it is installed together with a conventional tap. The hose will not constantly interfere: when placing the nozzle on the holder, the hose loop hangs down and is located right under the sink. To install the sink, you will need to prepare special tools... Punch holes in the wall with a puncher. Using a screwdriver, firmly fix the screws in the wall using the dowels. Fasten the prepared sink to the screws screwed into the wall. Bring communications to the sink using PVC pipes. Arrange used water drainage using plastic pipes with a knee, which can be hidden in the solid wall.
  3. Toilet bidet cover. The installation of a bidet cover does not provide for complex installation work. Connection diagrams differ somewhat depending on the model of the device; they are all necessarily included in the kit along with the sets of spare parts for installation. With the help of several PVC hoses, it will be necessary to provide a supply of water to the toilet and drain the waste. A special filter must be provided for the water supplied to the bidet cover. Then you should check all the connections and the correctness of the collection of the entire sequence according to the attached diagram. And only then can the bidet cover be connected to electrical network for controlled use.
  4. Toilet with bidet function. Installation work with such a product may differ depending on the model you purchased. A toilet with a built-in bidet function can be purchased immediately. Then you only need the usual way install the toilet and supply water separately for hygienic purposes. In such toilets, a nozzle on the water mixer is provided inside the bowl at the far center of the rim. The mixer should bring the water to the right temperature, the nozzle will spray water upward. In the design of the toilet bowl, a retractable fitting combined with a mixer can be provided. The principle of use is the same, but the fitting can be pushed out or pushed in, tilted, which is much more convenient and practical. A water spray nozzle will be located at the end of the fitting.

Most of the apartments have a small bathroom. For such situations, a hygienic shower was created, which does not take up a lot of space in the room, and the functionality is the same. Any model of such a shower enables a person to do all the personal hygiene procedures. The hygienic shower is equipped with a hand shower, a hose, an adjustment mechanism and a holder. The button and the lever, which are installed on the watering can, make it possible to regulate the water supply.

At the moment, you can see several shower models presented in specialized stores. These types each have their own characteristics and features in use. The connection of such a shower can be either hidden, that is, in the wall, or in a visible place. In the event of a breakdown, a hidden connection must be removed from the wall, which means its dismantling.

There are 3 options for a hygienic shower:

  1. One of the options is wall-mounted. This option is very easy in design and installation. During installation, the mixer is placed on the pipes, and only a watering can, a flexible hose and a holder remain outside. It is the flexible hose that makes handling easy.
  2. Hygiene shower with sink. The working process consists in opening the tap, and water flowing into the mixer spout, there the water will hold until the moment of use.
  3. Toilet bidet. Such a device is multifunctional and looks like a regular toilet, but it is equipped with nozzles that supply water. The nozzle must have a retractable mechanism and a power button. Often such a button is placed on the rim of the toilet bowl.

Before you get such a mini washer, decide what dimensions you need, near which the base and the tube will be located. It is not uncommon for a built-in sanitary shower to accompany the sink. Such a shower installation will perfectly fit into the interior. Anyone can connect a shower, and everyone, a girl, a man and even a child, can use washing with the help of such a shower. It is called built-in because it does not need to be hung on the wall, it takes its position in it. You just have to connect it correctly and use the button to get started.

All work on installing the meter can be done independently, without waiting for specialists. All the subtleties and stages of work in the following material:

We install a hygienic shower for a toilet with a mixer

This shower model will be an excellent replacement for a bidet. Such a shower for small baths will be optimal solution for carrying out daily hygiene procedures with ease, and most importantly quickly. The installation of such a hygienic shower is very simple, it also does not take up much space and will make it possible to refuse the installation of additional plumbing fixtures.

Considering that the installation of such equipment can be done in a hidden way, then it will suit any style and design of the bath.

A built-in shower is a separate device, not as a suspended one, in the event that it has to be repaired, it will be necessary to dismantle the place where the equipment is located. In the event that the toilet shower protects the drywall, this will lead, although not high, but still costs, so before the hidden shower circuit is installed again, check if it works according to all requirements.

How to connect a hygienic shower

The installation does not need to be called by the wizard, it can be done independently.

The installation of the shower in a phased order will be as follows:

  • We shut off the supply of hot and cold water;
  • We install shut-off valves;
  • We install the mixer according to the attached instructions;
  • We connect installed mixer to the water supply;
  • Installing a flexible hose;
  • We install the mount on the wall;
  • We check the functionality of the installed hygienic shower, if there are errors that were made during installation, we correct them.

A hygienic shower is a kind of attachment that is installed relative to the floor, the height must be available to an ordinary person... In the photo you can see how to properly set the shower for intimate hygiene.

Watering can for toilet and bidet

The use of measures for personal hygiene should only be beneficial to the body. And it is when installing a hygienic shower in the toilet that you need to monitor the quality of the goods that you buy in your bathroom. The installed watering can must be certified and have a warranty card and a passport, which must indicate the material from which the watering can is made and its service life. It is not recommended to use a watering can if nothing is known about it. The use of such a watering can is permissible if it is made of environmentally friendly materials.

The following materials are suitable for the manufacture of shower heads:

  • Stainless steel;
  • Brass;
  • And environmentally friendly plastic.

When buying a hygienic watering can, you need to pay attention to appearance... The watering can should not have cracks or dents.

Installing a hygienic shower in the toilet: advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, as almost always, there is a huge number of opponents and adherents of hygienic devices in the bathroom. Many people think that such a hygienic shower is not needed, but only leads to excessive use of water, and besides this, people of large physique are inconvenient to use such a device.

The installation of a hygienic shower in the bathroom is not compulsory, but those who have tried such a shower at least once in action have appreciated its advantage.

Since the device of such a shower is simple, each owner can install it on his own without calling a specialist.

Still, installing a mixer is a matter that requires special skills. You can cope if you carefully read the instructions and follow our advice:

The main advantages of a hygienic shower are:

  • Low price;
  • Ensuring hygiene and freshness standards throughout the day;
  • If there are children in the apartment, then such a shower will become an indispensable assistant in caring for the hygiene of children;
  • The flexible hose makes it possible to perform other related work;
  • Provides an opportunity to care for people with disabilities;
  • Saves money on buying toilet paper.

When buying, pay attention to the characteristics of the shower, since they come with the same water temperature and the presence of a mixer, which plays a very important role.

What is a sanitary shower with a thermostat

Few people like it when a jet of cold water envelops you, especially in sensitive areas where a hygienic shower is used.

In such situations ideal option there will be a model with a thermostat, which makes it possible to regulate the temperature of the supplied water.

The thermostat maintains the temperature of the water in the mixer programmed by you. And you will no longer wait for the water to heat up. Please note that not all configurations are equipped with them, take care of a high-quality and proven purchase guarantee, so as not to regret the lost funds in the future.

Besides this option offers models not only with a thermostat, but also with a special container into which liquid flows from a hose. It is very convenient and saves you from most of the problems associated with excess water... And its installation is just as simple and includes the same principle as other models. Everything is regulated by the tap for water supply.

What is a hygienic shower (video)

In our life, we do not often come across such concepts as a hygienic shower or bidet, however, those who want to achieve maximum comfort and self-confidence understand the need for the presence of such devices in the house. By installing such a simple device as a hygienic shower in your own bathroom, you are a few steps closer to luxury and self-sufficiency.

Examples of a hygienic shower in the toilet (photo)

Such a useful invention of mankind as a bidet has been known for a long time, but the whole problem is that it requires space to install it. If during the construction of private houses or in new buildings with free planning this issue is resolved quickly, then for residents of typical high-rise buildings there is a hygienic shower. We will talk further about what it is, why is it needed and how to install a hygienic shower in the toilet.

Purpose and arrangement of the shower

Of course, before purchasing such a relatively expensive plumbing, any sane person will ask why a hygienic shower is needed and whether it is needed at all. The question is certainly reasonable, but saving on personal hygiene is stupid, in addition, this device can be successfully used for other purposes.

Reasons for the rise in popularity

Important: in a nutshell, a hygienic shower is a compact device that serves for intimate hygiene.
Such units are installed both on the toilet itself and in the immediate vicinity of it.
In fact, a bidet function is added to the toilet bowl.

  • According to existing sanitary standards the distance from the toilet to the bidet must be at least 300 mm... If you add the dimensions of the bidet itself, then in fact, you will need a place for another toilet, which is practically unrealistic in typical urban apartments.
  • The device of a hygienic shower in the toilet immediately removes the problem of shortage square meters ... At the same time, you get a unit that is in no way inferior in its characteristics, and in some models even surpasses the notorious bidet.
  • In addition to its impressive dimensions, the bidet requires the arrangement of a separate sewer drain.... The use of the shower provides, as they say, two in one.

  • Rectal sufferers will fully appreciate this useful invention., with it there is no longer any need to switch to another plumbing unit, all actions are performed locally.
  • For new mums, this shower is almost ideal.... In addition to being used for personal hygiene purposes, it is convenient to wash the baby underneath or rinse the pot.
  • This device will become an indispensable assistant if there are elderly people in the family who need to be looked after. With its help, both the elderly and the disabled will be able to serve themselves.

  • An important point is the convenience of washing the trays after pets, as well as cleaning directly in the toilet itself, plus the ability to quickly collect a container with warm water if necessary.
  • And finally, installing a hygienic shower in the toilet with your own hands, in the overwhelming majority of cases, does not cause difficulties. If you can replace the crane at home, then this job is within your reach.

Against the background of so many positive aspects the arguments of opponents of a hygienic shower do not look very convincing, but in fairness, we will also talk about them.

  • In devices equipped with a removable watering can, after turning off the water, a few drops from the divider flow down to the floor. But on the other hand, no one bothers you to take a napkin and immediately wipe the divider.
  • The argument that kids will play with a shower like this has more to do with parenting than plumbing.
  • Before making a shower, you need to provide a separate supply of warm and cold water. This statement is not true for all models. As well as the reproach that overweight people it is inconvenient to use the shower, it all depends on the choice of model.
  • If you are told that a lot of splashes are scattered during operation, then the bidet in this case is no better, this question is closer to personal accuracy.

Tip: do not look for the cheapest models, the quality is not an empty phrase here.
You will be very lucky if such a unit just stops working.
It is worse if the neighbors below feel your mistake when you flood them.
The price of a decent basic fixture starts at $ 100 and up.

Varieties of aggregates

First, it should be noted that absolutely everything existing models can be installed in a small toilet. The only question is what options do you need and how to connect the device.

The most expensive plumbing on the market are considered. In this case, the bowl was originally designed for the installation of a hygienic shower in the toilet. Compactness is considered an indisputable advantage here, in fact it is an ordinary toilet bowl, in the rim of which a nozzle is mounted and a mixer is installed to adjust the water temperature.

The nozzle can be permanently mounted or equipped with a retractable flexible hose. Stationary options have a self-cleaning function and are more expensive, they are used exclusively for their intended purpose. But from a practical point of view, retractable nozzles are much more convenient.

Also in the upper price range are the so-called bidet covers. These devices are adapted for any type of toilet. They are the ones who are completed big amount additional options, in addition to a bidet, an air freshener, a hairdryer, an automatic raising and lowering of the lid, a remote control remote control and much more.

Very useful addition is an electric heating water, with it you do not need to worry about connecting hot water, it is enough to power the unit in parallel with the toilet tank and turn it on. In addition, such a shower is easy both to install with your own hands and, if necessary, to dismantle it back.

If a sink is already installed in your toilet, then the best solution would be to install a special mixer equipped with a valve for switching to a hygienic shower. The device, most often, is connected from the bottom and does not interfere with using the sink for other purposes. This option is the best fit for one-room apartments and apartments with a combined bathroom.

The wall-mounted version of the hygienic shower is currently the most popular. Just like in a regular shower, there is a flexible hose and a mixer for adjusting the water. But unlike traditional systems, the divider is equipped with a valve and an on / off button.

Lever for engaging the splitter.

Wall-mounted hygienic shower in the toilet can be carried out hidden or open way... The hidden version is more beautiful, since all communications and connections are hidden behind a false wall, only the mixer control lever and the divider itself on a flexible hose remain accessible. But installing a hygienic shower in the toilet with your own hands in an open way is much cheaper and more convenient.

Tip: so as not to waste time on regular tuning comfortable temperature water, it is better to immediately buy a mixer with a thermostat.
It has a function of memorizing the set data, with which you, turning on the system, immediately get the temperature you need.
Plus, the option of getting a burn or a sudden supply of ice water is excluded.

Materials used

Often, almost the same materials are used in all devices of this kind as in traditional showers. In the upper price segment, these are bronze, brass or copper.

The middle is firmly in stainless steel. Budget models made of plastic or silumin. But if you choose between plastic and silumin, then in this case better plastic, it is much more durable and easier to use.

As for the soft hose in retractable or wall-mounted models, all these hoses are made of plastic, but so that it does not break, it is better to buy a device tightened in a metal hose. In addition, the metal hose can be sprayed to imitate any metal.

In this case, the question of what size a hygienic shower in the toilet should be is not so important. As mentioned earlier, all devices of this kind were originally developed for small rooms. Here, more attention should be paid to ease of use.

All decent systems from a reputable manufacturer have instructions that describe in detail how to assemble and, just as importantly, how to connect a shower. Questions often arise at the stage of arranging cold and hot water supply systems.

The height of the installation of a hygienic shower in the toilet, if we consider models with a divider on a flexible hose, is measured at the level of the belt. For dividers powered by a sink mixer, it is made at the cut-off level of the sink, this is about 850 mm from the floor. But in any case, you need to mount it so that the divider is within an outstretched arm.

If you do not want to fiddle with the installation of a hot water supply system, you should stop at the models built into the toilet lid. It is they who are equipped with an electric heating element for heating water. In fact, this is a small flow-through water heater.

But it should be borne in mind that all showers with electric heaters need reliable grounding. Plus, they have serious power, which will entail additional energy costs.

Mixers for such systems are usually included in the kit. But if you decide to buy everything separately, then you should give preference to a mixer with a thermostat, without a spout. As for the dividers, you can recognize them by the presence of a shut-off valve with a lever or a water shut-off button.

The video in this article shows the subtleties of choosing the installation of some models.


The device of a hygienic shower in the toilet will allow a clean person to spend much less time on traditional procedures. In addition, your household will appreciate the convenience of this device and soon you will no longer imagine how you did without it before.