Planting and caring for Coleus in the open field, methods of reproduction, photos. Decorative nettle for the garden

The coleus plant has gained great popularity in the field of decorative floriculture largely due to its undemanding and ease of care. A flower grows quickly if it is warm and light enough. In just one season, Coleus acquires a lush cap of colorful leaves. In this article, we will share with you some recommendations for growing a beautiful crop at home.

Coleus varieties

Coleus is an ornamental-deciduous shrub plant of the Labiate family.

Coleus has tetrahedral stems and broadly oval opposite leaves, serrated at the edges.

The homeland of Coleus is tropical Africa and Asia.

Coleus Bluma Homeland - the island of Java. There are an incredible variety of Coleus blumei hybrids out there. Plant height is usually 35-70 cm, there are also dwarf varieties.

Coleus hybrid herbaceous perennial plant up to 50-80 cm tall. The stem is erect, branching, tetrahedral, juicy, finely pubescent. Leaves are opposite, petiolate, oval or broadly ovate with a truncated or cordate base, often wavy along the edge, crenate, less often shallowly indented.

Home care for Coleus

At home, Coleus loves loose soil with a high nitrogen content. It feels great planted in a mixture of sand, peat, leafy and sod land, taken in equal amounts. In the absence of the required amount of nitrogen, the plant will begin to emit peduncles and become smaller.

Since Coleus is a tropical plant, it prefers humid air. However, being unpretentious, it can adapt to drier air at home. In this case, its leaves must be sprayed with settled warm water. Spraying is not required for Coleus in winter.

Coleus landing

Planting and caring for the plant outdoors is simple and the landscape is stunning. During the season, the plant manages to create a bush of beautiful velvet leaves iridescent with multicolored ornament. With the shape of a ribbed stem and serrated leaves, Coleus resembles a nettle and has received an affectionate popular nickname - “nettle”. Coleus is valued for decorative leaves of various color combinations, rapid growth and unpretentious care. In the fall, the evergreen coleus plant, will take care at home with gratitude, continuing to delight with bright foliage.

Coleus lighting

Coleus is a light-loving plant, it needs quite bright lighting and even direct sunlight. However, in hot weather, it is better to put the flowerpot in the shade for several hours during the day, this will help to avoid burns on the leaves.

The foliage will tell you how comfortable the lighting is for the Coleus. Cultivars with red and white leaves tolerate bright, direct sun much more easily. A pot with such bushes is best placed on the south or east window. The best choice for all other varieties, western-oriented windows are considered.

Air humidity for Coleus

Coleus loves high air humidity. When kept dry, Coleus leaves become lethargic, lose turgor, after which the leaves may fall off. Therefore, try to spray the leaves more often.

Coleus temperature

Coleus is a thermophilic plant. In winter, room temperatures below +160 C can be considered critical. With a lower temperature regime, the Coleus will lose its foliage, and if there is also waterlogging of the soil, you can completely lose the plant.

Watering the Coleus

There is no need to water the Coleus on a specific schedule. All that is required for normal plant growth is to regularly monitor the soil. To do this, you need to try it by touch. If the soil is slightly dry, then the flower can be watered. Watering intensity in summer, spring and autumn is approximately the same interval. Spraying can also be carried out in the summer.

In winter, at a room temperature of 14-16 degrees, watering the Coleus is reduced to a minimum. In this case, you must be as careful as possible. Indeed, even at low temperatures, the soil is prone to drying out. And this, in turn, can lead to diseases.

Fertilizer for Coleus

regularly from March to September they are fed with a solution of mineral fertilizers for decorative leafy indoor plants.

Top dressing: in the spring and summer (during the period of intensive growth) with organic or mineral fertilizers, preferably potash (0.3-0.5 g per 1 liter of water) once a week. V winter time the concentration of the solution is reduced by half, fertilized once every 3-4 weeks.

Pruning: it is recommended to pinch the apical shoots of Coleus to enhance bushiness. In February, coleus should be cut to a stump, leaving 5-8 eyes for a new growth.

Dormant period: in winter. The plant is kept in a warm place in bright light, watered moderately.

Coleus pruning

Every year, in early spring, Coleus should be drastically cut off, and the resulting new cuttings should be transplanted into a light, nutritious flower land... In an adult plant, part of the roots is removed during transplantation and the root collar is deepened. In this case, the coleus forms new young processes on the stem. Regular corrective pruning is required during the entire growing season, which lasts in the spring and summer period. By removing the elongated shoots, you can easily give the bushes a compact decorative shape.

Coleus transplant

Coleus are grown both at home and in flower beds, in flower beds, on balconies and loggias.

If coleus grown from seeds are planned to be placed in the garden, then they are hardened before that: they begin to take it outside during the day, when at this time of day the temperature starts to hold at 10-15 degrees. This is also the case with coleus grown from cuttings. In the flowerbed, a distance of 10 to 15 cm is left between the seedlings, depending on the variety.

Reproduction of coleus

The best time to start planting seeds is early spring. Cultivation can be carried out in plastic containers... You will need:

sand; garden land; ready-made soil for seedlings; Remember to make drainage holes in the plastic tray. The bottom of the container should be laid out with small pebbles or fine-grained expanded clay. The thickness of the drainage layer is 1 cm.

Mix the soil components in equal proportions, gently level, moisten with a sprayer. The usual number of seeds in a ready-made seedling bag is about two dozen. Place them evenly in the tray, planting them to a depth of 2 mm.

Better to cover the container with a transparent film. Cultivation should be carried out at a room temperature of at least 22 degrees.

Growing coleus cuttings

When you cut Coleus, you are left with cuts that you can use for grafting. The stalk should be about 10 cm long. You need to remove the leaves from its bottom and stick it into wet soil or sand, cover with plastic or plastic bottle and keep in the shade at a temperature of 18-20 ºC. The roots will appear in 8-10 days, and you can immediately transplant the cutting to a permanent place. This type of breeding is as simple as it is reliable.

Diseases and pests of Coleus

If the light is too bright, then the color of the leaves turns pale, discolored. With insufficient watering, the plant loses its leaves; with waterlogging, the leaves also fall off. Of the pests, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies are dangerous for Coleus. Aphids feed on plant sap, which makes damaged leaves turn yellow and shrivel, and are a carrier of diseases. It is simple to deal with it: you need to treat the ground parts of the indoor wheel with soapy water.

A lover of humid air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, paphinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its bloom rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. Unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of a modest orchid want to be considered endlessly. In room culture, paphinia is rightly included in the ranks of species that are difficult to grow. It only became fashionable with the proliferation of indoor terrariums.

In 2014, the Japanese company "Takii seed" presented a petunia with an amazing color of petals - salmon orange. By associations with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset. Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the past two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from the shop windows. Where has the orange petunia gone?

Our family loves sweet peppers, so we plant them every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season, I cultivate them constantly. And every year I try to try something new. Pepper is a thermophilic plant and quite whimsical. The varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and fruitful sweet pepper, which grows well with me, will be discussed further. I live in central Russia.

Meat cutlets with broccoli in béchamel sauce is a great idea for a quick lunch or dinner. Start by cooking the minced meat, and at the same time heat 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. It remains to collect the products in a pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli must be cooked quickly in order to maintain a bright green color, which, if cooked for a long time, either fades or the cabbage turns brown.

Home floriculture is not only an exciting process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. And what about those who have no experience, but want to have houseplants at home - not elongated stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy, not feeling guilt by its extinction? For beginners and flower growers who are not burdened with long experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush cheesecakes in a frying pan with banana and apple confiture - another recipe for everyone's favorite dish. So that the cheesecakes do not fall off after cooking, remember a few simple rules... Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder and soda, and thirdly, the thickness of the dough - you can mold it from it, it is not tight, but pliable. Good dough with a small amount of flour, only good cottage cheese will turn out, but here again see the point "first".

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived almost with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic, which is used both in medicine and in veterinary medicine. In plant growing, potassium permanganate solution is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article, we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden and vegetable garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms is a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe with champignons, but if there is an opportunity to use Forest mushrooms, then be sure to cook like this, it will be even tastier. You don't need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a saucepan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens almost without the participation of the cook - meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, pickled.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or greenhouse, but also outdoors. Cucumbers are usually sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to late summer. Cucumbers do not tolerate frost. This is why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste juicy handsome men from your garden in early summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Poliscias is a great alternative to the classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant, round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and the elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the largest plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent him from successfully replacing the ficuses of Benjamin and Co. Moreover, the policeman offers much more variety.

Pumpkin casserole with cinnamon - juicy and incredibly tasty, a bit like pumpkin pie, but, unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! it perfect recipe sweet pastries for a family with children. As a rule, kids do not really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating sweets. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is very simple and quick to prepare. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of the most important elements landscape design... It also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders on a carriageway, or there is a highway nearby, then hedge is simply necessary. "Green walls" will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will consider the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the site from dust.

Many cultures in the first weeks of development need a pick (and even more than one), while others - a transplant is "contraindicated". To "please" both those and others, you can use not quite standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is cost savings. In this article, we'll show you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let's pay attention to not traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Healthy Red Cabbage Vegetable Soup with Celery, Red Onions, and Beets is a vegetarian soup recipe that can also be cooked in fast days... For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I advise you not to add potatoes, and slightly reduce the amount of olive oil (1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very fragrant and thick, and during fasting you can serve a portion of soup with lean bread - then it will turn out satisfying and healthy.

There are plants that everyone is used to, they consider them unremarkable. But one fine day, you suddenly discover that you absolutely do not know the most familiar flower.

Both spring and summer passed under the sign of Coleus, the very "nettles" that have always served to plug gaps on government windowsills. Before, imagining the ever-elongated, half-naked stems with medium-sized purple leaves, I hung the label of a "garbage" plant on the Coleus. And then she herself sowed an amazing variety of Scarlett Wizard red with a yellow border, and besides, they threw a bunch of seedlings from the mixture to me.


© joeysplanting

I was lucky with a mixture of seeds: it really was a mixture, and was not packaged according to the principle "from what was." Coleus grew with spots of various shapes and sizes, and colors - from green to lemon-yellow, raspberry and maroon (I'm not talking about brick-rusty, I haven't even seen this in the pictures). The seedlings did not have a particular variety of leaf shapes, but then they gave me a coleus with a fancifully cut leaf blade. Now the wealth of choice is such that Coleus may well compete with whimsical crotons (dear croton lovers, please do not throw rotten tomatoes at me).

Coleus really deserve a lot of respect. Judge for yourself: planting material High Quality it turns out quickly - both by cuttings and sowing seeds. The plant is undemanding to the soil, although the oily soil allows you to grow simply luxurious specimens. Having cut the cuttings in the spring, you can, with minimal costs and effort, and finance, get seedlings for flower gardens in the open field, where the coleus are decorative, unlike, say, balsams, not only close, but also at a distance.


© joeysplanting

But Coleus, like a game, is worth the candle only if you decide to grow a truly Beautiful Coleus. Since, depending on the care, he is able to change his appearance from the Beauty of the Window Sill to the Perfect Cuddly! With insufficient light, all the charm of this plant will be lost. The variegated pattern will disappear, the leaves are crushed, the stems will become thin and weak, the internodes will lengthen ...

In addition to the flow of sunlight (with sufficient watering, except that it will burn in the south, and in the middle lane it is unlikely), regular watering is needed (otherwise the stems will quickly become bare, and the plant will bloom), top dressing (be careful with phosphorus-potassium, they can stimulate flowering, nitrogen should prevail). It is better to take complex fertilizers for decorative deciduous, organic or just nitrogen fertilizers. I didn't really like the effect of the Emerald, it really "restores the original greenness and freshness of the yellowing leaves," as promised in the instructions. But alas, the feeding turned out to be too effective, in the yellow-leaved forms the chlorophyll content clearly increased in the leaves, which I, who did not believe in advertising, did not count on at all. From now on I will use Emerald only for its intended purpose, for green-leafed forms.


© Korzun Andrey

But if you do not feed or water the Coleus for slaughter, then it blooms. It is better to break the flowering tops, otherwise the plant will immediately lose its beautiful and neat appearance. You can, of course, give bloom if you intend to collect seeds for fun, or if you want to make sure that the staminate threads of the coleus grow together, forming a "case" (this is how the name of the genus is translated from the Greek).

Sow coleus superficially, without burying, and create high humidity(the easiest way is to put the bowl in a leaky bag), the seeds germinate quickly, usually within a week, the germination rate is about 100%. The long absence of seedlings indicates a low quality of seeds and the need to buy new ones. In early spring the first few pairs of leaves on my seedlings were completely green (don't be alarmed if the mixture seems monotonous at first), and closer to summer, the pattern to some extent even appeared on the cotyledons. Despite the exactingness of Coleus to lighting, their early sowing is justified: the seedlings begin to branch early, you can have time to choose and draw the most beautiful ones.


© joeysplanting

Coleus can be planted only after frosts, since this tropical species cannot stand them. When this spring the cold was below 10 degrees and one day it even snowed, on my open balcony the leaves of only two plants froze: basil and coleus. Overgrown, of course, then, but it was still a shame. In the fall, it is better to take the most beautiful coleus for winter in open space, since the cuttings give roots in the water very quickly and at any time, because it hardly makes sense to drag the plants that have grown over the summer into the house. Reproduction of Coleus by cuttings, in addition to guaranteeing the same color, also gives a better planting material: the root system of adventitious roots, not so powerful, inhibits growth and inhibits flowering.

So, if the sun peeps into your room for several hours, you love fast-growing, cheerful plants, you have a summer cottage, you are happy to share cuttings with friends, you are able to safely update the plant, you are a fan of mosaics and decorative painting, coleus is your plant. Coleus is artistic and democratic by nature, any novice florist can handle it, and you can always get cuttings for planting, and even an orchid connoisseur will not cast a contemptuous glance at a beautiful, well-groomed Coleus.


© joeysplanting

Materials used:

  • E.Modestova

Coleus (Coleus), or indoor nettles, fell on the windowsills of flower growers from the distant shores of India and South Asia. The hearts of flower fans were conquered by the velvety leaves of the plant, unusual in shape and color.

This plant has a fleshy stem that can become hard over time. The height ranges from 10 to 70 cm, depending on the type of plant and its care. The most common type is home nettle with oval and heart-shaped leaves. Coleus with lanceolate, lobed and twisted leaves are less common. Plants of various colors are found in nature: pink, green, orange, black. The flowering of the coleus is not of aesthetic value: small flowers collected in ears, the upper lip of the corolla is colored blue-violet, the lower one has a whitish color.

If the variety of Coleus does not belong to decorative flowering, then all the buds that appear should be removed so that they do not take away the strength from the plant.

At home, the flowering of Coleus lasts all summer. In its natural environment, bloom can be observed all year round. Fruits of this type of domestic plants are rarely set.

How to care for Coleus?

  1. 1 It is very important to consider the place where the indoor nettles will stand. It should be well lit. Direct sunlight should be avoided. But insufficient lighting will lead to a loss of variegation of the plant. In summer, the plant will feel good on the balcony.
  2. 2Pot for Coleus is selected small. The soil is needed light, with a sand content. Nettle is transplanted as needed, usually every 2-3 years. The signal for this procedure will be the roots that have emerged from flower pot... The best time for this procedure is the end of winter.
  3. 3 The plant should be watered with water settled during the day. room temperature... In summer, watering should be abundant - overdrying the earthen coma is unacceptable.
  4. 4In the spring-summer period, complex fertilization is applied to the soil (2-3 times a month). In the autumn winter period feeding is reduced to once a month. Fertilizer should be selected with a high nitrogen content.
  5. 5 In the summer heat, regular spraying is carried out. This should be done in the shade to avoid sunburn leaves. During the heating period, it is advisable to place a pot with room nettle on a pallet with wet expanded clay.
  6. 6 During the active growing season, the plant is pinched, stimulating the appearance of new branches. After winter, the plant is annually rejuvenated - all branches are cut off, leaving trunks about 7-8 cm long.

Breeding issues

Indoor Coleus reproduces in two ways: cuttings and seeds.

Reproduction method by cuttings

Cut off a stalk 8-10 cm long. Lower leaves delete. We place the stalk in wet soil and build a mini-greenhouse, covering the stalk with a cut plastic bottle or polyethylene. Such a greenhouse should be located in a darkened place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.
The roots of the plant appear in 10-12 days. After this time, the plant can be planted in a permanent place.

Seed propagation method

With seed propagation, it cannot be guaranteed that the coleus will inherit the characteristics of the parent plant. The best time for planting seeds - March. The soil for sowing is prepared from three parts of leafy land, one part of sod land and one part of sand.

Before sowing, the seeds are disinfected. The most affordable method is to soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 25 minutes. Potassium permanganate can be replaced with any industrial growth stimulant. If you like more folk remedies, then as stimulants, you can take the juice of garlic or aloe.

It should be noted that after disinfection, the seeds need to be thoroughly dried!
Coleus seeds are planted in slightly damp soil to a depth of no more than 4 mm. Next, we build a mini-plaque. The temperature in the room where the seeds are grown should be 22-25 ° C. Seedlings will delight the eye in a week.

Seedlings of home nettles are demanding on lighting. Choose a place with diffused light for the container with shoots. With a lack of light and lack of additional lighting, the seedlings will begin to stretch and weaken.
Do not forget that the mini-plate needs regular ventilation.

After 2 weeks, the shoots of Coleus must be fed. For this, complex fertilizers are used, and the recommended dose is reduced by 3-4 times. After the first true leaves appear, the plants can be dived. Six months later, the seedling will reach the size of an adult flower.

Typical diseases

Problems that a florist may face when growing Coleus:

  1. 1 Ugly elongated shoots. The reasons for the loss of decorativeness of the plant include the lack of lighting, the age of the coleus, the missed pruning or pinching of the plant.
  2. 2 Falling leaves. Loss of leaves indicates excessive soil moisture or, conversely, the rarity of watering.
  3. 3Stem rot. Excessive watering also leads to it.
  4. 4 Slow coleus growth. The result of a lack of nutrients.
  5. 5Dried leaves with brown spots... This is because the air is too dry.
  6. 6 Soft or drooping leaves. It is necessary to increase the temperature in the room where the coleus is contained.
  7. 7 Yellowed leaves. The reason is the lack of mineral supplements.
  8. 8 Faint color of leaves. The reason is excessive lighting.

How to deal with pests?

Insects harmful to Coleus include:

You can fight pests with industrial drugs or folk remedies. Well-proven store drugs include:

  • Actellik;
  • Apollo;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Akarin;
  • Oberon;
  • Agravertine.

Effective folk methods of combating aphids include spraying an infected plant with soapy water. For its preparation, 300 g of household or 125 g of liquid soap is taken and diluted in 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out every 10 days during a month. During this procedure, the earthen ball should be covered to protect it from soapy water.

Types and varieties

There are over 100 species of this plant. And the beginning of the diversity was given by two varieties of this plant: Coleus Blume and Coleus Vershaffelt. By crossing them, European breeders have given the world a stunning splendor of colors and a riot of colors. The most famous Coleus Blume. Its varieties include:

  1. 1Variety Black dragon. Coleus with brownish-purple foliage. The leaves are grooved at the edges and decorated with red veins.
  2. 2A dwarf variety of the Saber Coleus. His maximum height- only 20 cm.
  3. 3Variety Glory of Luxembourg. Its bright yellow leaves are adorned with coral veins.
  4. 4Rose Blush variety. This variety is characterized by strong branching. The leaves are large, corrugated. The center is painted with a light pink color, the edges are framed with a light green stripe.
  5. 5 Crimson Ruffles variety. Is different large leaves rich burgundy-crimson color.
  6. 6Variety Saturn's Rings. Its emerald leaves are adorned with a deep purple border around the edges.
  7. 7 Grade Fireworks. It attracts attention with its red leaves.
  8. 8 Desert Sunset variety. Depending on the lighting, it changes the color of the foliage from fiery red to all sorts of shades of yellow.
  9. 9 Lemon Twist cultivar. Openwork green leaves are decorated with small spots of lemon color and exquisite thin burgundy edging.
  10. 10 Coleus Mosaic variety. It has striped leaves of green and red-cream colors.
  11. 11Hybrid coleus from the Wizzard series: Wizzard gold with yellow-light green leaves, Wizzard Evening Zarya with bright fiery red leaves framed by a narrow strip of greenish border, Wizzard Jade with white leaves decorated with a wide dark green border.
  12. 12 Coleus Renelta. Its shoots fall in lashes up to half a meter. Decorativeness to the leaves is given by multi-colored veins. different colors: purple, yellow, red and brown. The ampel variety Golden Bedder attracts with monochromatic, yellow leaves.

Several years ago, Canadian students, in the course of painstaking work, developed a series of 8 Coleus under the general name “ Water world". The asymmetrical leaves of these plants are decorated with fancy fringes and resemble marine life: fish, scallops, crabs. This series is resistant to temperature extremes. The experimental students specially exposed young shoots to extreme heat and extreme cold. The "Water World" series has withstood all tests with dignity. Plants of this variety propagate by cuttings, like ordinary coleus.

Place in the interior

The variegated leaves of Coleus will enliven any interior, giving it coziness. Truss wheels in hanging boxes and pots are ideal for decorating terraces and balconies. Homemade nettles are also suitable for children's rooms - they do not contain any irritating substances. These vibrant plants work well with any other home flowers.
Homemade nettles are excellent at filtering the air, contributing to a noticeable improvement in people's well-being. And thanks to its bright and unusual color, homemade nettles will decorate any interior.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing makes a person look older or younger than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...

Coleus is an ideal plant for decorating borders, flower beds. But in order to embody such ideas, you need a sufficient number of these colors, and this is very costly. This problem can be solved by growing flowers from seeds. Caring for coleus at home is simple and does not take much time. The main thing is to find those varieties that will look original in plantings.

Plant features

Coleus is one of the brightest representatives of the Lamiaceae family. There are about two hundred types of nettles. By the way, Coleus got this name because of its foliage, which is shaped like a nettle. You can hear another name - the poor man's croton. This nickname is given to the flowers because of the similarity in color. The Coleus has the same bizarre patterns as Croton. If we compare nettle with croton, then the first has much more color options. It is worth noting that home care for Coleus is much easier than for other similar plants.

Under natural conditions, Coleus grows in Asia and Africa, where it is used not only as decorative decoration garden, but also eaten. In Russia, only hybrid varieties are on sale, which are suitable only as garden decoration.

Such different coleus

Coleus cultivation and home care should be started with getting to know the plant, its appearance, at least a little to understand the varieties. After all, each of them has its own unique color and a specific leaf shape. Shades of nettle foliage can be very different: green, purple, cream, pink, yellow, burgundy, red, black.

The most unusual are those types of Coleus, which have an original pattern of several shades. Dots, stripes, specks, marble patterns, stains give the plant an aesthetic appearance.

Coleus belong to flowering plants, but it is appreciated because of the decorativeness of the leaves. Bushes bloom white or bluish small flowers... When caring for a Coleus at home, the released arrows with flowers are removed. This is done in order not to spoil decorative view flower.

Popular types

The most popular types of Coleus are Renelta, Pumila and Blume.

Renelta is characterized by dull red foliage. It is accentuated by a creamy green edging.

Pumila is characterized by its ability to dangle with beautiful lashes. This variety belongs to the ampelous.

In the process of breeding on the basis of Scutellarioides, a variety of the Blume species was obtained. He has many different colors - from pure green to camouflage, there are spotted, pink representatives of the species.

One of the favorite and popular varieties is the Black Dragon Coleus. Home care for this species comes down to providing enough light to see the true color of the foliage.

Plant care

Coleus planting and home care are very simple, and even a beginner can handle these tasks. Basic rule successful cultivation colors - good lighting. It depends on it how pronounced the nettle pattern will be. It is also important to observe temperature regime, watering.


One of the most important elements of home care for Coleus is watering. This plant is very fond of moisture: even a short-term drying out of the soil leads to partial shedding of leaves and a delay in development. Also, nettle does not like excessive watering, and stagnation of water is especially dangerous for its roots. When growing in pots, the excess should be removed from the pallet, and the pot itself should have drainage.

For irrigation, it is necessary to use settled water without chlorine. In winter, watering is reduced, but the soil is not allowed to dry out.


Coleus flower in home care requires fertilization. In spring and summer, it is necessary to feed the plant every week.

For feeding, complex fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used. In winter, it is necessary to feed the plant once a month. To prevent a burn of the root system, top dressing is applied only after abundant watering.


Coleus cultivation and home care requires compliance with the light regime. It is photophilous and should be placed in the brightest place. But you should not place the flower on the southern window in direct sunlight, as its delicate leaves can burn out, lose their unique color. The western and eastern windows are best suited for the plant. On the northern ones, it can stretch upward, the leaves turn pale.

When placing the coleus in the garden, you should choose a place where there will be partial shade or shade.


Coleus are not demanding to the temperature. They grow ideally at 16-25 degrees. For winter keeping in the room, a temperature of at least twelve degrees is suitable. At lower temperatures, the plant's metabolism is disturbed, which causes the nettle to rot.

Humidity level

Coleus grow naturally in the tropics, where there is a high level of humidity. Domestic hybrids are just as demanding on this condition as wild brethren. In order for the flower to please with its splendor, spraying should be carried out at least once a day. You can place the flower on the kitchen windowsill, where it is always warm and very humid. When placed in a garden, the plant will receive moisture at dawn, with morning dew.

Transplant features

Most often, Coleus is grown as an annual crop. In winter, its trunk usually fades, becomes bare, the plant loses its decorative effect. Some people manage to maintain its attractiveness by pruning bare stems. In this case, the flower is transplanted every two years. If the roots are knocked out of the drainage hole, then this is a signal that an urgent transplant is needed.

To do this, use a soil consisting of humus, sod land, sand, taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. At the bottom of the pot, drainage from expanded clay, pieces of foam or other material is arranged. Before transplanting, the old soil is removed from the roots as much as possible. During this procedure, all rotten and entwined roots are removed. This should be done as carefully as possible. Then the flower is placed in a new pot and sprinkled with prepared soil.

Planting in the garden involves annual cultivation... Of course, the varieties you like can be brought into the house for the winter, but they rarely take root: they shed their leaves, and soon begin to die completely. To preserve the variety, cuttings are taken and rooted.

Breeding methods

Coleus propagates by cuttings and seeds. The easiest way to get a new copy is by vegetative propagation. However, over the years, the plant loses its decorative effect, the leaves become smaller. In this case, it is necessary to sow the variety again.

Propagation by cuttings

When pruning the plant, all cut branches can be rooted. This can be done in two ways: in water and in land. In the first case, the plants are placed in a container with water so that the lower part of the stem does not touch the bottom of the jar. After ten days, white roots appear. Now the cutting can be planted in the ground. When rooting in water, no rooting stimulants need to be added.

When germinating in the ground, it is necessary to cut cuttings about ten centimeters long. Remove the bottom leaves. The workpieces are planted in the ground and covered with glass on top. In such a mini-greenhouse, the plant will grow quickly, after which it must be opened.

Seed propagation

The advantages of this breeding method are many. Firstly, you will get a large amount of seedlings at once, which is important when growing plants for garden decoration. Secondly, by purchasing seeds of mixtures, you can get many new, original colors. Thirdly, when sowing with seeds, it is possible to grow healthy plants with strong stems and large leaves without crushing, which is typical for propagation by cuttings.

You need to start reproduction with the choice of planting material. In country shops, a large selection of Coleus seeds of various colors is offered, there are many mixtures. Having decided on the variety, prepare the soil for sowing and the container. It is best to use a small food container in which the seeds will be massively sown.

The container is filled with soil, which is lightly tamped. Then the ground needs to be watered. Since the seeds are small, you can sow them in the snow. In this case, preliminary moistening is not required: during thawing, the moisture itself will slightly draw the seeds into the soil. Otherwise, you need to lightly spray the crops from the spray bottle. The water droplets will press the seed into the ground.

The container with crops is placed in a bright, warm place. In five days, seedlings will begin to appear.

Usually, coleus sprout amicably, it often happens that all the seeds hatch during the day.

During growth, the plant dives twice. The first pick is best done three weeks after germination, and the second - at a permanent place after planting.

When growing, pinching of the coleus is carried out. Home care is reduced to the formation of a bush, and this procedure contributes to the formation of a beautiful, healthy plant.

The first pinching occurs at the stage of two true leaves. After this procedure, lateral branches begin to grow from the leaf sinuses. As soon as they dissolve two pairs of leaves, they are pinched. Thus, you can get a very beautiful and lush plant... It is these balls that can be seen in the photo of the Coleus. Home care using the pinching technique helps to get flowers of any shape: some growers even practice growing standard trees.

Coleus is one of the most popular types of plants that are grown for decorative purposes to decorate flower beds, paths and flower beds. It is appreciated not only by lovers of indoor plants, but also by gardeners for its unpretentiousness in care, brightness of color and a large selection of varieties.

it herbaceous plant, resembling nettle in appearance, only without thorns and beautifully colored. In culture, hybrids of the Coleus Blume Coleus blumei are widespread. Stem erect, plant height up to 80 cm. Leaves are opposite, oval, pointed at the end, wavy or serrated along the edge. The leaves are finely pubescent, usually variegated. Inflorescence is a raceme of numerous small flowers.

General information about Coleus

coleus (coleus), a family of labiates. Other names: nettle
Number: There are about 150 species in nature.
Place of origin: Homeland is the island of Java.
Usage: decorative deciduous.
Plant size: 60 - 80 cm in height.
Height: very fast.
Flowering coleus: in summer and autumn.

Coleus care and maintenance

Temperature in summer 19 - 25
Temperature in winter 13 - 17

Lightingcoleus: light-loving

direct solar

Sunny, but so that the leaves do not turn green, shade only in the afternoon, if the window faces south; in winter due to a decrease in the amount of light, it is necessary to ensure low temperature(about 10 degrees).

Wateringcoleus: In summer, Coleus is watered abundantly, in autumn and winter, watering is reduced, but the soil should be slightly damp. It is preferable to use soft water for irrigation.

Reproductioncoleus: Seeds in spring, stem cuttings in spring and summer. When Coleus is propagated by seeds, they sprout easily and quickly. At the same time, when the pattern of leaves is clearly visible on the seedlings on young leaves, the brightest and most beautiful of them are selected, the rest are thrown away. Young seedlings usually form flower arrows rather quickly and lose their decorative appeal. Therefore, they are cut, and the cut stems are used for cuttings. Cuttings usually take root after 2-3 weeks.

Air humidity: Coleus likes very humid air. Therefore, the air is humidified by frequent spraying or the plant pot is placed on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay.

Transfercoleus: Transplanted annually in the spring. Sometimes in the summer, the Coleus is transplanted again, more precisely, it is transferred into a larger pot, since its roots grow quickly and entwine with an earthen lump. Repotting is necessary when the roots of the plant emerge from the drain hole at the bottom of the pot. Soil - any nutrient mixture; Coleus is not picky about the composition of the soil.

Top dressingcoleus: Regularly from March to September they are fed with a solution of mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous indoor plants. Top dressing is carried out weekly. The more nitrogen the soil and fertilizers contain for feeding Coleus, the less pronounced the pattern on the leaves and the "greener" they are.

Undercutcoleus: pinch regularly, remove inflorescences, cut radically in spring.

Features of care for Coleus

In summer, you can take it out into the fresh air.

Can be grown hydroponically.

The lower leaves turn yellow and fall off - little light.

In the spring and summer period, Coleus should be regularly and abundantly watered with settled water at room temperature, avoiding overdrying the soil. In addition, the plant must be sprayed every day. Feeding with organic and mineral fertilizers is best done once a week. In the autumn-winter period, watering should be reduced, but it is imperative to ensure that the soil is constantly moist. There is no need to feed the Coleus at this time. For planting Coleus, a soil mixture should be prepared, consisting of one part of turf, two parts of humus soil and one part of sand. When planting a plant, it is necessary to make a good drainage layer so that when watering the water does not stagnate at the roots. Excessive moisture can cause them to rot and the subsequent death of the plant. The lush crown of the Coleus needs to be shaped by pruning and pinching.

The Coleus flower belongs to the genus of the Lamiaceae family (they are also Lipocytes), there are more than 150 species. The name of the plant is derived from the Greek "kleos" - case. The tropics of Africa and Asia are considered the homeland of Coleus.

Amateur flower growers also call Coleus "poor man's croton", because its variegated color of leaves is similar to the foliage of this plant, but looks a little simpler. However, new varieties of Coleus are able to compete not only with Croton, but also with many popular expensive flowers. In addition to variegated foliage, Coleus has an excellent advantage - it is easy to clean.

Coleus description

Coleus has a ribbed, tetrahedral stem, woody at the base. Leaves are heart-shaped, pubescent, toothed, opposite, can be small, and in some types of foliage reaches a length of about 15 cm.

  • Coleus is popularly called nettle, because its leaves, stems are similar in shape and structure to nettles.
  • The color of the foliage of the Coleus is varied - various combinations of green with a burgundy, yellow, red tint. The flowering of the coleus is unremarkable and does not cause much interest: small flowers of a blue or purple hue are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence.
  • The peduncle can be cut off so that the plant does not lose its decorative effect.
  • Most species of coleus are grown for the sake of amazing beauty leaves, but there are types and varieties of coleus with quite interesting flowering.

How to sow garden coleus seedlings

Coleus is popular for its variegated foliage and ease of care. The main thing is that it can be grown both indoors and in gardens. It reproduces perfectly by the seed method; various seeds of interesting English, Dutch and many other varieties are available in flower shops.

  • Sow seeds in late March in flat boxes.
  • You can sow for the winter, but you will have to create artificial lighting in the fall and winter.
  • Choose a fertile, light soil.
  • It is best to use a flat sowing container.
  • Individually, not in piles, spread the Coleus seeds on the soil surface, spray from a spray bottle, do not deepen the seeds, but lightly sprinkle with sand, as if salt.
  • Build a greenhouse, covered with glass or film, place the container with crops in a warm, dark place. Maintain soil moisture.

Purchased seeds germinate well, literally every seed can germinate. The seeds will sprout quickly - in a week, a maximum of 10 days. When the first shoots appear, the shelter must be removed and the greenhouse must be moved to a lighted place, preferably to the western or eastern window. Protect delicate seedlings from direct sunlight. Maintain a temperature range of 17-19 ºC.

Upon reaching the age of 3-4 weeks and with the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, transplant the Coleus into separate cassettes so that a strong root system can develop that can withstand the subsequent transplant into the ground. Young plants at the age of 5-6 weeks are transferred into spacious cups and pinched to stimulate branching.

How to grow Coleus, we look at the video:

Planting Coleus in the ground

Coleus in open ground with the establishment of real heat. Choose a location that is brightly lit, but slightly shaded during midday hours, and the area should be sheltered from the wind. Prepare the holes, fill them with fertile air and permeable soil, plant the coleus from the cups into the holes.

Planting a coleus does not require special knowledge and skills, especially if it is grown as an annual. Growing like a perennial is unlikely to work, because after a couple of years the bushes will degenerate, and for the winter, the Coleus will need to be dug up and brought into the room in order to plant it in the ground again in the spring.

Caring for Coleus in the garden

  • First and foremost, you need to water regularly, especially in dry summer weather.
  • Water preferably with settled water. You can install a tub or barrel in the garden to settle tap water in it and accumulate rainwater.
  • After watering, loosen the soil, remove weeds.
  • To make the Coleus bush harder, you can pinch the tops of the motley handsome a couple of times over the summer.

In the period of active growth, apply with a high nitrogen content every 10-12 days. This will promote active foliage growth and delay early flowering. Peduncles must be removed immediately, because they take away strength from the nettles.

Growing indoor coleus from seeds

Indoor coleus, just like garden coleus, reproduces by seed and vegetatively... Seed reproduction occurs in the same way:

  • Sow in a wide, shallow container with drainage holes in the bottom to a depth of 0.5-1 cm as rarely as possible. It can be scattered over the surface and lightly sprinkled with earth.
  • Spray from a spray bottle, cover with a transparent lid, glass or bag, ventilate daily, pour through a drip tray or from a spray bottle.
  • With the emergence of shoots, remove the shelter.
  • Maintains moderate humidity and good lighting.
  • Dive the seedlings at the stage of 2-3 true leaves into separate cups, and after growing, plant them in permanent pots by transshipment.

How to grow Coleus from a cutting

  • cut into small ones, about 10-12 cm.
  • Remove the leaves from the bottom, stick the cutting into damp soil or sand, cover with plastic wrap or a cap from a cut plastic bottle, place in the shade and keep the temperature at 18-20ºC.
  • After 8-10 days, roots will appear, and when the first shoots appear, you can transplant the seedling into a permanent pot.
  • You can root it simply in water, and when roots appear, plant it in pots.

This type of propagation is simple and reliable, it allows you to quickly get strong new plants.

Caring for Coleus at home

Watering and feeding

With abundantly settled softened water at room temperature. Spring and summer are the most important time in maintaining watering. During this period, you also need to fertilize weekly. Contribute mineral fertilizers in half the doses recommended by the instructions. In winter, it is enough to feed once a month.

Air humidity

In the warm season, spray Coleus regularly, but do not do it in direct sunlight, but take the plant into the shade. In the best way to maintain air humidity in winter, there will be periodic placement a pot with a flower on a pallet with wet expanded clay. If the coleus is not decorative flowering, the spike with flowers must be removed.

Pinching and trimming

During active growth, Coleus must be constantly pinched to stimulate branching. After winter dormancy, in order to renew the plant, you need to cut off all the shoots at a height of 5-7 cm. The shoots obtained during pruning can be used as cuttings, because there is a risk that last year's flower will not justify your efforts and will lose its decorative appearance.

How to form a coleus bush, the video will tell:

Problems in the care, diseases and pests of the coleus plant

Important points:

  • if you do not pinch and cut off the coleus in time, then the shoots will noticeably stretch out. The same situation will develop when there is a lack of light or when the plant gets old.
  • very bright lighting will lead to faded, discolored foliage.
  • with a lack of moisture, as well as with waterlogging, the result is one: the foliage will begin to fall off. Pay attention to what you are doing wrong.

Coleus can be damaged by spider mites, aphids and whiteflies. Yellowed and shriveled leaves will indicate the appearance of aphids - you can treat the ground part of the plant with soapy water, do not forget to cover the soil so that the soap does not get there. You can repeat the procedure after a week. For garden coleus, this procedure can be problematic, so it is better to treat with insecticides. Soap solution will not help with other pests - also use insecticides. Using chemicals will not add health to the plant, so ensure proper care and no diseases and pests will disturb the flower.

Coleus wintering

Garden Coleus is grown as an annual. But, in order not to lose the plant, it can be dug up and brought into the house, caring like an indoor flower. By winter, you need to gradually reduce watering, apply fertilizing once a month. Maintain the air temperature between 8-15 ºC.

Types and varieties of coleus with photos and names

Coleus hybrid Coleus x hybridus ‘Japanese_Giant’ photo

Most commonly grown as a houseplant. This species is completely unpretentious. The stem is square, reaching a height of up to one meter. Leaves are oblong-oval, serrate edges. Depending on the lighting, the color of the leaves changes: in the shading it is green, and under the sun it is burgundy.

There are a great many varieties of hybrid forms, it is impossible to describe all the variety of shapes and colors, and each creation of breeders is distinguished not only by beauty, but also by resistance to disease, excellent vitality and survival in any conditions.

Coleus rehneltianus

Originally from Sri Lanka. It is grown as a decorative ampelous plant. Reaches a height of about half a meter. The leaves are wide, heart-shaped with a wavy edge, attached on long petioles, arranged oppositely. The foliage is decorated with veins different color- yellow, purple, brown, red.

Coleus blumeii Coleus blumeii

It is most popular with florists. Coming from South-East Asia... This is a semi-shrub, reaching a height of about 80 cm. The shoots become lignified over time.

The best varieties of coleus popular with us:

Black dragon: has corrugated brown-purple leaves with red veins on the edges;

Series Wizard:

Golden Wizard - has yellowish satin leaves;

Wizard Evening Zarya - fiery red foliage with a greenish border;

Coleus variety coral dawn Black Dragon Wizard Coral Sunrise photo

Wizard Jade - white foliage with a wide green border.

A wide variety of species and varieties will allow you to decorate your home all year round, and your garden in warm weather.

Coleus is an evergreen shrub or herbaceous annual plant that until recently was grown only as a houseplant. Garden varieties coleus have decorative leaves of various colors and shapes, you can often find plants with a two-color design. Flowers gather in spike-shaped inflorescences and attract attention in different landings... Let's take a closer look at this plant, its care features and outdoor cultivation.

On the garden plot usually grown perennial varieties coleus, which are distinguished by the greatest endurance. For planting, you can use both seeds and seedlings. However, it is worth remembering that each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Growing Coleus from seeds will take longer and require some effort, but at the same time, this method is much cheaper. Using seedlings to get ornamental shrub much easier, but the price of such planting material will be much higher.

Popular varieties of garden coleus

Black Dragon ( Dragon Black)

Coleus Black Dragon (Dragon Black)

This unusual shrub grows up to 80 centimeters in height... Leaves are of medium length, oblong in shape. Rounded, large notches are located along the edges. In the center, the leaf plate is pale pink, but the closer to the edge, the more intense the color becomes, as a result flowing into inky purple. The spikelet-shaped inflorescence consists of small blue flowers.

Kong Mix Empire

Coleus of this variety grows up to 80 centimeters in height, and its the crown can reach 55 centimeters in diameter... The leaves are large, with smooth serrations along the edges. The middle part of the leaf blade is colored crimson, and the edges are predominantly green with fancy purple patterns;

Electric Lime

This variety is of average size for its species group. The leaves are large, oblong, with smooth wavy edges. Due to their deep green, lime shade, they look very unusual in any garden composition... Also, such a shrub can boast that it grows well in the shade and does not fade under open sunlight.

Wizard Pastel ( Wizard Pastel)

Such a shrub grows only up to 35 centimeters in height, due to which it is very often used as a curb. Variety not afraid of heat, lack of light and drought... The leaves are medium in size and with beautiful carved edges quite often attract attention. Their central part is painted in a pale pink color, followed by a maroon shade, which is framed by a thin green line.

Wizard Jade

This miniature bush 30-35 centimeters high very often used for growing in pots, flowerpots, hanging planters and as a border. The leaves are small, with wavy edges. Their interior is made in a delicate, beige color, and the edges are painted in a light green shade. The variety is not afraid of heat, but with a lack of sunlight, the leaves can turn completely green and lose their decorative effect.

Planting rules

When growing coleus from seeds, you must independently prepare seedlings, which are subsequently transferred to open ground. For most varieties of this plant, seeds are sown at the end of March. For germination of coleus use fertile substrate, which is pre-sieved well and heated. Usually use the following composition:

  • 4 parts of black soil;
  • 2 parts of needles;
  • 2 parts cow dung;
  • 1 part sand.
  1. For germinating Coleus seeds use flat boxes filled with a fertile mixture;
  2. The seeds are carefully laid out on the surface of the soil and sprayed with water... Only after that they are sprinkled with a thin layer of sand;
  3. Then the box is covered with foil or glass and transferred to a warm, dark place;

The entire period of growing seedlings, the soil should be moistened, and in order to avoid washing out the seeds at the initial stages, it is not watered, but sprayed from a spray bottle.

  1. The first shoots should appear in 1-1.5 weeks, after that, the shelter is removed from the container with seedlings and transferred to a bright place, protected from direct sunlight;
  2. Optimum temperature for plants, an indicator is considered equal to 17-19 degrees;
  3. With the appearance of 2-3 true leaves seedlings are transplanted in separate pots.

Growing coleus from seeds is not particularly difficult and can significantly save your budget.

Buying seedlings in the store be sure to pay attention to the elasticity of the stem and leaves of plants... You should not buy plants with withered, sluggish, yellow leaves and dehydrated, thin sprouts.

After the seedlings are prepared, you can proceed directly to planting the plants. First of all, you need to choose a place that will be well lit, because a large amount of sunlight will reveal the color of the leaves as brightly as possible.

However, it is worth remembering that varieties with red and white leaves tolerate exposure to direct sunlight well, while plants with green leaves should be slightly shaded. Otherwise, the risk of sunburn increases.

Also the composition and quality of the soil plays an important role, which should contain a large amount of nutrients and nitrogen.

Ready seedlings of Coleus are planted in the ground in early June, when the threat of recurrent frosts has passed. The distance between plants can be varied., it all depends on the chosen landing pattern.

Coleus care

Caring for Coleus consists of many simple steps that must be performed in order for the plant to please with its beauty.


The bush is watered in such a way that the topsoil is always moistened. For such purposes, it is recommended to use soft, settled water. On hot, summer days, plant leaves are additionally sprayed... Immediately after watering, 2-3 times a month, gently loosen the ground around the coleus.

Perennial Coleus for the winter is dug up and transplanted pots that kept in a dry and cool room with an air temperature of 14-16 degrees... During this period, the amount of watering must be reduced, but at the same time the earthen coma must not be allowed to dry out. In late spring, the shrub is transplanted back into the garden.

Plant feeding

The first time Coleus is fed after 2-3 weeks after transplanting seedlings into separate pots. For these purposes, complex fertilizers are used for decorative deciduous plants, while the dosage indicated on the package is reduced by 3-4 times.

Systematic fertilization has a good effect on the growth of the plant and the color of its leaves.

During the active growth of the shrub, it is fed every 10-15 days., while using potash, organic, complex mineral and nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

In winter, top dressing is applied once a month, while the amount of introduced substances is reduced by 2 times.

Shrub pruning

Perennial varieties of Coleus need annual pruning to help create a neat, decorative shape. Also, this procedure will help cleanse the Coleus from dry, diseased and damaged branches.

In early spring, all shoots are cut to a height of 5-7 centimeters., and throughout the season it is necessary to remove dried inflorescences and leaves. Sanitary pruning is carried out in the fall.


There are two ways to get new plants, by seed or cuttings... In the first case, seedlings are grown from seeds and transferred to open ground.

Cuttings for propagation of the plant are cut in late winter and early spring. In this case, at least 3-4 buds should be present on one shoot, and the upper cut should be straight, and the lower oblique. Cuttings are rooted in sand or water... After 1-2 weeks, the first roots will appear on them, and after that the seedlings dive into separate containers, while the tops of the longest shoots must be pinched. Before transplanting into open ground, Coleus is regularly watered and fed.

Diseases and pests

Coleus is relatively resistant to many diseases. Most often, you can notice the presence of fungus or root rot on it.... In the first case, it is necessary to remove all affected parts of the shrub and treat it with modern antifungal drugs. If root rot is found, it is necessary to reduce the number of waterings.

In addition to diseases, on the bush pests can be found, against which folk remedies and chemicals help well.

Mealybug The leaves of the plant are wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol;

It can also be sprayed with lemon or orange peel infusion. 50 grams of crusts are poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted during the day.

Whitefly Laundry or tar soap is rubbed on a grater and diluted in water in a proportion of 1k6. The resulting foam is used to wipe the places where insects accumulate.
Aphid 300 grams of laundry soap is crushed and diluted in 10 liters of water, added to the resulting mixture wood ash... The strongest effect will be possessed by a product that has been previously boiled for 30 minutes.
Spider mite Soap solution and diluted ammonia, prepared in a proportion of 30 milliliters per 10 liters of water, help well against this pest;

You can also insist during the day 59 grams of garlic, filled with 10 liters of water.

All folk remedies help well only in the initial stages, with a large number of insects, insecticides are used.

The most effective chemicals are Konfidor Extra, Iskra, Zubr, Fitoverm, Aktofit.

Coleus is very colorful and interesting plants for growing in our garden, it can be used to dilute plain and familiar landings... In addition, such a shrub boasts unpretentious care and good resistance to many diseases.