Autumn and spring pruning of geraniums (pelargoniums) for lush flowering. When is the best time to prune a geranium for lush flowering?

Geranium (pelargonium) is the most popular inhabitant of our window sills. It's hard to find a house that doesn't have this. unpretentious flower. When growing geraniums for her lush flowering make a cut. It is required not only for education more peduncles, but also for a beautiful decorative form of the plant. If pelargonium does not shorten too long shoots in time, it lower leaves fall off and the branches become bare. This makes the flower rather unattractive. Many, precisely because the bush becomes “ugly”, throw it away. And it is enough just to remove the old stems in time to maintain the beauty of the plant for many years and admire its flowering.

When to prune geraniums?

No need to wait until the stems lengthen, and the leaves remain only at the top. The peculiarity of pelargonium is that it very rarely gives lateral processes, but there are “sleeping” buds in all nodes. Pruning makes them wake up. This stimulates the formation of shoots, and lays new ones. flower buds.

There are three ways to trim:

  • main;
  • topping;
  • autumn.

The main procedure is carried out in order to get abundant, lush flowering and form a beautiful bush. autumn pruning is prevention. Pinching is carried out as needed.

Important! Due to the lack of light in winter, geraniums can stretch out a lot, which affects its decorative effect and flowering. But shortening the shoots is not recommended at least until the end of winter. In the last decade of February, the shoots can be shortened by 2/3 of the length. To prevent the stem from stretching into winter time, it is better to add backlighting with a phytolamp.

The main pruning of geraniums at home is carried out immediately after the dormant phase. best period for this manipulation, the very beginning of spring is considered. At this time, the plant has not yet begun to grow. Therefore, before the vegetative period begins, all the "wounds" will have time to heal.

When the pelargonium fades, autumn pruning occurs. During this procedure, dry leaves and flower stalks are removed. Such manipulations do not affect the future flowering of the bush, but simply has a decorative character. Such an operation is carried out in the middle of autumn. Previously, it was possible only if diseased branches appeared. In such a situation, they are removed so that the lesion does not spread to the entire plant.

Pinching can be done at any time, but not in winter. During this period, the geranium is at rest. The exception is those types of pelargonium that bloom in the cold season.

Important! It is very important to trim correctly and on time. If this procedure is performed late, the flowering of the plant will be late. Or maybe not at all to please with their luxurious inflorescences.

How to trim?

Among indoor pelargoniums there are species with straight and decumbent stems, tall and dwarf, ampelous and shrubs. Each variety requires special attention and a special approach. Therefore, you should know how to properly cut geraniums so that they are always beautiful. But, in any case, the correction of the stems must be carried out for each variety.

Correct pruning:

  1. Stimulates the appearance of lateral processes and the formation of inflorescence primordia.
  2. It will give the flower a beautiful, well-groomed shape.
  3. Will provoke abundant and long flowering.
  4. Allows you to get quality planting material.

The perennial plant is adjusted twice a year. Such procedures increase the splendor and duration of flowering. A young flower is not recommended to be cut. In such a bush, the stems are only partially removed to give it a shape.

Important! If the bush is large, it is not recommended to radically cut the plant. This is due to the fact that pelargonium will give all its strength to growing stems and leaves, and inflorescences will either appear late or not at all. In very large flowers, it is enough to shorten too long, without leaves, diseased branches.

When deciding how to prune a geranium so that it blooms, you need to consider the type and variety of the plant. Since improper processing can lead to the death of the flower. Experienced flower growers for such a procedure, it is advised to use a blade or knife with a very thin blade. It is not recommended to use scissors, since in the process of manipulating this object, the stem can be crushed, violating the tissue structure at the cut site.

Before cutting a flower, you need to carefully examine it and decide which parts will need to be removed so that a beautiful bush will subsequently form. Properly performed procedure stimulates the growth of twigs and intensive flowering. There will be no “empty” areas on pelargonium without leaves and inflorescences.

Important! In the case when the geranium began to fade, it must be cut off. If after such a procedure the main stem remains green, the flower will survive and new leaves will appear in a few days. When, after all the manipulations, the trunk darkened, began to dry, the flower would die.


  1. First you need to remove dry, fading leaves and flowers.
  2. The cut must be made with a disinfected tool above the leaf node facing the outer part of the bush.
  3. To prevent the stem from rotting, the wound should be sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal.
  4. After the procedure, the flower must be fertilized with a mixture that contains nitrogen. This will contribute to the fastest emergence of shoots.

The plant is cut, leaving only half of its height. Thanks to this manipulation, there will be excellent air exchange inside the bush, and the lower leaves will receive the required light. In addition, the likelihood of fungal infections will be significantly reduced.

In a temperate climate, geraniums are planted in a flower bed, and provided that the winter is not too cold, they are left there to spend the winter. In cold regions, pelargonium is transplanted into pots for the period of frost. Prune the outdoor plant in the fall, after it has faded.

Geranium - favorite plant many hostesses. She is practically all year round, to please with its luxurious flowering and at the same time does not require special care. Observing simple rules pruning, can make the flower healthier and more attractive. After such a procedure, pelargonium blooms much more abundantly.

Geranium is not in vain loved by many gardeners. It is easy to care for, undemanding to the soil and watering. But there is something that is obligatory in the formation of a beautiful lush pelargonium bush and its long-term flowering. It's cutting and pinching. If you do not perform these operations with geraniums in a timely manner, then very quickly the flower will lose its shape, bare shoots will stretch out, and the number of inflorescences will come to naught. When and how to cut and form a flower crown correctly? Here's what experienced geranium growers advise.

  • 1 How to prune geraniums in autumn
  • 2 Crown formation
  • 3 Pruning: necessary or useless procedure?
  • 4 Mistakes when trimming geraniums at home

How to prune geraniums in autumn

The purpose of the autumn pruning

There are many varieties of geranium: it is indoor or garden plant, with decumbent or climbing stems, tall or short, bushy or ampelous. For each flower, you need to choose your own pruning method, comparing it with the desired shapes that you would like to give the pelargonium.

Geraniums should be helped to form a beautiful bush

The ultimate goal of geranium pruning is to obtain beautiful bush with luxuriant blooms. Accompanying - the improvement of the bush.

For all types of geraniums, it is important to adhere to the main requirement: pruning and control over the shape of the bush should be done regularly. It is impossible to trim once and get the intended design. Engage in the formation beautiful view geraniums need to be constantly, starting immediately after planting. You do not need to wait a year or two for the stems to grow to great lengths and become bare, with only a few leaves at the very top. Pruning leads to increased growth of side shoots and stimulates the conception of new inflorescences.

The right place to trim a geranium cutting

The geranium itself, without human intervention, does not throw out additional side stems. But dormant growth buds are located at each node. Their growth should be provoked. After pruning, the plant begins to grow compactly, without jumping out bare and ugly branches. In addition to lateral shoots, flower buds are also activated. Such geraniums bloom longer and more magnificently than their groomed counterparts. After flowering is completed, the bush gives high-quality planting material, which allows you to propagate your favorite variety of pelargonium.

Time spending

Pelargonium is a smart plant. She will tell you when to start pruning. Geraniums are pruned after flowering stops on the bush and the last inflorescences withered. If the plant is planted for the summer in open ground or remains in the garden all year round, then half the height of the stem is removed. If a flower spent summer on outdoors, before pruning, it should be kept in the room for ten days so that it gets used to the new living conditions. Removing the excess crown improves air exchange, the lower leaves open sunny color. This reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Formed flowering geranium bush

Winter is a dormant time for a plant, but not for a grower. It is necessary to observe the condition of the cuts. If the cut has turned black, has become an unnatural color, it is necessary to repeat the pruning, removing the non-healing wound on the stem.

Features of the procedure for different types of pelargonium

You can determine if pruning is needed for a particular plant by its appearance. If the bush is compact, the branches are neat, then pruning can be postponed until spring. For example, zonal geraniums often grow obscenely, exposing the bare trunk of leaves. Then, of course, pruning is required. Ampelous pelargonium is beautiful with long shoots, but decorated with foliage and flowers. If the type of plant is quite presentable, then it is better not to touch the bush until spring.

Variegated geraniums are under severe stress after pruning, so if you can not cut, then do not do it. There is interesting variety- mini-pelargoniums. The name itself indicates their miniature size. Therefore, pruning is a rare event for them. Is it just to remove something suddenly protruding from the overall compact design. royal geranium needs pruning after the growth of the bush. In autumn, everything superfluous is cut off, leaving only a small shoot with buds.

Scheme of work

It is necessary to carry out the removal of geranium shoots with a disinfected tool. This sharp knife(kitchen or stationery) or a blade. Scissors are not suitable for this procedure, as they pinch the stem. Cut off the geranium trunk above the leaf node in three to five millimeters. The cut is made at an acute angle. You should choose nodules directed to the outside of the bush. With the growth of shoots from such a bud, the shoots will not lead to thickening of the crown, as they will tend to separate from the center of the bush.

Saved shoots with a direction of growth from the center do not lead to thickening of the crown

Step-by-step instructions for autumn pruning geraniums

  • Remove yellowed or damaged twigs, leaves and any faded inflorescences. Thus the bush will reveal its true form.
  • Prepare tools. You will need a sharp knife, blade, in extreme cases, pruners or scissors. You can disinfect the instrument with alcohol by wiping their working surface. Another way: ignite over a flame or boil in water for 10-15 minutes.
  • Make an incision above the leaf node. If the branch directs its growth into the bush, it is better to remove it. Crossing shoots should also be cut off. Weakened branches are pruned without pity.
  • It is necessary to start pruning from the outer stems, gradually moving to the center of the bush. If it is necessary to remove about half of the bush, pruning should be carried out in two or three passes. Between each approach, allow a two-week respite for the plant.
  • You can trim the tips of the stems after four to five leaf nodules. Here new sprouts with peduncles will form.
  • Treat the sections with a disinfectant (ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution).
  • Apply nitrogen fertilizer to support the plant. Create appropriate thermal and light conditions for wintering.
  • Video tip

    Features of care for geraniums after pruning

    The place where the geranium stem was cut must be disinfected. Suitable for this Activated carbon. It needs to be crushed into powder, and then sprinkled on the cut. Another tool - wood ash. It is also a good antiseptic. Cinnamon powder is considered a natural stimulant for wound healing. They can also process the cut.

    The treated plant must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. This vitamin complex will help to cope with stress and stimulate the growth of shoots and greenery.

    For the splendor of greenery and flowers, the plant must be fed

    Watering should be reduced. Since there will be very little green mass left, excess moisture will not be able to evaporate. This can lead to disease and death of the plant. It has already been weakened by the experience.

    Wintering conditions: table

    crown formation

    It is necessary to form a geranium crown almost immediately after planting the cutting. The main actions to achieve this goal are pruning and pinching. If the geranium is pruned in the fall, then in the spring you can cut or pinch it. What is the difference? Pinching is the removal of the growth point of a plant. In its absence, the geranium throws out side shoots and turns into a small branched tree. The first pinch is made over 8 or 10 leaves. The time of its holding is the end of February-March. side shoots also pinch as they grow. It is not worth delaying with spring manipulations with geraniums. The later the pinching is done, the longer the time before the flowers appear.

    Pinching young sprouts accelerates the growth of lateral shoots

    Spring pruning is a cut of large stems at the level of the second or fifth leaf from the root. The time of the operation is autumn or early spring.

    The basics of proper crown formation

    • Carry out all manipulations with geraniums only with treated tools and clean hands.
    • First of all, remove (cut or pinch) the shoots growing inside the bush to prevent thickening.
    • With a large distance between pairs of leaves, the stem is cut immediately above the leaves, indenting up to five millimeters.
    • First of all, diseased shoots are removed, capturing up to five centimeters of the healthy part.

    Step-by-step instructions for spring procedures

    Spring work with geraniums is very similar to autumn pruning. The first three steps are exactly the same. But it also has its own nuances.

  • Carefully examine the plant and carefully consider what kind of result you would like to get.
  • Remove yellowed or damaged twigs and leaves.
  • Prepare tools. You will need a sharp knife, blade, in extreme cases, pruners or scissors. You can disinfect the instrument with alcohol by wiping their working surface. Another way: ignite over a flame or boil in water for 10-15 minutes. For pinching, wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Cut off all the stems, leaving the most healthy and beautiful. It is necessary to remove the lower side shoots from it.
  • A stem that is too tall must be shortened by removing part of the top. Lateral buds will grow and geraniums will turn into small tree on the barrel (or a ball on a stick).
  • Pelargonium stems that are too long or crooked can be cut off, leaving stumps up to ten centimeters. In a few weeks, fluffy bushes will appear in the pot instead.
  • Pay attention to the direction of growth of the kidney. It should tend to grow in the opposite direction from the main stem.
  • Treat the sections with a disinfectant (ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution).
  • Geranium crown formation (video)

    Spring pruning and pinching perform an important agrotechnical function - they stimulate the formation of new buds, branches and inflorescences.

    It is important to remember: after spring pruning and / or pinching, geraniums will bloom later.

    The explanation for this is simple, the flower needs time to recuperate. Therefore, you need to decide what you want to achieve: early flowering or its pomp and longevity. Given that pinching is a more gentle procedure than pruning, then in the spring you can stop at the first option. It is necessary to pinch young shoots not only in spring, but also as the plant grows.

    Geranium needs constant monitoring of the grower for the growth of shoots and the removal of unnecessary sprouts

    Without urgent need, pruning in the spring can be omitted. You can only cut up to 20% of all shoots. Large thinning can significantly shift the timing of flowering. Also, the plant can spend all its energy on recovering from stress and not bloom at all this season.

    Care after work: table

    Geraniums that have undergone spring pinching or pruning need the most favorable conditions content.

    Conditions for keeping geraniums Required indicators
    Temperature Comfortable temperature - above +12 degrees. Can be displayed on Fresh air at night temperature from +4 degrees.
    Light mode South side of the house. Geranium loves the sun very much and tolerates direct sunlight well. Doesn't like drafts.
    Watering Water in a day or two. You can check the need for watering by the top dried layer of soil.
    Air humidity Under no circumstances should the plant be sprayed. For geraniums, this is dangerous.
    top dressing Loves nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You have to pay twice a month. You can buy ready-made fertilizers "For flowering plants". Can't stand organic fertilizers(fresh manure).

    Pruning: necessary or useless procedure?

    Of course, geranium pruning can be omitted. Only now, will a beautiful flowering bush turn out from a plant? Probably not. Geraniums tend to stretch their stems. The elongated stem is not covered with foliage and does not throw out inflorescences. The plant will grow, but there will be nothing to please the eye. Some flower growers suggest not to suffer with old plants, pruning and pinching them. They consider the best option cut the old bush in the fall, discard the root, and root the cuttings and get a young plant.

    Geranium without pruning stretches up and becomes naked and ugly

    If you save the old faded geranium, then it is important not to forget that pruning is the strongest test for the plant. Therefore, it is better to carry it out with an increase in long daylight hours, that is, at the end of winter or the beginning of spring. Autumn pruning is worse tolerated by pelargonium and the plant may not have enough strength to recover.

    Mistakes when pruning geraniums at home

    Pruning geraniums is not such a difficult process. The only thing that must be observed is the timeliness of its implementation. But improper pruning will lead to an unplanned result or the death of the plant.

    Geranium pleases the human eye beautiful flowers and a peculiar aroma. Every grower can create a well-groomed pelargonium bush. To do this, it is enough to prune the plant in time and provide it with proper care. magnificent blooming geranium needs a potassium supplement. This is where all the secrets of creating a spherical crown or a fluffy geranium bush end. Have a nice sight for your eyes.

    Geranium has long been loved by flower growers. She is unpretentious in content. Almost all types of plants delight with long and colorful flowering. The vast majority of species of pelargonium without fail need shortening of the stems and pinching. This is the key to their luxurious flowering next season. When and how to prune geraniums for the winter, the flower itself will tell. As soon as he throws off the last faded buds, you can proceed. Properly trimming geraniums for the winter is not difficult at all.

    Autumn bush formation

    Behind the summer with lush blooming geraniums. It's time to give rest and help restore the strength of the plant. Removing excess shoots, cutting the main branches and pinching the tops will help to give the desired shape to the plant and normalize its further development.

    The essence of circumcision

    Pruning a geranium for the winter is freeing it from a third of the volume of the bush. Unnecessary shoots are mercilessly removed, all stems are shortened by a third. There is nothing wrong with that. Per winter period, provided good care behind the plant, the bush will grow a new lush crown.

    Together with the cut branches, the need to spend energy on their food also goes away. The plant has the opportunity to restore strength for the next season. This necessary operation will serve as the basis for the bookmark optimal volume flower buds and a guarantee of healthy flowering bushes next spring.

    What are the goals pursued

    After the pelargonium fades, you can and should trim the bush. The procedure for shortening branches and cutting off excess shoots will allow:

    • awaken the development of lateral shoots and the laying of future inflorescences;
    • create the desired hive configuration;
    • achieve abundant and long flowering;
    • prepare excellent raw materials for breeding your favorite species.

    It follows from this that autumn thinning is very beneficial: in spring, young plants grown from cuttings are added to the mother bush.

    Correct crown design technique

    There are a lot of types of pelargonium. There are indoor and garden, bush and ampel, high and dwarf. The formation of the crown for each of them has its own characteristics. But the main requirement for all varieties is their timely pruning. The good appearance and the subsequent violent flowering of the plant depend on the quality of the work done.

    How to cover a vineyard for the winter in the suburbs

    Therefore, cut off unnecessary shoots, shorten the main branches, preferably with a clean and very sharp knife. Ideal blade or clerical knife. Doing this with scissors is not worth it, because there is a risk of injury to the epithelium on the cut.

    Branches are shortened by about a third of the length or after every fourth node. To do this, find a dormant nodal bud located on the outside of the bush, and cut off the upper part of the branch at an angle of 90 °, retreating 0.5 cm from the leaf node. Damaged or dried stems, dried flowers and leaves are also removed. In order not to close the root zone, branches growing inside the bush are cut.

    After cutting, 2 to 7 leaves should remain on each shoot. In no case should you cut off all the leaves when pruning pelargonium in the fall, since these are the main participants in photosynthesis, and without them, the roots of the plant simply will not receive the microelements necessary for life.

    Young shoots can simply be pinched off with your fingers. It is important that they are dry and clean. To avoid infection, cuts on the branches are sprinkled with ground coal or cinnamon powder. Finally, the plant needs to be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizer to speed up the forcing of new shoots and good tillering of the flower.

    Events for the autumn decoration of pelargonium bushes last all autumn until the onset of winter. During this period, additional shortening or pinching of missed stems is allowed without harm to the bush. But with the onset of winter, work stops. Now the flowers need rest until spring. The temperature drops to 10-12 degrees, watering decreases and plant fertilization completely stops. And the lighting stays the same. For good health, pelargoniums need good lighting all year round.

    Features and terms of whitewashing garden trees in spring and autumn

    The specifics of the procedure for some species

    How to prune pelargonium for the winter depends on the desired result. If you need to get a flower in the form of a standard tree, you need to remove all side branches, tie the main branch to a support, pinch its crown. This will cause new branches to appear. In the future, the crown of the tree is formed on 5-7 strong branches. Shoots are pinched after every fourth leaf.

    The royal geranium is somewhat more physically demanding. Unlike zonal pelargoniums, it blooms for a very short time - only 3-4 months. But no other type of this flower can boast of such flowers. They are very large, painted in the brightest colors in incredible combinations. A short flowering period suggests only autumn pruning. If you touch the plant in the spring, then most likely it will not bloom.

    Ampelnaya, or rather, resembles bindweed. She looks great in hanging planters. But to give shape and volume to the bush, regular shortening of the stems and pinching is required. The rules for carrying out such work do not differ from the manipulation of zonal pelargoniums. For this type of plant, autumn pruning is also preferable. It is also aimed at removing a third of the volume of the plant, removing branches directed towards the center.

    Variegated geraniums are very difficult to tolerate any interference, so it would be better to leave them alone. Moreover, in contrast to zonal varieties they don't stretch much. The bush remains compact for a long time . Still mini-pelargoniums almost do not need to form a bush. Whether it is necessary to cut this geranium for the winter is decided according to the circumstances.

    Geranium is not in vain loved by many gardeners. It is easy to care for, undemanding to the soil and watering. But there is something that is obligatory in the formation of a beautiful lush pelargonium bush and its long-term flowering. It's cutting and pinching. If you do not perform these operations with geraniums in a timely manner, then very quickly the flower will lose its shape, bare shoots will stretch out, and the number of inflorescences will come to naught. When and how to cut and form a flower crown correctly? Here's what experienced geranium growers advise.

    How to prune geraniums in autumn

    The purpose of the autumn pruning

    There are many varieties of geranium: it is a house or garden plant, with lodging or climbing stems, tall or short, bushy or ampelous. For each flower, you need to choose your own pruning method, comparing it with the desired shapes that you would like to give the pelargonium.

    The ultimate goal of pruning geraniums is to get a beautiful bush with luxuriantly flowering inflorescences. Accompanying - the improvement of the bush.

    For all types of geraniums, it is important to adhere to the main requirement: pruning and control over the shape of the bush should be done regularly. It is impossible to trim once and get the intended design. It is necessary to engage in the formation of a beautiful type of geranium constantly, starting immediately after planting it. You do not need to wait a year or two for the stems to grow to great lengths and become bare, with only a few leaves at the very top. Pruning leads to increased growth of side shoots and stimulates the conception of new inflorescences.

    The geranium itself, without human intervention, does not throw out additional side stems. But dormant growth buds are located at each node. Their growth should be provoked. After pruning, the plant begins to grow compactly, without jumping out bare and ugly branches. In addition to lateral shoots, flower buds are also activated. Such geraniums bloom longer and more magnificently than their groomed counterparts. After flowering is completed, the bush gives high-quality planting material, which allows you to propagate your favorite variety of pelargonium.

    Time spending

    Pelargonium is a smart plant. She will tell you when to start pruning. Geraniums are pruned after flowering stops on the bush and the last inflorescences withered. If the plant is planted in open ground for the summer or remains in the garden all year round, then half the height of the stem is removed. If the flower spent the summer outdoors, it should be kept in the room for ten days before pruning, so that it gets used to the new living conditions. Removing the excess crown improves air exchange, the lower leaves open to sunny color. This reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

    Winter is a dormant time for a plant, but not for a grower. It is necessary to observe the condition of the cuts. If the cut has turned black, has become an unnatural color, it is necessary to repeat the pruning, removing the non-healing wound on the stem.

    Features of the procedure for different types of pelargonium

    You can determine whether a particular plant needs pruning by its appearance. If the bush is compact, the branches are neat, then pruning can be postponed until spring. For example, zonal geraniums often grow obscenely, exposing the bare trunk of leaves. Then, of course, pruning is required. Ampelous pelargonium is beautiful with long shoots, but decorated with foliage and flowers. If the type of plant is quite presentable, then it is better not to touch the bush until spring.

    Variegated geraniums are under severe stress after pruning, so if you can not cut, then do not do it. There is an interesting variety - mini-pelargoniums. The name itself indicates their miniature size. Therefore, pruning is a rare event for them. Is it just to remove something suddenly protruding from the overall compact design. Royal geranium needs pruning after the bush has grown. In autumn, everything superfluous is cut off, leaving only a small shoot with buds.

    Scheme of work

    It is necessary to carry out the removal of geranium shoots with a disinfected tool. This is a sharp knife (kitchen or stationery) or blade. Scissors are not suitable for this procedure, as they pinch the stem. Cut off the geranium trunk above the leaf node in three to five millimeters. The cut is made at an acute angle. You should choose nodules directed to the outside of the bush. With the growth of shoots from such a bud, the shoots will not lead to thickening of the crown, as they will tend to separate from the center of the bush.

    Step-by-step instructions for autumn pruning geraniums

    1. Remove yellowed or damaged twigs, leaves and any faded inflorescences. Thus the bush will reveal its true form.
    2. Prepare tools. You will need a sharp knife, blade, in extreme cases, pruners or scissors. You can disinfect the instrument with alcohol by wiping their working surface. Another way: ignite over a flame or boil in water for 10-15 minutes.
    3. Make an incision above the leaf node. If the branch directs its growth into the bush, it is better to remove it. Crossing shoots should also be cut off. Weakened branches are pruned without pity.
    4. It is necessary to start pruning from the outer stems, gradually moving to the center of the bush. If it is necessary to remove about half of the bush, pruning should be carried out in two or three passes. Between each approach, allow a two-week respite for the plant.
    5. You can trim the tips of the stems after four to five leaf nodules. Here new sprouts with peduncles will form.
    6. Treat the sections with a disinfectant (ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution).
    7. Apply nitrogen fertilizer to support the plant. Create appropriate thermal and light conditions for wintering.

    Video tip

    Features of care for geraniums after pruning

    The place where the geranium stem was cut must be disinfected. Activated charcoal works well for this. It needs to be crushed into powder, and then sprinkled on the cut. Another remedy is wood ash. It is also a good antiseptic. Cinnamon powder is considered a natural stimulant for wound healing. They can also process the cut.

    The treated plant must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. This vitamin complex will help to cope with stress and stimulate the growth of shoots and greenery.

    Watering should be reduced. Since there will be very little green mass left, excess moisture will not be able to evaporate. This can lead to disease and death of the plant. It has already been weakened by the experience.

    Wintering conditions: table

    crown formation

    It is necessary to form a geranium crown almost immediately after planting the cutting. The main actions to achieve this goal are pruning and pinching. If the geranium is pruned in the fall, then in the spring you can cut or pinch it. What is the difference? Pinching is the removal of the growth point of a plant. In its absence, the geranium throws out side shoots and turns into a small branched tree. The first pinch is made over 8 or 10 leaves. The time of its holding is the end of February-March. Lateral shoots are also pinched as they grow. It is not worth delaying with spring manipulations with geraniums. The later the pinching is done, the longer the time before the flowers appear.

    Spring pruning is a cut of large stems at the level of the second or fifth leaf from the root. The time of the operation is autumn or early spring.

    The basics of proper crown formation

    • Carry out all manipulations with geraniums only with treated tools and clean hands.
    • First of all, remove (cut or pinch) the shoots growing inside the bush to prevent thickening.
    • With a large distance between pairs of leaves, the stem is cut immediately above the leaves, indenting up to five millimeters.
    • First of all, diseased shoots are removed, capturing up to five centimeters of the healthy part.

    Step-by-step instructions for spring procedures

    Spring work with geraniums is very similar to autumn pruning. The first three steps are exactly the same. But it also has its own nuances.

    1. Carefully examine the plant and carefully consider what kind of result you would like to get.
    2. Remove yellowed or damaged twigs and leaves.
    3. Prepare tools. You will need a sharp knife, blade, in extreme cases, pruners or scissors. You can disinfect the instrument with alcohol by wiping their working surface. Another way: ignite over a flame or boil in water for 10-15 minutes. For pinching, wash your hands thoroughly.
    4. Cut off all the stems, leaving the most healthy and beautiful. It is necessary to remove the lower side shoots from it.
    5. A stem that is too tall must be shortened by removing part of the top. Lateral buds will grow and the geranium will turn into a small tree on the trunk (or a ball on a stick).
    6. Pelargonium stems that are too long or crooked can be cut off, leaving stumps up to ten centimeters. In a few weeks, fluffy bushes will appear in the pot instead.
    7. Pay attention to the direction of growth of the kidney. It should tend to grow in the opposite direction from the main stem.
    8. Treat the sections with a disinfectant (ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution).

    Geranium crown formation (video)

    Spring pruning and pinching perform an important agrotechnical function - they stimulate the formation of new buds, branches and inflorescences.

    It is important to remember: after spring pruning and / or pinching, geraniums will bloom later.

    The explanation for this is simple, the flower needs time to recuperate. Therefore, you need to decide what you want to achieve: early flowering or its splendor and longevity. Given that pinching is a more gentle procedure than pruning, then in the spring you can stop at the first option. It is necessary to pinch young shoots not only in spring, but also as the plant grows.

    Without urgent need, pruning in the spring can be omitted. You can only cut up to 20% of all shoots. Large thinning can significantly shift the timing of flowering. Also, the plant can spend all its energy on recovering from stress and not bloom at all this season.

    Care after work: table

    Geraniums that have undergone spring pinching or pruning need the most favorable conditions.

    Conditions for keeping geraniums Required indicators
    TemperatureComfortable temperature - above +12 degrees. It can be exposed to fresh air at night temperatures from +4 degrees.
    Light modeSouth side of the house. Geranium loves the sun very much and tolerates direct sunlight well. Doesn't like drafts.
    WateringWater in a day or two. You can check the need for watering by the top dried layer of soil.
    Air humidityUnder no circumstances should the plant be sprayed. For geraniums, this is dangerous.
    top dressingLoves nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You have to pay twice a month. You can purchase ready-made fertilizers "For flowering plants." Does not tolerate organic fertilizers (fresh manure).

    Pruning: necessary or useless procedure?

    Of course, geranium pruning can be omitted. Only now, will a beautiful flowering bush turn out from a plant? Probably not. Geraniums tend to stretch their stems. The elongated stem is not covered with foliage and does not throw out inflorescences. The plant will grow, but there will be nothing to please the eye. Some flower growers suggest not to suffer with old plants, pruning and pinching them. They consider it the best option to cut the old bush in the fall, discard the root, and root the cuttings and get a young plant.

    If you save the old faded geranium, then it is important not to forget that pruning is the strongest test for the plant. Therefore, it is better to carry it out with an increase in long daylight hours, that is, at the end of winter or the beginning of spring. Autumn pruning is worse tolerated by pelargonium and the plant may not have enough strength to recover.

    Mistakes when pruning geraniums at home

    Pruning geraniums is not such a difficult process. The only thing that must be observed is the timeliness of its implementation. But improper pruning will lead to an unplanned result or the death of the plant.

    Geranium pleases the human eye with beautiful flowers and a peculiar aroma. Every grower can create a well-groomed pelargonium bush. To do this, it is enough to prune the plant in time and provide it with proper care. Lushly blooming geraniums need to be fed with potassium. This is where all the secrets of creating a spherical crown or a fluffy geranium bush end. Have a nice sight for your eyes.

    Pelargonium, or the more familiar name of the plant for us - geranium, enjoys special love among domestic plant breeders.

    It attracts attention with simple cultivation, non-capricious disposition and generous flowering.

    However, in order for the geranium to bush, it must be systematically pruned.

    Pruning geraniums is not the most difficult task, but it requires certain knowledge and skills from the grower. We will talk about how to make geranium fluffy and achieve the most generous flowering from it in this article.

    Why prune geraniums

    Do I need to pinch geraniums- this is a question that torments many beginner growers. Very often, due to the fact that the grower does not know how to cut and pinch geraniums, this does not allow him to get a lush plant and becomes main reason stretching the shoots in length, which leads to a decrease in the decorative characteristics of the bush. However, in order to get a neat, lushly flowering bush, you need to know how to properly form geraniums at home.

    Basic rules for pruning and pinching geraniums

    To form a lush crown, geraniums must be systematically cut, but subject to certain rules. Pelargonium is absolutely not whimsical, but pruning is an important component of its cultivation, contributing to its most generous and long flowering, and besides, the material obtained during pruning can be used to obtain new plants.

    Did you know? The main task of pruning pelargonium bushes is to stimulate the active growth of lateral stems and reduce the height of the bush.

    Found both annuals and perennial species geraniums. But for those who doubt whether it is necessary to cut the geranium and when to carry out this manipulation, you should be aware that perennials must be pruned in spring and autumn. And now we will study in more detail how and when to pinch a geranium in order to achieve the active growth of its lateral branches and a generous increase in foliage.

    How and when to prune geraniums (pelargonium)

    Before cutting a geranium, carefully inspect the bush: it may have a long main stem, or it may, conversely, be low and bushy. Remember: when pruning a geranium, it is imperative to take into account its genetic characteristics and only on this basis proceed to the formation of a bush. One should not try to change the genetic form of a plant, it can only be improved through pruning.

    Important! When choosing a place to cut, you need to remember that new shoots are formed from dormant buds located at the nodes, and therefore, when pruning, you do not need to leave long internodes at the top of the bush.

    Pruning should only be done with a sharp, disinfected instrument in the area of ​​the leaf node.

    Pinching should be done only with well-washed hands, which will prevent infection from entering the cut area. The cut point should be treated with crushed charcoal or cinnamon powder. The stems turned inside the bush must be ruthlessly removed: this will free inner space bush and improve its aeration, which will reduce the likelihood of plant infection with a fungal infection.

    Proper pruning of the bush allows you to get beautiful plant with a dense lush crown and many charming buds.

    Features of spring pruning

    Spring pruning of geraniums is a necessary procedure for the proper formation of the plant. pruning room geranium in spring, it contributes to an intensive growth of deciduous mass and will allow the plant to acquire a new green outfit and form a huge number of peduncles. However, despite all the benefits of pruning, it should be remembered that this manipulation postpones the timing of flowering, and therefore you should be as responsible as possible when choosing a date for it.

    Geranium pruning is best done in late February or early March. If the pelargonium bush has big sizes, it is recommended to refrain from radical pruning, since the plant after such manipulation will grow leaves for a very long time, which will significantly delay the onset of flowering. In large bushes, only long, bare or diseased shoots can be removed. If the bush has a modest size, then you can safely remove all unnecessary, in your opinion, branches. When pruning, make sure that all shoots left have at least two buds.

    How to prune geraniums in autumn

    Pelargonium pruning in autumn is carried out only after the bush has finished flowering. First of all, pruning geraniums in the fall is to remove inflorescences that have already faded and withered stems. In addition, all dried and damaged leaves are removed from the plant. After you carry out the initial pruning, carefully inspect the bush and decide which shoots you need to remove to give the plant a beautiful crown.

    Important! To achieve a more generous flowering of pelargonium in summer, remove all buds that have appeared on the bushes in winter. High-quality winter rest of geranium is the key to its generous summer flowering.

    Long and bare shoots should be cut in the area of ​​the lower node. If you see that the formation of young shoots in this zone will improve the external data of the pet, then pruning should be carried out slightly above this node, since new growth will appear from it in the future, which will make the crown denser.

    Geranium Pruning Secrets: How to Prune Geraniums for Lush Blooms

    Geranium is a luxurious plant, but it needs systematic pruning for more lush flowering. Pruning geraniums should only be done with a sharp tool. Experts advise using a new blade or a clerical knife for these purposes. It is undesirable to use scissors for trimming geraniums, as they injure the tissues in the cut area. The cut should be made just above the leaf node. With an acute angle, the cut should look at the outer side of the bush, since only in this case the young shoots will not interfere with each other to develop normally and will not provoke an increased density of the crown.

    Did you know? When removing a young stem, you can do without the use of tools at all. In this case, pinching is carried out with dry, clean fingers, trying not to pull the shoot during the manipulation so as not to damage it.

    Geranium is characterized by intensive development, and therefore caring for it at home and in winter will require timely pruning. Do not forget in winter, when examining a plant, periodically pinch them after the fifth point appears on new shoots. This will contribute to a more intensive growth of foliage bush. When pruning a pelargonium, never feel sorry for the removed shoots and remember that only the young shoots of this plant can bloom.

    Formation of a stem tree from a bush of pelargonium (geranium)

    Geranium is not capricious, and therefore caring for a plant at home consists primarily in the formation of its crown. If you approach the manipulation with skill, then you can form any chosen shape near the bush. For example, you can make your pet grow in a lush bush or fall in beautiful strands in hanging pot. However, those formed from pelargonium look especially interesting and original. standard trees. Such plants look quite impressive: their bare and straight trunk can reach a height of up to one meter, while its lush crown is decorated with charming bouquets of flowers.