Perennial Astra from seeds. Astra Alpine Perennial: Growing and Care in Open Soil. Types of perennial Astr.

Astra is a beautiful flower. Completely unequal, but without it, no flowerba is not accounted for in our landlords. Her beautiful flowers Different shades please us with long warm autumn to the first snow. Perennial Astra is a herbaceous plant with small leaves and flowers dissolving at the end of summer. Like her peonies and chrysanthemums, and therefore they are often confused.

Flowers are:

  • White;
  • Burgundy;
  • Lilac;
  • Pink;
  • Purple.

The height depending on the variety is different from 20 cm. Up to 150 cm.

This plant has many varieties that have various height bush And colors color. As a result, mixing and selecting varieties can be created. beautiful flowerbedwhich will delight us all autumn with your bloom.

A variety of colors allows Astre to occupy a leading position in popularity in landscape design.

Perennial low-speed

Among the large variety of perennial ASTRs are well distinguished by a group of dwarfally low. They grow up to a height of 20 cm. And with their help, the mountaineering and the edges of all sorts of chains and flower are drawn up.

When the flowers bloom, then the little bush is completely covered with flowers, so even almost no greens.

Gardeners appreciate View for excellent frost resistance, to stream them will be needed only in the northern regions of Russia, where strong and prolonged frosts.

In contrast, it exists a Callistefus Chinese variety. The variety is also known as the annual, as it blooms from mid-summer until October.


Pink colors can have alpine, Novobelgian and other species of many years of astra. All of them differ in flowering and height of the bush.


Bush - a view of many years, grows by a compact bush of about 50 cm. Height. Motherland recognize North America. Blossom comes in September and lasts until the first frost.

Shades of inflorescence:

  • White
  • Lily


White long-term - as well as the name of the species, as many varieties of alpine and Italian long-term asters bloom in white flowers.


Common variety S. early time flowering. Motherland Astra are Alps. The height of the adult bush is 30 cm. On solar sites can grow about 15 cm. It is often planted on the front edge of the flower Or along the garden paths.

The flowers blooming on the bush have the following parameters:


This long-term Astra grows to a height of 60 cm. And is a representative of this species, which is planted on the middle plan of the flower. Her inflorescence remind flowers of Romashek and have a diameter of up to 4 cm. And the light-purple color of petals.

If it were not for purple petals, Italian would be a copy of the chamomile

Novoangali: high view

Tall, grows up to 150 cm. Heights. Therefore, it is planted with a soliter in the center of the flower beds, sitting on it with various varieties. Floral kidneys Collected in dense brush in 25 pcs., The diameter of the separate flower takes 4 cm.

Shades of colors:

  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Purple.


To the flowerbed beautifully looked and pleased with the eye correctly pick up Astra and put them correctly. All procedures are simple, but they should be adhered to the long-term rejoicing with its flowering.

How to choose a landing space

In order for the bushes to grow well and do not hurt, and in the fall completely covered with buds of flowers, it is necessary to correctly choose a place on the flower bed. The soil on the site allotted under the perennial astra should be sufficiently loose and nutritious.

Check the quality of the soil before landing, otherwise the flower can root and grow bad

If the soil is poor trace elements, then in front of the landing is to make complex fertilizers.

Before the planting rhizomes of the plant, it is impossible to enter the plant, since it does not overwhelm the development of fusariosis.

The place must be sunny, but flowers easy tolerant of half or lace shadow due to tree foliage.

If in the garden, underground waters lie very close to the surface of the soil, then when landing is made 10 cm. The cushion from gravel to avoid the rotation of the root system of the plant.

How to sow seeds

Perennial Astra well multiplies seeds. For this, not treated seeds are processed by any stimulant growth and fungicide, after which they are planted in the prepared boxes with a depth of 10 cm. Filled with nutritional land.

So that rowers were smooth, they can be made with the help of a knife or wooden ruler.

The depth of seed seed into the ground should be no deeper 2 cm.

After decomposed seeds in the prepared grooves, they are sprinkled with a large layer of disinfailed (calcined) sand. After that, the Earth is to shed a pink solution of manganese - this will prevent the contamination of the seedlings by the "black leg".

So that the seedlings boom are more friendly, the seating box is covered with glass or put in a transparent package to form greenhouse conditions.

The air temperature in the room where the seedlings are grown, should be +20 degrees. When most of the sprouted seedlings appear, the glass is cleaned and produced first watering.

What time to grow

The end of March is the right time to start sowing many years of Astra to seedlings. If you need to propagate the seeds with seeds in the open ground, then this term depends on the habitat of the gardener.

In the southern regions of Russia, the open ground is planted depending on weather conditions In early April and are covered with film to create greenhouse conditions. In the Moscow region The seed seed began on the first numbers of May, since the return freezes can also be at the end of May.

Seeds can be sown in the fall under the winter, but then it will be necessary to cover them with peat, which will protect them from freezing.

How to grow seedlings

In order for seedling, it is not pulled out excessively necessary to take it into a cooler room, where the air temperature will be approximately 16 degrees of heat. The room should be sunny.

Timely turning of seedlings to light guarantees its correct development

So that seedlings develop evenly from all sides it is necessary turn in different sides in relation to the sun.

Do not forget to make timely watering, not allowing to dry out young seedlings.

Basic rules of care

In order for the bushes of perennials pleased their owner behind them should be care. Here are some wishes that must be completed in the cultivation of the plant.


Any asters and perennial are also quite resistant to the drought plant. But that blooming was lush during the summer it is necessary to produce regular watering plants. But it is not worth the pouring and therefore during the period when there is no rain, many years water once every 10 days.

When lacking moisture, the bush will be yellow, and dump the foliage.


The temperature of the value does not have any, but when average temperature At 28 degrees of heat, the plant develops well. If the air temperature decreases to +5 degrees or rises above 35 degrees, the Astra falls into the sleeping state.

Naturally does not develop root system And the floral kidneys are not laid.


The plant requires a three-star feeding during the growing season. Of course, they can live without additional conditions, but the flower fertilizer will lead to more flutter blossom and beautiful shape of the bush.

All feeding to produce only after irrigation - it will save the root system of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Fusariosis is not treated, all many years of astra infected with this disease are destroyed outside the site. But disease can be warnedBy preventing:

  1. Do not fertilize the soil intended for landing ASTR.
  2. The soil is lime, lowering its acidity.

Fusariosis is dangerous not only for Astra - this disease is included in the list of the most dangerous for a variety of plants. For example, we already wrote about it in the section ,.

Incurability makes fusariosis one of the most dangerous enemies ASTR

Rust on sheet plates are convex parts that are on the bottom of the sheet plate. Sick plants destroyand the rest are treated with the drug "Hom".

Sometimes on the bushes you can notice a TRU and onion cloud - these pests can easily be destroyed if you breed one pill "Sparks" on the water bucket.

Begin treatment of the diseased plant stands immediately after the disease is detected.

Flower breeding methods

In addition to the seed reproduction of many years of astra, there are more simple ways:

  1. Dividing adult bush.
  2. Stalling.

The division of the bush is the easiest waywho should be multiplied perennial. The best time for this spring. The division of an adult bush can be engaged once every 4 years, this time is enough for a separated bush to get acquainted large quantity roots and twigs on the bush.

Therefore, to multiply the bush, it is necessary:

  1. Drop the old bush.
  2. Spade to divide it into parts in which there will be roots and vegetative mass of the plant.
  3. Sit down to the prepared wells and poured so that they are better accustomed.

Do not forget to maintain the temperature - create greenhouse conditions with a simple glass jar

Shining is carried out just as easylike the division of the bush. To this end, the top cuttings are cut in June and planted into the ground where the sun is missing. For greenhouse conditions, it is good to cover with three liter glass jar.

Watering do as soil grain. They spend the first winter under the jar, and already in the spring it is removed and young bushes are transplanted on their permanent place of growth.

Multi-year Astra is unpretentious plantthat deserves his place in the garden on the flower beds. As it's not thought without it autumnal garden. Holding to not be difficult rules for her, it is possible to observe all its beauty when it will bloom against the backdrop of yellowed foliage.

These flowers are light-headed, prefer light and not acidic fertile soils. And otherwise they are unpretentious and do not require painstaking care. We tell how to independently grow perennial astra from seeds and care for them.

There are about 500 species. perennial Astr.. Leaves of this plant have a lanceal shape and dark green. Inflorescences are a basket with a diameter of about 5 cm. Flowers can have a simple, semi-grade or terry form.

Popular species and varieties Perennial Astra

Only some types of culture are grown in culture:

  • Spring (with an early flowering period) - Astra Alpine and Anders;
  • Summer (firmwerving) - Italian asters, obsolevitis, frishing;
  • Autumn (late driving) - asters of heather (good varieties Final, Schneegitter, Lady in Black), shrub (popular varieties Rudelsburg, Heinz Richard, Alice Haslam, Blau Lagune, Krishna, Schneekissen), NovoanGali (most common varieties BARRS BLUE. and Rudelsburg.), Novobelgian (for growing in the middle strip, varieties are suitable Marie Ballard, Mont Blanc, Jenny).

Features of reproduction Perennial Astra

The seedlings of late-flowing perennial Astra are planted in the spring, and the ballotting - at the autumn time. From the seeds most often grown by Astra Alpine.

The remaining perennial astra breeds predominantly green cuttings (in May-June) or the division of the bush. In March, the bushes are digging sharp knife They cut them into parts, while each of them should have sufficiently young roots and stems, after which the decens are seated.

You can propagate the perennial astra and gag: to swelling kidney trimming, the height of the bushes is adjusted to 15-20 cm, the drains provide high-quality irrigation, the shoots are separated in autumn.

In one place, many years of astra grows up to 6 years, but it should be noted that with seed reproduction bloom only for the second year.

How to collect Astra seeds

For the collection of seeds, there are several first complicated inflorescences. Note that the collection period occurs 40-60 days after the start of flowering. Therefore, it is often difficult to assemble seeds with Lodniming Ask, because in the fall, frosts often come from which flowers die with non-invalid seeds. In this case, the Astra head is cut in the fall until the moment of cooling and lay out at home on the windowsill. However, unfortunately, these seeds often lose their germination.

In the fall, it is better to dig a bush of plants, put in a spacious pot and then raise at home at a temperature of 16-20 ° C in a well-lit place. When inflorescences are covered, and their center will darken and covered with a white fluff, flower is cut, wrapped in paper and put into warm and dry place. Seeds are stored no more than 2 years.

Cultivation of Astra from seeds

Seeds of many years of astra sow on a sunny plot into an open ground under the winter (in November, the land or in the snow in December) or in the spring (in May). In this case, the seeds are plugged into the soil by no more than 0.5 cm. Shoots appear in spring with the onset of heat. For spring sowing This process can be accelerated if you pre-germinate seeds in wet fabric.

Behind the seedlings, they take care of the usual way until the autumn: superficially loosen the soil, watered the weeds in a timely manner, remove weeds and several times per season are feeding with complex mineral fertilizer.

In the fall, the seedlings of perennial Astra transplant to a permanent place in the garden (it should be sunny). At the same time, the plot is prepared 2-3 weeks before plant landing.

The best predecessors for Astra - Velhets and Calendula, and unwanted - tulips, gladiolus, cloves Shabo, left, potatoes, tomatoes.

Soil for many years of astra

The soil on the plot should be light, fertile and not acidic. Astra does not like dampness and water stagnation, otherwise the roots are puments. The soil must pass the air and water well and not lifting. Surprising land is suitable with the addition of coarse sand and vermiculite. But the compost and humus is better not to use. Before planting colors, the soil shed a dark pink solution of manganese or phytosporin-m.

Sowing seeds of many years of Astra to seedlings

For ensure Astra seedlings are grown in the same way as one years. Sowing is carried out in the second half of March - early April. The mounted seeds are lowered into a cassette or a small container with a fertile soil into a predetermined grooves to a depth of 0.5 cm. The container is covered with a polyethylene film or a plastic lid and kept in a well-lit room at 18-22 ° C.

Shoots usually appear after 3-5 days. After that, the container is opened and, if necessary, moisturizes the soil from the spray gun. During the day, the seedlings are kept at a temperature of about 20 ° C, and at night - at 15-17 ° C. The place should be light (come down the windowsill) and well ventilated.

In the phase of three real leaves, seedlings are picked - seed into separate small cups or cassettes.

After 10-12 days after the dive of the Astra fed ammonia nitrate (1 g per 1 liter of water). After another 2 weeks, 1.5 g of ammonium nitrate, 1.5 g of potassium sulfate and 3 g of superphosphate contribute to the ground. Fertilizers are bred in 1 liter of water.

Landing Astra in Open Soil

When seedling reaches a height of 7 cm and on each plant will be 5-7 real leaves, Astra transplant into open ground. But 1-2 weeks before transplanting seedlings should be ordered. For this, they periodically take them on the balcony.

Seedlings are transplanted by B. cloudy weather Or early in the morning and then act. Strong and squat plants are not strongly plugged, and the elongated sprinkle to the lower sheets.

When disembarking, seedlings are useful to make a handful of wood ash in each well.

Plants have apart at a sufficient distance: between large astrams it should be at least 80 cm, between average - 50 cm, and between small - 30 cm.

2 weeks after landing in the soil, Astra is fed by complex mineral fertilizer, but without nitrogen. The following feeder is carried out with the same fertilizer during the bootonization.

Perennial Astra watered in a timely manner, but it is important that the water does not fall on the leaves. After each irrigation, the ground looser is shallow.

Plants are capable of wintering without shelter, but in the regions with honest and frosty winter, young asters are better to climb peat or cover with a noodle.

Observing these rules of cultivation, for the second year after the sowing you can easily get beautiful bouquet ASTR. From the mid-diluted bushes, you can form spectacular floral hedges. Dwarf plants Well suited to highlight the circuit of flower, lawns and borders. Groups of perennial Astr. large varieties will become an excellent background for Kurtic from small perennials.

What flowers to plant is a question that almost all gardeners and land owners ask. The desire to get a chic and constantly blooming flower bed makes professionals and lovers to seek the most exotic flowers. But one flower will certainly be found in any garden or on any flower bed. This is a long-term autumn Astra. This is a flower that blooms one of the most recent and pleases with its bright colors during the period of protracted autumn rains. In this article, we will consider the features of the usual flower for us, we will talk about the main types of asters of many years of age and popular varieties, and we will also learn all the nuances of agrotechnics of growing autumn beauties.

Features and description of Astra Multi-Year

Perennial Astra are flowers that few people notice in the summer. They most often protrude the background for other flowering plants and please only with their greens. And only with the arrival of autumn they are striking the riot of flowering. Flowers-star different color Decorate the lush green bushes and attract a look. Astra is a full queen of the autumn garden.

Astra is perennial herbate plant and refers to the family of comprehensive or astronomes. This is a completely different genus of plants, it is not worth confused with annual Astrams, which are also called Callisfofs. Perennial Astra in nature is found almost all over the world: grows in Europe, Asia. North Africa, America. Cultivate this flowering plant It became at the end of the 16th century.

Astra Description Perennial:

  • Perennial Astra have a different height of stems. Depending on the species can reach an average of 25 cm to 160-180 cm.
  • Represent herbaceous perennials growing in the form of a bush.
  • Stalks of many years of Astra are reprehensive and branched.
  • The shoots are thickly covered with foliage, which has an extended flat shape and rich dark green color.
  • Astra flowers have a perennial shape, in diameter reach 4-5 cm. There are different colors: blue, purple, white, pink.
  • This type of plants is quite hardy, can survive the first frosts and even dropped snow.
  • Perennial Astra have many forms. Flowers they have simple, terry and semi-world.
  • Today there are more than 500 different varieties of Astra many years, but only small part of their gardens are cultivated in the gardens.
  • Begins the flowering of Astra from June and October. It all depends on the specific variety. By the time of flowering, all perennial asters are divided into three groups.

Stock Foto Astra perennial on site

Perennial Astra looks beautifully on the site. Compact bushes with bright colors even in a single landing look perfectly on the background of lawn. On the presented photos, the entire beauty of these colors in landscape design is visible.

Astra in a single landing:

Perennial Astra Compact varieties along the tracks:

Tall Astra:

Main types and popular varieties of Astra Multi-Year

Perennial Astra affects their variety of species and varieties. They can be divided into flowering time, in height of the bush, in the form of flowers. All varieties of many years of Astra have their own characteristics that allow you to create unbelievable fun flower beds.

By the time of flowering, the multi-year Astra is divided into the following groups:

  • astra Early - bloom begins in May and lasts until the end of June;
  • astra Summer - bloom begins in July and lasts until the end of August;
  • autumn Asters or Late - such flowers begin to bloom only in September and delight until October.

Let's consider in more detail each group and highlight the types of perennial ASTR, which correspond to each group.

Early Astra

  • Astra Perennial Alpine. This kind of ASTR is one of the most common. It is considered a lowered plant, height can reach only an average of 15-30 cm, so ideal for decorating the edge of the flower, to disemboditate along the tracks. The cultivation of Astra Perennial Alpine is considered the easiest to gardeners of amateurs, therefore this flower uses this popularity. Flowers in this asters are single inflorescences with a diameter of 5 cm. The color color is also very diverse: white, lilome, blue, pink, purple, red. Blossom starts at the end of May and lasts until July. Popular varieties: "Albus" (with white colors), "Happy End" (Delicious Pink Colors), "Rosea" ( pink flowers), Gloria (sky blue flowers).

  • Perennial Astra Anders. Is also spring flower. This type of Astra is perennially low. In height can reach 30-40 cm, less often 50 cm. Flowers have a bright purple color. The most popular varieties: Low Lilk "Chamomile" and Tongolese.

Astra Perennial Summer Flowering Period

  • Italian Astra. A bright representative of this group ASTR. It is often called Romashkova Astro. This is a perennial plant, height reaches 60 cm. Therefore, it can be planted with solitary bushes or place along the fence. The flowers for this species are assembled in the shields and reaches 4 cm in diameter. Flowers have a light lilac color, pink or blue. Italian Astra flowers since the end of July. Popular varieties: "Lady Hindlip" (gentle-lilac flowers), "VeilChenkoenigin" (light blue shades).

  • Bessarabskaya Astra. Is a kind of Italian multi-year astra, but differs more large flowers and an obvious brown core. Rubellus and "Cassubicus Major" the most common varieties of this aster.

Autumn Perennial Astra

This is perhaps one of the most numerous groups. After all, it is not for nothing in vain a long-term Astra called the queen of the autumn garden.

  • Novoangalian Astra. This plant belongs to tall, height can reach up to 2 meters, so it is possible to plant it in the center of the flower beds or along the fence. Flowers are collected in a thick brush for 20-25 pieces. One flower can reach in diameter 3-4 cm. Begins blossom in early September, white, pink, purple or purple flowers. Popular varieties: "Bars Pink" (carmine flowers), "browmann" (purple-lilac flowers), "gerberose" (pink flowers).
  • Novobelgia Astra. This type of astra can relate both to tall and compact flowering plants. On average, it can reach 40-150 cm in height. Flowers are assembled in panicles, which are located on severe weathered stalks. Blooming starts in September with pink or lilac flowers. A feature of this species is that during flowering due to a large number of colors, even foliage is not visible. Popular varieties: "Amethyst" (dark lilac semi-world flowers), "Ballatd" (brightly pink flowers).

  • Astra perennial bush. Represents compact blooming bush.Which in height reaches 50 cm. Blossom starts from mid-September and blooms before the onset of cold weather. Flowers have a white or light lilac color. Popular varieties: "Alba Flora Pleni" (snow-white flowers), "Blue Berd" (light-lilac flowers), "Venus" (pink-rose flowers).

These types of perennial ASTR are represented by a large number of varieties, from which everyone can pick up something special for its site.

Preparation of Astra Perennial before landing

An important stage on the way to getting a beautiful and blooming plant is the choice right place, as well as the preparation of the soil suitable for many years of astra.

Choosing a place

Growing multi-year astra is possible anywhere, however, to get lush bush and big amount bright flowering flowers It is necessary to choose a certain place. Astra grows perfectly in open sunny plots. Good lighting will contribute to the harmonious growth of the entire plant, and not just stems and foliage. The correct selected place will give you in the future plenty of flowering plant.

The choice of place also depends on the type and variety of Astra many years. If you want to plant a few species, pick up height to after flowering early grades, they did not blocked late. For the framing of garden tracks, low-spirited varieties are perfect, and for single landing Or for disembarking along the fence, you can use tall. Most often in gardens and flower beds used precisely compact varieties of Astra many years of.

Choosing and preparation of soil

Astra prefer to grow in medium-heavy, loose and water permeable drum soils. It is very important for the growth of Astra to make complex and integrated and mineral fertilizers. It is important for them that the soil misses moisture well, in places with groundwater stagnation, the long-term Astra will grow badly.

Be sure to prepare the soil before planting Astra, it is necessary to sink it very carefully and make organic and mineral elements to create fertility.

Landing Astra Perennial

Landing, transplanting and reproduction of Astra Perennial is produced in spring. Alternatively, planting material can be purchased into a specialized store and in professional nurseries. The Astra can land seeds, you can also purchase a finished seedlings or to grow with the help of shilling and dividing a bush (if such a plant is already on your site).

Landing Astra Seeds

The cultivation of Astra many years of seeds is suitable only for varieties of alpine asters, for all other this method unacceptable. The reason for the weak seedlings, which is seriously caring. Seying the seeds of Astra Perennial needed in autumn period, immediately after their collection. However, for the Alpine Astra best time For sowing - Spring, when the Earth warms well. With the onset of heat appear seedlings, and in the autumn, young plants can be resettled at a permanent place. During the shoot, it is necessary to abundantly water the plant, loosen and feed. In one place, Astra a long-term can grow no more than 5 years, then transplant it.

Growing multi-year astra stalling

The most common way to plant and reproduction ASTR perennial. Preparing already need to start in the spring when young shoots appear. The tops of the shoots of 10-15 shooters are cut for cuttings. Watch the lower slice is inclined. The lower leaves can be completely removed, leaving only a pair of top. Before planting a cutlets, it is necessary to hold in water or in a special growth stimulator, guided by the instructions.

Next, they must be placed under the tilt into the ground in a half-sense in a special shelter with a film. Usually rooting occurs within one month. Boxes or greenhouses are suitable for landing. An ideal soil mixture will be a tricky land, peat and sand. The resulting substrate can be treated by manganese. At the point of rooting, the flowers can be left until the next spring, and then transplant to a permanent place.

Growing astra dividing bush

This method is suitable if time has come to transplant adult plant to a new place. Usually one astra bush on permanent place It can grow 4-5 years, and then it must be transplanted. Here and will help the division of the bush. You can share bushes in autumn and spring. For early grades, autumn time is suitable, and for later - spring.

When the bush is separated, it is digging and removed from the roots. Then the sharp secateur needs to separate parts with young roots and shoots. The old root is best thrown away.

Features of Astramy Peremnari

Although Astra is a multi-year and unpretentious plant, but it also needs care and attention.


Watering must be carried out constantly. And in the dry time it is necessary to increase, especially when the green mass is in growth.

Loosening and mulching

Asters love lung and breathable soil, so it is necessary to loosen the land around the plant during the season and remove weeds. This process can be minimized by setting up mulch. As a mulch, use sawdust, peat or bark. This will help keep moisture, not to give the soil, and will slow down the growth of weeds.


This is a mandatory stage, as Astra love soil rich in mineral and organic elements. You can use the organic, phosphoric fertilizers and lime. It is especially important to feed the phosphoric fertilizers and humus during the growing season. This will allow plants to gain strength before flowing.

Pruning and gap

Astra, depending on the type, require additional care. Shrub Astra, as well as low-speed compact bushes require trimming to form a crown. If you planted such asters along the tracks, the trimming will help create a beautiful alive fence.

For tall ASTR, it is necessary to prepare a support, as they can reach 2 meters in height. Typically, long durable peasants are used, or the plant is planted along the hedge.

Preparation for winter

Astra is a long-term - unpretentious plant, which is not scary of winter frost and cold. However, in the winter, it should still trim the root shoots and cover the soil with compost and fallen leaves. Especially this departure will be needed by young plants.

Fighting pests and diseases

Astra may be affected by gray rot or muced dew. The reason for this may be bad weather or not correct care. For the prevention of such diseases, it is necessary to properly care for the plant, and also periodically process with soap solution or special preparations.

Astra is a stunning flowering plant that is ideal for our climatic conditions. And paying enough attention to him and organizing the right care, you will receive bright plant with lots of colors.

4 minutes will take reading

Landing any long-term Astra will help transform the most dull autumn garden or square. Asters start the flowering season much later than the rest of the colors, which makes them truly noticeable among the digestion foliage, turning the risks from the rainy flower beds into a luxurious carpet. Returning Summer Feel Perennial Astra is the same flowers about which any gardener can dream - capable of growing and blossoming perfectly, even if the care is minimal.

Plant Features

The true charm of any variety Astra will manifest with the onset of cold weather. The first frosts are not afraid of blossoms, even covered with incident buds are loose freely afternoon.

Reference! Do not wait for the flowering of Astra in summer, but when the flowering of flower and borders, the lush dark greens of these unpretentious plants will serve as an excellent background for other colors.

Capable to grow up to two meters, asters growing either by a bush or a separate flower, with the first autumn days attract the view of inflorescences painted into a wide variety of shades, from purple to white.

Growing Perennial Astra can be combined with many floral cultures from violets before geranium.


For many there are no difference between annual and perennial astrams, but no matter how much these plants belong to different kinds. The genus of perennial Astra, an unused at the end of the sixteenth century, now has about 600 species. They all vary external species and flowering timing.

So, beautifully looking on the background of light stones of the Alpine Astra variety bloom in June, in August its large single inflorescences are replaced by the blue lush asters of the Italian variety. But the packages of all gardeners remain the so-called October - Astra of the Novoangalian variety, first appeared in North America.

Astra perennial blue

In addition to blossom terms, multi-year astra differ and sizes.

Compact low-speed varieties are perfect for the framing curbs, as well as flower beds, on which asters can be placed in the form of blooming balls, expressing their cereal grass or coniferous bushes. Tall varieties of Astra are located in the center of flower beds or as a blooming fence.

Tip! Tall and low grads are better not to combine with each other, as it creates visual chaos.

Preparation for landing

Growing perennial Astra on the site is worth starting with a thoughtful selection of space. For full growth and good flowering, Astra is a warm and solar place, with fertile, light soil having good water permeability.

Good lighting will prevent the useless stretching of the stem, requiring a mandatory garter, without which the plant can easily turn or break under the gusts of the wind, and the soil drainage will prevent stagnation of water from the roots.

Important! Although Asters are extreme unpretentious plantsTheir cultivation will be difficult if the soil has an increased alkali content or high acidity.

Caring for flowers begins even before landing - it is necessary to take care of the introduction of organic and mineral substances into the soil on which the cultivation of ASTR will take place.


The cultivation of many years of astra should begin in the spring.

Shoots of many years of astra

Astra can be breeding in several ways: seeds, division or stalling.

  • Growing perennial ASTR from seeds is troublesome and ungrateful, since most of the majority experienced gardeners The percentage of small germs, and the sprouts are mostly weak, dying from any external influence, despite the careful care. Best way To achieve the appearance of plants from seeds - it is to hold a cousin, after which the flowering can be expected on the third year.
  • The cultivation of ASTR from cuttings can be started with spring when young shoots are drawn on the stems of colors. Cut, they quickly grow the roots and are easily rooted, scattered into lush bushes.
  • And, of course, the cultivation of Astra division is the most popular way of seating flowers in the garden, as there is a need for dividing perennial ASTROs every three or four years. The division should be produced in early spring - it will allow plants to gain power for autumn flowering. It lies in the analysis of the root into several parts, where the kidney and several roots should be.

Further care

Astramy care is impossible without high-quality irrigation, carried out as needed. The time of increased irrigation should be considered arid summer periods, especially when bushes are gaining green mass.

Astramy care is in periodic mulching of the soil near plants, but you need to be neat, since the root color system is located close to the surface and is great for the chance of damage to too active actions.