Autumn garden care. Proper autumn care of the orchard is the key to next year’s harvest

Wherever we go, no matter what village you look at, each owner has his own garden, even if it consists of one tree. After planting a fruit tree, it requires the same care as any plant. Every year we save them from diseases, pests, and frosts, and also form crowns for greater productivity. All this is correct, but there is another way to help fruit trees develop and bear fruit. We dig up fruit trees in the fall correctly.

The tree's roots go much deeper than those of any other plant. This is an obvious fact. In this case, it might be thought that the tree obtains its nutrients through root system independently from the depths of the earth. However, the main part of the roots is located near the trunk circles. Therefore, near the boles, the soil is kept in a loose state.

Rules for digging and maintaining trees

  1. The soil around the trees should be loose. For the correct formation of the near-trunk ridge, see.
  2. Remove weeds.
  3. Cleaning up fallen leaves in the fall and placing them in special places. Leaves with signs of disease are destroyed by burning in barrels and buckets.
  4. In the fall (when the harvest is harvested), the soil is dug up to a depth of 18-20 cm under apple and pear trees. Near the trunks, no deeper than 5 cm. Roots up to 8 mm thick are easily restored.
  5. In August, the soil is not dug up or loosened. This month marks the ripening and preparation of shoots for winter.
  6. Watering in dry weather.
  7. Regular feeding.
  8. In spring, the soil around the trees also needs to be loosened. Using a fork, loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm.

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Every true owner knows that a garden in the fall needs a lot of attention and care. The work done during these months is intended to cultivate the soil, enrich the land with necessary substances and ensure plant protection during the winter.

Formation of landscape design

Autumn garden care includes planting young fruit trees. Since the soil has not yet cooled down after the warm summer time, the roots of young seedlings quickly take root in a new place. Moreover, in the fall, plants do not allocate excess energy to the growth of leaves and the formation of fruits. Therefore, they direct all their strength to the roots. What to plant in the garden in the fall? It's up to you to decide. There is practically no perennial plant that would not take root at this time. Even though autumn is considered the rainy season, it is recommended not to neglect watering recently as the wind can dry it out too quickly. upper layer land.

The best fertilizer

Of course, the garden takes a lot of time and you can prepare the fertilizer yourself. Many people believe that the main task of gardening in the fall is removing fallen leaves. Summer residents usually rake them into heaps and burn them. This is the most big mistake. Why burn or throw away life-giving substances, and then buy fertilizers separately, if you can make them yourself? We suggest that you act rationally and not spend extra money to fertilize your garden in the fall. Wait until all the leaves have fallen, then run a lawn mower over them to chop them up thoroughly. Next, around each tree, carefully, without damaging the root system, we make small holes. Experts recommend raking crushed leaves into them. All this will begin to decompose quickly. Our small leaves will turn into an excellent organic soil additive. This way you will also mulch and insulate the tree roots for the winter. This is a triple benefit for your garden!

Getting ready for winter

Usually no work is done in the garden in summer. During this period, a considerable number of pests accumulate here. Caring for a garden in the fall also involves treating the trunks and when is the best time to do this? Immediately after harvest fruit trees It is recommended to treat with urea. In this regard, a solution is prepared. We will need 500 grams of urea per 10 liters of water.

In cases where trees are attacked by scab or large quantity the crop has suffered from rot, the diseased plant needs to be treated copper sulfate. It's easy to prepare the product. Its solution consists of 100 grams of vitriol and 10 liters of water. And fruits that have suffered from rot must be removed from the territory garden plot. Trees must be carefully dug up. To do this, it is better to use a pitchfork to avoid damaging the roots. After this, you can apply fertilizer and water the tree. It is not recommended to level the soil after digging. There is an explanation for this. An uneven surface absorbs moisture better after rain and melted snow. They will subsequently perfectly level the soil. These are the tasks that summer residents have to perform when preparing their plot for winter. Now you know what to do in the garden in the fall.

Tree pruning

Pruning fruit trees Usually done twice a year. This must be done in spring and autumn periods. Let's consider the procedure for preparing plants for winter. Pruning the garden in the fall takes place after all the foliage has fallen, but before the onset of frost. Experts are of the opinion that this process increases the possible yield by next year. But you can't overdo it. It is better to adhere to certain rules so as not to harm the trees. One of the purposes of pruning is to thin out branches to improve air flow and sunlight penetration throughout the tree's canopy. And in young seedlings this procedure is performed to form the correct crown. As for mature trees, thinning them consists of cutting out branches that grow towards the trunk or downwards. They are not needed. Branches that intersect with others are also removed. This way the crown is formed correctly. The branches should be evenly distributed in all directions. This way the plant will receive enough light.

An important factor is the shortening of branches, which is performed to control their growth and set the direction in the right side. The simplest purpose of pruning is to remove dry or diseased shoots. They need to be removed from the garden and burned. This is done so that the disease does not spread to other trees. Pruning dry branches does not cause any damage to plants. This procedure does not require additional manipulations. But diseased branches are essentially alive. The places where they are cut are like open wounds for the tree. They need to be processed. For this it is best to use drying oil or oil paint. It also doesn’t hurt to water the trees well and add fertilizer to the soil after pruning.

Secrets of forming crowns of fruit trees

Garden care in the fall involves pruning trees, as we have already mentioned. But it must be carried out not chaotically, but based on established norms. Young trees should not be heavily pruned. This will slow down their growth and delay the time they bear fruit. To form a strong skeleton of a tree, only one main branch, the tip, must be left, and all competitors must be removed. If the annual growth of the plant is too weak, then more severe pruning is necessary. There are times when it is better to remove one large branch than to constantly remove many small ones. If the cut diameter is greater than 1 centimeter, then it must be treated with garden varnish, drying oil or oil paint.

Trees should be pruned after the leaves fall and before frost sets in. There should not be branches that move away from the axis at sharp angles; they must be removed. Pruning each tree is an individual task. The intensity of the procedure depends on the type and variety of the plant. If the tree has been damaged by frost, trimming it should be postponed until spring. Then the affected area will definitely be visible. For older trees and bushes, heavy pruning can be used to rejuvenate the plant. All waste must be removed from the garden area and burned. All tools must be sharp so that during the procedure they do not pull the bark off the plants.

Cleaning tree trunks

We are increasingly convinced that gardening in the fall and processing trees require a lot of time. Attention should also be paid to cleaning the trunks of fruit plants. This type of work is usually carried out every two to three years. Using a wire brush or scraper, you need to remove the dead layer of bark. But this is done very carefully so as not to damage living tissue. This process also aims to kill pests that often live in the layers of dry bark. After cleaning the trunk, it needs to be whitened. This is done in order to protect against temperature changes, wind and new pests.

Planting trees in autumn

Many people ask the question: “What to plant in the garden in the fall?” Essentially all fruit trees. You can replant whatever you want in the fall. The most popular plants are apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, and apricots. The main thing is to properly prepare the soil and seedlings. Also, autumn is a favorable period for replanting shrubs such as gooseberries, currants, honeysuckle, and raspberries. At the same time, do not forget to water them abundantly and fertilize them properly.

The meaning of autumn work

Caring for the garden in the fall is an integral part of the work of every summer resident. In this way he takes care of his plants, prevents their diseases, and promotes better tree growth. The quality of autumn work is determined by future harvest. The condition of trees after winter will also depend on preparations for winter. Therefore, you should not neglect autumn work in the garden.

Caring for fruit trees in the fall is the key to a long and comfortable life fruit plants on long years forward. Therefore, you should start caring for your garden from the very beginning and throughout the life of the plants.

By starting to properly care for your young garden, you can provide your trees and shrubs with optimal conditions for growth and fruiting, and provide yourself with a cozy cellar with an abundance of vitamins for the winter. The main work on caring for fruit trees is carried out in the fall, but also during summer season Fruit plants should be given some attention.


The main function of pruning fruit trees is its shape and location of skeletal branches. In this case, certain conditions must be observed.

  • The main - skeletal branches should extend from the trunk at an angle of 45 - 60 degrees. That's why correct pruning fruit trees involves removing unnecessary branches that do not meet this condition.
  • In each tier of the crown, skeletal branches should be evenly spaced around the trunk. If there are two branches, the angle of divergence between them is 180 degrees, and if there are three branches, then 120.

When to prune fruit plants

If you planted a seedling in early spring, then pruning fruit trees in the fall will greatly facilitate the further formation of the plant crown. An autumn seedling can be trimmed in the same way in the fall every other year. Optimal conditions for pruning fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs - the period of sleep, that is, when the plant has not yet awakened in early spring or has already reduced its vital activity in late autumn. At this time, the plant more easily tolerates injuries associated with pruning.

Feeding fruit trees and shrubs

Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers begins in the second or third year after planting, if the required doses of nutrients were initially added to the planting hole

  • By the way, in the old days, peasants in Rus' poured into planting pits a bucket of oats under the plants, thus providing the plant with necessary complex organic substances.

During the first 4 - 5 years, fertilizers are applied to the tree trunk circle (its diameter should be expanded as trees or shrubs grow). If trees are planted in rows, then over time you need to fertilize the entire planting strip up to the row spacing. If the trees are planted separately, then fertilizing is done according to the projection of the crown (the length of the shadow from the crown at noon will show the approximate arial of the root system.

Feeding fruit trees in the fall is the most best option. Before applying fertilizers, the soil should be carefully loosened deep into the soil. Organic matter is applied to a depth of 15 - 20 cm along with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

It is better to apply nitrogen fertilizers in parts in the spring and first half of summer. Adding them in the second half of summer can cause a second wave of shoot growth or delay the growth of the latter and the ripening of the wood. Such trees will not have time to prepare for winter, and even with slight frosts, the immature shoots of the trees will freeze, which can cause the death of the trees.

Fertilizer doses depend on the fertility and soil composition of your region.


In the first year after planting, trees are watered 4-5 times per season at the rate of 20-30 liters per tree with each watering. In subsequent years, you can water less frequently, as needed, and increase the amount of water by 10 - 20 liters for each year of the tree’s life.

  1. The first spring watering is carried out before the tree blooms, during flowering or immediately after it.
  2. The second - before the June fall of the ovaries,
  3. Third, if the summer was dry and watering is necessary - 2 - 3 weeks before the fruits ripen summer varieties apples and pears.

The timing of watering fruit trees is in September - for autumn root growth, and later, in winter - to recharge the soil with moisture.

Protection of fruit trees from pests and diseases

Protecting the garden from pests and diseases must be carried out regularly by everyone using existing methods- agrotechnical, biological and chemical.

  1. Set traps for pests,
  2. Spray with vitriol before flowering and a month before the fruit ripens.
  3. Inspect plants at least once every 5-7 days to identify pests and signs of diseases.

By following these rules for caring for fruit trees, you can ensure a long-term supply of vitamins for the winter, as well as a healthy garden.

Website Ideas for a summer residence


In autumn it's time to take care of your condition personal plot and garden. Creation comfortable conditions Overwintering for fruit trees is the primary task of gardeners. What does garden care include in the fall? On the eve of the winter cold, after the leaves have completely fallen off, you can begin sanitary pruning, thinning, and reducing the crowns of perennial trees to 4-4.5 m. It is better to postpone detailed anti-aging pruning until spring. Why? Firstly, there are concerns about the possibility of trees freezing. Secondly, places where perennial branches were cut large diameter can become a source of frost damage even when treated with garden varnish or oil paint.A thorough inspection is carried out in the fallfruit trees , remove dry, damaged branches. Along with the removal of diseased, dry branches, trees are cleaned of fruits that have dried on the branches, nests and egg-laying pests are burned, growth is cut out, leaf litter and root shoots are removed, where many types of aphids have accumulated.

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Protecting fruit trees from rodents

All this must be destroyed immediately. When cuts with a diameter of more than 2 cm are formed, they are covered with garden pitch. The trunks of young trees are tied along the entire length with a special non-woven material or other available means to protect against damage by mouse-like rodents with the tying material buried 3-5 cm into the soil.


For example, I do this. I wrap young trees with narrow bandages cut from spunbond or lutrasil. And then I start digging - the ends of the bandage are buried in the earth, as if buried.

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To prevent the bark from cracking

To prevent the appearance bark cracks, frostbites on the trunks of fruit-bearing trees carry out their whitewashing, having previously cleaned the trunk.


Processing of trees, shrubs, grapes

Stone fruits can be treated against diseases in the fall with copper preparations, for example, Bordeaux mixture, and on pome fruits - with Preparation 30. Treatment with Preparation 30 can be postponed until spring. Pass it over the swelling buds.


In the vineyard, the plants are also carefully inspected after harvest. Before sheltering for the winter, be sure to take care of keeping the plants in a healthy condition. If the presence of the leaf form of phylloxera has been noticed, it is necessary to treat the swelling buds with Preparation 30 in early spring. Unripe shoots must be cut out in the fall. If shoots affected by anthracnose are noticed, in the fall or early spring the bushes are treated with 3% Bordeaux mixture - this is one of the universal fungicides, having the longest duration of protective action.

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Feeding fruit trees

In late autumn, organic, organo-mineral or mineral phosphorus-potassium are added fertilizers– superphosphate, potassium sulfate, others, 6-9 g of active substance per 1 m2. Fertilizers are applied into holes or wells 20-30 cm deep into the area of ​​tree trunks at a distance of 0.5-1 m outside the crown projection or under digging. One or two holes or boreholes are made on each square meter.


For an orchard the most important have long-acting fertilizers. The main ones are organic and organomineral fertilizers. Nutrients from them are released slowly as they are decomposed by microorganisms. Part organic fertilizers(manure, composts, etc.) includes the entire set of nutrients necessary for perennial fruit and berry plants, as well as hormones, vitamins, etc. Their application affects the growth and yield of trees for 3-5 years, while the yield increases to 25 and even 50 percent. Organo-mineral fertilizers include both organic (peat, humates, etc.) and mineral fertilizers.


According to the Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, in the fourth year after applying organomineral fertilizers to a fruit-bearing apple tree (to a depth of 15-18 cm), the content in the soil of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium available to the plant at a depth of 60 cm is several times higher than their content at unfertilized areas of the garden. This is due to the fact that fertilizers applied locally during the autumn digging of the garden by 2/3 of a shovel are localized in the application zone, creating within the boundaries of the main distribution of the root system perennial plants feeding centers.


In addition, in areas of the garden or vegetable garden where organo-mineral fertilizers were used when digging the soil, you can also notice that the soil has become more loose and crumbles well. This means improving its agrophysical properties.


When using mineral fertilizers in the fall, it must be remembered that the introduction of fast-acting types can lead to the activation of growth processes in trees against the backdrop of warm weather and a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil, which will cause serious damage in winter due to low negative air temperatures.


For autumn filling of the garden soil in late autumn (November), as a rule, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (nitrophoska, nitroammofoska) are used, and in more early dates(October) you can apply ammonium forms of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate). In this case, the dose of nitrogen fertilizers is divided: in the fall, 1/3-1/2 doses are applied; in early spring, 2-3 weeks before the trees flower, apply intra-soil fertilizing with fast-acting nitrogen fertilizers (1/2-1/3 of the main dose); V summer period the remaining dose of nitrogen is added with irrigation water. Autumn filling of the soil with fertilizers contributes to the formation of resistance of fruit plants to unfavorable conditions external environment, since the winter hardiness of trees is determined to a large extent by how many nutrients they accumulate in preparation for winter and to what extent these substances turn into protective substances. Required condition sufficient accumulation of reserve nutrients is the optimization of the nutritional regime of fruit plants, which allows for dynamic growth of all organs, withstand spring temperature changes, bloom profusely in winter and form a full-fledged harvest.

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Watering the garden

In connection with the upcoming winter cold, it is necessary to give the trees and shrubs plenty of water - carry out water-recharging irrigation so that the plants overwinter more easily.

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Is it necessary to dig up trees in the fall?

After the leaves fall, that is, when the fruit trees and shrubs “sleep” and their active life activity ceases, they begin the main cultivation of the soil in the garden - digging. It is necessary to dig up the soil in the garden to maintain an optimal fine-lumpy structure by mixing - the top layer of soil (with the destroyed structure) moves down. At the same time, the lower layer moves to the surface.


Deep digging of the soil in the fall creates conditions for the formation of a deep-lying root system. This helps to increase its resistance to sharp drops in temperature in winter and significant increases in summer. Approximate depth of soil digging in autumn, especially when young garden, should be up to 30 cm - on the bayonet of the shovel, and closer to the trunk - 10-15 cm.

Autumn pruning of fruit trees.

Fruit tree pruning in the fall it can be performed in 2 types:

— thinning;

- shortening.

Thinning consists of cutting tree branches at their very base. It improves air access to the tree and provides a larger volume of branches sunlight, which is necessary for a decent harvest. Thinning of young trees is carried out until the crown is formed. To do this, weak or unevenly distributed shoots are removed. For mature trees with an already formed crown, thinning is carried out once every 2-3 years; in this case, improperly growing shoots are also removed, which only choke out other branches.

Shortening- This is cutting off the upper segment of the shoot at the level of the bud. This pruning allows you to control the growth of branches and, therefore, the size of the crown, increase the yield of the tree and promote the development of side shoots. If the shoot is growing in the wrong direction, shortening can also help - the cut branch begins to grow again in the right direction.

Autumn pruning carried out after the leaves fall. Dried, broken, rotten branches, also those that grow in the wrong direction, are pruned.

If the tree has grown very actively and the crown does not allow passage sufficient number light, then additional summer pruning is carried out.

It is advisable to provide for these moments in the spring, since then the tree is at rest and can more easily tolerate the procedure.

An important point: winter pruning is carried out only in regions with a warm climate, since in the cold the branches may be too fragile and break, which will damage the bark. The same point should be taken into account when autumn pruning. The procedure must be completed before the first frost.

In autumn, broken and dried branches are removed. First, the weakest shoots are removed, then those growing at an acute angle. In order for the cut to heal quickly and successfully, it is treated with garden varnish or oil-based paint. Cut branches can be burned or buried.

Pruning plum

In autumn you need to be careful with pruning. There is a risk that if done incorrectly, the tree will not bear fruit in the summer. Therefore, in the fall it is advisable only to remove dried and diseased branches.

Autumn fertilizing of fruit trees

In September-October fruit trees and shrubs need to be fed only with phosphorus (superphosphate) and potassium (potassium sulfate) fertilizers. The main phosphate fertilizer is superphosphate. Usually it can be found on sale with the markings “simple” and “double”. Using double superphosphate is more convenient. This fertilizer is produced in the form of powder or (more often) dark gray granules.

Superficial application of superphosphate to fruit crops (randomly, without embedding) is completely useless. Phosphorus fertilizers must be embedded in the root layer of the soil. For fruit crops to a depth of no less than 10-15 cm, for berry growers - about 7-10 cm. Of course, not at the trunk itself or the base of the bush (there are practically no active suction roots), but along the periphery of the trunk circle.

Potassium is no less important, and perhaps even more important, than phosphorus for preparing plants for winter. It is also only available in powder form. Instead, you can use potassium chloride for fertilizing and for the main application. It is usually cheaper, also contains about 50% potassium in terms of oxide, in addition, this fertilizer contains chlorine. For most fruit plants this is not dangerous; for example, apple and pear trees are not afraid of chlorine ions. But some crops are sensitive to chlorine. For example, it is better to add potassium sulfate or ash to the berry fields. Row vegetable crops, such as potatoes and tomatoes, will also prefer chlorine-free fertilizers.

Autumn fertilizing of fruit trees very important, because it is a guarantee good harvest and disease resistance.

Potassium sulfate is the best potash fertilizer, because does not contain harmful impurities of chlorine, sodium and magnesium (add 5-10g per square meter), which cannot be said about potassium chloride, which contains harmful chlorine. If you add potassium chloride, then you need to do this in advance so that the chlorine is washed out into the lower layers of the soil, but this does not make it any easier for worms and bacteria.

Phosphorus and potassium can be added together. To increase the effect of using phosphorus fertilizers, they are applied with organic matter. For 10 kg of peat, humus or compost, take 300 g of double superphosphate, mix and moisten. This mixture matures for 1-2 months, after which it is placed in tree trunk circles, planting it as deep as possible, and also add it to the planting holes, adding potassium.

Work in the garden in September.

Harvest the harvest autumn varieties apples, pears, as well as plums, nuts, sea buckthorn, black elderberry. Leave some of the small fruits on the branches for the birds. Remove the hunting belts from the trunks and burn them, remove lichens and flaking bark, whiten the trunks water-based paint. From mid-September, stop feeding shrubs and trees. September is the time to purchase fruit tree seedlings and prepare planting holes. Begin fall planting. By mid-September, complete planting garden strawberries.

Work in the garden in October.

Young trees with smooth bark do not need to be whitewashed, but it is necessary to tie the trunk and skeletal branches with light paper, preferably two or three times. Can be installed wooden screens on the south side, thus protecting the trees from the March sun. If September was dry, then at the end of October the trees need moisture-replenishing watering. Make grooves around trees and bushes at a distance of 50-80 from trunk and run water into them. This will enhance autumn root growth and prevent winter freezing.

Works in November.

Wrap tree trunks with roofing material, fine mesh or spruce branches, this way you will save the bark from rodents. Tie spreading bushes with thin branches so that the bush does not fall apart with snow. Under young plants, mulch the tree trunk circles. When persistent frosts occur, cover the strawberries with compost, dry peat or geotextiles.

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