What time of day should you sunbathe. Who needs sunbathing especially? Sunlight rejuvenates the body and skin

Air baths
Air baths are very useful, they temper the body, improve metabolism, have a beneficial effect on nervous system, calm the psyche. Good mood, vigor, sound sleep and excellent appetite - this will be the result of properly performed air therapy.
It would seem that it could be easier than taking air baths - undress and walk or lie down. However, in order not to harm your body, you should observe simple rules... The greatest effect of air therapy is achieved in the summer between 8-11 and 17-19 hours. Air baths are taken once a day under awnings, on verandas, protected from direct sunlight, in the shade of trees. The time of the first procedures is 10-15 minutes, then it can be increased to 1-2 hours. If the air temperature is below 15 degrees, then the adoption air baths should be postponed until more auspicious days... "Goose bumps" warns of hypothermia of the body, rather get dressed.
The fashion for skin color changed in different times... Ancient Greeks White color skin was considered a sign of ill health, and the father of medicine, Hippocrates, called the sun a medicine for everyone. In the 19th century, beauties hid from the sun's rays under wide-brimmed hats to keep their skin the color of aspirin. But the famous fashion designer Coco Chanel at the beginning of the 20th century established fashion not only for small dresses, but also for tanning. Everyone went to the beach, the cut of the swimwear changed every year, more and more revealing new areas of the body. Finally, the most "advanced" vacationers began to sunbathe without any clothes at all, so nudists appeared.
The sun's rays are undoubtedly useful; under their action, the pigment melanin is produced in the skin - the same tan, as well as vitamin D, which prevents rickets. However, it should be remembered that sunbathing should not be taken by people suffering from tuberculosis, vascular sclerosis, hypertension, diseases of the central nervous system, migraines.
It is best to take sunbathing in the summer in the morning hours from 8 to 11 and after the heat of the day subsides, from 4 to 18 hours. In the first days of rest, you should not stay in the open sun for more than 5 minutes, otherwise you can get serious burns. Every day, you can increase the time spent in the sun by 2-4 minutes. You should be aware that the sensitivity to sunlight is different for each person: blondes react to radiation more strongly than brunettes, children are about a third more sensitive than adults (remember how solar power plants work). remember, that long stay in the sun, unhardened people can cause depletion of the body, along with a bronze tan, they get irritability, headache, sleep disturbance and weight loss.
Sunbaths are taken after air baths, but before swimming in the sea.
Not Recommended: Before Taking sunbathing wash with soap, as soap degreases the skin, and it is easy to burn. Before going to the beach, use special cosmetics for sunburn and burns.
Sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.
Be in the sun with your head uncovered.
Lie in the sun for a long time. A strong tan dries the skin, which can lead to the formation of wrinkles, weakens the nervous system, and has a bad effect on sleep.

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→ How to properly sunbathe

V last years the sun has become more than active, the heat is strong, and therefore the question of how to preserve your beauty and health in hot summer is becoming more and more urgent.

The ideal time for sunbathing is from 8 to 11 am and from 4 pm to 7 pm in the evening.

The lighter your skin, the shorter your sun exposure on the first day of your vacation should be - no more than 10-15 minutes. Then you can increase the time by 10-15 minutes every day. As a result, you should accumulate no more than one or two hours of total time spent on the beach per day. For two hours without a break, lying under ultraviolet light is dangerous even for quite healthy people... It is necessary to periodically go into the shade, every couple of hours to renew the layer of tanning cream.

For a beautiful tan, try to tan in motion rather than lying down. Any outdoor ball games or building sand castles will do. Watch and join the children - babies and older children do not normally lie on the mat for hours. Take an example from them and move. It is also useful for the figure.

It is too late to apply any sunscreens on the beach - they must be rubbed into the skin half an hour before going to the beach so that they have time to be absorbed and prepare the skin for sunbathing. Therefore, apply sunblock even in your room before you go to. After arriving from the beach, it would be nice to take a shower and apply an after-sun product to the body in order to soothe the skin and relieve redness. Before the advent of sunscreen cosmetics, our grandmothers in such cases used sour cream, kefir, cucumber juice or grated raw potatoes... The choice is yours.

After sunbathing, be sure to rest in the shade for at least 15-20 minutes. And only after that go to the shower or to the sea. It is harmful to sunbathe on an empty stomach and after a heavy meal, as well as with severe fatigue.

Even if you are in the shade, 65% of the UV light will reach your skin and give you a light tan. Therefore, do not hesitate - an awning, umbrella or canopy will absolutely not prevent you from tanning.

There are other benefits you can get from the sun if you don't abuse it:

  1. The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, immunity and accelerate metabolic processes.
  2. The work of the digestive tract is normalized, due to which proteins are more easily absorbed, and fats break down faster.
  3. Memory improves, efficiency increases, creative activity intensifies.
  4. It is useful to look in the sun through closed eyelids, this improves vision.
  5. Vitamin D is produced in the body only from exposure to the sun.
  6. Blood circulation is normalized, blood vessels dilate.
  7. Hormones are produced that neutralize free radicals.
  8. Tanning on the sand, you will receive not only the energy of the sun, but also the energy of silicon, which strengthens blood vessels, heart, muscles and bones.
  9. The orange and red components of the sun's rays, especially active at dawn, stimulate the immune system, tone and invigorate the body.
  10. Exposure to the sun boosts male libido. Austrian scientists from the Medical University in Graz observed 2,300 men and found that vitamin D produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation raises the level of the testosterone hormone in a man's body.

Overheating tips:

  • Inhale as you pass air through your folded tongue and exhale through your nose.
  • Moisten face, neck, décolleté, elbows and ears with water (you can sprinkle it with thermal water).
  • Drink a glass of water in small sips.
  • Pound the back of your head with both hands.
  • Give yourself a gentle forehead massage, starting from your eyebrows and working your way up to your hairline.

The sun's rays are vital to us. We all know that under their action, the body produces vitamin D, which is so necessary for strengthening bones and enhancing immunity. But, in addition, the sun gives us the hormone of happiness - serotonin, for its formation the sun is also needed. And the sun also helps to reduce blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots.

And at the same time the sun can be ours worst enemy: Dry skin, premature wrinkles, sunburn, sunstroke and even skin cancer all cause solar radiation.

In order to get the maximum benefit from the sun and not harm your health, you need to know how to properly sunbathe.

How to sunbathe

Taking sunbathing, you must adhere to some rules.

  1. Sit in the shade for about 10 minutes before going out into the sun.
  2. You should start at 5 minutes: 2.5 minutes for the back and chest. Increase your sun exposure by 5 minutes each day. The maximum time spent in the sun is 1 hour.
  3. Lie with your feet facing the sun and be sure to roll over periodically.
  4. Don't sleep or read in the sun. You may not notice how long you tan and get sunburn.
  5. It is not necessary to sunbathe while lying down. If you are moving: walking, boating or cycling, the sun's rays also affect you. At the same time, they fall at a lower angle and their action is softer, which reduces the risk sunburn.
  6. For sunbathing the best time- morning, before 11 o'clock, and evening - after 16 o'clock. In the very sun, try not to go out into the sun.
  7. Do not sunbathe immediately after eating, but it is harmful to be in the sun on an empty stomach.
  8. If you have fair skin, it is better to sunbathe not in direct sunlight, but under a canopy or umbrella.
  9. Use a protective cream that matches your skin phototype. If you are swimming, apply the cream every time you get out of the water.
  10. Don't forget about the hat.
  11. Take special care in sunbathing by the water and in windy weather. You can get burned easily and unnoticed.
  12. After sun exposure, do not go straight into the water; sit in the shade for a few minutes.

Sunbathing for the elderly

For some reason, there is an opinion that it is harmful for the elderly to be in the sun. In fact, the opposite is true. Scientists have found that the more time older people spend outdoors in sunny weather, the lower their risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Only when exposed to the sun, the elderly should be careful, especially if they have high blood pressure or suffer from coronary artery disease.

It is better for the elderly to take sun baths not in the open sun, but in its diffused rays: under an umbrella, in the shade of trees.

Sunbathing for children

It must be understood that baby's skin is very sensitive to solar radiation, and the younger the baby, the more they act on her ultra-violet rays.

Pediatricians do not recommend sunbathing in direct sunlight for infants up to a year. Air baths are suitable for them. outdoors, but in the shade in calm weather. The temperature should be above 22 degrees. The duration of the first baths should be 1-2 minutes, then gradually the sessions are lengthened and brought to 30 minutes.

Sunbathing should be started in diffused sunlight: under a light canopy or in a lacy shade from the trees, then you can go out into the open sun. Remember to keep your baby's head in the shade. Be sure to protect the child's head with a panama hat, a kerchief with a visor, a hat with brims so that the sun does not get into your eyes.

How long are the baths? First, put the child in the sun for 1-2 minutes, after 2 days add a minute. The maximum time spent in the sun is 10 minutes. After that, the baby can be poured over with warm water. If you notice that the child is overheated: the skin turns red, he is naughty, or, conversely, has become lethargic, take him to the shade and give him a drink.

Sunbathing is best done in the morning, before 11:00. You can not spend sunbathing at temperatures above 30 degrees.

Who benefits from sunbathing

Due to the fact that the sun promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, sunbathing is beneficial for diseases and conditions such as:

  • osteoporosis - vitamin D is essential for bone strength;
  • caries - the sun is the prevention of caries. Scientists have found that children living in southern countries are less likely to suffer from this disease;
  • age-related decrease in vision - vitamin D slows down age-related macular degeneration of the retina;
  • menopause - studies have shown that women who rarely get in the sun (less than 1 hour a week), menopause occurs 5 years earlier than those who constantly sunbathe. In addition, during menopause, osteoporosis begins to develop, so sunbathing is indicated for women during this period.

The sun increases metabolism, and due to this, it is beneficial for obese people.

Under the influence of sunlight, testosterone production is enhanced, so doctors recommend that childless couples spend their holidays in warm areas.

The sun's rays dry and disinfect the skin, so sunbathing has a beneficial effect on skin diseases - neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne.

The increased production of serotonin in the sun reduces the manifestations of depression. This is confirmed by the fact that people in the southern countries suffer from depressive disorders less often than in the north, where the sun is a rare guest.

To whom the sun is contraindicated

Contraindications to sunbathing are:

  • cardiovascular diseases with impaired blood circulation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • significant sclerotic vascular changes;
  • increased sensitivity to solar radiation;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in active form.

"The sun, like a dear mother, will never offend" This proverb, put the sun and mother on the same level, and one cannot but agree with this. The sun, indeed, like mother, will both praise us and can scold us. Will render beneficial features on our body, but the same, when strong love- cause harm. The sun always makes us happy, we miss it on winter days, we wait for spring to come, then summer. Vacations will come, and it will be possible to sunbathe a little under a bright and warm light.

Doctors do not advise spending a lot of time under the bright sun, especially in the afternoon. All these walks can result in burns or heatstroke. Such complications are more difficult for children. But this does not mean at all that you need to give up the sun's rays. So that our joy is not overshadowed, it is necessary to know what pluses and minuses we get from our love for this “hot” planet.

The benefits of the sun and sunbathing

Everyone's noticeable benefit from the sun is in regulating our daylight hours, or in scientific terms, the sleep cycle. Sunbathing gives us vitamin D. It is known that this component comes to us with food ( chicken eggs, butter, Cheddar cheese, cream, powdered milk whole), but for it to transform, chemical transformations are needed. Impacted on our skin ultraviolet radiation, a group of vitamins - ferols is activated, as a result of which calciferol is produced, which is familiar to us under the name - vitamin D. useful element regulates the absorption of many minerals, participates in the metabolism of phosphates and calcium. All these actions normalize the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, parathyroid glands, stabilize the skeletal system, skeleton, prevent osteoporosis, and have an antibacterial effect on us.

By itself, ultraviolet radiation also helps us and when used in small doses can be beneficial. It heals small wounds, dilates blood vessels, which leads to high-quality blood circulation. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - acne disappears, becomes elastic, healthy. Do not avoid the sun's rays, as every time you substitute your skin, you get ultraviolet light, thereby, the body produces a pigment that can scatter and absorb these rays. And with the resulting tan, your skin shows that you are protected from radiation.

The radiation cannot be seen with an ordinary eye, it is outside the range of the spectrum visible to us. But science has proven that it has three divisions - A, B and C. Two of them act on us harshly and can harm us. These are rays B - they "work" in the middle of the day, so it is not advisable to walk from 12 noon to 15-16 hours; group C - mostly climbers are familiar with it - it acts high on the tops of the mountains, it is considered very harmful; The softest and most harmless ray is considered A, which occurs in evening time... In this regard, it is best, and more useful, to sunbathe in the evening, after 18 hours, there are fewer problems and the skin color is beautiful and even.

In medicine, this ultraviolet is used in cosmetology (keep in mind that during frequent drying with a UV device, when extending nails, you can get skin cancer), dentistry (it is harmless to the patient, and doctors need to be careful), dermatology. A device created by physicists, with the help of light, treats severe forms of tuberculosis, psoriasis, and pustular diseases.

Excess sun damage

Typically, the most common sun damage we encounter is burns to our bodies. They appear because we forget and for a long time we spend under the sun, and then there is pain and burning, we notice redness. Areas of skin begin to peel off. These are all signs of sunburn. Our skin is divided into five phototypes, and each of them has a different perception of ultraviolet radiation. The risk group includes bright people... They have phototypes 1 and 2 of the skin and the sun's rays are the most dangerous for them, they dry out their skin, signs of premature aging appear, useful substances and proteins are destroyed. Exposure to the sun threatens them with disease - melanoma, skin cancer. These are blondes, and red, light-eyed, often with freckles can also be attributed to them.

Also, the sun may harm the eyes and brain. In the first case, from exposure to sunlight on our vision, you can get a burn of the retina. The best defense- these are sunglasses, which are an important accessory in winter and summer. Heatstroke is caused by being under the scorching sun with your head uncovered. Symptoms - high fever (40-41 gr.), Nausea, headache, possibly loss of consciousness. Sometimes, heatstroke can be fatal.

From all of the above, we see that vitamin D plays a significant role in many processes in our body. Avoiding exposure to the sun and hiding from ultraviolet rays, we may have a lack of this vitamin, which will lead to a decrease in immunity.

We all dream of summer, we plan trips to the sea ... so that a walk along the beach will bring you good mood, together with the editors of the website www.site, we advise you to consume more liquid, do not stand in the sun, apply sunscreen on your skin, determine your skin phototype, use a hat, an umbrella. Do not forget that sunbathing is best taken in moderation, but we have just discussed the benefits and harms of the sun! Remember that during treatment and when taking medications, a drop can be a medicine, and a spoon can be poison? This is exactly what happens with sunbathing!

Why sunbathing remains one of the most effective ways health promotion? The sun is the source of life on earth. Plants, animals, people need the blessed rays of the sun. The inhabitants of the North suffer from a lack of it. Gloomy, winter evenings all living things look forward to the warmth of spring, the exuberant flowering of gardens, the revival of joy and hope in the hearts.

How you want to bask in the intoxicating bliss of the sun's rays, exposing your weary bodies to the golden rain. But sunbathing can be cunning enemies, turning a wonderful holiday into serious illness... It is necessary to know the whole truth about them so that joy does not turn into disaster. How and when is the best time to sunbathe, read the article.

All about the benefits of sunbathing. Sunbathing can be enjoyed at any time of the year, without waiting for the scorching rays in the July heat. And the good May sun will gently and gradually help to make friends with the human skin with his touch. What are the benefits of sunbathing and why are they so necessary?

Infrared rays visible to the eye give the earth warmth, warm the bodies and souls of people, give joy and positive thoughts. Autumnal depression lurks many sensitive hearts due to lack of solar energy... The sun is naturally an excellent antidepressant. The lack of sunny days in winter takes away activity and enthusiasm, the desire to think and create, increases fatigue and drowsiness.

Under the influence of solar energy, the body produces serotonin, which is called the "hormone of happiness." It endows its owner with joy and lightness, wonderful emotions, strengthens willpower.

Invisible but invaluable ultraviolet rays have excellent antibacterial properties. They destroy germs and viruses of colds and many infectious diseases... They increase the body's resistance, strengthening immunity, to harmful environmental factors.

UV rays produce vitamin D, which is vital for adults and children. Without vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium and phosphorus. Only in such a community will strong bones and teeth be formed. And only this trinity saves babies from the development of rickets, and protects the elderly from osteoporosis and severe fractures. Latest research scientists have shown that vitamin D inhibits the development of cancer cells, helps in the treatment of psoriasis and is necessary in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Sunbathing, warming the body, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and increases the level of hemoglobin. Sweating increases and in, toxins, poisonous salts. The person experiences a surge of vivacity and activity. Under the influence of the sun, dry and dull skin is filled with energy, becomes elastic and silky. Sun rain heals problem skin by drying acne and degreasing infection foci.

How to sunbathe?

It is advisable to begin acquaintance with solar streams after a long winter in the spring, away from the polluted quarters of the metropolis and closer to nature. A May picnic on the banks of a river, lake or on the seaside is a wonderful holiday for adults and children.

The May sun is safe and pleasant, so sunbathing can be taken at noon and not limited to 10-15 minutes. The gentle heat can keep the skin warm for 3-4 hours. Sunbathing is most beneficial when taken on the move, ball or badminton. Ultraviolet light during this period will give a persistent tan without harm to health.

The most "ruthless" months for tanning are July and August. For a joyful holiday, you need to go to nature at dawn, and enjoy the sun from 8 to 10 in the morning. Lovers of evening baths will be able to soak up the beach after 16-17 hours.

Before leaving the house, you should protect yourself with sunscreen with sunscreen (SPF30 for fair skin and SPF15 for dark skin). In addition to fruits and vegetables, you need to put a bottle of still water in your bag and grab an umbrella from the sun's rays. A head hat and sunglasses will complement the fun, lightweight outfit.

Babies up to 3 years of age and the elderly will get more benefit and pleasure from being in diffused sunlight, under the crown of trees or in the shade of an umbrella. The first sun bath should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Daily contact with the sun is lengthened by 10 minutes. You should not go to nature after a hearty breakfast in order to get maximum joy, health and not fall asleep in the direct rays of the sun.

Fighters for a correct lifestyle will be interested in the information that at dawn the sun's rays have a tonic and invigorating effect on the body. At sunset, the sun relaxes and takes off nervous tension, and UV rays have the longest wavelength and actively produce vitamin D.

Possible side effects and contraindications. Excessive sun rain can ruin the rest and "reward" with unpleasant and difficult complications. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin turns red, touching these areas causes sharp pain and burning. The sunbather gets burned, which ensures a sleepless night. Underwear, careless movement cause soreness. Later, the burnt skin begins to peel off or hang in shreds. In addition to burns, dry skin ages quickly. Solar radiation destroys collagen fibers and the epidermis loses its elasticity.

Excessive enthusiasm for relaxation under the scorching rays can lead to sunstroke. This serious condition is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, tachycardia, nausea, weakness. The patient is worried about severe dizziness, headache, darkening in the eyes. Sometimes loss of consciousness occurs.

The possibility of the formation of moles, age spots is especially dangerous for owners of light, thin skin. These "jewelry" can degenerate into skin cancer and be fatal. Excessive heat can result in rupture of the walls of the subcutaneous vessels and the formation of a red mesh. The sun's rays reflected from the water surface blind the eyes and affect the quality of vision. It is important to know that UV rays penetrate under water to a depth of 2 meters and can be harmful to health during a long swim.