How to save grapes from mice. What is the best mouse protection?

In general, mice and wintering of grapes are a serious problem with the traditional approach. Rodents damage the vines, but especially the eyes. Sometimes mice arrange winter apartments in shelters, and the damage can reach catastrophic proportions.

It turns out very "funny" when the poisoned baits are laid out directly under the grape cover. Mice eat the bait themselves, immediately bite into the vine - and from the fact that gray pests will die in agony in speed, we are actually neither cold nor hot, except that the feeling of revenge will amuse our pride a little.

In any case, poisoning is a dead end. Even if poison is poured endlessly, then sooner or later, others will come to the place of the dead mice. Not to mention the fact that poisoned baits can be caught not only by mice, but also by birds, a beloved dog, or God forbid.

Rodent control in the vineyard

Let's be honest - folk methods of scaring away rodents by laying out dried chamomile and thistles in shelters, as well as organizing sanitary plantings of marigolds, wormwood, milkweed, garlic, black elderberry and blackcurrant work with a 50% probability - maybe they will help, or maybe they will no. Even cats “are no longer the same as before,” and only very harsh cat breeders can limit their diet to mice obtained with their own paws. And how to leave the animals to winter in the country?

By the way, one of the natural regulators of the number of rodents are storks. Their main food is not frogs at all, but insects and small animals. You could see how the stork stands motionless in the grass - it is he who guards the mouse hole for sure. It is unlikely that a stork will catch mice in your area, but mice will not like his close presence.

Ultrasonic mouse and mole repellers are becoming increasingly popular - not the most natural method, but better than heavy poisons. Just try to choose high-quality products from reliable manufacturers, because you want to scare away unwanted guests, and not arrange a disco for them.

Now let's talk about the strange thing - about what mice want. It's hard to believe, but they have nothing against us or our grapes. They just want to eat. It is unlikely that they really like grape eyes so much - yes, for the sake of interest, taste them yourself (but not after treatment with iron sulphate!)

But when hunger comes, there is no time for gastronomic delights. It happened that people ate boots, harmonicas, wood glue and even more unexpected things. Do not try to feed mice by placing grain or vines cut in the fall in shelters - it can turn out to be funny to tears. Your site itself is able to take care of everyone to the fullest - and feed those that are vital to it, and drive away the superfluous, and kill the “lawlessness”. You just need to not interfere, but help.

  • It has been noted that during wintering, vine bushes are most damaged by mice in areas where the land is deeply plowed or dug up.
  • If only the surface layer of the soil is processed, as well as without digging, damage to the vines is insignificant.
  • And there is practically no damage in the closest to the natural state of the vineyard - sod spacing.

Under natural conditions, the number of the same mice and rats in a particular area is limited, among other things, by diseases. It is this natural mechanism that underlies the principle of using the preparations "bactorodencid", "rodent-bio" and "anti-mouse", which contain a culture of mouse typhus bacteria.

But one way or another, individual techniques do not work - only a systematic, holistic approach gives the result. We need both phytosanitary plantings and cats - important element biocenosis, and healthy microflora of the site. But while you're learning natural farming and viticulture practices, just don't cover the vines too early and the mice will have time to go elsewhere for the winter.

In order for the grapes to overwinter well, it is not only necessary to spray it from insect larvae in the fall and cover it well so that it does not freeze. But you still need to make sure that the mice do not gnaw on the plant. They can not only eat the fruits themselves in the fall, but also eat the bark. Rodents spoil the whole vine, eat the stalks, and sometimes gnaw the grapes at the root, make their dwellings in the roots in winter and breed there.

Even if you constantly lay out poisons, others can come to the place of dead mice and also spoil the bark and trunk, causing irreparable damage, up to the death of the whole plant.

Grapes can be protected from mice with folk remedies. It is necessary to lay out dried wormwood, chamomile, thistle, euphorbia, garlic and many other plants that have an unpleasant odor at the roots.

But even more in demand among gardeners are ultrasonic repellers from moles and mice.

Repellers can be much better than poisons. Try to choose good device from trusted manufacturers to ensure that mice are eliminated.

In winter, it is very difficult for mice to find food and they eat everything that was not eaten in spring or summer.

Gardeners have noticed that mice damage the grapes where the soil is dug up or plowed. In other places, the damage is almost insignificant.

You can also limit the appearance of mice in the vineyard by applying chemicals such as bactorodencid, rodent-bio and anti-mouse. They contain the murine typhus virus, which spreads at an alarming rate and infects mice.

You can not rush to insulate the vineyard very early, and the mice will go to spend the winter in another place. If the grapes grew well, and you did not have mice on the site, it is important to use not only one method in the fight against rodents, you need to apply all measures in a complex when mice appear. This and compliance sanitary norms on the site, and the establishment of a cat, and the use folk methods repelling rodents. Acting at full strength, you can get rid of mice once and for all and be with a good harvest.

Rodents are a serious problem for the preservation of the grape vine on the site. During the winter, mice not only eat the bark, but also its eyes.

Improvised means to save the vine from rodents

What to do to keep the grapes from rodents and so that they do not gnaw it? You can use a simple plastic film. It is enough, just wrap the vine with a film and it will be more difficult for mice to penetrate the bark. But this is not an option either. Everyone knows that the film for mice is not an obstacle. They can easily gnaw through it. And if, after severe frosts, you do not have time to remove the film in time, and a strong thaw begins, a greenhouse effect may begin under the film near the grapes and the vine will become damp and rot.

  • In order to keep the grapes from mice, we need to dig a shallow trench near the tree. Pour into the trench coniferous leaves, dry reeds or small branches. This method will be a reliable barrier against rodents;
  • It is necessary to cover the vine with spruce branches, or black root. Blackroot is poisonous plant for mice and he repels rodents with his bad smell. Also, the herb Chernokoren is popularly called "rat rat";
  • You can plant dandelions along the perimeter of the plot with grapes, which mice like to eat;
  • Try to set up small traps from 5 liter plastic bottles. For this you need plastic bottle cut off the neck and dig it between the vineyards, put the bait inside the bottle and pour a small amount for smell sunflower oil. Mice will be attracted to such a trap;
  • With such a large amount of mechanical protection, gardeners still recommend burying the vine underground. But if this is not possible, then try to wrap it up and use another covering material for protection. But grapes should be covered only after slight frosts begin, in late autumn.

Chemicals as a way to protect

How to protect grapes from mice and prevent them from disappearing?

Most gardeners are confident that when fighting mice, not mechanical means protection, but chemical. Chemical substances, according to gardeners, are able to protect the plant from mice much faster. We protect the grapes exactly according to the instructions, so as not to harm.

Gardeners widely use such popular poisons as: Brodifacoum, Difenacin and Flocumafen. Such drugs are most often used as bait for rodents.

Rodenticide has a strong effect on blood clotting in mice. When using this poison, the mouse feels unwell in a day, and then a speedy death comes.

Most rodent poisons of chemical production contain not only pure poison, but also auxiliary products: flour, oil, flavorings. All of them are designed to attract the mouse and make it eat the product.

Protecting grapes with repellent aromas in winter

To protect the vine, you can apply frightening aromas to it:

  • kerosene
  • naphthalene
  • essential oils
  • Vishnevsky ointment"
  • liquid smoke
  • tar.

With these aromas, you need to abundantly soak the vine and covering material that will lie at the roots of the grapes: sawdust dry leaves.

But this method is not very efficient, because fresh air these fragrances wear off quickly and it is important to renew them constantly. The branches of grapes will not be completely protected.

Also, rosemary, coriander, wormwood, tansy can be laid out around the grapes.

What not to do when dealing with mice

It is very important that when getting rid of mice, the plant itself does not suffer. Never place chemical mouse baits where pets are. Do not allow cats to eat mouse bait.

It doesn't matter which method you choose to deal with mice. The main thing is that it be the most effective. Do not run grapes and do not leave them in a deplorable state. Otherwise, you may lose the harvest and the grapes themselves.

To grow grapes, care and protection from adverse weather conditions. Animals and small rodents can damage grapes, among which it is especially worth highlighting the smallest, but very dangerous for vine rodents - mice.

Fighting them for many growers, especially beginners, turns into a whole torture. But those who have rich experience in growing and caring for this crop know how to protect grapes from mice in winter.

They use for this all improvised means, as well as tools that can be purchased in specialized stores. How to use them will be described in the article.

    Ways to deal with small rodents

    mechanical method

    Chemical Methods


    Natural Ways

    Prohibited Methods

Ways to deal with small rodents

Today, more experienced growers identify several ways to deal with mice at once. This:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • aromatic;
  • natural.

Each of them will help save the vineyard if everything is done correctly. Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

mechanical method

Shelter of grapes for the winter refers to the mechanical methods of protecting grapes. Polyethylene film is recognized as the main covering material. She can wrap the vine to block access to mice.

And in order to finally be calm about the fate of the future crop and for the plant itself, it is necessary to dig a bush with a shallow and narrow trench, which is covered with branches, pine or spruce needles, or reeds.

To save grapes from mice in winter will help such a tool as spruce spruce branches and black root. The grape bush should be covered with spruce branches mixed with this plant, which is considered detrimental to mice.

You can also plant dandelions along the perimeter of the entire area where grapes grow, which mice will eat instead of bark.

Another one from mechanical methods- a plastic bottle dug near the bush. Its volume must be at least five liters, the neck must be cut off. At least one mouse will fall into such a trap by the end of winter.

If there is no plastic bottle, it can be replaced with a glass one, or, for example, a jar. Only the bottom of such containers should be covered with a small amount of sunflower oil.

At large selection mechanical methods protection, experienced growers still advise the vine to protect the grapes from rodents to bury underground. If this is not possible, it is necessary to carefully wrap the vine or use other means of protection.

Chemical Methods

The most common among those who professionally approach the cultivation of grapes remain chemical methods rodent protection. This is due to the fact that they help to get rid of pests quickly and without much effort.

Important! Chemicals, as a means of protection, must be used strictly following the instructions of the instructions that are attached to them.

The most common recognized among those who grow grapes are difenacin, brodifaakum and flocumarfen. Usually these potent poisons are used to create a poison bait.

The result is suffocation, then death. Even a small amount of the above substance can kill a rodent.

It should be mentioned that in addition to grain, mouse bait is also prepared using delicious products - various vegetable oil, flour or flavorings.

All of the above components, treated with special chemicals, are placed under each grape bush. Such a procedure will not harm the plant, but it will destroy rodents that will approach the vineyard.


Protection of grapes from mice is also possible with the use of aromatic products. Its effectiveness is, of course, much lower than that of the two already mentioned above. But if you combine it with them, the result will exceed all expectations.

Repellent aromas, combined with one or another method of protection, can increase the likelihood of completely getting rid of rodents.

Perfume repellents include:

  • naphthalene;
  • kerosene;
  • essential oils;
  • star;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • liquid smoke;
  • tar.

Frightening odors hold sawdust and branches well, so they are impregnated with the above-mentioned materials and surrounded by grape bushes. The smell needs to be constantly updated, because on outdoors they wear out very quickly.

Protects the vine from rodents and any fragrance mixed with lime. Although you should not count on durability in this case either.

It is noticed that mice do not tolerate the smell of burnt rubber, felt and wool. Therefore, the above-mentioned materials can be set on fire next to the grapes. But there are also disadvantages here: the smell will not only scare away rodents, but will also be more unpleasant for those who are near the vineyards.

To keep the aromas unpleasant to mice longer, you should plant around the perimeter of the vineyard following plants: black root, elderberry, mint, wild rosemary, tansy, wormwood, coriander. You can also use a mixture of these plants.

Natural Ways

When it comes to how to protect grapes from mice in winter, cats immediately come to mind. And it's not in vain. After all, it is they who not only destroy large and small rodents well in private households, but also do this in the fields and gardens. AND experienced gardeners confirm this fact, and in this case they mention not only cats, but even dogs.

If one of the above pets is next to the rodents, then such a neighborhood is unlikely to suit their taste. After all, both cats and dogs ruin mouse settlements, crush and eat both adults and young animals. They are used as another means to control rodents.

If, nevertheless, for some reason, there is no cat on the site where the grapes are planted, then it will be possible to proceed as follows. Cat feces should be scattered along the grape bushes, they can be borrowed from those gardeners who have a cat.

The smell of cat feces will be a kind of effective signal for rodents that will warn them of danger.

This method has a lot of disadvantages in comparison with the methods discussed above. This:

  1. The need to leave manholes for cats if the vine is completely covered for the winter.
  2. It will be necessary to train the animal to guard the vineyard, which is almost impossible.
  3. If the vineyard is located in a remote area, the pet will need to be fed regularly, as it will not be full of mice alone.
  4. It will be necessary to think small parts before choosing this protection method.

Prohibited Methods

All means to preserve the vine of grapes are good in their own way. But getting rid of rodents also implies some limitations that are possible in the process. For example, after a decision was made to process grapes for the winter, the latter should not be insulated with fallen leaves or straw.

This action, on the contrary, will attract more large quantity rodents, although the grapes themselves will insulate for the winter, i.e. protect them from severe frosts.

Important! If almost all methods of protecting grapes have been sorted out, and the use of pets has been chosen, it should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to combine the use of toxic substances with its “services”.

An animal can eat a mouse that has already been poisoned and, like the last one, die. Often, even a veterinarian will not have time to help in such cases.

Before planning how best to keep the grapes from mice, you should get rid of the piles of garbage that are often collected in summer cottages. In such accumulations of leaves and debris, small rodents often arrange their wintering.

Poisoned grains should be placed in such a way that they are not pecked by hungry birds, as well as those birds that are in the household.

If, nevertheless, the grower, for some reason, did not save the vine, and the mice gnawed it, those shoots on which the bark was damaged should be cut off. Pruning should be done at the very base. In their place, new shoots will grow in the spring. Although you should not flatter yourself, you should not wait for the harvest from them, it will be possible to harvest it at least - next year.

When thinking about how to protect grapes from mice in winter, it is worth considering each of the above methods of protection. One or the other is effective in its own way, just as it has its drawbacks.

What exactly to choose, it is up to each winegrower to decide individually. But whatever the choice, it is worth remembering that the use of each will require not only certain physical costs, but also material costs.

But all this will pay off with interest if the vine remains intact and gives a plentiful and tasty harvest of juicy berries with the advent of warmth. And this is the main thing for those who grow grapes on the plots.

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With a covering culture of grape cultivation, to the issues of timely and reliable shelter of bushes, an equally important and urgent issue is added, protecting sheltered grapes from damage to the vine by rodents.

If when using the shelter of the vine with earth this problem practically not worth it, then when using shelters made of film materials, slate, roofing material, reed fascines, etc. materials, often, after the opening of the vine in the spring, the result of the activity of mice leads winegrowers literally into a state of shock. Under the shelter, not only numerous mouse nests are found, but also significant and serious damage to the eyes and bark on annual shoots of grapes. There were cases when the damage to the bush was so critical that it was necessary to cut the perennial bush to a “black head” and start the formation of the bush from scratch, using growing shoots from dormant buds.

Quite a reasonable desire of winegrowers to make wintering for their favorite grape pets more comfortable and reliable often results in tangible losses of the vine from rodents. Very often, under film or other shelters, growers additionally use the insulation of the vine with straw, hay, and fallen leaves. The " construction material» Mice with great pleasure and sincere gratitude to caring growers, are used to build their cozy nests, located under the reliable shelter of vine bushes. Considering the fact that mice in such exotic wintering places do not have the opportunity to prepare food supplies for the future, as well as bring them with them, they are forced to while away the harsh, long and hungry winter, eating exclusively grape shoots.

What are the most effective ways to protect grape bushes from a gray, eared, voracious mouse tribe? It is quite difficult to answer this question unequivocally, but if we summarize the experience gained by winegrowers, which is widely covered on the Internet, then the following picture emerges.
To combat mice in vineyards, you can use: rodent trapping; substances with odors that repel mice; poisoned baits; treatment of bushes with preparations that make the vine unattractive for use by rodents for food; ultrasonic deterrent devices; shelter of vine bushes at the latest possible time.

Catching rodents can be carried out both using various mousetraps, and using the services of the cat family. On the Internet, I found a description of the device of a very simple and, apparently, quite effective mousetrap design. A half-liter jar is taken, at the bottom of which with inside a bait is attached, and then, under one edge of the inverted can, a coin or a button with a diameter of about 2 centimeters is substituted on the edge. Bank, leaning one edge on the coin, is in a position of unstable equilibrium. It is enough for the mouse to touch the inner wall of the jar, at the moment of trying to reach the bait, as the trap slams shut. The use of mousetraps of various kinds, although possible in some cases, but in large vineyards this method hardly applicable.

The use of the hunting instinct of cats in the service of the grower is also quite problematic.
Firstly, if the grapes are already covered, then for cats it is necessary to leave special holes in the shelter, and even somehow teach the mustachioed helpers to periodically check these “hunting grounds”.
Secondly, if the vineyard is located far from housing, for example, suburban area, keep a pet in the winter field conditions and to expect that he will safely exist using in his diet only mice in the vineyard, which may not be there - the height of frivolity and a vivid example of inhumane treatment of animals.

Although I know of a real case where a cat was very successful in coping with mice in a vineyard. The vineyard was located on personal plot. The bushes were covered with dense rubberized material thrown over a thick metal rod welded along the row of bushes. It turned out a long gable shelter for each row of grape bushes. The ends of the shelter did not close and remained open all winter. So, in these "tunnels" a very well-fed and quite contented cat hunted very effectively, which every time he left the shelter, licked his lips and his contented muzzle simply radiated well-being and satisfaction.

Recommendations for the use of substances with odors that repel mice are very numerous, and the list of drugs for this purpose is quite wide, but with confirmation high efficiency this method the fight against mice in the vineyards, the situation is not very optimistic.

It is argued that the smells of burnt felt, singed wool, rubber crumbs of a mouse and do not tolerate the spirit. You can also place rags soaked in diesel fuel, kerosene, used engine oil under the shelter of grapes, or pour these liquids into small open containers, placing them under cover. It is advised to spray the soil under the bushes before covering the grapes with a solution of liquid smoke. On one of the forums on the Internet, it is even claimed that the contents of the trays work very effectively. cat litter, spread out under the shelter of vine bushes!

In the lists of plants with odors repelling mice (repellents), the leaders are: wild rosemary, medicinal black root, elderberry, chamomile, common wormwood (and bitter), fritillaria.
I do not presume to say how effectively all of the listed plants work, but regarding elderberry, Lugansk growers have revealed the opposite effect of this plant. It was in those places where the branches of elderberry were laid out under cover that in the spring, after the opening of the vine bushes, they found the greatest damage to the vine by mice.

Poisoned baits, according to the vast majority of growers, are the most effective means protection of vineyards from mice.

Of the most popular and effective drugs used in the vineyards, we can name the following.

. Powerful anticoagulant rodenticide, acts on the blood coagulation mechanism of rodents. Has a cumulative effect. The dead animal does not decompose, but mummifies, which makes it possible to use the "storm" in the back rooms as well. living quarters. Produced in the form of compressed briquettes Green colour ready to use. Baits under grape cover are recommended to be placed at a distance of two meters from each other.

Rat death. The main active ingredient of this drug is brodifacoum, which is also an anticoagulant. Produced in the form of sachets, ready for use. This drug has the most positive feedback among winegrowers who have tried its application.

. Quality and effective drug to get rid of rodents. It is produced in the form of grains of cereals treated with a composition containing mouse typhus bacteria. The disease from infected animals spreads to the entire population, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. Bacterodencide is not dangerous for humans.

Many winegrowers, when preparing vine bushes for shelter, carry out preventive treatment of the vine with protective preparations against pests and diseases. Solutions are commonly used for this purpose. iron sulphate, blue vitriol, nitrofen, etc. drugs. It is noticed that the vine treated with these preparations is much less damaged by mice under cover. However, full warranty against damage, this processing does not provide, this is understandable, tk. if rodents have no other option than vines to satisfy hunger, then there is no time for culinary delights, hunger, as you know, is not an aunt.

On the use of ultrasonic repellent devices in vineyards, on the Internet you can find a large number of theoretical discussions, but I could not find information on specific cases of the successful use of these devices to protect the vine from rodents.

The principle of operation of these devices uses the ability of rodents to perceive sounds in the ultrasonic frequency range. The device has an ultrasonic frequency generator that emits pulses of different frequencies and durations in a certain sequence. The operation of the device causes severe discomfort in rodents, they cannot normally navigate in space, they cannot eat, sleep, drink, or reproduce. Ultrasound for them is like a severe headache for a person. Mice will try to leave the area covered by the action of the emitter.

The area of ​​action of these devices varies from 100 sq. meters for "UZ-001", up to 1000 sq. meters for "GRAD A - 1000 PRO". The price range also varies from 175 hryvnia to 1890 hryvnia. Devices: "GRAD A-550 UZ", "GRAD A - 1000 PRO", "Tornado" operate at air temperatures up to -40 ° C, most of the other, cheaper devices of this type, operate only at positive temperatures or negative, but only down to -10 o C, which, in order to protect vineyards in winter time of course not acceptable.

Manufacturers of ultrasonic repellent devices promise that, on average, 6 to 7 days of device operation are enough for rodents to completely leave the territory they occupy.

The way to deal with mice with the help of these devices is of course very interesting, besides being gentle, environmentally friendly, and possibly highly effective, but the rather high price of these devices somehow does not really convince of the need for its use.

But the shelter of the bushes at the latest possible time, when stable frosty weather sets in and the entire mouse tribe has long decided on its winter apartments, works almost without a misfire and without any additional costs. This is what I recommend to use in vineyards.