How to get wheatgrass out of the garden forever with folk remedies. How to remove wheatgrass on the site with folk remedies Fighting wheatgrass with folk remedies

Natalia Ilyukhina

Wheatgrass is perennial from the herbaceous family. This is a weed that grows almost everywhere: in the garden, in the garden, in the field, along the road. More common than others creeping plants. It got its name due to the fact that its roots grow in the soil rather quickly and occupy large areas.

Such grass is considered the most vicious weed that inhabits vegetable gardens and land. It is difficult to eradicate, the root system is long and powerful.

The secretions that it forms have a depressing effect on soil fertility, on the growth of other crops, deprives them of moisture, light, and prevents normal growth.

Simple creeping weeds that work well with other weeds will cause it to grow even more. Weeds are viable plants, even a small piece of root can give life to another and the chain will continue. Of course, every time in spring and autumn you can dig up a garden with a pitchfork, choose all the roots, but it is easier to apply measures that take into account the biological characteristics of this weed.

Wheatgrass features

The weed loves loose moist soils, where there is a lot of humus, it feels good on them and multiplies quickly, especially during the period of autumn rains and wet spring. V summer period when there is drought and heat, reproduction is suspended until favorable conditions reappear.

The roots are at a depth of 6 cm. If the soil is compacted, then their development is slightly reduced, the rhizomes die. If the soil is constantly in this state, the weeds will stop growing and will gradually disappear. But there are other ways to deal with wheatgrass.

Measures to control harmful weed - creeping wheatgrass: effective ways

  1. Sowing rye. Sowing rye can be used in places where weeds grow in large
    quantity. When the rye turns green, it must be mowed and plowed up, and left to rest for a month. Then sow again, do the same measures several times in a row. If you carry out such procedures for two years in a row, then the soil will be cleansed, it will become fertile and loose;

Where there is weed grass, you can plant potatoes, the potatoes themselves do not affect it, however, constant loosening and watering have an adverse effect, the reproduction process becomes slow, the seeds stop ripening.

But if weeds appear on the lawn, then this method of struggle is not suitable. If there are bald spots on the lawn, it is necessary to sow grass crops so that there is a good planting density. In this case, it is necessary to use sowing material without admixture of weeds.

The fight against malicious wheatgrass on the lawn can also be carried out through regular mowing. He does not like a short bevel, in which case the roots become thin and soon disappear from the lawn. If its height reaches 6 cm, then the lawn must be mowed immediately, as a rule, the procedure is carried out weekly.

  1. Planting weed-suppressing plants... This method is considered an ecological control method. If he appeared in flower beds, in a group of perennials, you can plant dahlias, they have thick roots and large flowers;
  2. Removing seedlings in spring... Weed seedlings appear much faster than other perennials, because they are more winter-hardy. In the spring, when shoots appear, they must be removed immediately, because the roots appear only after a few months, then it is much more difficult to remove;
  3. Strangulation. The area with a noxious weed is well plowed with a disc tool. The rhizomes are thoroughly crushed, buried at a depth of 30 cm, then the buds will not be able to grow. Another option is to lay out large quantities of plant residues in the country. The lower layer is filled with tops and coarse stems, the upper one with what is softer. Falls asleep from above wood ash and the earth with a layer of 10 cm;
  4. Mulching. The fight against wheatgrass can be carried out using a mulching material - cardboard. To do this, in the spring, cardboard is laid on young shoots, earth or peat is poured on top. You can use black plastic wrap or roofing material. The roots are cut with a flat cutter, the beds are treated with a solution of a biological product, which contains bacteria that feed on plant residues. As a result of the lack of light, the rhizomes will begin to rot along with the cardboard. If some shoots break through to the top, then they should be sprayed with vinegar. By autumn, the malicious annoying weeds will disappear;
  5. Sowing oats. Oats are sown where weeds grow. It can be mixed with peas, vetch. Oat roots destroy rhizomes, greenery enriches the soil with nitrogen, thereby improving fertility;
  6. Use of chemicals- the use of various glyphosate-based herbicides. The substance contains glycine amino acids, they have a detrimental effect on the weed. The substance is used when active growth is noted, that is, the plant has more than three leaves. Herbicides are not selective, and therefore they must be used very carefully so as not to harm other crops. On beds with potatoes, beets, grapes, melons and gourds, it is necessary to use anti-cereal herbicides, for example, "Nabu", "Targa super", "Fuzilad super". You can spray on growing beds, while the height of the weed should not be more than 20 cm.

How can you deal with wheatgrass in the garden, good advice:

  • regular bevel, every 7 days;
  • planting dahlias in large numbers;
  • digging with a pitchfork, removing rhizomes;
  • watering with boiling water;
  • mulching and spraying the shoots with vinegar;
  • sowing of cereal siderates - oats, rye;
  • digging in boards, slate to a depth of 35 cm, if weeds creep from a neighboring area.

How else can you deal with wheatgrass in your country house, you ask. There is another interesting way.

It is important to know that the weed grows hard from the depths, and this can be taken advantage of. It is necessary to remove a layer of soil 20 cm, lay it down with the green mass. You can lay another layer with weeds, sprinkle the ground on top, you get a bed up to 1.5 m in height. On top of it, you can plant other crops, for example, corn, beans, radishes, peas, sunflowers, lettuce, they just don’t like wheatgrass, it will start to rot inside.

Useful properties of weed

In nature, any plant has its own value, and weeds are no exception, they can also be beneficial. The weed is used in folk medicine, especially juice and rhizomes. The roots are harvested in autumn or early spring, dried, and in the summer they are made from the grass healthy juice... About useful and medicinal properties weeds were known in ancient times. Rhizomes were collected, dried, made flour and baked cakes and bread.

It contains glycides, polysaccharides, malic acid, fructose, levulose, vitamin C, carotene, etc.

  • Decoctions from rhizomes are used as a good diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant. It helps to remove stones in the gallbladder, treats diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines, lungs, cystitis, rheumatism;
  • Freshly squeezed juice is suitable for the treatment of diseases skin, osteochondrosis, colds, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • The infusion helps to cleanse from toxins, toxins, normalizes metabolic processes inside the body, as a result, the weight is corrected, the skin becomes cleaner;
  • Baths with it help with hemorrhoids, rickets, diarrhea;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of food in animals, dogs and cats;
  • Livestock feeds on it.

Preventive action

Effective fight against creeping wheatgrass should consist, first of all, in the fact that it should not be allowed to spread further. When weeding, the selected plant roots should not be thrown into a common heap, because even in a dried state, they can sprout if they fall into moist soil at the desired temperature.

How to deal with wheatgrass in the garden is a problem that every owner faces personal plot... The plant rightfully deserves the title of one of the most tenacious weeds. It germinates both from seeds and from a small part of the weaving root, on which there are dormant buds. Per a short time wheatgrass is able to master an impressive plot of land, after which getting rid of the weed is very laborious and problematic, but this does not mean at all that this is impossible to achieve.

For effective fight with the enemy, you need to know his strengths and weak sides, skillfully use them and victory will not be long in coming.

What is creeping wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass creeping (rye, grass worm, dandur) - perennial herbaceous plant from the family of cereals, reaches a height of 40 to 130 cm. Has long cordlike roots with a large number of dormant buds, from which new stems grow at the slightest damage. The leaves are flat and long, 3–8 cm wide, the color is dark green, possibly with a bluish tinge. The inflorescences form an ear with about 150 seeds that retain the ability to germinate for 12 years. In a few months, the weed can easily turn a once treated and well-groomed area into an unsuitable for cultivation. cultivated plants a piece of land.

Combating wheatgrass

There are many ways to get rid of wheatgrass in the garden and dacha, and everyone can choose their own option to their liking. According to the effect on the weed, the following control methods can be distinguished:

  • artificial creation of conditions unacceptable for the normal development of the plant;
  • processing with special preparations;
  • preparation and use of various formulations at home.

Agrotechnical measures

The most environmentally friendly clean way to eradicate wheatgrass on the site without harming the soil, this is to create an environment unsuitable for its growth, or to mechanically destroy the roots and shoots of the pest. Covering a piece of land with dense material:

  • dark film;
  • cardboard;
  • slate;
  • old pieces of roofing material.

The plant will not be able to break through to the top and, having lost the source of light, will perish.

Mulching straw, fallen leaves, sawdust will hinder the germination of stems, which will significantly weaken them, moreover, the weed root system lies at a depth of 20-25 cm. The presence of an additional layer on the surface will force it to rise higher and remove the weed completely will be easier.

Regular weeding forces wheatgrass to release new shoots, which quickly depletes it and leads to death.

Removing roots manually can be produced on small area in the fall or in early spring, digging it up with a pitchfork and removing all the bushes. The work is very painstaking, but quite effective.

Growing green manure: peas, sunflowers, beans, corn, alfalfa, clover, mustard, capable of suppressing the pest, will help save your garden from its invasion.

Sowing oats - not only one of effective instruments how to get rid of wheatgrass on the site forever, but also enrich the soil with nitrogen, improving it qualitative composition... A more powerful root system than that of a weed densely braids the upper layers of the earth, preventing weaker species from germinating. Before the oats have time to release an ear, it is mowed, the soil must be plowed together with the bottomed one and the seeds must be sown again. This procedure is repeated about three times, after which the cultivated plants can be planted.

Arrange weed beds also an effective option for fighting wheatgrass. The grass is mowed, and foliage, sawdust, straw and other organic matter from the backyard are laid on top of it. All this is covered with earth, on which you can organize planting of vegetables or flowers. A single undergrowth that has broken through from under the embankment is easily removed. Over-matured bottom layer becomes an excellent organic fertilizer.

Fighting wheatgrass in the garden with chemicals

Faster and efficient way to clear the area of ​​weeds, this is to treat it with herbicides. A considerable number of means have been developed to effectively deal with wheatgrass. According to the specifics of the application, the preparations can be of continuous and selective action. The former are used in places where it is simply necessary to clear the site of any type of vegetation. The second is for the destruction of weeds in the beds and fields on which there are already useful crops. Some of the best known wheatgrass control chemicals include:

  • glyphos;
  • hurricane forte;
  • roundup;
  • fuselade forte;
  • tornado,
  • agrokiller.

Created using modern technologies herbicides, getting on the foliage, are absorbed and poison the plant completely, including the roots. After two weeks, the weed dies, and the reagents completely disintegrate in the soil and the site becomes suitable for planting seeds and seedlings. However, it is important to pay attention to the fact that chemical treatment is recommended to be carried out no more than once every three years - herbicides kill not only plants, but also damage the microflora in the soil.

Depending on the name of the poison the method of application and consumption are different, but general rules work with it is universal:

  • it is necessary to spray the composition on dry grass in cool, calm weather;
  • mowing and weeding is not performed on the treated area;
  • the treated weed will begin to die in about 5–7 days;
  • when working with the substance, be sure to use protective equipment, such as a mask, goggles, gloves, and wear thick clothing.

A brief description of the most famous herbicides

Agrokiller, Glyphos, Hurricane Forte, Roundup, Tornado- highly effective preparations of continuous action, destroying all types of weeds. The main active ingredient is glyphosate (isopropylamine salt) in the soil, decomposed into harmless elements within two weeks. They are not highly toxic to humans and insects.

Fusilad Forte, Gezagard, Dinoseb- selective herbicides that protect areas with potatoes, sugar beets, legumes and other non-cereal crops already affected by wheatgrass. They are not dangerous for bees, worms and soil microflora, they do not inhibit the development of other plants, they are not poisonous to humans.

EM drugs

Not only chemicals, but also beneficial microorganisms can permanently cleanse the wheatgrass garden. Microbial strains bred by biochemists feed on organic residues in the ground ... Bacteria entering the root system, cause EM fermentation, having a detrimental effect on the plant. EM preparations not only do not harm the soil microflora, but also qualitatively improve its composition and structure.

Among the most effective bacterial compounds are the following:

  • Revival;
  • Amix;
  • Tamir;
  • Baikal EM-1.

How to remove wheatgrass using folk remedies

In order to get rid of weeds in the garden, it is not at all necessary to treat it with chemicals. Home-made products, or readily available in the nearest stores or supermarkets, will effectively clean your area of ​​weeds.

Salt can be used in places where it is not planned to grow any cultivated plants, it should be scattered over the site. After rains or watering, it will be absorbed into the soil and destroy the roots, and with them the growth itself.

Soda will also eradicate weeds around the garden beds, on the rest area, between the tiles paved on the path.

Ethanol diluted 1:10 will get rid of weeds in the garden. The prepared solution is used to treat the plot at the rate of 11 liters per 2.5 acres of land. This should be done a month before planting the main crops.

Herbicidal soap in the fight against wheatgrass will become faithful helper... The composition should be applied carefully, as it kills all the vegetation it gets on. It is good to use it against perennial weeds. They make this remedy at home from the following components:

  • vinegar 15-20% - 3.8 liters;
  • detergent- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • table salt - 0.5 cups.

All this is thoroughly mixed, after which, in dry, calm weather, it is applied to the grass.

Prevention of the appearance of wheatgrass on the site

Constant and systematic control of weeds in the garden will not allow them to grow and occupy the entire sown area , the following events will help in this:

  • mulching the beds with grass and sawdust;
  • timely weeding from unwanted pests;
  • drip irrigation;
  • alternation of cultivated crops and periodic sowing of green manure;
  • covering row spacings and soil free from planting with a black film.

Creeping wheatgrass- an incredibly tenacious weed, but by showing diligence and ingenuity you can get rid of it forever, the list of ways to remove the grass is quite wide and everyone can choose a remedy to their liking.

A hot topic for all gardeners is weeds. How much time is spent on them. It seems to have weeded everything out recently, you see, they climbed out again, especially after the rain. The most unpleasant and tenacious of all weeds is wheatgrass. Nature has endowed him with special vitality. Its roots seem thin and fragile, but this does not prevent them from growing even through thick wood. If the site is covered with wheatgrass, then it is quite difficult to remove it, very time consuming.

How to get wheatgrass out of the garden if it has been growing for many years and has become like a carpet. Is it possible to stop his “invasion and get rid of this weed forever?

Before starting the fight against him, you need to know that nature has endowed him not only with vitality. but also healing properties... He's a good nootropic. As my grandmother used to say, there are no weeds in nature, every grass is created for something. It's just that it is not convenient on our plots, it interferes with growing vegetables.

Wheatgrass creeping, it is he who annoys us, is so named because of the ability to imperceptibly "creep across the entire site. Even a tiny root that has fallen into the ground begins to grow wide with roots, gradually winning back living space for itself. This is how he "crawled" into my garden from the neighboring abandoned garden.

some do it simply, fill the area with herbicide and thus save themselves time and energy, but not health. Then, after all, on this soil it will be necessary to grow vegetables. In general, I am against chemistry in the garden, so I fought exclusively with folk methods.

How to get wheatgrass out of the garden without the use of chemicals.

In fact, there are a lot of such methods and you can choose the most suitable for yourself, depending on the degree of neglect of the site.

  • Choosing roots.
  • Pruning young shoots in the spring.
  • Shading.
  • Root crushing.
  • Planting beds over weeds.
  • Sowing siderates.
  • Mowing wheatgrass.

In general, as you can see, there are quite a few ways. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

1. Picking roots is probably the most time consuming of them all. Here we need a pitchfork. With a shovel, you will cut the roots and small particles will remain in the soil. We pick up a weed bush with a pitchfork and pull it out of the ground, trying not to damage the rhizomes. Then we shake off the soil from the roots and remove the weed from the site.

The method is very time consuming and can be used in places where wheatgrass is scarce, it has not yet had time to crawl.

2. Pruning young plants is also a very "tedious" and painstaking task. But with this method, fertilizer for the soil is also obtained. In the spring, prune young plants a little deeper into the ground. After a while, the plant starts growing again, and you cut it off again. In general, the point is to take the weed out. You prune the plants over and over again, it becomes weaker over time and gradually disappears from the garden.

3. Root crushing with a cultivator. Good way, it consists in the fact that young, weakened plants without a powerful, woven root system begin to grow from small roots. Such plants are easier to extract from the ground, the main thing is not to allow the roots to grow again.

4. Does not like blackening wheatgrass, stops growing. Spread out on the overgrown glades black film, you can ordinary, and pour straw or peat on it. I used pieces of rubber slate. By the end of summer, not a trace of the weed will remain.

5. Sowing with legumes. Wheatgrass does not tolerate them. Till the soil and scatter the seeds of peas, corn, beans, radishes, sunflowers. Wheatgrass will have no choice but to stop growing. These plants will "strangle" its root system and shade.

6. Another plant that does not tolerate wheatgrass is oats. Its roots kill the wheatgrass roots. Plow or dig up the weed area. Make grooves every 15 cm and sow the oats. It must be mowed without allowing the seeds to ripen. Then all this green mass is turned down in layers and the next crop of oats is sown on top. Then it is dug up again. Three such crops can be grown per season. The soil will be cleared of weed roots and enriched with nitrogen.

7. Wheatgrass beds. Everything is very simple here. We ignore this weed. On top of it we spread cardboard, pour chopped branches, dry leaves, in general, any vegetable debris on it. Sprinkle a small layer of soil on top. Along the edges, you can overlay bricks, such as flower beds and that's it, the bed is ready. The wheatgrass underneath will simply disappear.

These are not all ways to combat wheatgrass. It can be poured with boiling water or vinegar, then it will die. There are ways with the use of technology. if you know any, please share. it will be interesting to know.

This plant can grow up to 120 cm in height, and its long, creeping and knobby rhizomes penetrate the soil to a depth of 1 meter. Many gardeners have been fighting an unequal struggle with him for years. How to remove creeping wheatgrass?

Planting oats and pruning in spring

The fastest, most efficient and useful way the fight against wheatgrass consists in sowing oats in the place of its growth. Oats can be mixed with vetch or peas. The roots of the oats will kill the roots of the wheatgrass, and the greenery will enrich the soil with nitrogen, improving its fertility. If possible, you need to dig up the ground on the floor with a bayonet or plow without picking wheatgrass. Then a furrow is made with a hoe and the oats are sown in a strip approximately equal to 5 cm. Subsequent furrows are made at a distance of 15 cm from the previous ones. When the oats reach 15 cm in length, the area must be dug up, turning over the layers. It is important to prevent oats from sprouting. After that, the oats are sown a second time and also dug up. Thus, you can completely destroy the weed and get a plot ready for spring planting.

As an option to combat creeping wheatgrass, you can prune young shoots of the weed with the arrival of spring. In this case, it is not even necessary to go deeply. It will be enough to remove the grass and part of the rhizomes at a depth of 5-7 cm. This can be provided by a Fokin plane cutter, "Strizh" or any other familiar tool. What is cut will need to be removed from the garden, and it will be much easier to do than to select all the roots from a depth of 20 cm. Each subsequent generation of wheatgrass will be weaker and fewer in number than the previous one. Thus, the plant will have no choice but to die or crawl to those places where nothing threatens its life and growth.

How else can you get rid of wheatgrass and organize a warm bed

Wheatgrass creeping very hard to germinate from the depths. Therefore, this feature can be taken as the basis for the fight against this weed. It is required to remove a 20-centimeter layer of soil and lay it down with a green mass. It is not forbidden to lay another layer with wheatgrass, and pour earth on top. As a result, a ridge with a height of up to 1.5 m should be obtained. Thus, rotting of wheatgrass can be achieved, and in order to get rid of it for sure, various plants can be planted on a hilly ridge. Preference should be given to those of them that "do not like" wheatgrass. These are corn, sunflowers, beans, radishes, radishes and peas.

Mulching is also very popular. It is necessary to lay cardboard on the young shoots of the weed in the spring, and sprinkle it on top with either mowed grass or peat. Due to the lack of light, the roots of wheatgrass will rot in the ground along with the cardboard, and if some shoots "break through" through the barrier, they can be sprayed with vinegar and they will dry out. In autumn, weed control will not be successfully completed.

How to get wheatgrass out of the garden, suburban area forever? How to get rid of wheatgrass with chemistry, herbicides, siderates, folk remedies?

Methods for the destruction of creeping wheatgrass: agrochemical, chemical and folk methods.

Wheatgrass on summer cottage? Unable to withdraw? We will show you how to get rid of the "creeping" conqueror of the land forever.

Creeping wheatgrass: what does it look like in early spring, how does it multiply, on what soils does it grow?

Wheatgrass is a perennial weed that quickly spreads to land plot and giving a lot of trouble to gardeners. Before we tell you how to deal with a harmful weed, we will present it in all its glory. As they say, you need to know the enemy by sight.

  • Creeping wheatgrass (Elytrigia repens) is a herbaceous cereal plant with a creeping branchy rhizome, lying to a depth of 15 cm or more, rapidly spreading over large areas. Root system plants can cover an area up to 3 meters
  • It has popular names: rye, dog tooth, diving. The weed grows rapidly and can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. Long linear leaves of green with a bluish tinge. Has a flower in the form of an erect spike
  • A weed plant can grow on different types soils, even highly acidified. Seed and vegetative propagation(pieces of rhizomes), unpretentiousness, great resistance to drought and frost, rapid "conquest" of land areas, all this gives reason to attribute creeping wheatgrass to the most vicious weeds
  • Wheatgrass seeds germinate in March-May at a temperature of + 2 + 4 °. Pointed elongated banded leaves crawl out of the soil, at the same time a powerful rhizome is formed, which quickly spreads and throws new plants onto the soil surface

Wheatgrass: how to get rid of chemistry, herbicides, wheatgrass poison


Green pest control chemicals have proven to be effective and fast. Systemic chemicals penetrate the entire plant during spraying and are detrimental to the weed.

Important: The choice of herbicide should be based on the goal of achieving an effect: complete removal of all plants in a given area or selective exposure.

If you want to remove all plants in the lane or between paving slabs- continuous action herbicides are used. On the lawns large areas garden crops preparations of selective action are used for certain types of weeds.

Online shops and specialist horticultural centers offer big choice chemical reagents to combat wheatgrass:

  • Roundup
  • Hurricane Forte
  • Agrokiller
  • Glyphos
  • Tornado
  • Ground
  • Fusilade Forte

IMPORTANT: Chemical methods the effects on wheatgrass are effective, but one should not forget that removing the "annoying" weed from the garden with the help of herbicides, a person causes irreparable damage to living soil and its inhabitants. Plants planted in such land long time will be affected by these reagents. According to scientists, herbicides in one area should not be used more than once every three years.

When working with chemical herbicides, you should use products individual protection: glasses, respirators, gloves, tight clothing that does not allow the herbicide to come into contact with the skin.

New technologies in the fight against wheatgrass

Along with strong chemical herbicides, science presents new drugs that do not have a detrimental effect on the soil composition and its inhabitants. Biochemists have found strains of microorganisms that can feed on organic debris.

These are the so-called EM drugs. By treating the soil with these substances, the structure of the soil is not disturbed, but on the contrary, the balance soil cover and microflora is restored without digging and other traditional agricultural techniques

When EM preparations are applied to the root system of weeds, they die as a result of EM fermentation. In addition, effective microorganisms are an excellent microbiological fertilizer.

Noteworthy are the following preparations for soil cultivation:

  • Baikal EM-1
  • Shine
  • Revival
  • Tamir
  • EM molasses
  • Amix
  • Gumazate EM universal

Fighting wheatgrass in the garden: roundup

Roundup received well-deserved attention in the fight against many difficult-to-remove perennial cereal weeds, in particular, with creeping wheatgrass. The new generation herbicide is characterized by many characteristics that gardeners can trust.

High efficiency... Roundup completely removes weeds from the treated area

Security... If the instructions for use are followed, the herbicide is practically harmless to people and the environment.

IMPORTANT: Roundup, due to its low toxicity, is included in the register of approved drugs by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Glyphosate - the active component of Roundup has a systemic effect. After spraying the weed, the solution penetrates into all parts of the weed, reaching the root system 6-7 days after treatment.

Roundup is used to cultivate the soil before sowing and after harvesting to prevent land before next landings... To remove creeping wheatgrass, working solutions are prepared according to the attached instructions. The solution destroys both individual plants and thickened herbaceous thickets.

Features of using Roundup

  1. The working solution is sprayed in dry calm weather in the complete absence of dew and rain moisture on weed leaves
  2. It is permissible to store the prepared solution for a week with tightly capping the dishes where the solution is stored
  3. Weeds should not be weed out and mowed before herbicide treatment.
  4. After processing with Roundup, agrotechnical measures should not be carried out in the form of weeding, digging and loosening the soil for 5-7 days
  5. If the herbicide solution somehow gets on the cultivated plant, it should be thoroughly washed off with water.

Wheatgrass Remedy: Hurricane

  • Hurricane Forte- systemic herbicide of continuous action. It contains an active substance - glyphosate, it is considered an analogue of a herbicide Roundup with the same chemical reagent. Produced in containers of different packaging, which is convenient for processing different sizes squares
  • For spraying 1 weave of a vegetable garden, 20-40 ml of the drug should be diluted in 3-4 liters of water. Used before pre-spring planting and after the end of agricultural work in the fall
  • It completely removes such stubborn weeds as creeping wheatgrass, as it penetrates not only the leafy part of the plant, but also the stem and root system. Hurricane Forte is a low-toxic drug and is approved for use. Safe for bees, the environment and people

IMPORTANT: When preparing the working solution, you should strictly adhere to the rules for preparing the drug, following the recommendations set out in the instructions.

Expert advice: for a more effective death of the root system of creeping wheatgrass, add 100-150 g of urea per 10 liters of the working solution of the herbicide. Ammonia nitrogen improves the delivery of the drug to the roots of the weed plant.

Siderata against wheatgrass

Removing wheatgrass from the soil with green manure plants is an organic method of cultivating the land. Sowing the site with green manure does not affect the ecology of the environment and soil. The technique helps not only to remove weeds, but also to aerate the land cover and improve the structure of the soil.

The most common green manure plants:

  • mustard sarepta
  • lupine
  • phacelia
  • buckwheat
  • Clover
  • peas

Siderates are sown on land areas after shallow plowing (with a Fokin flat cutter, a walk-behind tractor or a cultivator) a month before planting or immediately after harvesting.

Siderata, growing, displace weeds from the site. In addition, the mowed and embedded green manure grass, into the soil, improves its quality, contributes to the natural aeration of the soil and its fertility. The sown siderates do not allow the wheatgrass root system to grow, gradually the soil will be cleared of the malicious weed.

Wheatgrass remedy for potatoes

  • Preparing a bed for potatoes in a summer cottage is not difficult. Many gardeners prefer an ecological method for the destruction of wheatgrass in a small area: autumn digging of the earth, followed by the selection of rhizomes. Moreover, the soil should be dug with a pitchfork in order to avoid rupture of the wheatgrass roots, which provokes a new growth of the root system
  • But how to deal with weeds in large areas of a potato field? This method will be very difficult. Herbicides are indispensable here. Roundup, Tornado, Hurricane Forte- modern high-tech systemic herbicides, which are applied by spraying on weeds according to the attached instructions for use
  • Late autumn tillage with reagents or after harvesting is effective. At spring spraying recommended pre-sowing treatment plot or 3-5 days before crop sprouting

How to get rid of wheatgrass in strawberries?

Fight wheatgrass on strawberry beds problematic, but possible. Here are some tips on how to do this.

  • If wheatgrass has infested the strawberry beds, the planting should be defused. It is recommended to remove old and weak plants. This improves ventilation between the strawberry bushes and makes it possible to dig in nearby wheatgrass. Then you should manually remove the weed along with the root system.
  • If there is a large accumulation of wheatgrass, the weed can be treated with a systemic herbicide. In this case, the spraying method will not work. The working solution should be applied to the weed carefully with a brush, making sure that the herbicide does not get on the strawberry leaves. Herbicide treatment is best done in the fall after harvest.
  • Fusilade Forte- a systemic herbicide approved for the removal of perennial grasses in strawberry beds. After treatment with herbicide, the soil should not be loosened for two weeks. During this time, the wheatgrass rhizome completely dies

IMPORTANT: Use herbicides on strawberries as a last resort, use other weed control methods if possible.

  • Strawberry aisles should be covered with sawdust or straw, such a covering will not allow weeds to break through
  • The cultivation method will help to destroy wheatgrass in strawberries, and other weeds berry culture on mulching film. This method has found widespread use among gardeners recently.

How to get rid of wheatgrass in raspberries: herbicide

  • Wheatgrass is a dangerous weed for raspberries. Since the berry shrub is responsive to organic matter, the rows and inter-rows of the raspberry bushes quickly become overgrown with wheatgrass. The root system of the weed is tightly intertwined with the roots of the raspberry, and the awl (underground shoots) can even pass through them. Therefore, wheatgrass is difficult to remove in the area where raspberries grow.
  • Wheatgrass can be removed by selective treatment with continuous herbicides: Roundup, Tornado, Agrokiller, Hurricane Forte... The working solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions. Weed plants are treated with a brush on the surface of the aboveground part of the weed. In this case, you should pay attention that the working solution does not fall on young raspberry shoots.

IMPORTANT: Alternative chemical fight with wheatgrass is a way of mulching the rows berry bushes sawdust, straw. Mulch prevents weeds from growing and keeps the soil moist.

How to deal with wheatgrass on the lawn?

  • Spring is considered best time to remove wheatgrass, like all weeds. When single specimens of wheatgrass appear on the lawn, they should be immediately removed along with the root, prying the plant without damaging the roots
  • If this is not done right away, the fast-growing and ubiquitous wheatgrass roots quickly occupy a significant part of the lawn. In addition, there is a chance for the plant to mature and scatter the seeds into the well-groomed area of ​​the lawn. Then wheatgrass will have to be fought in other ways and it will take much more time.
  • When disembarking lawn grass the soil should be completely protected from weeds. It is best to apply herbicides before sowing the herbs. But, if wheatgrass, thistle, dandelions, which are difficult to deal with manually, suddenly grew on a well-groomed lawn, you should pick up selective herbicides. For these purposes, the drug has proven itself well. Agrokiller

Combating wheatgrass with folk remedies

Wheatgrass annoys summer residents and gardeners so much that everything is used - like the latest chemicals, and time-tested folk ways and funds. Let's share the most common and available recipes getting rid of the malicious weed.


Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda can be easily purchased at any supermarket or pharmacy. A rather aggressive reagent will help destroy single specimens of wheatgrass and other weeds between the tiles. garden path or recreation areas. To do this, you should prepare a strong soda solution and spill it on the loose grass.


Sodium chloride or edible salt is also a cheap weed killer. Salt crystals should be scattered over the weeds around the planted crops. After watering, the salt will be absorbed into the soil and inhibit the germination of new growth of weeds.


Burning out, literally, a young sprout of wheatgrass blowtorch - effective method getting rid of the green enemy. Pity that this method prevents the removal of the root system of perennial wheatgrass.

Feed grain

  • The method has found wide application in foreign countries... Sufficient testing and positive result gives rise to the use of this weed control technique
  • Feed grain is grain waste from the processing of corn, oats, wheat and other grain crops. Mainly used for making livestock and poultry feed
  • The mechanism of action of feed grains on weeds is the presence of certain gluten, which acts as a contraceptive for weed germination.
  • The method is applied in the middle of the season, when the cultivated plants have grown stronger and have acquired a sufficient root system. Feed grain wakes up around cultivated plants in a small layer and blocks the emergence of new weeds from seeds


The method of soil cultivation with diluted ethanol before planting plants came to us from America. I am afraid that our summer residents are unlikely to follow foreign advice. How can such a valuable product be poured into the ground? But the method has the right to exist. In addition, as American farmers say, the area treated with this method will not overgrow with weeds, at least in the current season.

Ethyl alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting solution is used to treat the soil about 30 days before planting. 11 liters of this mixture is enough to process 2-2.5 ares of a plot.

Lemon acid

Dissolve 3 tablespoons in 1 liter of hot water citric acid... Weeds are sprayed with a solution in sunny, calm weather.


The principle of mulching is to completely hide access, sun and air to germinated weeds and the inability to hatch their seeds. Mulching material provides reliable protection against weeds for garden plants and flower crops.

The following can be used as a mulching material:

  • plastic wrap or woven fiber
  • sawdust
  • expanded clay or gravel
  • shredded tree bark
  • cut grass
  • handy material

To remove a large accumulation of wheatgrass in the beds, you need to be patient, it will take 3-4 months to wait for the result.

  1. To begin with, mark out the beds for growing garden crops
  2. The surface of the marked land is tightly covered with film, cardboard, old linoleum or dense matter
  3. On top, you can pour a voluminous layer of cut grass or straw
  4. After 3-4 months, the shelter can be removed and the soil can be cultivated.
  5. You can remove wheatgrass in this way in early spring, when the plant is just beginning to emerge from the ground. For the winter, you can also mulch plots with leek.

Fighting wheatgrass in the garden with vinegar

For experienced summer residents the method of combating wheatgrass and other perennial weeds with the help of a vinegar solution has long been known.

For the preparation of herbicidal soap "Weed Killer" take:

  • strong vinegar (15-20%) - 3.8 l
  • table salt - 0.5 cups
  • any detergent - 1 teaspoon (for better adhesion of the solution)
  1. All components should be mixed well
  2. Wheatgrass is processed in the morning in dry weather
  3. Spray generously the entire surface of the weed

Spraying with regular 9% vinegar from a spray bottle also contributes to death leafy greenery weeds.

This method of processing is effective for eradicating annual weeds. In the case of leeks and other perennial grasses, the method is suitable only for removing the green mass of the plant. The wheatgrass root system remains in the ground and after a while the young weed shoots will conquer new land areas.

IMPORTANT: Acetic agent is a fairly strong reagent, so you should spray it carefully, not getting on cultivated plants.

Pumpkin versus wheatgrass

  • American Indians were the first to use pumpkin in weed control. They used pumpkin, corn and beans in joint plantings. Large pumpkin leaves protected the soil from weeds, and corn provided support for the growth of beans. An ecological and simple method should be adopted.
  • On an area filled with wheatgrass and other weeds, pieces of turf 30x30 cm in size are cut out at a distance of 1 m from each other. The turf is turned upside down with the root system. A pumpkin is planted on the carved pieces
  • Weeds are mowed between rows. This is done once, then large leaves pumpkins will cover the surface of the plot and prevent weeds from growing. This method will free from weeds and the boundaries of the plot. To do this, pumpkin seeds are planted along the fence of the site, and the whips are allowed to go towards the border

So what should you choose?

Let's summarize at the end. Gardeners are fighting wheatgrass in the following directions:

  1. mowing and weeding wheatgrass
  2. digging the soil with the subsequent selection of the rhizome
  3. removal of wheatgrass with covering materials and mulch
  4. chemical action on weeds with herbicides and other reagents

It is impossible to say unequivocally which method is better, each has its own pros and cons.

  • You will have to mow and weed the grass several times over the summer. This method removes wheatgrass for a short time. After all, the creeping root of the plant continues to remain in the soil and grows rapidly further
  • Choosing a rhizome from the dug up soil is a rather long and laborious way to get rid of wheatgrass. It's a shame that such tedious work will not guarantee the complete destruction of the weed. Broken roots not everything can be picked from the ground. Over time, they will give life to a new growth
  • Herbicides do an excellent job of killing harmful plant... But, it cannot be guaranteed that the chemical reagent does not get onto other garden plants, and together with them and to our table
  • Covering beds overgrown with wheatgrass, covering material and mulch is an effective and safe method getting rid of weeds
  • Sowing green manure is an ecological way to get rid of weeds in organic farming

And at the end of the article - a bonus:

The right advice: how to effectively control weeds on the site?

  1. Methods organic farming and Meatlider's beds - perfect solution weed control
  2. Spot application of dressings and fertilizers will not give the possible prosperity of weeds. Fertilizers should be applied only before planting and in places of future plant growth. Spontaneous fertilization only stimulates the growth of weeds. In the future, seasonal planned feeding should be done.
  3. Early Spring Weed Control: Weeding and physically removing the weeds from the root system will help keep the site from getting started. Do not forget about glanders and rakes in the future. Sanitize weeding throughout the season
  4. Mulching is your reliable ally in the fight against weeds. Apply mulch in beds, in flower beds, on paths between beds, in near-trunk circles fruit trees
  5. Using black plastic on beds with strawberries, zucchini, tomatoes and other crops will help avoid weed domination.
  6. The use of drip irrigation is a revolutionary breakthrough in plant cultivation. The benefit of such irrigation lies not only in the economical use of water, but also in the targeted delivery of life-giving moisture to the desired plants, leaving weeds to perish without water
  7. The soil should not be left bare. It should be immediately covered with a black film, planted with green manure or cultivated plants
  8. Annual crop rotation contributes to weed eradication
  9. The preferred method of growing a plant is by seedling, not through seeds.

IMPORTANT: It should not be forgotten: to achieve effective results in the fight against the most malicious weeds is possible only with a systematic fight, and not in their episodic destruction.