Methods of persuasion. Persuasion methods are effective tools for a leader

Has it ever happened to you that the teacher did not believe you, even though you spoke the law? Or did you really need him to believe, even though you were telling a lie? It's time to unlock the secrets of the psychology of persuasion. We have already talked about some of the .

The essence of the problem and its duality

What makes us believe or not believe in this or that story? That's right: the logic of the story!

Logic has a direct impact on our mind. But in order to achieve maximum effect, do not forget about the feelings that give credibility to what has been said. That is, it is always worth remembering: you can prove something, but it will not be possible to forcefully convince.

Let's take a look from the other side. If you act on feelings and do not take into account logical justifications, you will be able to convince, but not prove.

Outcome: in order for what is being proved to be convincing, and for what is convincing to be evidential, it is necessary to apply both logical and non-logical methods of proof and persuasion.

Substantiation of the thesis, in which, together with logical methods use methods of non-logical influence, is called argumentation.

Types and examples of non-logical tricks

The topic of non-logical techniques is well covered in the subject of "rhetoric" (the science of oratory). Using the methods described there, you can achieve an incredible effect:

  • expressive speech,
  • brighten what is said
  • increasing emotionality,
  • active influence on the senses.

To achieve all this, they use metaphors, epithets, repetitions, means that enhance the emotionality and imagery of the process.

There are others simple rhetorical tricks: the pace of speech and its intonation, the masterful use of pauses in speech, gestures, facial expressions, and so on.

The use of rhetorical methods is recommended only in combination with logical tricks. If you overdo it with oratorical tools and neglect logical ones, the argument turns into demagoguery - an outwardly beautiful statement, but empty in content.

Such a speech can convince, but not prove. Therefore, you will have to look for other methods of persuasion.

4 controversial methods of persuasion

  • Demagogy . Its goal is to mislead by distorting facts, using flattery, false promises, adjusting to the tastes and mood of people. Demagogy is akin to populism, which is often resorted to by unscrupulous politicians. Their goal is to achieve wide publicity for knowingly false promises. The demagogue seeks to create a certain mood by changing people's feelings with his speech. He actively uses sophistry, deliberately violates the rules of logic by juggling facts, creating the appearance of evidence.
  • Suggestion . Like the previous method, suggestion seeks to use the human senses. The speaker tries to infect listeners with his emotional state, feelings and his own attitude towards the ideas being promoted. The intensity of passions and infection with the feelings of the speaker allows the speaker to achieve the creation of a general mental state of people.
  • Infection . People are unwittingly exposed to certain mental states- mass outbreaks of various mental states, which can manifest themselves during the performance of ritual dances, during panic, at the moment of sports passion. The speaker skillfully uses this susceptibility of people who are in the crowd, the mass, since it is in the accumulation of other people that every feeling or action is contagious. In the course of using this method, the consciousness of the individual disappears in people, the human unconscious prevails. Thoughts and feelings of people move in one direction, and there is also a need to immediately, without delay, implement all the ideas that have just appeared in the head.
  • Sophistry . Here there is a deliberate, conscious violation of the rules of logic. The purpose of sophistry is to lead to an implicitly wrong conclusion.

There are clear rules, without which the speech may seem unconvincing or unsubstantiated.

Rules of evidence and refutation

The biggest danger in argumentation or justification is the assumption of logical errors that occur when certain rules are violated.

Be careful and observe the following rules of the basic methods of proof and persuasion.

Thesis rule

Rule #1: Thesis statement should be clear and concise. The concepts that are included in the thesis must be unambiguous, with clarity of judgment and an indication of a quantitative characteristic (you cannot prove that it is part of some, passing off as being part of everything).

Why violation? Firstly, it is not specified who it is - "we". Secondly, it does not say whether they will make all or only some Russians rich. Thirdly, the very concept of "wealth" is too vague and relative - it can be both spiritual and material, a wealth of ideas or knowledge, and in the same spirit.

Rule number 2: the thesis must be stably unchanged throughout the proof. As in the previous rule, the principle of identity plays the main role here. If the thesis is not fully formulated, it is not forbidden to make clarifications in the process of proof. However, its essence and content should not change.

It is also necessary to ensure that there is no substitution of the thesis - when the proof of a new thesis is put forward to prove the originally put forward thesis. This is a big logical fallacy.

Substitution of the thesis is of two types:

  1. Partial substitution of the thesis- strengthening or weakening of the thesis, changing its quantitative characteristics or replacing the concept of one volume with a new concept of another volume. Example: the softer thesis “this act is an offense” is replaced by the stronger one “this act is a crime” (or vice versa) . Why is this a mistake? Because an offense is not always a crime, but can be an administrative or disciplinary offense.
  2. Complete substitution of the thesis- putting forward a new thesis, similar to the original, but not equal to it. Logical diversion is one of the subtypes of this logical fallacy. In this case, the opponent, unable to find the proper arguments to prove the thesis, tries to change the subject, switch his attention to another issue.

Argument rule

Rule #1: An argument must be true and proven by propositions. A false argument will not be able to prove or disprove the thesis put forward.

The use of false grounds leads to the appearance of a logical error, which is called the main fallacy. An argument is only an argument when it is not only true, but proven.

Therefore, if an argument cannot be proved, then it is no argument at all. If this requirement is not met, then logical error, as an anticipation of the foundation .

For example, in the past, no other arguments were required if a person admitted his guilt . It was believed that this is the best evidence. Therefore, in practice, completely used various methods effects, including physical ones. But we know that our own confession can be both true and false. So, it cannot be a sufficient basis for admitting guilt.

Modern law states that a personal confession of guilt can only be a primary charge if there is cumulative evidence in a case to support the confession.

Rule #2: An argument must be based on judgments whose truth is independent of the thesis. Sometimes, to avoid making the logical fallacy of anticipating a reason, people refer to a thesis. This is also logical fallacy "circle of evidence" - when arguments are substantiated by theses, and theses - by an argument.

A great example of a circle of evidence is when people try to prove that a person is a rational animal by the fact that he can reason. And the ability to reason is proved by the fact that man is a rational animal.

Rule number 3: the argument must be sufficient for the thesis. A logical fallacy can be a speech that has too few or too many arguments. Thus, if there are too few of them, the argument seems irrelevant to justify the falsity or truth of the thesis. If there are too many of them, the process of proof becomes unclear, it is easy to find contradictions and weak links in it.

Demonstration Rule

The rule of demonstration is the rule of inference in the form of which the demonstration is built.

It must always be remembered that there must be a logical connection between theses and arguments. If this rule is violated, such a logical error arises as imaginary following - evidence of the absence of this very connection, i.e. when the thesis does not follow from the argument.

An example of a violation of the rule of inference: the statement “he is healthy” cannot be a consequence of the statement “he has a normal temperature, since we know that many diseases occur without an increase in body temperature.

There are other demo errors:

  • from what was said with a condition to what was said unconditionally- when an argument that is true only under certain conditions turns into an argument outside the context of these conditions. For example, when a doctor recommends that a patient take antibiotics, this does not mean that a sick person with any other disease must take these antibiotics;
  • from separative to collective- when an argument true for a certain part is used to substantiate a thesis that belongs to the entire set. For example, the statement about the benefits of winter swimming for walruses is not unquestionably true for humans;
  • from collective to divisive- when a statement that is true for a collective sense is used for a statement in a divisive sense. For example, a positive characteristic of a group of people is not a sufficient reason for positive characteristic individual members of this group.

Using false arguments

It is also interesting that in rhetoric there are a number of rather convincing techniques that are completely rejected by logic. They are called arguments and are used in various disputes, discussions, debates of the parties in courts.

  1. Lead to personality. This is the logical basis of the statement, but refers to additional tricks beliefs. It is used in argumentation (for example, in characterizing the offender).
  2. Lead to the public. The speaker tries to evoke certain feelings in the public in such a way as to change their attitude towards the issue on the agenda. This argument reinforces the existing argument. But it is better not to use it without (or as a substitute for) the main proof.
  3. Lead to authority. Here the main argument is the statement famous people(scientists, politicians, philosophers). Like the previous methods of persuading a person, this argument is recommended to be used as an additional, and not the main one.
  4. Leading to Compassion. Often, in order to get a positive assessment or contribute to a satisfactory solution to the issue, a person tries to arouse sympathy or pity for himself or someone.
  5. Lead to ignorance. The prudent use of arguments that are obviously unknown to the public.
  6. Lead to profit. This is based on the assumption that the arguments provided will be positively received by the listeners only because they are beneficial. For example, in the course of an election appeal, people automatically have a better attitude towards someone who promises wage increases without evidence, because the people are interested in this.
  7. Lead to strength. The use of threats to those who express their disagreement with the theses expressed.

None of these arguments is perceived by logic because the purpose of the proof is to substantiate the truth.

So, in the process of discussion, the interlocutor can use the following manipulation techniques and methods of persuasion and suggestion:

  • substitution of theses in the process of evidence;
  • the use of a thesis of arguments that prove nothing or are partially true under certain conditions, or the use of deliberately false arguments;
  • evidence of the falsity of someone else's thesis and the correctness of their statement.

Imitation as a psychological way of influence and persuasion

There are other secrets on how to convince the interlocutor that you are right against his will. The most important method of persuasion (especially in raising children) is imitation.

Imitation is the reproduction of actions, activities, qualities of other people whom you want to be like.

Conditions under which a person wants to imitate:

  • positive attitude, respect or admiration for the object;
  • not enough experience in relation to the object of imitation;
  • attractiveness of the sample;
  • conscious orientation of will and desire to the object of imitation.

However, when imitation occurs, not only the person himself changes, but also the model. A person likes that someone is trying to imitate him. And on a subconscious level, he tries to start imitating him in response.

You can imitate and quite consciously with one of the following goals:

  1. The introduction of new information into the attitudes, the system of views of the opponent.
  2. Making changes to the installation system.
  3. Changing the attitude of the opponent, that is, the implementation of a shift in motive, a shift in the system of human values.

When making changes to your opponent's setup system, you should know what the main setup functions are:

  • fixture function- the need to achieve the most favorable position in society. Hence the innate attitude towards useful, favorable attitudes for oneself and the aversion to sources of negative incentives;
  • ego-protective function- the need to maintain our internal stability, as a result of which a negative attitude automatically pops up in us towards those who can be a source of danger to our integrity. We tend to underestimate self-esteem if someone significant evaluates us negatively, so we automatically develop a negative attitude towards this person only on the basis of his attitude towards us, and not the actual presence of bad qualities;
  • value-expressive function– our need for personal stability. Positive attitudes are developed in us towards persons of our own personal type. That is, if I am strong and independent, I will have a positive attitude towards the same people;
  • worldview organization function- development of attitudes in relation to the existing knowledge about the world around. In our head, all knowledge forms a system, then the system of attitudes is the totality of our knowledge about the world and people with our emotional coloring. But when we encounter facts that contradict our attitudes, we automatically reject them. That is why new ideas, theories, inventions are constantly met with distrust and misunderstanding.

Basic methods of persuasion

Methods of persuasion and influence include:

  1. Verbal methods, that is, words. For different people can be used different words, since everyone has only his own level of self-esteem, experience, character traits, intellectual abilities, personality type.
  2. Non-verbal methods: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, postures, behavior and degree of trust.
  3. A specially organized activity in which a person is involved. By changing the status in the course of this activity, it is possible to change the behavior of a person, as well as his experiences, behavior, state.
  4. Regulation of the level and degree of satisfaction of needs. If a person agrees that the other has the right to regulate his level of satisfaction of the need, then changes will occur. Otherwise, there will be no impact.

All these settings are interconnected, so changes do not happen quickly. But if you apply them regularly and purposefully, they will work.

So you and I have considered ways of persuading, influencing, evidence for influencing other people. But here's what you always need to remember: if you are trying to influence a person against their will, do not forget that someone else can do the same to you. You can call it karma if you like.

However, innocent pranks in communication with a teacher are so innocent that it is hardly worth experiencing pangs of conscience. After all, it is likely that the use of logical errors will help you pass the exam or even defend your diploma! If these measures do not help, you can always contact the student service, which can handle this task.

Offer a drink. If you want to convince a person of something, offer them a hot drink during a conversation, such as tea, coffee, or cocoa. If you offer a warm drink, the person subconsciously perceives you as a warm, pleasant and hospitable person. A cold drink can have the opposite effect. Generally, people feel cold and crave warm food and drink when they feel isolated from society. Satisfy their need and they will become more receptive to your words.

  • Ask questions that suggest a positive “Yes” answer. Start the conversation by asking questions that suggest a positive answer, such as "Today good weather, don't you?", "You want to buy a car at a bargain price, don't you?"

    • When you get someone to say yes, it will be easier for you to get the person to say yes, I will buy it.
    • It's best to ask vague questions, but make sure your wife knows why you're complimenting the other girl.
  • Break the touch barrier. Whether you're closing a deal or asking someone out on a date, touch that person casually. A light touch can increase your chances of promoting a product or service - the interlocutor's desire to get closer is activated on a subconscious level.

    • Don't pressure people! Try asking the person for a favor a few weeks later.
    • During the conversation, try to be as pleasant as possible. If the person is attracted to you, you will be more likely to get what you want.
    • There are several ways to look more powerful. You can choose to wear the black suit that is popular with the judges, the police and the clergy, or you can keep a neutral face. But being dominant doesn't always mean being persuasive. If you are a seller, you should rather find mutual language with the buyer, not to scare him. If you are a controller, you rather need to keep people in a fist, dominating and dominating them.
    • Know when to stop. There are people who are very stubborn, and there are those who simply shun others.
    • If you agree to pay later, sign the contract and have a trusted third party present.
    • Use the same methods as the sales assistant to take revenge on him and scare him away. For example, when buying a car, have a conversation. Ask questions you know the answers to: "Car sales are down, aren't they?" "Guys, I think you should write off your 2012 car by now!" Thus, the seller will go out of his way to sell the product. Remind employees that they wage decreased by doing so by chance.
    • Share your opinion about the situation the person is in. Let's say someone discovers that he can see the future. Tell him how scared you were to find something like this in yourself. Perhaps at first the person will not share with you a story about his gift - wait a few days. Then tell him about a famous psychic. Perhaps now the person will open up. You need to act in stages - often this is how people open up.
    • Don't talk too much. Your task is to understand potential customers, not to get into their wallet. Demonstrate the ability to listen and understand so that people can see that you are ready to serve them for their good. Too many words - a waste of time, both yours and potential customers.
    • Make them think, "This is what I need!" This will make it easier to convince people.


    • Don't speak too fast. You must be confident, but if you hurry with the tricks, this can lead to a negative result.
    • If you ask too much, your request may be denied. You didn't ask for anything and think your chances are slim? Treat this person well and when he has good mood, ask for what you wanted. If a person has Bad mood He will probably get even more angry.
    • Do not persuade a person to do something if the request does not contribute to his well-being.
    • Do not act rashly and do not use inappropriate words in your appeals.
    • Once a person finds out that you manipulated them, they will feel extremely uncomfortable in your company. Just think how much you hate pushing goods and services or a passive-aggressive family member.
    • Be careful when using persuasion techniques on friends. Sometimes you need to make a decision in your favor and convince others of its correctness. On the other hand, if you do this too often, people may think that you are controlling or manipulating them. This may lead to undesirable consequences.
  • The conversation is built in such a way that the patient does not notice the "impact".

    The technique of "three Yes" (there are also "seven Yes", "nine Yes", but they are not applicable in the usual conversation) is as follows.

    Think to yourself three (or more) indisputable properties (or qualities, or events) of your case and build a coherent sentence out of them. Then add that controversial statement that needs to be "pushed through". When "pronouncing" the following happens: the interlocutor hears your first statement and says "Yes" to himself (therefore, indisputability is needed - real facts are best suited for this: the sky is blue, paper money, a wooden fence, etc.). The same thing happens with the second one (if you want - add the third and fourth and fifth - just so that the interlocutor does not get bored of the monologue). Now, when you say a controversial statement with an interrogative intonation, the answer "Yes" can be heard more often than "No".

    A modification of this method is the three "No" method.

    "Yes, but..."

    The particle "but" carries a negation. Surely, you have had to listen more than once: "Yes, this is a wonderful thing, so useful in business, necessary, but ... come back tomorrow." Translated into "subconscious language", this phrase sounds like this: "This thing is useless, unnecessary and not interesting to me". Thus, you can always disguise your refusal.

    And how do you like the phrase: "You are a smart, well-mannered person, but you forgot to say hello"?

    Dropdown "not"

    Psychologists have established interesting property memory of all kinds of prohibitions. It turned out that a person wants to break them and breaks them very successfully, since the time of Adam and Eve.

    In the case when some request contains "not", then this "not" is forgotten and the rest of the wish is fulfilled. Most likely, the wish "do not forget to water the flowers every morning" is transformed into the exact opposite (you can check for yourself - remove the "do not").

    If you want your requests to be fulfilled, form them without "not" - "water the flowers every morning!". In other cases, you can "substitute" a person with such requests, and then remind him of this for a long time ...

    Stop-stop method and reception against it

    If you want to knock the interlocutor out of his thoughts, then it is very simple to do this: say "Stop, stop!" and, pretending not to understand, ask him again (you can simply repeat his last sentence with an interrogative situation). It's great confusing, breaks the "program".

    If you are talking about something with enthusiasm and suddenly hear "Wait, wait!", then know that this technique is being used against you. The counter-reception is accompanied by the statement (with an element of indignation): "Wait!?" (this "breaks the program" of the opponent).

    Expression of "sympathy"

    If you have become the object of someone’s absolutely groundless, vicious attacks (for example, the conductor in the tram is yelling or they are trying to drag you into a bus squabble, “hanging labels”) and at the same time you know your worth, then generally accepted actions (argument, reciprocal “labeling ") will devalue you in the eyes of others. Such situations are generally considered an indicator of internal self-esteem. High self-esteem is combined with sympathetic, empathetic behavior. People don't get along well family life problems at work, etc. So don't say anything, sympathize...

    Method of "choosing behavior"

    This method is described by Richard Bach in his book The Reluctant Messiah: "...only similarities attract. By acting in the way that is characteristic of you and your personality, constantly asking yourself - is this what I want to do? - and continuing only after an affirmative answer, you notice that those people who perceive these actions as stupid and empty are gradually repulsed and leave, those who see depth, meaning and kinship in them are attracted to you and form your environment...."

    Method of "attraction"

    This is more of an everyday way to make yourself attractive in the eyes of the interlocutor. The interlocutor always likes when they are interested in his ideas, points of view on some events, plans for the future, etc. In a conversation, try to talk more about the interlocutor, and your status will increase dramatically. Try not to overdo it and not reach the point of flattery - after all, you are also a person with your own point of view. And it's always nice to talk to a person.

    The interlocutor likes it if:

    Forgive when he is not quite right;

    He is respected;

    He feels he doesn't have to be at his best;

    His opinion is valued;

    He is trusted (that he is telling the truth);

    He feels that it is pleasant with him;

    He should not wear a mask and behave formally;

    He is being listened to;

    He is consulted on essential matters;

    You care what happens to him.

    There is such a theory that everything that we learn in our life, in fact, we already know, only we ... forgot about it. Communicate with a new person, as with your old acquaintance - ask: "What's new?", share your news, argue, be relaxed and spontaneous.

    The Great Listener Method

    An excellent listener differs from just a listener in that he does not remain silent, faithfully looking into his eyes, but stimulates the interlocutor, encourages him. There are many ways to actively listen, such as:

    1) repetition and reformulation (paraphrase and repetition) - you clarify in your own words what you heard;

    2) reflection - you are trying to identify the main feeling in which the interlocutor is;

    3) generalization - the main one is selected from a large amount of information. This can be done either with a paraphrase or with clarifying questions. For example, if the interlocutor makes a large number of claims, you can clarify: "What worries you the most?"

    Method "Did I understand you correctly ...?"

    Helps in dealing with people who are afraid to take responsibility. For example, someone "runs over" you, tries to intimidate, etc. After waiting for a pause, ask again: "Did I understand correctly that you are trying to run into me?". If the opponent hesitated, then cheers, if he answered in the affirmative, then you can continue your line (sympathetically): "It doesn't work any other way, right?" In general, I believe that a fight and a scuffle are the result of an underdevelopment of the speech apparatus.

    "Everything is a choice"

    In the case when they try to put pressure on you by the fact that your action or inaction brings pain, disappointment or other troubles, remember that a person independently, in the process of his formation, chooses what he likes and what not, where to experience joy, and where suffer from pain. As they say, we are not offended, but we are offended.

    Example: "don't you dare write unflattering comments about this page, it hurts me terribly!"

    To achieve high results of influencing the student, the teacher must be well versed in the methods of persuasion and suggestion.

    Belief- the process of influencing consciousness by logical substantiation of any judgment or conclusion. It is in a special way impact on the individual student or on the whole group.

    Persuasion is a way of influencing a person (group), when the rational sphere is mainly affected.

    Persuasion involves changing a person's consciousness with the help of logical evidence, facts.

    In persuasion, it is mainly the rational sphere that is affected. It is supposed to change the consciousness of a person with the help of logical evidence, facts (Fig. 2.2).

    Rice. 2.2.

    It is very difficult to convince a student who is not well versed in any field. He does not know the elementary patterns of the issue under discussion. Therefore, before arguing your point of view, it is necessary to give at least the basic information that is necessary for discussion.

    The better it is done, the better. Only by equipping the student with certain knowledge, giving him a certain range of information, the teacher can discuss with him the problems of interest, apply persuasion.

    The purpose of persuasion is the desire to ensure that the pupil consciously accepts views, attitudes and follows them in his activities.

    The art of persuasion consists in the ability to find strong arguments (facts, examples, patterns) and connect them with personal experience pupil.

    The effectiveness of persuasion depends on the authority of the teacher, on his own conviction in what he is talking about, on the degree of emotional saturation, since the emotional sphere of the pupil should also be involved in the process of persuasion. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to know well the personality and individual characteristics of the student.

    In order to convince a student of something, it is necessary to know and take into account some features (Fig. 2.3).

    Rice. 2.3.

    To build an argument, the teacher, convincing the student, can use the following methods:

    1. fundamental method, which is a direct appeal to the student, whom the teacher introduces the facts and information that are the basis of his proof.

    An important role here is played by digital examples, which are an excellent background for supporting the theses and positions of the teacher.

    Unlike verbal information, which is often controversial, numbers look more convincing.

    Numerical data in all conversations is the most reliable evidence. This is because at the moment the student is not able to refute the given figures. However, do not give too many figures.

    2. contradiction method It is based on identifying contradictions in the student's argument. If we are talking about evidence-based argumentation on the part of the teacher, then he must take care of the consistency of facts, figures, and arguments.

    Example. Is it necessary to treat others with respect? Is it possible to regard behavior as a manifestation of respect for others? How then can it be explained?

    3.Inference Extraction Method is based on precise reasoning, which will gradually, step by step, through partial conclusions, lead the teacher to the desired conclusion. There needs to be agreement at every stage.

    Example. Should the lesson help to increase the level of knowledge? Before comprehending the information, it needs to be received? But in order to get information, you need to focus on it? Yes? Therefore, it is necessary to develop your attention? Yes?

    • 4. Comparison method is of great importance when comparisons are chosen well.
    • 5. Method "yes.., but...". It often happens that a student makes well-formed arguments. But you can use the "yes ... but" method, which allows you to consider other aspects of the decision. The teacher can agree with the student, and then comes the turn of "but".
    • 6. Chunk method consists in dividing the student's speech in such a way that the separate parts are clearly distinguishable: "this is accurate", "there are different points of view about this", "this is completely wrong".

    Here the teacher deals only with weak arguments, refuting them (you can always find something wrong).

    7. boomerang method gives the teacher the opportunity to use the "weapon" of the student against him. There is more wit here than evidence.

    For teenagers this method may be ineffective, since they themselves are able to "catch" it.

    • – Admit that you did not work very well at the lesson?
    • - Yes, but ego because you were biased towards me.
    • No, I treat everyone the same.

    But you lost my mission report, etc.

    • 8. Ignore method. It often happens that a fact stated by a student cannot be refuted, but its value and significance can be successfully ignored.
    • 9. Visible support method. For example, a student has stated his arguments, and now the teacher takes the floor. But he does not object to the student and does not contradict, but, on the contrary, comes to the rescue, bringing new evidence in favor of his arguments. This is a distraction, followed by a counterattack. The teacher talks about the failure of the student's arguments.

    A. V. Shapar said that a teacher, using the method of persuasion in relationships with a student, should take into account several tips from a psychologist:

    • 1. Operate with simple, clear, precise and convincing concepts, because:
      • - persuasiveness can be easily "drowned" in a sea of ​​words and arguments, especially if they are unclear and inaccurate;
      • - the student "hears" or understands much less than he wants to show;
      • - exaggeration - one of the forms of lies;
      • - the arguments must be reliable for the student - if the truth tastes of lies, then it is better for the student to get rid of it.
    • 2. The method and pace of argumentation should correspond to the characteristics of the student's temperament:
      • - explaining the arguments and evidence separately achieves the goal much more effectively than presenting them all together and at once;
      • - three or four bright arguments achieve a greater effect than many "average" arguments;
      • - argumentation should not be declarative;
      • - well-placed pauses often have a greater impact than the flow of words;
      • - a person is better influenced by the "active" construction of a phrase than passive, when it comes to evidence.
    • 3. To conduct an argument correctly in relation to an individual means:
      • - always openly admit the correctness of the student when he is right; this will give the teacher the right to expect and demand the same behavior from the student;
      • - you can continue to operate only with those arguments that are accepted by the student;
      • - avoid empty phrases that indicate a weakening of attention.
    • 4. Tailor the arguments to the student's personality:
      • - direct the argument to the goals and motives of the student;
      • – avoid simply listing facts, instead setting out the benefits or consequences arising from these facts (first characteristics and features, then benefits and uses);
      • - use terminology that is understandable to the student.
    • 5. Avoid expressions and formulations that make argumentation and understanding difficult.
    • 6. Try to present your evidence, ideas and considerations to the student as clearly as possible.

    When making vivid comparisons and demonstrative arguments, it is important to constantly remember that:

    • - comparisons should be based on the student's experience, otherwise he will not understand their meaning due to ignorance and misunderstanding of the connection between the compared phenomena;
    • Comparisons should support and reinforce the teacher's argument, be convincing.

    The use of visual aids helps to better connect the teacher's arguments and provide a better understanding on the part of the student. In addition, the clarity of the arguments will give the teacher's argument more persuasiveness and documentation. The types of aids can be very different.

    Pen and paper are probably the most important aids in a conversation, especially in the argumentation phase. Indeed, for greater clarity, all important ideas and data should be recorded on paper in the form of a summary or, even better, in the form of a diagram. Thus, it is easier for the student to perceive the words of the teacher. The student, as it were, is involved in joint work and reasoning.

    In argumentation, two main constructions are distinguished: evidentiary argumentation, when it is necessary to prove or substantiate something, and counterargumentation, with the help of which the theses and statements of the individual are refuted.

    Situation. If the speaker in his speech touches on any feelings - a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility for the assigned task, a sense of camaraderie, etc. - his speech has a greater effect on us, we remember it better.

    Why is this happening?

    Solution. Psychologists have proven that the emotional state of the listener, his subjective attitude to the subject of speech, has a strong influence on the process of persuasion. This is where suggestion comes in.

    Remember how Ostap Bender plays on the ambitious feelings of the Vasyukins, drawing them amazing prospects for the development of the Vasyuks in the event that an international chess tournament is held there. Vasyukin's chess players listened to him "with filial love." Ostap, feeling a surge of new strength, spoke, influencing feelings, inspiring, painted a grandiose picture of the change in the city: “My project guarantees your city an unprecedented flourishing of productive forces. Think about what will happen when the tournament is over and when all the guests leave. Moscow residents, constrained housing crisis, they will rush to your magnificent city. The capital automatically moves to Basyuki. The government moves here. Basyuki is renamed New Moscow, Moscow - Starye Basyuki. Leningraders and Kharkovites gnash their teeth, but cannot do anything. New Moscow becomes the most elegant center Europe and around the world."

    In order to increase the effectiveness of the impact, it is recommended to use:

    • 1. Means of "device". This is a system of techniques (facial, speech, psychological): approval, advice, discontent, hint, request, humor, trust, wish, etc.
    • 2. Means of "additions or additions". This is the adaptation of one's body, intonation and style to another person in order to then adapt it to the goals of the teacher.
    • 3. Means of strengthening the impact through raising the voice at the beginning of the phrase compared to the previous one; change of methods of verbal influence: transition from complex to simple, from simple to complex; relief selection of phrases; abrupt change in communication.

    Due to the occurrence of unexpected situations, it is possible different types behaviors:

    • 1. Natural type, when the teacher does not have psychological and emotional difficulties.
    • 2. Tension-transformative type, when all the resources of the individual are mobilized to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.
    • 3. Deliberately evasive type, when the teacher deliberately avoids overcoming an unexpected situation ("not notice").
    • 4. Involuntary-inhibitory type, when the teacher is lost, his actions are inhibited.
    • 5. Inadequate type, when, hiding his feelings, the teacher cannot transform them into expedient experiences and actions.

    Situation. It is believed that the easiest way to convince a person of the advantage of an object is to compare it with the worst. For example, a healthy lifestyle is so much preferable to drug addiction that it is enough just to point out this obvious difference once again.

    Why is a seemingly convincing comparison not convincing?

    Solution. A lot depends on individual features a person, more precisely, from the predominance of the motive of achieving or avoiding in the motivational structure of his personality. Optimists who are positive and successful are more strongly influenced by positive comparisons.

    As for the pessimists, who are inclined to avoid troubles, their attention is primarily attracted by the rejected component, and more strongly in a negative comparison.

    The comparison method is not always the best reception beliefs, especially when the comparison is negative. For example, in the fight against smoking, it turns out that it is better not to mention smoking at all!

    Enough to exalt preferred option behavior without mentioning its alternatives.

    There are as many forms of work with people as there are people, and individual psychological characteristics cannot be neglected.

    An integral characteristic is the ability, ability, and perhaps magical talent to influence other people.

    A person who knows how to convince and direct the thoughts of the people around him in the direction he needs has incredible opportunities in the modern world.

    Let's take a look at the main ways influence people during the conversation, that is psychological methods beliefs.

    It is very undesirable to use your own powers, connections, money or blackmail, you can influence both by the power of the word and the power of the look. So, the group of basic psychological methods includes persuasion, suggestion and psychological infection.

    Persuasion is a way of influencing when one turns to the consciousness of another person, his feelings and experience in order to form new views and attitudes in him.

    Persuasion will not work if it is replaced by moralizing. Avoid words such as "should", "should" or "shame on you". To convince with a word is a great art that requires knowledge of human psychology, the laws of ethics and logic.

    To begin with, it is necessary that your interlocutor agrees to listen carefully and meaningfully to your arguments, find the common thing that unites you and establish psychological contact.

    Then it will be advisable to analyze all the arguments together and come to a conclusion. general conclusion. Thus, the influence on a person will not be intrusive, but, on the contrary, will correspond to his thoughts, feelings and views.

    If you manage to tune in to the wave of a person at the time of the conversation, you will see that half of the work is already done, and influence people who think the way you do is much easier than people with opposite views.

    Even if you do not fully share the person's beliefs, try to feel his thoughts, and simply understand him. Understanding gives birth to the beginning of all partnerships. Understanding the interlocutor is sometimes much easier than it might seem at first glance.

    A little practice on your loved ones and friends will help develop the skill of understanding to perfection.

    Suggestion is psychological way influence, which provides for a non-critical perception of the expressed thoughts and will. During suggestion, agreement is not achieved, but the acceptance of information that already contains a ready conclusion is ensured.

    Using this information, the person being influenced must come to the correct conclusion you need. The goal is achieved due to the fact that a person causes strong emotional reactions. The main forms of suggestion are a hint, approval, condemnation.

    Psychological contagion- transfer process emotional state from one person to another on an unconscious level. Often, this method is used in groups of people or collectives.

    For example, correctly presented information about the success of one person infects others with enthusiasm, causing interest and enthusiasm, not envy.

    In addition to the above basic methods, do not forget about simpler truths that must be remembered if desired. influence a person during communication.

    Often call the interlocutor by name, because for his ears there is nothing sweeter. Know how to listen and be sincerely interested in what you are being told, this always leads to a successful outcome of the dialogue.

    And of course, smile more often, be an optimist! You will be surprised by the response of the world around you, which will submit to your sincere influence.