How to find water for a well: using different methods

In the absence of the possibility of connecting to the centralized water supply on the site, the only way out remains - to dig the well yourself. Not everyone knows how to dig a well on their own to provide access to drinking water. With proper organization of work and choice of location, you will get a reliable source of spring water. Subject to the basic rules and understanding of the essence of the process, digging a well with your own hands is quite simple.

What is important to know about digging wells

The drinking water that is expected during the construction of the well should be clean and tasty, but this is not always the case. The well is made according to all the rules, and the water in it sometimes comes hard, with a foreign smell or with a bitter taste. In order that the efforts were not in vain, it is important to know how and where to dig a well for a crystal inflow. pure water... Groundwater occurs at different levels, respectively, the water in them is also different.

Since ancient times, well builders in arid regions have been especially revered by many peoples. It was customary to thank heaven and bless their descendants for their work, drawing water every time. And those who fell asleep, poisoned or filled up wells with stones - people cursed up to the 7th generation. Now few people remember kind word unknown hard workers, but respect for water sources has survived to this day.

Today, in private households, many also decide how to find - where to dig a well? In most cases, they try to dig a well as close as possible to the structure, but this can negatively affect the foundation of the house or summer cottage. The optimal gap is about 5-6 meters.

Carrying water far away in buckets is also impractical, but there are options for supplying water under pressure or using pumps. In this case, it is not difficult to organize the water supply to the house. But it is important to think over the drainage of slops so that the water supply and drainage of the sewage system are in different places plot.

The well is dug independently, subject to all safety rules, or entrust it to specialists with technology. In an area with a low level of groundwater occurrence, excavation from a well is done by several workers using simple tools or equipment. Good example - do-it-yourself well video at the end of the article.

Pay attention to your neighbors - are there enough shallow wells in your area? If the water tastes great in them, this can be done on your site. But it happens that within 2-3 km, the water from the wells tastes different.

The aquifers lie at different levels, so in some places there are wells up to 25-30 m deep. In this case, do not think how many meters to dig the well - it is advisable to drill an artesian well. Easiest to work on sandy ground, clay is more difficult to dig, stones are most difficult to remove and lift up with a winch. Sometimes the layer of stones is so large, and the rocks are so hard and unyielding to extract, that you have to abandon the question of how to make a well yourself.

The easiest way is to start with a mechanized digging bucket. Further, manually deepen until water appears and level the walls for laying concrete rings. However, it is not possible to fit the equipment to all places where they plan to dig a well on the site.

All work can be performed by 2-3 people - with a shovel, crowbar and soil bucket on the winch. But the more people can substitute for each other when digging a well, the faster and easier it is to complete the main stages of work. The soil is first broken with a crowbar or pickaxe, digged with a shovel and selected with a bucket, which is lifted with various devices.

How to determine the optimal location for a well

It happens that none of the neighbors have wells on the site - it is worth asking about the reason so as not to waste efforts in vain. The difficulties of arranging the source drinking water depends on many factors, including:

  • terrain relief;
  • climatic conditions;
  • the type of soil and the layers lying in them;
  • hydrogeological conditions;
  • poor water quality (dirty, cloudy, odd taste or tint).

Attention: Do not drink putrid and contaminated water (verkhovodka), which can get into the well from the swampy area, nearby cattle burial grounds, cemeteries, chemical waste burials, landfills, car washes, reservoirs for wastewater or sewers. Avoid digging a well near a farm or pigsty, especially at the bottom of a noticeable slope. Remember that wells are always dug above the source of pollution.

The golden rule: The well must be at least 30 - 35 m from cesspool toilet, cesspool, manure heaps, garbage pit or septic tank. Do not put a well next to a sauna or bathhouse and car wash.

Those who develop uninhabited lands have to drill a special exploration well for preliminary exploration of the aquifer. Although this is a laborious and costly method, it is the most reliable and accurate one.

Wells are most difficult to dig in rocky mountainous terrain - it is difficult to determine the level of the aquifer. On the way to it, large boulders can come across, which are difficult to remove and lift out even with a reliable winch. If your neighbors have wells, you can ask them:

  • the depth of the groundwater at the site;
  • optimal time for excavation;
  • features of local breeds.

To determine the place where to dig a well and how to determine the level of groundwater, they use not only geological exploration, but also other methods. Some are looking for water with rotating frames, others "call spirits", but it is much easier to trust the devices. The sensitive barometer detects humidity differences and atmospheric pressure... In hot weather, the meteorological method shows places with wet soil - water from the near layer forms a kind of fog or dew on the ground.

Reveal proximity to the surface of groundwater when using exploration by drilling or with a competent assessment of the relief. In this case, the ratio of lowlands, depressions and hollows that raise groundwater is important. Sorcerers have used this method for a long time to find a good place for a new settlement - since enough drinking water.

Wells are sometimes made on mountain slopes or on the banks of a river. Getting to the source of drinking water along a steep slope is difficult, it requires the construction of reliable steps to raise the water at any time of the year! But this method is used in the mountains and in the forest, where there is no other way to equip a well. There are many flat areas where wells can be dug almost everywhere, but there will be different depths.

Attention: Unsuitable places for digging wells - slopes of beams, ravines, river banks, gutters and other places where natural or artificially there is a drainage of groundwater.

When is it better to dig a reservoir for arranging a well

When discussing the question of when to dig a well, not everyone agrees. It is clear that it is inconvenient to dig frozen ground, but water does not come from below. During rainstorms and the likelihood of landslides, digging the earth is also not advisable - the excavated soil can slide back into the pit with a stream of mud. It is also undesirable to dig wells during floods and spring melting of snow, when the bottom is still frozen, and upper layer oversaturated with moisture.

In frozen ground, there is a high probability of overshooting with the depth of the well. But it is at the end of winter that the aquifer is at its lowest level. Experts confirm when it is better to dig a well - in some regions, only at the end of winter and before the beginning of autumn there is such an opportunity. Here is a diagram of a well with your own hands:

Varieties groundwater:

  • untreated top water - closest to the surface of the earth, it should not fall into the well shaft, otherwise the water will be cloudy, hard and with a taste;
  • groundwater - the subject of the search, is shallow and under pressure, often forming springs that can be cleaned and used instead of a well;
  • artesian - lies in a layer deeper, more like crystal clear mineral water, from wells are coming under high pressure, sometimes a fountain.

Well types

Wells are different types, taking into account the purpose, method of construction and types of external structure:

  • drilling;
  • key or spring;
  • mine (straight rounded depression);
  • tubular (column, with water removal outside).

Each has its own advantages, but it is more difficult to equip a pipe well in a dacha with your own hands than an ordinary mine one. The traditional type of well is easier to dig on your own, it is easier to adjust the depth and width along the way, to equip the walls and bottom. It is easier to work with a shovel, crowbar or pickaxe in a well shaft - these are the reasons for the usual dimensions of wells familiar from childhood.

It is most convenient to make a column or tubular type of well in those places where a small-diameter aquifer lies nearby. Usually a pump and a simple water conduit are used for this. Labor and financial investments in their construction are about the same. But you need to have certain hydraulic engineering knowledge so that the water from the column flows into the house directly from the well.

By filling, shaft-type wells are distinguished:

  • deep and shallow;
  • complete and incomplete (the water level varies with the season).

At full wells, an additional reservoir is also equipped - a sump, which is designed to ensure its filling of the mine in a drought to maintain a balance in the flow and use of water.

There are also covered and open wells, like a purified spring, that can be found in the forest. In the Carpathians, for example, it is customary to regularly clean the spring, put up signs, equip it with a hanging mug or a pitcher for scooping and a bench for rest.

The shaft of the well is reinforced in different ways - with masonry (as in ancient times), concrete rings or a monolithic concrete circle. There are samples lined inside with logs of rotting wood or with brick walls... But for a well in the country, it is most convenient to make a concrete well with your own hands. After unloading from the transport, individual reinforced concrete rings can be rolled up to the dug well shaft independently.

The main structural elements of a shaft well:

  • the shaft of the mine is the main underground part, where it is most important to make reliable strengthening of the walls in order to avoid the collapse of the entire structure and the admixture of groundwater from precipitation and upper water;
  • sump or water intake - a reservoir for collecting and storing clean water, which also protects against freezing;
  • head - an overhead structure to protect drinking water from external pollution and facilitate its supply, it involves decorative and purely practical elements.

Well construction safety

1. All work related to excavation is carried out in overalls, gloves and a protective helmet.

2. The equipment used is pre-checked for integrity, the ropes are strong, the bucket is securely fastened, the winch works flawlessly.

3. Do not rush when digging and when lifting a bucket with earth or strapping with a stone - negligence can lead to breakage and injury.

4. It is better to attach the bucket to a strong rope with a carabiner than to rely on a reliable knot.

5. A safety rope is hooked to the belt for the digger at a depth in case of injury and methane poisoning.

Digging a very deep well is unsafe or not cost effective. Problems can also arise with the methane emitted from the subsoil, which is difficult to recognize by its minor symptoms.

Attention: If even a slight dizziness, weakness, nausea, difficulty in breathing occurs while digging a hole, the digger must be urgently lifted to the surface with a winch!

The gas content of the mine is checked with a lighted candle - it either intensifies the combustion or goes out. The awning stretched over the frame is lowered and raised several times in the shaft - for ventilation. You can use construction equipment for blowing and ventilation.

The process of digging a hole and equipment of a well shaft

1. The well is dug with a vertical cylinder with a cross section of about one and a half meters - for the convenience of working with the tool. For concrete rings, the width of the shaft is calculated by their diameter. They work in a team of 3 people, where the first one digs, the other takes a bucket of dug earth on a rope, and the third unloads the earth or rests, then they change.

2. It is important to correctly dig a hole for laying the first ring - smooth and rounded walls, the bottom is horizontal. When the first ring is carefully lowered into the future source of water, the earth is taken out along the rings inside. As the soil is dug up, they will sag under the weight.

3. When the first ring deepens to a sufficient level, you can put the next on top of it and another one - until the water level is reached. Sometimes they delay shrinkage if they run unevenly, and sandbags can be placed on the sides of the top ring to speed up the process.

4. The rings are held together with steel rods or plates. The rods are part of the rings in the form of reinforcement and act as hinges, and they are bolted together, the plates are attached to the rings in the prepared holes.

5. The process of excavation is continued until water appears and further, pumping out the first dirty water with a pump. When water is actively arriving or gushing, stop digging.

6. Before leaving the well shaft in this way, clean large stones are laid on the bottom. From above, the bottom of the well is leveled with washed crushed stone or gravel. This layer serves as an infiltrate for small soil particles so that they do not get collected in a bucket of water.

7. It is better to pump the first water from the well, and if there is no such possibility, do not use it for drinking for a couple of weeks. Well flushing is completed after 10 - 18 hours of pumping, that is, until complete transparency.

8. It is worth considering the removal of soil removed from the mine, especially when aerial part the construction is not completed. Otherwise, with the very first downpour, dirt can penetrate into the well.

9. The head structure should have a "lock" or a small depression for spilling water, which is closed by a blind area. Upon completion of the work, a head or "top" of the well is performed, which can be made modestly and reliably or very beautifully, as an element landscape design - examples in the photo in this article.

It cannot perform its main function, so experts recommend not rushing to buy the first one that comes along. You should also be interested in not only the quantity, but also the quality of the liquid, since your health will directly depend on this. Most often, homeowners try to get autonomy from the water utility by making wells or wells on the site.

In the photo - dacha autonomous source water supply from reinforced concrete rings

In addition, they make it possible to save significant funds in the future. In this article we will talk about the types of wells for a summer cottage, their features and methods of manufacture.


There are two main types - mine and key. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. The upward type requires minimum costs, easy to manufacture and does not need any special operation.
  2. It differs in that the water actually comes to the surface by itself. You just have to make a small depression and put the frame.
  3. The filter at the bottom of the well will be a layer of fine pebbles with sand with a thickness of 150 mm.
  4. The blockhouse must be installed so that its lower part is located below the liquid rise level. It is also necessary to make a drain hole in it, which allows the water to rise to the desired height, and at the same time not to "leave" the well.
  5. Be sure to provide a cover to protect the structure from precipitation and debris.

The second option is descending:

  1. It resembles the first, but the water in it is worse in quality.
  2. A filter is installed in the lower part of the log house to clean the liquid from impurities.
  3. The installation of a log house is the same as in the key option.
  4. This type of well has installation restrictions, which are associated with the places where the key exits to the surface, which is very often inconvenient. Therefore for autonomous water supply they are rarely used.
  1. It resembles a Ø300-1500 mm shaft dug into the depth.
  2. Material for construction can be:
  • wood;
  • brick;
  • a rock;
  • concrete.
  1. Wells are divided into:
  • shallow - up to 3 m deep;
  • medium - from 4 to 9 m;
  • deep - from 10 m.
  1. Usually excavated by hand.
  2. A stone well is made of rubble stone, granite or dolomite. Brick - from well-fired (this is very important) brick. The burnt iron ore brick, which almost does not let water through, showed itself well.
  3. The binding mortar for masonry is Portland cement, to improve the quality of which additives must be added.
  4. The use of reinforced concrete rings Ø800-1200 mm increases the service life of the structure up to half a century. Their installation is simple.

One of the main questions - how much does it cost to dig a well in the country? The result depends on many factors, including the lightness of the soil and the depth of the structure.

Here you see - how and how to close the well in the country from getting debris and precipitation into it

There is also a third type - the Abyssinian well, but it is made by "puncturing" the soil to the aquifer. Its depth usually does not exceed 15 m, and the borehole diameter is 25-75 mm. It got its name from the country of Abyssinia.

In order to make a well in a country house of this design, you will need a buried pipe with a tapered tip at the end. A filter is installed in it to purify the rising water.

On light soil, pipes of small diameter (25-35 mm) are driven into it, for large ones, they are drilled to install them. The main disadvantage structures - the well cannot raise water from a depth of more than 8 m.

For work, a piston pump with a manual or electric drive is used. The debit of the well depends only on the thickness of the aquifer.

The main advantage of the structure is the speed of its manufacture and the low cost of materials. You can install it yourself or hire a professional team.

Choosing a place

It is not always possible to locate the well exactly there on the site where we would like. In this case, everything depends on the location of the aquifer. This can be determined with the help of geological prospecting, which has branches in all regions.

Advice: spend time and money, but call a professional specialist, in the end these expenses will quickly pay off, otherwise, your expenses will be wasted.

The installation site of the future well is the main stage of the water supply to the site. Therefore, do not be lazy and ask your neighbors about the differences during the seasons, the quality of water, or better take it for a sample and send it to the SES for verification. Do not think this extra costs, take care of your health.

We may not know that some discharges are reaching the aquifer. Therefore, a thorough check of the suburban area, even if it is located in an ecological area and far from industrial enterprises, will still not be superfluous.

After determining the purity and depth of the groundwater, you can start working. Please note that there is a standard sanitary zone, which does not allow the installation of a drinking well closer than 20 m from buildings where pets are kept and latrines.

Tip: before installing on site country houses from a block of containers, determine a place for a future source of water.

We use concrete rings

Determine the composition of the soil before starting digging:

  • light - sand;
  • a little more difficult is the earth;
  • complex - clay;
  • it is impossible to dig a wild stone, it is better to drill it.

Tip: Note that quicksand is a serious problem - mobile wet sand that can move soil-retaining structures.

Reinforced concrete rings are considered the most convenient material for forming the walls of the well. The best of them are with a lock, as they call the corresponding protrusion and annular groove for reliable fixation during assembly relative to each other, but their price is more expensive than usual. The optimum diameter is 900 mm.

Process instruction:

  1. Work should be carried out with a minimum of groundwater, usually in August - October.
  2. Immediately you need to provide a place for the soil to be removed. The approximate volume is 5-6 m 3, while the distance from the warehouse to the well should be at least 5 m.
  3. For the first 2 m, dig slightly wider than the diameter of the rings so that they go down without delay.
  4. The ideal option is rings with locks, otherwise bend the mounting loops inward and weld them. This way you can avoid their displacement during ground movements.
  5. Dig under the rings so that they sink under their own weight.
  6. Check the verticality of the structure with a plumb line.

An important point is to seal the gaps that inevitably arise between the rings. This will protect the structure from the ingress of water passing along the walls, soil spillage, and exclude the seepage of a non-potable upper aquifer.

The best option is to install a special rubber seal in the groove. In this case, you must definitely require a medical certificate of conformity of the product. Otherwise, skip the purchase and seal the joints with cement.

Tip: you can use a thick natural rope, several times wound around the groove, for termination.

After installing all the rings, you should deepen the well in the country in aquifer 1 m or more. Then waterproof the top of the structure that is wider than the rings. The upper hydraulic lock consists of clay filled in and compacted between the soil and the walls of the well.

A similar method to the previous one is using a sliding formwork. In this case, the walls do not have seams, and if you increase their thickness, you can not use reinforcement.

If you have the opportunity, make the walls of the structure monolithic. This method has advantages, but in time it is long, since you have to wait about a week between fillings.

Tip: for the smooth operation of the pump in a well or well, you may need to rent a diesel generator for a summer residence.


- the first way to get on it comfortable conditions... There are several options for this, including standalone. In this article, the characteristics of summer cottages of this type were considered in detail, recommendations and a phased construction project were given.

The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

Your own well is pure water all year round without switching off for prevention, the ability to use water for food and for watering plants, while not paying a penny for the cubic meters of liquid spent. This is especially true in times of crisis. If you have a site and there is a choice between connecting a water supply system and installing a well, then definitely choose the latter.

For all the seeming ease of the task, it should be approached responsibly. Before starting, be sure to determine the location of the well installation. The volumes of water that can be obtained, as well as the quality of the liquid, depend on his choice. Where in no case should a well be built?

In order to find a place for a well, you need a real "dog" scent

If you want to receive water suitable for drinking, then the well cannot be placed in the following places:

In swampy areas and near ditches ( dirty water from the surface will mix with clean water);

Near toilets, deep pits and warehouses with fertilizers (if they are available on the site, then the distance to them should be at least 10 meters);

Close to composts and garbage dumps (if any, remove the place for the well by at least 12 meters);

Near residential buildings / houses (to avoid getting dirt into the water, remove the well at least 10 meters);

Near burials (it is better not to build a well at all, but if necessary, you need to remove it 50-100 meters);

Near buildings where small livestock or poultry are kept (also at least 10 meters to the well, and better further);

Near baths or showers (if you do not want water from your body to return to you through a well, then build it at least 8 meters from such buildings);

Near parking spaces (if you do not want to get water containing engine oils or gasoline, then the well should be at least 10 meters from the parking lot);

Near major highways (the less pollution on the surface, the cleaner the water);

In the low places of the site (rainwater will constantly form there, which can collect pollution).

As you can see, the list of exceptions is long, but it shouldn't upset you. Even if the site has small area and a lot of things are concentrated on it, then in such cases it is recommended to dig a deep well.

Where to choose a place to dig a well?

The ideal location for the well is the elevation of the site (highest point). This will avoid contamination from the wastewater through the rings and will also keep your water as clean as possible.

The most favorable location for a drinking well is a hill made of sandy soil

A good optionif you plan to place the well on sandy soil. In this case, there will be no problems with digging. Clay will be more difficult to give, but it can also be dug manually, without using any technique. If there are a lot of stones in the soil, then it is better to connect specialists to digging a well - it will be extremely problematic to dig a deep well with your hands.

When is the best time to dig a well?

The well is very sensitive to the seasons. If you build it in the spring, then in the summer you can be left without water, because initially you can confuse a good aquifer with melt water. Most the best time for the construction of a well from December to March and from June to September. It is better not to carry out work in April, May, October and November.

Even if you bought a plot, not counting on further development, and only plan to set up a garden or a vegetable garden on it, you, in any case, need to establish a water supply. Moreover, water is needed if you build a house on your land. Pure water from a well is incomparable with tap water - this is a fact. Surely you are looking for specialists who will relieve you of the need to build a well yourself, and then take care of it. What do you need to know first?

Solve the problem of drinking water at summer cottage construction of a well can help. Before you start digging a well, you need to choose the right place and have information on how to properly drill a well and the best way to strengthen its walls.

The problem of drinking water in the bosom of nature is more than relevant. Even if you settled on the shore of an impeccable reservoir, you cannot drink water from it without serious purification. And cleaning is money, and even chemistry that will enter your body. Therefore, you need to either drill a well on the site, or dig a well.

You should think about all this in advance, that is, before the start of construction. The presence of water on the site should be determined even at the stage of engineering and geological surveys, when they check the soil, soils, determine the depth of groundwater, etc. If there is a highway nearby that supplies water to the nearest settlement, then it is better to connect to this highway. But if it is not there, you will have to go deep into the bowels on your own and get the much-needed water from there.

Our ancestors most often dug wells on sites (sometimes there were several common wells per village). The well served well for many years, supplying clean water, and the owner did not know the grief. Now the situation has changed: in a number of cases, water from a layer of non-pressurized groundwater does not meet sanitary standards, and septic tanks have appeared on the sites, and it is required to take the well from them as far as possible. Therefore, many owners of modern country houses prefer to drill wells.

However, the wells are still being arranged. The only pity is that many homeowners are striving to equip them at the lowest cost, saving on the professionalism of those who are engaged in this by no means simple matter. The results are deplorable: as a result of illiterately carried out work, the buildings on the site are deformed, and concrete rings are missed in the spring melt water, which makes the well water undrinkable from March to mid-June. It also happens that the owner of the site decides not to spend money on the initial survey of the soil, and the water in the well is yellow.

You can equip a well, strictly speaking, at any time of the year, even in winter. However, in spring, when the snow melts, there is a risk of incorrectly determining the required depth of the well. During this period of the year, groundwater is high, and the proper water level in April will turn out, say, in August, not meeting your needs (fluctuations can reach two meters). Therefore, professionals recommend digging a well in the fall, when the water table is at its lowest.

A traditional well in a special language is called a mine well (a well is called a tubular well). With a shallow depth of the aquifer (up to 10 m), such a water intake can be built on your own. However, more and more people are turning to specialists who know how to identify the aquifer and determine the nature of the underground reservoir.

The base of the well is the walls of the shaft, which are reinforced either in the traditional way (a frame made of thick logs) or with concrete rings. Brick or wild stone masonry is also used, but less often. The mine is buried in water-bearing rocks in such a way that the thickness of clean, settled water in the end is at least one meter.

If wood is chosen to strengthen the walls, then the lower part of the log house, which is constantly in the water, should be made of species that are distinguished by durability and a long service life before decay begins - this is oak, pine, alder, larch, elm. Relatively small logs up to 20 centimeters in diameter are preferred.

A more modern way is to use concrete rings. They must be chosen with great care, since low-quality unreinforced concrete may not withstand the load immediately or begin to collapse already during the operation of the well. The height of the ring is from 0.6 to 0.9 m, the diameter is 1, 1.25 or 1.5 m, depending on the depth of the shaft. The part of the well protruding above the ground is called a head, it rises to a height of 0.7 to 1 m. The head, as a rule, is equipped with a blind area, and it must be done with a slope from the frame. It is preferable to pave the blind area with a stone, brick or tile so that rain and melt water does not fall into well shaft... For the same purpose, drainage grooves are made in the blind area.

The concrete ring can weigh more than 700 kg, so lifting equipment is sometimes used when laying. It is also possible to lay the rings by hand: they are placed on top of each other, and a reinforced concrete pipe is formed. In this case, the soil is selected from under the first ring, and the rest are lowered under their own weight, sliding along the walls of the cylindrical shaft. And so - until the aquifer is reached.

Rise well water from time immemorial it was carried out using a gate with a bucket on a strong chain. However, in our time, they prefer to use pumping equipment. Leading manufacturers are constantly improving the pumps already known to the consumer and delight with innovations. Modern well pumps are equipped with float switch and a special grill on the suction line, which protects the device from the penetration of possible contaminants. They are also protected from moisture: their hydraulic part is made of stainless steel. The volume and pressure of the supplied water make it possible to use the pump in a system with a domestic water supply.

The maximum depth to which such a unit can be immersed under water is 20 m. The usual precautions: the device should not run dry, the valve on the discharge pipe of a running pump should not be closed completely. It should also be borne in mind that well pumps are designed to pump only clean water, without suspended solids or fractions.

Well water

Before starting the story about the wells, let us recall what waters are available underground. Groundwater is of three types: soil (the so-called top water), groundwater and interstratal (see Fig.). Soil waters are formed at a depth of 0.5 to 2.5 m as a result of spring floods, heavy rains or melting snow. Therefore, they cannot be considered a reliable source of water supply: they can dry out, and their quality is questionable.

Part of the water that has seeped into the depths of the earth forms groundwater, which accumulates in the so-called aquifer - the first from the soil surface. Below is the waterproof layer. When the waters lie between two aquicludes, they are called interstratal. Wells are usually dug down to groundwater. But the wells are drilled - already to the interstratal, the water in which is cleaner and preferable for drinking and use on the farm.

The most common are two types of wells: "for sand", up to 35 m deep, and "for limestone" - up to 100 meters and deeper. If a fountain beats from under the ground, that is, water flows under pressure, the well is called artesian (this is quite rare).

A well "on the sand" is drilled to the nearest aquifer, as a rule, to a depth of 20-30 m. It consists of a casing of pipes with a diameter of about 12-13 cm and a strainer. Drilling sometimes takes only one or two days. The productivity of such a well is about one cubic meter of water per hour, and it lasts the longer, the more often it is used. In this case, the well silts up less and therefore lasts longer - sometimes up to 15 years.

Limestone wells take longer to drill and pipes are used more widely, up to 30 cm in diameter. There are more casing strings here, which means that the cost of such work is higher. I note that in different places it can vary greatly, since somewhere the aquifer lies at a depth of 40 m, and somewhere it is necessary to drill up to 100 m. But the productivity of such a well is up to 100 cubic meters of water per hour. Service life - 50 years or more. Silting is excluded because the aquifer itself serves as a filter.

It would seem that drilling “on the sand” is definitely cheaper. But if we take into account the period of operation, it turns out that in the end it is more profitable to drill into limestone. In addition, here it is necessary to take into account the ecological aspect: aquifer sands are close to the surface of the earth, sometimes fecal waters from cesspools, storm water, etc. penetrate into them. use as drinking.

After the well is drilled, it is advisable to do chemical analysis water. It is recommended to take a sample after about a month of operation - during this time the composition of the water is completely stabilized. Based on the analysis results, water treatment equipment should be selected.
You need to drill a well no closer than three meters from the house, and in order to use water all year round, a caisson must be built at the exit. And already from it, at a depth of more than one and a half meters - the depth of soil freezing in our region - connect the pipeline and direct it into the house.

In wells, seamless steel seamless pipes with a wall thickness of 5 mm are used. The pipes are connected either by welding, or a threaded connection is made. IN last years apply also plastic pipes... The well is more expensive if you drill deeper: more pipes are required and powerful pumps are needed. Some companies sometimes offer lighter galvanized tubing that can reduce the overall cost of the well. However, with prolonged use, the inflowing water can be harmful to health.

In all wells, except for artesian wells, it is necessary to install pumping equipment. Among the pumps available on the market, I would like to point out the Italian submersible pumps made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel. Cheaper and rather reliable domestic pumps - "Malysh", "Trickle" and "Aquarius" (cost within 1500-3000 rubles.). For convenience, borehole pumps can be equipped with automation elements that will create autonomous system water supply. In this case, the pump will be in a well or a well, and the automation elements will be in any easily accessible place.

There are already ready-made kits downhole equipment equipped with a cable, a control device and appropriate sensors for water supply in automatic mode. This system automatically maintains the set pressure at varying flow rates using an integrated speed converter. And the constant pressure in the water supply network, in turn, guarantees the stable operation of household appliances.

Sometimes a well is arranged right in the basement of the house if the ceilings are at least two meters there. This should be a shallow hole that can be drilled with a small drilling rig. Deep well requires the use of large equipment that will not fit in the basement of any cottage. Drilling work is carried out using heavy equipment, and land dumps remain on the site, so it is better to drill a well before building a house.

In conclusion, I will repeat what I said at the very beginning. In principle, it is also possible to take water from the nearest open reservoir - a stream, lake, etc. It is clear that this method is both simpler and cheaper than digging wells or drilling wells. But given the modern ecological situation in general, we do not recommend taking water from these places. By saving on mine digging and drilling, you will spend three times more on medicines for diseases that you risk getting.

Figure: Shaft well made of reinforced concrete rings.

Figure: Well device.

Of course, all the above work on digging a well or drilling a well must be performed by specialists, and I just gave general information so that you, as the owner or customer of these works, are aware of and can correctly direct and control the entire process. And who should carry out the "well-borehole" work? And what are they?

Well digging cost

Most often, mine wells are arranged in summer cottages. Their depth usually does not exceed twenty meters. Most often, the walls of the shaft are laid out with concrete rings. Nowadays, the cost of digging a well is not too high, and therefore many dacha owners prefer not to do this business on their own, but to hire specialists.

The main difficulty in digging may lie in the composition and characteristics of the soil. Often, when carrying out such work, specific layers are encountered, which are very difficult to pass. This is another reason to hire professionals. In this case, such a service is provided as the digging of turnkey wells.

At the same time, the question for the owner of the site can only be the price and ensuring the access of equipment to the place of work. After all, heavy concrete rings, which can be considered the most reliable protection pit walls, weigh a lot and are delivered using special equipment and mechanisms. The cost of the service is, of course, influenced by the number of concrete rings that will be installed in the pit. Pay attention to the following factors:

1. The most difficult to choose the right place for the well, so the services of hydraulic engineers are needed. Experts will easily find an aquifer with potable water, and, if necessary, they will carry out exploratory drilling on the site so that you know exactly what the depth of groundwater is and where it is better to equip the water supply system.

I do not advise you to address this question to the migrant workers' brigade. Unlike shabashniks, special firms have all necessary toolso what for short term will help to solve almost any problem with water supply.

2. It is important that the rings that will be installed in the pit have high quality... An oil film on the surface of the water is not a very pleasant phenomenon. A special grade material is used for the wells.

3. It happens that water "leaves" from an already finished well, then its deepening is required. Also on the site there may be quicksands and calcareous soils.

4. It is no secret that in the water from a well that has not been cleaned for a long time, there are many pathogenic bacteria that can cause various diseases... So, you need to clean and disinfect the well at least once a year.

The speed of such work can depend on a variety of factors. First of all, it is, of course, the composition of the soil. The second important factor in this regard is the number of concrete rings. Up to ten pieces are usually stacked in one day. In total, digging a well by professionals takes about two days.

Before starting work, an analysis of the site is carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the most suitable place for digging a well. Typically, well digging companies are later hired to clean them. This procedure should be carried out periodically, about once every 2-3 years.

Moreover, the more often such an event is carried out, the better the water will be. As necessary, structures are also repaired.

I will add that the work will cost you an average of 50-60 thousand rubles. (digging a well, purchasing and laying concrete rings to a depth of 10 meters). Drilling sand hole (up to 40 meters) or an artesian well (depth up to 135 meters) will cost you about 1,500 rubles. for every meter.


Any summer resident knows: having your own well on the site is very convenient and practical. Wells in most cases are built by migrant workers - people for whom well business is just a way to earn money. But in Russia there are still professionals, masters of well business, behind whom there are old traditions and centuries of experience. They know everything about creating real, environmentally friendly wells.

How to choose the right place for a well and provide your site with clean water - all the secrets of the masters in the program "Great rarity" on the "Male" TV channel.

Where to dig a well on the site: how to find water for a well. Arrangement of a hydraulic structure in the form of a well is a rather laborious and costly occupation, therefore, before deciding to start work, you should find out how to find water on the site for a well with your own hands, and try to determine the presence of an aquifer in the territory suitable for the location of the water intake in the vicinity of potential sources of pollution. Considering how many factors affect the drinking quality of water extracted from the bowels, before determining where to dig the well, it is necessary to evaluate the admissibility of its placement on the site due to the close location of objects capable of releasing substances harmful to humans into the ground, often not changing the taste of water, but having a detrimental effect on any function of the body.

Copper-tipped aluminum wire is a great modern alternative to vines.

Choosing a place where to dig a well on the site

In order to limit the area where the choice of a place for arranging a well should be made according to the conditions of the neighborhood, you will need a map or plan of the area on which the location of the house, utility and household buildings on the territory of suburban ownership, as well as potential sources of pollution, including :

  • open and closed septic tanks;
  • cesspools and toilets with them;
  • compost heaps and pits;
  • irrigated and fertilized fields / vegetable gardens;
  • landfills for household and industrial waste;
  • production facilities.

Having designated all the listed objects on the map with points of the corresponding diameter or a figure that repeats the geometry of the structure on a scale, you can proceed to drawing the alienation radii, which are the minimum allowable distance to the well. Constructing circles from the most protruding part / parts of objects is a way to find a valid place for a well, and their radius is equal to the minimum distance from the boundaries, which is:

  • for buildings and structures, at least 5 meters, so that the foundation does not wash away;
  • for septic tanks, cesspools, compost structures and landfills - at least 8 meters, but it is recommended to double this distance;
  • from irrigated fields or vegetable garden - at least 5 meters;
  • from roads, including country roads and motorways - more than 5 meters.

The distance from the cesspool to the drinking well should be the greater, the deeper the fecal structure and increase by 10 meters for each meter of deepening.

The impossibility of observing the listed indents on the scale of a standard summer cottage causes the removal of drainage structures outside the territory or their replacement with sealed septic tanks.

After the exclusion circles are plotted on the terrain plan, you can choose a place for a well on the site, located on the territory not covered by circles or their intersections, which will be clearly visible if you paint the zones of influence of each object in a certain color.

Is there water on the site?

Of the ways how to find water for a well there are many, some of them go back to the depths of the past, but there are also those that have become possible quite recently. Such methods, characterized by the greatest reliability and reliability, include exploration drilling, which, unfortunately, as an option to find water on the site for arranging a well, having done everything with our own hands, is not suitable, since it requires special equipment and the involvement of a team of drillers. Therefore, to the owners of summer cottages who want to know how to determine wheredig a well on personal plot you will have to use the folk method, among which the following are popular:

  1. Orientation by insect behavior, which, as a way of knowing where to dig a well, involves observing midges and mosquitoes swirling in such places in dry weather, as well as finding a habitat for ants that never place their homes above an underground water carrier.
  2. The search for water for the well, according to the trees growing on the territory of the allotment, is possible before it is completely uprooted and allows us to assume the presence of a water carrier at a depth of 2 - 5 meters, if willow, hazel and alder grow well, or in the range from 5 to 10 meters, when they have begun well elderberry or viburnum bushes. Another indicator of water layers is a green patch of grass among a wilted neighborhood, which should not be growing rapidly, as this is a symptom of vermicompost.
  3. Observing the behavior of animals in dry weather is a variation of how to locate a well, which is more likely to be dug in the place where a horse or dog will lie down in the midday heat.
  4. Dowsing, as a way to find a place suitable for a well, has been known for a long time and consists in walking around the site with a V-shaped branch of a vine in his hands, which should "peck" into the ground where there is water underground.
  5. The way of how you can find a suitable place for a well on a site that is a modified walking with a vine is considered walking with curved L-shaped frames from aluminum wirethat rotate freely in the arms and must cross over a potential water intake.
  6. The use of materials that absorb moisture well is known to man as a way to determine where to dig a well, no less than dowsing. If our ancestors used wool balls covered with clay pots for these purposes, today silica gel or red brick is used for this. In both cases, the place where the adsorbent saturated large quantity water.

Which way to trust

Before you start looking for water for a well, you should go around and interview neighbors who can tell at what depth and in what place they managed to reach the aquifer, as well as the flow rate of the water intake, which makes it possible to judge the rationality of arranging another consumption point.

The optimal solution to how to find water for a well and not digging mines in vain, is exploratory drilling, which can be carried out within one daylight hours and does not require numerous "shamanic" techniques extended over time.

The procedure for finding water for arranging a well in a personal plot folk ways should not be limited to the use of only one diagnostic option, all known options should be used and their combination should be oriented. Since each applied method to find water on a site for equipping a well has experience of many years of observations and successful applications, the positive results obtained from several of them, for the same place, will be a good enough reason to assume the presence of groundwater.

Video: finding water on the site