How to get rid of moths in the house forever. How to get rid of moths in the house: a selection of folk and modern ways to deal with butterflies and larvae. Video: how to get rid of moths with folk remedies

Almost everyone was faced with the question of how to get rid of moths in an apartment forever, but the answer is not easy. Moths are small insects from the category of butterflies. Basically, the common moth is known, which spoils fur and woolen things.

At home, moth larvae feed on a horny substance - keratin, which is part of wool, carpet pile, fur coat hair. Eating keratin, the caterpillar leaves waste products. During the day, the larva can make a through hole in the fur or woolen product. In search of food, the moth gnaws different materials: paper, cotton, silk, synthetic materials.

The development of a moth consists of several stages: an egg, a caterpillar, a pupa, a butterfly. Moths usually mean butterflies, but they are just less dangerous to things. Fur and wool are eaten by caterpillars, therefore, it is necessary to deal with them and with the larvae that are laid by insects.

Folk and store remedies against moths

In the fight against moths, housewives use different means, both folk, proven over the years, and modern, purchased ones. Let's figure out what will help get rid of harmful insects faster and will not harm the health of the residents of the apartment.

Folk remedies against moths

Our great-grandmothers used the well-known naphthalene to protect things from moths in the apartment, which effectively scares away butterflies, but cannot destroy caterpillars and eggs. Scientists classify naphthalene as a carcinogen capable of provoking the development of malignant diseases.

  • Natural and safe for health remedies for moths are fir and lavender essential oils. Fur and woolen fabrics from insects will be protected by cotton swabs soaked in these oils, dried lavender flowers, spread among things in gauze bags.
  • The smell of cedar wood and camphor will scare away pests from the cabinet.
  • A safe folk remedy for insect control is vinegar. Heat a few tablespoons of vinegar in a hot frying pan and close in a cabinet for 10-15 minutes.
  • The powder of the Caucasian chamomile - pyrethrum will relieve the flying moth. Lay out the powder at the rate of 3-4 grams per square meter area.
  • To fight moth butterflies, tobacco, black pepper, strawberry soap will come, orange peels, houseplants with a pungent aroma - geranium and coleus. Insects cannot tolerate these odors.

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Folk ways fights are safe for health, but plants are only repellents that repel butterflies. If a mole has settled in things, you can get rid of it only with the help of chemistry.

Purchased home moth remedies

The traditional and well-known remedy for moths is briquettes and tablets, which include camphor and naphthalene. They are laid out on top shelves cabinets.

The antimal action of naphthalene and camphor is based on heavy vapors of these substances, which, being concentrated below, do not allow butterflies to lay eggs on clothes. The biggest plus of briquettes and tablets is the low price. But high concentrations of camphor and naphthalene can be hazardous to human health. This should be taken into account by people prone to allergic reactions.

There are many pest control products on store shelves.

  1. "Antimol" or "Desmol" are placed 3-4 tablets in a cupboard. The duration of the drugs is about two weeks.
  2. "Molemor" protects things from insects for six months, but no more than two plates can be used in one room.
  3. Aerosols and sprays - "Suprosol", "Trap", plates - "Moskitol", liquid - "Supromit". Liquid substances they process the walls of cabinets and clothes, the effect of the treatment lasts for several months.
  4. "Reid Antimol" can be purchased immediately in the form of a gel, spray and plates.

Insect repellent manufacturers produce drugs without bad smell, destroying butterflies and moth larvae, protecting things from skin beetles, carpet bugs, ants. The plates are valid for up to six months.

Preparations for moths in the form of sections are popular. It is enough to remove the protective tape and glue the section to the top wall of the cabinet. The sections will fill the wardrobe with a pleasant scent of lavender, chamomile or tangerine. Children's things will be protected by special sections of delicate action. Refresh the drug in the cabinet every 4-6 months. Despite all the advantages, the product is quite toxic: it cannot be stored near food products and in places accessible to children; it is unacceptable to place more than two sections in rooms less than 15 square meters. m.

Take the choice of anti-cancer drugs seriously: do not buy products from dubious manufacturers, with damaged packaging. Chemical substances of inadequate quality can be harmful to health.

How to get rid of food moths permanently

On the kitchen

You can permanently get rid of food moths in the kitchen only with the help of the chemicals described above. Folk remedies are used after the complete removal of pests, for prevention.

After the removal procedures, be sure to treat the places where she lived. Wash cabinets containing insect-affected products with warm soapy water, then clean water... All cracks and grooves are smeared with table vinegar using a thin brush. The cabinet is then left open until it is completely dry.

So that the kitchen does not start harmful insects, store groceries in bins or containers with tightly closed lids. If you have to store food in plastic bags, they should be tied well.

In cereals

If the moth has strongly affected the cereals, you cannot eat them. If a small amount of food is damaged, you can try to sort it out, then dry it for 15 minutes in the oven at 60 ° C or in the microwave.

On cabbage

A common pest around the world is the cabbage moth. After several gnawing insects, the head of cabbage cannot be stored, it begins to deteriorate quickly. The pest infects the plant even in the beds.

Insect control work is carried out in a complex.

  1. The remains of the crop are carefully plowed. Since on them and on the weeds, pupae remain for the winter, which, after plowing, will not be able to get out.
  2. Make sure that weeds do not spread. If more than 10% of the crop is affected or there are more than 4 caterpillars on one bush, they are treated with insecticides.
  3. The most effective means of combating the garden pest are Entobacterin, Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin.

What if you haven't found the larvae?

It is a great misconception to think that the moth butterfly does harm to things, and by killing it, you can get rid of the problem. We almost always see male moths flying into rooms. Females at this time lay eggs in cupboards and other secluded places.

Caterpillars, soon emerging from the larvae, and cause damage to products made from fur, wool and other natural materials... It is logical not to fight with butterflies, but to destroy the larvae. If it was not possible to find them, it is necessary to carry out regular preventive actions and prevent the appearance of the pest.

  1. The first thing that caterpillars eat is dirty places on clothes, so before sending things for storage, thoroughly clean them of stains.
  2. Caterpillars and eggs are adversely affected by direct sunlight and Fresh air... Dry and air things periodically on the balcony. Half an hour in hot weather is enough for the eggs of the moth to die. In less sunny weather, double the drying time to achieve the effect.
  3. If possible, carry out quartzing in cabinets and the room where things are stored.
  4. For the radical destruction of the caterpillar of moths, like cockroaches, agents based on dichlorvos are used.
  5. Larvae die when exposed low temperatures- freezing and evaporation. It is advisable to use these methods if there is no risk of damage to the product.

Types of domestic moths

There are more than forty species of moths in nature. Only a few of them can be found in houses and apartments. To choose the most effective method struggle, it is necessary to determine their variety. The division into species is based on the habitat of the insect: some pests can be called domestic, others agricultural. Among agricultural moth species, the barley moth, apple and cabbage moths are especially distinguished. Household pests include fur, furniture, grain and clothes moths. Consider the most common types of house moths that annoy every housewife.

Fur coat moth

The fur moth is a shiny brownish-yellow or grayish butterfly. The wingspan reaches 15-16 mm. On the front wings there are two small dark spots and one large one. Caterpillars are worm-like white with a brown head and transparent skin. It feeds on natural furs, gnaws at all the hair that comes across on its way.

Clothes moth

The size of a clothes moth is larger than a fur coat. The wingspan is about 20-22 mm. The forewings are light yellow in color, with a purple-brown speck at the apex. The insect's head is covered with white fluff. The caterpillar looks the same as the fur coat moth caterpillar. Having settled in the folds of cloth or drape, the moth eats away the material from the inside, leaving a thin outer layer of matter. Therefore, the defect of the thing is often not immediately noticeable.

Furniture moth

The furniture moth is distinguished by a brilliant light yellow color. The head of the insect is rusty-yellow, the wings are brown at the base. Caterpillars eat up the hairy upholstery of furniture, and before the formation of the pupa, they feed on wood, gnawing paths, following the pattern of the tree. The moth lays eggs on the lower part and corners of furniture, in the cracks of the wood, and nests of white cocoons also accumulate here. The caterpillar is fully developed in two months. summer period and about five in the winter. The furniture moth begins to pupate in February, the first years in the spring months, the second years of butterflies in July and August.

How to remove a mole is not an idle question. Why?

Any butterflies seen in the house are a reason to seriously worry about the safety of your own things. What does a mole eat? She eats almost everything. Many larvae are capable of making clothes, furniture, carpets, fur coats, food products completely unusable.

The destruction of moths is complicated by the fact that butterflies are predominantly nocturnal and nest in places that are difficult for humans to access. The larvae are also quite difficult to find until the butterflies have hatched. They prefer to live in deep folds and seams of clothing, furniture, food bags.

Butterflies, in fact, are harmless (they cannot eat anything due to the lack of a mouth) appear only when the number of larvae and eggs reaches a truly threatening scale. It is useless and ineffective to exterminate them. Your job is to discover where the mole comes from and where it nests.

The insect does not eat things and products. Furniture moth, carpet moth, clothes moth, and any house moth in the larval stage feed on keratin. She is interested in exfoliated particles of skin, nails, hair remaining on clothes, carpets, furniture. In an effort to get to them, she gnaws huge holes in the tissue.

The same substance is found in most cereals, dried fruits, nuts, pasta. This is what the grain moth feeds on.

From its appearance at home, no one is insured, even if the farm is kept in perfect order... In principle, why it started up is not so important.

Most probable ways- it starts up through an open window without mosquito net, entrance doors, from neighbors ventilation ducts... For butterflies and larvae, something small is enough - cracks, cracks.

The following options are quite possible - you brought eggs or larvae on clothes, having handed it over to the wardrobe, eggs and larvae were already in the purchased furniture, carpet or food.

In general, it doesn't matter where the moth came from. The main thing is how to get rid of moths in the apartment. Start taking measures against it immediately, as soon as you notice the first butterflies, because in the warmth it reproduces all year round.

Moth species

Entomologists know more than thirty species of these butterflies. Any of them looks like a moth of indistinct color.

Most often, carpet, food and clothes moths are found in the house. However, the answer to the question of how to get rid of moths is one. You need to find a place where moth eggs are laid. At one time, the female is able to lay up to 500 small eggs in the form of an ellipse, silver-white or pearl-gray.

The butterflies that have bred in the house can be conditionally divided into two large groups - kitchen and material. They look different. The first has a dirty gray tint of the wings, the second is sandy or light beige.

The habitat is also different. The clothes moth lives in the closet with clothes. She is especially attracted by expensive furs and fur coats. Also enjoys increased attention dirty clothes with sweat stains.

Fur coat is a small yellowish butterfly with shiny wings. The larvae are of an unhealthy whitish color, translucent. In just a couple of days, they are able to turn a fur product into a real sieve.

The clothes moth prefers dense drape, woolen, cashmere fabrics, broadcloth, cotton and natural silk. Her butterflies are several bigger size... They can be recognized by their characteristic purple-brown hue at the base of the wings. It is difficult to detect it - the eggs of the female are laid under the lining, the larvae make longitudinal passages in the tissue, which from the outside seems to be intact.

The furniture moth is the smallest. To make masonry, she chooses inconspicuous corners and crevices in the wood, where dust accumulates. The larvae eat all kinds of padding and upholstery, then gnaw through wood and plywood.

The hardest thing to deal with is carpet moths. Moreover, its larvae eat not only carpets, as the name suggests. They don't give up on fur leather shoes, bags, gloves, belts. Killing moths is not an easy task because they are not afraid of products containing naphthalene and camphor. Washing and then drying in full sun can help against it. In winter, expose the carpet to the balcony. The colder it is outside, the better.

The food moth lives exclusively in the kitchen or in the pantry, where cereals, flour, pasta, dried fruits, nuts, and mushrooms are stored. It reproduces in warm, perfect for this, dark places with high humidity e.g. kitchen cabinets.

What does moth harm?

Why you need to fight moths:

  • Moth spoils clothes, shoes, carpets and furniture. It is completely impossible to wear it after the larvae hatched from the eggs have eaten for several days.
  • It is not the moth itself, and not even the larvae, but the products of its vital activity that cause irreparable damage to the products. Cocoons of silky threads, chitin particles after molting, feces, dead larvae contaminate cereals and other products. After that, they can only be thrown away.

The most important thing is to understand once and for all that the enthusiastic extermination by all possible ways butterflies fluttering serenely in the house against moths is completely ineffective. You only see males, and it doesn't make sense to remove them. They themselves will soon die.

Females fly very little, preferring to crawl in dark, humid places, laying eggs almost continuously.

All harm to your things and products is caused only and exclusively by larvae, the removal of which from things and products must be taken care of first of all.

Where to start the fight

What to do when you notice butterflies in the house - start looking for nests.

But individuals constantly flickering in front of our eyes are also annoying. Ordinary sticky tape will help against them, on which flies are caught.

For prevention, it will not hurt to install mosquito nets on the windows and close ventilation holes if you think that one or two butterflies accidentally flew from neighbors.

Then proceed to general cleaning and disassembly of things in the closets, especially those inherited from your grandmother. Special attention devote to the kitchen.

Pour all bulk products, dried fruits, nuts from containers and bags on light paper, smooth to a thin layer and look for larvae. If you find at least one, throw it all away. Those products where there are no larvae, roast in the oven at a low temperature, place for a short time in the refrigerator and pour into hermetically sealed glass, ceramic, plastic or metal containers.

The next stop is the kitchen set. Remove all shelves and drawers. Thoroughly wash all cabinets inside and out with soapy water and wipe dry. Move them away from the wall and wipe the back too.

Don't forget about others hard-to-reach places- gaps between the wall and the skirting board, dark corners. Clean them with a special vacuum cleaner attachment.

Do not leave anything that you have prepared for disposal in the bin for a long time. Get him out of the house as soon as possible.

Then proceed to disassemble the wardrobes. When taking out each item, examine it carefully and shake it vigorously several times. As a preventive measure, wash and iron all items before you hang them back. Close all things that can attract the attention of the moth in special clothing covers or airtight bags.

Treat the cabinets themselves in the same way as kitchen cabinets.

Vacuum and clean the carpet thoroughly. Both dry powder and wet cleaning will work. In winter it can be cleaned with snow, in summer it can be dried in the sun. The moth equally dislikes cold, intense heat, fresh air, and sunlight.


How to kill a mole. The most radical methods of dealing with moths, which will help to kill them at home, are moth spray of various brands based on dichlorvos. This is the only thing that can destroy the carpet moth.

The aerosol is used to spray wardrobes and wardrobes in which they are stored. It is strictly forbidden to process food products, kitchen sets and pantry with them. Serious poisoning can be earned.

When carrying out such processing, put on rubber gloves and a respirator (at worst, a medical mask). Follow the manufacturer's instructions in the instructions carefully. Remove children and pets from the room. After waiting for the allotted time, ventilate the room well. The effect lasts approximately 10-14 days (or until the first wet cleaning). Then the whole procedure is repeated until the complete destruction of the moth.

To consolidate the result, lay out gel or paper plates, moth tablets soaked in herbal ingredients in the cabinet. They do not destroy moths, but only scare them away. Moreover, they are completely safe. Such a measure is also suitable for the kitchen.

What can be achieved. Despite all the difficulties, the aerosol will help destroy mainly flying butterflies. Caterpillars that dwell deep in the folds of clothing or under the lining of the caterpillar suffer much less, if any.

Special covers will help protect your clothes. They are made from dense nonwoven fabric impregnated with an appropriate insecticide and provided with a hermetically sealed reusable fastener. But if the larvae are already inside, they are useless.

An important point - the aerosol should not be sprayed on natural fur. The villi become thin, brittle, and partially lose their color. Ugly yellow spots can remain on white clothes, which can be difficult to get rid of later.

How to remove a mole? Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers carried out the destruction of moths using mothballs. Now this remedy is strongly discouraged due to its increased toxicity. Human and domestic animal health can be seriously affected. The connection with cancer has been scientifically proven.

Folk remedies

What is moth afraid of and what helps to get rid of caterpillars and eggs? Folk remedies for moths are very diverse. It is advised to use the following methods:

  • Garlic. Place the peeled (but not cut) slices in the cabinet, several pieces on each shelf.
  • Tobacco. Best self-grown. Dry the leaves and crush them into crumbs.
  • Dried citrus peels.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Ground black or red pepper.
  • Carnation.
  • Copper or aluminum wire... Place a small piece in each jar or bag of bulk food. Weak electrical impulses are sufficient to remove moths.
  • Finely planed strawberry or laundry soap... Pour directly into clothing pockets.
  • Lavender and other herbs with a strong scent - mint, basil, wormwood, rosemary, thyme, coriander, tansy. Arrange fresh or dried flowers or leaves on shelves or hang in small bunches.
  • Essential oils - lavender, fir, cedar, eucalyptus, bergamot, peppermint, tea tree. Put a couple of drops on a cotton pad and leave on the shelf. But the smell will permeate the clothes.
  • Fresh geranium or coleus leaves.
  • Vinegar. It is recommended to periodically wipe the shelves with a 6-9% solution.
  • Camphor powder and camphor oil.

All the proposed methods of how to deal with moths can only scare away butterflies if they have not yet laid eggs. Caterpillars have the ability to develop immunity. After 2-3 generations, they will completely fearlessly settle where a certain agent is decomposed.

Therefore, the fight against moths should be carried out in an integrated manner, using the entire arsenal of available methods.

Other means

How to remove a moth - butterflies, caterpillars and eggs are equally afraid of ultraviolet radiation. The reason is that it breaks down the protein that makes up their body. On a hot, sunny day, take the clothes outside and leave for 1-2 hours, periodically turning, shaking and turning inside out.

V cloudy weather treat things with a quartz lamp. It is not less effective remedy from moths.

If the fabric permits, the clothes can be boiled or washed, then ironed with a hot iron.

Leave the items that cannot be washed out in the cold overnight. Caterpillars will not survive even a slight negative temperature.


How to get rid of moths - this question will cease to be relevant if you take some good habits as a rule.

Preventing the causes will help prevent moths from starting at home instead of fighting them.

First of all, it concerns food products that need to be carefully inspected upon purchase and stored only in a hermetically sealed container. For a full guarantee, bake it in the oven, process it in microwave oven or put in the refrigerator.

In the closet, pack the most valuable and moth-attractive clothing hermetically. Periodically, you need to do an audit, getting rid of old, no longer used things, especially from the grandmother's dowry.

Your brownie.

If a mole starts up in the apartment, how to get it out becomes an urgent question for housewives. You can pick up various store and folk remedies that will save you from this scourge, but it is best to take those that have the maximum effect and quick action.

Moth is an insect that can damage food, various materials, clothing, woolen and fur products, furniture, etc.

Many people do not understand why the moth started up in the house. Everything is very simple. She can fly through the window, fall with clothes, household items, food. Also, a person can put them on their clothes in folds and pockets.

Folk remedies

Lavender and naphthalene have been known to repel unwanted insects for a long time.

"Grandma's" methods do not destroy the pest, but they will scare him away. Their advantage is that all components are available and inexpensive. So anyone can buy them.

When the question arises of how to destroy the moth, fumigators will help. They are used less often than sprays, but they have a clear advantage: their action is prolonged, due to which all adults and larvae will be destroyed within a few days. Usually a few days to a couple of weeks are enough.

Fumigators have the advantage of being prolonged

The principle of operation is very simple. A special plate with an aromatic substance and an insecticide is inserted into the device. Then the device is plugged into an outlet, and the plate begins to heat up. All compounds evaporate from its surface.

The concentration of the insecticide is low, so it will not harm humans, which cannot be said about butterflies.

Instead of plates, containers with liquid can be used. Such a fight against a winged pest in an apartment also has disadvantages. For example, you will have to keep the device plugged in at all times. But overall, this option is very effective. Most popular devices:

  1. DiK-3. It is filled with plates or liquid solution. It operates on standard network parameters and consumes no more than 5 watts. This device was originally developed against mosquitoes, but has been shown to be effective against other insects in the home, including moths. Despite the fact that such a fumigator can be used if a food pest has started up, it is still better not to install such a device in the kitchen, since vapors of insecticidal substances will accumulate in the room.
  2. Mosquitall. This device is almost a complete analogue of the previous version. The device works on an area of ​​up to 30 m².
  3. Raid. Outwardly resembles DK-3. It functions according to the same scheme, but its cost is higher. A set of fumigator and 10 plates for it costs from 120 rubles.


Sections take a separate place. Their advantage is that they contain only essential oils, that is, they work on natural ingredients that are completely harmless to humans.

Sprays will help you get to hard-to-reach places

Most popular sections:

  1. Raptor. Such a device can be purchased at any hardware store. Has a variety of flavors. For every 0.5 m², a pair of sections must be suspended. Install directly in the cabinet. It will be valid for approximately 4 months.
  2. Mosquitall. Such sections are produced in several forms. For example, they can be fixed in blocks directly on the wall, hung in the form of bags containing dry perfume, or purchased in the form of plates that are placed between hangers with things. The cost varies from 60 to 150 rubles.


To get rid of a winged pest that spoils food, things and furniture in the house, you can use aerosols.

The sprays contain a concentrated solution of insecticides. They come out of the container under high pressure. When a person sprays an aerosol, it enters the respiratory tract of individuals, which provokes poisoning. Moreover, this applies to both adult flying butterflies and caterpillars.

Sprays also work on moth larvae

Aerosols have a contact effect, so that they penetrate even under the chitinous layers of insects. But for humans, sprays are considered almost completely harmless. But care must be taken that a large amount of the substance does not enter the respiratory organs, as this can provoke various side effects including acute form allergic reaction.

In this case, the person will have dizziness, headaches, vomiting, and nausea. But if you follow all the safety rules, then this will not happen.

In general, it is very easy to use aerosols, but there is also a drawback. Not all sprays will last long.

It will take time to process all surfaces.

Compared to other products, aerosols are considered the most convenient and effective.

From time to time, even good housewives may have a mole in the house. Since the moth is an unwanted guest, since it can spoil both clothes and food, it is necessary to get rid of it. But first, it is worth determining what type of moth has settled in your home. Then the fight against it will be more effective. Our article will help you understand the types of moths and the means to combat it.

The main thing in the article

Where does moth come from in an apartment and house?

One of the main reasons for the appearance of moths in an apartment and a house is the presence of food for it:

  • Clothes moth can be brought into your home when buying fur or woolen items. You will not be able to see the moth itself on them, since the larvae of this insect were brought into the room. Also, the clothes moth, or rather its larvae, enter the room with the purchase of furniture (especially second-hand). If there are pets in the house, they can also bring moth larvae on their fur. This method is rare, but it happens.
  • The food moth appears in the dwelling with food. If the manufacturer has not tightly packed cereals or flour, then a pest can get there. Those who live in an apartment can receive a mole as a gift from neighbors. She calmly knows how to move through the ventilation system, so you should not be surprised if you saw a moth at your neighbors, and then noticed it at your place.

Unlucky residents of high-rise buildings, who have grocery store... After all, where cereals and flour are stored, moths also multiply. Often, a mole flies from staircase into the apartment, therefore, when entering home, quickly close the door.

Types of domestic moths

There are several types of moths:

How to get rid of moths in an apartment: safe and effective methods

Exists different methods small pest control:

  • Chemical insecticides- they are presented in the form of various fumigators, special sections and sprayed aerosols.
  • Plants- the moth cannot stand the smell of special plants, therefore they are placed in places where the pest accumulates. Lavender and geranium are good at etching moths.
  • Temperature- for moths, temperatures below -5 degrees are unbearable. In the cold season, ventilate the room more often.
  • Shaking things out- in this way, you can get rid of the larvae that have settled in clothes.
  • Revision of croup- all cereals, where larvae are present, must be thrown away.

How to get rid of food moths?

It is difficult to remove food moths, but it is possible. To do this, you will have to do general cleaning on the kitchen.

  1. Sort through all the cereals carefully
    If you notice cereals with larvae, then they must be thrown away. It is undesirable to eat such products, since feces and moth decay products are present there. A person can get intoxicated by tasting a contaminated product. If you do not throw your hand up, then in this case you should thoroughly rinse the cereal, then dry it well in the oven at a temperature of more than 70 ° C.
  2. Wash well the kitchen cabinets
    Kitchen cabinets should be rinsed with a vinegar solution, then rinsed again with water. Frequent ventilation of kitchen furniture is highly desirable.
  3. Purchase a special storage container
    Bulk products should be stored in a special container. These are either linen bags that can be tightly closed, or glass jars, on which the lids close well.

Food moth: how to get rid of folk remedies?

Folk remedies always come to the rescue, because everything you need is usually present in the house of the hostess.

  • Bay leaf- smell bay leaf the mole does not tolerate. It can be poured both near cereals and put in a jar with them.
  • Garlic- chives will save cereals from harmful larvae.
  • Vinegar- periodically wipe kitchen cabinets with it.
  • Citrus and lavender- Arrange the dried citrus peels in the cabinet where you store the cereals. Dried lavender will fill the house with scent and save the kitchen cabinet from moth attacks.
  • Tobacco: enough effective method moth control - tobacco leaves spread out on the shelves.

Treating kitchen furniture to get rid of moths

Kitchen furniture should only be handled after you get rid of the contaminated cereals.

  • Vacuum the inside of the kitchen cabinets.
  • Then treat it with a solution of household soap with a ratio of 1: 6, or with a solution of vinegar.
  • Heat the container in which the infected cereal was stored in the oven at a temperature above 70 degrees. Then put it in the lockers. special means from moths.

Prevention of the appearance of food moths

After getting rid of the unpleasant neighbor, you probably don't want the moth to come back again. Therefore, preventive measures are needed:

  • Do not purchase contaminated foods. After purchasing cereals from the store, sift them. Pay attention to if there are any larvae in it.
  • Air periodically kitchen furniture and the room itself.
  • Store cereals in specialized containers with sturdy lids, where moths cannot penetrate.
  • Use folk methods for prevention. Arrange citrus peels in a cupboard, or hang a bunch of dried lavender.

How to remove moths in the closet?

The moth prefers to be nocturnal, so she is comfortable in closets and boxes with things.

  1. Thorough cleaning and washing of things will help to remove the moth.
  2. Insecticides in the form of aerosols and sprays, moth traps will also save the situation.
  3. Exposure to temperature will help move the moth out of your closet.

Removing clothes moths mechanically

The easiest way is to bring out the mole mechanically slapping it with your palms or a newspaper. However, it is not entirely effective, since you will not spend the whole day in pursuit of moths, and only an adult can be swatted, and caterpillars spoil things.

Caterpillars are easy to get rid of by getting things done well. To do this, you need to go outside or onto the balcony. Caterpillars are weakly attached to clothing, therefore, they will easily fall off.

Clothes moth chemicals


If you decide to fight moths to choose chemical method, then you can purchase special sections. They are sold in the form of thin plates with a special substance inside. Due to the evaporation of essential oils, the sections scare away moths. Keep in mind that the sections only scare off adults. Small caterpillars will remain on clothes, continuing to absorb the products.

Spray can

Quite effective in controlling pests and aerosols. Spray the jet on inner surfaces closet and clothes. Aerosol spray is harmful to humans. Take care of your respiratory protection in advance.


Fumigators are another chemical agent against moths. There are two types:

  • electric - they look like a box with a plate inside and work from an outlet;
  • pyrotechnic - they look like a spiral that needs to be set on fire. Smoke repels moths.

Anti-moth aerosols in the closet: a list of effective remedies

  • Armol- especially effective against fur coat moth. It does not leave any marks on clothes, it has a delicate lavender scent. Destroys both moths and caterpillars.
  • Raptor "Protection from moths"- removes clothes moth after several uses. It is easy to find on sale.
  • Mosquitall "Protection from moths"- should be sprayed on clothing. With a pleasant lavender scent.
  • Extramit- destroys a mole within a couple of hours.

Fumigators for home moths

The fumigator is a great tool for those who do not want to spray and spray on clothes and closets. For people, the fumigator is not harmful, since the concentration of the toxic substance is too low for humans, and just right for moths. It is rather difficult to find an outlet in the closet, so there the fumigator should be connected to an extension cord. Among fumigators, they are quite effective:

  • Raid- fumigator working on plates.
  • Mosquitall- fights moths within a radius of 30 square meters.

How to remove clothes moth with folk remedies?

Folk remedies for moths may not be very effective, but they are worth using.

  • Soap- put fragrant soap in the cupboard. Moli don't like its smell very much.
  • Oils- Saturate cotton pads with aromatic oils. Oil of lavender, orange or geranium will remove a harmful neighbor from the closet.
  • Lavender- dried lavender should be put on shelves or hung in a closet.
  • Tobacco- it should be spread out in places where moths accumulate.
  • Dried orange peels- put them in the closet.
  • Geranium- the moth cannot stand its smell and will not fly into a room with blooming geraniums.

How to get rid of moth larvae?

  1. Remove all clothing from a larva-infested cabinet.
  2. Vacuum the cabinet thoroughly. Don't miss the corners, shelves.
  3. Rinse the shelves and the cabinet inside hot water with laundry soap.
  4. Spray the aerosol into the cabinet.
  5. Wash all clothes in hot water, preferably above 50 ° C for at least 30 minutes. If clothes cannot be washed in hot water, place them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer overnight. After the time has elapsed, wash it at an acceptable temperature.

Top best anti-moth drugs


  • Raptor
  • Mosquito
  • Armol
  • Clean house


  • DiK - 3
  • Mosquito


  • Mosquito
  • Raptor

Video: the most reliable remedies for home moths

If a mole has started up in your home, then you can and should fight it. To get started, try folk remedies, they are always at hand. If they do not help, go to others. The main thing is not to start the process of struggle, because the faster you start, the faster you destroy. Protect your belongings and products from moths, do not live side by side with a pest.

The moth is a keratophagous insect (it feeds mainly on the horny substance contained in woolen and fur products), but at the same time it does not disdain the pest and organics.

It gets to the apartment in various ways:

  • with low-quality, already infected larvae of the pest with food (he especially loves moths of cereals, dried fruits, flour and sugar);
  • through vents from neighbors;
  • together with clothing, in the folds of which ovipositions may be;
  • on pet hair;
  • with books from libraries.

It doesn't matter what clever ways this nondescript butterfly has penetrated into your home, it is important what damage it can cause in the form of spoiled carpets, fur coats, things made of expensive natural fabrics.

Most often, the following pests live in apartments:

  • Fur coat (woolen).

    The color of this butterfly is gray-yellow with small black specks on the wings. Favorite place of settlement - wardrobes... To get to fur things, it can even gnaw through polyethylene. In the absence of tasty clothes can feed on books, pillow feathers and felt.

  • Furniture.

    The color of the wings is yellowish with a characteristic golden tint. Lives predominantly in upholstered furniture, it feeds on furniture fabric, but will never give up fur and wool.

  • .

    The wings of this insect are colored yellow with a purple tint. Dwells in dark wardrobes where eats all clothes indiscriminately, leaving ugly holes all over the surface.

  • (grain, fruit).

    A small butterfly of the fire family. The wings are gray with specks or brown stripes. Not only does it destroy food (cereals, legumes, tea, flour, nuts, sugar), but also contaminates food with its excrement, particles skin, husk of caterpillars. Food after moth infestation is unfit for consumption and can cause severe intoxication in humans.

It still exists. It lives in bee hives and causes a lot of harm, but has many medicinal properties.

IMPORTANT! An adult moth is incapable of causing damage. She does not have a mouth apparatus, she is generally deprived of the opportunity to eat and digest food. Its main task is to lay eggs, from which gluttonous caterpillars hatch, sweeping away everything in their path.

What a mole looks like, photo below:

Methods of dealing with household (clothes, fur coat, furniture) moth

What to do if a mole starts up in the apartment? First of all, stop chasing the poor butterfly trying to swat it. As a rule, it flies during the daytime on open space male, and the female is already somewhere quietly lays eggs, from which hungry larvae will hatch very soon.

IMPORTANT! If the moth has already taken root in your living space, then before starting a war with an annoying guest, thoroughly clean the apartment, ventilate and wash all cabinets and bedside tables well (the pest prefers dark and damp corners).

Clean out upholstered furniture, sort and shake all things, books (they may contain larvae and laid eggs), pillows, rugs, blankets. Bring the carpets out and beat them well. Take coats, fur coats and other outerwear to a dry cleaner.

How to get rid of moths in an apartment:

  • Garlic... Delicate butterflies cannot stand the pungent garlic smell. It is enough to arrange the slices in wardrobes, bookcases, bedside tables to once and for all discourage the pest from settling in them.
  • Orange peels. Essential oil orange is also not to the taste of moths. Smelling a citrus scent, a butterfly will never lay eggs near the source of the scent.
  • Tansy... This poisonous odorous plant has long been famous for its ability to repel moths. Insects will not even fly close to the place where bouquets of this nondescript-looking grass will be laid out.
  • Vinegar... The vinegar smell is also unbearable for moths. To exclude the appearance of the pest in the cabinets, it is advisable to wash the surfaces of the shelves with vinegar solution (then ventilate), and also grab the floors to enhance the effect.
  • Geranium (pelargonium)... Few people know that it is beautiful ornamental plant not only pleases the eye of everyone living in the house, but is also the enemy of moths.

    In an apartment where pelargonium blooms magnificently on the windowsills (it is advisable to dilute it in every room), the moth is unlikely to want to live and reproduce. Geranium leaves emit essential vapors, the smell of which is unpleasant for many harmful insects.

  • Spices(cloves, allspice peas). The specific aromas of these spices are unacceptable to moths. To scare off the pest for a long time, it is necessary to spread bags filled with spices over the entire area of ​​the apartment.
  • Lavender... Dry lavender herb has a delicate, persistent scent that is pleasant to humans but repellent to insects. Bunches of grass laid out in the corners of the room will discourage moths from choosing your apartment for settlement.
  • Laundry soap... The alkaline smell of soap is not very pleasant, especially if it is present in closets, soaking things.

    But it is better to ventilate the clothes later than to lose them forever. To drive the mole out of the apartment pieces of soap are laid out in cupboards, closets and closets.

  • Naphthalene, empty perfume bottles placed in wardrobes will also help ward off moths and keep your clothes safe and sound.
  • Frost and sun... The moth tolerates very high and very low temperatures equally poorly.
  • Newspapers... Printing ink is also indigestible to moths. Newspapers, which need to be crumpled and pushed inside each boot or boot, will help keep your winter shoes with natural fur.

How to get rid of food (grain, fruit) moths?

Food moths are called differently: barn, grain, fruit, potato. But the point is not in the name, but as a result of its activities.

The result is spoiled food that must be thrown away immediately..

Some thrifty housewives are trying to save cereals by heating them in an oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. But it is better not to waste time and endanger your household.

The use of chemistry in this case is unacceptable, since we are talking not only about the destruction of the pest, but also about preserving the health of all family members, therefore, we will describe how to remove the mole in the apartment using “grandmother's methods”:

  1. contaminated products must be thrown away, the surviving ones must be stored in jars with tight-fitting lids;
  2. wash everything thoroughly kitchen cabinets soda solution;
  3. restrict moths access to water. An adult cannot eat, but can drink, which helps it reproduce successfully. You need to inspect everything water pipes and fix all problems;
  4. treat all the cracks in the kitchen set, it is there that the pest lays eggs;
  5. spread laurel or walnut leaves in all corners of the kitchen, as well as in cabinets;
  6. put inside each kitchen cabinet, as well as in jars with flour and cereals, chestnuts in shells (pre-dried), it is advisable to change the chestnuts from time to time;
  7. place jars of black allspice (peas) in the cupboards;
  8. keep the sink clean, wipe it dry after each wash;
  9. the ventilation hole in the kitchen and bathroom must be tightened with a fine mesh to prevent visits from a neighbor's moth.

The appearance of moths can be avoided by keeping the housing in order, as well as correctly storing clothes and food. But if, nevertheless, the insect managed to enter the house - do not despair, use the advice of this article on how to get rid of moths at home.

These simple ones will help you in the destruction of intruders and make them continue to bypass your home.

Useful video

Prevention measures and tips for dealing with moths in the apartment: