Dream interpretation to buy what. Dreaming of shopping at the grocery store. Buy things according to the dream book ▼

Did you have to buy in a dream? Get ready for important events, is not excluded. that there is a choice to be made. A more accurate interpretation directly depends on the product that was purchased. dream books offer the most relevant transcripts.

Why dream of buying according to Miller's dream book

Making purchases - for big money, for joyful events, for a meeting that was not expected or a feast awaiting you. The purchase of any product is a symbol of sexual tone and attraction to intimacy.

What does it mean to buy in a dream - Vanga's dream book

Buying - symbolizes that you know how to sell successfully.

You see that someone you know is buying a thing - in reality, he will need your help in resolving financial matters.

Why dream if I bought in a dream according to Medea's dream book

Buying in a store - to the upcoming changes in life or the need to make a radical choice. You are given from life the opportunity to get into that circle of people that is higher than you in social status. Try not to miss it.

Acquire in the market - do not make hasty decisions. Consider everything well, calculate, and then accept the right election.

Why dream of buying according to Loff's dream book

Make purchases - to prosperity and joyful unexpected events. But this dream can also mean upsetting deeds.

By purchasing an expensive thing - you achieve authority in life. The dreamer takes the goods out of the store without paying - to financial difficulties.

What does it mean to buy in a dream according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Buy something in the store - experience damage.

In the store - to the money.

Buy cheap goods - to happy love.

In the market - to gossip.

Expensive goods - to disrespect.

Jewelry - to monetary losses.

Why dream of buying bread, fish, raw meat, potatoes

Buying hot bread from premium flour - to big money.

If the bread is not fresh, it means misfortune, torment, ill health.

Buy fish in the market - to wealth.

A woman buys fish in the market - for pregnancy.

Unsuitable fish for food - possibly a disease of the lungs and kidneys.

Buy fish, pay with small money - give less advice to colleagues and relatives, they do not like it.

Buying meat in large quantities symbolizes that you don’t necessarily get sick to the disease, perhaps someone from your family will get sick.

Buy meat not for yourself - your financial situation will improve significantly.

We saw how a butcher cuts meat, and then you buy it - do not spread words, they will be misunderstood.

We bought potatoes - to unexpected income.

Buy potatoes - earn great respect, for profit.

Why dream of buying a bag, shoes, dress, boots, shoes, fur coat, hat

Bought a bag - your dreams will come true.

Travel bag - for the trip.

Buy shoes - you want to change your life.

When purchasing shoes, you cannot choose your model - in reality you are looking for a lover.

Buy shoes - financial situation will improve, but in another city.

Buying shoes or boots indicates the luck of subordinates, this dream episode may also indicate that you will have to find another job, or to new romantic adventures.

Buy a new dress - get great pleasure, joyful satisfaction with your appearance.

A dream can also mean that you will be invited to a celebration, from which you will receive great pleasure.

After the purchase, the dress turned out to be torn - to gossip.

You want to buy a dress, but something prevents you from doing it - an unexpected rival will appear on your way.

Buy a black dress - to longing.

Buy Wedding Dress girl - for a short family life, woman - means that there will be trouble in the family.

Buy boots - symbolize that you will be deceived, do not play games related to money, do not participate in the lottery.

Reconsider your actions and judgments - for those who dreamed, they measured boots for purchase.

The woman decided to buy boots for a man - she will find herself a new lover.

Buy boots in a dream - a change in the business sphere awaits you.

You will meet a fascinating person, or make reliable friends - by buying boots in a dream.

Buying shoes - in reality you will make a big mistake.

Buy shoes for a child - to the news.

Buy shoes - symbolizes that your friendship with the person you love will deteriorate.

Take shoes that fit comfortably on your foot in the store - you will have new life financial situation will improve.

Buy a fur coat - to good relationship with a lover. For a girl, a dream means she will have a rich gentleman.

Buying a fur coat promises big profits.

Get a fur coat - you are not very talkative with strangers, afraid to say some nonsense.

Buy a hat - you will have a powerful patron.

Buy a hat in the store - for a frosty winter.

When buying a hat - be careful in winter, your hat can be torn off your head.

When purchasing a hat, it is easy for you to impose someone else's opinion, but your ideas are no worse than others.

A hat bought in a store is for a trip.

Why dream of buying flowers

Buy, freshly plucked flowers are beautiful - to good luck, joy, success.

If the flowers are stale and unsightly, they mean that in life you will have troubles, sorrows, illnesses.

Buy inanimate flowers - you can be deceived.

Why else dream of buying

  • buy a ring

Buy a ring - on your life path meet a good person who will help with advice.

  • to buy tickets

Buy tickets - change your lifestyle.

  • buy an apartment, a house

Buying an apartment - you will get a lot of money, try to invest it profitably.

Buying a house - luck awaits you in everything, you will achieve everything that you have thought of in life.

  • buy ice cream

Bought ice cream - you will have a short love affair.

  • buy panties

Buying panties means that there are no people in your society who should be trusted.

  • buy a watch

Buy a watch - confirms your carelessness and inability to overcome the circumstance that has arisen.

  • buy candles

Buy candles in the store - for a soon fun celebration.

  • buy perfume

Buying perfume in a dream - in reality, do not deceive yourself with empty hopes.

For many, shopping is important element life. If you do not believe, remember those acquaintances whom the process of acquiring something makes them feel a sense of satisfaction and pride. Participation in commercial relations is a kind of assertion of a person's personal autonomy. But such participation can be deplorable, destructive. Many in our consumerist society are deeply in debt, and when debt hangs over your head like a sword of Damocles, it drains you not only financially but also emotionally. Therefore, dreams about shopping can be considered either as a warning or as a self-affirmation.

To interpret such a dream, it is necessary to take into account the following points: what are you buying and why, how do you pay for the purchase - in cash, by credit card, by check or by your own charm. Buying on credit reflects a desire for acquisition or control. In actions of this kind, you should carefully look at the object of purchase. The acquisition of everyday items signals a feeling of insecurity in the present or future. Buying luxury goods indicates a desire to compensate for low self-esteem or to strengthen authority in society. If you buy something, but money does not appear, then this indicates your financial insolvency or may be an indicator that your emotional expectations are not being met.

What, for whom and from whom do you buy? If you are familiar with the seller (spouse, work colleague, etc.), the product is extremely important to you and you are the end consumer - therefore, you feel that, for your part, you are not fulfilling any obligations in interpersonal relationships.

If you manage to purchase a product without money, then this is a sign of control, universal recognition, or the realization that you deserve a special honor. In this case, both the identity of the seller and the items purchased will be decisive for the interpretation of sleep.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Shopping to do

Buy something in a store or market - good sign but only if you have enough money to buy. If you dream that you want to buy something, but you don’t have enough money, the dream means that your wishes will not come true.

Neutralize Negative influence such a dream is possible by imagining that in the store you meet best friend and he lends you the required amount.

Wandering around the market or store, choosing the right product - you will face a difficult choice. If you still bought something, a dream means that you will make the right decision.

Imagine that you are buying a thing that you have been dreaming about for a long time.

Buying something on the market and bargaining at the same time - hear some gossip that will nevertheless give you information to think about.

If as a result you managed to get a good discount, this means that you will be able to use the news to your advantage.

Overpaying for goods, paying exorbitant prices - a dream means unforeseen expenses.

Imagine that you start bargaining and get a good discount. Moreover, the seller gives you an additional gift.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Buying in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why dream Buy in a dream

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream of Buying, what is it for:

If it happened to you that you were buying something in a store, then there is a possibility of your imminent death.

I dreamed that in a dream you bought something at the market - then rumors are spreading about you.

See also: why do you dream of money in your pocket, why do you dream of a woman's wallet, why do you dream of paying for a purchase.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream of Buying, what is it for?

If you dreamed that you bought a lot of things and you did not have enough money to pay, then unexpected expenses await you.

I dreamed that in a dream you paid for your purchases - then you will stop worrying about the health of your loved ones.

If in a dream you bought something in an expensive supermarket, then your business will soon get better, thanks to the help of friends.

I dreamed that in a dream you were buying something on the market and bargaining - then in pursuit of profit, you will only lose money.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Why dream in a dream Buy:

Shopping in reality the desire to assert itself; warning. Buying a product without money is a thirst for a lot of attention; consider yourself better than others; purchase on credit - the desire for acquisitions, control; the acquisition of everyday items - excitement over the present or future; buying a house, buying luxury goods - low self-esteem; the desire to strengthen their authority.

The oldest dream book

Why dream Buy in a dream:

As interpreted by the dream book - Buying everything that people usually buy in the market, except for valuable things, is good. Buying food is for the benefit of the poor, but for the rich means spending.

Dream interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why dream of Buying in a dream?

To see in a dream Buy a saddle in a dream - you will go on a journey on which for a long time put aside money. Buying wool - dreams of bitter experiences ahead: close people who have always supported you, unexpectedly for you, will be capable of betrayal.

Buying poison in a dream - to debts that you will quickly repay, but which will make you indebted to strangers for life.

Dream interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why dream of Buying from a dream book:

Buying milk in a dream - you will have to pay dearly for your merits to be recognized and your authority to be strengthened.

Buying a pig or a pig in a dream - problems will fall on you like snow on your head, and you will have to put in a lot of effort and energy to get rid of them.

Buying a saddle is a sign that material costs await you. AT real life they are likely to come in the form of a large household purchase.

Buying crackers in a dream means that someone will inadvertently mislead you, and as a result, your business will suffer.

Buying ink in a dream is a positive symbol that promises you a happy and calm period. After such a dream, you will soon have new, pleasant worries, perhaps they will be associated with the addition to your family.

Buying a fur coat in a dream is a positive sign. A pleasant surprise or a gift, quite large, is being prepared for you. It is possible that you will win the lottery or other gambling. But in no case, after such a dream, do not go to a casino or other gambling establishment, you will definitely lose.

Buying a car in a dream - to the successful completion of affairs, to solving the problem. Well, if you see the acquisition of a bright car, such as red or yellow color- this is for change. Perhaps you will be surprised soon.

Buying curlers in a dream is a sign of possible shopping trips, the purchase of various knick-knacks, which will improve your mood.

Buying a train ticket in a dream means an unpleasant heavy burden in real life. You are waiting for some obstacles in the way of solving problems. And the most unpleasant thing is that you will still abandon your idea, having achieved nothing.

Buying a bottle with a drink or milk - to sort things out, to boring and unnecessary conversations, gossip for you. The dream in which you bought a bottle of wine, but it turned out to be sour, tells you that you have chosen the wrong one.

Buying a broom in a dream is a meeting with an old lover. The meeting will awaken mutual desire in you, and you will have a good time. But after a brief meeting, no continuation will follow.

Buying a rope (rope) in a dream - to a protracted unpleasant situation at work. The problem is not solvable because of your stubbornness, show indulgence to your colleagues, and everything will work out.

Dream interpretation for girls

Why dream of Buying from a dream book?

We saw in a dream Buying a nesting doll - such a dream means that the situation that you considered hopeless will soon resolve itself and you will be surprised that you could not foresee such an outcome. Buying headphones in a dream - you probably really want to buy this item in order to enjoy music to the fullest.

Buy vegetables - pretty soon you will have the opportunity to invite friends to your place and have a party (parents, of course, will not be at home). Do not miss this chance, because there are not so many holidays in life, and you need to use every opportunity to have fun as it should. Just don't forget to clean up before your parents arrive so that your party doesn't end in a huge scandal. Buying a satchel is disappointing and worrying.

Buying roller skates in a dream - probably, your parents are not yet able to buy you such an expensive thing as roller skates. You know that really good skates with real rubber wheels and with all the related equipment (helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, gloves) are not cheap. Buying a hair dryer in a dream means that you have taken up a business that will soon require you to seek help from people who understand this issue. But for you to ask for help means to confess your weakness and wrong. Therefore, you will try to do everything to delay the moment when there is an urgent need for help.

Buying halva in a dream means that in real life there is a moment when only rest and entertainment are waiting for you. No problems or difficulties are foreseen.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

See Buy in a dream:

Buy new house- a call for you to maintain dignity, otherwise you may soon lose what you used to consider your property.

Buying medicine is a signal that you need help, and you should not neglect it if it is offered to you.

Buy nice clothes- a sign of achieving high goals.

Buying a table service is the appearance in your life of a new person who will play an important role in it.

Buying jewelry means that soon you will have to take decisive action and sacrifice your interests in the name of general well-being and tranquility.

Often dreams are a direct clue to resolving or preventing any difficulties. However, it is not always possible for a person to solve his dreams and find the right solution. For this, there are books of dreams, where the authors set out their interpretations of dreams. If, for example, you had to buy clothes in a dream, this is a favorable sign, but you should not lose sight of the details.

by color

If in a dream you had a chance to walk in black clothes, this is a symbol of bitterness and anxiety.

Interpretation, green shades, bears positive meaning. This is a symbol of well-being and faith in the best.

White robes, on the contrary, mean future profit and satisfaction. According to Miller, such a dream is a sign of unfavorable circumstances.

Yellow color indicates the coming state of fun and joy, luck in money matters. Perhaps the dreamer will have to attend a noisy event.

clothing blue shades- auspicious symbol. The sleeper will be able to realize his plan thanks to positive mood and strong enthusiasm. It is also a sign of help from true friends.

Red robes symbolize a just victory over enemies.

Things of crimson tones speak of a change in tactics in relation to ill-wishers, which is how the dreamer will overcome them. If an outside woman is dressed in clothes of this color (especially if she has a ruffled black veil on her head), the sleeping woman underestimates her competitor too much. Probably, the opponent will “make” it in no time.

Seeing clothes with colorful patterns and prints in a dream is a surprise and a variety of events, both sad and joyful.

Dresses, sundresses

When you had a chance to buy clothes in a dream, namely a dress, you should pay attention to all the little things that are present in the plot. special role play the color, length and purpose of the outfit. It also does not hurt to fix in memory the persons who "took part" in the dream.

White dreams of joys in life. For a lonely girl, such a vision portends the appearance of an attractive man in her fate.

A dress of greenish or bluish tones predicts the fulfillment of the most secret desires. Such a dream also means winning the lottery and successfully acquiring some necessary thing.

A blue outfit portends a trip on a business trip or to pass a session.

If the shades are a warning sign. The dreamer should be more careful with his surroundings. Probably, they will want to fool him or defame him.

The red shades of a dress or a sundress speak of an impending deep conversation, where the sleeper will need to keep his emotions under control so as not to break firewood.

Grayish and brownish shades symbolize the beginning of changes in the home.

A colorful sundress in a dream is a sign of carefree times and fun. Vanga, on the contrary, considered such a dream a warning of the beginning of conflicts and disagreements.

Black furniture does not bode well. The dreamer should prepare for unpleasant news or events that will not be easy to survive.

Buying a beautifully cut dress in a dream is a symbol of an impending white streak in life. Ahead - reconciliation, the emergence of new faces.

About that, namely the dress, Sigmund Freud also has his own interpretation. If the outfit fit the dreamer, in reality she has high self-esteem. In the case when the attire is small or large, the young lady should be more liberated. Trying on another girl's outfit is a symbol of the fact that she who sees such a dream is deprived of an individual approach to life and merges with the crowd.

Nostradamus interprets the purchase of a new dress in a dream as a symbol of an approaching banquet with the dreamer's friends. Also, a similar phenomenon means joyful changes.

Buying also brings success wedding dress. However, Tsvetkov claims that such dreams warn of insincere feelings of a lover. For married woman this dream promises family disassembly.

Buy a dress in a dream high cost- probably, who saw such a dream is very envious.

According to Vanga's dream book, a glamorous attire dreams of praise or consent from older people. Excessive details speak of the extremely self-critical nature of the woman who observed such dreams. Buying clothes encrusted with jewels in a dream is a sign of great losses and poverty.


If a man chooses panties for himself in a dream, in reality he should take a closer look at his life partner and friends. There is a risk of being deceived by them. If he buys panties for a girl, in fact, he only cares about sexual intimacy with his passion.

According to Tsvetkov, a woman buys underwear for her lover - in reality, she will be offered a hand and a heart. If she chooses panties for herself, this indicates a positive outlook on upcoming events and undertakings. Also, such a dream symbolizes a stormy sexual relationship.

A young girl acquires an openwork bra in a dream - in reality she is waiting for a change of partner. White is a sign open doors for life. Black - a warning against trouble in reality; the dreamer should not blindly trust people.

If a man sees a beauty in a chic bra, in reality he should sweat a lot to win the heart of his beloved or newly made lady.

According to Felomen's dream book, buying a women's set of beautiful lingerie is an alarming symbol of the destruction of plans, emotional experiences and difficulties.

Pants, shorts, skirts

Buying trousers in a dream - to the next life-changing changes, you will need to make a lot of effort.

The purchase of denim pants means a string of troubles that can be overcome. According to a modern interpreter, this dream symbolizes the excessive selfishness of the sleeper, which can later harm him if he is not pacified.

If in a dream a woman saw men's pants, in reality she will have pleasant communication with a new man who will become her lover.

Buying shorts in a store is a sign of rash actions. If this is an element of nightwear, there is a chance to get acquainted with a good man in reality.

A woman in a dream buys a skirt - in real life she does not have enough intimacy.

Elements of outerwear

Buy in a dream new jacket- a happy omen. In reality, the sleeper will meet his true love. Also, a dream symbolizes peace and harmony in the family.

According to the Eastern dream book, buying a coat is a great sign for writers. Their talent will be in demand. For a woman, this is a harbinger of powerful patrons from a spouse or male relative.

General interpretation

In the case when a person vaguely remembers the details of his vision, one can consider general interpretations of what clothes are dreaming of.

Beautiful outfits dream of small joys, small profits, pleasant contacts and inspiration.

For a man, buying a new suit is luck in career growth.

Buying clothes in a dream - the dreamer will achieve his goals in reality.

If you dream that an outsider takes inappropriate things for him in a boutique, in reality the sleeping person may be asked for help. The dreamer dresses or buys clothes that are not according to his parameters, ugly - in reality he may suffer from excessive curiosity.

Vintage robes are a sign of a smooth and steady flow of life.

Children's things seen in a dream also have their own interpretation. If the clothes are girlish, in reality violent scandals with relatives are possible because of the words spoken under hot hand. Boyish things promise replenishment in the family.

Often the purchases you make in a dream directly reflect your real desires. But sometimes the explanation of dreams is very unexpected.

In order to correctly interpret what you dream of buying, remember what exactly you acquired, what feelings you experienced at the same time, and where it was.


According to the dream book, buying food in a dream means solving all problems, enjoying life and meeting nice people. But there are products that have a more specific meaning in dreams.

For example, if you dream of bread, then it portends successful deals for businessmen. But if you had to stand behind him in a long line, then success will not come immediately.

If you took eggs in a store or in the market, then in the near future you should pay attention to your safety. In the event of trouble, try to get out of this situation with minimal losses.

Buying potatoes means getting good news. And to buy cabbage is to make a financial profit.

  • Buying food in a supermarket is a serious choice.
  • Take unnecessary products in a dream - be distracted from an important matter.
  • Buying food for someone else is worrying about loved ones.

If in a dream you bought food, and they turned out to be spoiled, this means that you are expected to waste. And wealth and peace of mind is what a full bag of food dreams of.

Buying sweets dreams of receiving the long-awaited news. And to buy meat in a dream means to pay more attention to your needs.

A dream in which you do not want to buy food, but still do it, warns of a possible deception. Most likely, scammers will want to circle your finger. And looking for the right food in the store, but not finding it, means to be disappointed in a loved one.


The dream interpretation claims that buying things in a dream means getting into a situation where you have to “put on a mask” and pretend to be another person. Children's things portend a profitable project that will help you realize your hidden abilities.

  • Buying old things - to make an original decision.
  • It is a dream that you have purchased clothes with holes - to minor troubles.
  • Trying on clothes before buying - defeat enemies.
  • Shopping in an expensive store - for profit.
  • Buying new things for a small price - save a decent amount.

If you dreamed that you had to buy something unnecessary, then in reality you may have a conflict with your friends. And to buy what you have long dreamed of means to experience a sense of satisfaction from a job well done.

To buy children's things for your child means to take care of his well-being. And if you don’t really have children, then such a dream may well predict their appearance.

New children's things speak of joy in the house. And the old ones warn you not to be too naive.

Choosing clothes for a newborn means, in reality, being mentally prepared for the appearance of a baby. And the realization that it's too early for you to have children is what children's things dream of high on the shelf.

If you buy clothes in a prestigious store, then you will find happy event. And to buy it in a second-hand store means to experience financial difficulties.


If in a dream you buy books in a bookstore, then in real life you have a creative period.

In addition, such dreams prophesy a happy, joyful life, success and new discoveries.

  • It is a dream that you are acquiring children's books - for fun.
  • Buy torn books in a dream - to your surprise.
  • Buy an encyclopedia - put your knowledge into practice.
  • A dream where you had to buy textbooks - to a meeting with an old friend.

A bright, memorable event is what dreams of buying picture books. And if in a dream you buy several volumes of one work at once, then a series of amenities awaits you.

Choose books on the market - chat in big company. And when you dream that you are buying them at the grocery store, it means that it's time to have a good rest.

If in a dream you saw how you were buying something, be sure to look in the dream book for what you dream of buying.
Author: Vera Fractional