Why see your ex-man in a dream? Dreams about ex-lovers: a good or bad sign? What to do if you dreamed about your ex? How to get rid of such dreams

Date of publication: 03.14.17

People spend a third of their lives in the kingdom of Morpheus, and according to psychologists, dreams are back side human nature. You can live on the other side of reality life to the fullest and not realize that you are dreaming. In a dream, experience deep feelings and shocks, taste, smell and gentle touches.

Often dreams are so vivid that when they wake up, people experience emotional excitement. Impressed by the euphoria of the night, a person analyzes why he had a particular dream. Women especially think, they are frightened by inner experiences and they turn to famous interpreters of subconscious adventures.

Dream Interpretation "Former". What do famous interpreters say?

World-renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis and expert on subtle human nature, states:

  • A dream in which a woman meets her ex-husband or lover promises quarrels and discord in her relationship with her current spouse.
  • Dreams about ex-men indicate that on a subconscious level the girl has not broken the thin emotional thread with her ex-husband or lover and is worried about it.
  • If the girl is not married and she is dreaming ex-boyfriend, then this is a harbinger of a new relationship, a possible imminent marriage proposal, a happy marriage.
  • If such dreams are about former relationship frequent and intrusive, Freud advises finding out what happened to that person. Perhaps he is in trouble, seriously ill, needs help, or is no longer alive.

The great Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, a blind soothsayer, was considered a specialist in the field of vision of the future. She easily read information about any person who came to her and was well versed in the intricacies of psychology.

Vanga's dream book - I dreamed about my ex:

  • To see in a dream everything that is old and gone, something that is not worth returning, means carrying a burden or hitting a stone on the road to a new, happy life.
  • If there is a dream in which the wife and ex-husband are satisfied and happy again, then there may be a new relationship and a happy marriage in life.
  • Bed with ex-lover dreams of breaking off relations with your fiancé or husband, where your mother-in-law and other relatives will create all sorts of obstacles.

Gustavus Miller became interested in psychology in his youth; he closely studied the connection between dreams and people’s real lives. One of his sayings goes something like this: “A person receives signals and signs when he sleeps and dreams.” At the end of the 19th century, Miller compiled his first dream book, which later grew into “The Interpretation of 10,000 Dreams.”

A famous psychologist stated:

  • The former boyfriend is dreamed of because of unresolved problems in the past; it is necessary to analyze which questions from the past years remained unanswered.
  • If your ex-husband, fiance, or loved one dreamed of being sick or drunk, most likely he is under deep stress and needs help.
  • It is important to remember the emotions that you had to experience in a dream with your ex-boyfriend. These experiences can happen in real life.

Why do you dream about exes?

Why do you dream about an ex-boyfriend, husband, lover, lover from the past, a man dear to your heart, or just a forgotten friend:

  • Discomfort in real life raises all skeletons from the human subconscious. Almost no one manages to completely forget the past, and if people with whom they were close appear in a dream, love relationship, then in reality personal problems worsen.
  • Intimacy in a dream with an ex-boyfriend speaks of sexual fantasies and dissatisfaction with the current relationship.
  • Unpleasant sensations in a dream from meeting an ex-boyfriend can warn against adventures and serious decisions; pleasure from meeting an ex-boyfriend can be a sign of the beginning of a new relationship.
  • To dream of a former loved one - to melancholy and sadness, mental suffering, this is the inner desire to resurrect a departed love or a lost person.
  • If you suddenly dreamed of your ex-husband with another woman, then in reality old grievances will arise.
  • Any actions in a dream with ex-husbands or lovers are a warning against future mistakes. It is necessary to be especially careful when choosing a partner and making important decisions.
  • A former friend or just a drunk acquaintance dreams of unexpected troubles.

David Loff argues that if two women have the same dream, they must be interpreted completely differently.

Various actions with exes in a dream - why?

Wise women have been collecting information about the interpretations of various dreams for years. Collected on the basis of everyday experience, women's dream book reports:

  • A girl’s ex-boyfriend in a dream is a warning against rash actions. Any frivolous behavior will lead to sad consequences.
  • Kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream means receiving unexpected news in reality, being very surprised or happy about something.
  • Sex in a dream with a former lover means a conflict in life; perhaps an old enemy will become active and begin plotting.
  • Quarrels with exes in a dream will lead to changes in your personal life, probably for the better.
  • It's good when in dreams ex-spouses or lovers break up, this is a good sign of the beginning of a new relationship.
  • Fighting with a loved one from the past means that the current lover may be aggressive.
  • If you dreamed that some ex-boyfriend, friend or acquaintance confessed his love, perhaps in reality there will be an unpleasant surprise.

Advice! If you had a bad dream and there are still unpleasant sensations, you can tell it to flowing water, it will take away the memories and there will be no consequences!

Why else do you dream about your ex?

If an ex-husband or boyfriend swears in a dream, it means acceptance is on the verge important decision about future fate.
I dreamed of a former loved one with a smile - this is a sign to strengthen existing relationships and solve health problems.
Seeing in a dream close people from past years, those with whom you were warm, intimate relationship, means preparing for big changes in life. A new acquaintance, engagement and even marriage are possible.

In conclusion, one might consider specific example when a girl turns to an experienced specialist for interpretation of a dream.

- Hello! I often dream about a guy who I broke up with painfully 8 years ago because of his relatives. He has been married for a long time and I have been married, but for some reason he constantly appears in my dreams and says that he still loves me and is ready to return everything. What does it mean?

— The dream means that subconsciously you have not let go of the situation and deep down you are experiencing resentment. Perhaps you cherish the hope of returning to the past, you are not happy with many things about your current spouse, and you often compare him with your ex-fiancé. Advice: don’t live in memories, but be happy here and now.

It happens that in women’s dreams their former lovers come to stay. They play back episodes from the past, thereby making it clear that there is still an emotional connection between people. And yet, why do you dream about your ex-beloved? Dream interpreters will help you understand all the intricacies and find out the secret message of such dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Typically, a former loved one appears in a dream if a past relationship ended badly. This indicates that there are still unresolved problems between you that are weighing you down. You should let go of all the negativity, all the grievances associated with past relationships, so that the heart becomes free for new and pure love.

According to Meridian's dream book, such a dream indicates that the couple does not have a future together and you will not be together.

A dream about a lover from the past is a projection of real thoughts about him on a subconscious level. Indicates that you think a lot about your ex-partner, regardless of whether these thoughts are good or bad.

If you dreamed about your ex being drunk, then he is now worried about better times and found himself under great stress. If you keep in touch, then your friendly shoulder will help him a lot. You should remember such a dream down to the smallest detail, since it may indicate the reason for his serious condition.

A drunk ex or just an acquaintance often warns of impending troubles.

If you had a dream about your ex on Wednesday night, this is prophetic dream. Remember what you did in your dream, how it was, what were your emotions and feelings? Such a dream indicates important upcoming events in your life.

If you had a dream on Friday, such a dream will help you deal with real problems.

Seeing a former loved one in a dream on Saturday is an important warning - you should be as careful, patient as possible and refrain from various tempting adventures. Emotions in such a dream will help you learn more about your future destiny.

But to see such a dream on Sunday night is very good sign– it means creative inspiration and unprecedented joy.

Women's dream book

What does sleeping with an ex mean if a woman doesn’t think about him at all? The dream book interprets such a dream as a subconscious desire to return a lost passion.

If you dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with whom you broke up of your own free will, then perhaps you are tormented by doubts about the correctness of such a decision and regrets about what you did.

If the reason for the separation was his betrayal, then you are at the crossroads of two roads - you want to return everything and forget about that relationship forever. The most the best solution will let go of the past and begin to write a new page in your book of life.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream book, everything old that comes into dreams is gone. And what is gone is something that is no longer possible or does not need to be returned. This is a big obstacle for you on the path to a new life full of happiness.

A former beloved man appears in a dream as a sign of upcoming suffering and a desire to return him.

If you have a dream where you are together with him, it means that you are absolutely independent of the past and no longer have feelings for him. Such a dream can serve as news of a new love relationship that will develop into something more.

Also, a former lover may dream of a quarrel with his current boyfriend or all sorts of obstacles and problems emanating from his close relatives.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

A dream in which a woman sees her ex-man, can serve as news of upcoming quarrels with your current loved one.

An intimate relationship with a former lover indicates secret sexual desires and dissatisfaction in this area.

Very often, a dream about an ex means that the past remains in the past tense and there is no point in clinging to these memories. Will soon appear in a woman's life real love, a happy marriage and motherhood awaits her.

If in a dream he is angry and accuses you of something, it means that in reality you will be awarded his trust and respect.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If in a dream you met your ex-lover and experienced positive emotions, then this indicates that you have forgotten the past and are open to new relationships. This dream is interpreted as the birth of a new life, upon entering which a woman will be happy with her chosen one and will not regret her choice.

If your ex-husband scolds you in a dream, then in the near future you will need to make a decision about who to connect your future destiny with.

Smiling ex-boyfriend warns about diseases.

If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend got married, this means that you will forgive someone for long-standing grievances.

A dream in which an ex-boyfriend dies warns of impending danger. But a dream in which your deceased lover helps you means that you will overcome all obstacles and win.

To signal future problems and anxieties, you have a dream in which you find yourself married to your ex-lover. If in a dream you do not recognize your once beloved partner, then big changes will soon come to both your life and his. Such a dream can become a harbinger of a chance meeting in reality.

If your ex gives you a gift in a dream, this could be a warning about betrayal and betrayal.

You are talking to your ex-chosen one on the phone and heard from him that he has not lost interest in you, which means that he has a desire to see you and talk.

Seeing your first love in a dream means that in reality you lack spiritual ease, warm communication and pure love. That is, the kind of relationship that existed in my youth.

If in a dream you kill a former loved one, this is a symbol of great success in business and all endeavors. This is a sign that it is time to change something!

In anticipation of an imminent marriage or the birth of a child, one dreams of the death of a former lover.

Sexual intercourse with a former lover means an exacerbation of long-standing conflicts; a quarrel with him means positive changes in the sphere of personal relationships.

Dreams about ex-lovers often bring big changes in life.

If you periodically dream about your ex-boyfriend or husband, you probably haven't completely said goodbye to the past. Or you said goodbye, but on a subconscious level you still often think about your ex-lover. Photos, music, a nearby park, and even your favorite type of chocolate constantly remind you of him. And it also happens that your past relationship no longer bothers you at all, but that guy persistently appears to you in your dreams. What is it for? Perhaps he bitterly regrets the breakup and dreams of reuniting with you. Or does this dream want to warn you against something?

For example, if in such a dream you were talking with your ex-love and for some reason did not have time to complete the conversation, in reality you are haunted by incompleteness. Obviously, when you parted, you didn’t tell each other something, didn’t ask for forgiveness for the pain and resentment you caused. In order to correctly decipher a dream in which you dream about your ex-boyfriend, you must first understand your feelings towards both this person and the dream.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend or husband?

When you dream about how your ex-boyfriend or husband helps you solve problems, in reality you will have the strength to overcome difficulties on your own. To dream that your ex-man is giving you something is a sign of betrayal. Kissing him passionately means shock and shocking news, having sex with ex-love- to the resumption of seemingly forgotten conflicts, and marrying him - to anxiety and difficulties.

The biggest success is promised by a dream in which you... ha ha!.. kill your ex and feel great relief from this. If you dreamed about this, it means that now you have enough courage to set really serious goals for yourself and show enviable persistence in conquering them. If you dream about how your ex-fiancé or husband dies before your eyes, and you are not at all in a hurry to help him, it means that you have freed yourself from feelings for him.

Sometimes a girl may have a dream in which she ex marries another woman. The interpretation of such a dream depends on the feelings that the girl experienced at that moment. If marriage caused her heartache, in reality she is wildly jealous of the guy. If in a dream she sincerely rejoiced at the happiness of the young, the dream will bring forgiveness of old grievances.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller’s dream book, any appearance of an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign of future changes, including in his personal life. If in a dream you kissed your ex, expect unexpected and even surprising news. If it comes down to it intimacy, - they will fall on you big problems and severe conflicts.

If in a dream you were quarreling, shouting, waving your arms, a new hobby will soon beckon you. And if at the same time the young man hit you or grabbed you painfully by the arm, the dream says that in reality you don’t trust your new boyfriend and don’t know what to expect from him. A dream in which you and your ex broke up again warns that you will not be together for long with your new partner. If in a dream your ex-man looked tired and sick, you will soon have to worry about the health of one of your relatives.

According to Vanga's dream book, see in a dream ex-husband or the groom - to longing for him. Apparently, the embers of your feelings for him are still smoldering somewhere deep in your heart, and secretly from yourself you cherish the hope of renewing the romance. Think about why you broke up. Perhaps there is still a chance. However, if you dream about your ex and at the same time you don’t remember that you broke up with him, the interpretation changes: you no longer suffer from your ex-boyfriend, you have completely freed yourself from the old relationship and are ready for a new one.

Freud's Dream Book

Old Freud believes that the appearance of an ex-boyfriend in a dream always threatens the current relationship. In his opinion, such a dream is caused by the girl’s attempts to compare her current young man with the past, and often this comparison is not in favor of the new guy. Internal tossing, worries, uncertainty in choice cannot become the key to a strong connection.

If a woman dreams that she is choosing between her former and current boyfriends, in reality she will have to do the same. This will cause mistrust, litigation, and quarrels.

Any intimacy with your ex-husband in a dream is a lack of understanding and support from your new lover.

Loff's Dream Book

Loff’s dream book notes: if in a dream your ex-boyfriend is madly in love with you and shows you numerous signs of attention, in reality you will encounter troubles. If you dream that your ex has forgotten about you and is getting married, you need to be more careful when dating. But if the ex-fiancé died in the dream, this is considered a wonderful sign: a happy marriage and early motherhood await you.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

In Longo's dream book, much attention is paid to dreams about ex-husbands. Eg, phenomenon of a drunken spouse promises a dramatic revolution. And it is not at all necessary that changes will take place in your personal life. Changes may be related to place of residence, career, or making new friends.

If a woman dreams that her ex-husband is asking her out on a date, in reality she faces complete loneliness and melancholy. If a woman already has a new boyfriend, and in a dream her ex-husband offers her to restore her family, this should be regarded as a warning that the lady may lose her new boyfriend. And through my own fault.

But if you dream that your ex-husband was going to marry someone else, in reality you were able to let him go and come to terms with the breakup.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In Nostradamus's explanations, such a dream always speaks of a love spell. Whatever events occur in a dream, the presence of an ex-boyfriend in them warns the sleeping woman that someone is trying to bewitch her in order to achieve their own goals. If a woman dreams that she made love to her ex-husband, she will soon have to answer for long-standing sins.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The dream foreshadows frivolity on the part of the girl. If you do not start monitoring your behavior, very soon you will have to cry bitterly because of the mistakes you have made. Even if you don’t remember the details of the dream, the very fact that your ex-husband appears in it does not bring anything good. If you dream that you just met him - to anxiety; if in a dream you understood that the meeting took place after a long separation - to financial failures and illnesses of loved ones.

If in a dream you had a fight with your ex-husband, it means rash actions; if they laughed at him and his words - to slander against you; if you openly flirted with your ex-husband, it means discord in your new relationship. Bad sign - take ex-husband back. A dark streak is coming.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend: days of the week

The meaning of a dream is largely determined by the day of the week on which it occurred:

  • Night with Sunday to Monday: These dreams rarely carry predictions and warnings. They practically don’t come true and only matter if, even after 3-4 days, they don’t get out of your head.
  • Night from Monday to Tuesday: if that night you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend was leaving you again, you are worried about your loved ones and are afraid of losing them.
  • Night from Tuesday to Wednesday: if the appearance of your ex in a dream makes you warm feelings, in reality you experience a lack of romance and dissatisfaction with your current relationship.
  • Night from Wednesday to Thursday: If you see a dead or dying ex-partner in this dream, you need to prepare for danger.
  • Night from Thursday to Friday: all the nuances of sleep are important. If a former young man held you in his arms in a dream, in reality you will fight off enemies and competitors with the fury of a tigress.
  • Night from Friday to Saturday: hearing the voice of your ex in a dream means that in life he really wants to talk to you. Perhaps he will call or arrange a chance meeting.
  • Night from Saturday to Sunday: try to remember all the details of the dream. Write them down and analyze them carefully. Such a dream carries a sea of ​​information regarding all aspects of your life.

If you remember your dreams, you may notice that from time to time the most unexpected characters appear in them. This often includes an ex-boyfriend. It happens that you have long since established a new happy relationship, and you don’t remember that person at all. Then why do you dream about him, and what does this portend?

Firstly, you may dream about your ex-boyfriend because you remembered him on a subconscious level. It is often said that a dream signals feelings that have not completely faded away. But feelings can be completely different. You may associate your ex-boyfriend with certain shortcomings, such as indecisiveness in serious matters, because of which you broke up. When you notice similar behavior in yourself, but are unable to admit it to yourself in reality, the subconscious takes over.

When you dream that you are cheating on your current man with your ex, it is most likely just a projection of your fear of cheating. In reality, you are trying to remain faithful. Just try to think about cheating as little as possible and fill your life with new experiences: go somewhere with your current boyfriend, arrange a wedding, etc. Then you will have new, happy topics for thought and your ex-boyfriend will leave your dreams.

A pleasant romantic relationship with your ex-boyfriend may also mean that you would like to restore this relationship with him. Or the separation did not go very smoothly, you feel guilty for something. Try to sit down and sort out your thoughts and feelings towards this person. Maybe we should call him, make peace and at least remain friends?

According to esotericists, a dream can be inspired not only by our own thoughts, but also by the thoughts of other people. If your ex-boyfriend really wants to get you back, dreams about him signal that he thinks about it almost constantly. And maybe he’s even trying to implement some of his ideas in this regard.

The average person can rarely read the thoughts of others in a dream, but you had a fairly strong emotional and physical connection with your ex ( loving people can guess each other's thoughts even in reality). If you do not want to renew your relationship with a guy and see him in your dreams, make special talismans to protect your dreams, for example, a dream catcher.

Now about what dream books say when you dream about your ex-boyfriend. It's not a good sign if you dream about a dead guy. This portends danger, unless he saves you in a dream.

When a guy leaves somewhere in a dream and says goodbye to you, this indicates that the relationship with this person is ending happily. You are unlikely to ever experience romantic feelings for each other again, and you may not even see each other in reality again.

Sometimes he asks you to give him some of your personal belongings, as well as food or a watch. This suggests that the feelings, on the contrary, have not faded away. You should see this person again.

And if a guy gives you something in a dream, especially if it is red, you need to be wary of betrayal on the part of your current lover.

What does it promise when a girl continues to dream about her ex-lover in her sleep, a transcript from the most common sources will tell you.

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, what does the dream mean?

2. Modern dream book claims that successful relationships seen foreshadow surprise, sometimes unpleasant.

3. The desire to kill him, signals your readiness to change the course of your life for the better.

The dream can also be interpreted depending on the man’s actions:

  • dreamed about it fight with him, expect a quarrel with your current gentleman lover;
  • death– promises a quick marriage or adding a child to the family;
  • passion on his part may be the result of witchcraft, which the girl should be careful of.

Why do you dream about an ex-boyfriend with whom you broke up a long time ago?

1. When former boyfriend dreamed of being dead, you should be afraid of danger, but if the boyfriend tries to help, then all the troubles in reality will be overcome.

2. I dreamed about getting married An ex happily in a dream on a sleeping girl is an indicator of anxiety and future problems.

3. Former dreamed about the betrothed as a husband another girl, promises forgiveness of a long-standing offense.

4. Dreaming - break up with him, promises the beginning of a new joyful milestone in life.

The interpretation of dreams largely depends on the days on which they are dreamed.

What does it mean if your ex-boyfriend is from Thursday to Friday?

On this night, dreams are prophetic and tend to come true, so it is worth remembering as thoughtfully as possible the details of what is happening and carefully analyzing them.

Why do you dream from Friday to Saturday?

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday does not guarantee prophetic visions, but cases of great significance are possible, so when a girl sees her ex in a dream, she should listen to her feelings and remember the details she dreamed about.

If your ex-boyfriend dreams about Saturday and Sunday

A night like this sends important signals that cannot be voiced. Keep the meaning you see and reveal secret, expecting the prediction to come true soon.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

Dreams from Sunday to Monday very rarely come true.

You need to listen to dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday night, such a dream is not prophetic and often gives a hint of a solution to a pressing problem. These days you can get worthwhile and good advice that will help you cope with the current situation.

A from Wednesday to Thursday night You don’t have to listen to the signs, they are false. And if on Wednesday a share of reasonable advice is possible, then on Thursday it is phantom and, for the most part, has no connection with reality.

Kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream, what is it for?

Seeing a young man sleeping as a girl is one thing, but if you dreamed of having any kind of relationship with him, it’s worth deciphering it completely differently.

Kiss regardless of the sensations it provokes, it means surprise or emotional shock.

Experiences are responsible for it emotional coloring In fact. At the moment of the kiss it was joyful and pleasant, which means surprise will result in pleasure, but if on the contrary, then expect unpleasant emotions.

Dream about your ex-boyfriend whom you still love

A girl who has not given up on her love can continue to see her lover in this way. People believe that the person who dreams uninvited is thinking about you at night.

  • Dreamed of looking bad beloved, someone close to you will soon fall ill.
  • Dreaming breakup repeat, expect an unexpected meeting or date.

Why dream of kissing a guy

Modern dream book interpreters interpret differently what a past loved one dreams about. How to react to kisses and sex happening with an ex-boyfriend, seen by a girl in her sleepy dreams?

  1. If guy kisses, expect a shock soon.
  2. Seeing sex in a dream- to aggravate long-standing old contradictions.

Reconciliation with ex-boyfriend

Popular signs and interpretations claim that the one who has a dream in his night dreams is thinking about the dreamer.

If you dream of reconciliation, the dream book states that the man/boyfriend regrets the breakup that occurred and wants to return to romantic relationships again.

To a girl seeing her ex-boyfriend, there is no need to be afraid of such manifestations of the past. If love is still simmering in a girl, you should take active action, and if she is happy in her new status, then you can listen to the meanings of events and advice from your dream.