Types of temperament in love and their compatibility. Compatibility of temperaments will show what your relationship will be like

There are 4 types of temperament, each of which has its own character traits. If you take these features into account, you can determine the behavior of your partner in marriage.

Before defining love compatibility with a partner, you need to accurately identify your type of temperament and the temperament of your loved one. To do this, you can take a special test, or you can simply find your psychotype by description. So, what types of temperament are there?

Sanguine. A person of this temperament is active and energetic. Sanguine people have a good sense of humor and an objective outlook on life. They easily adapt to any situation, love company and, most often, are positive.

A melancholic person is a very emotional and vulnerable person. People with this type of temperament are very suspicious and sensitive to criticism addressed to them. They like to delve into the past, into their feelings, and look for the reasons for their failures. Melancholic people, as a rule, are very unadapted to the realities of life. They are prone to depression and unreasonable emotional experiences.

Choleric is characterized by the manifestation of violent emotions. People of this type of temperament are very unrestrained, it is difficult for them to control their emotions, and this is why they suffer. Choleric people often change their mood. If they are having fun and laughing, then in a minute something can make them go berserk. They are quick-tempered, impulsive and capable of rash actions.

A phlegmatic person is a person who is calm and calm in any situation. As a rule, people of this type of temperament are difficult to anger. They know how to control emotions and hide feelings. Phlegmatic people do not tend to enter into conflicts; they would rather remain silent than sort things out.

What types of temperament are suitable for creating relationships and families?

Sanguine people get along best with people of their own temperament, that is, with sanguine people. In general, people of this type of temperament may find mutual language both with choleric and phlegmatic people. But it is quite difficult for them to coexist with melancholic people, since these two temperaments are very far from each other.

Phlegmatic people are compatible with phlegmatic people. These types of people will be on the same wavelength and understand each other instantly. The worst thing for a phlegmatic person will be to be paired with a choleric person. Love compatibility between these two characters is unlikely. The choleric person will be irritated by the calmness of the phlegmatic person, and he, in turn, will accumulate anger and resentment towards the impulsive partner.

Choleric people are well compatible with sanguine people. A sanguine person can restrain his partner and direct his energy in the right direction. But it will be difficult for him with melancholic and phlegmatic people. These two types will not be able to adequately perceive all the actions and actions of a choleric person. And he will be bored with people of these temperaments.

A melancholic person gets along better with a phlegmatic person. Partners with these types of temperaments quickly find a common language and practically no quarrels arise in such a couple. A melancholic person will not get along with a choleric person - these are two types of temperament whose relationship can have a tragic end.

You can find out love compatibility with your partner using other criteria, such as zodiac signs, blood type, date of birth, etc. This check helps in creating a harmonious and strong relationship in a couple. It doesn't matter if you and your partner don't suit each other according to any criteria. If there is love and mutual respect in a couple, nothing can become an obstacle to creating strong relationships and marriage bonds. If you found this information useful, click on and

28.10.2013 14:54

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Temperament has a huge impact on a person's character and is the cause of behavioral differences in people. Science and life have proven more than once that relationships in a couple are very closely related to the temperaments of a man and a woman. The creator of the concept of types of temperament is Hippocrates. He proved that people are divided into 4 types: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

He is melancholic

If your loved one turns out to be melancholic, then, in principle, you are very lucky, because in marriage melancholic people manifest themselves as caring and loving spouses, ready to help at any moment. The downside is that they are quite vulnerable and often their mood swings are not clear to others. Such brilliant personalities as the famous philosopher R. Descartes, the English scientist Charles Darwin, the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, composers Frederic Chopin and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky were also melancholic.

He is phlegmatic

If your young man is phlegmatic, then patience will not hurt you. These are terribly unhurried people who will think a million times before making this or that decision. But he is calm even in very difficult situations, stable and consistent in relationships. The commander Kutuzov and the fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov had such a temperament.

He is choleric

If your chosen one is choleric, be prepared for constant changes. Such a man will seek your sympathy very persistently and beautifully, but he will not stop there and will run to conquer new heights. You will always have to remain at least a little mysterious and inaccessible. Be prepared for criticism; choleric people are often overly rude and straightforward. Well-known representatives Cholerics are Peter the Great, the Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the well-known commander Suvorov.

He is sanguine

Get used to the superiority of your loved one if he is sanguine. You should always express great delight at any of his actions. He must always remain the center of attention, regardless of the situation. Despite the fact that he loves variety and dynamics, he is unlikely to set off to conquer new heights, as he is afraid of difficulties. As a rule, sanguine people are very calculating. Herzen and Mozart had such difficult temperaments.


Temperaments are often combined according to the principle of opposites. As a rule, people are interested in learning from each other.

Choleric + Phlegmatic

The ideal couple would be a choleric person and a phlegmatic person. They completely complement each other. A phlegmatic person will be able to tolerate violent outbursts of activity in a choleric person. In turn, a choleric person will value calm and balance in a phlegmatic person. In a dispute, a phlegmatic person will give in, of course, if this does not concern his personal principles.

Melancholic + Sanguine

A melancholic person will be well supported by a sanguine person. These temperaments complement each other and even if some problems arise, they will easily deal with them. A melancholic person gets along most easily with a sanguine person. A sociable sanguine person will be able to appreciate the deep inner world of a melancholic person.

Choleric + Sanguine

The union of a choleric person and a sanguine person will turn out to be very good. They always have a topic to talk about. A choleric person comes up with ideas, a sanguine person brings them to life. But due to their stormy temperaments, their conversations will often develop into arguments.

Melancholic + phlegmatic

Quite calm relationships await melancholic and phlegmatic people. Probably, their life will be very calm, but there will be no mutual understanding due to frequent immersions in their own inner world. They most likely won’t argue, they’re just not interested.

Choleric + Melancholic

A choleric person, due to his temper, can hurt a melancholic person with his criticism and straightforwardness, and unwillingness to compromise. Union is possible if the choleric person takes the melancholic person under his protection.

Sanguine + Phlegmatic

A sanguine person will not have enough attention from a phlegmatic person, since the latter is often stingy in manifestations of feelings. But if they feel a practical interest in each other, then such an alliance will last quite a long time.

Couples with similar temperaments will also not always be able to maintain a relationship.

Melancholic + Melancholic

Two melancholic people often become bored with each other. They lack initiative and attention from each other. Most likely, they will sit in the corners due to their reluctance to understand each other's world.

Phlegmatic + Phlegmatic

Phlegmatic people are good family men. But their union cannot be called passionate. Phlegmatic people are quite stingy with feelings. The advantage is that such a union will be balanced and reasonable.

Choleric + Choleric

Cholerics cannot control their statements and inflict deep insults on each other, which ultimately leads to separation. But it is not uncommon for them to provide enormous support to each other and even seek compromises.

Sanguine + Sanguine

At first, they will be a wonderful couple. But sanguine people’s desire for independence often ruins even the most beautiful relationships. They will constantly try to manage each other, which will lead to frequent conflicts.

Of course, temperament plays a vital role when choosing your soul mate, but a man and a woman must always learn to compromise and think about each other’s feelings, otherwise no amount of compatibility will save their relationship.

Especially for LadySpecial - Anastasia

Knowing the temperament of your life partner will help you understand the motives for his behavior and choose the right tactics for communication. By studying the characteristics of different temperaments, you can avoid conflict situations in the family or at least reduce them to a minimum. So, the main topic of our article is the compatibility of the temperaments of spouses.

Sanguine and melancholic

Despite the fact that a sanguine person gets along with a representative of almost any temperament, he needs to be very attentive towards a melancholic person, since completely unnoticed by himself, he can touch the sensitive strings of the soul of his vulnerable spouse with a careless word or deed. And yet, such a union has bright prospects, since an always optimistic sanguine person will be able to give confidence to a melancholic person who constantly doubts his strengths and abilities.

Melancholic and melancholic

The life of two melancholic people can be boring and dramatic, since each of them will have a hard time experiencing any trouble. The sad mood of one will be aggravated by the grievances and dissatisfaction of the other.

Choleric and melancholic

It will not be easy for a choleric person and a melancholic person to get along in marriage. An eccentric choleric person can easily offend a vulnerable melancholic person who reacts sharply to every word spoken. And from an unrestrained choleric you can expect not only offensive words, but also rude shouts... Quarrels certainly cannot be avoided. But the choleric person will quickly move away and forget about the conflict, while the melancholic person will worry about everything that happened for a long time.

Choleric and choleric

A volcanic eruption may seem like a completely ordinary event compared to the passions that will inevitably rage in the union of two choleric people. There is a possibility that their marriage will turn into a life of powder keg for all the members of this family. And since it is almost impossible to change temperament, it is worth discussing from the very beginning a scheme for resolving conflicts, since they are unlikely to be avoided.

Still, it would be nice for each spouse to master self-control techniques. Or perhaps it’s worth thinking about whether the feelings of potential spouses are strong enough to find compromise options to solve future problems, and therefore whether their marriage has a chance of survival.

Phlegmatic and phlegmatic

Phlegmatic people, being the complete opposite choleric people can create a very strong and reliable union. Each one will be treasured family relationships. Conflicts in such families rarely occur, and yet dissatisfaction with each other can take on a protracted nature and develop into a long-term cold war. However, the fear of change will not allow the spouses to separate, so divorces in such families are quite rare.

Phlegmatic and choleric

The equanimity of a phlegmatic person suits the intemperance of a choleric person perfectly. Impulsive outbursts of anger will go unanswered, preventing a noisy conflict from flaring up. And yet, their life may also not be so rosy, since the coldness of a phlegmatic person can cause resentment and misunderstanding on the part of an emotional choleric person, while the phlegmatic person himself may be frightened by the excessive activity of an energetic partner.

Sanguine and phlegmatic

A sanguine person, thanks to his softness and pliability, will also find an approach to an unemotional phlegmatic person; however, if his cheerfulness constantly collides with the cold aloofness of his spouse, sooner or later the accumulated irritation may result in a violent protest.

Melancholic and phlegmatic

A melancholic person and a phlegmatic person also have good chances for a successful marriage, since, most likely, none of them will have a destructive effect on the partner’s psyche. However, they, just like a phlegmatic married couple, should beware of protracted conflicts. It is better to discuss the situation than to remain silent for weeks and accumulate grievances.

Sanguine and sanguine

Although there are no negative or positive types temperament, yet it is sanguine people who have the qualities most favorable for building relationships in the family. However, it can be difficult for two sanguine people in the same family to get along, since each of them strives to be a leader, and the emotionality of one, multiplied by the emotionality of the other, can give an unpredictable result. And yet, sanguine people’s tendency to compromise, their tolerance and compliance each time allow them to take the family ship out of the zone of a strong storm.

Sanguine and choleric

The struggle for leadership often cannot be avoided by a sanguine-choleric couple. It is difficult for them to come to a common opinion, since everyone defends their own point of view. The struggle for power can take place in a raised voice (the choleric person will certainly take care of this). A more gentle and tactful sanguine person often has to give in and put up with an unrestrained and impatient spouse.

Forewarned is forearmed!

When talking with a melancholic person, try not to use harsh words and rude remarks. Criticism should be presented in a very gentle form, preferably in the form of friendly advice. Any thoughtless word can leave a deep wound in the soul of a melancholic person. Never break out into a scream, because a woman will instantly burst into tears, and men will lose sleep (from resentment, your injustice or their own inadequacy). If you want to see your life partner happy, do not skimp on praise, admire the results of his activities, and pay attention to his creative achievements. Then it will be difficult for you to find a more grateful person.

A choleric person is a bundle of energy and emotions that needs to spill out. Let him talk, don't hold him back. Do not be offended by harsh words - in the heat of anger or emotions overwhelming a choleric person, he can offend without noticing it. He would never have said anything like that in a calm state. His harsh, hurtful words are the result of his inability to control his emotions, so they are completely inconsistent with what he thinks about you. Express critical remarks very calmly and tactfully, because harsh criticism will become a reason for another scandal. Do not succumb to provocations and do not respond to his raised tone with a scream. If you love, be patient.

You shouldn’t push a slow phlegmatic person, he won’t be able to do anything faster anyway, he’ll only feel insecure about own strength. You shouldn’t put pressure on him and force him to do something he doesn’t like, if you don’t want to develop an inferiority complex in him and make him an unhappy person. Screaming is also the wrong way to influence a phlegmatic person. A quarrel may not break out, but as a result he will withdraw into himself and remain in this state for some time.

If you support him and respond approvingly to the result of his work, he will be able to move mountains so as not to deceive your expectations. Do not try to use excessive pressure to change the phlegmatic person’s opinion or convince him of the need for any changes. Any changes cause him to be rejected, so he will have to act calmly, patiently and tactfully. Only in this case is there hope that he will listen to your arguments.

As we have already said, a sanguine person is the easiest to deal with. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that your order, for example, will remain unfulfilled. And not because he (or she) deliberately ignored your request, but because he simply forgot, got carried away with something else, or did not think that it was so important to you. Moral teaching and serious conversations often do not achieve their goal because they “strain” the cheerful spouse and he tries by all means to avoid emotional discomfort.

Criticism is also not always heard by him: for him, life is a real holiday, so he does not want to pay attention to various little things. If you do not create illusions about the responsibility of an always optimistic sanguine person, but perceive him as he is, then your life will be calm and joyful, filled with new impressions and pleasant emotions.

There are many cases where people with seemingly the most incompatible temperaments created wonderful family unions. If you want to be close to your loved one, then you will certainly have the opportunity to understand and accept him, develop positive and weaken negative qualities, characteristic of each temperament. A complete family idyll may not work out, but does it even exist?

As you know, there are four types of temperament, about which entire volumes of research have been written. Without going into details, we will list them.


Easily adapts to changes.
He has fast speech and lively facial expressions.
He speaks more willingly than listens.
Shallow in feelings.
Often does not complete things.

Phlegmatic person

Calm and cool.
Reliable and consistent.
Immune to other people's opinions.

Choleric is characterized by:

Hot temper.
Straightforwardness and sharpness.
Lack of stamina.
High penetration power.
Work in jerks.
Lively facial expressions.
Sudden movements.


High sensitivity.
Inexpressive movements and facial expressions.
Deep inner world.
Lack of stamina and performance.
Low tempo mental processes.
To be successful, he needs a calm environment.

It is worth mentioning that it is very difficult to meet a person who is a “pure” representative of any of these four temperaments, and in most cases people combine two, and more often three, types. Therefore, when considering the compatibility of different temperaments, this circumstance should be taken into account.


The main problem in relationships is the lack of common interests. If partners have different views, they will foam at the mouth to prove that they are right, regardless of each other.

Quarrels in a choleric + choleric alliance are common.

Even having a high culture and knowing about their quarrelsome temperament, it is very difficult for such people to control their impulses. Being united by common interests they can cooperate quite fruitfully. However, even here the world will be unstable.


This option is more stable than the previous one.

A sanguine person tolerates quarrels more easily and may not attach much importance to them.

Such a tandem of temperaments is more proactive and less prone to fanaticism.

It is very good if a sanguine person, rich in ideas, chooses promising goals and weighs the pros and cons, and a proactive choleric person manages their implementation.

In general, such an alliance is painted in positive tones and is quite successful.

Choleric + phlegmatic

In this case, it will be quite difficult for partners to achieve understanding. Everyone views the world from their own perspective and it will take extraordinary efforts to achieve it. A choleric person sees a tortoise in a phlegmatic person, while a phlegmatic person tends to look at a choleric person as a hare. Ideally, the choleric person should take the active role, and leave the routine to the hardy and disciplined phlegmatic person, who copes with this perfectly.


It's horrible. A union of strength and weakness, vulnerability and aggression, speed and slowness. A heavy burden for a melancholic person and an endless source of irritation for a choleric person.


A very cheerful union of two eternal optimists who are always ready to start new project, get a new profession, hobby, family... It’s easy to guess that the problem could be a lack of depth, consistency and the ability to finish what you started, with an excess of ideas. But spiritually, even in defeat, such a union plays with the rays of the Sun.


A very productive relationship. The abundance of ideas and breadth of views of a sanguine person are perfectly balanced by the stability and perseverance of a phlegmatic person and vice versa, without creating any special conflicts.


It will be much easier for the latter in such a union than with a choleric person, but one cannot expect much understanding here.

Too different life speeds make themselves felt. Such relationships can be somewhat softened if you choose a lifestyle with frequent and rather long separations.


The main difficulty is excessive restraint and lack of desire to understand your partner. This option is more suitable for collaboration in the archive than for relationships. However, marriages concluded by such a couple are almost always very stable.


Perhaps the best union for a melancholic person.

Phlegmatic people will strengthen melancholic people, and in return they will decorate their rigid mental organization with their rich inner world.

As in all cases with a melancholic person, it is better if the bearer of this temperament is a woman.

If a man has a melancholic type of temperament, then, alas, it will be much more difficult for a woman to understand him.


One cannot expect any special success in life from such a couple. There is more hope for a favorable confluence here life circumstances than on the partners themselves. True, they can be very sensitive and caring towards each other. Life force passed over such an alliance. But what dreams!