Why orchid does not bloom - Selical tips of flower water. Do not bloom orchid - what to do

06.07.2017 9 816

Many housewives are wondering how to make orchid bloom and what conditions need to create a favorite? The main errors when leaving lead to the fact that the leaves are growing, and the flower does not produce an arrow for a long time, what to do in such cases how to help the plant Read more ...

How to make orchid blossom - secrets of successful housewives

After buying orchid flows, the owner of the beauty begins to wait for the new flowering. Sometimes you have to wait six months (recreation period), but mainly waiting is delayed for a longer period. How to make orchid to release a bloomon? Why does the girlfriend blooms 6 months old, and on your window everything can not let the arrow? Let's figure it out.

Put a capricious flower. Orchid - a resident of the tropics, and does not distinguish between winter and summer, but it is perfectly distinguished by the period of drought and abundant rains. In order to force the orchid to bloom at home, you need to use shock therapy, change the conditions of detention, and most importantly - place. Moreover, the location must be changed dramatically - put the plant under the sink for a month and leave without watering. Naturally, the neighborhood of detergents and cleaning products must be removed, otherwise they will destroy the flower, but dark, wet environment It will only benefit the plant. After the expiration, the flower can be returned to the usual place and resume watering.

Chemical attack. If the orchid does not allow an arrow, you can use various growth stimulants, such as incentive or success for orchids, for this in the morning it is necessary to spray the plant according to the instructions, and once a week, soak the vase in warm water with the addition of the drug.

Orchid flowering - in the photo

How to get a blooming Cymbidium orchid (Cymbidium)? Already the end of summer, and orchid is not in a hurry to put the arrow. Cimbidium launches the leaves, and does not bloom, how to make him release an arrow? Arrange a pretty shake - limit watering and reduce the temperature at night to +10 ° ... + 13 ° C., Such measures contribute to the growth of the floweros. When the boom starts to grow, tie it to the sticks, so as not to lean and grow straight. Coloros in orchid grows until winter, and in winter You will be able to enjoy flowering at home for about two months. Most abundant blossom Cymbidium comes on the third year of life. By the way, beauty can also need additional stimulating flowering.

Why are the leaves grow, and orchid does not bloom?

If orchid does not bloom, it means there is a need to provoke the emission of the arrow. It is worth reduce the amount of nitrogen in feeding, competently carry out drought mode, while maintaining the usual temperature. Then, in a couple of months, new floral kidneys will appear. Organize drought the flower is quite simple, for this it is necessary:

  • reduced watering up to 1 time in 4 days with hot weather and 1 time per week at cool temperature
  • organize lighting with cold lamps no higher than 40 cm from the top of the plant
  • eliminate spraying and flickering flower

With the right maneuver, bottom leaves Beauties will become soft, the blooming will go into growth, soon gladly gladly blossom.

Why not flowers orchid after transplant?

Any transplanted plant should be overcome, and it takes time. The transplanted tropical guest, orchid, immediately begins to increase the root system - all the forces go to it. Just increasing the root mass, the flower will begin to develop air roots, leaves and flowers. Recall the basic rules of transplanting and plant content:

All this - the necessary conditions For healthy development of healthy flower kidney. As you can see, it is not so difficult to get to bloom the orchid after the transplant.

Orchid released a bloomon and stopped?

How many flowers grow by orchid? Usually, from the beginning of the emission of a bloomer to flowering orchids goes around two months. This period can fluctuate depending on the lighting, temperature and humidity of the air in the room. However, there are some rules that need to be observed during flower growth. Consider how to make the plant bloom on the example of Falenopsis orchids - one of the most common inhabitants at home:

  • the arrow left after the hot summer, the orchid phalaenopsis can quickly bloom and delight with his bloom to six months, if you settle it on sunny side: The sun is no longer burning, and the light day is still quite long. When the orchid does not produce a bloomer for a long time, it is possible to make it, increasing the light day to 12 hours a day. Transfer the blooming beauty to the room will need to be after the disclosure of buds
  • in no case do not change the irrigation schedule, the soil must remain wet, but not wet
  • continue to the appearance of the first flower - by this time the representative of the flora will type all the necessary substances for other buds, and the oversupply can provoke their reset.

Truncating bloomer

Cutting of orchid flowers - in the photo

Orchid racket experience suggests that the color of the blooming is necessary in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kidneys, if you doit closer to the roots - bloom will be abundant, but late, and a higher trimming will lead to the growth of the floweros to the side and your beautiful woman will fall on the side. The emission of arrows from additional kidneys is faster than from the main kidney, so the tropical diva will bloom in a month and a half after the preceding flowering.

If you have not purchased flowering plant And it is in no hurry to please you with buds - look at the number of shoots, there must be from 5 to 8, if the shoots are less - the plant is still too young and flowering can weaken it. Orchid buds to dissolve budgets for 2-3 years, maybe it makes sense to just wait? Now you know, dear readers, how to make orchid blossom.

Orchid, gentle beauty, but the favor you need to earn. Why not blooms orchid at home and how to create tropics in a separate apartment? Issues are not easy, but solved. Otherwise, why does a neighbor orchid bloom for half a year? So, you need to love the stubborn and understand it.

Analysis of orchid content

Buying a flower, you need to ask for an explanation from a specialist, what kind of variety and the peculiarities of its cultivation. who perfectly transfers light shading. But there are orchids for which the Southern Window fits, and even the summer heat is moved well. Orchid does not bloom if the conditions of detention are broken.

Next to orchids always need to be placed with boiled water. In the substrate put the clove of garlic.

If the flower has purchased in the store, and he already bloomed, and the shooter's shooter, then the rest period can continue until the year. If the plant is grown out of kids, then waiting for first flowering for more than two years. By this time it will get strength root system And orchid will release 5-6 sheets. Early blossom Weave the beauty.

Why not blooms orchid at home after transplantation? When to wait for the first arrow? The transplanted plant first increases the root mass for six months. After developing air roots, the leaves grow. Floral kidneys are laid in the sinuses. The initial period of development of the plant in favorable conditions contributes to the laying of a larger number of color seals.

Recall how to properly contain orchid:

  1. The roots are well developed, green, some of them are located along the walls of the transparent pot, the part is upstairs, absorbs moisture from the air.
  2. The substrate does not contain fresh bark, opiled or manure.
  3. Lighting is better to maintain scattered.
  4. The difference in day and night temperatures when bookmarking the flowers should be at least 5 degrees.
  5. Undercine donated with nitrogen once every 10 days before the release of the arrows.

The conditions for bookmarking flower kidneys are listed, but biological requirements should be followed.

What if orchid does not bloom, is developing well? It will be necessary to provoke the emission of the arrow. The air root and the arrow at first look the same. But the tip of the arrow is rounded, and the root is sharp, as in the photo.

How to make bloom orchid

Orchid - a plant of tropics that does not know what winter and summer is. But it distinguishes the season for warm tropical rains and drought. Climate change can provoke blossom. The condition of stressful actions is the health of the plant. Related flower can be destroyed.

The use of stimulants in the form of epined, succinic acid, daily morning spraying overhead and a weekly watering with the addition of the drug can add energies, and the plant will throw off the arrow.

If you water orchids from above, the water is filtered and takes out extra salts. Simultaneously with water, oxygen is delivered to the roots.

Why orchid does not bloom, and the leaves grow? It means that the nutrition was given an excess of nitrogen. Help can competently spent drought season. After a month, the floral kidneys will be shown, if you create a lack of moisture, but the temperature should be not higher than 30 0 s:

  1. The exposure time of roots in a dry state between irrigation to increase to 4 days in warm content, until the week, if the room is cool.
  2. Do not spend spraying, feeding, fight so much!
  3. There will be a flower point and resume, only to exclude fertilizer watering.
  4. Organize proper lighting, in winter, lighting at a distance not above 40 cm from the top.
  5. If the "drought" is carried out correctly, the blooming will go into growth and the lower leaves will become softer than usual.

What to do to bloody orchid after the "rainy season"? We use for water procedures Just heated to 35 degrees water. Encourage orchid to flowering in different ways.

Water 3-4 days in a row, then for two weeks to grab the plant. After that, care to maintain in the usual mode.

Three times a day during the week from a pulverizer with warm water with epinoma or amber Acid in a week.

In a warm pair room, water the plant from the shower of water at 35 degrees is 15-20 minutes. Let the bathroom cools together with the flower so that the slanting plant does not catch the cold.

You can use only one of the methods of flowering acceleration.

The question is why the orchid does not bloom at home, may have an unexpected answer. You smoke, and the flower does not endure the smell of tobacco smoke. Do you always have a fruit vase on your table? But the flower does not like ethylene, highlighting with ripening fruits. When cleaning the flower is rearranged from place to place? Do not wait bloom. By purchasing a flower to see how it stood, and to keep the orientation as possible.

Looking at the flowering orchid, many flower trees do not even think, buy this extraordinary plant or not. Of course buy! But will it be just as good to bloom and at home? Everyone knows that orchid - the plant is quite capricious and requires a scrupulous care. It is possible to achieve re-blossom from it if you know all the factors that contribute to this and follow a certain care mode. Then the flowering of orchid will continue from 2 to 6 months. And some are childbirth, like phalaenopsis or wanda, can bloom and all year round.

To orchid bloom ...

Flowering frequency orchid depends on compliance with certain rules of care. To bloody the plant, you should remember 9 important conditionscontributing to this.

1. Learn the age of orchids

If you bought a flaky plant, and it is not in a hurry to please the floral arrow, perhaps it is still too young. Different types Orchids bloom aged 1.5 to 3 years. To determine that the orchid is quite an adult, you need to count the number of shoots. In an adult plant ready for flowering, they should be from 5 to 8. If the flowers on the orchid appear earlier - this is not always good. The fact is that too young plant May not be enough forces to restore after flowering, and orchid may die.

2. Do not move the pot

Many know that moving for orchid is a real stress. But this flower does not like minor movements. Orchid reacts to the situation in relation to the light. Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange the pot with a plant, it is necessary to place it the same side to the source of lighting, which he stood before. It is also not worth moving orchid during irrigation. Movement adversely affects the growth of the flower, especially at the time of the appearance of the flower.

3. Detish the roots

As you know, the roots of orchids are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis, so it is important to ensure that they have enough light. Because once again move orchid is not recommended, it is worth taking care of the roots in advance. For example, instead of ceramic pots, it is better to use plastic transparent containers with large quantity drainage holes. It is not recommended to take a container with corrugated walls for planting this flower, since its roots have a feature to grow to an uneven surface. In addition, sharp edges and elements may injure the root system, which damages the entire plant as a whole.

4. Take care of lighting

Sunlight is very important factoraffecting the flowering of orchid. Without a full light day (10-12 hours a day) these plants will not bloom. So in the fall and winter when natural lighting Very little, flowers should be reduced by lamps.

Phytolambuses are special lamps intended for plant shocking: they give a lot of bright light, without looking at the same air around the colors.

If the orchid released the bloom in the fall or in winter, then it should be taken care that it does not die because of a short light day. Without showering in the dark, the bloomon can dwell in development or dry. If there is no possibility to heal the plant entirely, it is enough to organize the backlight only for the tip of the color saw. The main thing is to ensure that neither he nor the plant itself is heated.

5. Ensure a permissible temperature drop

The catalyst for the flowering of many types of orchids is a minor difference between the day and night temperature indicators. Therefore, the orchid bloom, at night the temperature should be 4-6 ° C lower than the day. Of course, creating such conditions throughout the year is problematic. But from the end of spring and before the beginning of the autumn, the orchids can be kept on open airwhere temperature difference achieved natural way. In a cooler time, when the flowers should already live at home, the rooms with orchids need to be tired. Just do it should be very careful, remembering that these plants are very afraid of drafts.

6. Water orchid

It is necessary to water orchid after drying the soil - it will give the opportunity to avoid the reinforcement of the roots. These requirements act both in the summer and in winter and applicable both for children and for adult plants. However, there is here and their exceptions. After the orchid wonders, watering stands cut about a month.

In nature after flowering orchids, begin to tie seeds that should fly into different sides a few kilometers. This is possible only in dry periods, but in no way in the rainy season. Therefore, it is necessary to provide orchid conditions, as much as possible close to natural - then the flower will grow healthy and often bloom.

Before flowering and during it, orchid is required more intense irrigation, than usual. Further, during the rest, copies with rigid leaves and the presence of pseudobulb should be poured according to the main principle (approximately 10-12 days).

7. Moisturize the air around the plant

Another important condition for flowering is the humidity of the air. If it is not enough, orchid can dwell in growth or the unacceptable buds and flowers will be dried.

To increase the moisture in the room where the orchid grows, you can put next to the flower plate with water. Also in very dry periods (when in the houses include heating) the plant is worth spraying. Suitable humidity for orchids - from 60% and higher.

8. Pick the fertilizer

For feeding orchids, it is recommended to use compounds based on phosphorus and potassium, as they stimulate the appearance of flower kidney. In addition, the use of such fertilizers guarantees education in the plant of healthy and strong flowers. But the nitrogen-based feeders are better not to be carried away: this element, on the contrary, inhibits the development of flowers.

9. Do not be afraid to "scare" the plant

Sometimes, to make orchid blooming, she needs to arrange small stress. It happens that all the conditions for flowering are observed, and the flower does not want to push the arrow. It sometimes happens due to the fact that the orchid is too good. In this case, all the forces of the plant directs the growth of green mass. One way to stimulate blossom is a little "shock" orchid: cut watering or rearrange the pot with a plant in a cooler place.

Orchid rest period

After flowering, the orchid comes resting period when she begins to save power for new flowering. Care at this time is no different from leaving other periods. Flower still needs good wateringHigh humiditysufficient lighting And regular prevention against diseases and pests.

What concerns podquokTheir frequency and volume during rest should be reduced. If there is a need to transplant orchid, then it's time to do this procedure now when the plant does not bloom anymore.

The transplant is necessary if the roots stick out of the drainage hole, or the soil flies quickly after watering. As a rule, the need for this procedure appears in 2-3 years.

Are orchids suitable for cutting?

What could be more beautiful bouquet of orchids? But these flowers live for a short time, and not every kind is suitable for cutting. Let's try to figure out how to extend the life with an epiphetic bouquet and what orchids to choose.

Stand in a vase and keep freshness and aroma for several weeks (and sometimes months) falenopsis, Cymbidiumand Pafiopediluma . Other orchids risk not to sleep and hour, fading literally in their eyes.

If you acquire orchids in the cut, see first of all on petals and sewers. They should be shiny, as if covered with wax, and tough - then the orchid will have a long time.

How to extend the life bouquet of orchids:

  • If the flowers were brought from the store, then they need them update cuts. Cut the stems follows the painter. The procedure is recommended for jet flowing water. Update sections are preferably every 2-3 days.
  • Water for content Cut orchids should be soft and clean: you can use boiled or filtered. Periodically, it needs to be updated, fastening fresh.
  • Orchids in the cut, like, however, and potted household orchids are afraid of too high and very low temperature. Also it is recommended to protect against draft and bright Sun..

Orchid refers to many years of herbatous plants, whose family includes about 30,000 species. In natural conditions, it grows not in the ground, but fastened on the trees. Orangeneie and botanical gardens were replenished with orchids in the middle of the 18th century. The flowers of this plant are fascinated by their beauty and variety of forms. But attempts to grow them at home often lead to the fact that only the roots and the leaves of the plant are developing intensively. To find out why orchid does not bloom, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of its breeding.

Why orchid does not bloom at home

The natural habitat for orchids is the territory with a tropical climate. If the conditions of the plant content differ very much from natural, it is possible to wait for flowering for a long time. The main causes of the lack of colors are:

  • Lack of minerals.Orchids usually grow in small pots, where the soil is quickly depleted. Periodically, the plant must be fed. Mineral fertilizers It should contain a lesser degree of nitrogen, it ensures the growth of the green mass, and potassium, magnesium, phosphorus are required for the formation of color painting. Pre-soil are abundantly watered with water so as not to burn the roots. Of the dry fertilizers make an aqueous solution of weak concentration, the overabundance of mineral substances is also destroyed for orchids.
  • Wrong watering.Orchid has quite wide leaves, from which moisture evaporates quickly. In the period of active growth, it is necessary to water the plant quite often, about 2-3 times a week. In winter, on the contrary, the soil should not be too moistened. Water for watering should be soft. It is better to use boiled or filtered water room temperature. If the roots are wet, the droplets of condensate are visible, it is not necessary to water the plant. Eviance contributes to the formation of rotten on the roots.

  • Violation temperature mode and lighting. Orchids are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. The difference in day and night should not exceed 4 ° C. In the warm season, the air temperature is optimal 18 - 25 ° C, in the winter period - not lower than 15 ° C. The lighting should be sufficient, but it is advisable to avoid direct ingress of sunlight so as not to cause burns on the leaves.
  • Unsuitable soil. The soil for orchid should provide a minimum of moisture around the root and free air circulation. For this reason, the plants never plant in garden land. The pot is filled with a substrate consisting of moss, peat, large sand. It is better to purchase a ready-made soil designed specifically for the cultivation of orchids.

  • Zries in the root: features of the location of the root system in the pot. Orchid letters strong strong roots covered with spongy cloth. In nature, they allow you to strengthen the trunks of the trees. At home maintain a plant in a vertical position helps a pot. It must be from transparent material to provide sunlight access. Be sure to have holes on the bottom for water drain, and on the walls - for air ventilation. Roots must be located in a pot freely, often they stick out. For orchids, pots of transparent plastic are best suited. Through it is clearly seen how the root system develops. When transplanting plants, such a container can easily be cut in order not to damage the roots during the extraction.

How to water orchids (video)

How to make bloom orchid: most effective techniques

In the rainforest orchids are growing under the cover of dense foliage, there is no concept of changing the seasons of the year. The most unpretentious look is phalaenopsis. It can bloom continuously for 11 months. But it is not always possible to achieve such a result at home. If a favorable climate is created, but orchid does not bloom 2 years, you can use some effective methods To distort the floweros.

  • A sharp decrease in temperature. Day the plant should be in warm roomAnd at night you can open the window or balcony to lower the temperature to 16 - 18 ° C. IN summer period For this, the garden is perfect. The result is the acceleration of photosynthesis and the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which goes on flowering.
  • Creating dry desert conditions. It is necessary to increase the time intervals between watering. In the summer it can be 4 days, in winter until the week. Roots plants should be dry. For proper use This method of the lower leaves will be softened slightly.
  • Hot shower. Before starting the procedure, the bathroom fills the ferry by turning boiling water. The plant put in the bath and 15 minutes are powered with warm water, the temperature of which is about 35 ° C. At this moment, there is plenty of absorption of moisture through the roots and intensive release through the leaves. After about a week, the orchid should release the flowerons.

  • Improved lighting. For different species Orchids require different lighting intensity. If the plant does not bloom, perhaps the light is not enough. It is required to rearrange the pot into a more illuminated place or purchase a special fluorescent lamp.
  • Cutting blooming. Each bloomon contains several kidneys that are in sleep. To achieve flowering, the arrow is cut by about the third kidney.
  • Transfer. No flowering can be caused by soil depletion. This is noticeable of orchid leaves. If growing leaves in size are less than old, or deforming, it means that the plant must be transplanted into new sad.

Some types of orchids produce flowers only after reaching a three-year-old age. If the plant has 5 - 8 shoots, then it is quite adult and the flowering is ready. You can get blossom only healthy orchids. Weak and sick plants should be gained strength to release the floral branch.

Orchids: Errors in Care (Video)

Orchid released a bloomon: what to do next

From the moment the orchid launched the arrow, until the disclosure of the first flowers will take about 2 months. During this period you need to create comfortable conditionsSo that unspoken buds bloom.

Next to the pot you can put a small water tank for additional humidification air. If the heating works at home, the plant can be sprayed with warm water. Watering is done as usual, as the soil is burned.

In the cold season for color, need extra light. You can use phytolamps for reading. It does not dry the air and provides a large amount of bright light. Light day during this period should be at least 12 hours.

Orchid does not like movements and responds to a slowdown in growth. When you need to rearrange the pot, it is placed the same side to the light, as he stood before.

Prior to the appearance of the first flower, it is possible to feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of flower kidney.

How to care for orchid after flowering

The period when plants bloom, lasts from 5 to 12 months. After drying the colors, it is not necessary to immediately cut the flower. You should make sure that the orchid ceased to bloom. The arrow carefully inspect to determine further actions. If there is a green tip, additional buds may appear.

If the bloomer is desirable and starts to dry, flowering is over. But the plant continues to receive nutrients from the flower branch. Therefore, the arrow is cut after complete drying.

The slice is usually done, leaving 3 lower kidneys, Prenok should be at least 2 cm. In summer flower branch A young process can appear - baby. With it, the plant is breeding. To do this, the baby is left on the stem for about 6 months until the roots and 2 leaves will reflect. Phalaenopsis can develop 2 - 3 offspring on each flowers.

Otherwise, leaving the plant after flowering is not very different from other periods. At rest, you can reduce the amount of feeding up to 1 time per month. If the ground dries quickly after irrigation, and the potted roots stick out of the lower opening, orchid must be transplanted. The period immediately after flowering the most suitable for this procedure.

Before transplantation, the plant is abundantly watered, gently removed from the pot. Shoot the roots should not. The blackened and dried processes are removed. Soil can be pre-rolled on fire, to destroy pests. To make drainage, the pot is placed in a layer of granite rubble layer. In the new soil, orchid is placed at the same level as before. After transplanting, watering is not needed. You can make spraying.

How to make orchid blossom (video)

The rest period lasts 3 - 6 months, then new blooms appear, and the plant blooms again.

Create favorable conditions For flowering orchids is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. Surrounding her care and attention, you can admire the wonderful exotic colors for almost all year round.

Phalaenopsis and dendrobium by tradition are the most blooming orchidsBut sometimes blooming may not come. Such a problem occurs in most novice flower water.

Many are wondering " why not flowers orchid, and what should she bloom?»Let's look at the main reasons for the lack of flowering in this beautiful plant.

This may arise due to poor lighting, it might not be observed by resting the plant in the plant, or he was reconciled by fertilizer with nitrogen. If it is established that the plant is reconciled, then in this case you only need to wait when nitrogen is recycled, and at this time you make phosphorus. The air in the room should be well moistened and lit, and drafts are generally unacceptable for orchids.

Orchids are light-loving plants.

If there is a shortage of sunlight, then the flowering of this plant can not be waiting at all, because only one greens will grow lush. Orchid Cymbidium is growing only with bright light, and in his habitual conditions, it generally grows under the right sunlight. For house growing This variety, lack of light and causes no blossom offensive.But the dark green foliage on the plant is very good in such conditions.

One more of the reasons because of which orchid does not bloom, is an extra moistureEspecially when the kidney of future buds begin to be laid and formed. If the orchid is abundantly watering, then on the plant it will be possible to notice the dried kidneys or dry, not yet discontinued flowerons. Almost all types of epiphyte orchids begin their bloom after the completion of the growing season. And before that time, the plant needs to hardly water.

During the flowering of orchids also need a lot of moisture.

The rest period comes from this plant after flowering and in winter, with insufficient lighting and low air temperature in the room. On such days, watering should be reduced. To form new color paints on orchids, most of them require rest. The plant goes into a quiet state when all new boulevards mature, that is, all the sprouts that appeared are the same growth as old.

During this period, orchids needed a slightly colder, and soil is somewhat land. In winter, orchid is better to place at a less heated room for this time, and in the summer it is better to make a plant on the air - a balcony or garden. There are orchids for which the temperature is needed only at night.

Fertilize during resting plant is not required.

After about two months be held, this period will end and a new bloomon will appear on the plant. How to make the flowering orchid every flower delivers pleasure to watch the blooming orchid.

If she is bought already with blossomed flowers, then it will be logical to expect flowering from it and in the future. But, sometimes this does not happen, which introduces the holder of this plant into the perplexity.

So how to force the orchid to bloom again?

And to solve this problem, in fact, it is simple enough, you need to create conditions for the plant approximate to natural for the plant. If the orchid does not bloom for a long time, it means that it is necessary to make certain changes in care.

So that the orchid began to produce magnificent flowers, she needs to create stressful conditions, for example, a sharp leap temperature with low on more warm. You can put a plant for the night to the room, with a temperature of 18 ° C, and in the morning it is moved to a warmer room.

Flowering orchid can cause a sharp cessation of irrigation, it can affect many types of orchids. If irrigated to the same extent, then the plant will switch instead of flowering into a new growing season. The natural habitat of epiphytic orchids is the tropics where there is such a time when the precipitation falls or much much, or there is not at all.

In the dry period, the orchids grabs moisture for life, but for the growth of the foliage of this amount is not enough. During the arid period, the orchids are forced to move into the stage of rest, but this process is gradually happening only when vegetation completely will complete. Limiting irrigation for orchids can last one or a few months.

Flower shops offer for sale of Cribria (oncidiums, Miltonia and their hybrids) These are epiphytic orchids that require a reduction in watering during the development of boulevards. Less moisture requires them when they almost already grown, and then the orchids will certainly bloom. Only, you need to water a little earlier than their growing vegetation.

For each form of orchids, you need to know your dates when they need to cut the watering. Some orchids react to the cessation of moisture supply very sharply, they may even slow down their height before the development of the floweros.

There are such types of orchids that need to cut watering when their bulb will grow by a third of their usual size. But so that the orchid blooms, her bouffer should grow normal sizepeculiar this kind. If the plant is weakened, and the bulbs are small, then bloom may not come.

But, if the plant is an adult, has a large biomass and is in adverse conditions, then even small bouffones can bloom. There are orchids that for a long time Are in one place, all the time grow and they develop boulevards, but blooming occurs spontaneously after a long break. Moreover, the conditions of the flower content do not change.

This is due to partial radiusing roots. If the orchid grows in a pot, then the roots live only two, three years. The root system becomes less and the plant, accordingly, begins to get less moisture, which gives impetus to the development of kidneys and flowers. Moreover, flowering may be subjected to the shoots of various ages throughout the year.

In hybrids, such as phalaenopsis, flowering begins in spring and re-autumn. If the lighting is good, then the Wanda hybrid will also behave. If the flower is vacation in July, it is quite possible, he knocked down the usual watering regimen of a hybrid orchid. And this affects the development of bloody in August. If the Wanda orchid is grown on a light south window, with a sharp change in air temperature and with a temporary decrease in irrigation, then this hybrid will bloom in the spring, if it was in good condition.

Most patiopyedylum hybrids bloom when it is reduced by watering, even without changing the temperature of the content. Their bloom comes from the upper kidney of the plant. Even, being on the northern window, experienced flower flower This species can be bloated. But still, any orchid must be replaced by the temperature in certain periods so that blooms are better formed.

The most erroneous action in relation to the care of orchid is an extra moisture.. It contributes to the early vegetation of the kidneys, the plant is in growth, thereby blocked by the laying of the floweros (especially at the top flowering of orchids). With abundant watering of the kidneys and color pains in the infancy, which are on old bulbs, dry. If the natural habitat of orchids are mountainous terrain, with a constantly wet climate, then they have almost absent blossom, or it is not at all a long time, and the plant is constantly in the period of vegetation.

For example, such orchid is Miltoniopsis. Natural conditionsin which this plant lives, suggests the year-round presence of precipitation from 30 mm to 600 mm. If there are little precipitation, then bloom begins after rising new shoots and continues throughout the year. There is such an orchid, consuming moisture contained in the fog and in the dew.

If there are a lot of precipitation, the orchid flowers are very bad and once a year, lasting from 1 to 3 months. For novice flowerflowers orchid phalaenopsis will be the most the best optionSince this type of blossom has a rather long and plant is more adapted to homemade cultivation.

Do I need to trim the flashing orchid? Well, orchid and blew ... And many novice flowerflowers are asked " do Crane Drawon Occake Flash Listen All the same?»

Here you can answer with confidence that it is not worth a hurry to cut the bloom after flowering because it is ready for further care. It is cut off only when it gets completely dried. If the orchid blooms on one shoot of the second time (as phalaenopsis), then it should not be completely removed after each flowering. It forms new floral kidneys.

If the flower does not like appearance The blurred plant, then you can remove the pattern by cutting it over the third kidney from the bottom. From the upper kidney itself, it is necessary to leave 0.5 cm. Approximately four, five months may appear the appearance of new flower arrows on the old flower view. Such branching depends on the conditions of the flower content.

If the old arrow wonders and dries, then the new will appear a little longer. When dried, the blooming must be cut off the alternative green part of the arrow, and the slice is disinfected activated coalcrushed into powder. You can smear the cut of iodine, greenk or sprinkle with cinnamon.

After the end of flowering, the soil is possible and the removal of dried roots is possible. And it is not necessary to postpone these procedures at the spring period. Most orchids are blowing in peace and begin to increase their green mass. When the new flower appears at home, you need to wait when it adapts in a new place. To do this, a very short blurry color, and a plant is gaining momentum for the next flowering for several months.published