Daylilies, planting and care in the open field - advice from experienced florists. Daylily - planting and caring for species daylilies

Daylily is a flower of incredible beauty, but, unfortunately, its flowering is so short-lived that you can't stop looking at its riot of colors. The daylily blooms only one day, but the plant itself is perennial! By increasing the number of peduncles, flowering can last up to 1.5 months, which is good news.

The maximum height of the peduncle of the daylily can reach 1.5 meters. They use it to decorate a velvet lawn, for a harmonious fusion of styles of plant compositions and highlighting winning colors, creating cascades of foliage. They look great as tapeworm plants, in general, they are in harmony with phloxes, loosestrife, lilies, astilbe, irises, ferns, dahlias, bulbs and others. If you use miniature types of daylilies to decorate the garden, then it is better to plant them in rockeries, at the bases of hills of boulders and stones, curbs.

Growing a daylily

If daylilies are grown in Russia, then you should pay attention to medium- and early-flowering species so that the plants have time to develop and prepare for wintering, such as Orange daylily (Hemerocallis aurantiaca), Small daylily (Hemerocallis minor), Middendorf daylily (Hemerocallis middendorfii), Limonid lily -yellow (Hemerocallis citrina).

Soil for growing daylily

Plants require regular garden soil - loose, nutrient-rich. Sod-podzolic soils should be enriched with peat, sand and mineral fertilizers.

Be careful with nitrogen fertilizers, its excess will become the enemy of flowering.

If the soil is heavy clayey and damp, then there is a high probability of decay of the root system and a predisposition to fungal diseases, especially in cold weather, when moisture stagnates. If the soil is sandy, then moisture, on the contrary, will not be enough, which will certainly affect the quality of plants. Fertilize plants with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 5: 5: 12 and after flowering for the best flowering effect next year.

Place for planting daylily

For mass and full flowering of the daylily, the site must be well lit. Shade and partial shade are also solvable, but the flowering will be more protracted (for 2-3 weeks), there are fears that the flower will not open (any flower needs sunlight). There should be a lot of space for the development of plants; over time, the bush will grow to 70 cm in diameter. Sit loose, giving room for development.

How to plant a daylily

Before planting, the plants are soaked for several hours in epine, zircon or other growth stimulant. Weak or rotten roots should be removed and the leaves should be pruned to 15 cm, this way you stimulate the plants to release new roots and leaves. If the place has not yet been chosen for planting the daylily, then you should not be afraid, fresh plants in a shaded place can lie for 2-3 weeks (the roots can be buried a little in the sand). Overdrying the roots of plants in this case is not terrible. For each plant, prepare a hole deep on a shovel bayonet (30 cm), pour peat-humus and potassium-forphoric mixture with a slide. Spread the plant along this hill so that the root collar is deepened by no more than 2.5-5 cm. With a deeper planting of the daylily, the flowering is sluggish, if at all, the leaves turn yellow and die off. But it is not worth planting shallowly, as the plants will be susceptible to frost. Sprinkle soil over the plant, compact and water. Around the bush, mulch the ground with dry peat, fallen pine needles, wood chips to retain moisture in the ground during a particularly dry period, so the roots will not overheat from the scorching sun.

Bought planting material planted in spring or summer, on a lighted area.

Water the daylily rarely and only from below, using a hose or other device, to keep the foliage of the plants dry, to reduce the possibility of infection with diseases!

Do not apply top dressing in the first year of planting the daylily.

Temperature regime for daylily

Daylilies have a short hibernation, only 2 months. During the summer, usually even the growing season does not have time to end. Leaves die off faster from frost than from a natural process and leave green in winter. Plants survive the winter well. Although the daylily is cold-resistant, it is better to cover it with straw, spruce branches, peat or sawdust for the winter.

Starting from mid-April, the plants wake up, the main thing is that the soil thaws and there is no frost. If in summer during the flowering of plants the temperature drops, then the flowers become smaller, do not fully open, the flowering begins to fade and as a result the flowers wither.

How to propagate a daylily

There are several ways to reproduce daylilies: seed and vegetative.

Seed breeding method of daylily

This method is good for breeding work, since varietal characteristics at seed growing are lost. When seed propagation of the daylily, it is important to know that the over-pollination of plants often occurs, this leads to the emergence of new hybrid species. Often growing daylilies naturally by seed method reproduction does not work due to the impossibility of setting seeds, i.e. plants bloom beautifully, but seeds are formed only on some bushes. This is explained by the fact that there was beneficial insects for pollination.

Artificial pollination is a variant of daylily seed propagation. If sowing is expected in spring next year, then they must be stratified by 1.5-2 months at a temperature of 2 to 4 ° C. Daylily will start flowering 2-3 years, it will be weak.

Vegetative breeding method of daylily

With this method of reproduction, it is good to breed varieties and different hybrids, keeping all their characteristics.

Usually, daylilies are propagated by dividing the bush when the flowers reduce their flowering quality. Bushes that are no more than 5-6 years old are best suited for this. The division is carried out during the spring regrowth of leaves, around the beginning of May. The transplant begins when the winter wakes up from hibernation and starts growing (the winter daylily is well preserved under the snow if the cover was strong enough). The division can be carried out in early autumn. The main thing here is not to hesitate, but with a sharp, accurate cutting movement of a well-sharpened shovel or a knife, divide the rhizome so that the plant can be injured as little as possible and can take root.

Remove the plant from the soil, shake off the soil, you can wash it off with a stream of water. Loose bush species are divided by hand, dense bush - using a knife with a wide blade or a shovel. Be careful, dividing the bush can damage the fragile roots. Each division should have a part of the root collar and a bud.

If the division of the bush is carried out in an adult daylily, which is about 10 or more years old, then the young roots will be located along the peripheral part, their divisions quickly take root and develop. If the cuttings are taken from the center, without the young, then when planting, it will be necessary to cut out weak or rotten parts of the roots, shorten the long roots, update the cuts on the broken roots and plant them for 1-2 years for additional development on the garden bed, and then transplant them to a permanent place.

To create decorativeness with greenery, and not flowering, the bush is divided with 3-5 parts of shoots.

If you want to propagate loose species of daylily, then you can do without digging up the mother bush - you separate the daughter sockets for the 2nd, or better the 3rd year, so that they have their own roots formed. Divide in the second half of August.

Without digging out the bush, loose shrub species of daylily can be divided in the spring with the help of a well-sharpened shovel. Mark the dividing line, place the shovel in an upright position and cut off with a sharp downward movement of your leg. Next, trim and remove from the bottom. The roots going deeper will suffer, but this is not a big deal, since you will still need to shorten them before planting. You need to be careful only with young fragile roots! Pour ash or crushed coal on the cut. Do not water the bush to root system did not start the process of decay, cover the formed hole with earth, compact well.

Daylily propagation by cuttings

When the flowering of the daylily ends, single rosettes of dormant buds are formed - this will be the material for reproduction. Stem cuttings are cut, shortening the leaves by 1/3 of the length, and planted in a cold greenhouse. Shade and spray for a while. When the cuttings are rooted, you can water.

How to keep a daylily before planting

If you bought the roots of the daylily, and the buds are still sleeping, then simply store them in the refrigerator or in any cool dry place. Check their condition periodically. It is necessary to plant a daylily in pots when the shoots have grown. Make notes on the pots what sort it is. Place the containers in the brightest spot. Water the soil as it dries to keep the plants from rotting.

In early May, the daylily is transplanted into open ground. If leaves appear in the room, then most likely they will fall off, but the growing points themselves will be alive.

Daylily diseases and pests

Root rot

If in the spring the growth of the daylily stops abruptly, and the leaves that have appeared have turned yellow and can be easily pulled out of the ground, then you can transcend the fight against root rot. Dig up the plant, carefully cut off all infected areas with a knife, treat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and lubricate the cut sites with a fungicide. Dry it for a few days and transplant it to another place (unfortunately, it won't bloom for a couple of years). It will be possible to plant a plant in its original place not earlier than in 1 year.


It's dangerous fungal disease, which outwardly can be overlooked. New daylilies can be infected, so it is better not to plant purchased plants or plants taken from a neighbor with your plants nearby. You can reduce the risk of rusting as follows: remove the outer layers of the leaves to the root collar and cut off the remaining above the root collar by 2.5-5 cm. Treat with fungicides. The same procedure can be carried out with delenki.

Equip yourself with a magnifying glass and carefully examine the plants, there may be spots on the underside of the leaf - an early sign of rust. Rust can only be fought by removing the affected parts (burning) and fungicides: Mancozeb, Chlorothalonil, Azoxystrobin, Triademefon. Repeat treatment in two weeks. Fungicide treatment alone, without removing leaves, will not be enough.

Lily mosquito

It affects plant buds that need to be removed and burned. The individual lays eggs in the buds, the emerging larva begins to feed on them, as a result of which the bud deforms, changes in color, and shreds.


This tiny pest can cause a lot of trouble not only for the daylily, but also for other garden dwellers. Thrips live in plant roots in winter, and in spring they begin their destructive destruction. They suck the juices from the whole plant: from the leaves and petals, in the fall they descend again into the roots and lie dormant. If found, the peduncle is cut to the root and burned. If only the leaves are damaged, then they are removed and also burned. In autumn, the soil around the plants is treated with insecticides.

Daylily is often called "perfect perennial" for many positive qualities... Bright flowering, a variety of varieties and colors, resistance to drought and heat, undemanding care - all these advantages have made the flower one of the favorite plants of landscape designers and florists. But how to properly grow a daylily? The planting of this culture must be carried out taking into account the rules, without which it will not be possible to get a long lush flowering.

The daylily is an impeccable, unpretentious perennial.

The genus of Daylilies numbers about 60 thousand varieties, which are annually replenished with new hybrids. During the flowering period, 2-3 flowers open daily on one peduncle, which dry up in the evening, and new buds appear in their place. There are also nocturnal varieties of daylilies that bloom throughout the night. If you love evening garden walks, check out these views.

Forms and shades of flowers of daylilies are varied. Plants usually grow to 45cm - 1.25m in height. Their basal leaves are two-row, in the form of a wide line, pointed at the end, very highly decorative. The total flowering time is 1-5 weeks. Depending on the variety, flowering occurs from early spring to late autumn.

Where and how best to plant a daylily?

Plant daylilies in early spring or early fall, given climatic features terrain. The plant should be able to root well before the first frost.

Daylily prefers fertile loam and well-drained soil. Add organic matter to heavy soil, and clay or compost to too light soil. If there is not enough space for planting, you can put the plants in containers.

The area should be sunny or partially shaded. The lighter the flowering, the more it takes sunny color... If the daylily lacks sun, it grows poorly and stops blooming.

Planting a daylily:

  • before planting, dip the root of the seedling in a solution of water and mineral fertilizer;
  • remove dried or diseased roots;
  • we cut the leaves up to 15 cm;
  • we dig holes a little larger than the root;
  • at the bottom of the holes we fill in the soil mixture from the earth, compost, organic fertilizer, peat and sand;
  • we place the seedling in the hole so that its root collar is 2-2.5 cm below ground level;
  • sprinkle the roots with the prepared soil mixture, cover with earth, slightly compact;
  • water the soil, and, if necessary, mulch the soil.

We plant seedlings at a distance of 45-65 cm from each other. We leave more space for fast-growing hybrids - up to 80-90 cm.

How to propagate a daylily?

Popular breeding methods for daylilies are dividing the bush and transplanting air layers. Planting seeds is used more often in breeding work, since this method is not always suitable for preserving the varietal characteristics of a plant.

When to divide and replant daylilies?

We use the method of dividing the bush every 5-7 years, when it is necessary to transplant an old plant: with a decrease in decorative characteristics and a deterioration in the quality of flowering. The permissible time for transplantation is late autumn (1.5 weeks before frost), or early spring (early-mid April).

How to propagate a daylily by dividing a bush:

  • we dig a bush, not particularly trying to be delicate;

  • we wash the roots, divide into divisions by hand or with a knife;

  • we treat the sections on the roots with a fungicide;

  • we transplant the divisions to a new place, mulch the soil if necessary.

  • When correct fit strong and sturdy divisions bloom in the first year after being placed in open ground.

How to propagate a daylily with air layers

Small cuttings form on the stem in the leaf axil after flowering ends. Planting these seedlings is a simple method that allows you to get a full-fledged plant in the shortest possible time.

To do this, we perform the following actions:

  • after the stem has dried, cut off the ripe outlet at a distance of 4 cm from the node;
  • we place the cuttings in water to get a strong root;
  • before planting, we cut off the leaf bundle up to 8 cm for better plant development;
  • we plant the layers in open ground 7 weeks before the onset of frost;
  • we position the sprout so that the leaf nodule with roots is 1-2 cm below ground level, mulch the soil;
  • if the transplant is carried out in late autumn, we plant the cuttings in a pot with light soil, sprinkle on top with a 1-centimeter layer of sand, leave the plant in a bright and warm place.

We water the cuttings planted in pots throughout the winter, and in April we begin to temper: we take them out into the street, gradually increasing the residence time young plant on the fresh air... We plant in open ground at the end of May.

Daylilies: basic care

With the arrival of spring, we remove the mulch layer, loosen the ground. In the first year after planting, it is possible not to apply fertilizers, and in the future we use complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content (in spring), and potassium-phosphorus ones - in winter.
Abundant watering is necessary for daylilies throughout the season. With insufficient moisture, the leaves turn yellow, lose their attractiveness and decorative effect. We pour water under the very stem, preventing it from falling on the buds.

We immediately remove faded flowers and seeds, this will accelerate the growth of new buds. We also cut off dry dead leaves. At the end of the season, before freezing, we cut the leaves under the root and mulch the ground with peat.

Which daylily to plant: the best varieties

When choosing a variety of daylily for planting, please note that there are early, medium and late flowering species. Such an assortment will allow us to decorate the site with magnificent and bright colorsthat bloom from spring to autumn.

Daylily grade Strutter's Ball (Stratters Ball)

Daylily "Strutter's Ball" - very popular variety daylily, the flowers of which look like luxurious purple bells measuring 15 cm. The bush is up to 1 m in height. Blooms closer to mid-July with 15 cm flowers. The petals are dark cherry, with a bright yellow stripe that runs from the center of the flower to the tip of the petal. It blooms for 1-1.5 months. Reproduces well. With such a flower, your flower bed will not go unnoticed.

Daylily variety Strawberry Candy (Strawberry candies)

"Strawberry Candy" is an early variety. Bushes up to 70-75 cm in height, flowers up to 11 cm in diameter, - with wide corrugated petals along the edge. The middle of the flower is bright yellow, the tone of the petals closer to the center is rich strawberry, gradually turning into caramel. Blooms for the first time at the end of June, and again at the end of August. Strawberry Candy has won numerous medals and awards in the United States.

Daylily grade Stella D'Oro (Stella D'Oro)

Stella D'Oro flowers adorn the garden from May to mid-autumn. The plant is undersized (up to 35-40 cm in height), but at the same time, it is abundant long flowering... Flowers are lush, up to 6-6.5 cm in diameter, rounded, yellow-golden hue. The petals are tightly set, with a beautiful corrugated edge. The drooping leaves are highly decorative, light green in color. Daylily "Stella D'Oro" was bred in 1975 by an amateur florist V. Yablonsky.

Daylily Siloam Double Classic grade (Siloam Double Classic)

Daylily Siloam Double Classic, which is known for its sweet aroma, blooms in early summer with large apricot-pink double flowers, with a diameter of 10-12 cm. The flowering period lasts all summer. Bushes 50-70 cm in height. Winner of numerous competitions, the variety was awarded the highest award in the most prestigious for daylilies international competition Stout Medal.

Daylily variety Double River Wye (Double River Wye)

Terry flowers, rich lemon shade. The variety is distinguished by long flowering - from late July to early October. Bushes up to 1 m in height, flowers up to 14-15 cm in diameter. Up to 20 flowers are usually formed on 1 peduncle. The leaves are rich green, highly decorative, adorn the site throughout the season. The variety is very popular with landscape designers.

Daylilies go well in a flower bed with hosta, phlox, irises and lilies. Knowing the rules for growing daylilies - planting and easy care, you will receive a flower that will only delight you all season.

Last year, in the fall, I planted my daylily, so half of the plantings froze out in winter. I want to repeat the procedure, but in the spring. Tell me how to plant a daylily in the spring?

Spring planting of a daylily has an advantage over autumn flower reproduction. This is especially important in regions where autumn is short and winter comes early. Plants planted there in the fall may not have time to take root and get stronger, which means they will not survive the winter. Therefore, early spring is the best time to share old bush or to root new acquired seedlings.

A bush can grow in one place for up to 15 years, but it is recommended to plant a daylily every 5 years so that the plant is not crowded.

How to properly plant a daylily in the spring so that the bush will successfully take root and please beautiful flowering? The main thing in this matter is to follow the recommendations, which include:

  • choosing a suitable place for;
  • preparation of the landing pit;
  • seedling preparation;
  • correct planting of the bush.

Where is the best place to plant?

Daylily loves the sun, but also tolerates partial shade well. And yet, when choosing a place, you should focus on a specific one:

  • flowers with a dark color are best planted in a light shade, otherwise they will quickly fade and lose their attractiveness and original appearance;
  • for light varieties, it is better to take a sunny place on the site.

How to prepare the landing site?

The daylily is not at all picky about the soil and grows well in ordinary garden soil. If it is a little poor in nutrients, you can enrich the composition with organic matter, and add a little sand to the clay soil to improve water permeability.

Daylily is able to survive even in sandy ground subject to regular watering.

The size of the planting pit depends on the composition of the soil:

  • in the nutrient soil, which does not require additional introduction of other components, it is enough to make a depression up to 30 cm;
  • if there is a need to add organic matter or sand, the size of the pit should be twice as large in order to pour compost on its bottom.

In prepared planting pit make a low embankment in the middle - a seedling will be installed on it.

When planting in groups, it is necessary to leave a distance of at least 1 m between each bush, otherwise the flowers will grow quickly, and there will be little space for them, which will affect flowering.

How to prepare and plant a seedling?

If the bushes were purchased in a store, they must be lowered for a couple of hours in a bucket of water before planting. During this time, healthy roots will swell. Too long roots (and the top of the bush) must be trimmed to leave up to 30 cm in length, and dead (which have not swollen) must be cut off completely.

Place the prepared seedling on a mound in the center of the pit and carefully spread the roots around it. Cover with earth to half the hole and wrinkle it well with your hands around and water abundantly. When the water is absorbed, add soil, filling the hole completely.

It is impossible to deepen the root neck of the daylily more than 3 cm so that it does not rot.

Step by step planting daylily - video

The ancient Greeks called the daylily the flower of oblivion. Indeed, at exhibitions dedicated to hemerocallis (daylily - as this plant is now called), you can forget about the time, carried away by the contemplation of these flowers.

Garden daylilies

The homeland of the daylily is the Mediterranean, Iran, China and Far East... The culture includes about 10 species, all of them are rhizome perennials.

Interesting. Russian name plants "Krasodnev", as each flower on the bush blooms in the morning, and withers in the evening.

The size, color and shape of flowers in daylilies are more diverse than that of a lily. Flowers can be from very miniature (less than 7 centimeters) to giants with a diameter larger than 16 centimeters.

Important! Blue, blue, green and black daylilies have not yet been bred, so you should not fall for the tricks of swindlers selling planting material of non-existent varieties.

Specific daylilies

Daylily culture began with wild plants... Some species have taken root, and have remained so far in the gardens in their original form... Flower color in wild species ranges from light yellow to brownish red.

Specific or natural daylilies bloom in the garden for 2-3 weeks. Such a daylily in the spring, and all the time remaining after flowering, decorates the flower bed with its graceful, lush foliage. Species plants very hardy, can grow and bloom in partial shade. In our gardens, you can often find two species of daylilies.

All daylilies - species and varietals - are absolutely not poisonous and field mice are happy to eat them. Moreover, it often happens that voles settle for the winter directly in the bushes, where they are ready “both the table and the house”; therefore, it is recommended to cut the dried leaves as early as possible in the fall.

Interesting. In China, candied flowers and daylily shoots are sold as common food.

How to plant a daylily

Karel Chapek called a species daylily "the dream of a lazy intellectual" - planting and caring for this is extremely rare unpretentious plant will not burden even the most inexperienced gardener.

The plant is propagated by dividing the bush. It is extremely resistant to transplantation, the survival rate is almost 100%. Divide the bush at any time, except for flowering time. At the end of summer, the plant begins a short period of rest, after which rapid growth of roots begins. This time (August-September) can be considered ideal for division and transplantation. The stems of the plant are very fragile, they easily break off when transplanted, but this is not scary, since they will soon grow back.

Daylily planting - step by step scheme.

  1. Add any rotted organic matter to the planting hole, mix it with the soil.
  2. Pour a mound, be sure to compact it so that it does not sag from watering.
  3. Spread the roots evenly on a mound, sprinkle them with soil and compact.
  4. Water, and when the water is absorbed, completely fill the hole with soil.

Plants can be planted at a distance of 70-100 cm from each other, regardless of their future height. Low varieties are planted in the foreground. Until the bushes grow between them, you can plant intermediate crops: daffodils, annuals, small-bulbous.

Daylily care

The popularity of the daylily is evidenced by the fact that recently the number of its varieties exceeded 50 thousand. Modern luxurious hemerocallis with the best decorative qualities are of a hybrid nature, they are diploid, triploid and polyploid. Best hybrids originally from America. The hybrid daylily has gone so far from wild species that sometimes it is simply impossible to recognize it.

The planting material is perfectly preserved during shipment, so new items can be safely written from anywhere the globe, but they cost more than 100 euros and it is not at all a fact that they will take root in a foreign, and, moreover, more severe climate. Therefore, it is better for novice growers to plant species and old varieties close to species.

Attention! The best varieties for beginners: Monte Carlo, Red Ram, Elizabeth Salter.

It is believed that the most difficult stage in daylily care - planting, but this does not mean at all that it is considered so because it is not easy to plant a plant. It's just that all the other stages of caring for this unpretentious plant will be even easier. Once you have spent time and money on the purchase of planting material, you will get ideal perennial, unpretentious, very decorative, both as part of the compositions and individually.

Daylilies - planting and care

It is not for nothing that daylilies are famous for magnificent plants in terms of the ratio of the beauty of flowering and the time that needs to be given to care. No one denies that noble thickets also need attention, but after all, attention and troubles are completely different things and something, but trouble from daylilies, planting and care behind them, you probably won't. The plant itself accepts well any garden soil, is absolutely picky about watering and is resistant to many diseases. If you are convinced by these arguments, then let's figure out how to properly organize planting in open ground.

Remembering each time, we all the time mention daylilies, because they are real long-livers among all the subspecies that live in our flower beds. It is believed that the total period of high-quality flowering of a plant can be about 15 years, while if you want to improve the quality of flowers, their size and number, then from time to time the daylily bushes can be planted, divided into several parts. Thus, in just a couple of years you will be able to supply all your friends with the most beautiful varieties of these flowers. Daylilies are planted with just such processes, which are a rhizome divided into several parts with a root collar. You can buy such planting material in the store, choosing one of the many varieties.

Of course, basically everyone is interested in daylilies planting and care in open ground ... The fact is that depending on the variety, adult plant can reach up to 50-70 centimeters in diameter, so it will be very difficult to place it at home. But in greenhouses, other varieties are most often grown, the flowering of which has, let's say, more commercial value, such as tulips or roses. But daylilies, even in a fairly cool climate, feel good and can delight their owners almost all summer abundant flowering... As mentioned above, there are no special requirements for the soil, but if you want to get a plant that holds the record for "yield", then you can bring the soil of your site to perfection. Ideally, it should be acid-neutral loam, in which there is good drainage... You can not only add sand, peat, humus, as "leveling" additives, but also slightly raise the bed so that the water flows down from it.

The planting material should be prepared a little before the planting process. The purchased roots are often dry enough, so they are placed in clean water or in a very weak solution of mineral fertilizer. When the roots are swollen, you will clearly see which of them are not very good quality, they should be carefully removed, and all the resulting sections should be treated with a fungicide.

In a dug hole, about 30 centimeters deep, place the rhizome daylily. Landing photo gives us a hint on how best to do this. A cushion of sand, peat and the like is arranged under the rhizome, the root is immersed in it, the root collar is up, it should either protrude slightly above the soil surface, or be at a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. Throw the earth from above and tamp it very well, pour it with water and if it quickly leaves, then the tamping was insufficient, you need to repeat the procedure again. In this form, the rhizome will take root for about a month and the water with which you poured it should be enough for this period. If you want to plant a plant in the fall, then take into account the time of the first frosts in your latitudes, before them the plant must have at least another month in stock in order to take root. Given this feature, planting is often transferred to the spring, when the soil is warm and the conditions for rooting are favorable.

Planting daylilies in spring

Planting daylilies in spring differs little from the autumn one, the only thing is that the plants should be fed a little with complex fertilizers, pouring them around the bush and loosening the ground. The same procedure can be done in the summer, when the bulk of the peduncles begins to fade and it is during this period that flower buds for next year.

Further care for the plant is quite simple, you need to water it, but not unnecessarily, the flower in general can withstand even a slight drought. Loosen the surrounding soil from time to time, this will allow the roots to get more oxygen and grow better. By the way, teach the rapid growth of your pet, when planning the shape and variety of the flower bed (we have already sorted it out), he will need both a lot of space and worthy companions for decorativeness, since at the end of summer his petals will begin to wither, and the foliage does not of such decorative value. So think over the composition of the flower bed with daylilies carefully.