Reproduction of spathiphyllum and care of young plants. Correct spathiphyllum transplant after purchase

Women's happiness, scientific name spathiphyllum, decorative flowering houseplant. Flowers grow on a long stem, and represent a palm-petal, and an inflorescence-cob. Long, wide, glossy leaves grow straight from the root.

Spathiphyllum blooms in spring, and sometimes also in autumn. For normal growth and flowering, this plant requires watering, spraying, feeding and, of course, transplanting.

When to transplant woman's happiness can be identified by the root system. If the roots of the plant are completely entwined with an earthen ball, then the pot is already cramped and the spathiphyllum must be transplanted. Young, fast-growing flowers need to be replanted every year, adult large plants grow much more slowly, they can be replanted every three to four years. This is best done in the spring, before flowering. It is imperative to transplant flowers, and not only because the pot is small, but because after a few years the soil becomes unsuitable for female happiness. It accumulates carbon dioxide released by roots and microorganisms living in the soil. Old soil has a very negative effect on root system female happiness.

To correctly transplant female happiness? prepare drainage, soil mixture, special for spathiphyllum, flower pot the right size, sprayer, watering can.

Spathiphyllum transplant

If you are using a clay pot, soak it in water overnight. If you are using a pot from a different plant, then rinse it thoroughly. Do not use pots that are too large - this will stun the plant. The new one should be slightly wider than the old one.

An hour before the intended transplant, pour water on the woman's happiness well. Then remove the plant from the old pot in this way: turn the pot over, gently holding the flower, and lightly tap the edges. If it does not come out to remove the spathiphyllum in this way, then separate the earthen lump from the walls of the pot with a knife.

Carefully disassemble the roots of the plant, remove the rotten ones. You can divide the flower into two bushes if you want to propagate the plant. IN new pot backfill drainage, and a thin layer of soil. Moisturize slightly. Place the feminine happiness in the pot and cover with earth until the ground is level with the edges of the pot. Press down evenly and water the plant. Keep in the shade for the first couple of days. Remember to spray the leaves.

In this article, we'll talk about how to transplant spathiphyllum at home correctly. Consider the important points to consider when transplanting.

Spathiphyllum is extremely suitable for the name "Women's happiness" - picky, hardy, not capricious and, most importantly, is a perennial and evergreen decoration for your home or office.

It is thanks to these characteristics that given flower extremely popular with gardeners.

But no matter how ideal it is in all respects, even spathiphyllum has its own special requirements for transplantation.

Which, however, albeit not always, but easy to execute.

How to transplant spathiphyllum - care rules or how to avoid trouble

Spathiphyllum is a tropical flower, therefore prolonged contact with the sun is undesirable for it, but if you put it in the back of the room, you will need to make a special backlight for it.

The comfortable temperature, in principle, does not fluctuate too much.

So average and ideal is about 20 degrees, give or take two.

  1. From early spring to mid-late autumn, it is rarely required, but at the same time, it is necessary to water abundantly.
  2. After some time after watering, you need to wait about half an hour, plus or minus 10 minutes.
  3. In the event that water remains on the surface, then it is required to drain it.
  4. The abundance of moisture is unacceptable - the roots begin to rot, but even without water, "happiness" will not live long.
  5. The water must be settled or soft.

In addition to watering, it is also necessary to spray it, the procedure must be performed several times a day.

Air humidity - it should not exceed 70%, otherwise, it will feel extremely uncomfortable and will gradually begin to die off.

Needed mineral fertilizerscontaining similar components: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Equally acceptable and, one might even say, desirable: molybdenum, manganese, copper and iron.

How to know when to transplant a flower?

In most cases, the flower itself makes it clear when it is time to change the pot, for something larger.

Very important!

Everything is extremely simple: if you see protruding brown roots and swayed rosettes, then it's time to change the habitat of your tropical neighbor.

Also, the plant will give you a sign with its shrinking leaves.

That's just, they can also dry out from a lack of moisture.

In order to check for sure, you need to move the curtain apart and check lower leaves... Have they started to dry out?

Spathiphyllum needs an urgent transplant.

  • Do they just wither?

Need to water, spray, or place in a darker area.

A transplant can be done even when the flower is starting to grow or has already grown. However, at the time when it begins to bloom, it is undesirable to touch.

Usually, a transplant for spathiphyllum is carried out every 3-5 years and the ideal recommended season for this is spring.

However, for flowers like "Women's Happiness", this does not play a big role, so it will be enough that the room will be at least +20 degrees.

Differences between transfer and transfer

As a rule, purchased spathiphyllum is simply dumped out of their old vase together with clods of earth, and later they are arranged in a new flowerpot with a larger diameter and with pre-prepared soil already poured to the bottom.

A transplant, however, implies the complete removal of these clods.

That is, not only the flowerpot itself changes, but also the substrate to a fresher one.

Full spathiphyllum transplant

Things that will be needed in the future:

  • priming;
  • gloves;
  • secateurs;
  • scoop;
  • film;
  • pot.

Plant preparation

It is necessary to clean out the roots, remove the old earth. If you are afraid to damage, then in the process you can use a wand.

In the event that the bush is thick and heavily overgrown, then it is advisable to divide it. This will give them new space to grow.

But look carefully, each outlet should have a good length of rhizome.

That is, strong, healthy and without damage.

For transplanting, take a pot that will be slightly larger than the previous one, all because the flower will bloom only when the roots completely occupy all the space provided for them.

It is advisable to use not tall vases, with a diameter of 15 to 20 cm.

Also, it is necessary to prepare the plant itself for transplantation.

As a rule, the roots of "Women's Happiness" are very gentle and it is not advisable to touch them, but only for a full transplant, you will have to:

  • get rid of dry tips on the leaves;
  • get rid of wilted or too young flower shoots;
  • trim the roots so that they are all on the same level;
  • cut the stems - it is advisable to use pruning shears or scissors for this.

Examine the roots:

  • if you find decay, then you should immediately get rid of it - you can soak them in Previkur's solution;
  • if there is damage, then they should be cut off and sprinkled with activated carbon.

Tear off the base of old leaves, but proceed carefully.

Continue peeling off layers until they give way easily, otherwise don't touch - just harm the flower.

After inspection, it is necessary to rinse the spathiphyllum under warm water to remove the remaining dry scales.

Transplant soil

The soil mixture itself should be prepared.

You can buy it ready-made in the store or mix it yourself.

If you chose the second option, then in this case you will need:

  • one share: larger sand, leafy soil, peat;
  • two shares: sod land;
  • one and a half shares: charcoal, brick chips.

Tropical spathiphyllum adores slightly acidic and soft soil, therefore, if you still go to buy, then the best option for you will be a soil composition for plants of the Aroid order, which, by the way, includes spathiphyllum.

By choosing it for your plant, you will provide complete comfort and a favorable environment for your tropical "Women's Happiness".

  1. During the transplant itself, in fact final stage, it is necessary to deepen the leg a little, and crush the earth around it. The outlet should stand, not tilt or, moreover, wobble.
  2. Do not deepen aerial roots.
  3. Be sure to water "Women's Happiness" after transplant.
  4. Spray the leaves with a spray bottle.

Further care after transplant

At first, or rather about two to three weeks, spathiphyllum is in dire need of high humidity.

For those who do not want to wait long for the plant to bloom again or bother with special care, then here's a piece of advice: move the pot with "Women's Happiness" to a greenhouse or similar.

Similarity means, for example, a plastic bag.

Under the so-called "hood" a greenhouse effect is formed and the plant feels very well.

The only thing that you will need in the future is to pull out the spathiphyllum for airing.

If you go a long way and do not use a mini-greenhouse, then keep an eye on the humidity level.

If it is in short supply, the flower will begin to turn yellow and wither.

Then it is required to spray up to three times a day, and to water it only when the soil dries up (about 5-10 mm).

Popular questions

Some very popular questions:

  • Why he ?

There are many reasons:

  • lack of minerals;
  • old age;
  • lack of moisture;
  • low temperature.
  • Why did the leaves turn black?

There are, again, several reasons:

  • underfilling;
  • overflow;
  • lack of minerals.
  • What to do in this case?

Take the plant out of the pot, cut off new roots and move it into a new, pre-treated pot with new soil.

Our main enemies are aphids and spider mites.

In order to get rid of unwanted neighbors, you should cover the ground around the plant with a film and do not allow the soap and nicotine sulfate solution to be absorbed while you wash the leaves.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

Spathiphyllum - very beautiful flower and moreover, not picky in leaving.

It can become an irreplaceable part of your decor - be it simple flat or even an office does not have the slightest importance, it looks harmonious anywhere.

However, if you do not follow the rules of care, if you ignore his needs, then it is unlikely that "Women's Happiness" will be able to please you in the future with its delicate flowers.

Knowing how to transplant spathiphyllum will help you do it right!

After buying it in the store, since there it was in a technical pot and, most likely, it had already outgrown it. An indicator that the pot is getting cramped is when the roots of the plant are protruding from the drainage holes below. Another reason to transplant a store-bought flower is the soil and planting method. Most often, flowers grow in peat, and this type of soil is not suitable for all plants. As a rule, there is no drainage in technical pots, and the roots are damaged by this. When replanting a damaged flower, you should carefully examine its roots for the presence of pests, and, if necessary, take all measures to eliminate them.

In the future, spathiphyllum will feel good if transplanted once a year. Each pot should be 1-2 cm larger than the previous one in diameter, unless the plant is divided and each bush will be planted in a separate small pot. The optimal soil composition for spathiphyllum is one part of leafy land, one part of peat and half a part of sod land with quartz sand... If possible, it will not be superfluous to add some vermiculite or sphagnum - this will protect the soil from drying out. In the event that it is difficult to compose a suitable soil on your own, you can use the commercially available ready-made soil mixtures for aroids - they are perfect. Spathiphyllum is transplanted before flowering, in early January, or immediately after flowering, in late autumn.

Since it is almost impossible to dry this plant, you should transfer it to a new pot with care so as not to damage the leaves and roots. Before starting the process, the work surface is covered with newspapers, any unnecessary paper or polyethylene, so as not to stain the interior with the soil that spills out from the pot. In addition to its size, a new pot is also chosen according to the holes in its bottom, so the spathiphyllum is most convenient from the pallet. By choosing a pot suitable size, with a spacious pallet and big hole, a layer of pebbles or expanded clay is poured onto the bottom as drainage so that excess moisture leaves. It is not recommended to use pieces of styrofoam as drainage. The roots of the flower grow into them and are then injured during subsequent transplants.

Having poured drainage into a new pot, the plant is removed from the old one. This will require a ruler or any other sufficiently long and flat object to separate the roots and soil from the sides of the pot. The pot is turned to one side, and, taking the plant in a bunch at the very base of the leaves, they pull it outward, while turning the pot so that the extraction proceeds evenly. It is not necessary, after the flower with a lump of earth is taken out, to shake off the earth from its roots. The entire lump of soil is placed in a new pot on a layer of drainage and new soil and poured required amount land on the sides and top. After the flower is transplanted, it should be sprayed with a spray bottle and not watered for about a day.


  • Spathiphyllum transplant

There are no specific criteria for female happiness. This is natural, because girls put completely different values \u200b\u200binto this concept. For one, happiness is her children, for another, her career and financial well-being. But regardless of the factors that give you this feeling, if you feel like a complete woman, it's safe to say that you are happy.


In fact, how can you if you are not loved? The knowledge that for someone you are the best, beautiful and desirable in the world will warm the soul. It is vital for her to feel male attention, interest, love. Without this, it withers like a flower that does not receive heat and moisture.

It has long been customary that the highest happiness for a woman should be family well-being and the well-being of her children. This was considered a non-negotiable axiom. Indeed, the very word "mother" brings to mind a touching idyllic picture: a happy mother of a family, surrounded in a cozy, light house loving people - and offspring.

But in recent times all more women see the main meaning of life and happiness in a career, prosperity. The word "businesswoman" has long been firmly established in the lexicon of many languages. And for some of the women, the highest happiness is the opportunity to do what you love, to which the soul is drawn, to give it all the strength, every free minute. In this case, we are talking not only about traditional ladies' hobbies like needlework or writing sentimental love stories, but also about what has always been considered a purely male prerogative. For example, more and more women see the meaning of life in extreme sports or travel to uninhabited, wild areas of the Earth. For them, the highest happiness is to overcome difficulties and conquer their own fear.

Maternal instinct (theoretically the strongest) in such women is often very poorly developed. The very idea that they may have a child who will have to devote time and energy, who will distract from their favorite activity, confuses them, and sometimes just scares them. Any attempt to remind them of the main purpose of a woman, they meet sharply negatively: “Do not meddle in my personal life. I myself know what my happiness is! "

Can such women be considered happy, even if they have achieved great success? The question is not easy, very controversial. There is only one thing beyond doubt: you cannot make anyone happy by force, against the will. Every adult, capable person, no matter whether a man or a woman, must independently determine: for him the word "happiness".

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Nowadays, any houseplant can be purchased at any stage of growth. The assortment pleases with its variety. Such flowers are sold in shipping pots, so they need to be transplanted at home.


Do not rush to transplant a flower purchased in a store. After being transported to a new location, the plant experiences severe stress. Arrange the flower in the purchased on permanent placewhere you plan to grow it, water it and leave it alone for a few days.

While your plant is getting used to its new location, prepare your potting mix. Most the best option - buy a special primer in a specialized store.

When transplanting a store-bought flower, consider the size of the plant right away. You should not use a huge pot, even if the flower plans to grow up to one and a half meters. Transplant it into a medium-sized pot first. As the flower grows, the soil mixture will be depleted and will have to be changed one way or another. Then transplant the flower again.

In the meantime, it is enough to lay the drainage on the bottom of a medium-sized pot, pour the soil mixture, not reaching the edge by 1/3. Before transplanting, moisten the flower and transplant by the transfer method, capturing the roots along with a lump of earth.

Gently tamp the soil, water it, put the transplanted flower back in its intended place. Caring for indoor plants consists in systematic watering and loosening. Depending on the variety, 1-2 times a week in winter and three times a week in summer are sufficient. Some plants require systematic spraying.


Soil mix indoor plants need to be changed periodically. If you transplanted a purchased flower and after a few months you see that the flower is clearly cramped in a new pot, buy a pot bigger size and transplant again.

Useful advice

Buy indoor plants at specialized retail outlets, where they are ready to provide you with a certificate of conformity and documents confirming the agrotechnical variety of the purchased flower.

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Advice 4: How often do you need to water the flower "female happiness"

Delicate and beautiful tropical flower spathiphyllum is popularly called "female happiness". Many signs are associated with this plant. Caring for him in indoor conditions simple enough.

Good omens

The name "" is associated with a plurality kind accepts and the properties that are attributed to this plant by the people.
So, it is believed that unmarried girls blooming "female happiness" promises to put on ring finger long-awaited ring. Lonely people will meet their soul mate, and family relationships will improve relations with their husbands and children.

And, finally, the most common: if “female happiness” blooms in the house, soon you can expect a pleasant addition to the family. So it is worth growing this flower for everyone who dreams of a child.

Of course, everything is associated with the bloom of the plant. And in order for the spathiphyllum to bloom abundantly and regularly, it must be properly looked after.

Growing conditions

Spathiphyllum is a spectacular tropical plant accustomed to warm and humid climates. Accordingly, it is desirable to create conditions for him as close as possible to natural ones.

This one will grow well in your north or east. He needs partial shade or diffused light. In this case, with insufficient lighting, the leaves may become smaller. Sunburn is possible in direct sunlight.

The optimum air temperature for cultivating "female happiness" is 18 - 25 degrees Celsius in summer and at least 16 degrees in winter. When low temperatures the plant may stop developing and growing.

Care and watering

In nature, spathiphyllum lives in a humid climate. However, this does not mean that it should be filled. In this case, the roots of "female happiness" may begin to rot.

In order to retain moisture, you can pour some sand or moss into the pallet.

Water should be watered about once every three days and only when the soil dries up, abundantly in summer, less in winter. Usually, this plant is very clearly visible when it is "thirsty": "female happiness" begins to slightly lower the leaves.

It is advisable to water only through the pallet. Water should be room temperaturewell settled.

Most spathiphyllum needs high humidity air. Be sure to spray it as often as possible, in the summer at least twice a day, in the winter - every day.

During flowering, when spraying, try not to splash water on the flowers themselves.

It is advisable to wipe the leaves from time to time

Among indoor plants, spathiphyllums occupy a special place. They are quite unpretentious to care for and very spectacular in appearance (especially during flowering). But the owners of such a miracle are often occupied with the question - how is the correct transplant carried out tropical flower, And what you need to do?

Do I need to transplant spathiphyllum after purchase

Transplanting this plant after purchase - required condition spathiphyllum content. But you shouldn't rush with it: experienced florists it is recommended to carry out this procedure only 2-3 weeks after purchase. That is how long it will take for a flower to get used to the new home (and the microclimate in the home) at least a little. Moving earlier will result in additional stress for him.
But there are exceptions to this rule. If it is noticeable that the flower is massively letting out shoots and buds right in the store, it means that you have an “aging” plant in front of you that needs to be saved (including by transplanting). True, such work is fraught with a considerable risk for spathiphyllum - it is possible that an emergency transfer will become a strong depressing factor.

Is it possible to transplant spathiphyllum during flowering

Important! Adult plants are cramped in the technical pots in which they are sold. Prolonged stay in such a container inhibits the growth of the rhizome, which negatively affects flowering.

The way out is the transshipment method: the plant is transferred to another pot without removing the soil clod from the roots. This method allows you to maintain a minimum balance of nutrients that are much needed during flowering. But we repeat - a similar procedure is carried out only in an emergency. If you touch blooming spathiphyllum for no apparent reason, the plant may react by blackening or rolling the leaves. Often the reaction to the movement of a healthy flower is the absence of ovaries.

How often should you replant

Usually spathiphyllum is transplanted once a year, in the spring. Another frequency is often called - at intervals of 2 or even 3 years. However, for a flower with rapidly growing roots forming a large lump in the ground, this is too long. Overexposing it in a cramped pot, the owner thereby reduces the intensity of flowering. It is better to relocate young specimens once a year, and older ones - every 2 years.

When is the best time to do it

The optimal time is the beginning of spring, even before flowering. But options are also possible here. For example, if later, when examining the green mass, it was found that the lower leaves began to dry out, then you will have to do a sanitary transplant.

Did you know? Unique flowers grow in Australia - orchids of the Risentella line, which bloom ... underground.

A new container for a flower is selected, guided by simple rule, - the pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. The fact is that a developed root system, tightly gripping the soil, actively forms an earthen lump. If you transfer the spathiphyllum to a container that is too voluminous, flowering can be very delayed (until the roots are located throughout the volume). With a gradual increase in size, such difficulties do not arise, and the flower develops without extra effort... For this, a container with a diameter of 10-15 cm is selected.
Having chosen a new pot and making sure that there is a drainage hole in it, the drainage itself is laid on the bottom. For this, large pebbles, expanded clay or brick chips, laid in a layer of 1.5-2 cm, are suitable. Practice shows that many gardeners, using clay pots, do not use drainage. This is not scary for a strong plant, but in the case of a young and still immature specimen, it is still better to insure.

What kind of soil is needed

Spathiphyllum will require loose and light soil with low acidity. The easiest way is to take a purchased soil mixture for flowering tropical and aroid species, adding a little coarse sand there.

Important! When buying a ready-made substrate, pay attention to the acidity - it should be less than 6.5 pH.

Many people prepare the soil themselves, and the most popular is a mixture of the following:

  • peat;
  • leafy and sod land;
  • sand;
  • sphagnum.
The first four components are taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5: 0.5, and sphagnum is added very little (about 0.2) - it protects the soil from drying out. You can take another mix that provides better aeration.
It contains:
  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part of leafy soil, peat and coarse sand;
  • charcoal;
  • brick chips;
  • coarsely ground tree bark;
  • superphosphate.
The last four ingredients are additives, the total mass of which in the substrate should not exceed 10%. Another version of the soil mixture is prepared by mixing purchased soil, pine bark, vermiculite and humus. The final concentration is 5: 1: 1: 0.5. But here you need extreme accuracy: an oversight with the dosage of humus threatens with increased drying of the roots.

Tools for work

You will need a minimum of tools:

  • garden shovel or scoop;
  • a sharp knife or scissors;
  • spray.

Did you know? The first flower clock was planted nearly 300 years ago (in 1720). Swiss gardeners were pioneers in this direction.

You will have to work with gloves (preferably rubber - wearing cotton, you can miscalculate with effort and damage the rhizome).

Preparing spathiphyllum for transplant

The initial stage of transplantation is the preparation of the flower itself. In the case of spathiphyllum, it is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The soil in an old pot is moistened abundantly, and then carefully pry on with a garden spatula.
  2. The plant is removed along with the lump.
  3. Then the rhizome is carefully cleaned of old drainage and soil.
  4. Withered or too young leaves are cut off (at one time, do not torment the flower).
  5. Take a closer look at the old leaves, and especially at their bases - they are also removed (to prevent rotting). Usually they are cut off without much effort.
  6. It remains to cut out too long or rotten roots - and the spathiphyllum is ready to move to a new container.
The transfer of adult specimens is often combined with reproduction. To do this, the peeled root ball is cut into several fragments, making sure that a healthy piece of rhizome gets to each section.

Important! The cut points are sprinkled with charcoal in the form of a powder - it is a kind of antiseptic.

Keep in mind that if the transplant has not been carried out for 2-3 years, then there will be many such outlets, therefore, if there is no space for new pots, it is better to refuse dividing.

How to transplant into another pot

There are no tricks here either:

  1. A prepared moist substrate is poured over the drainage laid in the container.
  2. Make a small depression in the middle of the pot.
  3. A leg with neatly divorced roots is placed in it.
  4. The hole is immediately filled up with a new portion of soil, not forgetting to crush the soil near the trunk (until its level reaches the leaves).
  5. Immediately after transplanting, abundant watering follows. Get ready for the soil to settle slightly, and the substrate will have to be poured. it important point - if you miss it, the plant can wobble in the pot.
  6. Finally, be sure to spray the leaves.
For better acceptance in a new place, the plant needs to create special conditions for a short time.

Video: spathiphyllum transplant

Post-transplant care

The first week after the transfer, the plant is kept in the shade, after which the pot is placed in its usual location (with a temperature of + 16 ... + 27 and moderate indirect lighting). All this time, the leaves are sprayed daily, and if there are concerns about their wilting, then several times a day.

Did you know? The roots of South African ficuses grow up to 120 m in length.

The soil in the upper layer should be moderately moist - in the warm season, the frequency of watering with warm soft water is 2-3 times (while in early spring 1-2 is enough). Due to its tropical origin, spathiphyllum needs to be kept high (more than 50%) humidity. It is not always possible to maintain such parameters in rooms with heating on. But there is a way out - for the first 1-2 weeks after transfer, the flower is completely wrapped in transparent polyethylene, monitoring the water balance.
There is a taboo about fertilizing: within 1.5 months from the date of transplantation, they are not introduced. After this period, they switch to standard fertilizer scheme applied as usual (once a week during the growing season and once a month during the cold season). Liquid top dressing, organic matter or purchased mineral compositions without lime participation are used. Anyone can cope with the task of transplanting spathiphyllum - you will need accuracy and careful (albeit simple) care. Let the tropical plant please the eye and create comfort in the home for many years!

Should be held annually in spring... It is best to do this in April or early May.

In the article, you will learn how to properly transplant spathiphyllum at home in another pot or after purchase.

Pot selection and filling

It is necessary to transplant spathiphyllum into a larger pot, however, it should not be taken too spacious so that there are no problems with flowering. It is necessary that the roots of the plant are almost in contact with the walls of the pot, then the spathiphyllum will bloom.

The pot for transplanting spathiphyllum should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. If you take a container that is too spacious, the plant will not bloom.

The soil for the plant should contain:

The soil for spathiphyllum should be loose, have a slightly acidic reaction, and allow moisture and air to pass through well. You can purchase a ready-made substrate for aroid or flowering indoor plants and add a little sand or perlite to it.

If you prepare the soil mixture yourself, you can use charcoal, crushed spruce bark or ceramic chips as additional components. They have disinfecting, loosening and moisture-absorbing properties.

Can buy ready mix with this composition or cook it yourself. But the content of peat in the soil is a must!

You also need to take care of good drainage at the bottom of the pot, at least 2 cm thick... It is better to use expanded clay as drainage.

The transplant is best done in April or early May.

Flower transplant at home

Old, poorly growing plants should be replanted once every 3-4 years. But for such plants, annual replacement of the top layer of the earth is useful.

After transplantation, spathiphyllum must be watered abundantly.

Transplanting spathiphyllum at home does not affect the fertilization regime of the plant. Young plant it is necessary to feed 2 times a month, an adult - 1 time a month. Universal mineral fertilizers or formulations for flowering plants are suitable.

More about further care for spathiphyllum you can read.

When to replant a plant

Consider when you can transplant spathiphyllum. Spathiphyllum transplant can be conditionally divided into 2 types: planned and urgent one-time.

A single transplant is carried out regardless of the season in such cases:

  • Plant disease, pests or root rot have been found;
  • After shopping at a flower shop;
  • If desired, propagate the plant.

The planned transplant is recommended in the spring, before the active growth of the spathiphyllum begins. At the same time, young plants, which are characterized by rapid growth, are transferred to a new container annually. For adult specimens, since they grow much more slowly, a transplant will be needed once every 3-4 years.

Often you do not need to transplant spathiphyllum, since it will bloom only in "cramped conditions", when the roots are entwined with an earthen lump. You can determine the need for a transplant by some signs:

  • The plant has grown very much. The rhizome gives new baby shoots, each of which forms a rosette of leaves. If their density is too high, the lower leaves begin to wither, dry out and die off due to lack of light and nutrients. This is a signal that a transplant is needed.
  • Brown roots appear on the surface of the earth - they do not have enough space in the pot. This means you need a larger container.
  • The rosettes of the plant sit loosely in the ground, swinging.

During transplantation, the plant should not have buds and flowers, and the room temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees.

Is it possible to transplant spathiphyllum in winter - no, only if it is absolutely necessary.

Is it possible to transplant spathiphyllum during flowering - no, only in extreme cases.

Plant care after transplant

In order for the spathiphyllum to acclimatize as quickly as possible after transplantation, it needs to create the most optimal conditions.

When choosing a place for a flower, it should be remembered that direct sunlight leaves burns on the leaves. Therefore, it is better to place the flower on the eastern or western windowsill. Also, the plant grows well in partial shade.

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The first month after transplantation, spathiphyllum especially needs high humidity. To ensure such conditions for 2-3 weeks, it is recommended to equip a mini-plate for the plant. For this, the flower pot is wrapped transparent film or a plastic bag is put on it.

The plant needs regular spraying... To do this, use settled or filtered water at room temperature and a fine-grained atomizer.

The procedure is best done twice a day - early in the morning and late in the evening.

Also, after transplantation, spathiphyllum needs regular abundant watering. The soil in the pot should not dry out, so it is recommended to moisten the soil again as soon as it has dried out a little. upper layer soil.

To accelerate root formation, you can add a growth stimulator, for example, Kornevin, to the water for irrigation once.

The optimum temperature for spathiphyllum to grow is 21-23 degrees... It is also important to ensure that there are no drafts.

It is important to remember that after transplantation, the spathiphyllum will not bloom until the root system completely braids the pot.

Now you know all spathiphyllum care at home after transplant.

Transfer after purchase in the store

Consider how to transplant spathiphyllum after purchasing a plant, if necessary.

It is not necessary to transplant spathiphyllum immediately after purchase in the store. It is recommended to give him 2-3 weeks to acclimatize. And the root system can grow a little during this time.

Otherwise, the transplant will become another additional stress for him, the plant will take a very long time to acclimatize, recover, it may get sick and even die.

If the "native" pot has an unsightly appearance, it can be temporarily placed in a beautiful new one, thus hiding the old one.

The nutrients that are in the substrate for the time of "getting used to" the flower will be enough... However, it is not recommended to keep the plant without transplant for more than the specified time. First, flowers are usually sold in small pots.

And secondly, transport substrates are not intended for long-term flower cultivation. The vital activity of the plant in them is supported by frequent feeding. And when all the nutrients are used up, the flower will begin to lose its decorative appearance, it can get sick. Therefore, a transplant into a new nutrient soil is needed.

It is better to put spathiphyllum after purchase immediately in a permanent place. Optimally, it should be an east or west window sill.

When transplanting spathiphyllum after purchase, it is recommended to carefully clean the root system of the transport substrate. If there are rotten roots, they are pruned. Then the plant is transplanted into a new pot and sprinkled with new soil.

Now you know how to transplant spathiphyllum after purchase.

Transplant errors and their consequences

Sometimes too large a pot is taken for transplanting spathiphyllum. The flower will grow in it, however, the appearance of new leaves and buds will have to wait for a very long time. Initially, the plant will build up its root system.

The reason is that the plant blooms only in containers that are tight for it, when the pot is braided with roots. That is why spathiphyllum does not bloom after transplanting into a large pot.

If you choose a soil that is unsuitable for the plant, for example, too heavy, acidic, poorly permeable to moisture, this will affect decorative form flower.

The root system, due to unsuitable soil, can begin to rot due to stagnant water in the soil. The leaves will begin to wither and dry up. Stop growing, the flower will start to ache. In this case, an urgent replacement of the substrate is required.

Sometimes, after transplanting, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, and the spathiphyllum itself begins to wither... Why does spathiphyllum fade after transplantation: due to low air humidity and lack of moisture. In such a situation, it is necessary to spray the plant twice a day and water it abundantly immediately after the top layer of the earth has dried.