Famous food photographers. Why do people love to photograph food so much?

I must say that this topic is being actively discussed in Runet. Moreover, even philosophers and psychologists have devoted their works to the analysis of this phenomenon. Piterstory managed to find out several possible reasons forcing people to display photos of their food.

There are heated battles on the Internet between supporters and opponents of the practice of "food portraying". As a rule, the main emphasis of opponents of this kind of "creativity" is reduced to the stupidity and limitations of their opponents. Moreover, for every argument of the supporters, there is also a counter-argument of the "spiteful critics".

Is food part of the national culture? But is it really worth, for example, a plate of spaghetti to be photographed 30-40-50 times? Not to mention the fact that photos of banal "buffets" from Turkey are often posted. Yes, there are a lot of things piled up there and the portions are huge, but doesn't this just testify to the down-to-earthness of your interests? And why take photographs "as a keepsake" of food? Take pictures of the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum, the pyramids - and much more! What does the food have to do with it?

In general, there is no end to the controversy on this issue. And some kind of agreement between the "warring parties", alas, is most likely impossible. Therefore, Piterstory decided to give the floor to the participants in the discussion themselves, and make your own conclusions about who is “right and wrong”.

Here are some opinions * taken from internet forums:

Apelsinka: I don't understand the meaning in such photos. It seems as if people have fallen for something that they have not met before and now they want to brag about it.

Beautiful Brunhilda: If I go somewhere where food is part of the culture of the country, then of course I take a picture. For example, in Italy I photographed pizza, risotto, spaghetti, etc., in Norway - cod, in Germany - ribs and beer. Food will tell you as much about a country as architecture.

Lavanda: Why exhibit? For people like me, in particular, and thanks to those who exhibit. On review sites, I always look at amateur photography, including food - professional photographer he will even photograph a piece of turd appetizingly, and the level of the restaurant is immediately clear from amateur photography.

Scipi:For the same reason why they photograph themselves in the background Eiffel tower, waterfalls and animators. Here, look where I've been! And what did I eat! I'm cool!

Liza117: It's so interesting to see, especially when it comes to reviews of some hotels / restaurants. Food is an equally important component when choosing a place for leisure / vacation.

Shun : BUTfood he says - I ate in Paris! And then no one will believe the same)))

Kitana: And I photographed food when I liked the design. What's the big deal? Look at things easier. It annoys me more when ladies of size 52 upload their photos in thongs to the network)) And food is nonsense!

Vlera: This is all from our Russian poverty. Well, people jumped for food, they boast. Not from a big mind, of course

Such photographs may appear from the desire to show a very beautifully served dish. The person is overwhelmed with the desire to show what he liked so much, to share his impressions.

And most often, a photo with food is the result of not very competent photography. It's no secret that girls and women like to take an extra shot, on occasion, and it is convenient to do it in a restaurant: a beautiful interior, the presence of makeup, styling and something cute is dressed. Only one drawback: when taking pictures, they often "touch" the table with its filling.

I also have such "masterpieces" where food or drinks are too noticeable in the frame. Whenever possible, I try to cut and delete what is off-topic, and many simply do not pay attention to it ...

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I must say that this topic is being actively discussed in Runet. Moreover, even philosophers and psychologists have devoted their works to the analysis of this phenomenon. Piterstory has figured out several possible reasons for people to display photos of their food on display.

Philosophical. Exposing such pictures to the public is explained by the desire to give more importance to the dish. There is a kind of aestheticization of food, its presentation as cultural site; Psychological. Photographing food is driven by the desire to memorize the moment that promises to bring pleasure. A photograph of a dish before the start of a meal, a discussion of its preparation, theatricalization of a food sample - “all this speaks of the pleasure of delaying the moment, of a certain peculiar form of eroticism and sexualization of food”; Photographic. Supporters of this version believe that there is nothing to be smart about - people simply have an unrealized craving for photography. “All of them are just posing as food photographers”; "Better...

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I'm talking about photographs with food, which usually depict a buffet in Turkey (just about this written above), in Egypt or somewhere else. Where food will be piled into a plate and photographed or simply tables with food, where, for example, a carved watermelon has been displayed. For some reason, they do not exhibit such homemade photos, for example, they put a potato with a herring and a cutlet and photographed it and posted it on the Internet, something I have never seen. It's one thing if you put a photo of food on top hotels, where you describe the interior and the sea and food, including, such photos are very necessary there. And special. I do not mean sections, I myself like to take a recipe from the Internet and it is desirable that photographs be attached how to cook it. I like to look at professional photographs with food.
But, here's just to lay out, no, I do not understand this. The impression is that after the war people came and food is the first wealth that you want to brag about. Here, they say, look, what a reinforced and chic food I have.
Into the account, you do not want not ...

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Why do women post photos of food on Instagram?

It seems to me that many women post such photos, as they partially realize the futility of cooking and other household work. Cooked food does not last forever, it is not a nailed shelf that you will observe for the next 20 years. The food will be eaten; at best, the woman will receive “thank you, it was delicious” + a mountain of dirty dishes as a reward.

By uploading photos with food on the Internet, women document their daily work and make it visible. For this, women are often condemned and ridiculed, thereby, once again devaluing the already unpaid work.

I would urge more, take pictures and upload, or save yourself in special daddies. Here in one daddy there is a hung shelf, a moved sofa, a screwed-in light bulb, and in another, cooked food, washed things, washed dishes, windows, floors, a bathtub, a toilet bowl, and so on. And when in one daddy there are 1000 photos, and in the other at most 10, think carefully about what is not here ...

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Why do people photograph food? The question has always been why people take pictures of food and then post it on the Internet. For example, a person went to a restaurant and from there to live Leads a report that, behold, I have already been brought here such a dish and this person uploads a photo of the dish to the forum. Or like this: I have now prepared an excellent dinner, I am posting a photo of the dish that we are going to try now. There are many such examples. There are even special threads on the forums called What's for Dinner Today. And yes, before they eat, these people take pictures on professional camera... What are you, there are whole discussions on the subject of which camera it is necessary to shoot such a work of art, from what angle, and God forbid, without a DSLR. Some forums, for example, are not encouraged to photograph such a masterpiece on an ordinary soap dish. They can make a remark, or even kick them out of this thread because of such an amateurish approach to such a very important and serious ...

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In the modern metropolis, there is a huge number of all kinds of bars and restaurants. And announcements about the opening of new establishments can be found as often as announcements about flowers with delivery in Moscow. This growth of bars and restaurants can only be attributed to one thing - people are more and more enjoying visiting them. Although you can eat deliciously at home, without going anywhere. So why do people choose to go out to restaurants?


Despite the fact that dining at a restaurant is much more expensive than cooking at home, there is good location no. And people come there for several reasons:

1) Going out. No matter how wonderful a restaurant or bar is, it is still a catering - a place Catering... That is why people come here to show themselves and to look at others. In this case, the choice of the bar is of great importance - its interior, service and the contingent of people visiting it. The prices and the very quality of food and alcohol can be at the last ...

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And what to write and show? Your failures? Negative? Whine how bad everything is, there is not enough money for the salary and there is nothing to eat? Who needs it?

I recently corresponded with one of my classmates, so she cried to me that there was nothing to eat, that they were living with their parents, etc. Should I send her money? Me, a girl who's not even married. She is married, has given birth to a child. Than you thought before? Much nicer to look at nice pictures from vacations and learn about success. Yes, it's enviable, but there is something to strive for. If the evil eye worked like that, then all celebrities and rich people would have already been smoothed out. And niche, they live prosper.

People just want to show that they are successful, in demand and they have everything in a bunch! Everyone wants to communicate with the successful. Losers are of no interest to anyone.

Better to let them envy than ...

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Understand, Carlson, happiness is not in pies ...
- Are you out of your mind or what? And what else?
(cartoon "Kid and Carlson")

Why do we eat? It is clear - to live. Otherwise, it will turn out like in that joke about a horse that was taught not to eat. It would be more correct to ask in a different way: why do we eat so much? And why do we go to restaurants that provoke us to eat even more?

Each time we, fighting temptation and swearing to ourselves that this time will certainly be the last, we go to a restaurant. We gorge ourselves there from the belly, because we do not finish at home: we are on a diet. And then for a whole week, on what the light is, we curse the restaurant for beautiful pictures on the menu, for this salivating aroma, for such comfortable chairs, in which you seem to spread and order more and more. And in a rage we ask ourselves: “Why? Why did we fall for this bait again? Well, we are strong, and we also want to be slim. Why?" Because these beautiful pictures, heady aroma and comfortable chairs and ...

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The German student, like any other, has an irregular day. I had semesters where I left home at 7 am and returned at 9 pm. And she managed to ride back and forth between different cities twice. Fortunately, my university in the glorious city of Nuremberg allows poor students to eat, sleep and study in the comfort of their building.

In my opinion, the best part of the building is the dining room. Nothing fancy, just a lot of tables and chairs. Since Wi-Fi works throughout the university, students with laptops can be found everywhere. And, first of all, in the dining room - the combination of the Internet and food beckons. True, during lunchtime it is forbidden to do anything other than this very lunch.

At the entrance, a counter with trays, plates and cutlery awaits us.

Armed with all this, we go hunting for food.


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Atlantico: How do you explain the fact that people started taking pictures of food in restaurants or at home, and then posting the pictures on the Internet and mainly on social networks?

Jean-Pierre Corbeau: This phenomenon is primarily due to the desire to give greater significance to the dish, which will not only remain in memory, but will also be "archived", and will also walk on social networks, emphasizing the importance of the moment when a person sees him and starts eating. Added to this is the fact that the eater himself becomes a mediated agent of the process of food consumption. In addition, if a restaurant is located in a prestigious or unusual place, a sense of imitation pushes us to photograph the event that determines the trajectory of our life. If we are talking about home-cooked food, this is associated with an increase in the importance of the character, a simulation of his ego, which in the long term may even result in the creation of a blog. Today we can increasingly observe the "aestheticization" of food, ...

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Both restaurateurs and housewives are puzzled by exciting food filming today. "Bolshaya Derevnya" asked the Togliatti food photographer Alexander Khitko eight questions about how to take breathtaking pictures for a cafe menu or a private social media account: what technique to work with, can you replace Red Label with tea with an elephant, what to do with table pies and where to look for inspiration.

What technique should you shoot with?

A winning shot can be obtained when shooting and on professional technician, and on the phone - it all depends on the goal that you set for yourself. Conceptually, it will be extremely difficult to shoot food for the menu on an iPhone - there you are unlikely to achieve a high-quality picture without foodphones and reflectors. But in social networks, on the contrary, live footage from the phone can come in: quality is in the background here, because no one is flipping through Instagram on large screens.

Which light is better?

Always look cool daylight and daylight: the best shots are taken in clear weather. Shooting in establishments with panoramic windows and smooth sunlight behind the glass - that exceptional case when he can shoot food perfectly, even on the phone. The main rule: the light should either fall from the side, or illuminate the dish from the back - that is, it should be backlit. This makes the photos look more voluminous and the food juicier. If the light comes from the front, the dish will be flat in the frame.

What trends should be taken into account?

Often, a stylist works in tandem with a food photographer - an individual person who selects napkins, appliances and makes sure that all accessories are combined with each other. I believe that it is impossible to do good shot, if you yourself do not understand either style or cooking.

Food fashion is not Italian catwalks, where trends change twice a season. Wooden backgrounds, vintage dishes - everything that was in use a few years ago is still relevant: so, you will not look stupid if you shoot a dish on a classic cutting board... On the other hand, it is impossible to photograph absolutely everything in wooden aesthetics. If all the dishes in the establishment have approximately the same presentation, you can diversify the pictures with your own cutlery: I often carry forks and spoons with me for reassurance. In general, food photographers are now focusing on interesting dishes. For example, not so long ago I was shooting a menu for a restaurant Georgian cuisine, completely on their "base" - the food and drinks in the institution are served in original plates and glasses, combined with the general concept and color scheme of the interior.

I really enjoy photographing the dish in the interior. If the place itself is stylish, it is always fun to take pictures in its own setting. Many people say that they are tired of "grandmother's" checkered napkins, but if the curtains in the restaurant are "plaid" - why not?

Try to reflect in your photo not only the look of one dish, but also the atmosphere of the whole place. This rule works one hundred percent in the case of shooting for the menu: I will not disclose a secret if I say that the work will greatly simplify a conversation with a designer who gives a clear TOR.

How to make the dish in the picture more appetizing?

I don't practice gimmicks like covering a chicken with shoe polish for a pretty shot. Such shooting is the lot of photo stocks. Where have you seen an overly perfect bird?

The dish just needs to be cooked properly. But do not forget about the nuances: the meat, for example, is important to remove immediately after cooking, until the juice begins to flow from it. To prevent the shrimp from drowning in the cream soup, you can put a potato wedge under it, such "pedestals" are a common practice.

The alcohol cheating is always visible. You cannot replace whiskey or cognac with tea: you are unlikely to be able to reproduce on your own correct color pure drink. Better to take a cheap drink instead of an expensive one.

A problematic drink in terms of shooting is beer, the foam in it settles very quickly. To make it foam better, you can add salt to it. When I first started shooting, I came across almost non-carbonated beer, and I decided to fix it with shaving foam: I thought this was a cool way out, but now I would spit on such shots.

How to photograph ugly food?

When the presentation is effective, it is easy to take a picture, but sometimes fate can throw up, for example, crookedly sliced ​​bananas, which, moreover, quickly darken. You have to think over the concept. So, one of my curious projects is shooting for the dining room. Most simple dishes it was necessary to show beautifully. I had to get out: I chose to shoot completely on a white background with white details - cutlery and plates, sour cream as a sauce. Only the product was colored - rice, pizza, homemade pies. At the same time, I made sure that the dishes were laid out strictly geometric. This minimalism allowed food to become the center of the picture, to look more appetizing.

Another challenge is shooting raw food. Recently, a client set a goal for me to capture the most unaesthetic raw turkey possible. Such meat can look attractive on home kitchen. Beautiful interior, baking sheet, neat curtains will be a suitable podium for this model.

But such tricks are worth going only in extreme cases: usually I recommend not to redo the author's submission. This is especially true for photographers who shoot dishes for the menu: when the guest's expectations meet reality, a deadly dissonance will occur. Better to play with angles - if the dish looks unprofitable from above, remove it from the side.

What can and cannot be posted on Instagram?

The main task of both a private and a restaurant account is to reflect a certain concept: it will be this concept that will determine which images will go to the network and which will not.

Not only dishes can enter the frame, but also part of the interior: it will be visible which chairs and sofas are in the institution, the decoration of the walls is noticeable. Sometimes it is interesting to show hands in the frame: this is a hint that a person is sitting and eating in an institution right now, which involuntarily makes the viewer want to do the same. Nevertheless, the main thing should still be the plate and its contents.

I would not recommend overdoing it with “life” in the photo: a chewing person is not the most photogenic hero. The photo should be appetizing - but in moderation. The same burgers can be cut with a knife, and not gnawed into them with your teeth. In a burger already cut with a knife, it is better to show its main qualities - height and “stuffing”.

How not to be mistaken?

One of the mistakes beginners make is the desire to use as much as possible. more colors... We must try to keep the frame in one colors, without cardinally contrasting tones - so the picture is more convenient for perception. You can push off from the products: if on a plate fresh tomatoes, focus on red. It's also better not to bother with details: in the pictures of novice food bloggers, the dish is sometimes lost behind mint leaves, parsley and peppercorns.

For beginner bloggers, I made an album where I explain what needs to be corrected in their photo. Many errors are processing related. Photographers' monitors are often not calibrated or not designed for color grading at all, people try to "tighten" the tone on their own. The output is purple tomatoes and greens of poisonous green color. Remember one commandment and walk with it through life: food should be natural.

Where to get inspired?

For any food photographer, even if he takes pictures of dinners in his own kitchen, watching is important. You need to be equal to professionals, accounts good restaurants or private photographers. I try to follow overseas bloggers. One of the first on my list is the symmetrybreakfast account: a couple prepares breakfasts and puts them on the table opposite each other. It would be easier to mirror one dish, but what is interesting is that the breakfasts are similar, but the details are different.

In Runet, the approach of the CoKoCo restaurant in St. Petersburg is interesting: all the frames of their instagram are cut to fit a wide format, which visually distinguishes them and prevents them from getting lost in the feed. Among other things, this is a dynamic food account: some shots were taken from above, some in perspective or even.

I follow the instagram of Pyotr Karasev, a St. Petersburg food photographer. His photos are good for everyone: they are correctly lined up, made with high quality - you will not find fault. Another landmark is confectioner and photographer from Khabarovsk Andrey Rudkov. In his case, the main rule is triggered - to love food. Then the pictures will be cool.

More and more books on culinary topics, magazines and newspapers about culinary and culinary arts are published. All these editions are usually richly illustrated. And if you also remember about thousands of specialized sites on the Internet, about food packaging, about various advertising products ... In short, photographs of food and food products are in demand today. But how little do we know the names of photographers whose skill deserves special attention! In order to photograph a work of culinary art in such a way that, as they say, the viewer salivates - you need a special talent, a special gift. And not only talent is important here, but also experience. Very few masters of photography can work this way. So we want to introduce you to the masters of food photography, who, by right, can be considered the best.

Markus Nilsson (Marcus nilsson)

Markus Nilsson lives in New York. His work is characterized by a pronounced, rather unconventional approach to photographing culinary dishes. Markus has worked in the restaurant business for ten years, was a chef, so he knows cooking firsthand. But at the age of 28 he was attracted by art, which he studied in New York. First, he studied B&W photography, and then began to photograph various culinary dishes and products.

David Manns (David Munns)

The work of this photographer is not like the work of other masters in this field of photography. They are distinguished by a characteristic burst of diffused, but strong lighting, evoke a light, carefree, truly spring-summer feeling. David Munce thinks that cooking from a slight angle is preferable. After all, this is how the food lying on the table in front of him is seen by the one who has prepared for dinner.

Matt Armendariz

This master of photography of culinary delights lives and works in Los Angeles. Since 2009, he has been teaching food photography at his own workshop. Also Matt armendariz collaborates with the publishing house of Martha Stewart and the popular Time magazine.

Lara Feroni (Lara ferroni)

Her studio in Seattle is quite small, it is located right in Lara's house. This photographer is most attracted to the natural light of the sun. Lara believes that such a light gives her works a sense of miracle, homelike tenderness and warmth. The pictures, by Lara Ferroni, are adorned with many magazines and websites that are dedicated to travel and culinary.

Lou Mann (Lou manna)

Lou Manna worked for the New York Times for about 15 years, after which, in 1990, he created his own photography studio. Lou has been involved in food photography for over thirteen years. His photographs illustrate about forty books, and there is even no need to talk about publications in magazines and in advertising ...

Michael Ray (Michael ray)

Michael Ray is a photographer from Pittsburgh. It can be called unique master who creates photographs for food packaging. And, of course, the work of Michael Ray is published in books and magazines on the culinary arts.

Studio "Mittongtare"

Photographer Pornchai Mittongtare's work is always carefully planned. They are certainly superbly arranged, bright in their colors. A photograph of the usual food on a plate is simply not found among the works of Pornchai. Still lifes, as well as, in fact, the master's life style, in many respects differ from the understanding we are accustomed to. Studio "Mittongtare" is located in California. It is in this part of the United States that almost all year round natural lighting can be used when shooting. This is clearly seen in the works of the master.

Rick Suders (Rick souders)

Food photographer Rick Suders, who lives and works in Colorado, has been published in cookbooks that have been published in over sixty countries around the world! In 2003, Rick was rightfully included in the top ten food photographers in the world, and in 2005, 2007 and 2010 he was recognized as the world's best photographer for various drinks. Rick Suders' rabbits are distinguished by their brightness and richness.

Francesco Tonelli (Francesco Tonelli)

Francesco Tonelli is a chef from Italy. He worked in various restaurants for many years, taught at the Culinary Institute of New York, and during this time he never parted with his camera. The food in his pictures looks very mysterious and enigmatic. Francesco's photographs themselves have a very unusual, peculiar perspective. Tonelli's works are actively used by many network agencies, various transnational corporations, and a large number of international publications.

Atlantico: How do you explain the fact that people started taking pictures of food in restaurants or at home, and then posting the pictures on the Internet and mainly on social networks?

Jean-Pierre Corbeau: This phenomenon is primarily due to the desire to attach great importance to the dish, which will not only remain in memory, but will also be "archived", and will also go on social networks, emphasizing the importance of the moment when a person sees it and begins to food. Added to this is the fact that the eater himself becomes a mediated agent of the process of food consumption. In addition, if a restaurant is located in a prestigious or unusual place, a sense of imitation pushes us to photograph the event that determines the trajectory of our life. If we are talking about home-cooked food, this is associated with an increase in the importance of the character, a simulation of his ego, which in the long term may even result in the creation of a blog. Today we can increasingly observe the "aestheticization" of food, the creative and cultural aspect of the process of eating. In addition, if we (partially) turn to psychoanalysis, photographing a dish before it is destroyed and absorbed gives us some unconscious power, which we can again feel through the photograph.

Is this new practice, which has followed the posting of photos of loved ones and vacation shots online, part of the trend to flaunt personal life online and on social media?

- What does this say new trend about our relationship to food and others?

She draws attention to two important points... First, it is the aestheticization of food, its presentation as a cultural object. Secondly, the fact that a person acts as actor in the process of cooking or eating food, it causes a desire to fix in memory this moment, which promises to bring pleasure. A photo of a dish before the start of a meal, a discussion of its preparation, theatricalization of a food sample - all this speaks of the pleasure of delaying the moment, a form of eroticism, all this can even be considered as a sexualization of our food.

Jean-Pierre Corbeau, Lecturer in the Sociology of Consumption and Nutrition at the University of Tours