Rose is the queen of flowers. A selection of quotes and statuses about roses. Beautiful quotes about flowers

I would like people to be like daisies: to give themselves to love to the end, to the last petal!

Flowers ... I am glad to see you today! I am menstruating - I am not pregnant !!!

We are sad because of the music ... And still we continue to listen to it. It's a happy sadness ... It's like flowers! We love them even more if they give us memories ...

Chamomile is more valuable than a thousand roses. If they have a soul ...

Best status:
Ordinary chamomile warms with warmth if brought with love ...

I will give you flowers just so that you die of allergies!

Flower girl grandmothers are brilliant psychologists. Either they vparyat the flowers - or then it will be a shame in front of the girl for the rest of her life!

It is much better to give flowers to girls than tears and suffering.

The forest ... And the flowers are silvery in a bright sunlight... Shimmering with all shades of flowers, a drop of urine hung alone on an amazingly green blade of grass.

Gorgeous flowers, poems and thousands of words are not for her. She stopped believing. And only in the depths of the soul, there, behind the armor of indifference and uncertainty, the flame of love smolders ...

Some kind of strange mood ... I don't want anything ... only daisies ... real summer daisies ... eh ... wait a long time ((

I decided to tell fortunes on chamomile and realized that I had ruined my mother's bouquet in vain ...)))

is it worth falling in love? ... to suffer again ... is it worth forgiving? ... to be deceived again ... is it worth believing? ... if there is only one lie around ...

Flowers should be for no reason ... Happiness should be unique ... Home - warm ... Weather - and no matter what the weather!) Love should be mutual ... A man should be loved, the only one and must be yours! ...

If a woman is stupid, do not rush to tell her this, be a gentleman, kiss the hand, present a bouquet of flowers, recite poetry, she herself will say: “What a fool! And I thought badly of you "

Snow around, frost and blizzard. I can not live without you, We have already found each other. I love you madly!

Nowadays, sleeping with a person can be a non-binding trifle, but

I have an acquaintance .. he is a very strange person ... well, tell me it's okay ... to throw apricots around everyone ... and then leave and the wrongdoer yourself ?? !! =)))

I will field a flowerbed near the school. I accidentally picked a flower. The first thought is to bury the body ... =)

The school is a dumb place - the food is bad, the staff is rude.

... She carried in her hands disgusting alarming yellow flowers ...

I love chamomile, condensed milk and the smell of vanilla!

If he's good in bed, I'll buy him flowers myself.

Do you want to please a girl? - Give her flowers unexpectedly!

Give flowers to girls! For nothing, but just like that. In the name of their magical beauty.

Either the chamomile consoles me, or it really is true ...

Pessimists teach Japanese language, optimists learn English, and realists learn a Kalashnikov assault rifle!

Do not sell for flowers - tomorrow you will be at the stove!

I eat chocolate in kilograms, but the mood does not rise.

Children are not only flowers of life, but also the fruits of love.

smells tend to drive you crazy ...

But for life, she only needed you! But you left and now only daisies love her.

Flowers to women, lonely prostitutes, poor luck, real ones more muck ...

Flowers at my feet, grandmother to the wind .. In places of quarrels, in places smoothly ..

Julia did not have daisies at hand, only a pine tree grew under the windows ... 7 hours of wasted time, her fingers covered in blood ... but it seems she LOVES :)))

The most bummer is to return home late at night, quietly open the door so that no one fizzles late return ... and then hrenax - you touch a pot of flowers with your foot and start swearing at the top of your voice ((

He loves me ... 842 daisies won't lie ...

A gift of a flower and a bar of chocolate and he is so happy next to him =)

Chamomile plantation requires, not required, required, not required, required, not required, required ... Yes, good workers are required.

One little boy, when asked what forgiveness is, gave a wonderful answer: "It is the scent that a flower gives when it is trampled."

Today, on my birthday, I accept flowers, congratulations, smiles, and other material values!

Daisies are not expected from shit.

I know the meaning of the word "Love" - ​​People spend eternity for the sake of seconds They talk about good and evil And live in captivity by their reasoning.

she: damn it, they bring flowers to the grave, what do you do to me ... he: and what do you suggest?

One is hot, the other is cold. An incomparable ratio of colors and feelings between me and you, respectively, this status is for us!

Time writes our memory in white sheets, in uneven handwriting, and in this handwriting it is necessary to make out once whether you have become older and wiser or simply older ...

I was sitting, frozen, turned on the heater. Warmed up - turned it off. Then he froze again - he turned it on. And then I saw that he was not plugged into the socket O_ o

The most expensive gift for a woman is attention. And such a gift costs much less than flowers or perfume.

Remember the last time you gave flowers, not gifts in contact ...

What thin fingers. They plucked my flowers, twisted wreaths. I can’t regret it — I wanted it so much — so that it hurts right away.

For a girl to be happy, she needs to be fucked well, given flowers, sometimes sent to the dick, listened attentively and, with all this, be deeply in love.

I will stop loving you only when a blind artist draws the sound of a falling rose petal on the crystal floor of a nonexistent castle!

Flowers are the worst gift. This is the same as giving a kitten in a cage from which it is impossible to feed him. You just sit and watch something beautiful die.

- Ool, do you want me to water the flower on the fridge ??! ... - This is bread = ((

See in gray not everyone can do something rosy-beautiful, but everyone can try. After all, we ourselves paint our lives. So let's close our eyes, pick up a brush and believe in a dream. 🙂

I want to fly like a bird, over the green forest nearby, so that there is a glade of daisies and a beautiful stream!

I noticed when my mood was husky, I always put an ellipsis after the sentences ...

If you have one of the furniture coffee table then you are not a journalist, you are an alcoholic))

Our school is a dumb place - the food is so-so, the staff is rude. Maybe it's better to go to the good old kindergarten?

Loud laughter. Change of mood. She's like the genius of my patience.

All daisies love :))

- Girl, I, of course, could give you flowers, read a poem, sing a song under the window, but ... - But why bother, right?

For a girl to bloom like a flower, a caring gardener must take care of her!

For too long, women have remembered ungiven roses.

- What a woman wants, God wants. Hence the conclusion: God wants French perfume, flowers and marriage)

In our time, sleeping with a person is a trifle. But giving flowers is already a serious step!

Usually boys are divided into those who give flowers and those who eat pasta. The rest of the criteria are far-fetched and too arbitrary.

“Let's take away the textbooks! We take double leaves! " - the most terrible words of childhood.

You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe their aroma.

But you really love me ... even chamomile confirmed xD

Children are flowers of life! My flower fertilized itself again! ..

He kissed me on the nose like a kitten, tossed me into the air and gave me flowers. What else did I need? Now I buy myself flowers, but only in pots ...

I want to be a gullible 13-year-old girl with a bouquet of daisies in my hands and twinkling lights in my eyes.

These eternal mood swings will one day lead to ultimate victory. One day I will freeze, having achieved what I want, although its boundaries and frameworks have finally blurred.

Near the curvaceous sea, the oak went berserk, ate the cat and shot himself ...

I don’t need to get the moon out of the sky, build sand castles; just be there and don't betray.

I would have eaten you. -I would have stuck a bone in your throat.

- I gave her a huge bouquet of flowers ... she had tears in her eyes !! .. although maybe it was an allergy ...: DD

I'm Roma. looking for Masha, to create a CHAMOMILE 😉

Is your boyfriend a football player? - my boyfriend is a moron. but this does not prevent him from being a football player

Men, give flowers and tears of happiness to your beloved girls, not pain and disappointment.

- Loves, Doesn't love, Loves, Doesn't love ... Bl *! Chamomile, you are missing a lipstick! 😀

Where do you go, my dear prince, where is your snout stuck ?!)))

And I don't need a boy - a chamomile! He loves, he loves not!

I don't need rings, fur coats, expensive flowers ... Give me an armful of daisies and your smile, and I'll be happy!

Why spoil the daisies? .. Use cards? .. here and so everything is clear: I love you!

life is made up of bright, colorful stripes. and only people who cannot distinguish these colors consider life black and white ..

Twice a year, on March 8 and September 1, Russia celebrates a professional holiday - the Day of the Flower Speculator.

Want very much own apartment... Live with him. Go shopping, cook dinner. Watering flowers, beating with pillows, waking up in the morning with kisses.

If the husband gives flowers for no reason, then there is still a reason ...

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

A man is a person who divides flowers into two types: roses and "what is this called?"

When you gave her flowers, you gave me thorns. When she smiled, tears flowed in my soul. When she was happy, I was in pain. Because you loved her, and my love belonged to you ...

Say what you don’t say, but it’s very nice to receive a flower on March 8 from a random passer-by with the words “You are beautiful”.

A motorcyclist on the road is like a ghoul: not reflected in the mirror. 1

MARRIAGE is when a young man stops buying flowers and starts buying vegetables

That delightful flower is love, but it takes courage to come to the edge, get closer to paradise, rip you off, kiss and hug you tenderly.

You, too, have always been tormented by doubts if the teacher is a man. Give a flower or not ?! 😀

- Nastya, where are you going? - To the toilet. - Why do you need a globe? - You know, such a mood that the whole world wants to shit ...

There is no mood at all, I would have sniffed something right now .. - Are you a fool? - I'm talking about daisies!

Sometimes you just want daisies and a kinder surprise, but you know, from the bottom of your heart ...

Do you wanna break my heart? BREAK. It is unbreakable, shockproof and frost-resistant !!!

Vova! I'm lucky for you. One waved flowers at me, another gave me a kiss on the forehead, the third was my best friend.

Flowers last much longer if they were given wholeheartedly.

Roses smell professional.

I felt like romance ... I'm going to give myself a bouquet ...

As it was before .. dad did not give his mother virtual gifts, but flowers .. and got married for real ..

My heart is like a wreath of daisies. And some kind, but broken angel wonders on him.

She is so accustomed to me that she constantly requires affection and attention, so sometimes you have to maintain a relationship with her, even through no desire, Work is a terrible force!

I want to return to that carefree childhood ... when I was little, happy, everyone was alive, there was no “love”, no problems, worries, studies, when I was happy various little things such as ice cream, soap bubbles, crayons and kinders ...

The footballers of Voronezh "Fakel" fulfilled the coach's wish and went to drink beer over his corpse.

I once noticed that local dogs bring flowers to the cheburek plant.

Roma is looking for Masha for Chamomile, Valera is looking for Yana for the valerian, and the mouse is looking for a yak ... to create Arsenic and fucking trash everyone ...

in winter everyone is afraid not of frost ... but crashing down in the middle of the street!

change. better. native. favourite. the smell of fresh wind in my head. sweet taste of * our * autumn on the lips

Everyone in this world is looking for someone with whom he feels good and comfortable ... And then it doesn't matter what your height, eye color ... It is important what place you occupy in the life of this person ..

She is a small, stupid girl, she is childishly naive, she is country, but real ... with an attractive NINA RICCI scent and always cold hands ...

Rose is not a rose bouquet is not a bouquet she loves you, but you don't = (

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when the light kisses them.

In life, like in a theater ... flowers are received only after leaving the stage ...

I am sad. Will you give me flowers? 🙂

Everything in the world is bound by an incorruptible chain. Everything is included in one cycle: Pluck a flower, and somewhere in the universe At that moment the star will explode and die ...

Eh, why don't daisies give a 100 percent guarantee of their prediction?

This is my last sin The atonement took place Gave you in front of everyone You left, but I remained In the cold, in the rain To take a step where I did not know

Is your girlfriend sad? Give her happiness ... or at least flowers. It's not hard, is it?

Love my best friend Man, you have become a half of me! It is difficult for her now, which means it is difficult for me too !!! BUT we will cope with all the difficulties! Everything will be fine !!! Without you it would be empty, both in life, so in my heart ...

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? My answer, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves.

I put Semi-wilted flowers on your bed, And my tired dreams died with petals.

Lyuba likes daisies more, she told me herself! - Chamomile ... you would earn even less, she would generally love dill!

sometimes you take off your pink glasses like that, you get horrified, and then pull it back on. and everything seems to be not with you.

Let only love pluck the flower of love, After all, the best gift belongs to the one who will respond to him with all his heart.

I started flipping through the phone book. I realized that I have no friends.

I'm Roma. I am looking for Masha to create Chamomile)

Wake up on your birthday and see a huge bouquet of flowers .. People .. This is such a thrill ..

- man, to whom do you buy flowers? - a woman! - so they are plastic! - so I have it rubber!

Flowers ... Sweets ... Movies ... Restaurants ... Expensive gifts ... are not happiness, believe me ... Happiness is just to snuggle up to someone who is dear ...

I went to take out the bucket, open the chute - and from there the flowers are white. In general, no one except the garbage chute gave me flowers.

Why are not romantic guys gone, you can't even wait for daisies ...

The snowy forest is a mesmerizing sight - as if you find yourself in an almond orchard during the flowering period.

Flowers given to a wife by a husband for no reason is a good reason to think that an absent reason may well be animate.

These were the first flowers given to her for no reason. The feeling was indescribable - as if treasures of the whole world were hidden in these flowers.

- You can buy professional roses from us. - And what is their main profession?

Reading in the next novel “she walked on a carpet of roses”, I wondered - for whom do they write “not to walk on the lawns”?

- Even on the grave, flowers are worn more often than you are to me! - Honey, this is not the best way out!

Wife is not given flowers for no reason. One day this reason may call you and tell you the whole truth about the donor.

- What do Edelweiss flowers look like? - On the small yellow stars that live in the mountains and escape the cold by wrapping themselves in white fur coats.

Give me 15 chrysanthemums ... no, better than roses... How many?! I said chrysanthemums.

Flowers live really bright, but short life like the best of people.

Read the continuation of the famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

If ordinary flowers are planted in ordinary pots, then what are the night flowers planted in?

Flowers are the painted whores of the plant world! - Mf ‘The Simpsons’

Dark clouds turn into flowers of heaven when the light kisses them - Rabindranath Tagore

I didn't tell him I loved purple roses. It's too personal for me.

The flower child opens her cup and exclaims: Oh, dear world, do not fade, please! - Rabindranath Tagore

The flower blooms in the warmth and in winter. - Silovan Ramishvili

A weed is a flower that no one likes. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

A pistil, a stamen, something else ... Plus something else, and it seems a flower has come out! - Mf ‘Kids from class 402’

Flowers are fragrant for the soul, and therefore insanely good. - Valery Kazanzhants

When the rose falls, the thorns guard themselves. - Victor Konyakhin

White flowers, red thorns ... White flowers, red thorns ... It would have been easier if I hadn't been color blind. - Mf ‘Shrek’

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

Where there is a lot of love, there are always few flowers. - Leonid S. Sukhorukov Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I hate flowers !!! But this is only when they are presented so as not to bother with an exquisite gift.

Musk is that which has a scent, not what the mosquito says is musk. - M. Saadi

I will give you flowers ... you will die of allergies !!!

Flowers cut for a bouquet are barbarism in the name of beauty ... - Igor Krasnovsky

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

They were non-binding flowers. - Valery Afonchenko

She carried yellow flowers! Bad color.

I'm bringing you a bouquet of flowers ... Fuck you, whore. - K-f ‘500 days of Summer’

I throw flowers at my enemies - in a coffin - Salvador Dali

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? My answer, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves.

In the rapidly withering petals of a flower more life than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite - Ludwig Feuerbach

Flowers on the enemy's grave smell delicious. - Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Flowers of inspiration are watered with sweat. - Leonid Krainev-Rytov

Usually, when women are given flowers, they want to say without words: I love you !, but in my case I whisper in my mind only: I really, really want you! - Vladimir Borisov

The beauty of a flower - in one flower - Japanese proverb

You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe their aroma.

She was carrying yellow flowers! Bad color. - K-f ‘The Master and Margarita’

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer residence, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew - Mikhail Prishvin

A bouquet of flowers is not enough for all women, some will still require a man to replace the water in the vase. - Janusz Goudin

I like flowers, I wish I could add them to my life - K-f ‘Exchange leave’ / LIFE

A bouquet of roses - when one breaks, two are thrown away. - Igor Karpov

Oblivion flowers grow best on graves. - Georges Sand

Anflerage is when flowers die slowly, like in a dream. - K-f ‘Perfume: The Story of a Murderer’

If flowers appeared at home from nowhere, it means that the wife had a birthday.

In life, like in a theater: flowers are received only after leaving the stage. - Yana Dzhangirova

The tenderness and delight that we experience from contemplation of nature is a memory of the time when we were animals, trees, flowers, earth. More precisely: this is the consciousness of unity with everything, hidden from us by time - Tolstoy

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when the light kisses them.

Either quietly, then war, sights. Flowers don't help the cause at all.

I went to take out the bucket, open the chute - and from there the flowers are white. In general, no one except the garbage chute gave me flowers.

When I see how the flowers are cut, the chopping block involuntarily pops up in my head, the moment when they are put in a vase is like a pathetic attempt at resuscitation

You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe their aroma - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When a woman gratefully accepts flowers, she evaluates which berries she can count on.

Smell is the soul of a flower.

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? My answer, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even the graves - Erich Maria Remarque

And I just looked at the flowers. Some broke, while others raised their heads again. This is great!

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns - respect - Anton Ligov

And if the flower smells us with its scent? - Vitaly Vlasenko

Sunflowers are unfortunate creatures in the perfect world created by God. - K-f 'Sin Eater'

Say it with flowers! - Patrick O'Keefe

In the dark, all colors are the same. - Francis Bacon

For too long, women have remembered ungiven roses.

Beautiful flowers are ashamed when they are stuck in the hair of older women

A poster on one of the shops: Scientists have not yet figured out what is more dangerous to smoke or forget about the wife's birthday.

Marriage is when a young man stops buying flowers and starts buying vegetables.

A cynic is a person who, smelling the smell of flowers, looks around in search of a coffin - Henry Mencken

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

The higher the flowers rise to the sun, the deeper their roots go into the ground on which they grow. - GRIMM Frederick

The perfection of cherry blossoms in a spring day is short-lived. - Stepan Balakin

It is possible to lie without words, with only one bouquet. - Mikhail Horomansky

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasure are its fruits - Claude Adrian Helvetius

Flowers should be loved, this is true, but one should not stand on ceremony with them - Erich Maria Remarque

It seems to me that we owe our faith in divine providence to flowers. Everything else - our abilities, our desires, our food - we need in the first place for existence. But the rose is given to us beyond that. The scent and color of the rose decorates life, and is not a condition for its existence. Only divine providence can be the source of beauty. That is why I say: as long as there are flowers, a person can hope.

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain respect for myself, for they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are a testament to my freedom - Rabindranath Tagore

The most expensive gift for a woman is attention. And such a gift costs much less than flowers or perfume.

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life. - K-f 'The Addams Family'

Roses smell professional - Stanislav Jerzy Lec

What kind beautiful flowers... Can I smoke them? - K-f ‘Taxi’ HUMOR

Even the most beautiful flowers will be trash tomorrow. - Stepan Balakin

Cold is when bird cherry blossoms on the street, and buttercups wither in my soul. And we just have not flying weather. - Irina Vyazovtseva

When I was little I loved to run in the rain. Mom was maddened by this.

The life of dandelion flowers is short, even from the fluff there is no trace. Wherever possible, they bloom, but they do not attract anyone. - Neyach

  • Restaurants, cars, flowers, gifts - it's all good, but sms on a cold morning "Kid, are you warmly dressed?" this is great...
  • We give a woman flowers, A star from heaven, a spinning ball And we turn to you with her ... And after that we give very little.
  • Birds are waiting for spring, flowers are waiting for the sun, someone is waiting for someone, and I ... and I just wait for at least someone to quietly say "I love" to me.
  • I want to wake up in the morning, and next to me on the pillow is a bouquet of CHAMOMIPS, and a note: "DO NOT TURN FLOWERS - LOVES - DOES NOT LOVE?" ... I LOVE and VERY MUCH !!! "
  • Why it happens so often: you love, but he does not love. You are waiting for a meeting, but everything is in vain! He's not completely in love with you! And sometimes a neighbor's boy gives you flowers tenderly. Why does it so often happen: he loves, but you do not love?
  • I don't need your sweets and flowers ... How can you not understand, because I need YOU! = *
  • Flowers ... Money ... Sweets ... Restaurants ... Expensive gifts ... - Believe me, the main thing is not this, but just approach your loved one, hug, and feel that you are not alone !!!
  • "Was there love, beautiful flowers? Is it gone, are you gone?
  • Flowers ... flowers are everywhere ... the delicate scent of spring, she would like it to be forever ... but everything passes ... love, dreams, spring ...
  • Spring is coming, flowers are blooming. But this is all fucking, the main thing is YOU. YOU and I. The rest is x% ynya ... Yes, and YOU are x% ynya. The main thing is me!
  • In our time, sleeping with a person can be a non-binding trifle, but is giving flowers a serious step?
  • I look at the flowers that you gave and remember the kiss with another .... what should I do? go to him or stay with you ?: (not an easy choice (((((((
  • Flowers ... Sweets ... Movies ... Restaurants ... Expensive gifts ... are not happiness, believe me ... Happiness is just to snuggle up to someone who is dear ... and to understand that you are not alone ...
  • I love you, even though you don’t give me gifts and flowers, I love you because you give me your love
  • Loving a girl and not telling her about it is like sniffing flowers through a gas mask.
  • At first, everything is so good flowers, sweets, chocolate ... then they parted .. and 3 months of memories ... and after these three months you think, but f * ck you really need him. You are the queen, and the queen needs a prince, not a goat ...
  • Flowers should be for no reason ... Happiness is unique ... Love is mutual... The man is the only one and only yours !!!
  • -And are there flowers in the world that do not fade? Eyes in the sun, look and not go blind? And are there in the world those wonderful countries where halos do not fade, where colors do not fade? (with)
  • For you alone, - you love them so much, - These white flowers.
  • Jewelry, flowers, thousands of compliments are not able to replace one sincerely spoken phrase "I love you"
  • Girl Dasha is glad that there are people like you, despite the beauty - they are simple to communicate, for the sake of these lips - ready to give flowers, Maybe you are the girl of my dreams

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

For too long, women have remembered ungiven roses.

She was carrying yellow flowers! Bad color.

When the flowers are cut, I associate this operation with execution, and when they are placed in a vase, with resuscitation.

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

Smell is the soul of a flower.

You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe their aroma.

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when the light kisses them.

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

Roses smell professional.

I didn't tell him I loved purple roses. It's too personal for me.

She had never been given flowers for no reason before. She felt at that moment as if she had been given the whole world.

She: damn it, they bring flowers to the grave, than you give me ... He: and what do you offer me?

I will give you flowers ... You will die of allergies !!!

I went to take out the bucket, open the garbage chute - and from there the flowers are white.
In general, no one gave me flowers except the garbage chute!

MARRIAGE is when a young man stops
buy flowers and starts buying vegetables.

“There is more life in the rapidly fading flower petals,
than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite "

"Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live"

"Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasure are its fruits"

"The beauty of a flower: - in one flower"

“You should never listen to what the flowers say.
You just have to look at them and breathe their aroma "

"For other women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they still demand that a man change the water in a vase."

"Roses instill love for nature, and thorns - respect"

“If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason,
so he just saw this reason "

"Barely glancing at the bouquet, I determined: -" It smells like fifty ""

Of course, I understand that flowers are a waste of money, they will quickly fade and that's it ...
but damn it, it's so nice when they are presented!

W: Zay, will you at least give me flowers? Valentine's Day still ...
M: Baby, why do you need flowers? They will wither.
W: And why do I need you? You're going to die!

Every woman likes that she is given flowers until then,
until she finds out that others are gifting diamonds.)

Happiness is not in the number of donated roses, happiness is in the person who gives them ...

Men distinguish between two types of flowers: - roses and "what are these called?"

Agree, a girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a bottle in her hands ...

There is never enough: TOYS for KIDS, and FLOWERS for WOMEN !!

Having called a woman a flower, do not forget to choose the right fertilizer!

Love ... is like a rose flower. Just as beautiful and just as unpredictable.
You can inject yourself a thousand times, but all the same, you are always waiting for this particular gift for yourself.

Women are like flowers ... Someone is allowed to bloom a short time, and someone goes from age to age, preserving the beauty and aroma of long years from the moment of blooming and flowering until the saddest hour of petals falling.

Sometimes a bouquet of gorgeous red roses can fade next to a small bunch of bright red and yellow leaves ... WHY?
Because a bunch maple leaves for the first time in my life, they carefully collected little beloved pens and he was given from the bottom of my heart with the words: "SUPRISE for MOTHER"!

I prefer a man to be good in bed! I'll buy flowers for him myself ...

That's why I love daisies more than roses,
That they are childishly so beautiful
And replacing millions of words ...
A million daisies are cool too!

Artificial flowers don't smell. So artificial relationships do not bloom

Men are mean! ... Attention! ...
Promotion in May! ... Lilacs FREE OF CHARGE !!! :)

Let the book of life reveal to you only the most beautiful pages,
the river of hope flows joyfully - flowers of love bloom along the banks !!!

If you have found the keys to a woman's soul, take care of her, be for her like a gardener for flowers !!!

Like the foam of the surf - lilacs along the houses
My breath fills with a magic aroma,
Flowers of all shades from fairy-tale dreams ...
And that means that spring is already meeting summer!

I want a small bouquet ... I think 101 roses will be enough!

All the same, it is nice to receive flowers, so simply, unexpectedly, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, but then having received a bouquet of flowers in the morning, the mood immediately rises, you shine like that all day ... thanks ...

Better one humble flower and many feelings.

Flowers as a gift ... A trifle, but how nice!

It's nice when your beloved just gives you a huge bouquet, it's nice, damn it!

Give flowers to women!
To look at perfection
And having experienced bliss of happiness,
You leaned over beauty.

One rose given by a poor student expresses more
than a huge bouquet given by a millionaire

For my last birthday I was presented with a lot of flowers!
True, everyone is in Odnoklassniki ...

What do not you say, but it is very pleasant to receive a flower on March 8,
from a casual passer-by with the words "You are beautiful."

Instead of complaining about the thorns of the rose
I am glad that a rose grows among the thorns.

God created flowers to beautify our life and our death:
- We are born - give for your birthday!
- We die - put on the grave!

Beloved girls are given flowers, not tears!

Flowers bring the greatest joy when they are not presented on a birthday.
and not a nasty husband, but ... just like that!))))))

I don't believe women who say they are indifferent to flowers.
They just didn't get them from their beloved men ...

A simple daisy donated just like that, will say much more,
than a scarlet rose as a birthday present!

You rarely give me flowers ...
- You don’t give me beer at all!

Favorite flower is first of all,
rejection of all other flowers.

I often gave her flowers, and you know what I understood: - in a relationship, a man is just a mediator.
Some women sell flowers to other women through you.

On a date, tell your girlfriend that she's pretty
and then fuck your face with a bouquet.
Girls love flowers, warm words and strong men.

Muscovites buying two flowers a year:
- on February 14 and March 8, you are beautiful! ... :))))))

opened the door. he. tired. pale. obedient. with flowers and champagne. he came too late ... while he was walking, he had time to become unnecessary ...

In the light of the sunset. "
(poet of Japan Basho)

Quotes funny or wise turn into a kind of aphorisms, catch phrases- expressive and understandable to everyone ... We talk about colors with quotes ...

"Flowers, like people, are generous for good and, giving people tenderness, they bloom, warming their hearts, like small, warm fires." (K. Janet)

"The Master and Margarita" ... Mikhail Bulgakov in quotes

Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no real, true one in the world, eternal love? Let the liar cut off his vile tongue! Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love! (Mikhail Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

She carried hideous, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands. The devil only knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow. (Mikhail Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

She was carrying yellow flowers! Bad color. (Mimosas were in the hands of Margarita.)
(Mikhail Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

Love jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck both of us at once! so lightning strikes, so strikes a Finnish knife! (Mikhail Bulgakov. Master and Margarita)

Flowers often "grow" on the pages of books

And these pages awaken a sense of beauty in our souls.

The book is the life of our time, everyone needs it - both old and small.

Addressing an unknown reader, Prishvin writes: "Do you know that love, when you yourself have nothing from it, nothing will happen, but you still love through this everything around you, and walk across the field and meadow, and pick up colorfully , one to one blue cornflowers smelling of honey, and blue forget-me-nots. "

"There are terms of life that do not depend on you personally; no matter how you fight, no matter how talented and smart, - until the conditions are created, until the time comes, all the best will hang in the air as a dream or a utopia. Only I feel, I know one thing. that my root Zhen-Shen grows somewhere, and I will wait for my term. "

By some inspiration, "Zhen-Shen" was written - a song about love. "Ren-Shen", the root-man, the root of life. This is it, Love, driving force, the root of life! (M. Prishvin)

V. (wife) opened a new Prishvin in the diaries. It happened so unexpectedly. She stopped the rattle of the car and suddenly said: - And you, it turns out, are not at all as stupid as I thought ...

The narrator brought various herbs from the forest to a familiar girl Zinochka: cuckoo tears, valerian, Peter's cross, hare cabbage. Sometimes he had bread left, which he took with him to the forest, and Zinochka willingly ate it, because she thought it was chanterelle bread.

Prishvin considered himself a painter by nature. He is captivated by color. For Prishvin, the most varied phenomena of life are colored. He has correlated color, sound, and his favorite color is blue. - Why? - ask. - Yes, because blue in Prishvin's perception is solar. Without the sun, there is only darkness or even the reflected light of the moon. The sun is life itself and the image of truth.

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer residence, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew. (Prishvin M.M.)

K. Paustovsky: Botanists have a term - forbs. It usually refers to flowering meadows. Motley grass is an interweaving of hundreds of various and cheerful flowers, spread out in continuous lakes along the floodplains of rivers.

Prishvin's prose can rightfully be called the forbs of the Russian language. Prishvin's words are blooming, sparkling. They either rustle like grasses, then mutter like springs, then whistle like birds, then tinkle like the first ice, then, finally, lie in our memory in a slow formation, like the flow of stars.

The tenderness and delight that we experience from contemplation of nature is a memory of the time when we were animals, trees, flowers, earth. More precisely: it is the consciousness of unity with everything, hidden from us by time. (Tolstoy L.N.)

The work of a teacher can be compared to the work of a gardener growing various plants. One plant loves the bright light of the sun, another loves the cool shade; one loves the bank of the stream, the other loves the dry mountain peak... One plant grows best on sandy soil, the other on oily clayey soil. Everyone needs a special, only suitable care for him, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development. (Abdu'l-Bahá)

Oh people! You are all like the progenitor Eve: What is given to you does not attract;
The serpent incessantly calls you to itself, to the mysterious tree;
Give you the forbidden fruit, and without that, paradise is not paradise for you.
(Pushkin A. S)

Here. Flowers for you.
- Why?
- From me to you.
- No, thanks.
- Why?
- People don't stand in line for bread with flowers.
- And I can take you out of line. (David Gotsman)

Pistil, stamen, something else ...
Plus something else, and it seems a flower came out! (Kids from class 402)

(Canadian-French animated series 52 episodes from the lives of charming and not so much 4th grade students under the guidance of an attentive, tactful, boring, cunning and kind teacher Gracie Graves)

Oh, what a joy! There, on TV, some uncle with a big mustache gave your mother flowers!
- I would have unscrewed this uncle with big ears!
- I'll show it to you now. Here he is, this insidious type of civilian appearance! (Winter in Prostokvashino)

37 seconds spent with benefit is a lifetime.
From the movie "Shop of Miracles".

At the toy store:
- Take back these Christmas decorations- they are defective!
- But excuse me - they are all intact, not beaten, what is the marriage?
- They are not encouraging.

They talk about flowers ... with quotes

And God spoke in quotations.
(Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Me, in quotes! Ah, a quote ... (Valery Pivovarov)

We say the best phrases to ourselves ...

The most important quote will be the one you cannot find the source of ...

People think and speak in quotations, but they don't notice it ... ("Pshekruj")

"Flowers are some kind of material" vibes "that people can exchange with each other" (Olga Shelest)

Flowers should be loved, that's true, but you shouldn't stand on ceremony with them. (Erich Maria Remarque. Arc de Triomphe)

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? My answer, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves. (Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades)

She walked through life with a huge bouquet of flowers, casually scattering them to the right and left. Everyone who received such a flower considered himself the future owner of the whole bouquet, and on this basis many misunderstandings arose. (Fazil Iskander)

People, in general, did not interfere with him, and if they laughed at him, then only themselves - they did not give the strangers a descent, and they were right, because it was their fool. In gratitude, the fool turned all the thorns in the area into unknown, but beautiful flowers, and called them roses. There was little sense from them, even the cattle did not eat them. However, people soon got used to them, and when the fool gave a bouquet of wonderful flowers to the girl whom he secretly loved, everyone realized that flowers were the cheapest gift in the world - know, tear - and began to grow and groom them everywhere. (Vyacheslav Zhukov. The heart of a fool)

I would rather be a flower that can only bloom once and die than be a tree that never bloom. I would rather be a spark that burns like a diamond for only one moment and disappears, rather than be a light that illuminates the path for no one ... (Diana Del Belflor)

The art of living in harmony with yourself and with the world around you. What is harmony?
Harmony is beauty. There is no beauty without harmony, and there is no harmony without beauty.

"To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot. Two important rules remember for a start. You better starve than eat anything. And it is better to be alone than with just anyone. "


“I have lost my dewdrop,” the flower complains to the morning sky, which has lost all its stars. (Tagore Rabindranath)

The flower child opens her cup and exclaims: "Oh, dear world, please don't fade!" (Tagore Rabindranath

"You are a big dewdrop under the lotus leaf, and I am a small dewdrop on its upper side," said Dewdrop to Lake. (Tagore Rabindranath)

The sunflower blushed at the thought of calling some unknown flower its relative. The sun rose, smiled at the flower and asked: "Are you good, my dear?" (Tagore Rabindranath)

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when the light kisses them. (Tagore Rabindranath)

"O Fruit! How far are you from me?" "I am hidden in your heart, O Flower!" (Tagore Rabindranath)

By cutting off the petals of a flower, you do not acquire its beauty. (Tagore Rabindranath)

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain respect for myself, for they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are a testament to my freedom. (Tagore Rabindranath)

There is more life in the rapidly fading flower petals than in the heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite. (Ludwig Feuerbach)

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live. (Hegel G.F.)

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasure is its fruits. (Helvetius K.)

A weed is a flower that no one likes. (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

"Flowers are not considered a bribe! .." (Vladimir Zhirinovsky)

Roses smell professional. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Flowers cut for a bouquet are barbarism in the name of beauty ... (Igor Krasnovsky)

A cynic is a person who, smelling the smell of flowers, looks around in search of a coffin. (Henry Mencken)

People give flowers because flowers have the real meaning of Love.

For too long, women have remembered ungiven roses.

Oh, how many there are in the fields! But each blooms in its own way - this is the highest feat of a flower!

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life ...

As the Japanese say: "the beauty of a flower is in one flower."

Despite the fact that lotuses grow in mud, they make the world clean and fragrant.

Any phrase taken out of context acquires a new meaning of its own. (Vadim Sinyavsky)

Do not pack a swirling phrase into an aphorism. (Evgeny Khankin).