How to process the foundation from destruction. Protection of the foundation from water is a prerequisite for its durability. Insulating the horizontal planes of the plinth

From time to time, TV channels tell us how a whole house or part of it suddenly collapsed somewhere. We do not want to scare you, as idle TV people do. But let's say that there is no "sudden" in the case of the destruction of a building. Any structure starts from the foundation and rests on it. If it is not strong enough and moisture resistant, then the house will not stand for a long time. The most common causes of foundation destruction are dampness, moisture, loose and water-saturated soil, heterogeneous soil, the beginning of the construction of a new house or a road nearby. It only seems that the foundation is heavy and will withstand everything. No, it is, first of all, a movable structure that is sensitive to any load and change. the environment... Polyurethane mastic will help protect the foundation from destruction.

How to understand that your foundation is in danger

There are several signs that can help you identify the problem in the first step. Usually, thin cracks, spots, mold on the walls inside the house, distortions of door and window structures appear on the foundation, then the external finish begins to collapse, the floor deforms, some parts of the building collapse, the soil falls along the structure. If you notice cracks, it is worth checking the stability of the base.

The most frequent problem in Russian latitudes - excess moisture. Usually concrete is used for the foundation. It is a porous material that can take in some water. But if there is too much of it, then the concrete will not cope. In addition, moisture can linger inside, freeze and thus destroy the material.

How to save the foundation

The easiest way is to take care of the strength and waterproofing of the foundation, to ensure drainage and drainage along the building, even at the construction stage. The main thing is to make sure that water does not accumulate at the base of the house. If you don't think about drainage at all, then after a few years the foundation of the house will begin to crack. This happens even with the highest quality materials.

Which waterproofing to choose

There are several main types of waterproofing. To choose the best option for you, you need to understand what type of soil you are dealing with, how deep they go groundwater, at what depth the foundation is located, what it is made of, what size the building is.

There is one simple way to check how deep the groundwater goes. In the spring or fall, dig small holes where you plan to build your house. And look to what level the water reaches in them. This will determine how deep the foundation can be set.

If you notice that there are many marsh plants and sedges near the site, then the water is close.

We decided to arrange a basement or basement, which means that waterproofing is needed for sure.

Very often in such cases, vertical insulation is used together with roll materials based on bitumen. Another option is coating insulation. In this case, polymer compositions are applied to the surface of the foundation. Some people recommend using both for maximum protection.

Polyurethane mastic or bitumen?

There are many types of waterproofing compounds on the market. Thanks to the development of the chemical industry, these products are becoming more and more perfect. Whereas previously it was possible to rely only on bitumen, now it has more durable alternatives.

What is the difference between bitumen and polyurethane mastic? Bitumen is one of the oldest building materials affordable and cheap. Polyurethane mastics appeared on the market not so long ago, but they are distinguished by their strength and elasticity, which remains long years... Bitumen loses these properties very quickly. Its strength is enough for several years, then the physical and chemical properties of the material weaken. Polyurethane mastics can last over 40 years.

What should you choose? When it comes to large-scale works, it is cheaper to use bitumen, for example, for the construction and repair of roads. Polyurethane is needed wherever we face non-trivial tasks. For example, it is necessary to insulate the overpass, foundation, bypass, roof.

How polyurethane putty interacts with the surface

Polyurethane mastics are easy to apply - with a roller, brush or trowel. The emulsion enters the pores of the concrete, squeezes air out of them and crystallizes. After application, the polymer forms a strong film, which repels moisture due to its physicochemical properties.

Polyurethane mastic from "Khimtrast"

The company "Chemtrast" has developed its own polyurethane mastic, which can be used not only for waterproofing foundations, but also for roofs, pools, tanks, basements, terraces, balconies, tunnels, as well as under screeds and tiles, for repairing old bituminous insulation.

When will you work with polyurethane mastic, observe safety precautions, work in a gas mask or protective mask, in special clothing that will cover all parts of your body.

After work, rinse all brushes with acetone, and store the mastic in a tightly closed container to prevent polymerization.

Chemtrast specialists are always ready to tell you which polymer is best suited for your purposes. Our warehouses can be found in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and Ufa.

The foundation is that part of the structure of any structure that is experiencing the maximum load. The durability of the building primarily depends on its reliability. If it begins to collapse, then this will inevitably lead to deformation of all other elements.

Therefore, increased requirements are imposed on the waterproofing of the foundation. This is especially true for private houses, since almost every owner actively uses ground floor(basement). It should be borne in mind that this kind of work is carried out in a comprehensive manner, and protection from moisture is equipped "universally". After all, it affects the foundation in different ways, and often at the same time. In the form of subsoil waters, precipitation, during snow melting, flooding of rivers.

In some sources one can find opinions that in some cases waterproofing of the foundation can be neglected. Such statements are "short-sighted." Any house is built for decades. Where is the guarantee that after a while, for example, some significant construction will not begin nearby? But this is - soil movement, which will inevitably affect the location of underground water layers.

Even the laying of a highway with its indispensable asphalting has such an impact. There are many others possible reasons changes in the configuration and water level in the ground. It should also be borne in mind that the depth of its occurrence is constantly changing throughout the year. And many experts are already openly talking about irreversible climate change on the planet. It is clear that waterproofing the foundation anew for an already built and inhabited house (and this inevitably entails a partial "destruction" of the adjacent territory) is an extremely difficult and expensive issue. And it will take a lot of time.

What to consider

  • At what depth are the subsoil layers. This must be determined if a basement is provided for in the construction of the house.
  • Underground fluid head... According to this criterion, the layers are divided into 4 types. Moreover, in one and the same place, you can simultaneously encounter, for example, both "suspended" waters and "pressure" ones. That is why experts advise not to do "like everyone else" when building a house, but to conduct a geodetic survey of a specific site.
  • Foundation waterproofing is largely dependent on soil characteristics, on which the structure is being erected. After all, there are soils both permeable (for example, sandstone) and not. In the latter case, the fluid seeks "easier" paths and often moves towards the foundation. Therefore, the waterproofing layer must be more "powerful". Accordingly, the choice of materials is made taking into account this specificity. In addition, any liquid can contain aggressive components.
  • Foundation type. Each has its own characteristics, both in the nature of the work and in the materials. It is clear that if the foundation is piled, then the use of roll "insulators" is excluded. At the same time, they are great for the belt type.
  • Regardless of the construction conditions, foundation waterproofing is done both from the outside and from inside... Moreover, both layers are the main ones, and it is unacceptable to equip only one of them.

It should be noted that constituent parts complex waterproofing of the foundation are such measures as the removal of excess water (drainage) and the equipment of a reliable blind area, which serves to protect the base of the house from water in the form of precipitation (rain, snow). And, of course, the optimal choice of the type of insulation materials used, which has already been mentioned.

In individual construction, the strip type of the base of the building is most often used. However, for swampy soil it doesn't fit. Such soil is unstable, since it is saturated with moisture, and its structure is heterogeneous. Underground water strata come quite close to the surface, and it is extremely difficult to make the necessary load calculations. Building in such conditions is considered risky. But sometimes there is simply no choice.

It should be noted right away that waterproofing a foundation in a swampy area is an expensive matter. The method of protecting the base depends on what type of it is chosen for the construction of the house. In practice, they use shallow, pile (bored) or slab foundations... But regardless of this, without fail, it must be equipped drainage system.

Its purpose is to drain the water in the ground away from the building. Without such natural drainage of the site any other measures to protect against moisture cannot be considered effective. Experts recommend installing the foundation only after organizing drainage. It must be understood that waterproofing a foundation in a swampy area has a number of features. And first of all, this concerns the issue of laying the foundation.

Shallow processing is not much different from the tape finishing technique. However, to protect the insulating layer, it is necessary to arrange a protective covering (wall).

For a slab pit, the pit is shallow. Its bottom should be compacted as tightly as possible. If possible, it is advisable to use construction equipment (roller). The challenge is to minimize the subsequent shrinkage of the soil. Coarse sand and gravel are used as "backfill". If possible, clay should also be laid. Such a layer is poured with concrete mortar.

The resulting "pillow" will become natural barrier in the path of liquids, an integral part of foundation waterproofing in swampy areas. Given the difficult conditions, it is advisable to use waterproof reinforced concrete slabs under the base of the house. Processing can also be carried out at the construction site. To do this, they are impregnated with special water-repellent compounds. Additionally, all sides are processed with mastic, on the layer of which a roll material is applied (roofing felt, roofing felt, film).

In particular difficult cases the foundation is made bored. Its construction involves the installation of concrete supports in prepared wells. For this, formwork is made. It is at this stage that all events are held. In this case, waterproofing a foundation in a swampy area implies a special treatment of asbestos-cement (or other waterproof) pipes that serve as formwork. Methods such as impregnation, surface treatment with mastics are suitable.

Such insulation is not afraid of mechanical loads, since the "shape" of the formwork is maintained concrete pouring and used reinforcement rods. In addition, it is recommended to seal the lower parts of the pipes. However, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of waterproofing the foundation in swampy areas by carrying out a number of additional measures.

First, the correct choice of the composition of the concrete solution (cement grade + chemical additives to increase moisture resistance). However, this issue requires a professional approach.

Secondly, additional treatment of the bottom of the wells. Backfilling is done with sand, clay, gravel.

It should not be forgotten that a horizontal waterproofing device is a compulsory part of such work. Regardless of the type of foundation.

DIY waterproofing strip foundation

This type of "foundation" of a structure is most often used for individual construction, since it is easy to assemble it yourself. Secondly, such a foundation assumes the presence of a basement in the house, which is important for a private developer. Thirdly, it is able to withstand a fairly large load and can be applied on any type of soil.

The fact that any structure needs protection from moisture is understandable to everyone. Especially its lower part, which is in direct contact with the soil. can be produced in any way, using various materials. Choice the best option is largely determined by the material capabilities of the owner. Let's consider the most economical one.

The presence of the basement places high demands on the quality of the events held. When determining a particular type of work, one should be guided by the climatic conditions in the region (precipitation intensity), soil characteristics and the depth of occurrence of underground aquifers.

Waterproofing strip foundation Is a set of activities. It includes work such as protecting the sole, the outside, and the inside of the basement floor and walls. You need to start building a house with the correct arrangement of the pit. It is advisable to lay out its bottom with a layer of clay and tamp and level it with high quality. It will create a kind of barrier on the way of fluids coming from the ground. Roll material (roofing felt, film) should be placed under the base of the foundation.

Outside, the walls need to be protected more securely. After all, they are influenced groundwater pressure, seasonal soil displacement. Consequently, mechanical damage to the strip foundation waterproofing is likely. Therefore, it is done in several layers. First, it is coated with mastic (bitumen), after which the roll material (roofing material, film) is glued. Installation is carried out so that there are no breaks or cracks in the protective layer (overlapping).

This layer also needs to be protected. Indeed, in addition to the reasons already indicated, it can be damaged by construction waste, stones at the time of backfilling the trench. Protection can be provided in different ways: building a brick wall, laying heat insulating material ... For waterproofing the strip foundation, you can also apply the plastering method. Such a coating does not need additional protection.

When processing internal surfaces, the same methods are used. The choice of materials depends on the further design of the basement. Do not forget about the entry points into the building of various engineering communications(pipes, cables). The entrance channels are carefully sealed, for which it is convenient to use mastics, liquid glass.

Ideally, the backing layer is continuous. In fact, it is a "bag" that protects the house from water penetration.

Waterproofing of the strip foundation should be accompanied by additional measures to forced drainage of the site development. For this purpose, a drainage system is being installed, designed to remove moisture from the base of the building. It represents specially equipped channels that are installed along the entire perimeter of the building. In addition, it is necessary to correctly equip a spillway... In some cases, it is advisable to use for drainage of the site drainage wells.

And we should not forget about the meaning of the blind area. Correctly and efficiently arranged, it will significantly reduce the effect of water on the underground part of the structure.

The principle of action of penetrating waterproofing

The best way to provide reliable protection the concrete base of the house from the destructive action of moisture is the penetrating waterproofing of the foundation. In order to correctly assess the scope of work, it is necessary to first analyze the level of occurrence and volume of groundwater, the degree of their impact on underground structures building. In addition, the presence or absence of basements in the house has an impact on the amount of work on waterproofing. If the house does not have a basement, horizontal waterproofing of the foundation will help protect against moisture, if there is a basement - the best option would be a combination of vertical and horizontal protection, a drainage system.

Before starting work, it is necessary to mix dry components with water and stir well. The resulting solution should be applied to the concrete surfaces of the base. Getting into the pores of concrete, the active substances contained in the penetrating waterproofing of the foundation react to form water-insoluble crystals. Crystals gradually displace water from concrete and reliably clog capillaries, pores and microcracks. The growth of crystals occurs simultaneously in all directions - both in the direction of the water flow and in the opposite direction. As a result of treatment with penetrating compounds, the concrete surface acquires a more compacted structure and becomes impervious to moisture. As soon as the moisture level decreases, the growth of crystals slows down, when water is exposed to the surface, growth resumes.

Penetrating waterproofing of the foundation ensures the movement of chemically active components into the concrete by tens of centimeters. When filling microcracks and capillaries with a diameter of up to 0.4 mm, the water resistance index of the concrete base rises by 2-4 steps. As a result, the penetrating waterproofing of the foundation becomes an integral part of the foundation, forming waterproof concrete.

Application technology

Before proceeding with the treatment of the foundation with penetrating compounds, the surface should be cleaned of dust, dirt, debris, oil stains, etc. Capillaries on a polished concrete surface can be opened by sandblasting it and rinsing with a solution of hydrochloric acid in a ratio of 1:10. Having found traces of mold on the surface of the base of the house, thoroughly clean it and treat it with an antiseptic composition. In places where materials meet, grooves are punched, the depth of which should be 2.5 cm. If there are cracks on the surface, they should be expanded by 25 mm in depth and 20 mm in width. In the places of passage of communications, the junction points should be sealed.

The next important step is wetting the concrete. Crystal growth will depend on how well the surface is wetted.

The penetrating type foundation waterproofing device is made using a spatula, spray gun or brush.

Advantages of using waterproof penetrating compounds:

  • the possibility of processing both underground and aboveground parts of the building;
  • ease of use,
  • the possibility of processing freshly poured and old concrete,
  • the penetrating composition forms a single whole with the foundation, therefore it is not afraid of mechanical damage and does not exfoliate,
  • the ability to use for processing external and internal walls,
  • work with a wet foundation,
  • surface treatment regardless of the direction of groundwater pressure.

Penetrating waterproofing of the foundation is not used on substrates made of foam and aerated concrete due to the significant pore size.

Foundation coating

The cost of building a foundation is on average 15% of the total cost of a building, and coating waterproofing foundation - only 1-2%. However, poor-quality performance of water protection or its complete absence may in the future entail investment of much larger sums.

Despite the fact that, due to the excellent bearing capacity and affordability, the popularity of block foundations is growing, from the point of view of waterproofing, a monolithic base is more profitable. It does not require additional sealing of the joint seams. Foundation waterproofing coating creates protective film, which prevents moisture ingress and destruction of the foundation thickness.

Waterproofing of the foundation of a house of the coating type can be single or multi-layer and have a thickness of up to several centimeters. With its help, you can reliably protect the structure from the action of groundwater. If you apply the composition to inner surface walls, it will also prevent the penetration of capillary moisture.

Materials for coating waterproofing

It can be like compositions on cement base and bituminous materials. The most popular are bitumen, bitumen-polymer and bitumen-rubber mixtures.

Foundation waterproofing mastic should take into account factors such as:

  • the budget for the protection of the building from moisture;
  • ambient temperature;
  • possible loads on the treated surfaces during operation;
  • location - on the external or internal planes of the foundation, waterproofing of the foundation is carried out;
  • area of ​​the treated surface, etc.

Having decided on these points, you can choose the right material and even save money without sacrificing quality.

The oldest and most cost-effective method of waterproofing is the use of hot bitumen. In this case, a prerequisite is the use of heating equipment, with the help of which the mastic acquires a liquid consistency. It is possible to work with hot bitumen even at subzero temperatures.

An option is also possible in which bitumen compositions are used, based on organic solvents. Today it is one of the most common methods of foundation waterproofing. Depending on the budget of the event, you can choose either a simple bituminous mastic, or bituminous compositions with polymer and latex additives. They endow the waterproofing material with elasticity, expand the temperature range of application, and increase adhesion. Bituminous waterproofing cold foundation can also be carried out at negative air temperatures.

Mastics based on organic solvents are not recommended for internal waterproofing of basement walls, cellars, as it may not be safe. In such cases, it is better to give preference to compositions for water based... The only drawback of using these materials is the reduced temperature range. They cannot be used at temperatures below + 5 ° C.

If significant areas are to be waterproofed, the best choice there will be liquid rubber (bitumen-latex emulsions).

Stages of waterproofing works with bituminous compounds:

  • surface preparation (cleaning from dust, corrosion, oil, salt and other stains; filling cracks with cement-sand mortar);
  • foundation priming with more liquid waterproofing compounds;
  • applying coating waterproofing in 2-4 layers;
  • drying the surface;
  • backfilling or decorative finishing.

Technology for applying cement-polymer coating waterproofing:

  • cleaning and moisturizing the surface of the foundation;
  • mixing the components of the waterproofing composition until a homogeneous state;
  • applying the mixture in several passes. The time interval between coats is 12 or more hours.
  • carrying out measures to protect waterproofing from atmospheric precipitation over the next 24 hours.

Foundation waterproofing should be treated with full responsibility. The durability and strength of the house depends on how carefully the base of the house is protected from moisture.

What is horizontal waterproofing

Refusing to take measures to waterproof the foundation, you risk in the near future to face the problem of dampness and mold in the house. Moreover, moisture will not only threaten the integrity and appearance decoration of premises, furniture, but it can also cause the destruction of the foundation. The result will be subsidence of the house, distortion of window and door designs, the appearance of cracks in load-bearing walls.

Vertical and horizontal waterproofing of the foundation will help you to prevent all these troubles.

Let's consider in more detail the second type. Such protection of the building base from moisture provides for fewer measures, is easier to implement and more affordable in economic terms than a vertical foundation waterproofing device. When laying the foundation of a house, experts recommend using a combination of these two types. If the house does not have a basement, only horizontal waterproofing of the foundation can be used.

However, if gross violations were made during horizontal protection against moisture, it will be very expensive or even unrealistic to fix them.

As waterproofing materials can be used: roofing material, hydrostekloizol, rubitex, stekloelast, stekloizol, hydrostekloizol, professional feed and other self-adhesive and sprayed types of waterproofing.

Roll foundation waterproofing in the absence of a basement is made in several layers (2 or more) slightly above the blind area of ​​the house along the foundation. When choosing an insulating material, give preference to one that is not subject to decay. Modern roll materials have increased resistance to tears, the risk of which arises when the base of the structure is deformed.

The horizontal waterproofing of the foundation is made using bitumen and rubbers. The composition of bitumen-containing materials may also contain cement, which increases adhesion to the base, and plasticizing additives, which help to increase the resistance of the foundation to cracking under dynamic and static loads. Polymer compositions allow to achieve high hydrophobic properties and durability of the material.

The impregnating horizontal waterproofing of the foundation has a penetrating effect and is able to block capillary channels in concrete foundations, forming whiskers in them. The only drawback of using this type of waterproofing is low plasticity, which makes it possible to destroy the waterproofing layer with significant vibrations.

The installation of mounted waterproofing provides for the use of bentonite clay mats. The mats are composed of compacted clay and self-destructive layers of cardboard and geotextile. This type of hydro-barrier will reliably protect the house from capillary and pressure moisture.

Correction of errors in the installation of horizontal waterproofing

In the case when the foundation was not insulated from moisture on time, there are 3 ways of its "late" implementation:

  • trimming the walls with further laying of the bitumen mass or roofing material into the holes obtained;
  • raising the foundation and laying a bituminous layer or roofing material;
  • thermal injection or crystal injection.

The first two options will require a significant investment of time and effort, but will cost less than injection. Crystalline injection involves the creation of holes at the junction of the base and walls, into which a mixture of silicate activators, water and cement is subsequently poured. As a result of the reaction, a mineral mass is formed, which acts as a hydro-barrier. Thermal injection provides for the injection of hot air into the hole, while the walls are heated to a temperature of 30-40 ° C.

The choice of the most suitable method of waterproofing the foundation depends primarily on the size of the budget and the time frame of the operation.

Bituminous foundation waterproofing

Not only streams of atmospheric precipitation, but also groundwater have a negative impact on the foundation of the house. Bituminous waterproofing of the foundation, as well as a complex drainage system, can provide effective protection of the building. Drainage allows you to drain away from the building excess water, and a hydro-barrier will prevent moisture from entering the supporting structure, basements, cellar. If the groundwater is high on the site and the soil filtration coefficient is low, it is recommended to use a combination of the above measures.

Bituminous foundation waterproofing is one of the cheapest methods of coating protection. It is produced using blends containing organic and inorganic substances, high-molecular carbon-containing components. Bituminous materials durable, elastic, have high waterproofing properties and affordable cost. They are used to process brickwork, concrete, plastered surfaces, etc. Bituminous waterproofing of the foundation is able to withstand temperature drops, aggressive effects of groundwater. Bituminous mixtures endow frost resistance and refractory properties special additives - modifiers... Every year, coating waterproofing of the foundation, blind area, roof becomes more and more popular. Moreover, in the choice of materials, home owners increasingly prefer bitumen-polymer and bitumen-rubber mastics. They are known for their durability, while completely devoid of the disadvantages of pure bitumen. Bituminous compounds are applied using a spatula, roller, float or spray.

Bituminous waterproofing - hot application technology:

On preparatory stage held cleaning the foundation surface from dust and dirt with a metal brush. Potholes and pits in the base are plastered and a layer of primer is applied. After 1-2 hours, the mastic itself is applied. The composition should be preheated in a steam or water bath. Stir the mastic continuously while heating. When applying the composition, make sure that there are no unpainted places. After the first coat has dried, it is recommended to apply another coat. The thickness of each of them should be no more than 1 cm.Bitumen waterproofing of the foundation helps reliably protect the underground parts of the building from the destructive action of water.

Cold method of bituminous waterproofing

Cold mastics do not need to be preheated. Bituminous-polymer and bitumen-rubber mastics require careful preparation of the base. The surface of the foundation must be clean, dry and free from grease. When it comes to liquid rubber, the edges of the foundation are best rounded and cut. Waterproofing the foundation of a house using bitumen-latex and bitumen-emulsion mastics is less demanding on the quality of foundation preparation. Bitumen-polymer mastics should be applied in two or more layers... Each subsequent layer of material should be applied only after the previous one has hardened. If you ignore this requirement, there will be a risk of peeling of the insulation, the adhesion of the mastic layer to the surface of the foundation will not be fully ensured. If the treated surface stopped sticking, it can be assumed that the waterproofing has dried completely.

For many years, bituminous waterproofing of the foundation has been one of the most common and affordable methods of protecting a structure from the penetration of capillary moisture. If your site has a hydrostatic head up to 2 m, you can use bitumen mastics, with a head of 5 m and more, give preference to bitumen-polymer compositions.

Roll foundation waterproofing

Often, the construction of houses is carried out in areas with a high level of groundwater. If this situation is familiar, and the groundwater level is at the level of the basement floor, roll foundation waterproofing will help you. With its help, you can reliably protect the structure from the destructive effects of moisture and prevent flooding of fellings and cellars.

The emergence of waterproof mastics formed the basis for the production of film and roll materials, the use of which greatly simplifies the process of isolating the base of the house from moisture and significantly reduces the time of the procedure.

Modern waterproofing of the foundation roll or as it is also called lining and the use of soft sheet bitumen, polymer and polymer-bitumen materials allows you to prevent moisture seepage into the room. The number of insulation layers is determined by the hydrostatic head and the requirements for the dryness of the structure. As a rule, roll foundation waterproofing is carried out in two layers and is placed on the side of the hydrostatic head.

If there is a slight pressure of groundwater in your area, expansion joints structures can be covered with waterproofing layers, if the gyrostatic head is large - use compensators, inert to the action of an aqueous medium, in some cases, metal sheets can be used. In conditions when a high aggressiveness of the aquatic environment is noted on the site, the foundation waterproofing device must use inert materials, and under the base of the house it is necessary to arrange crushed stone and fill it with hot bitumen solution.

Considering the fact that the waterproofing of the foundation with roll materials has increased requirements for strength and durability, material manufacturers modify waterproofing products with special additives of active polypropylene and styrene-butadiene-styrene. This helps to increase the resistance of materials to microorganisms, increase elasticity, strength and durability. Excellent examples of modern waterproofing materials are glass-fiber insulation, hydro-glass insulation, hydro-insulation, glass-elastic etc.

The most modern today is roll foundation waterproofing using polymers- films made of polyvinyl chloride, chlorosulfonated polyethylene, thermoplastic membranes, vulcanized rubber membranes, films made of chlorinated polyethylene, self-adhesive plastic films... All of them have a high degree of waterproofing, strength and durability. However, a low degree of vapor permeability can cause them to detach from the base under the influence of steam. Therefore, when laying these materials, special primers are used or a ventilation layer is created. Anti-condensation and vapor-permeable propylene and polyethylene membranes, which are gaining popularity every year, are completely devoid of this drawback.

Cement waterproofing

Waterproofing of any structures is carried out without fail, regardless of what the structure is and what its purpose is. About the negative impact of moisture on any construction and Decoration Materials has been known for a long time. It should be borne in mind that the water contains dissolved and aggressive chemical substances... The decisive role in ensuring high-quality protection against liquids is played by the correct choice of insulating material and work technology.

According to experts, cement waterproofing is becoming more and more popular. However, it is often mistaken for a simple plastering of surfaces with specially prepared agents. In fact, this is a more voluminous concept. This name refers to any compound based on cement and used in the treatment of surfaces to protect them from liquids. At the same time, depending on the purpose of the product, cement plays a corresponding role in it.

For the arrangement of cement waterproofing, compositions are used that are sold in the form of dry mixes. There are two types of them. One group is a mixture of sand and cement, in which various additives are present. Exactly percentage all components and determines the specific characteristics of the composition. Such products are used on surfaces that have sufficient rigidity and strength.

You need to understand that when solidifying cement with sand a coating layer is formed which does not differ in elasticity and tensile strength. The use of such materials has its own limitations. For example, they are not recommended for areas where there is an increased level of seismic hazard. After all, any movement of the soil during shocks will inevitably lead to cracking of the protective layer.

Another group of materials for cement waterproofing differs from the one described above in that they contain in the form of additives polymers... These formulations are different the best characteristics... Their main advantage is that they are elastic. Even if a crack occurs on the surface treated with them, the insulation layer will remain solid, thereby ensuring a reliable seal. Such compositions have increased resistance to low temperatures, aggressive environments.

In any locality, there are usually several layers of water below the surface of the earth. They have different configurations and characteristics. In particular - the pressure. Cement waterproofing in this sense is universal. It can be used for both internal and exterior decoration surfaces. Possessing high vapor permeability, it is perfect for arranging the foundation, as it provides protection not only under pressure, but also "to tear".

It is most advisable to use this type of insulation for finishing elements. various designs located underground. For example, foundations, septic tanks, tanks, pools, pipeline sections, wells and much more. Such compositions are also used for the arrangement of premises. with excess moisture(for example, saunas and baths, baths and showers, laundries).

It remains to add that it is recommended to handle an area of ​​no more than 100 m2 by hand. For finishing more "overall" surfaces, special "cement" guns are used. It should be remembered that better quality the result is a layer laid on a damp surface.

As already indicated, mixtures are different. When choosing, be sure to read the instructions for use.

The foundation is a reliable and durable base for any structure. Concrete, being its main component, can simultaneously be a strong, strong and brittle material. It is water and moisture that affect the main indicators of concrete.

An important role in this is played by the use of mastic, so that the foundation of the house is a really reliable, solid foundation. Treatment of the foundation with bitumen mastic waterproofs concrete, thereby extending its service life, maintaining all technical characteristics.

The advantages of using this material make it an indispensable product for waterproofing the base of a structure.

The advantages of using it include:

  • High rate of adhesion to any kind of surface;
  • The ability to create an elastic and seamless layer;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Ability to perform work in any weather;
  • Uniformity and stability of the composition;
  • Increased resistance to influence different conditions the environment;
  • Possession of antiseptic qualities.

The advantages of treating the foundation with bitumen mastic can also include its practicality, reliability, environmental friendliness, frost resistance, heat resistance, durability of the coating (up to 30 years.), Ease of application to any surface.

Results of use

The use of this technology for waterproofing the base guarantees a positive result.


  • Reliable protection from the influence of moisture throughout the structure of the building;
  • Prevention of corrosion;
  • Extension of the operating time of all elements of the structure;
  • Maintaining the functionality of building elements.

This type of waterproofing material is one of the oldest but most reliable methods of protection. These indicators confirm the need to process any base with mastic.

Types of mastics

The mastic is homogeneous organic matter containing modifiers, solvent, bitumen (by-product of oil distillation), antiseptic. Depending on the method of preparation, two types of it are used for the base: cold and hot.

Hot - cooked directly on construction site two hours before use. When preparing it, you must follow personal safety precautions. Most often, this type is used in the construction of large facilities, since its cost is much lower than cold.

Cold appearance - does not involve high temperature cooking. It is commercially available ready-made, so it is much more convenient to use and safer than hot. The only drawback is the high price.

Preparation for processing

When carrying out waterproofing work, it is necessary to prepare special tools.


  • Grinder;
  • Building hair dryer;
  • Cement mortar;
  • Primer;
  • Putty knife;
  • Roller or brush.

It is possible to start coating only on a properly prepared base surface. It is necessary to carefully examine its surface, and if bubbles, cracks or chips are detected, it is necessary to wipe them with a fine-grained cement solution.

If such work has not been carried out, then the applied layer of material will burst after a while. As a result, the quality of waterproofing will deteriorate sharply, and the work will have to be done anew. The presence of “scallops” with sharp projections on the base is also unacceptable. They must be removed with a grinder.

The corners of the base are being processed. They are slightly cut or rounded. The transitions to the vertical surface are equipped with "dumbbells" to make the connection of the elements smooth.

Don't forget to remove debris and dirt. Then it is necessary to reduce the moisture content of the treated surface. For this it is used construction hair dryer... If the surface is not dry enough, the applied mastic may swell or flake off completely.

Important! To be completely sure that the substrate is sufficiently dry, a small test can be performed. Cover part of the base with foil for a day. If at the end of this time condensation does not form on it, then the foundation is well dried. You can start processing it.

Primer treatment

To reduce the consumption of mastic and improve the quality of its connection to the surface, it is necessary to prime the entire base. Priming with a primer is carried out taking into account the type of the selected mastic.

The application of the primer is carried out with a roller (brush) over the entire surface of the base. When smearing the foundation with it, it will be possible to apply only 1 layer. After completing the application, it is necessary to leave the primer to dry for several hours.

The application of its second layer is possible only at the points of attachment to the base of the structure of the building.

The process of applying mastic

The treatment of the foundation with bitumen mastic begins from that surface where the value of water pressure is greatest (from the outside). After opening the can, the material is thoroughly mixed. For its application, depending on the consistency, a spatula, roller, brush is used.

When applying it, it is important to remember that the layers must have the same thickness, be continuous, not have breaks, and the coating itself is performed from top to bottom. The next application should be carried out after the previous one has dried.

The coating thickness is on average from 2mm to 4mm. This value is influenced by the depth of the foundation. If it is at a depth of up to 2 meters, then the layer of applied material is 2 mm. If the burial depth exceeds this value, then the coating thickness increases to 4mm.

It is easy to determine the readiness of the surface for applying the next layer of coating. It is enough to touch the first layer. If there is no sticking to the fingers, then you can safely apply next layer... To extend the life of the mastic, after the last layer has been applied, soft soil is poured onto it.

Useful video:

Subject to the technology of waterproofing with bituminous mastic, its correctly selected form, the process of processing the base of the structure is available to do on your own with high quality.

How to protect concrete from moisture? In this article, we have to analyze several popular solutions that are applicable both for waterproofing foundations and basements, and for protecting capital walls from precipitation and seasonal fluctuations in humidity.

Our goal is to make concrete hydrophobic.


All waterproofing materials fall into three main categories.

Useful: roll and coating materials are usually applied from the side of the foundation or enclosing structure from which excessive static water pressure is present. Otherwise, there is always a risk of peeling of the protective layer, violation of its integrity. Penetrating waterproofing is devoid of this limitation.

Obviously, we are most interested in the last category of waterproofing. It is with her that we will get to know better.

Possible solutions


The simplest and cheapest surface treatment (applying cement milk to it). Cement penetrates into pores and microcracks, completely or partially clogging them. Of course, such waterproofing is not enough for the foundation; but ironing cement plaster facade will noticeably reduce water absorption.

Liquid glass

If you add sodium water glass (aqueous solution of Na2O (SiO2)) in a ratio of about 1:10 to a cement-sand mortar, you get moisture-resistant concrete with a very short (no more than half an hour) setting period. This recipe is often used to seal sewer and water wells, block foundations, and cracks in basement floors.

In the photo - sodium liquid glass of domestic production.

Processing with liquid glass is quite capable of reliably waterproofing the surface of the finished reinforced concrete product. Doing this work with your own hands is more than easy: diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, the material is applied to the concrete with a brush, roller or spray.

Hint: Undiluted liquid glass, applied in one layer, penetrates the concrete by an average of 2 millimeters. If the treatment is carried out with an aqueous solution and in several steps, the impregnation depth will increase to 15-20 mm.

Water repellents

How to process aerated concrete from moisture, if it is used for the construction of the outer walls of a residential building?

In this case, water-repellent, silicone-based primers will come to the rescue. Instructions for their use are also extremely simple: ready-to-use or diluted with water in the concentration indicated by the manufacturer, the composition is applied to the surface of the facade in two or three layers without preliminary drying.

Protection of aerated concrete from moisture using a water-repellent solution solves several problems at once.

Let's clarify: silicone-based water repellents are intended not only for aerated concrete. They can process all porous materials: heavy concrete, limestone, plaster, etc.

The composition is applied to a dry base. A moisture meter for concrete, a simple electrical device that measures the resistivity of a surface area, will help to assess the moisture level of a structure.

Average price of water repellents Russian production is 150 rubles per kilogram. The only drawback of the solution is the limited adhesive qualities of the facade after processing: it can be painted only after six months.

Crystallizing compounds

Penetron, Crystallisol and their numerous analogues differ from the solutions listed above in the principle of action: in simple terms, they do not transport the material to fill the pores through the capillaries from the surface, but create it in place ().

Chemical additives cause accelerated crystallization of calcium salts (the main component of Portland cements) upon contact with water. Crystals reliably fill the pores of the concrete.

What is the result?

  • The most obvious result is the impossibility of moisture penetration into the concrete thickness when external processing constructions. If the walls of the basement are treated with the same Penetron from the inside, the groundwater will no longer find its way into the room: the impregnation penetrates the concrete by 40-60 centimeters.
  • Of course, you can also forget about efflorescence and mold.... Moisture is necessary for their appearance.
  • Frost resistance of concrete increases by an average of 100 cycles... On the practical side, this means an increase in the service life of the main walls by 150-200 years.
  • Finally, moisture impregnation for concrete increases its compressive strength: the absence of pores prevents the material from crumbling under load.

Curiously, Penetron and its analogs provide a kind of self-healing waterproofing. Where water begins to penetrate into concrete through new cracks and pores, the growth of crystals of calcium salts immediately resumes. What is especially pleasing is that waterproofing measures can be carried out with damp walls or foundations.

Where do new cracks in concrete structures come from? The main reasons are movements and frosty heaving of soils, as well as installation work... When perforating technological holes and openings, shock vibration is destructive for concrete.

What to do?

  1. In the first case, the problem is solved by reinforced structural reinforcement. Tied by reinforcement into a single rigid frame, the foundation will not deform with any movement of the soil.
  2. In the second, using less destructive methods conducting work. So, cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels, and reinforcement with a gas cutter or an ordinary abrasive wheel - is much less destructive than using a jackhammer. Diamond drilling holes in concrete is much more preferable than working with a hammer drill.


Within the framework of a small overview, we have listed only a small part of possible solutions. As usual, the video in this article will offer the reader additional information ().

Penetrating foundation waterproofing - modern and reliable way protection, based on the ability of special compounds to fill the pores of concrete with water-insoluble crystals, thereby creating a hydro-barrier while maintaining the vapor permeability of the material.

How penetrating waterproofing works

Concrete is a porous material, this is what determines its ability to absorb water. The smallest channels, called capillaries, allow water molecules to pass to a considerable depth. Microcracks filled with moisture expand when water freezes, and the capillary permeability of concrete increases. Concrete ages, collapses, begins to flow. In the presence of water and air, reinforcement inside structures rusts, and corrosion products contribute to further destruction of the material.

Structures that are in direct contact with the ground, for example, the foundation of a building, are in the most difficult conditions: in addition to water, it is affected by slightly alkaline or acidic soil components. Proven and popular foundation waterproofing methods, such as or, only protect the surface of the foundation and begin to leak water at the slightest damage. That is why, in addition to waterproofing, they equip drainage to drain moisture from the walls of the foundation.

Penetrating waterproofing has a completely different principle of operation. Components of waterproofing mortars and mixtures interact with calcium and aluminum ions contained in concrete, forming complex crystalline hydrates. Pores and capillaries in concrete are gradually overgrown with needle-type crystals, leaving small gaps through which water molecules can penetrate in the form of steam. In this case, the capillary suction of water becomes impossible due to the surface tension of water droplets.

The filling of pores and capillaries of concrete occurs with the direct participation of water, therefore, penetrating waterproofing can be carried out on damp foundations. The waterproofing layer is not limited to the surface of the concrete: the growth of crystals continues and, with sufficient moisture, can penetrate to a depth of concrete up to 0.6 meters. Thanks to this property, it is possible to waterproof the foundation both outside and inside the building, which is especially convenient when repairing the foundations of old buildings.

Types of penetrating waterproofing

For various waterproofing works use different types penetrating waterproofing:

  • Aqueous solution for treating intact concrete by brush or spray. Used primarily on new structures;
  • Mix for spatula application. Creates a layer up to 2 mm, recommended for restoration and waterproofing of old concrete structures;
  • Waterproofing joints. Quite a thick mixture designed for repair and waterproofing of seams. Used in combination with liquid solution;
  • Compounds for the repair and elimination of severe leaks. It is used when it is necessary to eliminate damage in concrete.

Foundation treatment technology with liquid solutions

It is used when processing new concrete block or monolithic foundations, both outside and inside the building. After processing, a strong waterproofing layer is formed; during operation, in contact with water, crystallization resumes.

  1. The surface is cleaned of dust, dirt, grease and bitumen stains. For better penetration of the solution into the pores of smooth concrete, it can be sandblasted or cleaned with a wire brush. The protruding parts of the fittings are cleaned from rust. The surface is washed with water under pressure until the concrete is completely wetted.
  2. The composition is mixed according to the instructions on the package, pouring water into the dry mixture and stirring thoroughly. You should get a mixture with the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  3. The composition is applied with a wide brush in two layers, the holding time of the first layer is from 2 to 6 hours. When applying the second layer later than after 6 hours, the surface of the first layer must be brushed off. Application of the composition is possible both from the side of the street and from inside the basement. For waterproofing destroyed foundation structures, the solution is diluted to a thick pasty consistency and applied with a spatula, with a layer of about 2 mm.
  4. Application decorative coating perhaps not earlier than 21 days after penetrating waterproofing of the foundation.

Technology of penetrating waterproofing of joints and seams

It is used for the treatment of seams, joints, cracks in conjunction with a liquid penetrating waterproofing. It can also be used to restore damaged concrete surfaces.

  1. The concrete surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, washed with water. Cracks are sutured, removing the remnants cement mortar, at the joints, strobes are made with a size of 2.5x2.5 cm using a grinder or a perforator.
  2. Cracks and grooves are abundantly wetted with water using a brush or spray bottle. Cracks are treated with a liquid solution of penetrating waterproofing and kept for 2 to 6 hours.
  3. Mix required amount dry mixture with water to the consistency of plasticine. Put the mixture into cracks and seams, with your hands or with a spatula. Repair cracks if necessary big size fine gravel must be added to the solution. When waterproofing concrete structures with traces of destruction, the mixture is applied with a spatula in a layer of up to 13 mm, in several layers.

An hour after the setting of the waterproofing solution, it is necessary to treat the seams with a liquid waterproofing solution.

Foundation repair technology using penetrating waterproofing

This technology is used to eliminate leaks with a strong hydrostatic head, it is based on the property of the mixture to quickly form a waterproof concrete plug in the place of foundation damage.

  1. A crack or damaged seam must be expanded, deepened, and given the shape of a cone expanding inward.
  2. A solution of a thick pasty consistency is prepared so that a plug can be made from it in the shape of a hole in concrete. All work must be carried out very quickly: mixing - no more than 2 minutes, sealing a crack or hole - 3 minutes.
  3. Insert the resulting plug into the gully and press firmly with your hands or an improvised object for 1-2 minutes. During this time, the solution sets and active crystallization begins.
  4. The surface of the repaired gulch is leveled with a mortar for joints and seams, and then treated with a liquid solution for penetrating waterproofing.

There are also tools used in the construction of concrete monolithic foundation: they are introduced into the ready-made concrete in the form of an aqueous solution in the calculated amount. Concrete with such additives is resistant to moisture, mechanically strong, and inert with respect to aggressive liquids.

All work on the application of penetrating waterproofing must be carried out in strong rubber gloves, glasses, avoiding contact of solutions and pastes on the skin. For repairing the foundations of old buildings made of bricks, concrete, natural stone also use injection-penetrating insulation.