Houses with ground floors. What are the benefits of the basement. Project plans for one-story houses with a base: additions

Now houses with an attic and a ground floor are gaining popularity. Such buildings have special advantages for their owners. In addition, the cost of construction is much lower than that of two-story houses. Using the basement, you can unload the floor plan of the house on the first floor and move the technical room there, but not a single house can live without it.

The advantage of any home is the basement

Projects of houses with a basement and an attic are the most profitable, especially if you have a small plot or there is no opportunity to build a second floor. Thanks to these two features, you can maximally rationalize the rooms and save space. From the basement you can make a wine cellar, workshop, pantry, or lounge. The attic is often residential, it adorns the facade of the whole house, and from a functional point of view it is a room that does not require a large amount of building materials.

The company "Projects of cottages" will provide you wide choose projects of houses with a basement and an attic. If you do not find anything among already ready plans, then we will develop a new one especially for you, taking into account all your wishes and suggestions.

According to the prevailing opinion, the projects of houses in which ground floorare considered impractical and are of little use in the future. However, today this room can bring tangible benefits, since in the basement you can equip a workshop, basement, boiler room or garage.

The project of a three-story house with a garage in the basement

In practice, it turns out that the content of such an addition to your own home really requires some investment, but the garage saves time, keeps the car intact, protects from the weather, and also allows you to use it as a warehouse for non-combustible materials. Gradually, people understand all the charms of having a basement garage in the house, because today the demand for such projects has gone up.

What opportunities does the basement

Modern house designs, including the presence of a "ground" floor, which is commonly called the basement, allow owners to significantly expand their available space. The garage today is not just an extension to the house, or in the case of the base part, but an opportunity to save money, as a person is freed from the need to pay rent.

Variant of a house project with a basement garage

He also will not have to look for a suitable parking place, in addition, if the car is on suburban area, it is completely protected from influences the environment. It is easier to use than it might seem, since it does not violate the general harmony that it gives appearance houses, furnishings and interiors do not suffer from such a neighborhood, and comfort, on the contrary, is significantly improved.

The ground floor with a garage included in the project of the house makes the floors in the premises of the first floor much warmer, since cold streams do not penetrate the house.

Directly, the premises located on the ground floor become dry, they are not affected by mold or dampness, which can often be found in country houses.

Basement garage

Equipped, equally well suited for cottage living and for construction capital housesdesigned for year-round use.

Layout of all floors of a three-story building with a basement garage

The garage, which is located on the ground floor, allows you to:
  • Save;
  • Make the house warmer;
  • Protect property from damage and theft;
  • To reduce the likelihood of dampness or mold in the house.

If the purchase of a car is only planned, then the garage can be used as a temporary storage of household supplies or vegetables. In any case, this element in the project of a suburban building will not be an excess. In addition, you can use the garage in the absence of a car, as an office, an additional living room, for example, a guest room or for a hobby.

Visual benefits of a garage on the basement of the house

The house, in the project of which the basement is implemented, usually provides that it gives the building a visual solidity and creates an overall aesthetically pleasing picture that favorably emphasizes the tastes of the owner. For the decoration of the facade, natural and artificial materials in most cases, a stone.

A house in which there is no full basement often causes some discomfort, many want to create a basement to place, if not a garage, on this floor a room that will meet the needs of the owner.

Rules for creating a basement and a garage in it

If you want to acquire a basement to create a garage in it, or if you already have this room as part of the development plan, it is important to remember that there are norms and rules that must be followed, since violation of the requirements will lead to the inability to use the premises. On this floor it will be impossible not only to live, but also to make technical rooms due to high humidity.

Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to examine the soil for the amount of water in it. If the rate is too high, then the project of a house with a garage in the basement will have to be abandoned. The reason is simple: the car will quickly corrode, being in constant dampness, and the construction of special systems will cost more than the construction of a separate garage. Projects where the house has a basement must include:

House project in contemporary style with a basement garage for two cars

  • Providing stable and very good heating.

If all these requirements are implemented, then using the garage in the house will be pleasant and will not bring problems. One more important point It is that the construction of houses with a basement garage inside should be done exclusively by professionals, since there are a lot of nuances in this matter. It should be remembered that the cost of houses with a deepened floor will be higher than similar without without it, even if the total area of \u200b\u200bthe latter will be greater.

This is explained by the need to adjust and adjust the project to certain conditions of the site where the house is being built. It is important to remember that the floor, the floor of which is located on the ground level, and the ceiling is higher than the surface of the earth by more than two meters, is not a socle by standards.

Basement with garage

A garage can be considered a basement if the floor mark is located below the planning level of the land. In addition, the floor is considered to be the floor where the top of the floor is above the average planning level of the earth, but no more than two meters. All other options are not considered a base and, accordingly, a basement garage.

Important points in the construction of houses with a basement garage

There are several legal nuances that are taken into account in the projects of houses with a basement as a garage or an additional floor.

So, in the event that a house is being built for permanent residence, it is important to remember that there are restrictions on the number of storeys: it can consist of no more than two floors and one attic, and it does not matter if the basement or basement is the first in a row.

In the event that the overlap of the basement is two meters higher than the planned ground level, then it is taken into account in the total number of storeys of the building.

Ground floor garage access equipment

In the event that the height of the ceilings of the basement is less than two meters, then the countdown begins with a full first floor. It is important to consider that you can simply increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe house,.

Garage in the basement: what should it be

Projects that require a garage on the basement include a special technology with several key parameters that determine what the garage should be from a technological point of view.

A properly equipped garage has:

  • Ventilation / exhaust;
  • Fireproof door;
  • Internal heating system.

Ventilation is necessary to clean the room of exhaust gases, as well as fuel vapor, if it is located there. It is important to remember that the finish of the garage inside should be made from materials resistant to fire and heat. The door should be not only fireproof, but also tightly closed.

3D layout of the basement with garage and boiler room

Very important condition security - house designs should include a corridor / vestibule between the living room and the basement garage. This is necessary in order to protect people from exhaust and gas vapors, as well as specific odors.

Garage Doors

In the event that the project provides for a garage directly in the house, it is important not to forget that the exit gate is as much a part of it as if it were in a normal room. Today you can purchase the following types of garage doors:

  • typesetting;
  • sectional;
  • shield.

The type-setting gates are made of a special metal hollow frame, the sections are composed of sandwich panels, the panel doors are made of various materials, including metal, wood and even plastic.

Installed gates in the basement garage

have different way opening / closing:
  • swinging;
  • shields;
  • rolled;
  • sunset;
  • roller shutters.

Each of these types has its advantages and disadvantages. The opening method should be selected by a specialist, based on the existing development project, as well as taking into account the wishes of the owner of the basement garage.

Conclusion and Summary

The garage in the house is an absolute convenience modern life. In order to get not just a certain room that will bring only troubles and take up time for maintenance, it is necessary to erect it in accordance with all the norms and rules that dictate construction technology. Interior design The garage and its decoration completely depend on what functions it will perform, since they are not limited to car storage alone.

Project two-story house with basement garage

At a reasonable and the right approach the garage in the basement can also become a convenient workshop or storage room for technical and garden tools. Today, many tend to choose flooring ordinary tiles for the street, which is used for street parking.

IN recent times Many developers, instead of building two-story houses, prefer single-story houses with a basement. Considering the fact that in most cases it is still necessary to carry out a strip foundation below the level of freezing, plus a half-meter basement, the design of a one-story house with a basement is a much more economical option. Next, we will consider the features of such projects and their main advantages.

General information

Many people confuse the basement with the basement and present it as an absolutely dark room, illuminated by artificial light. However, this is absolutely not the case - the main part of the walls of the basement is located above ground level.

In accordance with existing regulations, the basement must have a height of at least 2.5 m. However, this does not mean that the floor cannot be made taller. Therefore, developers usually erect a slightly higher base or deepen the floor.

Project Advantages

So, with proper design, cottage with a basement will cost less than a two-story.

But, in addition to this, such projects have many other advantages:

  • The useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house can be doubled.
  • The presence of a basement will make the floors of the main room more warm, and the house itself will be dry and comfortable.
  • The basement can be used for a variety of purposes, in particular as a living space.
  • If you use part of the basement to store crops and various tools, this eliminates the need to additionally build outbuildings on the site.

Project Features


Projects single storey houses with a base allow you to realize almost any layout.

Here are some of the most interesting ideas:

  • The ground floor is an ideal place to place a garage, pantry, boiler room or workshop. There you can also perform a pool or sauna.
  • In addition, in the basement, you can make a wardrobe or hallway, which will make them spacious and comfortable. In this case, the entrance to the first floor is best done through the vestibule, from where a staircase will be installed upstairs.
  • Such a project allows you to equip a spacious living room with your own hands on the ground floor and separate the kitchen from the dining room, which every housewife dreams of.
  • There is also enough space in such houses for spacious bathrooms in which you can place household appliances.
  • You can increase the space in the house with the help of a bay window, which, as a rule, protrudes 1.8 m above the base. Usually, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bay window does not exceed 4 square meters, but this is enough to organize there winter Garden and set up a small bench for relaxation. Plants in this case will be illuminated from three sides.

Advice! Projects of single-storey houses with a basement include a staircase. To make it comfortable, the march width should be at least 0.9 m. At the same time, the optimal tread width is 0.3 m, and the riser height is about 16 cm.

Design Features

The arrangement of basement floors does not practically differ from ordinary strip foundations, with the only difference being that the foundation is higher. In addition, and insulation. Moreover, waterproofing must be performed, even if the house will be located on a dry site, with a deep arrangement of groundwater.

Most often, the foundation, i.e. the basement walls are made of concrete - monolithic or of concrete blocks. However, such projects also allow the use of other materials, for example, certain types of bricks. The price of construction will depend on the type of materials.

The depth of the basement, depending on the level of groundwater flow, most often is 1.5-1.8 meters. If the soil is strong, then a sand-gravel pillow can be used as the foundation foundation. If the soil is loose or ground water is flowing close, then first of all concrete slabover which walls are being erected.

A brief instruction on the construction of such a design is as follows:

  • Construction begins with the arrangement of the pit.
  • Then the bottom of the pit is covered with layers of sand and gravel about 20 cm thick.
  • At the next stage, the slab is poured - the base of the structure, which serves as the floor in the basement.
  • Then, the construction of the walls is carried out, in accordance with the selected building material.
  • Next, a layer of waterproofing material is laid over the walls and the base is brought out “under zero”.
  • After this, another layer of waterproofing is laid and overlapping is performed, after which the construction of the rest of the building’s box continues.
  • Final stage
    special materials. Thanks to this, the home will be really comfortable.

Advice! An underground room can be built with a larger area than the main one, and a terrace can be arranged on its protruding roof.


One-story houses with a basement are an excellent option for economical construction. Moreover, they allow not only to save, but also to obtain spacious and comfortable housing. In addition, a wide variety of existing projects can satisfy any wishes of the owners ().

Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

If you have already purchased or want to purchase a plot of land on which you plan to build a residential building, but have not yet decided which one, then the design and layout of a house with a basement can be very useful to you as one of the options for building a future cottage.

  1. The basement can be considered an additional measure, the use of which does not extend the number of storeys of the building. Such measures can be successfully applied to place a bath, sauna, bathroom, gym, garage, billiard room, wine cellar, workshop. However, there is a place for utility rooms, for example, a boiler room, laundry room, or pantry. In this regard, your fantasies are completely unlimited.
  2. If the area has a difficult terrain, then the use of a basement on the slopes will be an effective and economical solution to various problems. This is especially true for space saving and insolation.
  3. The basement serves as the foundation of the house, which gives it solidity and solidity. We can not say about the attractiveness of the appearance of the house, which has a basement, because exterior finish it is carried out by a tile, a siding (for taste of the customer), or an artificial stone.

However, it is worth knowing about the requirements that relate to the construction of such a floor. These include:

  • Availability is compact pumping station, since the level of water drainage will coincide with the floor level in the basement.
  • With the location of fire hazardous premises, for example, baths, saunas, and workshops, you will have to deal with floor equipment with systems that remove smoke and extinguish a fire. An emergency exit is required.
  • The minimum elevation of the basement is 2.1 m.
  • Even if you only have technical rooms in this place, it is advisable to arrange several windows around the perimeter. This is most likely due not to technical requirements, but to psychological ones.

Layout of a house with a basement and a canopy

So, this plan includes the location on the basement of almost all rooms of the economic type. This is a laundry room (14.0 sq. M.), A technical room (5.8 sq. M.), A hall (4.4 sq. M.), As well as a bathroom (2.5 sq. M.). The boiler room and workshop are a single room, separated by a stone partition almost to the end of the wall.

Laundry provides for special drain holes. This precaution is very necessary, since in such a place is undesirable high humidity. This can adversely affect the structure of the entire building, for example, cracks on the walls will begin to appear, finishing material may lag behind the surface, etc.

Additionally on the ground floor there are:

  • pantry (6.5 sq. m) and a hall,
  • relaxation room (19.8 sq. m),
  • sauna (2.9 sq. m.).

And the last room is a gym in the basement. This is the only place that is not economic, but rather entertaining. Under it allocated 16.1 square meters. m. this is enough to accommodate several simulators, the Swedish wall and shower. Lighting in the gym should be bright so that the eyes do not get tired quickly.

Space layout

As soon as the tenant, he will fall into the hall (7 sq. M.) On the ground floor. From it through an opening in the wall you can get into the hallway (6.7 sq. M.). From the living room and from the hall you can go into the kitchen, an area of \u200b\u200b19.6 square meters. m. On the ground floor there is also a bathroom general use and vestibule (2.9 sq. m.). Guest bedroom on the ground floor, the size of which is 33.6 square meters. m., designed for temporary residence of two people.

floor plan of the house

Only from the hall you can get into each of the five rooms. So, the first is a study on the second floor. It is located at some distance from the rest of the rooms so that extraneous sounds and noise are not heard. From the office you can exit to the long balcony, which overlooks the site.

Two bedrooms on the second floor are respectively 13.9 square meters. m. and 14.0 square meters. m., these rooms are located nearby. The third room can be equipped according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe owners, it is advisable to arrange a nursery or a library there. The size of this room is 15 square meters. m., it has a small feature - a bearing wall that overlooks infieldrepresents a huge window. This allows you to not use any additional artificial light sources in the daytime.

And the last room is a bathroom (7.8 sq. M.). This room will be enough to accommodate not only a bath, but also a shower, sinks and other plumbing equipment.

additional information

The layout of the house with a basement provides for a family of six to stay all year. The total area is 251.8 square meters. m. Of these, the living area is 106.33 square meters. m


  • Construction: ceramic.
  • Material for outer wall: hollow brick.
  • Material for overlapping: reinforced concrete, monolith.
  • Material for roof construction: wood, crossbar.
  • Staircase: reinforced concrete.
  • Foundation: reinforced concrete tape.
  • Material for roofing: ceramic tiles.
  • Material for the decoration of facades: thin layer plaster.
  • Ground floor finishing material: facing brick.

To erect such a structure, the site (at least) must have following sizes: 10.2 x 12.3 m.

This is very convenient in areas with poor terrain, which is why it is most often used for construction country houses. A large number of advantages, coupled with the requirements, will ultimately provide a large free space, which can be arranged as you wish. There will be enough rooms both for technical rooms, and for the embodiment of any design idea.

Project of a house with a garage in the basement

For modern home Now the main thing is to be compact, but at the same time convenient and comfortable, and, of course, to have some zest. The garage in the basement of the house is just such a feature that can change the perception of the entire structure as a whole. Such a building is suitable for a family, which consists of no more than 7 people, all year round.

Design of a modern cottage with a garage and a high-tech basement

This layout of the house with a basement and a garage provides for traditional architecture. Spacious and bright rooms. One of the main advantages will also be a complex consisting of a bath, a sauna and a relaxation room. The owners of the house will appreciate the presence of a guest room and an office for work.

Layout of a hi-tech house

So, as soon as the tenant enters the house, he enters the hall, the size of which is 9.5 square meters. m. Entrance is through double doorswhich are equipped with safety cameras. Next is the living room, its area is 39.5 square meters. m., this space can also be used to good use. For example, realize a design idea or install a sofa for relaxation.

In order to isolate extraneous sounds and noise that can be heard from the rooms located nearby, the door and walls are upholstered with insulation. It is able to isolate not only sound, but also heat. For this reason, comfort will reign in such a house.

The kitchen-dining room (12 sq. M.) Can be accessed through the hall. It is envisaged the presence of a zone of food consumption, as well as a zone of its preparation. They will be separated by a folding partition in style and design that matches the surrounding interior. The first floor also includes a bathroom. common usewhose area is 3.5 square meters. m

modern high-tech home layout with a semicircular terrace

From the first floor using the stairs you can get to the upper or lower floors. The ground floor includes a hall area of \u200b\u200b4 square meters. m. From it you can go into two storage rooms with a size of 12 square meters. m. each, in the boiler room (12 sq. m.). From the hall you can get into the garage (27.0 sq. M.), And from it to another technical room. There is also a bath complex, which is very convenient for sites small size on which it is almost impossible to place a separate bathhouse.

floor plan of the house with a large balcony

It is worth noting that before deciding on it is necessary to take care of heating. As a rule, a modern boiler house requires a lot of free space. To heating system At home, it was actually effective you can not do without components such as:

  • boiler;
  • an electric pump so that water flows from the well;
  • expansion tank so that there is never a shortage of water;
  • boiler to heating system worked clearly and smoothly even on solid fuel.

Basement garage: advantages and disadvantages

Another feature of the project - the basement is equipped with an attached garage. Its area is 27.0 square meters. m. It will be possible to get into it exclusively from the street, along a ladder specially built for this purpose. Quite often there are similar projects involving the construction of a garage in the basement.

Previously, the inappropriateness of such an extension was revealed, since car smells constantly penetrated the house, thereby creating a certain discomfort. However, this layout of the house with a basement and a garage in it includes a serious and thoughtful ventilation system, so that absolutely no extraneous “incense” can get into the living quarters.
Another reason why people often refuse to build a garage in such a place is the fact that it is necessary to overcome a large angle to get into the garage. In summer, this is not scary, but in winter it can turn into a great danger. However, this issue was resolved. To do this, use a special ladder equipped with small protrusions from the edges.

Thus, the car is not at all threatened by a tilt. Using a boiler room (for a bath complex), it is possible to provide an entry line with a heating device. Then, even in the cold season, ice will not form on this place, snow will not accumulate, which means that the movement will be safe.

The second floor was built without any features or "highlights". Everything is as simple and comfortable as possible: two bedrooms, measuring 21 square meters. m., 12 square meters. m. There is an office (32 sq. m.), as well as a bathroom, an area of \u200b\u200b6.1 square meters. m, adjacent to one of the bedrooms. From the study and bedroom you can get to the balcony. The entire space of the second floor should be light and light, as if filled with air.

If the first two floors are for active work, for daytime pastime, then rising above, there comes a feeling of calm and silence. It is this atmosphere that allows each member of the family to relax and rest after a busy and hard day.

a common part

The construction of the building will be made of insulated bricks. The foundation of the jellied type goes along monolithic slab. Insulated bricks are also used as material for external walls, and reinforced concrete slabs for overlapping. The roof is made of wooden rafters. The roof is ventilated, made of tiles. For the facade, plaster based on mineral substances and insulation is used.

This layout of the house is very convenient and functional. Such a house is suitable for a large number of people and each of them will find a place and something to do. Unusual in the layout, even a clear division of borders. The first floors are workers, and the second is exclusively for relaxation. and several bathrooms - all these are trifles, but it is because of them that the general sociability of the whole structure is formed.

House with a basement for a large family

A house that will suit almost everyone modern man. It consists of two floors, suitable for a family of four people all year.

Entrance to the house begins under a small canopy. This is necessary so that on a hot day you can hide from the scorching rays of the sun. Further stairs and entrance to the house. From the very beginning, the tenant falls into the entrance hall, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 2.3 square meters. m. This is enough to accommodate a small cabinet or just a shoe rack.

From the hallway, a door leads to the hall, the size of which is 5.8 square meters. m. From it you can get into a small bathroom (3.3 sq. m.), and in the common bathroom (1.5 sq. m.), which is located opposite the bathroom.

From the hall you can go into the kitchen (12.4 sq. M.) And the living room (14 sq. M.). Here the first feature of the whole is hidden. The passage will be in the form of an arch (its appearance can be chosen in accordance with the surrounding interior).

The second feature - the living room and kitchen are a single space that will be divided by a large double-sided wardrobe. In the kitchen will be located all the necessary elements for cooking, as well as its use. The living room, like any other, has items for an interesting and exciting time (consoles, computer, TV). In the living room on one of the capital bearing walls there is a huge window in all the height of a person. This will make daytime lighting much better.

In addition, the first floor includes the placement of two bedrooms. They are for the residence of family members, their size is respectively 15.6 square meters. m., 16.3 sq. m. A terrace is attached to the house, on which it will be possible to arrange a recreation area, place a chaise lounge there and put a table. Its size is 1.7 square meters. m., and access to it can be done from the street or from the kitchen.

Basement bath complex

Before moving to the basement, you need to pay attention to. Unlike standard layouts, it screw type. This is necessary in order to save space and complement the interior of maximalism. Such a staircase looks beautiful and unusual. After descending along it, the tenant enters the hall (12 sq. M.), From which you can go into the room (14.4 sq. M.), The owners can equip it at will. It is recommended that you place a library or workshop in this place.

Next is the billiard room (26.8 sq. M.). This large space is reserved for a small refrigerator, one table and several sofas. In this place and the previous room, it is recommended to create the most favorable lighting. You should not choose white or yellow, as the eyes can get tired quickly from multi-colored lighting.

From the hall you can go into the locker room (6.5 sq. M.), From which there is access to the shared bathroom (1.7 sq. M.). Further from the locker room there is a passage to the washing room (4.1 sq. M.), From there to the sauna (4.1 sq. M.). Such a complex does not require bright lighting, most likely, on the contrary, a little dim. For complete comfort, you need to carry out not only work with improvement ventilation system, but also take care of heating, as well as the flow of water.

And the last room on this floor is a boiler room (7.9 sq. M.). This space is used to install heating boilers, geysers etc.

The benefits of such a plan

The presence of a sauna in the basement provides certain advantages. One of them is that you don’t need to go anywhere, everything is in own house. Another - next to the sauna, you can place a room in which there will be engineering systems. And the last - you can start building not only a sauna, but also a shower room and a relaxation room. It is definitely worth considering that competent waterproofing must be present.

House with ground floor - convenient and comfortable

Another plus is the presence of a boiler room. It will contain not only boilers, but also engineering systems. In the case of this plan, the entire space is allocated reasonably and economically. For this reason, it is possible to avoid heating costs, since the heat generated by pipes and boilers is quite enough.

The remaining advantages depend directly on the presence of a basement, and they can be listed by points:

  1. Save space.
  2. No load on the building.
  3. Comfort and convenience.
  4. The basement is the highlight of the building.
  5. It can be equipped with of one’s own willnot paying attention to the style of the whole house.

Subsequently, you will not regret that you decided to build a basement, since it is not always the area of \u200b\u200bone floor that allows you to place the number of rooms that are actually necessary for the normal life of several people, and the construction of the second floor will cost more than a basement.

Choosing a house project for yourself, you will probably proceed from considerations rational use area and own financial opportunities. In this case, we advise you to take a closer look at the projects of houses with a basement.

Actually, what is a basement? This is a room with a floor mark below the ground level. That is, part of its outer walls are in the soil and rests on the foundation.

Such a house is better to build on small area with a complex relief, when there is no way to build a house in several full floors.

What are the benefits of the basement

  • Obviously, this house gives its owners considerable advantages. Given that the cost of implementing a project of a house with a basement will cost less than the construction of the above-ground floor of a two-story house, we get the first advantage - saving money on construction.
  • In addition, the basement may be larger areathan the area of \u200b\u200bthe house itself. And this allows you to diversify the architecture of the building. For example, the closure of the basement can serve as the basis for a large veranda or balcony.
  • But the main advantage of a house with a base is that it becomes possible to transfer auxiliary premises from the living area to the lower floor. Agree that it is logical to organize a boiler room, water meter unit, and laundry here. Sometimes this floor is used as a recreational area, placing there a gym, billiard room or sauna. There are projects where basement used as a place to store tools or products. Some arrange a winery in such a room. But most often the basement is used as a garage with a workshop.

House project with a base: a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey

  • But not on every plot you can build a house with a basement. You need to understand that it is reasonable to erect such a building where groundwater is deep enough. Otherwise, the idea will have to be abandoned, because the waterproofing device will ultimately cost more than building a ground floor.
  • It is worth mentioning another minus of the basement, which is difficult to argue with - the absence daylight. But here it all depends on you: do not like the dark - take care of lighting, want to save money - move around the basement in the twilight with a flashlight. In Dom4M projects, we try to minimize this factor as much as possible, but nevertheless, it is worth considering.

The choice in favor of the project of a house with a basement is obvious

Summarize. Of course, there will be certain expenses for the basement. But, firstly, they are not comparable in comparison with the construction of a full-fledged ground floor. And, secondly, you get a huge win in the form of additional square meters usable area that you can use as you wish.

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