Device for removing grass in the beds. Do-it-yourself garden tools: we make home-made tools for giving according to the instructions. Manual weeding - we get the right tool

There are various. Before starting work, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with how you can remove unnecessary and spoiling things from the garden. general form plants.

  • Manual weeding of the garden hand tools for her, there are sure to be found in any gardener in the workshop. This method is quite effective, but also the most time-consuming, because it takes a lot of time and effort. But the effect of carrying out work by the manual method will be noticeable over a long period.
  • Mechanical works, which are also characterized by long-term efficiency. The main goal is the regular removal of the above-ground part of the weeds. Their methodical cutting will eventually lead to the death of the root system of plants.
  • The chemical method of struggle involves the use chemicals. The main plus is in the effectiveness of such a struggle. However, there are also disadvantages. The main one is that the use of such drugs is detrimental to both weeds and other plants and crops in your garden.
  • Mulching is a fairly new, but not losing its effectiveness method. The use of mulching materials (black film, spruce branches, old leaves) will block the access of light to crops, which will lead to their early death. You just have to remove root system.

Manual weeding - we get the right tool

To work to remove weeds manually done as efficiently as possible, you need to know what tool to use for weeding. Having figured out for yourself how to weed the grass, you can start important work for cleaning the beds. Suitable tools:

Garden rug - one more useful device for weeding and gardening, as well as gloves, which greatly facilitate the work. If you are tired, you can sit on the mat or lean on it with your knees. And gloves, preferably made of rubber, will protect your hands from small cuts when weeding.

Manual weeding is a very labor intensive process. That is why we have collected several important recommendations from experts who will make the job easier.

Adhering to them in the process of processing the garden, you will quickly achieve results.

  1. Weeding should not be left for tomorrow, because it is much easier to remove young and not yet strong grass from the garden. In addition, if dandelions or buttercups bloom and form seeds, then next season you will have to put in twice as much effort to clear the garden of plants.
  2. When working with weeds that have not had time to get stronger, it is better to pull them out with your hands, without using a tool, which will minimize the risk of damage to useful crops.
  3. It is much easier to get rid of the grass after rain, when the ground becomes loose..
  4. If some area in the garden is heavily overgrown with weeds, then in autumn dig it up without turning over the layers of the earth, for which it is best to use a pitchfork. In this case, the root system of the grass will simply die in the cold, and with the advent of spring, you can safely remove the weeds.

Gardeners and gardeners are well aware of how tedious weed control is in the area. Weeding them out with your own hands, you can not achieve a lasting effect. The remnants of the roots quickly give new shoots, and the recently removed weed again begins to run amok on fertile soil. In such a situation, garden tools for weed removal come to the rescue, which pulls out weeds along with the root and does not damage the surrounding soil. There are several types of weeding tools worth considering.

Its second name is Sapa. This is the most common tool in the gardener's arsenal. In addition to the fact that the chopper allows you to quickly weed the beds, it also loosens the earth, spuds and breaks earthen clods. The working surface of the Sapa has 3 forms. She happens:

  • rectangular;
  • triangular;
  • trapezoidal.

According to gardeners and gardeners, the most convenient to work with is a trapezoidal chopper. It will help to pull out even the most powerful weeds, such as burdock, along with the root.

When choosing this tool for weeding, you need to look at what metal the working part is made of and how convenient the inventory fits in your hand. The length of the handle should not be too small or vice versa too long.

Rake against weeds

A weed rake is a special tool that can be used to weed out very long and deep rooted weeds. The working part of the device is steel with long teeth, which can enter the soil well and thereby weed out the roots. Further, it is enough just to pull the rake out of the ground, and the weed will remain between the teeth.

With the help of a rake, it is very easy to keep your lawn in order. Even a child can easily use them. There is nothing complicated in using the tool. The working part must be made of high-quality metal, otherwise it will quickly deform, bending under pressure during use.

Cultivator-root remover

With this rooted weed remover, you can easily clear your yard of weeds. It is convenient to use such manual cultivator and in the presence of low, strongly thickened shrubs, which are prone to constant germination after the removal of the ground part. He will cope with strong rod-shaped roots.

The shape of the tool is thoughtful, and therefore, when using it, it is very easy to pull out the weed. Weeding will work even in difficult areas, such as areas around trees.

V-shaped root remover

Use a device for extracting weeds with a highly developed root system. Other inventory is not always capable of doing this. difficult task. The only disadvantage is that the work takes a lot of time, since each weed must be removed individually. At the same time, all actions are easy to carry out, and you can cope with them even without proper experience and skill.

If garden weeding is needed small plot, then the fork perfect option. The curved shape of the tool when pressed helps to pull out the root of the plant with maximum force, so it is easy to remove it. The device is suitable for plants with branched roots. This garden tool simultaneously with weeding also loosens the soil. The compact size of the fork and its efficiency have made this weeding device especially popular.

Fokine flat cutter

A tool for weeding beds, which is able to qualitatively and easily remove all small weeds. It penetrates well into the soil to a depth of 5 cm and qualitatively pulls out all the weeds. Its use helps to avoid tedious manual weeding of the garden. The working part of the flat cutter is stretched in the ground in the same way as a scythe, and then all the weeds pulled out in this way are collected by hand. Despite the simplicity of the device, it proved to be highly effective.

homemade device to remove weeds

To make a tool for weeding the garden with your own hands, you need to take a strong, unnecessary shovel and, cutting off the metal on the sides, narrow the working canvas. The edges are sharpened. The root remover obtained in this way perfectly deepens into the soil and completely extracts even rod-shaped roots.

Using miscellaneous inventory for weed control, it will be possible to restore order on your site much faster than with manual weeding. Also, devices will help to remove weeds completely, without leaving their roots, which will soon give new sprouts. All this indicates the need to acquire a weeding tool.

Hello dear blog readers. Summer is a busy time for a summer resident. Watering plants, top dressing, pest and disease control are required constantly, but these works are not comparable in difficulty and time to weed removal. Apply various ways combat them, but the most reliable, having a long-term effect - mechanical. In order for the work not to be too tiring, to bring results, you need a reliable garden tool for removing weeds.

There is still a debate about whether it is necessary to weed the beds. Some assure and prove by their experience that best harvest obtained on unweeded beds. Others argue that after weeding, it is immediately noticeable how vegetables grow. Which side is the truth on?

Crops and seedlings of greens and vegetables will quickly be drowned out by more powerful weeds. Weeding is a laborious process, it is especially difficult to uproot plantain, clover, wheatgrass, dandelion. The smallest particles of roots left in the ground cause a new plant to multiply.

Therefore, many gardeners do not weed weeds, tearing them out of the ground with the roots, but simply cut them off. They do this constantly so that the height does not exceed 5 cm and, of course, so that they do not bloom and form seeds.

You can cut weeds above the ground with a scythe or trimmer. Mowed weeds grow back quickly, so it is necessary to repeat the operation often. If weeds are not taken out, but left in the aisles in the garden, the formed layer of mulch will slow down the growth of weeds.

If the site is heavily overgrown with weeds with a powerful root, use the following method. First cut the area with a trimmer, then walk with a hoe. Finish the area with a flat cutter.

As you can see, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of weeding or not weeding. It all depends on the type of weeds, their age. Weed removal should be approached in each case individually, choosing the right technology and a set of tools.

How to weed

To make weeding easier, follow these proven tips:

  1. Don't put off weed control. When they are young and not yet strong, you can remove them without applying special efforts. If you wait for the weeds to flower and form seeds, next year you will have more work: there will be even more of them.
  2. In heavily overgrown areas, the fight against them should begin in the fall. When digging, use a pitchfork and do not turn over the layers of earth. Winter frosts will destroy the root system of weeds.
  3. Perennial weeds require a special approach. You should not pull them out of the ground with a root: numerous scraps remain, on which growth points awaken, the weed becomes thicker. It is necessary to cut them below the point of growth or mow the part of the plant above the ground. In this case, the weed will not begin to branch, as it usually does, but the growth of the cut stem will resume.
  4. Start weeding the area before the seedlings sprout useful plants. The problem is not to damage crops that haven't sprouted yet. Sow them strictly in rows, mark the crops with pegs. Weeds start to grow a little faster cultivated plants. Do not wait for them to appear, but go through the weed between the marked rows, destroying the sprouts of weeds underground.

Weeding tool requirements

The right set of equipment will facilitate the work of the gardener. To work on garden plot use weeders, various hoes, flat cutters. When choosing a tool, pay attention to the handle, it must be of sufficient length so that the worker does not bend over.

A tool whose handle is well covered by the hand is convenient for work. Here the thickness, the material from which it is made is important. The handle of the tool should fit comfortably in the person's hand.

Wooden handles should be well sanded, free of burrs and knots that will lead to blisters on the hands. Wood for handles is chosen from soft breeds, it is light in weight. Handles made of oak, beech are strong, but very heavy.

The working surface of the tool should be at an angle that provides the most efficient operation and requires the least effort. It is good when the design of a garden tool provides for a change in the angle of the working body. When buying a tool, be sure to hold it in your hands, try on the length of the handle, how comfortable it is in your hand, check the angle of the work surface. Choose a tool whose angle of inclination can be changed.

When you make working tools for weeding with your own hands, the required angle of inclination can be set immediately by trying on the tool for yourself. You can make a simple revision that will allow you to adjust the inventory.

Homemade fixtures

From a garden tool that has become unusable and others available materials easy to make simple devices that will facilitate weed control:

  1. Weeder. It is easily made from a board 25-30 cm long and 8 cm wide. Treat the tree with a planer, round the corners along the length, sand. Make sure that the tool fits comfortably in your hand. In order not to bend down during work, you can firmly attach a comfortable handle. Drive a few nails into the board. Weeder is useful for removing weeds that have not yet sprouted.
  2. The ripper will come from an old garden pitchfork. The teeth are cut to 10 cm in length, straightened and sharpened. Insert a long handle to work without bending down.
  3. A device for digging up weeds with a root can be made from a spade. The canvas is cut from the top on both sides, narrowing down. It is convenient to cut the rhizomes of bushes with such a tool.
  4. A hoe is needed after every watering and rain to loosen the soil and cut weeds at the same time. A lightweight hoe is useful for working in wet ground. To do this, a rectangular hole is cut out in the working plane. The earth will not stick, but will pass through it.
  5. The manual cultivator is made of durable sheet metal. Cut out 4 strips 15 cm long, 3 cm wide. They are bent at a right angle, welded to the bar. FROM reverse side the handle is attached, the working part is sharpened. This light cultivator makes weeding and loosening the soil, while removing weeds.

Purchased Tools

A lot of effort and time of the gardener goes to the removal of weeds. It is important to have a set quality tools for weeding. Let's get acquainted with some of the most used industrial devices:

  1. The root remover is used to pull out long taproots, like sorrel, dandelion, plantain. The classic version of the device is a two-pronged fork. She has flat wide teeth and a gap between them. Another version of the root remover has a V-shaped blade attached to a long handle. The tool will help remove most of the root, but it will not be possible to completely pull it out.
  2. A garden fork is indispensable for removing weeds with a developed root system: raspberries, buttercups. Modification with teeth bent at 45° allows loosening the soil shallowly and removing loose weeds.
  3. Sapatyapka is a hybrid of a pickaxe and a shovel. It is convenient for her to extract weeds, loosen row-spacings, hill up, work in hard-to-reach places. The working part is made of high-quality metal, the shape can be rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal. The handles are plastic or wooden.
  4. The combined hoe consists of two tools: glanders and a rake. The working part has a steel blade at one end, and several teeth at the other. It is convenient to work with such a tool between closely growing plants, while simultaneously removing and collecting weeds.
  5. It is convenient to use Fokin's flat cutter to remove weeds, deepening 2-3 cm into the ground. They work like an oblique, stretching along the surface underground.

Garden tools

In 1977, the German-Swedish company Gardena received a patent for the unique Gardena Combisystem technology. Among all garden tools offered, the system is extremely competitive. Combisystem allows you to use Gardena fixtures with one handle, which is selected according to individual features buyer.

As you can see, there are many tools and devices for weed removal. Not all of them are presented in the article. Many craftsmen make tools with their own hands, the industry also offers various gardening tools. It's not so much what set of tools you will have, but how competently you will use it.

I wish you good luck in the hard work of a gardener. Share the link to the article with your colleagues and friends.

Goodbye, see you again.

Weed control in the garden

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  • ​GARDENA combisystem instruments are particularly compact and easy to use. The specially shaped handle, equipped with soft elements, provides a secure grip and comfortable operation.​

    Manual weeding - we get the right tool

    There are a variety of weed control methods. Before starting work, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with how you can remove unnecessary and spoiling plants from the garden.

    Now you know how to weed the garden and what recommendations to follow when cleaning the garden from weeds. And that means it's time to start work, making your garden even more beautiful.​

    When working with weeds that have not had time to get stronger, it is better to pull them out with your hands without using a tool, which will minimize the risk of damage to useful crops.

    A garden mat is another useful tool for weeding and gardening, as are gloves that make the job much easier. If you are tired, you can sit on the mat or lean on it with your knees. And gloves, preferably made of rubber, will protect your hands from minor cuts when weeding.

    ​Find tools for your garden​

Weed removers

For this operation, gardeners often use a hoe. If a rectangular hole is cut in the metal part, the earth will pass through it during operation without sticking to the tool. This is especially useful when cultivating wet soil.​

An old garden fork can be converted into a handy device for loosening the soil. The teeth should be straightened, cut so that their length is approximately 10 cm, and sharpened with a file. The long handle of the tool allows you to process aisles without bending down.​


During the growing season of horticultural crops, it is necessary to regularly weed the aisles. Most often, this work is done manually, taking a lot of time.​

Weeding device

Much easier to get rid of grass after rain when the ground becomes loose


Hand weeding is a very labor intensive process. That is why we have collected some important recommendations from experts that will make the job easier.​

Weeding tool

A root remover suitable for extracting the long roots possessed by plantain, dandelion, thistle. True, using this tool, you should remember that you can only delete upper part root system.​

Weed remover

Lightweight Hoe

Film for beds from weeds

Manual cultivator

​GARDENA offers gardening tools for all areas of your garden: for cultivating, planting, loosening, sweeping, digging, clearing snow, etc. A big plus of the GARDENA combisystem tools is that they can be easily attached to the handle, which ensures comfortable and flexible work in the garden. Follow the link below to get Additional information on the choice of handle. Or use the search filter to find the right garden tool for your garden.​

Durable and flexible combination tools for every garden job

The GARDENA combisystem is rational system, which allows you to combine different handles with numerous tools and thus cover a wide range of gardening tasks.​

Durable gardening tools made from high quality materials and guaranteed for 25 years*

A hand cultivator is necessary for weeding and loosening the soil. For its manufacture, 4 strips 15 cm long and 3 cm wide are cut out of a sheet of durable metal, sharpened and bent at an angle of 90 °. After that, they are welded to metal bar, on the back side, a wooden handle is attached.

To control weeds, use a device made from a spade. metal sheet cut at an angle of 45 ° to the handle and sharpen the edge. With such a tool it is easy to chop the rhizomes located in the ground.

Flexible system with many combinations

​Simple tools, made by yourself from available materials or old garden tools, significantly reduce the time and effort spent on weed control.​

Strong and ergonomic grip

For a comfortable working positionThe combisystem tool can be easily extended using the handle

Strong connection

Adhering to them in the process of processing the garden, you will quickly achieve results.

Rust protection

A crevice cleaner is used to remove grass and weeds from crevices between tiles. And it will come in handy if you want to garden paths on the site looked neat and clean.​

Gardening should be relaxing and hassle-free

Mulching is a fairly new, but not losing its effectiveness method. The use of mulching materials (black film, spruce branches, old leaves) will block the access of light to crops, which will lead to their early death. You just have to remove the root system.​

​Mechanical works that are also characterized by long-term efficiency. The main goal is the regular removal of the above-ground part of the weeds. Their methodical cutting will eventually lead to the death of the root system of plants.

" Potato

Smooth lines of potato bushes look very beautiful, showing order, and forming comfort for self-hilling or with the help of a cultivator. Unpleasant routine activities with the help of certain devices for self-landing can become a fun, unpretentious and enjoyable activity, and designing your necessary hand equipment is a process of technical creativity.

Today there are special devices - a marker, a scriber, hedgehogs, a plow for planting and weeding potatoes. They will greatly facilitate the work of the gardener. Work, when using these simple devices, is much faster, and the result is the same productive, high-quality, if it were done by hand.

A marker is a device that is necessary to facilitate manual planting activities, as well as to ensure that the beds are even, with evenly distributed holes for potatoes. As a result, such beds are not difficult to process with mechanized or manual devices.

Today you can buy ready-made markers, but it is better to make a home-made device, then the distance between adjacent plows, for organizing holes for planting, will fully correspond to the distance between the wheels of a motor cultivator or tractor.

Markers can be elementary or very complex. You can make them from any material that is at hand:

  • Wooden stakes;
  • Durable board;
  • Special or round pipes from metal.

It does not matter what the handle of the device or the frame will be made of, the main thing is the distance between the components that make the holes.

Elementary Marker

This is a wooden stake about 90 centimeters high and about 60-70 millimeters in diameter.. A horizontal bar, which is fixed at a height of about 150 millimeters from the base, will serve as a support that limits the depth of the hole. Before you start working with this device, you need to make outlines of future holes with twine. It is stretched along the length of the rows at a distance of about 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 centimeters between the beds.

The distance between the beds depends on the subsequent method of cultivating the land, manual or mechanized. The gap between the pits in a row is about 30 centimeters, depending on the size and variety of potatoes to be planted.

Mittlider Marker

This is a more complex version of the marker, which is made from a pipe, with an outer Ø 21 mm. The distance between the holes in this case will be equal to 29 centimeters. The cone with which the holes are made is made from a pipe Ø 55-65 millimeters. It needs to be welded to the frame.

On the initial row, the frame is placed parallel to the twine and, applying the necessary force, is immersed in the soil. Then we put a cone in the hole that we have outlined, and so we continue. In another row, holes are made like on a chessboard. A marker made using this method allows you to plant potatoes on small areas while getting a high yield.

Three holes at the same time

This model consists of metal pipes and 3 cones.

The welded frame of the marker is made from a special lightweight and strong pipe size 25x25x2 mm. To do this, you can take the usual steel pipeØ 32 mm, which is used for water or gas pipelines. Cones are made of aluminum or acacia wood, oak.

A hole is made in the cylindrical part and an M8 thread is cut. Three such through holes Ø 9 millimeters are made in the pipe. Through these holes, the cones are attached to the frame with M8 bolts. With the help of bolts measuring 40-80 millimeters, you can adjust the depth of the hole. The distance between the cones is 45 centimeters. In order not to get injured, plugs must be put on the open ends of the carrier pipe. Bolt heights may vary. This will depend on the depth of the hole required. The larger the bolt, the wider the possibilities.

Cones made of wood must be treated with sandpaper, varnished or varnished, so that the soil does not stick to them when working. All metal components must be treated against corrosion. The height of the frame must be done according to your height. The values ​​​​indicated in the drawing are suitable for a summer resident with a height of 175 centimeters.

Scriber for planting potatoes

Planting potatoes with a scriber will shorten this process by several times. Everything is done easily and without straining. It is not difficult to make it, any man will be able to do it and will take no more than 2 hours.

To make it, you will need two stakes Ø 10 centimeters and two boards one and a half meters long. Stakes are made from dried bars or not thick spruce trunks. They need to be processed, sharpened the edges and made handles. Then nail wooden crossbars to them.

It is necessary to make the required distance between the stakes. If subsequently the potatoes are processed by a mini-tractor, then the distance should be approximately 65-70 centimeters, if by a cultivator, then a distance equal to 60 centimeters will be rational. When manually processing, the stakes must be placed at a distance of 45-55 centimeters.

The board from below must be nailed with a margin on which you want to install a note from a narrow rail. It is done at the same distance as the stakes. With its help, determine the beginning for the pits.

Handles need to be made for yourself, so that later there are no problems when working. The board from below must be installed so that, when pressed on it, a hole is obtained, about 10-15 centimeters deep.

The idea of ​​​​working with the help of a scriber is as follows: placing it on the edge of the site, you need to hold it with your hands by the handles in front of you. Then press on the board from below, while the stakes sink into the soil, and the mark leaves a mark. Then they move it with their hands, making movements back and forth in order to increase the pits. You should get two ridges of holes, and the third ridge will be a note from which you need to follow, but in the other direction, setting the stake to the mark.

At the same time, a person who plants potatoes follows the marker. The whole process is fast and easy. Use this technique and make your work on the site easier.

Homemade manual plow

When the time comes for planting potatoes, summer residents act according to the following scheme: they make markings for planting, dig holes with a shovel, put potatoes in them and then fall asleep with their hands. While the potato is growing, it must be spud, more often it is done with a chopper. It takes a lot of time and effort. Today, this process can be facilitated as much as possible.

A manual plow is a very simple device that 2 people work at the same time. It consists of:

  • 2 dump body for work, with cutting knife;
  • Traction front, for one person to pull it forward;
  • rear handles, to control a second person.

He also performs work on cutting rows for planting, helps with hilling potatoes, and also loosens the ground.

In order to make such a device, you will need:

  • Hollow pipe for upright Ø2.5 centimeter, about 1 meter long.
  • Piece of hollow pipe Ø3/4 inches for making traction front and rear;
  • Section of sheet traction 2 mm thick, for the manufacture of dumps;
  • For connecting the front rod to the upright a lanyard will be needed which can be replaced with a metal plate with holes to adjust the angle of attack;
  • Blowtorch or gas-burner for heating metal on bends;
  • Welding equipment;
  • For processing joints you need a grinder.

The long pipe must be bent at a distance of about 30 centimeters from the beginning, while the angle should be 10-15 °. A pipe bender will help to make bends. In its absence, you can make a fold in the following way:

  • Filling the pipe sand;
  • We dress on the edges of the pipe plugs;

Estimated place of bending blowtorch and we start bending.

The smaller pipe, like the perpendicular stand, must be bent. To adjust the height, we make holes on the upper edge and the same holes on the vertical section of the proposed fork.

By changing the location of the bolt in the holes, you can change the height of the rack for the comfort of the summer resident.

The front link looks the same as the rear, but differs in size. The height of the handle should be such that the person in front can easily be between the handles, clasping them.

The height of the vertical part should be 60 centimeters, it must be made flat at the ends and holes drilled to connect to the vertical section.

At a distance of 30 centimeters from below, an angle is attached to the vertical rack for front pull. Then, at a distance of 25 centimeters from this hole, the same corner measuring 25x25 is welded to the plug. A hole is also made in it, and it is welded to the rack above the first corner.

2-dump plow

You will need 2 identical plates 2 mm thick. We round the curves on them. Using welding, with even seams, we fasten 2 halves of the plow to a perpendicular stand. We grind them with a grinder so that they are sharp.

Cutting knife

We take the strongest carbon steel. We cut the knife in the form of an arrowhead, sharpen it at an angle of 45 °. This angle will make the knife sharp on long time. Using welding, we attach it to a vertical rack from below, grind it.

The manual plow is ready to work on the site!

Cultivator hedgehogs for weeding

They remove the grass with roots, unlike flat cutters, which only cut the stems. Hedgehogs row the soil between the rows, because of this, distinct rows and beautiful beds are obtained. The loosened soil allows oxygen and liquid to pass through well, which increases the growth of potato roots, and this is already a guarantee of an excellent harvest.

Weeding with a walk-behind tractor is carried out using certain paws or a rotating cutter. The cutter is rotated by the power take-off shaft. The advantage of the paws is ease of installation and thoroughness in loosening the earth. They loosen the soil at a depth of 4-7 centimeters, depending on its condition.

For work, the legs must be fixed in certain fasteners at a distance equal to the width of the row. Fasteners should have a slight overlap that will cover both legs. Devices can be either one or two-sided. If the device is one-sided, then it is necessary to fasten the legs so that the blades are located towards the aisle.

Paws that have one-sided blades can be installed in another way, which makes it possible to process the ridge simultaneously from two sides.

There is another device for weeding by hand, which is called a weeder. This is a frame, with a knife and a drum. Its wheels are placed in the aisles, the knife cuts the grass, and the spinning drum catches it and throws it back.

Cultivators exist manual, electric with a benzo engine. For weeding, devices with 2 knives are used, which are attached at an angle of 45 °. It is best to carry out weeding with a cultivator, on which three-toothed mini forks are installed instead of knives.

For comfort, these devices are mounted on wheels: the summer resident pushes him, pressing him as close to the garden as possible.

Using a device with a nozzle, the hedgehog immediately weeds and spuds potatoes. The hedgehog consists of 2 cones fixed on the frame. The cone is made of 3 steel wheels with different diameters. Pointed spikes are welded onto the wheels. 2 hedgehogs are attached to the frame, spinning, they hook the grass in parallel and row the soil from row spacing to row.

Electric cultivators are more dynamic, they are used for small gardens. Their main drawback is the need to pull the cable from the outlet, which is not always comfortable. It is more rational to use cultivators with a gasoline engine. But such cultivators are less dynamic than manual cultivators, but the most productive. Hedgehog attachments are put on all types of cultivators. The strength of the engine is selected depending on the state of the earth, the heavier it is, the stronger the device.

Attachments for weeding with a trimmer

For weeding, a trimmer is used, in which the electric motor is located on top. Between rows, weed more often with a head for a trimmer with fishing line.

It happens that a knife of 3 blades is used to remove grass. Steel knives are mounted on a trimmer with a flat stand. If the stand is curved, then plastic nozzles are attached. If the knife hits any obstacle, the device will throw back or break.

In the market or in the store you can buy trimmer attachments with earth cutters, which have the form of discs with curved blades, and are mounted on a single axis. More often in one nozzle there are 4 cutters.

The size, diameter and number of cutters depend on the power of the brushcutter engine. The instructions for use for the nozzle indicate for which lawn mowers it is suitable.

You can’t make the nozzle yourself, because. it is difficult to choose the width and diameter so that it does not break the device. It is impossible to carry out weeding with a trimmer on difficult, clay lands.

Professional summer residents, before using the trimmer, treat all rubbing elements with silicone lubricant.

Rules for processing potatoes using a trimmer:

  1. Before processing you need protect your eyes and c, as during weeding the cutters spin at high speed, raising dust and dirt into the air.
  2. It is necessary to process the area from weeds when the grass is still small. Processing should be done every two weeks.
  3. Weeding is better in the morning, then during the day the grass will dry out and turn into straw.
  4. No need to immerse cutters to a depth of more than one and a half centimeters. With this technique, the land is cultivated, and the soil receives oxygen and nitrogen, which works great for potatoes.
  5. You can not immerse cutters also because it may damage the device.
  6. If the engine on the device is not very powerful, then you need to take a break every quarter of an hour.
  7. At the end holiday season nozzles must be treated with a disinfectant, to remove all germs.

A broken cutter can be replaced with a do-it-yourself cutter. To do this, you need to carve a circle from a steel sheet, and bend the cavity. The diameter cannot be larger than on the used cutters. It is forbidden to put additional cutters on the trimmer axis.

How to make hedgehogs with your own hands, drawings

If the summer resident likes to work with the tool and at the same time saves a lot, then you can make hedgehogs for weeding with your own hands or order them from a metal working organization. First of all, you need to understand how the hedgehogs will work, draw a few drawings. They can be used both on a cultivator and for manual work..

Hedgehogs for working with hands can consist of a device for loosening, a frame and a holder. The ripper is a hollow tube with steel teeth welded to it. It is fixed on a spacer frame and a wooden handle is attached. Using it, you need to roll the ground back and forth, which requires certain physical strength.

There are many versions of hedgehogs for walk-behind tractors and cultivators. Many developers made their own individual devices. The traditional version of the hedgehog is made using steel discs. You will need 3 discs of various diameters:

  • 100, 200, 300 mm;
  • 240, 180, 100 mm.

The fixture is assembled on a pipe Ø25 mm. Using jumpers, steel disks are fastened together, starting with the largest and ending with the minimum. There are developers who use 5- and 6-hedrons instead of disks. The distance between them should be 18 centimeters, and the maximum disc Ø 36 centimeters. For the teeth, a steel bar is used, cut into 40 pieces.

Approximately for the construction you will need 5 pieces of spikes for a small disk, 10 pieces for a medium one, 15 pieces for a maximum one. It happens that welding of auxiliary spikes on the axle is required. The length of one spike is 14 centimeters.

Today there are several varieties of hedgehogs:

  • Rotary. The main task of such hedgehogs is weeding and hilling. They are suitable for any device.
  • Cone. Required to remove grass before emergence.

Summing up the results, it can be noted that the use of devices for planting, harrowing, weeding and hilling potatoes on suburban area make the process easy and not laborious. Using a variety of samples, it is safe to say that the harvest will be plentiful and will please the gardener.