Do-it-yourself ski stand. Educational project "sports equipment". Design features for different types of skis

Preparing tools for the shelving Mess around the house? Most likely, you simply do not have enough shelves to store many useful things. Canning jars and ready-made preparations for the winter, electric and hand tool, household chemicals ... the more thrifty the owners, the longer this list. A simple conclusion suggests itself: in order to make more rational use of living space, you need a rack.

To make better use of living space, you need a rack.

The stores offer a fairly wide range of shelving, but in order to get a piece of furniture that will fully meet your needs, it is better to make a shelving with your own hands. Why?

  • Only in this way you can organically fit a new piece of furniture into the interior.

The stores offer a fairly wide range of shelving, but in order to get a piece of furniture that will fully meet your needs, it is better to make a shelving with your own hands.

How to make a rack with your own hands? It's not at all as difficult as it seems. To make it you will need available materials and simple tools.

self made wooden shelving will be able to withstand the load required for your belongings.


The choice of rack design and requirements for its appearance depend primarily on the room in which it will be located. Most often, racks are made:

  • in the hallway or hallway
  • in the closet
  • on the balcony or in the loggia,
  • under the stairs (this is true when it comes to country house or duplex apartment)
  • in the basement,
  • in the garage.

By calculating the height of the shelves and the entire structure, you can allocate space for both large items and small items.

AT recent times shelving is increasingly installed in living quarters, mainly in offices and children's rooms: these designs allow efficient use of space, and with a skillful approach, they also decorate the interior.

To make it, you need affordable materials and simple tools.

In frame racks load-bearing structure a wooden or metal frame serves, on which several shelves are mounted. For a do-it-yourself shelving, this is the most acceptable option.

Modular shelving consists of three main elements: lattice, box and ladder. Their various combinations allow you to create products of the most unusual shapes which can be attached to the wall or stand alone.

The choice of rack design and the requirements for its appearance depend primarily on the room in which it will be located.

Cantilever rack involves fastening shelves to a solid back wall without sidewalls. Such racks are convenient to use in the hallway.

The load-bearing structures of the bridge racks have A-shape, inside which there are fasteners for shelves, which are often used as boards.

A rope rack is similar in design to a similar ladder: ropes are used to fasten the shelves, and there are no side walls. Such a rack can become a spectacular interior detail in nautical style(for example, in the children's room). A rope rack is not suitable for storing things with a lot of weight, but souvenirs and favorite toys will look great on it.

Cantilever shelving, due to its complex broken shape, is rarely created by craftsmen. They cannot carry heavy loads and perform more decorative functions.

At the design stage, you need to take into account the height of the room (usually the rack is made up to the ceiling), and also decide what length and width of the shelves will suit you.

The load-bearing structures of the bridge shelving are A-shaped, inside which there are fasteners for shelves, which are often used as boards. It is not very difficult to make a rack-bridge, but the useful area of ​​​​such a product is relatively small, and the aesthetic qualities are controversial, so they are more often used for industrial premises than in everyday life.

You need to know the dimensions of the items that are supposed to be stored: this will allow you to clarify the depth of the product and choose the optimal step of the racks.

Since it is easiest to make a frame rack at home, let's dwell on the features of its design.

Long shelves can only be used to store light items, otherwise deflection cannot be avoided.


At the design stage, you need to take into account the height of the room (usually the rack is made up to the ceiling), and also decide what length and width of the shelves will suit you. Marking on the wall will greatly simplify the work on the sketch.

To make things easy to get, it is necessary to provide gaps between them (length 5-10 cm).

You need to know the dimensions of the items that are supposed to be stored: this will allow you to clarify the depth of the product and choose the optimal step of the racks. Maximum length shelves of the rack should be no more than 150 cm, and the material for them is usually boards. Long shelves can only be used to store light items, otherwise deflection cannot be avoided. If a wooden rack must withstand heavy loads, the pitch of the racks of the structure should not exceed 50 cm. To make things easy to get, gaps must be provided between them (length 5-10 cm). The width of the shelves for canned goods, books and other small items is 20-30 cm. Much more space may be required to store a power tool, so measurements must be taken.

Cantilever shelving, due to its complex broken shape, is rarely created by craftsmen.

Much more space can be required to store a power tool, so measurements must be taken.

The choice of materials depends on the temperature and humidity in the room. Wood can withstand big weight, but is sensitive to moisture, so it will optimal solution for living rooms. If the humidity is high (for example, in a basement) or temperature changes are possible (in an unheated workshop or in a garage), materials such as metal or plastic are better suited for the frame. The length of the shelves in this case can be up to 80 cm.

A rope rack is similar in design to a similar ladder: ropes are used to fasten the shelves, and there are no side walls.

For the manufacture of the rack will require the following materials:

  • timber or perforated profile for racks;
  • rail or corrugated solid profile for frames;
  • chipboard, OSB boards or boards for shelves;
  • screws, dowels and metal corners for mounting.

When designing a rack, you need to take into account the load distribution and the number of shelves (the lighter and smaller the item, the higher it should stand, respectively, it is desirable to strengthen the lower frame).

If all the preliminary measurements are made and the materials are selected, it's time to draw a sketch.

The height of the shelves should be the same or decrease from the bottom up, which allows you to rationally distribute the load.

Their various combinations allow you to create products of the most unusual shapes, which can be attached to the wall or stand alone.

The simplest rack consists of vertical bars (sometimes solid walls are made) and shelves. For greater stability, a frame structure is used, when chipboard plates are attached to the beams on self-tapping screws from above and below. Since the heaviest items are always at the bottom, the bottom frame must be reinforced with cross bars.

The choice of materials depends on the temperature and humidity in the room.


To make your own shelving , you will need tools that are in almost every home:

  • saw or jigsaw,
  • drill,
  • screwdriver

Modular shelving consists of three main elements: lattice, box and ladder.

The manufacturing process of the rack consists of only a few steps.

  1. We cut timber for racks and boards for crossbars. Be careful, the length of the same parts must match exactly.
  2. On a horizontal surface we connect the racks with the crossbars, mark the attachment points with chalk. We drill holes of the required size with a drill and use a screwdriver to connect the structural parts using self-tapping screws.
  3. Using metal plates, we fasten the resulting frame to the wall of the room (and, if possible, also to the ceiling and floor).
  4. To achieve maximum structural strength, you need to choose folds on the shelves (if you do not have milling machine, it is better to make to order). Next, we carry out the installation of the shelves: we fasten them to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Beam racks are similar in design, but have a stronger frame, are more difficult to manufacture and require more expensive materials.

To assemble a frame from a metal profile, you need the same tools, but you will also need metal drills and clamps. To protect the structure from skew, X-shaped ties should be made of thin metal profile. Installation of shelves is carried out on self-tapping screws at the final stage of work.

Wood is able to withstand a lot of weight, but is sensitive to moisture, so it will be the best solution for living rooms.

You can use the light version metal structure: fasten with dowels to the wall metal brackets, and make shelves on top by cutting boards or chipboard boards. This option will require the least time: only about an hour. In this way, you will get not a frame rack, but a kind of cantilever, the length of the shelves in it may vary.

In frame racks, the supporting structure is a wooden or metal frame, on which several shelves are mounted.


If your rack is made of metal, its decor comes down to painting, for which it is used exclusively alkyd paint applied with a spray gun.

To decorate chipboard shelves, you will need melamine edging (sold in rolls in many construction stores). The process of finishing the ends of the shelves consists of several simple operations:

  • cut the edge into pieces along the length of the ends;
  • we grind the ends of the shelves with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • carefully remove dust with a damp cloth or napkin;
  • with a hot iron, press the melamine edge to the ends of the shelves.

As a result, handmade shelves look just as neat as store bought ones.

There are several types of racks: frame, beam, modular, cantilever, rope; cantilever and bridge racks.

Wooden rack gives more possibilities for decoration. You will need inexpensive materials and the simplest tools: acrylic paint, varnish, sandpaper, wax polish. Before assembling the shelving, wood stains can be applied to the wood of the racks and shelves, which will allow you to achieve a shade suitable for the interior and emphasize the structure of the tree. Racks or side walls can be decorated using stencils, or implanted on acrylic lacquer images you like. At the finish, the rack can be covered with furniture wax, which will give a soft sheen and will protect your rack from moisture.

If you did everything right - now your things are always in place, no more scattered books and canned food forgotten on the balcony: everything is at hand, and the house is in order and comfort!

Recently, racks are increasingly being installed in residential premises, mainly in offices and children's rooms.


An active lifestyle in the modern metropolis is becoming more and more popular, so the needs of residents to increase the storage space for sports equipment, equipment and related accessories become obvious. In this article, we have selected successful options storage of a variety of sports equipment, from which you can learn a lot of useful and practical things.

It is not possible to store a large amount of sports equipment on the balcony, especially since the balcony has long become a harmonious part of the house, on which designers and architects work with special trepidation.

We invite you to pay attention to one more room that is undeservedly left without attention: the garage. Modern technologies, specially designed for garage spaces, allow you to turn it into a cozy, stylish and multifunctional space that will become a worthy continuation of the house. A professionally equipped garage turns into a space where everything is logically arranged and each thing has its place, so not only tires and grandmother’s sewing machine but also a new bike.

For comments and advice on this issue, we asked Denis Butenko, garage expert and garage space designer at GarazhTek.

Based on our experience, I can immediately note that the garage requires special attention, if there is a desire to make it truly safe, clean and multifunctional. This is a complex space that is often used for both technical and non-technical applications.

In order for the garage to be convenient and safe to use as a technical room, it is necessary, at a minimum, to provide:

  • Robust, well-sloped concrete floor covered with seamless elastic polymer coated, smoothly passing to the walls in order to make it easy to keep clean.
  • Capital ceiling for opportunity concealed installation communications
  • High-quality supply and exhaust ventilation so that the air is always fresh and clean
  • Installation of an electrical network that can withstand high loads
  • Wall decoration with non-combustible materials resistant to aggressive environments
  • Uniform heating of the room, which is better provided by heaters using radiant heat
For maximum comfort, materials for wall, floor and ceiling decoration, furniture and other accessories must be not only functional, but also safe, simple and easy to use, the garage expert comments.

What finish to choose?

Porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles fashion trend. It must be noted that design solutions manufacturers allow to realize the most daring ideas of customers. However, in the garage space, the use of porcelain stoneware or tiles, unfortunately, is not practical due to the presence of seams. In addition to everything, porcelain stoneware finishing requires a lot of labor during installation, and the subsequent installation of attachments is complicated due to the strength of the material.

Final finishing with plaster followed by painting not recommended in a garage due to wet processes such as car washing, etc.

Special finishes. One of the most good decisions can be plastic paneling, such as GarageTek's professional storage system, which is designed specifically for garages. All accessories are easily installed directly on the panels and are easily rearranged, changed or removed if the need for them disappears. Plastic panels easy to wash, they are well tolerated temperature fluctuations and high humidity.

Therefore, in order for everything to be perfect, you need to contact a garage expert who will select necessary materials and professional equipment, - sums up Denis.

Bicycle storage

Bicycle storage systems are very popular as almost every family has at least two bikes. There are several storage options, which are selected based on technical parameters rooms, ceiling heights, availability of free space. It is also necessary to take into account who will use such a storage system, since, for example, not everyone can lift a bicycle to the ceiling.

Bracket for horizontal storage

Given the height of the ceilings, you can install several horizontal bike racks on top of each other or around the perimeter of the garage.

Vertical bracket requires mounting at the level of the length of the bike. With this placement, wall space is significantly saved, which can be used more functionally.

Another way is the ceiling storage option using a D-shaped or C-shaped suspension, which is mounted on a special rail. This storage option is good for seasonal storage. For daily cycling, you can use a special lift with a self-locking cable.

Ball storage

Balls will stop rolling on the floor and will always be at hand when you use the bright and comfortable Ball Holders indoors, designed for different type and ball size.

Skate storage

For storing both figure and roller skates, it is better to use a bracket specially designed for this purpose. It allows you to store 2 pairs of shoes and is equipped with additional baskets where you can place related materials or equipment.

Ski and snowboard storage

Skis will be securely fixed and ski poles will never get lost if you have a professional ski storage bracket in your garage. It is equipped with a special compartment for attaching skis and a shelf for shoes.

With the arrival of winter training on fresh air acquire their own unique flavor. When buying skis or a snowboard for quality pastime, we must not forget that for long-term storage of equipment, it is also necessary to purchase special racks for skis. They will save space in your rental shop, plus you can choose a design to seamlessly integrate into your everyday environment. They can also be easily transported.

You will do the right thing if you purchase ski racks from us:

  • reduce the chance of product damage ahead of schedule due to improper storage of inventory;
  • racks are placed easily and as quickly as possible;
  • the cost of goods is adequate and lower than imported analogues;

Can ski storage racks be the key to a successful outdoor activity?

Undoubtedly. The design of these ski racks is such that even when used in a mountain resort there will be no problems with storing skis or snowboards. In addition, it is worth recognizing that with the current development of the tourism business, it makes sense to finally conquer new heights in the most unexpected places in the world. And any useful device should be done in such a way that there is less time for assembly, and more time for rest. You also need to take into account the fact that metal racks are incredibly reliable and you should not have any worries about the integrity of this product at all. If you are going to spend your holidays with benefit, then this sports equipment will be incredibly useful in any case.

If you are a frequenter of ski bases, you could notice convenient devices for storing puddles. They are a special design, where fastening is carried out by small extended pins for easy grip and quick release.

Prices from 9 000 (for 40 pairs)

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Almost all managers of ski resorts that provide ski rental order such structures from us, because it is inexpensive and reliable, and most importantly, it saves space in the storage room and in the warehouse.

Features of ski racks

Ski racks have a lot of differences, and can also perform useful functions. So, the presented furniture has a number of features:

  • racks are made for horizontal and vertical storage of skis. Here it is necessary to determine the location of such racks, because small space will not allow you to install ski storage structures in a horizontal position. To make the right choice, you can contact our specialists. Masters will accurately measure and recommend models for your order;
  • racks for storing skis in a horizontal position are made with only three supports in order to prevent the modification of sports equipment;
  • racks with vertical ski storage is a rack with two crossbars and hooks for storing skis and poles;
  • The challenge is to keep the original view and the quality of this sports equipment;
  • racks have different capacity, depending on the number of available pairs, as well as customer preferences;
  • often the crossbars have the ability to adjust the width to accommodate inventory, since they can differ in their purpose (cross-country, mountain);
  • racks have special trays for collecting melted water;
  • it is possible to order racks with additional space for installing shelves that serve to store other sports utensils.

All of the above features and capabilities will allow you to choose suitable model designs, the choice of which is presented in our catalog. It is also possible to order a rack according to your own sketch, fixed by our employee.