Registration of budget bedrooms in the country. Ideas for a small cottage: great opportunities for small spaces. Bedroom location

For him, it differs from what is usually carried out in city apartments, since there are nuances here. First, stereotyping. A country house evokes certain associations, according to which we tend to one design or another. Secondly - characteristics the building itself.

The presence or absence of an attic, the height of the ceilings, the structural nuances of the floors - all this determines the nature of the finish and gives some tips in choosing a style.

Choice of design, finishes, bedroom layout

Bedrooms in a private house: pictured chalet-style design

For your information: for bedroom design in wooden house, located in the corner of the building, "asks" for the Scandinavian style. Laconic furniture, natural textiles, curtains without lambrequins and tall windows... Only a matte ceiling surface with simple fixtures, ordinary or built-in. The main task is to fill the interior of the bedroom in the country with light and air.

Scandinavian bedroom design in the country. Photo of a room with panoramic windows

Choosing the type of finish

If, while repairing a bedroom in a wooden house, you found massive beams under the ceiling sheathing, then why not leave them open, make them an element of decor? Beams can be whitened, painted brown or vice versa, cleaned of paint, "pulling out" the natural color, texture of the tree. The space between them is leveled with putty and painted in white color.

The design of a bedroom in a country house with such a ceiling can be decorated in the Mediterranean, colonial, Moroccan, Ukrainian and Russian styles. All of them suggest white or almost white walls, without a print. Therefore, their preferred fine finishing - painting on plaster or gypsum board. On the floor, solid parquet board or ceramic tile, in shades from brown to ocher.

Do-it-yourself bedroom in the country: floor beams can be turned into interior decoration

Low rooms in country house put two restrictions. The first is the way of finishing the ceiling. There is only painting on plaster or tension structure, the hinged system will "eat" about 10 - 15 cm in height, which is unacceptable in this case. The second is the choice of baguettes and window frames. They cannot be contrasting or too wide, which would visually reduce the space.

Low ceilings in the room

Layout and optimal size of a bedroom in the house

Regarding the size, everything is simple. The minimum required for comfortable operation is 10 m 2. This space will fit a bed, a pair of bedside tables and a chest of drawers. Of course, the more spacious the bedroom, the better, so you shouldn't skimp on it when designing a house.

The layout depends entirely on the size of the bedroom. Anything less than 13 m2 is subject to the rules applicable to apartments:

  • We free the center of the room as much as possible. If it is narrow - a passage along one of the walls.
  • We leave a passage between the bed and the wardrobe - at least 35 cm.
  • We do not put the head of the bed "facing" the window and close to the door.

Layout on the attic floor

Note: in attic floors use the usable space efficiently. You can put a chest of drawers, a bed, a TV stand under the bevels. If there are windows in the roof, we place under them workplace - it will be well lit.

For yourself and your family. Here, time flows differently, and the world looks different. The owners of small houses also approach design differently from everyone else. Practical, yet elegant and often creative.

Compact placement in a room depends not only on various functional devices such as a folding bed or additional pull-out ones. It is equally important to check the passages, traffic flows of people around the room. Perhaps where a lot of space is left in the standard one, it is not needed at all. For example, you may want to leave only one approach to the double bed, placing it in a corner.

A tiny space can be comfortable too. When dividing the private area and the public area, curtains and open ones will help you. There are also advantages in a small dacha - each thing has its own place, it is easy to put things in order and, if desired, you can create a unique fairy tale with original details.

To each suburban layout a responsible approach is needed. After reading at least a hundred ideas, you may not understand - what should I do with my house? It all depends on yourself, and the result is your reflection.

The house can be practical, but too sterile, or vice versa - rather cluttered, but cozy enough. Looking inside yourself - at your character and attitude to life, you can see your dacha with all its advantages and disadvantages.

The furnishing of small spaces is fraught with many concerns that do not belong to the owners of large apartments. And they also have their own charm: you can be responsible for every square centimeter of the design and completely create the entire decor from start to finish.

The most important thing is not to forget that you are making a dacha for yourself and your family. Not for neighbors, acquaintances and those to whom you will show it. Not for beautiful photos or tell your friends about new items in the repair.

If you don't need desk - don't do it! If you need a separate rack for dishes and another for vases and other ceramics, don't hold back! Somewhere you take more areathan the average person, but save somewhere. But you will get real, alive - yours unique interior, and not just a copy from a fashion magazine or an analogue of a neighbor's dacha.

The guarantee of any happy summer resident is a state of harmony with oneself. Please do not violate it in the interior either.

The times when old or broken furniture was taken to the dacha are long gone. Modern owners of such plots want to create an original and comfortable place to stay, and not get a warehouse of broken things. Therefore, the question of how to create a dacha interior with your own hands on the street and indoors is of great interest to the owners of such objects.

Design options

First, you need to say that there is simply a huge number of different stylesthat can be used both indoors and in the garden. Therefore, if you create the interior of a summer house with your own hands, then it is advisable to study some of them and choose the most optimal one for yourself. At the same time, professional masters recommend dwelling not only on beautiful optionsbut also practical.

General principles

First of all, it must be said that not every type of design is suitable for these purposes.

When creating an interior in the country with your own hands, you must take into account the specifics and purpose of the structure, as well as the atmosphere that it should create.

  • Most often, for such objects, they use interior options that correspond to a rustic or hunting style.... This is due to the fact that it is quite simple and practical at the same time.

Sometimes it is much easier to invite a specialist to decorate the interior than to try to create one yourself.
As it may require artistic skills a sense of style.

Interior decoration

Usually, the interior of the country room is made in accordance with the personal wishes of future residents. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case it should be as practical as possible.

Professional craftsmen recommend stopping at the Provence style or furnishing the room in a hunting interior. They are quite simple, and you can create them yourself without any special skills. However, it should be noted that they have fundamental differenceswhich are associated with the use of various materials.

When making an interior for a summer residence with your own hands, you need to take into account the mass various factors... The main one is the material for the manufacture of the structure itself, since making a design in a house from a bar or log, which assumes the presence of wallpaper or other surfaces similar type just wasteful.

Usually all ideas suburban interior first designed as a sketch or using a special software... So you can get visual presentation about the end result and choose the right materials.

It is believed that creating a loft style is very simple and economical, since it actually consists of old things and raw surfaces.
However, as practice has shown, it is one of the most expensive and is completely unsuitable for such premises.

Facade and landscape

When choosing interiors for a summer residence, it is very important to pay attention to exterior decoration building. At the same time, professional masters recommend combining styles in order to obtain a harmonious composition. At the same time, they always look great of various kinds.

It is worth noting that all household structures must be stylized in the same manner. Therefore, even if it is planned to rent a diesel generator for a summer residence for the season, then for its placement it is also necessary to create separate place, which would not stand out against the general background.

The land, which is intended for the cultivation of certain crops, also needs a peculiar design. Even the most ordinary vegetable garden can be designed in such a way that it will look original against the general background.

However, it must be remembered that the cost of planning land using paths can be quite high, especially if you plan to add decorations to the project or install automatic systems glaze.

It must be remembered that there are certain rules for placing objects on the site, which must be carefully followed.


After watching the video in this article, you can study in detail the issue of registration of such sites and different styles... Also, based on the article above, it is worth concluding that it is necessary to select a specific type of interior for the design of such structures and adjacent territories, taking into account the convenience and ease of use, as well as based on the personal preferences of future residents.

We continue to talk about the interior of small country houses. This article shows three small wooden frame houses... They have everything you need for a full stay of two or three people.

Living area

Typically consists of:

  • A small folding sofa or retracting into a niche:
  • Comfortable chair:
  • TV:
  • Wall shelves.

Sleeping area

It is usually located on the "second floor" of the house, under the roof. Although there is a small distance to the ceiling (1.5 meta), this is quite enough for good sleep and rest. A standard double mattress is placed on the base of the ceiling. The principle of a compartment car.


The kitchen consists of: lower cupboards ( top cabinets visually take up space), one cabinet should be with a sink, the other for storing food, a refrigerator and a gas stove.

There is also a toilet and shower in these houses. A dry closet is used as a toilet. Tanks with water are not at home, water is supplied by a pump or by gravity if the main tank is located above the level of the tap.

All garden utensils are buried in special cabinets attached to the house.

In front of the entrance there is a small terrace with two armchairs

A cabinet for garden tools, here is a boiler for heating water

Kitchen with a semicircular table that can be folded if necessary

Dinner Zone

Sofa at the entrance

Corner kitchen

Bio Toilet

Shower room in the house

Sleeping place under the roof.


The interior of a country house - option two

This house has more modern architectural forms. From the inside it is lined with wide lining, painted white. As you know, white visually expands the space. The horizontally located lining also expands the room. This house, like the previous one, has everything you need: kitchen area, recreation area, sleeping on the mezzanine, dry closet.

House exterior

Folding table in the kitchen

Interior of a country house economy class photo

Third house. The principle of building the interior is the same as in previous houses. Turquoise is present not only on the facade of the house but also in the interior. The house is placed on a concrete cushion, this removes the dirt near the house.

Small country house interior photo

The interior of a small country house is made in brown beige colors

Stairs leading to the second floor

Toilet in the house

Bedroom in country house

Option 4 - Interior of the country house inside

The lodge has a full sized bathroom with shower and washing machine... Corner kitchen with full fridge, sink and electric stove. In the living area there is a table over which a 39-inch TV was hung on the opposite side with a small sofa. Further, behind the bathroom, a sleeping room was placed. And the best part is this house has a small terrace covered with a mosquito net.

If you look closely at small dachas, then often the solutions that are found in small spaces are more interesting and more beautiful than those where there was no space deficit.

Highly practical solution is the use of the area under the roof for sleeping place in the country. In addition, during the cold season, it will be warmer upstairs than downstairs, because warm air from the stove will rise up.

No matter how small your dacha is, good layout - recipe for success. Whether we are talking about a tiny house of 10 sq.m. or big country house, hastily and impulsively decisions taken are unlikely to be successful. Take the time to read good examples country house layouts, draw up your plan based on them.

Discuss the wishes of each family member for the future home. If it is not difficult for someone to use the toilet on the street, then for young children or true townspeople, having a warm toilet in the house is another important plus in country life outside the city.

Using a dry closet will allow you to quickly and easily solve this problem. Only needed closed corner in a country house, where you can install a dry closet.

A bathroom in a country house is often made next to the kitchen. Because if the water from the artesian well is brought into the house, then it is better to arrange all the units that consume water in the house, such as the sink in the kitchen, showers and the toilet bowl, as compactly as possible. This will reduce the length of pipes that need to be routed around the house, which means you will reduce the complexity. engineering communications, their cost and increase their reliability.

A small dacha has tremendous interesting opportunities in the form of a skillful and thoughtful owner.