Layout of the garden and vegetable garden and personal plot. Layout of a summer cottage - schemes for effective and competent zoning (99 photos)

Plan your own suburban area, this is very interesting, because you can come up with a bunch of all sorts of interesting solutions.

In order to beautifully and efficiently ennoble the territory, you need to have some knowledge.

Our article will help you step by step to complete the basic work and decorate your site.

Where to begin?

Before starting work, you need to make a plan. Reflect your site on it, sketch its shape, display all the buildings and be sure to take into account the terrain, streams can flow in such areas.

Consider also the location of your territory, whether your house is located in a lowland or on a hill. If the cottage is built under a mountain and streams enter the site, then its arrangement will take a lot of time and effort.

The layout of the territory implies dividing it into zones, this is a residential area, a recreation area, a garden and outbuildings. For each building, you need to allocate a specific place and set the area.

The residential area, that is, your house, should take up about 25% of the space of the entire territory, the toilet, bathhouse and barn should fit in 15-17% of the area.

The largest place on the site, as always, is reserved for the garden, which means that you can plant and grow berries, fruit trees, favorite flowers, construct an artificial reservoir, build a gazebo, in general, make the territory beautiful and ennobled.

The first thing that is built on the site is, of course, a house. Everybody build it on different place, someone in the center, someone likes the house to occupy the first line, right after the gate.

A gazebo or terrace is built close to the house, closer to the garden, so that during the rest you can enjoy the fresh air and the aroma of trees. The playground is also placed closer to the gazebo, it can be at its level or behind it.

The toilet, bathhouse and shed should take place closer to the fence. In this case, they will remain invisible on the site and will not take up space.

There is no single type of landscaping for a summer cottage, since everyone has different territories both in size and shape. The standard lot type is a square or rectangle.

On their territory, summer residents are very fond of creating rockeries from stones, plants and a reservoir.

Site planning is a creative and interesting process, but in order to make the cottage cozy and beautiful, it will not be out of place to look at some of the work of landscape designers.

We draw a diagram

After you have decided on the place of buildings on the territory, mark them on paper and sketch them. So, you will visually facilitate your work, and you will surely imagine what to place where, namely:

  • Where the house will stand, from which side of the site the entrance will be.
  • Place for outbuildings.
  • Where will you put the gazebo and playground.
  • Track direction.
  • Place for flower beds and a pond.
  • Communications.

Strictly observing the sequence of buildings, the main place on the site belongs to the house, then we build a garage, sheds, a bathhouse and a toilet.

Lastly, we choose a place for a gazebo, a barbecue area, summer shower etc. The garden and vegetable garden is given enough space, depending on what you plan to plant there.

Layout of the site depending on the size

Depending on how many acres the suburban area occupies, the location of the buildings should be designed.

If the plot is not more than 6 acres, then with proper zoning of the territory, you can build everything you need. A house on such a site will turn out no more than 20-25 square meters. m., parking - about 7 sq. m., garden - no more than 100 sq. m.

If your plot is large, from 12 to 15 acres, then this has a serious project on which you will have to work properly.

According to the standard plan, everything will turn out to be built here, and even objects of large area, for example, a house here will stand up just huge, with summer terrace and spacious parking.

When developing a development plan for your site on your own, consider all the nuances regarding the construction and placement of summer cottages. Use a clear work plan and follow the advice of experienced craftsmen.

Photo of a successful layout of a summer cottage

Ownership own site gives a lot of privileges modern man, especially if the main part of his life takes place in the city. small plot or a full-fledged orchard can bring variety to life, become a recreation area or a treasure trove of natural fruits. To make the most of Natural resources, the layout of the garden or plot must be carefully thought out and implemented, taking into account the smallest aspects of future operation.

Grid layout

Any layout begins with the formation of a scheme. To do this, you can use a regular sheet of paper and a pencil with a ruler. The essence of the method is to visualize and visualize the location of economic objects on the site: paths, places with green spaces, decorative elements and other garden items. By applying the grid, not only the layout of the garden and vegetable garden is formed, but also lines of symmetry are worked out when arranging objects. This is important if the greatest emphasis is placed on the aesthetic function of the territory.

The grid pitch should be determined by the size of the house and the site itself. For gardens with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 6 acres, the step can correspond to two real meters, and if it exceeds 20 acres, then indents equivalent to three meters can be made. In the designated cells, you can mark the location of green plantings, arbors, buildings, beds, engineering communications, swimming pool, etc. The main task at this stage is to roughly outline a plan in which the user's requests will be taken into account and compared with the capabilities of a particular garden or site.

What factors are taken into account during planning?

Inclusion in the project of certain functional areas will depend on the conditions under which the site will be operated. In this regard, the layout of the garden and vegetable garden should take into account the following factors:

  • Space allocation options for fruit trees with lush crowns. The presence of one such instance will require up to 4 square meters free space.
  • Soil characteristics. are distinguished by a powerful root structure, which can only be provided on rocky, clay or sandy ground hard to get good harvest. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the level of groundwater.
  • Relief. On uneven ground, it is desirable to break ornamental garden. The layout of the site for the garden requires an equal area, since cold air will linger in the hollows and depressions and moisture will accumulate - such places are not suitable for fruit vegetation.
  • Openness to the sun. Green spaces must be protected from the wind and at the same time have access to light and heat. Therefore, it is necessary to foresee the possibility of creating favorable conditions on the existing site. If this is not possible, some varieties of trees will have to be abandoned.

Preparatory work

If there is a need to create a flat area, then you should start with adjusting the landscape. When the site is leveled, you should proceed to the formation of pits and pits for a septic tank and a reservoir (if any in the project). The soil itself can be kept in its current state if it is planned to equip a personal plot-garden. The garden, the layout of which did not previously affect the soil layer, must be dug up, and the weeds on its territory must be destroyed.

If the area is large, then manual weeding can be very time consuming, so it will not be superfluous to use special preparations for spraying unwanted vegetation. It is not recommended to get rid of old fruit trees, even if they do not bear fruit. Firstly, they can provide shade, which is important for beds, and secondly, it can take years for new trees to grow.

Communication support

A modern site cannot be imagined without an established engineering infrastructure. Such systems will facilitate the operation and maintenance of the site, increase its functionality and create additional conditions for recreation. In particular, the layout of the garden may include drainage systems, sewerage, organization of the passage of the gas pipeline and water supply. It is also necessary to provide for the presence of a well, septic tank or well. These engineering objects should be located at a sufficient distance from each other. It is impossible not to provide for a street lighting system in the garden. It is desirable to conduct electrical wiring at a depth of about 70 cm. Laying must be carried out before plants are planted and equipped garden paths.

Regular or landscaping?

There are two approaches to organizing green spaces in the garden: landscape and regular. There is no strict boundary between these concepts, but there are certain rules that adherents of these ideas are guided by. So, if performed landscaping backyard garden, then a free arrangement of trees, plants is permissible, and at the same time it is possible to mix fruit and with vegetation that performs an aesthetic function. In practice, a close combination is rare, but there is no clear order in the creation of such schemes either.

The regular concept involves planting shrubs, trees and vegetables in the garden in strictly formed rows at a certain distance from each other. That is, the layout of the garden can reflect the arrangement of beds, flower beds and lines with planting trees in the form of squares or rectangles.

Where and what plants to plant?

Initially, you should choose those varieties that can develop and bear fruit precisely in the climatic conditions where the site is located. For example, the middle band gives good conditions for the growth of apple, pear, cherry, cherry plum and plum. In warm regions, apricots and cherries take root well. Among which also grow in these latitudes, currants, blackberries, gooseberries and raspberries can be distinguished. By the way, not large area bushes are preferably planted around the perimeter of the site.

The listed varieties will allow you to form a harmonious personal plot-garden. A vegetable garden that also includes space for vegetable gardens can contain cucumbers, cabbages, peas, celery, potatoes, and other crops that can grow in close proximity. The layout of the beds can be different and not necessarily strictly symmetrical. For example, there is an option whereby using decorative plate the center of the site is indicated, from which garden paths go. The beds are located between them, while crops of a certain type grow on each lane.

Household block

In functional terms, this is the most important part of the site, since it will be responsible for all the technical support of the area. According to the zoning rules, no more than 30% of the entire territory is allocated for this part. This block may include a utility room, a poultry house, a hay shed, a storage room, a workshop, a toilet with a shower, and other facilities. When determining the location for the location of buildings, it is important not to forget about the exposure of the boundaries. sanitary zone, taking into account the planning of the garden. A photo illustrating an example of organizing a utility block on a site is presented below.

Rest zone

Whether it is a small plot of land or a spacious garden - it must have a corner where you can rest after a hard day on the beds or spend a real feast with entertainment on clean air. Even a compact garden layout on 6 acres may include a modest, but harmoniously inscribed gazebo. What can we say about large areas where you can organize summer kitchen, equip a pool, build an observation deck and much more. The list of ideas for implementation is limited only by the possibilities of the area and the desire of the owner. But in any case, the recreation area should have a well-thought-out location relative to other functional areas. It is desirable to remove it as much as possible from utility blocks and communication structures.


There are no clear rules for drawing up planning schemes for plots and gardens in our time, as owners are increasingly striving to individualize their own property. The garden layout created with his own hands embodies the owner’s aesthetic view of the organization of a “piece of nature” and his requests in the functional provision of the site. Of course, it is one thing to plan the future organization of the garden, and another to implement it. Moreover, green spaces sometimes take several seasons to showcase their decorative qualities and bear the first fruits. And yet, when this happens, every novice gardener understands that everything was not in vain.

The garden is usually perceived only as a source of fresh vegetables and herbs. Meanwhile, green beds can become important element garden design. In addition, a reasonable layout of the garden, taking into account the needs of plants, helps to get an excellent harvest.

The main principles of garden planning

1. Maximum light

Most vegetables are photophilous. It is better to choose a well-lit and evenly lit area for the garden. For example, tomatoes reduce yields even if they are in the shade for about 2 to 3 hours a day. So that both sides are heated evenly, the beds are oriented from north to south.

2. Calculate your strength.

Allocate exactly as much space for the garden as you can - and want! - handle. If you are in the country only on weekends and then not every time, it hardly makes sense to plan big garden and strive to plant as many crops as possible.

3. Wide beds are not always good.

layout personal plot usually begins with the marking of beds for vegetables. Traditionally, in our gardens, the beds are made 100 - 120 cm wide. This saves the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden, but makes it difficult to care for plantings: it is not always convenient to stretch. 70 cm wide beds are much easier to care for. For the elderly, not only narrow, but also raised beds are convenient, over which you do not need to bend down. High beds are increasingly dressed in a frame made of boards, or ready-made ones are used, in which they fall asleep fertile land. In this case, both water and fertilizers are used by plants more rationally.

4. Do not get carried away with complex-shaped beds

This makes it difficult to care for and worsens the conditions for plants, since the earth dries out faster in the corners, so the plants may not develop evenly.

5. Passages between beds should not be the same width.

For normal care, a distance of 40 cm is sufficient; for high beds add 20 - 35 cm due to the presence of walls. If the garden is large, you need a through path for walking and walking, you can also make a platform for recreation. However, before proceeding with the formation of beds, think about how to lay a path. They should be wide enough, lead to all corners of the garden, it should be convenient not only to walk on them, but also to carry a cart.

6. Don't be afraid to combine cultures.

especially compatible with each other. The combination of different forms of foliage, shades of color and height of plants on the same bed looks much more attractive than monotonous rows of plantings.

Beautiful garden.

Suitable for gardening basic principles garden design, because volumetric decorative compositions can be created from almost any plant.

For single landing and creating a background fit tall plants: sunflower, corn, dill, amaranth, Jerusalem artichoke, lovage, rhubarb, tall tomatoes. Sorrel and horseradish will find their place under the rhubarb, mint, oregano, perennial onions, borage and spicy herbs will complement and decorate it with flowers and umbrellas.

Draw a garden plan

The main problems in planning a garden and a personal plot are the need to observe crop rotation and different needs for vegetables. Suppose a family needs one garden bed for radishes, a third of it for lettuce, and as many as three cucumbers. On the next year all the same will have to be landed in a completely different way. On the one hand, this is a plus, since the picture looks different every time. On the other hand, it's a headache, as this puzzle has to be solved year after year. To see if all the desired volume of vegetables will fit in the beds or if some positions will have to be reduced, draw a garden plan.

Divide the area into squares, rectangles, triangles. In nature, their size should be such that you can reach the middle of the bed with your hand. Estimate how many sections for which crop you need (for example, zucchini - 4, radish - 2, etc.).

Then cut out the required amount from a sheet of paper and sign the names of the crop, its height and color. And then move these pieces of paper according to the plan of the garden, changing their places in accordance with the crop rotation plans.

Not tall plants position closer to leading edge, medium - behind them, high in the background as accents. Insufficient height vegetable plants can be compensated by using raised beds. Naturally, they have a ladder, the lowest ones are closer to the observer. Do not forget about lighting - this is very important when planning a garden: tall plants should not obscure low ones.

What can and cannot be planted.

There is horticultural crops, which cannot grow and develop side by side due to the mutual intolerance of root and essential secretions. But there are also plants capable of "mutual assistance": planted in the neighborhood, they favorably influence each other. This must be taken into account when planning a personal plot.

Dislikes neighborhoods:

  • tomatoes and kohlrabi;
  • cucumbers and cabbage;
  • onions (onions and garlic) and potatoes, cabbage, legumes, beets;
  • legumes and nightshade (tomatoes, peppers).

Like any responsible event, laying the future garden on the site begins with planning: how carefully you think through all the details of the placement of capital and outbuildings, how responsibly you treat the choice of a place for trees, shrubs, vegetable and berry plants, will depend on the abundance harvest, and the comfort of your stay in the country. When planning a garden and vegetable garden, there are many nuances to take into account, so do not rush, calculate several at once. suitable options and then choose the best one. If you want your garden to not only bear fruit, but also look wonderful, you need to make a little effort and a little imagination already when laying it. This is a very responsible job: it involves a large number of processes running simultaneously, and besides preparatory work and planting of plants should be carried out in a short time. The laying of a garden deserves special attention also because the mistakes made at the same time are difficult to correct in the future, since fruit trees are planted once for many years.

How to fill your garden with beautiful and prolific plants? In order to properly plan the backyard garden, use the tips experienced summer residents presented on this page.

Planning the territory of the future garden

Whichever path you choose, the laying of the future garden should begin with a clear layout of the territory. All plants must be planted immediately on permanent place, as transplants greatly harm plants. In order not to be mistaken, think over the site plan to the smallest detail and sketch all your ideas.

Use your site measurements to plan your garden and orchard by drawing a plan to scale. Such care is needed not only for exact definition landing sites. You can easily calculate the number of selected plants.

planning various zones of their garden, they usually try to make sure that the playground is clearly visible from the kitchen or from the recreation area.
It doesn’t matter if you are planning a berry garden or a vegetable garden on your site or not - it is simply necessary to make a working area. After all, the garden will be planted with plants that need care. AT working area have a barn with inventory, a pit under compost heap. And since this zone is not very attractive, it can be hidden by plants. When the entire site is divided into zones and measurements are made on the ground, you need to think about communication between the zones, that is, about paths and paths. It is better if the tracks do not run at right angles, but begin to bend smoothly. Walk along the marked paths, check: is everything convenient? If all is well, you can move on to placing plants around the site.

If you cannot imagine your life without fresh vegetables, then take a well-lit place for the garden, located not on the aisle and in such a way that the trees do not interfere with the normal growth of vegetables. When planning a garden design, in order for the plantings to delight you not only with their appearance, but also a harvest, trees are placed at a distance of 4 m from each other, shrubs - 1.5-2 m. To create hedges, plants are planted at shorter intervals, depending on the type of hedge.

A recreation area can be located next to the house. located on it berry bushes, formed on trellises, and fruit trees on trunks will create a special comfort. Do not place a pool or other body of water near the playground.

Look at the photo - when planning paths in the garden, you need to take into account that they must provide access to every corner of the site:

The width of the path should be sufficient so that a garden wheelbarrow can pass through it normally.
Here is one example of successful garden planning:
    • Low hedge of chaenomeles
    • on the lawn
  • Hozblok
  • paved paths
  • Compost
  • Garden of columnar apple trees
  • hedge from
  • Patio
  • Golden currant hedge
  • Lawn
  • Arch with Actinidia
  • Playground
  • flower garden
  • Composition of bushes - on boles and ordinary
  • Garden
  • Gooseberry
  • coastal plants
  • Path covered with gravel
  • plums
  • Three pear trees

Planning a place to plant plants in the garden

As experienced gardeners advise, when drawing up a site plan, it is important to be guided not only by your desires, but also by the needs of plants, therefore, when planning a garden, it is important to choose the right place for planting them.
Any plant for normal growth and development needs good lighting. However, this does not mean that they must roast all day in the open sun.
As shown in the photo, when planning a vegetable garden, trees should only be placed in an open area:

This is especially true for plants formed in the form of trellises, cordons and palmettes. This need is due to the fact that when shading, the branches will grow unevenly, one-sidedly, strongly stretched, and, therefore, it will be difficult to form and further care for plantings.

In addition, mature trees have a limited number of branches where overgrown branches can form. To extend the productive period, it is important to take care of good lighting of these particular branches, because they bear fruit.

When planning a garden on a plot, shrubs can be content with a shaded position, as they are less demanding on lighting. In addition, the root system of shrubs is more superficial, and therefore more demanding on moisture conditions.

In order to grow a garden of fruit trees on your site, you must not only decide on the place and plants, but also take into account the basic nuances, such as the planting pattern, the size of the holes, planting and caring for seedlings, which will be discussed in this article.

Garden layout

When a place was chosen for planting seedlings, it is important to decide on a scheme for planting them. It is recommended to plant trees according to four schemes, which have their own peculiarities in the arrangement of plants, make it possible to simplify the process of caring for seedlings and get a bountiful harvest.

The most common planting pattern is quadratic: it allows you to create comfortable conditions for garden care. According to this scheme, trees are planted in even rows. The distance between trees depends on their type and variety.

Important! It is also necessary to take into account the landing pattern in order to rationally use the space, therefore it is better to arrange the trees in a square plot according to a quadratic pattern.

If were chosen dwarf varieties, optimal distance between rows will be 4 m, between trees it is necessary to leave 2.5 m. classic views, which were grafted on a wild stock, should be planted at a distance of at least 3.5 m from each other, between rows - 5 m. Tall and vigorous species should be at a distance of 4 m, 6 m between rows is kept.

The quadratic planting pattern is suitable for trees that are not demanding on lighting, normally tolerate partial shade created by adjacent rows. Usually apple trees are planted like this different varieties, some varieties of pears.


The chess scheme is very similar to the quadratic one, only in each square between four trees one more tree is planted. The scheme is denser, therefore it is suitable for planting medium-sized plants with a small crown. If the garden is located on a slope, then the chess scheme will be the best option planting trees to reduce soil erosion by precipitation.
The checkerboard planting method allows the trees to receive the maximum amount of light, therefore it is suitable for light-loving plants - plums, apricots, peaches, as well as for apple and pear trees. The distance between the trees should be 4 m, between the rows it is better to leave 5 m.

Planting trees in a triangular pattern is characterized by a denser arrangement of plants with a large crown. According to the triangular scheme, all trees will be evenly standing, which will allow planting 15% more plants than according to the quadratic scheme.

To find out the optimal distance between plants, you must be guided by the rule of doubling the indicator of the maximum width of the crown of an adult tree. For example, if the crown width is 4 m, then there should be a distance of at least 8 m between plants on all sides.
Thanks to the triangular planting pattern, plants can receive the maximum amount of light. Cherry, apple, pear, plum, apricot, peach are suitable for planting with this scheme.

Horizontal scheme

The horizontal planting pattern is used in the case of the location of trees in a hilly area. Plants in this case are planted along horizontal lines, which makes it possible to reduce soil erosion processes and successfully grow seedlings on uneven areas. For fruit plantings, an elevated area is chosen, preferably in the south of the site. Plant fruit trees in such a way that maximum height trunks was directed to the north.
Thanks to this arrangement, the plants are provided with the most large quantity Sveta. The distance between them in this case should be at least 3 meters, between rows - at least 5. Any fruit trees are suitable for planting in a horizontal way.

garden planting

When the planting scheme has been determined, it is necessary to proceed with the selection and purchase of seedlings, which will then take root on the site.

Choice of fruit crops

In order for plants to bear fruit well, you need to be able to choose them correctly. Therefore, pay attention to the recommended growing region, soil and other conditions. There are special varieties that have been bred for each region: they easily tolerate frosty winters, different types soils are less sensitive to adverse weather conditions. Consider the basic recommendations for planting trees that feel normal in mid-latitudes.

most popular fruit plant in the middle latitudes is the apple tree. This culture is photophilous, so it is better to plant it in a well-lit area. An apple tree can grow on gray forest, soddy-podzolic soils, chernozems, which are distinguished by a light mechanical composition with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The tree does not tolerate excess moisture, so plant it on small hills, in areas with deep groundwater - at least 1.5 m deep.

Did you know? apple orchards in the world cover 5 million hectares, and every third fruit tree in the world is an apple tree.

It is recommended to plant a pear on the south side of the site, as areas with harsh winters often cause trees to freeze. The site must be selected well protected from the wind, which is especially important in winter period. Pear grows well on moist soils, groundwater should be no closer than 1 m to the soil surface. The ideal soil for pear is loamy, sandy loam or slightly podzolic.
Cherry prefers warmer regions with more sunlight and warmth. The seedling is not recommended to be planted in the lowlands, as the cherry has poor winter hardiness and often freezes. The territory must be chosen well-ventilated - in this way many tree diseases can be avoided. As for the soil, the cherry prefers fertile soils with a light mechanical composition, characterized by high air permeability. Cherries are planted on light and medium loams, which allows you to get the maximum yield.

Plum also prefers well-lit areas, so it is necessary to plant seedlings on the south side of the site, on a wet clay soil with a thick fertile layer and a neutral reaction. Plum also grows normally in northern regions, but subject to the basic recommendations for planting and caring for the plant. Apricots grow well in mid-latitudes and subtropics in the most illuminated areas with plenty of sunlight and heat. Apricot trees need to be well protected from northern winds: they can be placed on slopes and in places that are inaccessible to cold air.
The tree is best planted in light, well-drained soils. Peaches are planted in southern regions with a lot of heat and sunshine because they are not resistant to severe frosts that damage fruit buds. Peaches grow well on light loams with high air permeability and drainage, prerequisite is a good wind protection.

How to choose and buy seedlings

It is important not only to choose the right place for planting seedlings, but also to planting material, in order to ensure a good survival of the tree and obtain consistently high yields in the future.

Important! It is preferable to buy seedlings in nurseries, avoiding markets and other dubious places.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the age of the tree: it is optimal to acquire planting material of two years of age, older trees have a low survival rate. Look closely at root system seedlings - it must be healthy, contain, in addition to skeletal, numerous growing roots. Do not buy trees that have knots, thickenings, growths, nodules, nodules or other dubious formations on the roots.
The minimum number of skeletal roots for a two-year-old seedling is 3, it is preferable to choose seedlings that contain more than 3. Do not buy trees that have gross mechanical damage to the roots created during the process of improper digging. The height of a two-year-old seedling must be at least 1.5 meters, healthy trees contains three lateral branches, which are evenly distributed along the trunk. The bark should be smooth, not have any scratches, cracks.

Did you know? There is an interesting method for determining the duration of storage of an excavated tree: it is necessary to pinch a tree branch between a large and index finger, and if the seedling is fresh, then a slight coolness will come from the tree, and if the seedling is dryyou will feel warm.

Planting hole preparation

Depending on the type of fruit tree landing pit getting ready different size and different shapes, but for almost all trees, round pits with sheer walls are best suited, which can ensure the normal development of the root system. The size of a hole dug in cultivated soil with a deep fertile layer should be about 70 cm in diameter and 70 cm deep.

If a tree is planted in a territory being developed for the first time, the size of the pit will increase three times, since it will need to be filled with enough nutrient mixture, which in the future will serve as a reservoir of substances necessary for the normal development of a young seedling. Heavy clay and sandy soils involve digging a hole 1 m in diameter and 1 m deep. Experienced gardeners it is advised to dig wider and less deep holes in clayey dense soil so that water does not stagnate in their lower layers - this will have a detrimental effect on the roots of plants.
If planting will be done in the spring, then holes must be dug in autumn period the previous year, if the landing is made in the fall, then the hole is dug in May-June. This is necessary so that the fertilizers that were applied to the soil are well mixed and ripened, that is, they form the necessary microbiological environment.

Tree planting rules

Depending on the type of fruit tree, there are rules for the size of the pit, planting time and other nuances that need to be considered:

  1. apple trees often planted in spring period, if the seedling is not older than 2 years, so that over the summer the tree takes root, grows and survives the winter normally. Spring planting should take place in early May - late April, when the ground has already thawed and warmed up a little. If the seedling will be planted in the spring, then the pit can be prepared a week before planting. The size of the pit will depend on the soil: if it is quite fertile, then 60 cm in depth and in diameter will be enough; if the soil is poor, then the depth should be at least 70 cm, and the diameter should be 80 cm. Seedlings of 3-4 years of age can be planted in autumn , since the already strong tree is not afraid of winter frosts. Planting is best done in early October, so that the roots have time to strengthen before winter. In autumn, it is recommended to plant young trees in the southern regions with fertile soil. A hole is dug the same size as in the case of planting in the spring, but it is prepared a month before planting.
  2. pear can be planted both in spring and autumn. Spring planting (at the end of April) excludes the possibility of death of the tree from frost. It is better to prepare the pit in advance, in the fall of the previous year. During this time, the soil will shrink, and after planting the seedling, the root neck will not deepen much, which guarantees the normal survival of the plant. The hole should be about a meter wide and about 50 cm deep. If the soil is poor, then the hole is dug deeper and filled with several buckets of fertile soil. As in the case of an apple tree, a pear is planted in the southern regions in autumn, which allows the seedling to take root normally. In addition, a pear that was planted in the fall and survived the winter will be stronger and more resistant to future frosts. dig a hole better in spring, the size of the pit in depth is 50 cm, the diameter is 1 m, and planting is carried out in early October.
  3. Apricot in the spring it is recommended to plant before the buds awaken on the seedling - in mid-April. The pit is prepared in autumn, its minimum size is 70 cm deep and 70 cm in diameter. Pit preparation for autumn landing should be done in a month or even two. A width of 1 m is required, and a depth of 80 cm. The optimal time for landing is the beginning of October.
  4. Cherry often planted in spring (end of April), especially in the middle lane and northern regions, since over the summer the seedling grows, becomes stronger and normally tolerates wintering. The hole must be dug in advance better in autumn, its depth should be at least 50 cm, diameter - 80 cm. In autumn, planting cherries is practiced only in the southern regions, sometimes in middle lane. The optimal time for planting is the end of September, so that before the first frost hits, the tree gets stronger. The pit is prepared in the spring, the size is the same as in the case of landing in the spring.
  5. Peach is a heat-loving plant, therefore, even in the southern regions, planting is carried out in the spring (end of April). The pit is prepared in advance, best of all in the fall, the size of the pit should be at least 70 cm deep and 1 m in diameter.
  6. prefers spring planting in the middle lane and in the northern regions; in the southern regions, planting seedlings in the autumn is most often practiced. In spring, plums are planted at the end of April in a prepared hole. It is better to cook the pit in the fall, add to it organic fertilizers, which over a sufficiently long period of time will overheat and create ideal conditions for a young seedling. The pit should be at least 60 cm deep and 70 cm wide, or more. In autumn, at the beginning of October, the plum is planted in a hole that was dug in the spring and fertilized with organic matter, the size of the hole is 60x70 cm.

Did you know?Unlike other fruit trees, plums cannot be found in nature in the wild. Plum was obtained by crossing blackthorn and cherry plum more than 2 thousand years ago.

How to care for newly planted trees

When the seedlings were planted in the soil, the first time should be given Special attention regular watering. The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions and regularity of precipitation. The minimum amount of water to be poured under one tree is 20 liters at a time. You need to water 1 time in 2-4 weeks. It is recommended to check the soil for moisture with a stick: if the surface of the soil is 20 cm dry, it's time to water the seedling.

The place around the seedling should be mulched - this is necessary in order to create a favorable environment for the root system, to retain moisture in summer period, slow down the growth of weed vegetation. Mulch is poured in a fairly thick layer (15 cm) at a distance of 1-2 meters from the trunk - use sawdust, straw. The near-stem circle is regularly loosened and rid of weeds. It is especially important to loosen the soil after watering, when it is compacted from the water. Loosening is carried out to a depth of no more than 5 cm, so as not to damage the young roots.
Necessarily young tree for the winter should be insulated so that it normally endures frosts. Warming the trunk will also help protect the bark from rodent attacks, which gnaw it in winter, which leads to the death of the seedling. The procedure is carried out in early November, tying the lower part of the trunk with fir branches at least 70 cm in height. Whitewashing of trees is carried out 2 times a year - in autumn and spring. Autumn whitewashing is done on a sunny, not rainy day at the end of September, and spring whitewashing should be carried out during a period of slight frosts, when the first insects have not yet appeared.