Planting currants in the fall: step-by-step instructions from choosing a seedling to post-planting care. Black currant: autumn planting of berries. How to properly plant currants in the fall, how to fill the planting pit

Currant seedlings with an open root system are planted both in spring and autumn, but it is better to do this in the fall. During the winter, the soil around the bushes will settle and compact, in spring the plants will start growing early and take root well. When using seedlings in containers, there are practically no restrictions on the timing of planting. Black currant gives a higher berry yield if several different varieties are planted side by side - for mutual cross-pollination.

Landing dates

Currants are planted in spring and autumn, but more favorable conditions - in the fall. In spring, this plant buds too quickly, which means that the planting period is very short. In the fall, you need to plant currants several weeks before the onset of freezing temperatures. Usually, this is the first half of October. When planted in autumn, the soil around the roots of the plant is well compacted by spring, and the bushes take root well, and with the onset of spring they immediately begin to grow rapidly.

Seat selection

Black currants love moist soils. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, consider this feature. Look for a low, humid area - flat or gentle, somewhere on the north, northwest or west slope well sheltered from the wind. But everything is good in moderation. Too low or wetlands, where groundwater is closer than 1 meter from the surface, will not work.

Currants can be planted in an elevated and well-lit area as they tolerate drought better than black currants. Suitable soils for this crop are fertile, leached from carbonates and salts. If you look at the texture, then medium and heavy loamy are good for black currant, and loamy for red. Light loamy and sandy loam are more suitable for red currants, heavy clay - for black currants. The latter will not grow on soil with a high carbonate content. Saline, sandy, marshy and undeveloped rubble soils are also not suitable for growing currants.

Soil preparation

After choosing a location, lay out the site - remove depressions, pits and furrows. Next, the site needs to be plowed to a depth of about 35 centimeters or dug up to the entire bayonet of a shovel. At the same time, remove and select perennial weeds from the rhizomes. If there are a lot of them, dig twice. Better yet, plant vegetables there for one year.
When you do the final digging or plowing, add manure, humus or compost - about 600 - 800 kilograms. Also add 4 to 5 kilograms of superphosphate and 2 to 3 kilograms of potash fertilizers. All this per hundred square meters... You need to prepare a site for autumn planting in the first half of October. The holes are dug 2 to 3 weeks before planting to allow the soil to settle.

Landing technique

The pits for planting currants should be 40 × 40 centimeters in size and 30 - 35 centimeters deep. After digging, cover them with three-quarters of fertile soil, mixing it with fertilizers in advance. In every landing pit add fertilizers together with the soil in such an amount: humus, compost or peat - one or two buckets, superphosphate 150-200 grams, potassium sulfate - 40-50 grams or potassium chloride - 20-25 grams.
Prune diseased, bruised and dried roots to a healthy spot before planting. Also shorten aerial part seedlings up to 15-20 centimeters, so that the seedling grows 6-10 centimeters deeper than in the nursery. Plant so that after planting on the soil surface, two to three buds remain on each shoot. Plant the bushes obliquely, at about a 45 ° angle, so that the shoots are fan-shaped. After planting, make a hole and pour a bucket of water onto the bush.

In order for the bushes to take root better, you need to retain moisture. To do this, the soil around the bushes is mulched with peat or humus. If neither one nor the other is at hand, simply sprinkle the hole with soil or dry sand so that there is no crust after watering. If the fall is dry, water the seedlings several times.

Plants placement

Place currants in separate place, not along the edges garden plot... Most often, currants are planted in rows, maintaining a distance between rows of 3-2.5 meters for industrial plantings and 2 meters for individual gardens. Leave 1 - 1.25 meters in rows for blackcurrant varieties that have a compact bush shape and one and a half meters for a spreading shape.
In the bulk, currant varieties are self-fertile. However, to ensure cross-pollination, which increases yields, plant several inter-pollinated varieties on the site. It is recommended to plant them in separate rows.

There are two ways to plant black currants.
One is for punctual gardeners who try to do everything on time. The second is for the lazy or very busy, as well as for those who have suburban areas in the lowlands.

First way. Dig a planting hole with 40 cm sides and the same depth. Remove the bottom layer of soil. Upper layer, fertile, mix with compost, add rotted manure and peat, ash, mineral fertilizers. Fill the bottom of the hole with the resulting soil mixture. Next add a layer fertile land without fertilizers (layer thickness 2-3 cm). Place the currant seedling in a hole, deepen the root collar by about 5 cm. Sprinkle the roots with fertile soil. If you are planting a plant from a container, then the roots need to be untangled and cut a little. Fill the hole in half, slightly compacting the earth. Then fill it up to the brim, compact the soil again. Water liberally and mulch with a layer of peat or compost. Do not cover the area above the root collar! Cut the seedling, leave 3-4 buds on each branch.

Second way. Remove the sod from a circle with a diameter of 50-60 cm. Mix the soil with peat (or compost, humus), add some sand, ash or lime. Pour this mixture onto the area from which the sod was removed. Make a hole, water it and plant the currants. Seal, overlay the removed sod as if making a side. Water, condense, mulch again.

Black currant is one of the most famous and favorite berries of most people. Possessing wonderful taste, it is also extremely beneficial for the body. Berries have one of the highest vitamin C levels known to contain this vitamin. These berries are used during colds, intestinal diseases, for general prevention organism. In addition, jams, compotes, jellies and currant jams are the favorite dishes of many people. Everyone knows about her useful properties, but not everyone knows when and how to plant it.

Advantages of autumn planting of red and black currants

Of course, autumn planting is fraught with many risks. But on the other hand, it gives several advantages over spring sowing:

  • fast rooting;
  • lack of pests;
  • good adaptation to the ground;
  • friendly spring shoots;
  • active crown formation.

Such results will be only when the technology of planting plants in open ground and proper care after planting. And the main thing is the choice of a suitable place. It should be covered with other shrubs or a fence on the windy side.

There is not much nice nuance for autumn planting. This is the likelihood of damage to young bushes of red, white and black currants during the winter frost. But such grief can be helped by covering the plants with a film for the winter.

Planting dates for black currants in autumn

We have already noted that this culture is planted both in spring and autumn. If you have a need to plant seedlings in the spring, then master this procedure before the active movement of the plant sap begins. Dissolving buds indicate that you are already late with disembarkation.

The main disadvantage of a spring planting is that it has too short a period of time. It is necessary to plant it when the soil has warmed up enough, and the buds have not yet blossomed. This is not easy to predict.

It is much more convenient to plant black currants in the autumn. At this time and time for planting, much more is allowed than in spring, and the gardener does not observe a large workload with others. garden work... For September and October, you can correctly perform all pre-planting, planting work and with every right to count on success.

Blackcurrant varieties for autumn planting

Hidden diversity is a biological feature of the ribes nigrum species. Today there are over 200 different hybrids. With incredible external similarity different varieties have many small but very significant differences. Some stand out high resistance to external factors, easily tolerate the attack of pests and diseases, without reducing productivity. Other cultivars are pampered, their yield directly depends on the climatic conditions of growing, the care provided. Therefore, cultivars should be selected using the zoning rule.

Select suitable grade not easy, but the main criteria must correspond to personal preferences, cultivation conditions. If the site has problems with regular soil moisture, give preference to drought-resistant hybrids. When cultivating in areas of risky farming, you should pay attention to frost-resistant cultivars. If you prefer to freeze your crop, buy a thick-skinned variety. For processing, it is better to take cultivars with a thin skin.

Cultivars are subdivided according to the ripening period into early, mid-season and late. Harvesting dates for the first group fall at the end of June, the second by mid-July, and the third by early August. It is better to choose several hybrids at once. So you can determine the most suitable variety and extend the harvest time. But gardeners pay more attention to disease, pest, drought and frost resistance. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most resistant cultivars that can be cultivated in any climatic zone:

  • Selechinskaya 2;
  • Summer resident;
  • Dubrovskaya;
  • Perun;
  • Exotic;
  • Treasure;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Kernel;
  • Katyusha;
  • Pygmy;
  • Vologda;
  • Venus;
  • Mermaid.

What to plant next to black currant

Three neighborhood rules are universal for everyone in the garden and vegetable garden:

  1. Do not plant nearby crops if they are of the same species or feed on the same nutrients.
  2. When planting at different levels, consider whether low-growing plants are shade-loving. If a low-growing plant is photophilous, do not plant it under a high one.
  3. Consider the depth of the roots and keep in mind that the roots are able to protect their territory with the help of phytotoxins.

Guided by these rules, we will determine which neighborhood is useful and which plant will oppress.

Preparing the soil for planting black currants

To prepare the site, it is necessary to dig it up on the bayonet of a shovel in advance a month or two before the procedure, while clearing the roots of perennial weeds. Then the surface should be leveled so that it is free of depressions and significant depressions. Preliminary preparation will allow the soil to settle before planting. Black currant prefers to grow on heavier loamy soils, and red - grows well in slightly loamy sandy places.

It is not recommended to dig holes that are too deep for planting currants; it is enough to make a depression within 40 cm in depth and 50-60 in width. At the same time, given that the root collar of the bush should deepen within 10 cm.

Planting methods for black currant

The choice of planting method depends only on the size personal plot and the personal preferences of its owner. In total, there are 3 ways to plant currants:

  • Belt - used for planting annual seedlings, which are planted in one line with a distance of 1 meter between them. In the second year after their planting, solid wall strong shoots of black currant. The advantage of this method is the ease of care on both sides of the currant row.
  • Shrub - more often used for planting spreading varieties of currants, so planting holes are dug at a distance of 2–2.5 m from each other in a linear or checkerboard pattern. This method is relevant in the presence of a large personal plot.
  • Single planting - it is used in a small, free and well-lit area, the size of which does not exceed 3x3 m, which ensures better illumination and care. As a result, a large yield of large fruits is noted.

In order for black currants to really bear fruit, you need to correctly choose the time and place of planting, choose a high-quality planting material and prepare the ground. These simple rules planting will help to get a high yield in the future black currant... After all, it is a unique and valuable product, which contains an incredible amount of ascorbic acid. Regular consumption of currants gives a powerful preventive effect - the immune system is able to resist external bacteria and viruses. Eat only 20 berries a day to fully satisfy the body's need for ascorbic acid!

The belief that plants should be planted and replanted in spring, when the juices begin to move, is already hopelessly outdated. Spring is a good time to plant seeds. If we are talking about adult plants, then you need to worry about transplanting in the fall. From the point of view of survival and accelerated harvest, planting currants in the fall is much more profitable than the once traditional spring works... But planting plants in the autumn season has its own nuances and disadvantages compared to spring.

When is it better to plant currants - in spring or autumn

Not so long ago, it was believed that all procedures related to plant transplantation and pruning should be carried out in early spring, shortly before the trees wake up. The concept has since been revised. It turned out that it is too late to replant seedlings at a time when nature is waking up. The plant does not have time to grow roots that absorb moisture from the soil. Because of this, the seedling is sick for the entire first year.

But if you transplant a bush or tree in the fall, then the plant will have time to get used to the new place in the time remaining before frost, when it wakes up, new roots will immediately grow and in the spring it will return to normal growth without swinging after transplanting.

Comment! Trees in parks are often planted in winter.

And they are not stupid communal workers. If it is not possible to plant a tree in the fall, it can be planted even in winter. The only condition is a large clod of earth on the roots. The soil protects the small roots from damage and the plants do not have to restore them again.

The same applies to planting currant bushes in the fall. Purchased seedlings must be with a clod of earth. The more soil on the roots, the better. Ideally, the seedling is removed from the plant pot and placed entirely in the prepared hole. The rules for planting black and red currants are almost the same, but the plants belong to different types and certain differences exist.

In which month in the fall you need to plant currants

The main requirement for plant transplantation is dormancy. Berry bushes are transplanted in the fall after falling asleep. In different regions, plants hibernate during different time and you need to focus on local conditions. In the southern regions, it is normal for plants to have buds that did not sleep even in November.

On average, black currant hibernates in late September and early October, red - in late August. The planting of seedlings is carried out in order to be in time before the first frost. Planting red currants in the fall can be carried out in September, but it is better to wait until October if frost is not promised. Black is transplanted no earlier than October. If the frosts come too early, it is better to dig in the seedlings and postpone their planting until spring.

How to plant currants in the fall: a step-by-step guide

In addition to planting dates, black and red currants also differ in different preferences. Black loves moisture, red prefers dry places. Grows well on heavy clay soils with a low amount of carbonates. Red prefers loams, sandy loam soil and a small amount of moisture. Both love the sun.

Selection and preparation of a site for planting

Due to the different preferences for each type of currant, the site will have to be selected individually. General requirement: do not plant the bushes separately. For example, as a hedge around the perimeter of the site. Planting currant bushes is carried out in a single array.

Choosing a site for black currant

This light-loving berry requires an area that is well lit by the sun, but at the same time retains enough moisture. Best suited for black currants clay soils and medium loams. Black currants do not like a lot of carbonates and acidic soil.

Important! Soil water should be at a depth of at least 1 m.

Thus, the site for planting black currants should be:

  • low-lying, but not swampy;
  • retain moisture well, but the soil must be neutral;
  • sunny, but without rapid evaporation of moisture.

The requirements for black currant are a bit conflicting.

Plot for red currants

This species requires a sunny area with light soils and good water permeability. Red currant tolerates light drought more easily than waterlogging.

Site preparation

After choosing a site, it must be prepared for planting. If the planting of currants is planned, then it is better to prepare the site a year before planting. The soil must be rid of weeds. Planting vegetables in the selected area a year before the currants helps to reduce weeds.

The earth is dug up to the depth of a shovel bayonet and all the roots of weeds are selected. The plot is leveled, eliminating irregularities. If there were a lot of weeds, the site is dug up several times, first allowing the weeds to sprout.

In advanced cases, the site is prepared long before autumn so that newly sprouted weeds can be removed. The final digging is done in the middle of autumn. At the same time, they introduce into the soil organic fertilizers at the rate of 500-800 kg of manure per 100 m² and add potash fertilizers (2-3 kg) and superphosphate (4-5 kg). Currants are planted on the prepared site. The planting method depends on the type of planting material.

How to plant currants in autumn with seedlings

Sapling - young plantalready rooted. You can buy seedlings or, if there is a currant bush in the garden, grow it yourself from a cutting. In the first year, the stalk takes root, in the second year, you can dig up a seedling with annual shoots.

Advice! For planting, take a two-year-old seedling.

The second option for obtaining seedlings is offsets. Last year's shoot is bent down in the spring and covered with earth. The shoot will take root and you will get a one-year-old seedling in the fall. The stem is cut off from the mother bush and left for another year. The next fall, the resulting two-year-old seedling is transferred to permanent place.

Planting currant seedlings in the fall provides shrubs with better survival than spring planting. In the prepared soil, holes are made for seedlings at a distance of 3 m.

Important! The seedling is buried in the same way as it grew before transplanting.

The pit is made so deep that it fits freely root system, but the entire ground portion would remain at the top. The seedling shows how much it needs to be buried in order for the currant to undergo a transplant with the least loss.

The seedling is placed in a hole and covered with earth. Thoroughly spill water "to the swamp" and slightly stir the plant up and down so that the earthen slurry sticks to the roots. After that, add a layer of earth and lightly tamp it. During the winter, the soil will settle and compact. In the spring, the seedling will not have obstacles to successful growth.

The video shows how to properly plant in the fall with the help of seedlings.

How to plant currants with cuttings in the fall

Planting currant cuttings in the fall differs little from this operation with seedlings. Prepare the soil for the cuttings in the same way. The major difference is that cuttings are not rooted pieces of currant twigs.

Important! The currant sprouts from the roots.

When planting cuttings in the fall, it takes much less effort from the gardener to grow new bushes. But you need to choose the right shoots for cuttings. For cuttings, annual, not lignified shoots are chosen. But not every one-year-old shoot is suitable for this purpose.

Annual stems grown on last year's shoots are not suitable. For cuttings, choose annual shoots growing from the root. Such an escape should not be too subtle. Stems with a diameter of 6-7 mm are well suited. Ideally, the thicker the shoot, the better, but it is unlikely that you will be able to find an annual stem 1.5 cm thick. The selected stem is cut into pieces 20-25 cm long.

The lower end of the cutting is cut at an angle of 45 ° 1-1.5 cm below the bud. The upper end is cut horizontally at a distance of 1 cm from the last bud. The cuttings are placed obliquely in the prepared grooves at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other. The lower cut is made at an angle in order to "put" the cutting obliquely.

The cuttings are buried in the ground, leaving a piece with 2-3 buds at the top, and the grooves are carefully shed. So that the soil does not dry out, it is mulched with peat or humus. Can also be placed on the ground plastic wrapby cutting holes in it for cuttings. For the winter, plantings are insulated, and in the spring they receive already rooted seedlings with the first shoots.

Important! In the spring, plantings are selected and weak cuttings are removed.

The method of correctly planting currant cuttings in the fall in the video below.

What is the difference between planting red and black currants

The principles of planting both types of currants are the same. The subsequent care of the bushes and the planting site differ. Choosing seedlings or preparing cuttings is the same.

Proper care after planting

Planting and caring for black and red currants in the fall are the same only at the first stage. Further, their paths diverge. Black currant is moisture-loving and requires watering until frost. In this case, the soil must be mulched to avoid the appearance of weeds. Red needs rare but abundant watering. During autumn showers, watering it may not be necessary.

After the overgrowth of bushes different types must be trimmed using separate techniques. In black, shoots older than 3 years are cut, since only young stems bear fruit near the bush. Pruning is carried out during the dormant period: late autumn. Suitable for pruning and early spring.

Red is able to bear fruit longer and care for it is carried out only at the level of thinning and cutting off zero shoots. Only 1-2 of the new shoots are left "for divorce".

Comment! A year after planting, cut off all shoots, leaving only the lower 2-3 buds.


Planting currants in the fall allows gardeners to release spring time for other crops that need to be planted annually. In addition, when planted in autumn, most plants have a higher survival rate. The crop also ripens a little earlier, since the plant does not waste time to renew the root system.

Autumn is a good time to replenish the garden berry crops and fruit trees.

Planting blackcurrant bushes in the fall is no exception.

it best time for plant adaptation.

How to plant correctly to ensure a good harvest in the future?

Planting dates for black currants in autumn

Determining the time of planting shrubs in the fall is quite difficult, because there are no exact dates for all regions. Here you need to focus on the local climate where the currants will be grown.

IN northern regions In Russia, they start planting berries from the end of August, and in the southern latitudes, you can postpone this until October. The main factor in determining when to plant is weather. Planting seedlings too early leads to active growth of young shoots, which is unacceptable in autumn. But a belated planting and frost will destroy the bushes that have not yet had time to take root.

It is important to complete all planting work in the garden one month before the expected frost. Then all the blackcurrant bushes will take over well and start growing in the spring.

How to keep seedlings until spring?

If the planting material is purchased too late or the weather does not allow planting, then it becomes necessary to save the seedlings until spring. How to do it?

Experienced gardeners it is advised to dig in the bushes until spring in a horizontal position. And already in early spring, plant on a prepared bed in the garden. Before planting, the seedlings are dipped in water so that the root system is well saturated with moisture.

How to choose black currant seedlings for autumn planting?

A lot, if not all, depends on the chosen planting material. Therefore, the purchase of a seedling must be approached responsibly.

1. The best for planting are annual seedlings that have one or more shoots.

2. The root system of the bushes is fibrous in appearance, with many small roots. In older seedlings, the root system has a different structure.

3. Healthy seedlings should be undamaged.

When purchasing two-year seedlings, you need to remember that they take root worse, but currants are quite a hardy culture, so take care of correct fit.

Choosing a place for currants

Some summer residents claim that currants can grow in any soil and in any corner of the garden. It will grow, but will it yield a crop? Therefore, a suitable place is chosen for the currants. Since the shrub is moisture-loving, low-lying areas, but not swampy, are suitable for growing. Groundwater should not come close to the ground surface.

For full development and good harvest a well-lit place for the berry is selected. Planting bushes in partial shade leads to a decrease in yield. Currants also do not like drafts, so it is better for it to take a place along the fence or between fruit trees.

Preparing the soil for planting

The key to a good harvest of black currant, not only in the correct planting, but also in a well-prepared soil. The land for blackcurrant bushes is prepared in advance.

It is best to grow a berry field on fertile soils. The place for the future bed is cleared of weeds and fertilized. About a month before the intended planting, organic matter and mineral fertilizers are applied.

Compost or humus - 5 kg per 1 sq. meter of the garden;

Superphosphate - 50 g;

Potassium sulfate - 25 gr.

The prepared area is dug onto a shovel bayonet, no deeper is required, since the root system of the currant is shallow.

Organic matter is not always available to the summer resident; in this case, mineral fertilizers are used, which are added to the hole during planting. At the same time, nitrogen complexes are not used, but they are left for spring use.

What should be the landing pit

In order for the autumn planting of black currants to be successful, you need to properly prepare the hole and position the seedling.

Important! When planting a shrub, the root collar is deepened 10 cm into the ground.

This planting method allows the seedling to adapt more quickly and build up a sufficient root system for good growth.

Digging holes or trenches for planting shallow, up to 20-25 cm. The bottom of each is filled with mature compost or manure. The seedling is placed in a hole and covered with fertile soil.

Technology of planting black currant in the fall + photo

There is nothing complicated in the technology of planting black currants, but one point must be taken into account - what type of shrub is grown in the garden. The method of landing also depends on this.

Common currant varieties are planted at an angle of 45 degrees. In which direction the seedling will be tilted is not so important, the main thing is to observe the angle of inclination when planting. In spring, young shoots will begin to grow from the root, and the bush will gradually expand in breadth. Nutrients are evenly distributed throughout the seedling.

Standard varieties of black currant are installed vertically when planting, which further facilitates the care of the shrub. Pruning is carried out immediately after the completion of the procedure. Each branch is shortened at the level of 4-5 buds. Despite the fact that the pruning was carried out in the fall, the seedlings will take root well. The fact is that autumn pruning seedlings helps the shrub to grow additional roots, and strong shoots will go in the spring. You should not neglect pruning, otherwise the root system will remain weak, which will affect the yield.

1. After planting seedlings, it is advisable to mulch the soil with organic matter. This will retain the necessary moisture at the roots, and also serve as a shelter from frost.

2. If the water table is close to the roots, it is advisable to drain the holes before planting currants.

3. The distance between the bushes depends on the variety and size of the currant. Typically, they are left 1 to 1.5 meters apart.

4. The berry is a frost-resistant plant, but during the period spring frosts kidneys can be damaged, affecting the yield. During this period, currants are well watered and covered.

5. Experienced gardeners advise adding wood ash when planting seedlings, which is additional nutrition.

6. In order not to erode the ground and not expose the root collar, holes are made around the bush for watering.

7. Cultivation of various varieties of currants on the site significantly increases the yield. The fact is that cross-pollination occurs, which affects the number of berries.

8. In autumn, organic fertilizers are applied under the bush. This is due to the fact that organic matter will begin to decompose only after 5-6 months, therefore, nutrients will only come to the plant roots in spring. It is necessary to add organic matter in small portions.

9. For autumn mulching, use peat, straw, humus or sphagnum moss.

Black currant - very useful berry, fragrant and vitamin. It is grown in every garden. When the right approach for planting and care, you can collect a bucket of berries from one bush. The currant begins to bear fruit in the second year of cultivation and continues to produce a good harvest up to 15 years.

It is difficult to find a garden or suburban economy without black currant bushes. It grows for a long time in one place and reproduces quite easily.

And if you decide to plant this plant at home or propagate a successful variety, then autumn is the right time for this. How to do it correctly, we will now tell you.

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy varietal seedlings in the nursery. But if you or your neighbors have fruitful black currant bushes on the site, it can be propagated by cuttings.

Rooted in the fall, from the beginning of spring they will begin to grow actively, and by the end of the season you will receive your own planting material, the surplus of which can be sold.

Preparing cuttings and planting sites

Cuttings need time to root, so it is better to plant them at least a month before the onset of frost. From about mid September to mid October, depending on weather conditions in your area.

  • Cut the cuttings shortly before planting. To do this, choose one-year well-ripened and lignified branches and cut them into cuttings 20 cm long. They take root quickly in the fall.

Council. The strongest and healthiest seedlings are obtained from cuttings from the bottom of the branches. The tops are too thin, the supply of nutrients in them is small, so they develop worse and may die in winter.

  • When choosing a place for planting cuttings, preference should be given to those areas where a lot of snow accumulates in winter, under which they will be warm. This can be a strip along the fence or under fruit trees, in partial shade.
  • The soil should be fertile and loose, so it is dug up and fertilized, bringing in humus. If it is acidic, add some ash. And to increase air permeability and looseness, mix it with sand.


A few hours before planting, the cuttings are placed in water, into which a root-forming agent can be added. For example, Kornevin. They are planted at an angle of 45-60 degrees at a distance of 15 cm from each other.

They are well buried in the ground, leaving only one or two buds above its surface. Then the soil around is compacted, well watered and mulched with organic matter - mown grass, leaves, straw. Or covered with a covering material for early rooting.

Council. Before the onset of frost, on top of this mulch, you can pour another loose layer of leaves, branches or dried flowers so that more snow accumulates over the cuttings.

  • If the weather is dry, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture in the area with plantings and water them as necessary. Otherwise, the young roots will dry out and stop developing.

  • After the snow melts in the spring, the shelter above the plantings must be removed as early as possible so that the earth begins to warm up, and the buds on the cuttings begin to grow.

  • To stimulate the growth of cuttings, in the spring they need to be watered with mullein infusion.

Note! In autumn, nitrogen fertilization is not necessary. Having increased the green mass to the detriment of root growth, the seedlings lose strength and endure the winter worse.

  • During the summer, caring for currants is usual - watering, weeding, loosening.

By the fall, your cuttings will already turn into strong seedlings and can be planted in a permanent place.

Autumn planting of seedlings

Autumn is a great time for planting shrubs, including black currants. If you give it enough time to root before the onset of cold weather, next spring it will already delight you with its first harvest.

For planting, both purchased seedlings or divided bushes, and young bushes grown from cuttings are suitable.

Preparing for landing

Before planting, dip the seedlings in water for a couple of hours and prepare for each:

  • Two buckets of water;
  • One bucket of humus;
  • Half a bucket of sand;
  • Half a liter of wood ash.

Seat selection

The currant loves sunny places, but it also tolerates partial shade well. Consider this when choosing a suitable place for her.

Surely she will feel good at the boundary between the sites or along a non-deaf fence, if you step back about a meter from it.

Decide on the number of bushes. There should be enough space to plant them at a distance of 100-120 cm from each other. When proper care and regular anti-aging pruning, currants can grow in one area for more than 30 years.

This plant does not like the close standing of groundwater. If their level is less than one meter from the surface of the earth or melt water is standing for a long time in the selected area in the spring, then it is necessary to dig along the plantings drainage ditch to drain excess moisture.

When to plant

It depends on the weather. You can start at the end of August, but if it is still very hot and dry at this time, it is better to postpone it until September or even October. The main thing is that from the moment of planting to the onset of stable cold weather, at least a month should pass.

IN middle lane Russia can safely plant black currants until the end of September, especially if the autumn is warm and rainy. But if you are late and bought seedlings too late, it is better to dig them in until spring almost horizontally - this way it will be better preserved.

How to plant

The roots of black currant are superficial, so you don't need to dig a deep hole for it.

  • A hole with a diameter of 40 cm and a depth of about one and a half bayonets of a shovel is enough.

  • Such a depth is necessary for the introduction of humus, a bucket of which, together with sand and ash, is poured into the planting pit and mixed with the ground.

  • Then pour one bucket of water into it and leave to soak.

  • The seedling is installed at an inclination in a prepared place so that its root collar is 3-4 centimeters below ground level.

  • Having covered the hole with earth, the planted currants are watered, spending another bucket of water on each bush.
  • After that, the plantings need to be mulched with hay, grass or humus in order to prevent the evaporation of moisture and prevent the earthen coma from hardening.

You will have to water the plants after mulching only if the autumn is completely dry. Otherwise, nothing needs to be done, before the cold weather it will take root in a new place, and in the spring it will begin to grow.

What to avoid when planting currants

When planting blackcurrant seedlings in a permanent place, it is important to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Too late to plant. In this case, the plants may not have time to take root and will die in frost. It is better to dig them in before spring.

  • Plant in deep shade or wetlands. And also in areas where rain or melt water accumulates, or near groundwater.

Council. If there is no other way out, be sure to arrange drainage system, and at the bottom of the planting pit, pour sand, gravel, small stones or broken shards to avoid stagnation of water at the roots.

  • Plant vertically. In general, the currant will not die because of this and will even grow, but slowly. With a deep, inclined planting, new shoots quickly appear from the buds that are underground, forming additional roots. They strengthen the young plant, provide it with sufficient nutrition, so the bushes develop better.
  • Plant above ground level on a mound. In this case, the roots of the plant will be poorly protected from frost.

And do not forget to monitor the moisture content of the earth, if necessary, the seedlings must be watered.