How to feed fruit trees in spring. Work in the garden. Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs in summer

When fertilizing, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil of the site: the degree of its fertility and the availability of nutrients, as well as the reaction of the environment (it is favorable or not quite for the growth of fruit and berry plants), the mechanical composition of the soil (it is heavy, clay or light, mixed with sand) , plantation age, etc.

Fertilizer use

In the first years of life, plants are especially demanding on phosphorus, since it stimulates the growth of roots and provides an increase in the above-ground mass.

Phosphorus and potash fertilizers, as noted above, are characterized by low mobility and are fixed mainly in the zone of application to the soil. Therefore, it is very important to apply them deeply, even before planting trees and shrubs, with increased doses designed for a long period of action.

The use of nitrogen fertilizers in the care of the garden due to their good solubility and mobility in the soil is not difficult. The main task in their application is to prevent losses of nitrogen, since its ammonia form is volatile, and its nitrate form is mobile, especially on light soils and during irrigation.

Therefore, all nitrogen fertilizers applied in dry form must be immediately embedded in the ground.

On light soils and when irrigating high single doses of nitrogen fertilizers, they are not used, but they are applied fractionally and more often than on heavy soils and without irrigation. The gardener should remember that in the first half of summer, plants need all three main nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. An excess of nitrogen in the second half of summer can cause their protracted growth and therefore reduce winter hardiness, especially of stone fruit crops.


Fertilizers for apple trees, pears, cherries, plums are applied to landing pits, and in the areas allotted for berry fields - for digging. At the same time, rotted manure and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. Superphosphate is best applied in the form of an organo-mineral mixture. On a bucket of bulk manure, take 300 g of simple superphosphate or 150 g. - double. Superphosphate is mixed with wet organic matter 2 weeks prior to application. Under the apple tree, 2-3 buckets of such a mixture are brought into the pit; in total, this is 15-25 kg of manure, 450-900 g of superphosphate. Potash fertilizers are applied at 200-300 g. Under stone fruit crops, the doses of fertilizers are halved. It is not recommended to introduce unripe manure and nitrogen fertilizers into the pits. With good pre-planting soil dressing, trees in the first 4-5 or more years usually do not need additional application of phosphorus- potash fertilizers. Manure in the first year after planting is brought in in the form of mulch and sealed up when digging. In the future, organic fertilizers are recommended to be applied for 4-5 years, before the garden begins to bear fruit.

The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers should begin from 2-3 years after planting, when the plants take root and get stronger. When introduced in the year of planting, they can cause a burn of young roots and worsen the survival of plants. IN young garden on fertile soil, the need for nitrogen in fruit plants usually occurs in early spring when the process of natural microbiological formation of nitrates is suppressed. In this regard, nitrogen fertilizers containing nitrogen in the nitrate form (ammonium nitrate) are applied at a dose of 15-20 g per 1 m 2. This work is carried out when the bulk of the snow has gone, but in the morning the soil still freezes. If for some reason it was not possible to apply fertilizer at this time, then it is applied before the first spring loosening of the soil (harrowing).

In the first years, fertilizers have a weak effect on the growth of trees, but as they approach fruiting, their effect increases more and more. With the entry of tree species into fruiting, the fertilizer application system consists of autumn (basic) application, spring and top dressing. The main thing is the main thing, when in the fall, for digging, organic fertilizers (manure, compost) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (30-45 g of superphosphate and 20-25 g of potassium sulfate or chloride per 1 m 2) are applied. Autumn application of chlorine-containing potash fertilizers contributes to the leaching of chlorine from the soil.

Deep application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, as already noted, contributes to the development of a powerful root system. It is carried out in furrows, annular grooves, etc. the best way is focal. The foci are holes made along the periphery of the crown to a depth of 30-35 cm. running meter one hole is placed. The amount of fertilizer intended for application under one tree is distributed equally to all holes.

Effective joint application of mineral fertilizers with organic. The norm of mineral fertilizers is reduced by half.

Spring fertilization for fruit trees usually consists of using ammonium nitrate, this has already been discussed in detail above. But if organic and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers were not applied in the fall, they must be applied in the spring (preferably in the wells).

Fertilizing is also important for fruit bearing trees. In non-irrigated gardens, they are most often limited to the early spring application of ammonium nitrate, since in the absence of irrigation, top dressing is ineffective. The application rate is 15-20 g per 1 m 2 during the entry of the garden into fruiting and 20-25 g - with full fruiting.

In irrigated orchards, there is a danger of leaching of mobile nitrogen into the deep layers, especially on light soils. At the same time, fruit-bearing orchards are especially in need of nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, in a fruit-bearing irrigated garden, in addition to the early spring application of nitrogen fertilizers, one or two top dressings are carried out during the growing season. The first - nitrogen fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) after physiological shedding of the ovary - at a dose of 10 g per 1 m 2. With a high yield, after 20-25 days, a second top dressing should be carried out. It is carried out with complete fertilizer and contributes to the normal laying flower buds for next year's harvest. It is advisable to use complex fertilizers: nitrophoska (25-30 g per 1 m2) or nitroammofoska (20 g per 1 m 2) with the addition of potassium sulfate or chloride (10 g per 1 m 2).

In a lean year, they are limited only to the main fertilizer and the spring application of nitrogen, since in this case the consumption of nutrients goes only to increase the vegetative mass and lay flower buds for the next year's crop. It is necessary to restrain the laying of the kidneys so as not to overload the tree with a crop in a year.

Mineral fertilizers when top dressing can be applied both in liquid and dry form. In the first case, the fertilizer should be dissolved in water - 20-30 g per 10 liters, in the second - subsequent watering is required.

Good results are obtained by top dressing with local liquid organic fertilizers - slurry, bird droppings, which contribute at the rate of 1 bucket per 2-3 m of furrow. They are cut along the periphery of the tree crown from two or four sides, one or two at a time, with a depth: for apple and pear trees - 15-18 cm, for plums and cherries - 12-14 cm. Bird droppings are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:12, slurry - 1:4. Top dressing is best timed to coincide with the rains. If the weather is dry, then the furrows must be watered. Top dressing can be done simultaneously with watering. When applying top dressing, however, it must be remembered that this method of fertilizing is auxiliary and cannot replace the main fertilizer. The use of nitrogen fertilizers, especially in young gardens, must be approached carefully, strictly observing the doses and terms of application. A constant excess of nitrogen, especially in the case of a lack of other elements, leads to the fact that in young plants a state of so-called "fatting" may occur, that is, violent growth in the absence of fruiting. It is not immediately possible to cause fruiting in fattening trees. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to weaken the nitrogen supply, and at the same time, increase the phosphorus-potassium supply, reduce watering. In some cases, one has to resort to the use of special techniques: hauling branches, banding, etc.

strawberry fertilizer

When preparing the site for its August planting, it is necessary in advance, at the beginning of summer for digging, to apply organic fertilizers: semi-decomposed manure, humus or compost - 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m2, as well as mineral fertilizers: double granular superphosphate - 20-25 g per 1 m 2 and potassium sulfate - 25-30 g each. Early in the spring of the next year and annually thereafter, nitrogen supplements are given with ammonium nitrate at a dose of 20-25 g per 1 m 2. After harvesting, every year, for digging row spacing, full mineral fertilizer is applied. For this purpose, complex fertilizers are used: nitrophoska or azofoska at a dose of 40-50 g per 1 m2.

Instead, you can add ammophos at a dose of 15-20 g per 1 m 2 and potassium sulfate - 20-25 g. This will help a good laying of fruit buds for next year's harvest.

You can use bird droppings in liquid form, diluted 12-15 times, instead of mineral top dressing.

Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is extremely important for seedlings in the first years of their life. Usually not very fertile soil is allocated for gardens, so fertilization is the only way to improve the quality of the soil. In soil rich in nutrients, planted crops are more likely to take root, grow and develop better. At the initial stage of growth, plants absorb a lot of organic substances, micro- and macroelements. Fertilizers during this period should be applied intensively and be varied so that the plants do not lack any element. Only complex feeding of young trees will help to grow healthy crops, which will further affect their fruiting and crop quality.

What are the seedlings missing?

If the soil was filled correctly, then in the first year after planting, the plants do not need any top dressing. Proper refueling soil involves the application of organic or complex fertilizers, which contain all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities. Most of all, planted plants need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus - these substances must be added additionally, since initially they are few in the soil. No less important for planted trees are carbon, oxygen and hydrogen - these components are absorbed by plants from the soil, but on poor soils they may be deficient. Relatively little plants require calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, copper and other elements at the initial stage of growth.

The need for fertilizer also depends on the type. fruit crops. For example, quinces and pears consume more nutrients, and preferably of organic origin. Stone fruits (plum, cherry, apricot) are less picky - they can be fed with both organic and mineral mixtures. And at the same time, the lack of any element will not significantly affect their development.

Unfortunately, it often happens that plants after planting cannot take root for a long time, start to hurt, and may even die. You can determine which element is missing for the harmonious development of young trees by the following external signs:

  • a lack of nitrogen is indicated by a pale color of greenery, weak stems and small leaves;
  • a lack of potassium can be determined by the spotty, yellow or brown color of the foliage, the leaf plates become wrinkled, dry out along the edge;
  • with a lack of magnesium, the formation of chlorophyll is disrupted, the leaves become light, and then turn yellow and die (fall off);
  • a lack of phosphorus is evidenced by small, dark, almost black, drying leaves, the problem most often begins to develop from the lower part of the plant;
  • iron deficiency is manifested in the drying of the edges of leaves and shoots; seedlings of apple, pear, plum, raspberry and grape trees are very sensitive to iron deficiency;
  • the lack of copper is indicated by the whitened tips of the leaves, the greens lose their elasticity and then die off.

Informative video in which you can hear helpful tips for fertilizing young plants.

nitrogen fertilizers

The need for seedlings in nitrogen occurs 2-3 years after planting, provided that this element is sufficiently introduced when planting the plant. Nitrogen is mostly introduced in the spring, when the vegetation process is especially active, and in a small amount in late autumn. Spring top dressing carried out at the rate of 20 g/m. sq. near-stem circle, for fertile soils it is enough to apply 10 g / m. sq. You can fertilize the soil with nitrogen using the following means:

  • - granular fertilizer containing up to 35% pure ammonium nitrate and up to 14% sulfur, due to which the mixture is well absorbed by plants. You can feed the plants with saltpeter both in dry and liquid form: when embedding granules in the soil around the trunks, the norm is 15-20 g / 1 sq. m, to prepare an aqueous solution, you need 20-30 g / 10 l of water;
  • urea (carbamide) - a mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen in an easily digestible form - plants in the second year after planting can be fertilized with a dry mixture by embedding in trunk circle, also planted trees can be fed with a liquid solution at the rate of 0.5 kg of carbamide / 10 l of water (the crown and trunk are sprayed with the solution).

It is not recommended to fertilize weak and not strengthened seedlings after planting at the end of the growing season and in autumn with nitrogen preparations - this will prolong their growth period and reduce frost resistance.

Phosphorus-potassium mixtures

Potash and phosphate fertilizers are recommended to be applied in the fourth year after planting trees. Potassium, phosphorus and complex mixtures containing these elements are introduced mainly in autumn, as they contain substances that are difficult for plants to digest. Only fruit-bearing crops should be fertilized with phosphorus and potassium in the spring. If by the fourth year the tree begins to bear fruit, then it must be fed during the formation of the fruit ovary. Potassium fertilization can be carried out by applying the following fertilizer:

  • potassium salt - contains 40% potassium, is universal fertilizer for all crops, applied to the soil in autumn;
  • - contains 50% of the main substance, is used as the main fertilizer for fruit crops, due to the absence of chlorine, the drug can be applied in the spring.

Phosphorus top dressing can be carried out using the following mixtures:

  • superphosphate - granular fertilizer contains up to 20% phosphoric acid, as the main nutrition, the mixture should be fertilized at the rate of 30-40 g / m. sq.,
  • phosphate rock - depending on the type, it contains from 15 to 35% phosphorus, any fruit crops can be fertilized with the product by embedding in loose soil, it has a neutralizing property on acidic soils.

You can also fertilize fruit crops with complex preparations: nitrophoska (contains potassium 12%, phosphorus and nitrogen), diammophoska (potassium and phosphorus 26%, nitrogen - 10%), special blends"Autumn", "AVA", which, in addition to potassium and phosphorus, contain some trace elements.

Products based on organic substances

The universal and most valuable fertilizer for seedlings of fruit crops is the manure of animals and birds. It is introduced into the soil in the third year after planting at the rate of 5-6 kg/m. sq. circumferential circle. The most useful bird, especially chicken manure. It is applied as a fertilizer to the soil in the spring. To feed fruit crops, litter should be diluted with water in the proportion of 1 kg / 10 l of water, then insist for several days. Dry manure is recommended to be applied in autumn at the rate of 0.3 kg/m. sq.

Manure from cows, horses, pigs fresh insertion is not recommended. For fertilizing seedlings, only humus (rotted manure) should be used. Fertilizing with manure is carried out in the fall no more than 1 time / 2-3 years; on poor soils, plants can be fed more often.

Peat as a fertilizer is not as effective as manure, but when applied for digging, it improves the structure of the soil and increases air permeability. Furnace ash contains phosphorus, potassium and lime. It lowers the acidity of the soil, so podzolic and soddy soils are recommended to be fertilized with ash. Ash is added at the rate of 100-120 g/sq. m. It can be mixed with any other organic top dressing, or prepare an aqueous solution for root application.

Fertilizer with compost

Compost is considered a very valuable organic fertilizer. It enriches the soil with humus, improves aeration, helping to increase soil fertility. In addition, compost contains a large amount of trace elements and nutrients necessary for the growth of young trees. Using high-quality compost for feeding the garden, you can completely do without the use of mineral preparations and mixtures.

Most gardeners prefer to fertilize seedlings exclusively with their own compost. Everyone knows that when planting seedlings, it is necessary to feed the soil well so that the plants do not lack useful substances at the start of its development. That's why experienced gardeners prepare for the landing of young animals in advance. Since autumn, they have been digging holes into which various organic wastes intended for compost are poured: dry leaves, peat, sawdust, dry tops and other materials. Then sprinkle the pits with a small amount of earth, cover, and leave until spring. Over the winter, the waste will turn into compost, which will serve as a good organic top dressing for the planted trees during the first year of life.

In the future, it is recommended to apply compost for crops in the third year after planting, but with a lack of humus in the soil, it may be necessary to apply it in the second year. It is necessary to make compost for seedlings in the fall (from mid-September to early October) - it is still warm at this time, so part of the nutrients will be absorbed by the crops in the fall, which will help them adapt and survive the winter. Fertilizer should be shallowly dug into the top layer of soil near the stem circles. Alternatively, you can simply spread it around the trunk and sprinkle it a little with earth.

When caring for a young garden good development and fruiting fruit trees cannot be achieved without the systematic use of fertilizers, especially in areas of the non-chernozem zone.

For the successful growth of trees in young garden, accelerating their entry into the time of fruiting and creating conditions for further high and regular yields is of great importance fertilizer application. Best Results shows the combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

The use of organic fertilizers in the care of a young garden

Wide range of care applications young garden should get first organic fertilizers(manure, compost, peat, peat feces and others), which not only give needed by trees nutrients, but also improve the soil structure, destroyed by digging and frequent loosening.

Manure is brought in in the fall, for digging the soil, having previously scattered it evenly on the surface of the near-stem circle in the amount of 4-6 kilograms per 1 square meter. This will amount to 15-20 kilograms for one two-three-year-old tree, 30-40 kilograms for a five-six-year-old tree, and 50-70 kilograms for a seven-ten-year-old tree.

Compost also has a good effect on fruit trees. Compost is prepared from household waste in specially arranged heaps. Compost heaps are a must for every household. Woody leaves, fallen needles, tops can be used to prepare compost. vegetable crops, weeds, rotten straw and chaff, soot, house debris, kitchen waste, road dust, etc.

The compost heap is made 1.5-2 meters wide (at the base), 1-1.5 meters high and of any length (depending on the amount of material). Lay it on a special cleared and rammed area. Tops, house debris and other household waste and weeds when laying in compost heap interspersed with soil. The soil layer should be 5-6 centimeters thick. Compost, so that it is always moderately moist, is watered from time to time or, even better, with slop or slurry. It is useful to add lime, crushed limestone and ash to the compost.

Once or twice a summer (after two or three months), the compost heap is thoroughly shoveled and laid again. Shoveling accelerates the decomposition of waste. When the compost turns into a homogeneous mass, it can be used for fertilizer. Norms, terms and depth of composting are the same as for manure.

Valuable fertilizer when caring for a young garden is "night gold" (faeces). It is better to mix it with peat, to prepare the so-called peat faeces. For this purpose, they take fine, well-decomposed peat, put it in a layer of 20 centimeters and pour it abundantly with liquid feces. After watering, a second layer of the same thickness is laid on the first layer of peat and also watered, and this is done until the pile reaches a height of 1.5 meters. After that, it is covered with peat and left to decompose.

Peat feces can also be prepared directly in cesspools- restrooms. To do this, peat is poured into the pit every two or three days and mixed with a pole with the contents of the pit. Peat feces is a very strong fertilizer: its application rate is two to three times lower than the rate of manure.

In areas where there is no peat, compost, manure and even ordinary soil are used to prepare fecal fertilizers.

When caring for a young garden, bird droppings should also be used. It is applied at 100-150 grams per 1 square meter of the trunk circle. But it is better to give this fertilizer in the form of liquid top dressing in the first half of summer.

Good fertilizer - furnace ash, containing potassium, phosphorus and lime. Ashes are added at about 100-150 grams per 1 square meter (a glass of furnace ash weighs about 125 grams). especially nice results the use of ash gives on soddy-podzolic soils of the non-chernozem zone, lowering their acidity. In this case, the application rate of ash is increased by at least two to three times.

As a fertilizer, you can use pond, lake and river or decomposed garbage from landfills.

The use of mineral fertilizers for young garden care

If there are mineral fertilizers, then you need to use them.

They are divided into nitrogen (ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate, montan nitrate), phosphoric (superphosphate, tomasslag, phosphate rock) and potassium (potassium salt 30- and 40% and potassium chloride). Nitrogen mineral fertilizers have a good effect on the growth of trees in most areas. Better everywhere is a complete mineral fertilizer, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers contribute at the rate of approximately 8-10 grams of the active ingredient of each type of fertilizer per 1 square meter. For example, ammonium sulphate (ammonium sulfate) contains 20 percent nitrogen. Therefore, 40-50 grams of ammonium sulfate must be added per 1 square meter.

In one glass, it will fit from 150 grams (superphosphate, ammonium sulfate) to 250 grams (potassium salt) mineral fertilizers.

The amount of mineral fertilizers that must be applied under one tree, depending on its age and the size of the trunk circle, is shown in the table.

Montane saltpeter contributes 20 percent, and ammonium nitrate 40 percent less than ammonium sulphate. Double superphosphate contribute two times less than usual.

Phosphorus and potash fertilizers, and partly nitrogen fertilizers, are applied in autumn, for deep digging. These fertilizers are best applied in granular form. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers can also be applied in liquid form in pockets into wells made with scrap, 30-40 centimeters deep; wells are made approximately two pieces per 1 square meter.
The main mass of nitrogen fertilizers (about two-thirds) is better to apply in the spring, during the first spring loosening.

Approximate amount of mineral fertilizers applied under one tree (in grams):

leg circle
(in meters)
leg circle
(in sq. meters)
ammonium sulphate Superphosphate Potassium salt 40%
when fertilizing when fertilizing when fertilizing
weak average | strong weak average strong weak average | strong
100 200 400 600 150
150 300 550 850 225
1 100
100 200 300
  • With the combined use of mineral and organic fertilizers, their application rates are halved against those indicated.
  • When mixing fertilizers, follow established rules. It is best to mix them just before applying to the soil.

Fertilizing fruit trees young garden care

Great value for at In the course of a young garden, fruit trees are fed, which is widely used by the foremost gardeners.

For top dressing, first of all, you need to use local organic fertilizers.: slurry, urine, fermented solutions of bird and cow droppings, etc. For liquid feeding, slurry and animal urine are diluted with 5 parts of water, and feces and bird droppings are diluted with 10-12 parts.

You can also feed fruit trees only with nitrogen or complete mineral fertilizer.

Mineral fertilizers when top dressing can be applied in liquid and dry form.. With dry soil, the near-trunk circles are pre-watered before top dressing. In case of fractional application, the indicated average rate is divided into parts according to the number of top dressings: each time the corresponding part (half or third of the rate) is applied. The first top dressing is given in the spring, during bud break, the second - two or three weeks after the first, during increased shoot growth (in the central regions - in June), and the third - two to three weeks after the second.

Considering that nitrogen fertilizers, if applied untimely, cause a delay in growth, they should be fed only during spring and the first half of summer or late autumn.

It is necessary to fertilize the garden annually on poor soils and once every two or three years on the rest. In the first year after planting, they are limited to mulching tree trunks with manure, humus, compost, etc.

Podzolic soils, in addition, should still be limed. Lime or ground limestone is applied once every five to seven years, on average, 1.5 kilograms per 1 square meter. best time making lime is autumn.

Video: How and what to fertilize fruit trees

In this video, an expert will tell you about how to properly fertilize fruit trees and what exactly.

Video: Apple Orchard Technology

When caring for a young garden, it is necessary to ensure the survival of all planted fruit trees, create conditions for good growth of seedlings and build the correct tree crown, as well as ensure early entry of trees into the fruiting season.

" Trees

Many novice gardeners mistakenly believe that plants need top dressing at the initial stage of the growing season and are limited to fertilizing in the spring. However, the end of the season is always accompanied by work to prepare the crop for wintering. And one of the important activities is the introduction of a nutrient mixture to strengthen the root system and immunity in general. How and with what to feed garden fruit trees in the fall in the garden, we will talk further.

Enriching the soil with nutrients in autumn allows plants to obtain the necessary trace elements that strengthen protective functions even before the onset of cold weather. A strong tree winters without much loss and actively enters the growing season, intensively throwing out new shoots and buds. The lack of stress helps abundant flowering and long fruiting period. Good immunity provides resistance to attacks by insects and pathogens.

  • For, or more liquid feeding is suitable, consisting of 2 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate, 3 tbsp. l. superphosphate and a bucket of water. 4 buckets of solution are consumed per plant.
  • Quince is better to fertilize dry way, distributing on the stem circle 30 gr. superphosphate and 20 gr. potassium salt (per 1 m2).
  • To fertilize the land on which peaches grow, you will need 110-150 gr. superphosphate and 45-65 gr. potassium salt. Minerals are incorporated into the soil along the stem circle.

Timing for autumn feeding

It is possible to carry out work on preparing plantings for winter throughout September and part of October, until the first frosts. But it is also not worth delaying the procedure in time, the plant will need time to absorb the nutrients received during the processing. If you enrich the land before the establishment of stable cold weather, the tree will not have time to gain strength, which means that top dressing will be ineffective.

Before applying the nutrient mixture, it is recommended to clean the soil surface from fallen leaves, cut off dried and damaged branches, repair traces of mechanical damage on the trunk, if any. Also, the preparation involves digging the trunk in a circle with a immersion slightly less than the bayonet of a shovel. The result is a near-trunk circle.

How to fertilize planting before winter

There are several types of fertilizers, each of which deserves attention. Before using it, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the advantages of one or another option in order to choose the most effective top dressing.

Mineral autumn top dressing in September and October

This type of plant nutrition has a simple chemical composition from safe for plants and environment trace elements. Existing mineral fertilizers are conditionally divided into simple and complex. These definitions are conditional, since even simple options contain enough nutrients for normal crop development. Complex formulations contain 2-3 main components and several additional ones, presented in a small dosage.

The granules can be spread on the surface of the soil around the stem part of the tree, followed by watering and incorporation, or pre-dissolved in water to irrigate the plant under the root.

Mineral dressings can be used both in dry and diluted form.

Phosphorus compounds for fruit trees

Ammophos is also considered the most popular fertilizer in horticulture from the phosphate group. There is an opinion that it is better to choose double superphosphate, it contains less gypsum, and the dosage of the main component is increased.

Phosphorus slows down the process of dissolution of the compounds used in top dressing. This increases the efficiency of the procedure for enriching the soil with nutrients. The advantages of phosphorus compounds lies in the ability to strengthen the root system, give the plant strength and energy. Phosphorus also contributes to the accumulation of sugar and protein in the sap of the tree.

Good potash fertilizers

Autumn fertilizing with a potassium composition allows even fragile plants to survive severe frosts. Two types of fertilizers are produced: chloride and sulfate. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the susceptibility of each fruit tree to chlorine and sulfur. For example, pear and apple trees respond well to chlorine, which cannot be said about fruit bushes.

When applying potassium fertilizers, it is important to take into account the environment in the soil so as not to acidify it, for example, with potassium sulfate.

Potassium fertilizers help plants survive the cold

Compound Fertilizers to Boost Yields

The use of mixed dressings is also relevant for carrying out autumn training for winter. As an option, close up a mixture of the following components in the holes at the roots:

  • humus (5 kg);
  • superphosphate (50 gr.);
  • chloride or potassium sulfate (30 gr.).

The composition must first be mixed well so that all substances are evenly distributed. After filling with soil, the pits should be poured with water.

For young crops, whose age does not exceed 5 years, organic matter is taken in a lower dosage. And for trees older than 8 years, the amount of fertilizer increases by 20-30%.

Another type of combined nutrition is phosphorus-potassium compounds. A balanced product facilitates application and enriches the soil with all the necessary valuable minerals.

Combined dressings are good for beginners who do not yet understand how to care for plantings.

Vegetable ash for garden autumn dressing

Vegetable ash is considered a universal remedy, which can be used in dry form and dissolved in water. This top dressing is suitable for almost all crops. Thanks to the ash, the soil is deoxidized, enriched with microelements necessary for normal vegetation:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • sulfur and other substances.

When using this fertilizer, it is worth considering that the proportions of the microelements included in the composition vary depending on the feedstock (grass, straw, peat).

Wood ash belongs to potash types of fertilizer due to great content component such as potassium. Hardwoods have an indicator of 14-16%, conifers - 4-6%.

Ash top dressing has the following advantages:

  • stems and trunks of plants are strengthened;
  • immunity is strengthened, which increases the chances of survival in the winter;
  • the resistance of the culture to various infections and viruses increases;
  • the presence of potassium keeps from rapid growth and premature ripening of fruits;
  • the main component is involved in photosynthesis, converting nutrients into starch.

When using vegetable ash for feeding plantings, it is recommended to adhere to the consumption rate: 250 grams per 1 m2.

How to feed shrubs with organic matter in the garden

To ensure the nutrition of fruit plantations, it is appropriate to use almost all types of organic fertilizers:,. Often, organic matter is combined with mineral fertilizers, which creates optimal conditions for saturating the soil with valuable microelements and maintaining vitality plants during the cold season.

More often it is embedded in the soil around the trunk to a depth of 10-15 cm. But it is also allowed to enrich the soil with a solution prepared on the basis of manure or bird droppings. In the manufacture of liquid nutrition, it is worth strictly adhering to consumption rates and dosages so as not to burn the plant.

Autumn fertilizer differs in the compositions used and the proportions used for young seedlings and mature trees. A large dosage of nutrients will negatively affect the development of the plant, and in some cases will provoke its death.

It is necessary to feed dry. Nutrients are embedded in the ground around the trunk of a tree or covered over the surface of the soil as mulch. If you use the same minerals or organics in combination with water, then you get no less valuable liquid feeds that you water the plants under the root. The effectiveness of this treatment lies in the fact that all the components used are distributed evenly in the soil.

The main advantage of liquid fertilizers lies in the form of nutrients available to plants. This type of feeding is especially suitable for those crops that have a long period of growth.

The most popular fertilizers based on or. To prepare the solution, first a small part of the organic matter is infused for a week in water, obtaining a concentrated liquid. For further use, it will be necessary to dilute the workpiece with water and water the plants under the root 2-3 times per season, including autumn.

Properly carried out shrubby autumn dressing will strengthen the immunity of fruit trees, which will allow them to survive the harsh winter painlessly and increase the yield. And what fertilizer to choose and apply under fruit trees and berry bushes - it's up to you!

With proper and timely fertilization, fruit crops spoil us with their harvest for a long time. How can you properly fertilize plants with the least effort and time?

Each dacha has a plot allotted for a garden, where apples, pears, cherries, cherries, apricots, and peaches are necessarily grown. For normal development and timely entry into fruiting, fruit trees need nutrients that enter the root system from the soil.

The types and doses of fertilizers applied under trees depend on many factors, including:

  • the type and natural fertility of the soil, its physical condition;
  • fruit culture age;
  • climatic conditions.

The correct use of organic and mineral fertilizers will not only provide fruit crops with the necessary nutrients, but also significantly improve the physical condition of the soil:

  • soil moisture capacity will improve;
  • its breathability will increase;
  • the soil will become looser.

On the fertile soils organic fertilizers can be applied after 1-2 years, but in no case should you switch only to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Most of them increase the acidity of the soil. At the same time, the composition of the soil microflora worsens, which negatively affects the development and formation of fruiting.

How to feed a young garden

Before the first fruiting, the garden is considered young and its fertilizer does not require a significant investment of time. When laying a garden usually rotted manure, humus or ripened compost is added to the soil, on next year seedlings do not fertilize. On depleted soils, pome and stone fruit crops begin to be fed from the first year of planting to a permanent place.

In March in the trunk circles of 2-3-year-old trees (in 1-2 years of growth), 1-1.5 buckets of organic matter (humus, compost, peat) are scattered. Organic fertilizer is scattered around a circle with a diameter of 1-2 m and dug up to a depth of 12-15 cm or half a shovel bayonet.

At the beginning of June when increased shoot growth begins, young seedlings are fed with mineral fertilizers. During this period, it is important for them to have all the main nutrients in the soil, so it is better to add nitroammophoska, nitrophoska or a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to the near-stem circle.

In order for fertilizers to reach the root system of fruit crops faster and more evenly, a groove 5-10 cm deep can be made along the perimeter of the near-stem circle and full fertilizer is sprinkled on its bottom at the rate of 20-40 g / linear meter. Then the groove is covered with earth and watered along with the soil in the trunk circle.

autumn(before the leaves fall) the seedlings are fed again. Only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are introduced into the groove, which will positively affect the ripening of the shoots, which will help to survive the harsh winter weather. The norm of phosphorus fertilizers is 10-20, and potash - 15-30 g / linear meter.

From 3-4 years of age simultaneously with organic fertilizers, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied for autumn digging, the dose of which is respectively 90-100 and 30-50 g under a tree. In the spring, without going beyond the diameter of the crown, a near-stem circle is surrounded by a roller along the edge and scatter 100-150 g of ammonium nitrate. Fertilizer is mixed with a rake top layer soil and fill with water.

Feeding fruit bearing trees

As the seedlings grow, the crown of trees increases annually by about 0.5-0.6 m, the root system grows. Starting from 3-4 years and up to 10-12 years of age, the amount of organic fertilizers for one tree is increased by 1 bucket annually. There is a need for additional application of mineral fertilizers.

From the age of 4-5, fruit trees begin to yield. From now on, you need to be very careful about fertilizing. If a tree that has begun to bear fruit has an annual growth of young shoots of less than 20 cm, then it is on a "starvation diet" and for laying good harvest it needs to be supplied with nutrients.

root system fruit crops by this time had already grown in the soil at a sufficient depth. Therefore, on fertile soils, it is now enough to apply organic matter (manure, humus, compost, bird droppings, etc.) once every 2-3 years, as usual, in the fall for digging. Poor soils still need 0.5 buckets of organics annually organic fertilizer per year of the tree's life. That is, under a 6- or 8-year-old tree in autumn, 3 and 4 buckets of organic matter are brought into the near-stem circle, respectively, for digging. Add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

By following all the rules for fertilizing, you can easily grow a large garden of fruit trees and get a rich harvest from them.