Peonies for the winter care in the open field. Peony care in the fall: prepare your flowers for winter the right way! Autumn work on preparing peonies for winter

Peonies are beautiful and rather unpretentious flowers, but even the most undemanding flower needs proper and regular care. Caring for peonies in the fall and preparing them for winter includes fertilizing, pruning and covering the flower, as well as a number of other procedures that are optional, but undoubtedly useful.

What works do peonies need in preparation for winter

Winter cold is a serious test for plants. Peonies are quite persistent, but survival experiments are still not recommended.

For good protection from severe frosts, the height of the shelter should be at least 10-15 cm

Peony care in the fall includes the following procedures:

  • cutting off the stems during the first frost;
  • top dressing of bushes (liquid or dry);
  • separation and transplantation of highly overgrown specimens;
  • inspection of each bush for damage by diseases and pests;
  • carrying out treatment and prophylactic procedures if diseases are identified;
  • abundant watering of each bush, if the summer was dry and the autumn is warm;
  • covering with spruce branches, dry leaves, peat or sawdust.

All procedures are simple, the main thing is to carry them out on time and carefully, following simple rules developed by experienced florists.

Stages of care in the fall

In the warm season, peonies require a minimum of attention - just timely weeding and watering. Autumn is the time to take care of preparing the flowers for wintering.

Top dressing: reserve of strength until spring

By autumn root system peonies are very weakened - over the summer she gives all her strength to foliage and buds. In order for new roots to successfully form and the plant to enter the winter prepared, it must be fed.

Peonies need to be especially carefully fertilized from mid-September to mid-October - it is at this time that the plant is most actively accumulating strength. If you live in a colder region, reschedule the beginning of feeding until early September, generally 1–1.5 months before pruning.

In the fall, it is worth applying fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus to the soil. Leave nitrogen-containing top dressing until spring - they stimulate the active growth of the stems, and before the onset of cold weather this is undesirable.

The dry method is most often fertilized with peonies in particularly rainy weather.

dry dressing

Two basic methods of feeding peonies before winter have been developed:

  • Dry. If summer and autumn are rich in moisture, the roots of the plants have already absorbed enough liquid. In this case, they need granular "food" - it is more convenient to dose it, it lasts much longer than liquid food. Spread the granules of potassium (15 g) and phosphorus (20 g) around the bush, slightly loosen the soil.
  • Liquid. Option for dry summers and warm autumn. Dissolve 1 tablet of potassium and 1 tablet of phosphorus in a bucket of water, mix well and spill the peonies - 1-2 liters of top dressing per 1 bush.

Apply the fertilizer carefully so that it does not fall on the root collar of the bush. It is recommended to fertilize peonies only in the third year after transplantation.

If it is not possible to buy a special fertilizer, make it yourself using available tools:

  1. Mix 1 bucket of fresh cow dung in 5 buckets of water. You can also use bird droppings - then 25 buckets of water are needed for 1 bucket of droppings.
  2. Place the resulting solution in a barrel in a sunny place for 2 weeks for fermentation.
  3. At the end of this period, add 200 g of superphosphate and 500 g of wood ash... Stir again.
  4. Dilute the resulting product clean water(on cow dung 5-7 buckets, on bird droppings- in a ratio of 1 bucket of product to 2 buckets of water) and feed the plants. If the winter turned out to be stingy with snowfalls, do not be lazy, throw a small snowdrift on your flower beds

After pruning, fertilize the peonies well with a mixture of 200 g bone meal and 300 g of wood ash.

Pruning: nothing extra before winter

Peonies of all varieties should be pruned before the onset of cold weather. Usually pruning is done during the first frost period, in the second half of October and early November (middle lane).

August-September is the time when peonies actively absorb nutrients, preparing for winter. Therefore, if the plant is pruned too early, its development and flowering will be poor. The later the peony is trimmed, the more beautiful and healthier it will be next summer.

How do you know when it's time to cut flowers? The foliage turned red and lay on the ground - it means that the time has come, prepare the pruner. When pruning peonies, keep the tool parallel to the ground.

Without a transplant, a peony bush can grow in one place for up to 10-15 years

The procedure cannot be carried out in the spring, because:

  • withered stems that have wintered under the snow are difficult to cut in the spring;
  • last year's stems and foliage are an ideal breeding ground for pests;
  • spring pruning - the risk of damaging the delicate buds that are hidden underground.

In pruning different varieties peonies have certain differences:

  • Herbaceous peonies, whose foliage has withered or has gone with dark spots, are pruned in early September. If the foliage is healthy, pruning is done at the end of September-October. Prune herbaceous varieties to the level of the soil.
  • Tree peonies are usually pruned in the spring, and before they are sheltered for the winter, damaged and diseased shoots should be cut off. The best time for the procedure is when the night temperature drops to –5-7 ° C. As a rule, this is the beginning of November.
  • ITO hybrids were obtained from peonies from different climatic zones therefore they tolerate frost well. They need to be pruned in October-November, as well as tree varieties. During the procedure, all shoots are cut to the root - like in herbaceous varieties. These plants in autumn period can form buds that protrude slightly above the soil, so be careful not to damage them.

With correct and timely anti-aging pruning, you can save the life of a perennial for 60-80 years

If the leaves are withered or sick, remove them as the problem arises, and pour the bush itself from a watering can with a solution of 1 teaspoon of phytosporin in a bucket of water (the solution is enough for 3-4 square meters).

Before pruning, flowers should be covered with a nonwoven fabric at night.

Everything that is cut from the bush must be taken out of the garden and burned in order to avoid flower diseases and to destroy pests.

Video: how to prune peonies

Shelter: protecting from frost

Varietal peonies prefer light and open areas

In regions with severe winters, it is imperative to wrap up peonies in autumn. In places with a mild climate, shelter can be neglected. In general, the decision whether to cover or not depends on the type of peony:

  • ITO peonies are frost-resistant, so you don't need to cover them. The exception is weak and young plants, which can be protected from cold weather by spruce branches or foliage.
  • It is imperative to cover herbaceous peonies with the onset of a stable cold snap. Peat, crumbly humus, sawdust are suitable for this.
  • Treelike peonies have fragile branches that cannot be bent to the ground like raspberry shoots. Divide the branches of the peony into bunches, tie them. Then, mulch the near-trunk circle with peat - it is the only one that does not contribute to the appearance of gray rot. Cover the bush with a spruce branches hut, top with burlap or non-woven fabric.

Video: how to cover peonies

Do not use leaves and stems cut from peonies for shelter - fungi and pests will actively multiply in them, and the plant will die. In the spring, remove the shelter as soon as the buds appear - this happens shortly after the soil thaws.

Other procedures: watering, transplanting, prevention and treatment of diseases

Watering peonies after autumn pruning is possible, but not too abundantly, especially for ITO varieties.

If the bushes are overgrown, they should be planted. This procedure should be carried out during the velvet season (late August-first half of September), when the weather is warm, dry. The peony will get used to a new place, take root and grow quickly in the spring.

In spring and summer, it is better not to plant or transplant a peony - all the plant's forces are directed to flowering and seed production, so the risk of death is very high.

Whichever method of feeding you choose, you need to apply fertilizers very carefully so that additives do not fall on the root neck of the peonies

How to plant peonies in the fall:

  1. Choose a fertile, loose soil, preferably black fallow (an area that has been “resting” for a year) or land that has previously grown legumes. The landing site should be sunny, not windy, away from buildings and trees.
  2. 4 weeks before planting, dig ditches with a diameter and depth of up to 0.5 m, at a distance of 1–1.5 m from each other. Place drainage on the bottom: sand, gravel and water to settle the soil.
  3. Mix black soil with humus, sand, manure, peat and ash in a 1: 1 ratio. Pour the mixture into the hole, mix with the garden soil. You can also add urea, superphosphate, ferrous sulfate.
  4. Cut the stems of the peony to 15 cm. Carefully dig out old bush... Shake off the soil and leave the dug out bush in the shade for 2 hours so that the roots are not brittle.
  5. Inspect them, remove damaged and dried ones. Cut large ones at an angle of 45–60º, leaving a length of 10–20 cm. Sprinkle the slices with crushed charcoal. Place the roots in a light pink potassium permanganate solution for half an hour.
  6. After soaking, plant the young peonies in separate pits, placing the buds 4–5 cm below the surface. Each division should have 2-3 shoots, 3-4 roots and growth buds.

The most gentle method of dividing a dug out bush is to plant it on a 40-50 cm stake. The bush will spontaneously disintegrate into the required divisions.

Video: peony transplant

Peonies can be affected by fungus (spots, powdery mildew, gray rot) or pests (bronze, aphids, caterpillars and root nematodes). Trim off infected stems, leaves or roots and burn off site.

Caring for peonies will not take much of your time - these flowers are perfectly adapted to survive in the cold. The main thing is that in no case should you neglect the autumn care, because during this period the health of the plant is laid. Dedicate your favorite flowers a day or two, and they will thank you lush bloom and delicate aroma.

Autumn is not a time for a grower to relax. Plants in the flower garden still require proper care and careful preparation for winter. And some crops are not too late to plant! We will tell you all about the secrets of planting, care and reproduction of peonies in the autumn months.

Peonies that are herbaceous, that are tree-like are the decoration of any site. And not only in spring and summer - even in autumn, after flowering, their decorative carved leaves pleasing to the eye almost to frost. And although these perennials are quite unpretentious, it is worth giving them some attention before the onset of the winter months so that they will decorate your site in the next season.

It is possible to successfully plant peonies in autumn both in September and in October, and in regions with a mild climate - at the beginning of November. Oddly enough, but in the spring it is more difficult to do this, and the chances that the plants will take root safely are less.

For planting a peony, a sunny place without drafts with fertile well-drained soil of neutral acidity is suitable. The most unfortunate choice would be a waterlogged shaded area with heavy soil.

Approximately 2-3 weeks before planting, you can begin to prepare the planting holes - this way the soil will have time to settle, and the plant will take root better. Holes are dug to a depth of 60-80 cm (peonies have long, fast-growing roots) with intervals of about 1 m between future seedlings. A drainage layer 10-15 cm thick (coarse sand, gravel, broken brick) is laid on the bottom of the pit, and then a pre-prepared soil mixture of chernozem, peat, sand and humus (in equal proportions). Also, fertilizers are added to the mixture without fail - 200-400 g of ash, 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of urea.

A peony seedling is carefully examined for damage and traces of rot (all this is removed with a sharp knife), disinfected for 10-15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried. Then the seedling is carefully placed in the prepared hole - the roots must be carefully straightened, and the uppermost bud should be placed so that it is 3-4 cm below ground level, and covered with soil. The planted plant must be watered - this will additionally help to compact the soil around the seedling.

Before the first winter season, freshly planted peonies must be covered with a thick layer of dry leaves, peat, cardboard or any other covering material.

Reproduction (division) of peonies in autumn

Peonies are exactly the culture that is preferable to transplant and propagate in the fall. In one place, this plant can exist long years, but every 5-6 years, peony bushes should be divided and planted to avoid degeneration. Timely division of peonies allows you to rejuvenate the plant, start it profuse flowering and at the same time get rid of rot and dry roots.

As we have already mentioned, the root system of peonies is powerful and branched, but at the same time it is quite fragile, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to dig out the old bush without "losses". In any case, you first need to cut off the entire aerial part, leaving "hemp" about 15 cm. Then experienced florists it is advised to carefully dig in the peony at a distance of 25-30 cm from the rhizome, and then pull the plant out of the ground with a pitchfork, helping yourself, holding on to the cut stems. If the bush does not give in, there is an option of dividing it into several parts right in the ground - using a shovel and a hammer.

Fact! A correctly divided and transplanted peony will begin to bloom profusely already in the 3rd year after planting, and it will be able to please you with single flowers in the next season.

The dug peonies are shaken off the ground and, first of all, with a sharp knife they get rid of damaged and sick parts, rotten or dried roots. Then the accreted rhizome is washed under running water, dried for a couple of hours in the shade and the actual division process begins.

As a result, you need to get cuttings with healthy roots up to 20 cm long, a pair of stems and 3-5 renewal buds. Try to first divide the common rhizome with your hands, if it does not work, take a sharp disinfected knife in your hands. If the plant is too large, then first cut the rhizome into 2-3 parts, and then proceed with the final division.

Before planting, the cut points of the divisions must be processed so that they remain healthy and take root faster. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for these purposes, in which pieces of rhizomes can be soaked for half an hour, and then sprinkle the cuts with ash or a mixture of crushed charcoal and sulfur (1: 1). You can also use a clay mash (a mixture of water and clay of the consistency of thick sour cream), into which the rhizomes are dipped and then dried. Some add the same ash to this talker, while others advise adding any growth stimulant (30-40 ml per 1 liter of water and 300 g of clay).

Now the peony cuttings are ready for planting in a new place according to the scheme described above.

Even if you are not going to plant new peonies this fall and replant peonies already on the site, this does not mean that in September-October you have nothing to do in the flower garden. Like any plants left to winter outdoors, peonies will take some effort on your part to get through the winter successfully.

Watering peonies in the fall is reduced to the necessary minimum- it is carried out if long time the weather is dry. It is advisable to water the plant not in the middle of the bush, but in the recess surrounding it.

Should you fertilize peonies in the fall? Yes, this procedure is necessary - the roots of perennials continue to grow in the pre-winter months, while simultaneously accumulating nutrients necessary for the plant in order to successfully survive the winter and germinate in the spring.

In autumn, the bushes of peonies are fed with a potassium-phosphorus mixture, which not only nourishes them, but also promotes the formation of buds, which is the key beautiful bloom next season.

Top dressing of peonies in the fall is carried out both in dry and in liquid form. If you choose the first option, then after abundant watering, simply pour about 30 g of the mixture under each bush, where potassium and phosphorus will be in equal proportions. When feeding with a solution of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, it is important to water the plants so that the liquid does not get on the leaves, which can cause their burns.

Should peonies be cut in autumn? Of course, if you leave the plants to winter in the form of tall bushes, the above-ground stems will rot during the winters and become a source of infection. Pruning will allow the peonies to rest after flowering, fully prepare for the cold weather and successfully overwinter.

V autumn pruning both young and adult peonies need. After the first frost, trim the stems and leaves flush with the ground so that the remaining stumps do not exceed a couple of centimeters in height. It is better to burn the cut stems so that they do not become a source of infection on the site, and sprinkle the cuts with ash at the rate of 2-3 handfuls per bush.

Before the snow falls on the ground, plant the peonies with an 8-10 cm layer of compost or low-lying peat and leave in this state until spring. In the spring, you don't need to remove mulch from peat or humus - it will become a good fertilizer.

As you can see, peonies will not require a lot of effort from you to care for peonies in the fall, although, of course, you will have to do something in the flower garden. And these small efforts are worth it. Believe me, peonies that have wintered comfortably and are full of strength next season will certainly delight you with a healthy look and lush flowering.

It is believed that the peony belongs to those flowering perennials that do not require special care. However, if a number of necessary agrotechnical measures are not carried out in the fall, then next year there will be no active flowering from this perennial.

How to properly prepare plants in the fall for the upcoming cold weather, what kind of care is needed for these flowers in the fall, how to properly cut peonies for the winter, whether you need to cover them for the winter - this and much more will be discussed below.

Autumn is the most important time in the process of caring for peonies. Usually in the spring and during the summer, the main care of these flowering bushes consists in timely watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds and cutting off flowering buds. And what should be done in the fall, when this perennial is actively preparing for the upcoming cold weather?

  • feeding flowering shrubs;
  • transplanting shrubs (if there is a need for this);
  • autumn pruning;
  • mulching around the bushes.

Other care for peonies in the fall is not required when preparing them for winter. There are no special and specific nuances in caring for a plant in autumn.

Features of preparation for winter

Pruning is the most important part of preparing peonies for winter. Therefore, you should dwell in more detail on this procedure in the autumn, when and how the flowers are subjected to the procedure, as well as when it is necessary to make the last feeding of these flowers, and why do these flowering plants need it.

Do I need to cut the plant for the winter

Many growers are wondering whether it is necessary to prune peonies for the winter in the fall. And some novice flower growers do not understand why it is required to cut foliage in autumn on this perennial shrub, because these leaves are not affected by any diseases or pests, but simply in the autumn they turn yellow, dry out - this is how the next cycle of development of this flower ends.

But at the same time, they forget that the remaining uncut wilted foliage is an ideal place for the wintering of various harmful insects, their larvae or eggs laid by them. Also, pathogens can "hide" there.

Therefore, it is imperative to cut such peony leaves in the fall. This is a compulsory sanitary measure and should be done at the end of each summer season.

Some gardeners postpone such an event in the spring, but you should not do this so that in the spring unexpected guests do not appear on the site - "harmful" bugs that overwintered in the withered leaves of the plant. Therefore, you need to cut the leaves of peonies for the winter.

When to prune a plant in the fall

Timing is also important in this matter. So when can you prune peonies for the winter? The first pruning is carried out after the end of flowering - at this time only all wilted flowers are removed, while the foliage should not be touched.

The fact is that after the end of flowering, the process of photosynthesis continues in the leaves, which allows the roots of the plant to accumulate the nutrients they need for growth, recuperation after flowering, as well as strengthening resistance to the upcoming frost.

Therefore, early removal of leaves, instead of benefit, brings only harm to the shrubs.

Flowers are already weakened after the active growth of the vegetative mass and abundant flowering, therefore they need enhanced nutrition, and photosynthesis helps to decompose useful substances that enter the foliage from the root system.

Therefore, the process of pruning peonies in the fall is carried out after the first frost. The leaves will then fall on the ground, and this will be the main sign that it is time to prune the peonies.

Until this time, the nutrients that are formed in the foliage were actively entering the root system.

Some growers begin to prune peony foliage for the winter when it begins to change its color from green to yellow, bronze, pink or red. This procedure is performed by amateurs solely due to a decrease in decorative effect in shrubs. However, foliage dries up ahead of time only in diseased shrubs, and healthy foliage serves a perennial to accumulate the required amount of useful elements in the underground part.

And if there is a need for earlier cutting of leaves, then at least 2-3 leaves should be left on each stem, which will be processed useful elements obtained with juice from the root system.

Instructions and procedure diagram

There are no special nuances during the procedure for ordinary varieties of peonies. Usually they are pruned when all the foliage has fallen to the ground. In different regions, the timing of such pruning of peonies in the fall differs due to the different times of the onset of frost, after which a similar procedure is done. In these shrubs, the stems are cut almost to the level of the soil, leaving them sticking out of the soil for a couple of centimeters.

And the procedure for pruning tree peonies in the fall is completely different. They have the following types of procedures:

  • formative;
  • for the rejuvenation of the shrub.

In the first case, such pruning of peonies in the fall is necessary to give the bushes a beautiful decorative shape. Therefore, in the fall, all lignified stems are cut by 0.7-0.9 m.In this case, next year on the bushes will form more young shoots, as well as this procedure contributes to the abundant flowering of the perennial. In addition, pruned bushes are easier to cover before the onset of frost. But in the European part of our country, tree varieties can grow up to 2.5 m in height.

Rejuvenating pruning of peonies in the fall is done every 10-15 years in order to remove old shoots and activate the growth of new ones. The need for this procedure is easy to notice - the bushes grow worse during the season, and the flowering noticeably decreases or stops altogether. With the correct and timely rejuvenating procedure, you can save the life of this flowering perennial for 60-80 years.

Important! All cut shoots, together with the foliage, are immediately taken out of the site and burned, and the places of the cuts and the soil are sprinkled with ash for disinfection.

Video: how to properly prune peonies for the winter.

Caring for peonies after pruning, feeding

Peonies are usually fed a couple of weeks before the onset of frost. The usual terms for applying autumn fertilization are from the second decade of September to the first decade of October. The specific dates depend on the climatic conditions of the region in which these flowers grow.

Important! In the fall, do not use any nitrogen fertilizers as top dressing, so that the shrub does not start growing before winter.

Usually, on warm dry autumn days, mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are applied. At the beginning of autumn, these elements are necessary for the root system, which during this period continues to grow and accumulate useful substances.

The advantages of this feeding method:

  • the next year, stronger and larger buds grow on the stems;
  • flowering bushes in the next season will be more active;
  • the flowers will be larger in size, and their color will be more intense;
  • the applied phosphorus-potassium fertilizers help to strengthen the root system, allow it to strengthen its defenses before the coming cold weather, and the bushes themselves grow stronger and stronger next year.

Top dressing during this period is applied in the following ways:

  • dry;
  • liquid.

If the autumn turned out to be dry, then it is better to dilute phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in water according to the instructions and apply directly under the roots. A liter of such a solution is enough for each bush.

In rainy weather, it is better to use granular fertilizers, which gradually decompose in the soil and go to the roots in certain portions. Usually dry fertilizers are scattered around the stems of the plant, slightly embedding them in the ground.

Video: preparing peonies for winter, pruning time, fertilization.

How to cover peonies for the winter

Pruning peony bushes and fertilizing are not all measures to prepare this flowering perennial for winter. It is important to properly cover peonies for the winter so that they do not freeze during the winter frost. This procedure is especially relevant in those regions where there are severe frosts in winter, and the amount of snowfall is small.

The growth buds of this flower lie in the soil at a depth of no more than 6 cm, so the first thing to do is to spud the cut bushes.

On top, lay a layer of mulch with a thickness of at least 15-18 cm. As such material, you can use sawdust, spruce branches, high peat, dry foliage, humus or compost.

Remember! The cut foliage of the plant cannot be used as a covering material. It usually attracts "harmful" insects and pathogens.

During the winter, you can additionally cover the peonies with a layer of snow - it will serve as an additional "insulating" material during severe cold weather.

Features of preparing a tree peony for winter

Throughout the European territory of our country, tree peonies do not need to be sheltered for the winter, because, as a rule, they can winter perfectly well without shelter. But only if they grow in a quiet place where cold winds do not rage during the season. Moreover, the earth at this time of the year can freeze to a depth of 0.8-1.0 m, and the column of a street thermometer can drop to -28⸰С.

Young bushes of tree-like peonies must be covered for the winter. To do this, they are covered with a layer of peat (up to 20 cm thick), and an inverted bucket is placed on top.

Although many growers prune this type of peony in the fall, experts believe that it is better to do all types of pruning of tree peonies in the spring.

Video: is it necessary to cover the tree peony for the winter.

Features of preparation for cold weather, depending on the region

Different regions of our country have their own nuances of preparing peonies for winter. Consideration should be given to how to prepare these shrubs for winter in areas with different climatic conditions:

  1. In Siberia be sure to shelter peonies for the winter, using various mulching materials. Such shelter should be more solid than in warmer regions. Usually, cardboard boxes, buckets or plastic containers are placed on top of the mulch layer.
  2. In the Urals hiding peonies is also a must. Moreover, the process of sheltering is similar to what is carried out on the territory of the Siberian regions.
  3. In the Volga region you do not need to cover the peonies so carefully for the winter - you just need to add a layer of mulching material.
  4. V middle lane(Moscow region) for high-quality preparation of peonies for winter on open areas it is better to cover them in case of a frosty, snowless winter.

Typical mistakes

Many novice flower growers often make a number of mistakes when preparing peonies for the coming cold weather.

Let's note the most common ones:

  • pruning too early - before the onset of the first frost;
  • do not remove dead foliage in the fall, but do it at the beginning of the next season;
  • in rainy weather, a liquid form of top dressing is introduced under this flowering perennial, as a result, not all fertilizers are "absorbed" by the roots;
  • do not properly cover peonies for the winter.

Video: correct pruning peonies in the fall.

Preparing peonies for winter is a very important process, on the correct implementation of which it depends how much the bushes will be ready for the next season. Therefore, flower growers should pay attention to careful observance of all the rules for the preparation of these flowering perennials to the cold season.

In order for peonies to bloom gorgeous every year, simple rules should be followed when caring for them. The article provides step by step guide on planting and transplanting, care throughout the year and on measures to combat diseases and pests.

Peonies care features in autumn

In autumn, peonies need Special attention... At this time it is necessary:

  1. Divide and replant the bushes, if necessary.
  2. Carry out a close examination of each bush, check for diseases and pests. If necessary, take control or prevention measures.
  3. If there is little rainfall in the fall, it is necessary to shed the plant abundantly to ensure abundant flowering the following year.
  4. Cut off all the stems.
  5. Mulch the planting, which is both fertilizer and shelter.
  6. Towards the end of autumn, cover with additional spruce branches, dry foliage or non-woven covering material.

Autumn is time to replant peonies

Peonies grow in one place for a long time - up to 15 years. The need for a transplant arises in cases when:

  • The previous place for the plant was not chosen well: are close groundwater, the nearby plants have grown quickly and give a lot of shade, there have been changes in the design of the garden;
  • It took a peony to multiply. Growing from seeds is a laborious process, and by dividing an adult bush into several parts, gardeners get a sufficient amount of planting material.
  • There were few flowers on the bush, and they were crushed. If the peony grows in the garden for a long time, then the cessation of abundant flowering is an indicator that the bush is old.

The most the best time for dividing bushes and replanting - September. Plants planted in the fall are 99% rooted. At this time, it becomes cool and rainy, which is optimal for the survival of seedlings. The growth period ends, the foliage dries up, and the young roots are still growing. There is enough time for rooting before frost.

How to divide a peony correctly

  1. Before starting a transplant, you should cut off all the foliage almost to the very ground.
  2. It is necessary to dig out the bush carefully, trying not to damage the roots. It is convenient to do this with a digging pitchfork.
  3. When transplanting a young bush, it is better to dig it out with a lump of earth., and then carefully move to a new location.
  4. Digging up an old bush, on the contrary, it is cleared of earth.
  5. The dug root is left to lie down on the ground in the shade for 2 - 3 hours.
  6. The rhizome should be divided with a large, sharp knife. The knife must be clean, you can disinfect it in a solution of potassium permanganate. On each plot, 3 - 5 buds and at least 2 old shoots are necessarily left. All sick, rotten parts of the root are removed.
  7. If the bush is old, then its roots are very tangled and it can be difficult to separate them. To facilitate this process, a strong stake is driven into the middle of the rhizome. In this case, the peony itself will disintegrate into several parts.
  8. Fresh cuts are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. It is helpful to mix charcoal with root growth stimulant powder.

Choosing a place and preparing the landing pits

Peonies love a sunny, windless place. Bushes growing in the shade hardly bloom, and their few flowers become small. Planting close to a house or other buildings is also not recommended - strong overheating in sunny weather from the walls of the building is possible.

The best soil is neutral or slightly acidic. If on the site acidic soil, then lime, chalk or dolomite flour should be added to it.

Peonies do not tolerate stagnant water or an arid place:

  • In the case when the groundwater at the site comes close to the surface, it is necessary to pour a drainage layer on the bottom of the pit - stones, expanded clay, pieces of bricks. You can plant a bush on a raised bed. But if the winter is frosty and with little snow, you should not do this - flower buds will freeze, and there will be no flowering.
  • Sand should be added to heavy clay soils and a lot of humus.
  • For sandy loam soils clay is required.

It is advisable to plan places and prepare pits in advance, 3 to 4 weeks before disembarkation. This must be done in order for the prepared land to settle before the landing of the cuttings.

The hole should be 50-60 cm in diameter and the same depth. At the bottom of the pit, drainage is poured, if necessary. Further, a fertile layer of about 20 cm is laid - compost, leaf humus. Everything is spilled with water.

A nutritious land mixture is prepared separately for planting. It should consist of the following components:

  • compost;
  • rotted manure;
  • wood ash;
  • potassium sulfate 200 gr.;
  • bone meal 400 gr.;
  • superphosphate 300 - 400 gr. If dolomite flour was introduced into the ground to reduce acidity, then superphosphate cannot be added. They don't fit together.

When the planting soil is prepared correctly, peonies can not be fertilized for 3-4 years.

Planting peonies

The seedling is placed in the hole so that the roots are evenly distributed and not bent upwards. Gently sprinkle with prepared earth. They are tamped, trying not to damage the sprouts. Pour one bucket of water. It is better to pour water from a watering can so that the earth is not washed away. If voids have formed, they are filled with earth.

Young shoots when planting a cut should not be deeply buried. The tops of the shoots should look out of the ground by 2-3 cm. If the root is planted deeply, then the bush will have many leaves and almost no flowers.

For the first year, a flowerbed with planted flowers must be covered with compost or leaf humus for the winter. In the spring, as soon as the thaw begins, the shelter must be removed.

If the rules for planting peonies are followed, then buds appear in the second year. The buds are cut, preventing them from opening. This is necessary so that as many new buds as possible are laid at the base of the stems. Mass flowering begins in the third year.

Top dressing of peonies in spring and summer

If fertilization was not applied when planting peonies, then it is necessary to feed the flowers from the first year:

  1. The first feeding is carried out when the shoots start to grow.
  2. The second is at the moment of bud formation.
    Nitrophoska is added to the first and second dressing.
  3. Fertilize for the third time after flowering. The best nutrition for peonies during this period is superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

For adult plants, a different composition of dressings is required:

  1. Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are taken 15 grams each and scattered around the bushes in the snow. This is done during the onset of thaws. When the snow melts, the fertilizer will go into the soil to the desired depth.
  2. When buds are formed to nitrogen and potash fertilizers add phosphoric. They contribute to the better formation of full-fledged buds. Prepare a mixture: 10 gr. nitrogen, 15 gr. potash and 20 gr. phosphorus fertilizers.
  3. In the third feeding, after flowering, fertilize only with phosphorus(20 gr.) And potash (15 gr.) Fertilizers.

Peonies love foliar feeding with mineral fertilizers. Better spraying spend on a cloudy day. In the heat, there is a possibility of leaf burns. On a sunny day, it should be sprayed early in the morning or in the evening.

Peony bushes respond well to fertilization with organic fertilizers - manure. This feeding is carried out at the beginning of summer. Manure contains nitrogen, which is required by the plant only in the initial growing season: 0.5 buckets of manure are added to 30 liters of water and left to ferment for 10 days in a sunny place. For this process, it is better to choose a distant section of the garden, because during fermentation it is released bad smell... Then wood ash and superphosphate are added. Ready composition diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. A bucket of such fertilizer is poured under each bush.

A good top dressing can be made from rye bread: Break the loaf into pieces and pour a little water over it. Fermentation lasts 10 - 12 hours. Fermented bread is bred in 2 buckets of water. Such fertilization can be carried out all summer at intervals of 2 - 3 weeks.

When fertilizing peonies, it is important to remember that it is better not to feed than to overfeed. An excess of fertilizer leads to the fact that the bushes grow a lot of foliage to the detriment of flowers.

How and when to prune peonies correctly

  • In young peonies, in the first 2 years, all the buds are necessarily cut off. This allows the bush to spend all its nutrition and energy not on the formation of flowers, but on the development of the root system and the laying of new buds. When cutting, do not touch the leaves and the stem itself, so as not to allow the plant to weaken. In some cases, young bushes can be allowed to bloom. But this is done only when the plant is highly developed, which is rare.
  • When the peonies reach 3 years of age, the flowers are removed immediately after flowering, when all the petals have crumbled. Cut off the stem over the top leaf. If the top of the stem is weak, then it is also removed. The most developed leaf is chosen and cut over it. The main condition for pruning peonies after flowering is that two lower leaves must be left.
  • In the case when the lush foliage interferes with the flowers growing nearby, you can cut out part of the bush, but no more than 1/2. It is important to keep those stems that did not have flowers this year.
  • In autumn, the leaves dry up, and after the first frost, the stems lie on the ground. During this period, the entire bush is cut off, leaving hemp 3 - 4 cm.

Preparing peonies for winter

Shelter or not depends on the region. In the southern regions, peonies winter well without shelter.

The farther north, the more carefully the bushes need to be insulated:

  • For this planting should be mulched with peat, humus or foliage. Mulch is laid in a layer of 10 to 20 cm.
  • Extra cover is required in very cold winters. A non-woven covering material with the highest density or coniferous branches has proven itself well.
  • It is very important to remove the shelter on time in the spring. so that the shoots that begin to sprout are not pushed.

Pests and how to deal with them

  • Bronzes. Fighting these flying beetles is not easy, but it must be done. They eat flowers light shades, and the plant loses its decorative effect. Pests are collected by hand and destroyed. At night, beetles hide in the ground, so late in the evening, shrubs should be abundantly shed with insecticides for soil pests.
  • Halal nematodes. A plant whose roots are damaged by these small worms cannot be saved. Signs are manifested in the fact that peonies become depressed, weak. Plants seem to lack water and nutrition. To make sure that the plant is damaged by nematodes, you should remove the layer of earth, inspect the roots. Signs of damage are brown or yellowish root thickening and fringed roots. The damaged plant is dug up and destroyed so as not to infect neighboring bushes. The soil is disinfected.
  • Aphids, ticks, thrips, ants. Peonies are not often affected by these pests. Spraying with insecticides is used to combat. Spraying is carried out in the evening, when the bees stop flying. For prevention, it is recommended to spray the ground under the bushes.

Pion disease control measures

  • Rust attacks the leaves. From above appear dark spots, the lower part of the leaf is covered with red spores. The diseased foliage is cut and burned. Any preparations containing copper are used to fight.
  • With brown spot, the plant can get sick with high humidity. Brown spots appear on the leaves, which quickly cover all foliage and buds. Copper preparations are also used for treatment.
  • With a circular mosaic, circles of light green or yellow are formed on the leaves. This does not harm the life of the plant. To combat the disease, it is enough to cut and burn the affected foliage.
  • The plant can get sick with gray rot in cold and humid weather. Peonies planted on heavy clay soils are also susceptible to this disease. The damaged parts of the bush are cut off. Bordeaux mixture is suitable for treatment.

  1. You can not plant peony bushes close to each other. Optimal distance 1 meter.
  2. In a dry summer, it is necessary regular and abundant watering.
  3. To prevent diseases, weeding and loosening of the soil are carried out. Preventive spraying will prevent diseases from developing.
  4. Plantings should be inspected regularly for the presence of pests.
  5. Choosing the right place and timely feeding will allow the plants develop correctly and bloom profusely.
  6. In the presence of large, heavy flowers, it is recommended put a support and tie up the stems.

Home / Garden and garden / Flowers for home and garden / Peony care in autumn

  1. 2. Fertilizers for peonies - an important part of care in the fall
  2. 3. Pruning peonies in the autumn
  3. 4. Shelter of peonies for the winter

Peonies considered to be unpretentious garden flowers. However, these perennials still need proper care. With the onset of autumn, plants do not require less attention than in spring or summer. Proper care at this time of the year will ensure the flowers have a good wintering and full bloom for the next season.

1. Features of preparing peonies for winter

So, how to prepare peonies for winter? First of all, it is necessary to provide luxurious flowers with nutrients. In the fall, it is imperative to add fertilizer to the soil. Feeding peonies in autumn it is held in September or in early October. The root system of peonies differs in some nuances of structure and growth. It thickens in certain places. It is believed that these areas are the concentration of nutrients. From here, beneficial substances diverge along the entire length of the roots. Since the root system of these garden flowers actively grows and develops in the fall, it is important to ensure peonies proper care in the form of fertilization during this period.

Fig. 1 Caring for peonies in autumn 2. Fertilizers for peonies are an important part of autumn care

Plants love potassium phosphorus supplements.

The use of such funds in the fall will allow:

get new buds next season;

provide lush bloom;

achieve active development of the bush.

You can use phosphorus and potassium different ways... If fertilizers are applied in liquid form, then you need to prepare a solution. You will need to add 1 tablet of these drugs to a bucket of water. The resulting nutritious "cocktail" is thoroughly watered on the flower.

You can also add a potassium-phosphorus additive to the soil in a dry form. In this case, a mixture of 10 grams of potassium and 15-20 grams of phosphorus must be sprinkled around each plant.

Read about the properties of mineral fertilizers in this article.

Fig. 2 Caring for peonies in autumn 3. Pruning peonies in the fall

Autumn care for peonies- it is also pruning bushes. Before winter, it is recommended to always prune the shoots without delaying this procedure until the spring months. The optimal time for pruning is during the first frost. It is best to schedule the procedure for the last days of October or early November. Do not cut the shoots earlier, as this can affect strength. peony and the splendor of its flowering in the coming season.

You need to cut the bush so that no hemp remains above the soil surface. Shoots are harvested to ground level. To avoid contamination of the land, all cut material is removed from the garden and burned.

As a nutritional supplement, it is very beneficial to fertilize the soil around the peonies after pruning with a mixture of 300 grams of wood ash and 200 grams of bone meal.

How to care for tree peony, read here.

Fig. 3 Pruning a peony in autumn 4. Shelter peonies for the winter

Fertilizing and pruning is not all the care you need peonies in the fall. It is necessary to correctly plan the preparation of the plant for wintering. This is especially important for those flowers that grow in regions with harsh winters. The first step is to assess the depth of the kidneys. If they are located at least 3-6 cm, then it is very important to lightly sprinkle the peonies with soil.

fallen leaves.

At the same time, it is not allowed to use leaves cut from peonies... The thing is that this material will become a comfortable environment for the reproduction and residence of fungi. As a result, the plant will simply die. When forming the coating, you need to create a protective layer in the range of 10 to 15 cm. This approach will reliably protect peonies from severe frosts and winds.

Fig. 4 Shelter of a peony in autumn

Caring for peonies in the fall involves a comprehensive implementation of procedures. They do not cause difficulties for gardeners, but they guarantee excellent wintering of flowers and their abundant flowering next year.

If you are wondering how to propagate peonies, read this article.

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Peonies are perennial long-flowering woody-deciduous plants. But in order to achieve their lush and long flowering, special attention should be paid to proper preparation for wintering... Also, in order for the bush to please the next year with a riot of colors, you need to know the time when to plant peonies - these amazing and luxurious flowers.

Preparing peonies for winter

The end of summer - the beginning of autumn is the right time to prepare the plant for winter. During this period, it can be planted, transplanted and divided, since over the summer the roots of the bush lay the buds of renewal.

Every novice florist who has peonies in the garden thinks about whether it is necessary to dig up peonies for the winter. The answer is, of course, no.

Every 6-8 years, bushes only need rejuvenate, in order to maintain the flowering duration. This is done in the fall by dividing the bush. The work is not easy. For a correct transplant, you need to know the basic rules for dividing a plant:

  1. In autumn, cut off the shoots 15 cm from the ground, and do not pull the bush by the stems.
  2. Dig in the bush from all sides, trying not to damage the roots and carefully raise it above the ground. The older the plant, the harder it is to do this.
  3. The dug out bush must be rinsed with water and left in the shade to dry.
  4. Carefully inspect the root system and remove damaged and rotten roots, and cut the rest by 20 cm.
  5. Clean the rhizome damaged after digging with charcoal.
  6. Carefully divide the bush into required amount being careful not to damage the kidney. Each section should have 3-4 shoots.
  7. Leave the plots in the shade for a day to form a cork layer, which will protect the plant from microbes.

If for some reason the planting does not occur immediately, you need to know how to save peonies before it. To do this, the divided bushes must be planted in a pot with moistened and disinfected sand and placed in a shady place protected from drafts. In the fall, the pot is removed to a room with a temperature of 5-8 degrees, periodically moistening the sand.

Overwintered bushes form buds in early March, and the first shoots appear in May.

Autumn planting

For good growth, the peony must be planted on right place... Most preferred:

  • sunny place or partial shade;
  • a place protected from drafts;
  • in an open flower bed away from trees and bushes;
  • from the house to the bush should be at least 2 meters.

2 weeks before planting, you need to prepare a flower bed. The depth of the hole should be 70 cm, and the length and width should be 60 x 60. The distance between the bushes is about a meter.

The soil must be fertilized. To do this, add to the ground organic fertilizer(rotted manure or compost). Sand must be added to clay soil to loosen it.

Rules for planting peonies in the autumn:

  1. It is necessary to plant the prepared material so that the planting bud is 3-5 cm below ground level. If the bud is much lower, the plant will get sick with a fungus, and with a high planting in the spring there will be no new young shoots;
  2. Cover the bush with fertile soil without compacting it. Make sure that no damage to the kidney and roots occurs during planting;
  3. Spill the bush abundantly and cover with humus. Watering is essential for fast rooting.
  4. It is better to plant bushes in late August - early September, so that 2 months remain before the onset of frost. During this time, the plant will grow young sucking roots, which are necessary for the spring development of the bush.
  5. The complete rooting of the plant occurs in 2 or 3 months.
  6. It is possible to transplant the bush in the spring, but it is undesirable, since the buds of the peony wake up after winter, and during transplantation, the upper bores may break, and the plant will acquire a sloppy and unkempt appearance. And also when transplanted in the spring, the peony will not please with its flowering in the summer.

Pruning rules

The main condition is the pruning of the bush. This is important for preparing the plant for future frosts.

Pruning of peonies should be done at the end of October, when the plant is preparing for "hibernation". Many growers perform this procedure much earlier, but this can lead to a weakening of the peony and poor flowering the next year.

If early pruning is necessary, a stem with 2-3 leaves is left in the plant. Thus, the bush will accumulate necessary forces for the future budding.

Pruning rules:

  1. It is necessary to cut off stems, leaves and flowers;
  2. Leave a stem up to 5 cm long from the surface of the ground.
  3. Before pruning, the bush must be watered abundantly;
  4. All trimmed parts of the plant must be removed from the garden, as they can become a source of various diseases;
  5. After pruning, fertilizer must be applied to the soil: 200 g of bone meal mixed with 300 g of wood ash.

Plant shelter

It is necessary to cover the plant in those regions where there are severe winters. This is important to protect the root system from cold weather. To do this, you can use:

  • sawdust;
  • fallen leaves;
  • peat or compost;
  • coniferous spruce branches.

In no case should cut leaves or stems be used as a covering material, as this can lead to the appearance of fungal diseases. To protect against frost, the layer of covering material should be no thinner than 15 cm.

Shelter is necessary not only to protect the roots from frost, it also introduces the necessary nutrients into the soil. For mature plants, shelter is considered a good growth promoter. With the onset of spring, the "fur coat" is removed, leaving only a small amount of mulch to prevent weed growth.

At proper care and preparing for winter, the plant will delight with its flowering in the summer. But for a beautiful and long-lasting flowering, you need to know what peonies don't like:

  1. Strongly moistened soil, as excess water leads to root rot and death of the plant.
  2. Shaded places. There the peony will not bloom and will quickly wither away.
  3. Planting near trees and large shrubs, as the roots of large plants will take up a lot of the nutrients that peonies need.

In China, the peony is recognized as a royal flower, and it was from there that the plant was brought to Europe. The Chinese people consider the peony to be a symbol of their culture, and in the national literature and painting of this country you can often find descriptions and images of a peony with a butterfly.

The ancient Greeks knew the peony as medicinal plant... It was believed that this flower cures 20 diseases, and these peonies grew in every monastery. Until 1800, the plant was used only as a medicinal product and was added to food.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the fall, the peony requires more attention than in the spring or summer.

Proper care during this period helps to ensure a vibrant bloom in the next season.

It's time to prepare the peony for winter.

What you need to know about autumn peony care

In autumn, the plant needs additional nutrition, which is the key to flowering in the future, and also helps to accumulate the necessary amount of nutrients for a good winter. How to prepare a peony for winter?

Peony feeding

All fertilizers are applied in the fall before the onset of frost, somewhere in mid-September or early October. But in the northern regions, you need to look at the weather. Why fertilize a peony in the fall? The root system of the plant has some peculiarities; it grows actively in the fall. Peony care during this period should be complete.

As a rule, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied in the fall, leaving nitrogen fertilizers for spring use. The use of such a feeding scheme gives advantages:

In the coming season, larger and better quality buds appear;

Peony bloom will be full, brighter and more memorable;

In response to the received top dressing, the bush begins to grow actively, increases in size.

Fertilizers are applied in several ways:

In liquid form;

Dry method.

If the weather is dry, then it is more advisable to make a liquid root feeding of the plant. For this, mineral fertilizers are dissolved in water, the bush is watered with the resulting solution. The consumption of the working mixture is 1 liter per plant, depending on its size.

Rainy autumn dictates its own rules, and it is better to apply fertilizers dry. The fact is that the use of liquid fertilizers is unjustified. When the soil is waterlogged, the root system stops absorbing nutrients from it. Dry granular dressings will come to the rescue. They last longer, and minerals are supplied in dosage. A handful of granules are scattered around the bush, slightly embedded in the soil.

Peony Care: Autumn Pruning

In order not to be advised by the neighbors in the country, but pruning a peony should not be postponed until spring. It is held in the fall. It is better to cut off the above-ground part of the shrub with the onset of the first frost. Sometimes, it falls in late October or early November. But in all regions it is different.

Important! Pruning a peony earlier weakens the plant, it will not endure the winter well, which will affect further flowering.

How to prune a peony correctly? You need to trim the shoots at ground level, slightly deepening the tool into the soil. All garbage is removed from the site and burned, this will avoid contamination of the land various diseases... The place of the cuts and the bed are sprinkled with wood ash.

How to transplant peonies in the fall

Autumn is the best time for breeding and transplanting peonies. This procedure is carried out in late August - early September. The soil for planting delenki is prepared in advance. To do this, dig a hole about 60 cm in size. The root system of the peony grows in breadth, which should be taken into account when planting. The distance between the plants is left sufficient for their development. A gap of about 50 cm to 1 meter is considered optimal.

The first layer in planting pit there will be drainage. It is equipped with sand or broken brick. The thickness of the drainage layer is up to 30 cm. Further, there is a layer of nutrient soil with the addition of fertilizers. Humus, ash, compost, potassium sulfate, superphosphate are added as top dressing. The thickness of this layer does not exceed 30 cm. Then the hole is filled with soil and left for a week. During this time, the earth will sag, tamp, which is important in the fall for the correct planting of peony rhizomes.

Important! It is highly discouraged to deepen the rhizomes during planting, since as a result the flower bed will remain without flowers. The shrub will grow a lot of lush greenery, but will not bud.

It should also be remembered that the peony will not bloom in the first year after planting. But at the same time, the plant should look healthy, not lethargic. The buds will appear when the plant is ripe. But if in the third year of cultivation they are not there, then you need to look for mistakes.

Reproduction of peonies in autumn

Peonies are long-livers in the flowerbed, so their transplant is extremely rare. It is done once every ten years. During this time, the shrub will grow and require division. This is the most optimal way reproduction of peonies.

However, old rhizomes do not tolerate transplanting well, the resulting plants are inferior to others in all qualities. Experienced gardeners shrubs are advised to propagate after 4-5 years of cultivation. The resulting young peonies meet all quality standards. Their flowering is splendid, and the bushes are attractive in appearance.

Proceed with the procedure for dividing the mother bushes better in autumn... As a rule, the peony is propagated in September. But no later than a month before the expected frost.

How to prepare a plot for planting?

In the fall, the mother bush is dug out, carefully removing it from the ground. The rhizome is shaken off the ground and washed, being careful not to damage the growth buds. Old shoots are cut to the very root. The prepared rhizome is left to dry on outdoors until slightly soft. Such a root can be divided without much damage.

When starting to divide, the rhizome is well examined. All areas with voids are cut off, and the cut sites are washed with disinfectants. After dividing the old root, several seedlings are obtained, each of which has well-developed growth buds. It is important that the plots are of the same size, since too large ones get sick longer after transplanting, and small ones die.

Peony planting is carried out in the usual way, not forgetting about the shelter of young plantings.

Preparing for winter: sheltering peonies

Pruning and feeding are not all the features of peony care in autumn. The plant needs quality shelter, especially in regions with harsh winters.

The depth of the growth buds of the peony is at the level of 3-6 cm from the surface of the earth. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, the shrub must be spud.



Dry foliage;


You can not use cut shoots of the peony itself for shelter. They attract pests and are a breeding ground for most bacteria.

A shelter for a peony is formed with a thickness of about 15-20 cm. This allows you to save the plant from severe frosts and cold winds.

Let's summarize

Autumn peony care is not too difficult, it consists of a number of necessary activities:

Top dressing;


Transplant as needed;

Shelter and mulching.

If all actions were performed correctly and on time, then you can not worry about the safety of peonies in winter. Spraying the soil and shrubs will help prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. copper sulfate... It is important to remember that fungal spores hibernate in foliage, therefore order is always maintained in the flower bed. Do not forget that in harsh winters, snow will help to additionally insulate the flower bed, which will only benefit the plants.

Peonies - luxurious fragrant flowers - are a real decoration of any spring-summer garden, therefore they are deservedly loved by many gardeners and are very widespread in our gardens.

These herbaceous perennial plants not very demanding to care for, but still due to low winter hardiness preparing peonies for winter must be carried out with great care, applying pruning and shelter for the winter , although the newly appeared zoned varieties of peonies showed good results of winter hardiness.

The success of wintering peonies depends on where they are planted: even in different areas within the same garden, plants can survive the winter in different ways.
The easiest way to survive the cold is for peonies planted among trees and shrubs.
When the plantings with peonies are located on a hill, especially open to all winds, the snow will never linger there and it will be impossible for wintering peonies to survive this harsh season without additional insulation. In such places at preparing peonies for winter required additional insulation in the form of a mulching layer with dry peat, on top of which an inverted box is laid, covered with spruce branches.

And when the beds with peonies are located in the low-lying part of the garden, where cold and damp air usually stagnates, the peonies should be covered more thoroughly.

Tree peonies after mulching, it should be wrapped with covering materials such as lutrasil and agril, or at least simple burlap. From above, the "hut" is covered with branches of spruce branches tied together.

All our articles from the heading "Floriculture"

Pruning and sheltering peonies for the winter it should be done with the onset of frost (in mid-October), when the soil is already frozen, and the root system is fully prepared for wintering, having accumulated a sufficient amount of nutrients. In peonies, the entire aerial part is cut off, leaving only stumps above the growth buds of about 2-3 cm.
The cut stems and all plant residues from under the peonies are collected and burned.

To protect the peony tubers from low temperatures in the absence of snow, after pruning, peony bushes should be spud with dry peat up to 10 cm thick.
In colder regions, the thickness of the sprinkled layer can be increased to 20 cm.

The use of a shelter for the winter is beneficially reflected in the spring development of peonies: mulch protects against crust formation on the soil surface, protects growth buds from spring frosts, serves good food for plants, as a result, the plants are noticeably more friendly and wake up earlier in the spring and give an even and lush flowering.
Applying the shelter of peonies for the wintersat you cannot use straw, manure and your cut stems with foliage as such, because there is a danger of becoming ill with fungal diseases, the appearance of which is possible when such covering materials overheat and germination of the fungal spores present there.
Sawdust, shavings, tree bark also undesirable as insulation, because in the process of overheating, they give an acidic reaction of the soil.
Immediately after the snow melts in the spring, covering materials should be removed, a thick mulching material should be scattered over the garden bed, leaving a small layer under each bush for mulching, which will protect the soil from crusting, retain moisture in it, and get rid of early weeds.

Video: Pruning and preparing peonies for winter

Pruning and preparing peonies for winter