How to wash very dirty plastic windows - choosing the best way. How to wash pvc windows after repair

Modern PVC windows get dirty no less than their wooden "brothers"

Despite excellent PVC characteristics windows, they get dirty just as quickly as ordinary ones. Given the specifics of the material of the product, caring for it also has certain features, which I am ready to talk about in detail.

How to maintain PVC windows: general rules

Let's find out how and what to wash plastic windows from dirt. But first, I’ll clarify that there are 3 different elements to be washed:

  1. Profile, window sill;
  2. Glass;
  3. working mechanism.

For each case there are pros and cons, for example, detergent used on glass can be detrimental to plastic. Or specific tilt and turn care products will not be suitable for cleaning other surfaces.

Contamination on white plastic can cause a lot of headaches, especially in the kitchen. Dark circles from flower trays, leaking water from under seedlings, homemade kvass overplayed over the edge, and you never know what else.

So, how to wash plastic windows correctly?

  • the frame is washed first, and then the glass (although you often want to do the opposite);
  • work is carried out on a cloudy day (in the sun, the washing liquid will have time to dry more than once before wiping, leaving whitish stains / iridescent spots);
  • use only warm / cool water;
  • no aggressive / abrasive agents, cutting and scratching tools.


Regardless of which tool you will use, let your working arsenal have (to choose from):

  • absorbent wipes - flannel, cotton, white / light fleece to wash off dirt and wipe dry;
  • suede flap / old nylon tights for polishing;
  • a sponge with a hard side like for washing dishes, it will help to quickly and efficiently wash the window sill;

Avoid abrasive pastes and tools - they can seriously damage window structures.

  • sgonka (sliz, screed) - this miniature "mop" will shorten the process several times.

What and how gets dirty in a double-glazed window

Housewives traditionally think about how to clean windows cleanly at least 2 times a year. This usually happens in the fall or spring before the holidays. And someone just likes the process itself - it calms, leads to reflection.

Pollution can be divided into two types:

  1. natural- dust, soot from exhaust gases, smudges of rainwater and snow, traces of insects, etc. In this case, you don’t have to think about how to wash plastic windows;
  1. Specific- splashes of paint, cement, polyurethane foam, sticky traces.

If not the main actor, then a steam generator can become a reliable assistant. A jet of hot steam penetrates the most nooks and crannies softening dirt deposits. Greasy splashes, glue stains, traces of adhesive tape are well removed with a steam cleaner.

How to care for plastic

PVC profile lasts longer original color than a window sill, into which everything is literally imprinted - from a stroke ballpoint pen to a drop of tea. The problem of how to wash a window from yellowness has become a real headache for many hostesses.

Causes of yellowing:

  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • low-quality material from samizdat firms that do not report useful additives, for example, light stabilizers, replacing them with "harmful" but cheap ones;
  • the use of detergents with abrasives;
  • removal of mounting foam with solvents;
  • stale pieces of plaster;
  • tobacco smoke.

The best advice than to wash the yellowness would be the periodic cleaning of the windowsill. Takes a few minutes and saves hours of precious time.

Choice of detergents

The simplest and cheapest way is laundry soap. For this, a soap solution is prepared, the problem area is treated with a soft cloth / sponge. You will probably have to repeat the operation several times.

You can use other folk remedies:

  • washing powder or dishwashing gel dissolved in water;
  • soda ash solution + washing powder 1 tsp / 1 liter of water;
  • technical alcohol;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • 12% acetic acid + soda.

The algorithm of actions is the same: apply the substance to the stain, wait a while, rub, wipe with a clean, damp cloth, then dry. There are also a number of professional compositions for cleaning windows in general, and for situations where windows have turned yellow.

Comprehensive care from the manufacturer:

  • German Fenosol, Edelweiss;
  • Mirograd, Relit, Bauset, Kaleva, Cosmofen (Russia).

The price of sets ranges on average from 300 to 500 rubles. They include a standard washing liquid, a sealant, an aerosol lubricant for fittings, and a reusable napkin. Scratch polish sold separately.

The repair in the apartment deserves special attention, or rather, what remains after it on the windows - paint, plaster, mortar. The plastic surface does not react well to solvents, acids, so for difficult stains it is better to purchase a “drug” from window manufacturers.

Cardinal whitening:

  • the window sill that has lost its attractiveness can be closed self-adhesive film any (!) color, the surface must first be washed and degreased;
  • paint with a special enamel for PVC with your own hands, for example, Enameru, Galamix (Russia), Zobel (Germany).

You can try to remove the remains of the mounting foam with a grinder with a polishing wheel.

How to make glass invisible

The situation with glasses is much easier - they withstand repeated cleanings, do not react to aggressive substances and are only afraid of scratches. To teach the hostess how to wash windows cleanly means to offend her - each has her own method in stock.

My experience is that any gel will work on window panes.

  • modern popular, for example, dishwashing detergents, for example, Ferri, Comet (quite a traditional washing at home), a set of Smart ultramicrofiber napkins, designed for all stages of cleaning - from washing to polishing;
  • special- special means for cleaning a certain section of the window: profile, glass, fittings, seals.

How to wash plastic windows at home:

  • with a damp cloth, remove the original dirt from the frame, then from the glass;
  • wash the plastic part of the window;
  • apply detergent to the glass;
  • wipe dry;
  • polish.

So that the soapy liquid does not leave streaks, the glasses are wiped several times clean water. The more often the rags/newspapers are changed, the better the result.

What is the best way to wash windows is a personal matter, but suede or nylon stockings help to bring the last gloss. You can use more advanced methods:

  • a solution of water, glycerin, ammonia (30x70x20 ml);
  • reusable polishing cloths (e.g. E-cloth Glass and Polishing Cloth).

If you look at the glass from the side at close range, the smallest especially persistent spots will become perfectly visible.

Removing tough stains from glass:

  • how to wash the cement - moisten the contamination with acetic / citric acid diluted in water and gently rub it so as not to scratch the surface. You will have to wet and rub more than once if the solution drop is large, but the result is guaranteed. After this kind of cleaning, the glass becomes cloudy and it must be wiped with any means for washing glass surfaces;
  • solvents will help to remove the paint correctly, and the water emulsion is washed off with laundry soap;
  • instructions for removing the sealant: cut off the “cap” with a knife / spatula, moisten the residue with a solvent and leave for 5-10 minutes. Remove the softened substance with a cloth;
  • putty / putty is sometimes simply scraped off with a fingernail, a rubber spatula;
  • the question of how to quickly remove the glue is solved with the help of building hair dryer- warm up the smudge and scrape it off with a spatula.


Washing windows, by whatever means, should be carried out according to the principle of "do no harm". Replenish knowledge valuable advice the video in this article will help. If you have any questions - ask in the comment form.

March 13, 2017

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Yellowed plastic windows can be washed from plaque with soapy water, ammonia, bleach or hydrogen peroxide. On sale there are special kits for the care of plastic windows, they include a napkin, PVC cleaner, grease for fittings and a compound to protect seals. Acetone, concentrated acids and alkalis can spoil the profile, so they are not advised to use, the same applies to all kinds of cleaning powders. How and how to wash plastic windows from yellowness, we will tell in our article.

Completed repairs are always a holiday, the eye rejoices, contemplating the whiteness of new plastic windows. However, what is it? Six months later, the frame turned yellow and stained. There are several reasons for this:

  • Low quality window profile. In the process of PVC production, complex technologies are used, the plastic contains more than ten components responsible for the strength and color of the material.
  • Titanium dioxide gives PVC a snow-white color, the stability of which depends on the quality of the powder, many manufacturers, wanting to save money, buy low-quality raw materials and after 2-3 years the profile begins to turn yellow.
  • PVC also contains special light stabilizers (obtained from benzophenone or benzotriazole), they protect the profile from solar radiation and free radicals. Thanks to these substances, the rate of light aging of the material slows down several times, the frames do not turn yellow and do not fade.
  • Weather. Under the influence of sudden changes in temperature physical properties material, the polymer may change color or even crack. This applies only to a cheap profile, which is made by one-day firms.
  • Choose plastic windows from well-known manufacturers that have been on the market for a long time and offer a guarantee on their product. For instance: Veka, KBE,proplex,MONTBLANC, Salamander,Rehau, Kaleva,Deceuninck, SOK etc.
  • It is unreasonable to save on such things, because a high-quality plastic window will last you 30-50 years and will look snow-white long years.
  • The yellowness of bad plastic cannot be washed off - these are changes in the molecular structure of the material that cannot be bleached, it remains only to get used to the new shade of windows and hope that the profile will not stain over time.

  • Kitchen frames often turn yellow from exposure to soot and greasy fumes during cooking. If people smoke in a room, then not only windows and curtains turn yellow, but everything around. These two types of dirt are not terrible and are easily washed with soapy water.
  • Improper care is a fairly common reason for the yellowness of the profile; in the pursuit of cleanliness, the hostess sometimes use: acids, strong alkali, all kinds of cleaning powders and solvents. All these products gradually destroy the material, which leads to scratches, loss of gloss and yellowing of the surface.

If you have recently completed repairs, then you may be interested in how and how.

What can and cannot be washed plastic windows

Let's first figure out how plastic windows cannot be washed in order to avoid annoying mistakes.

  1. Abrasives: wire mesh or brush, cleaning powders. All this leaves micro-scratches on the plastic profile, into which dust and dirt clog over time, which causes dirty spots which are very difficult to clean. Do not use abrasives, even if it seems to you that the window is too dirty, it is better to apply a soap composition and let it stand for half an hour, after which the dirty coating will be easily washed off.
  2. Under no circumstances should it be used for cleaning plastic profile acetone, solvent #647 and #648 they corrode plastic.
  3. PVC is resistant to acids and alkalis, but the protective glossy layer on the surface of the profile can be destroyed by these substances, and the window will lose its attractive appearance.
  4. ? No no and one more time no! It copes well with any type of dirt, but leaves micro-scratches on the surface, which will later fill with dirt and spoil the appearance of the window.

Don't wash windows hot water, from this the plastic becomes cloudy or turns yellow, everything is washed well with cool water and detergent.

How to wash yellowness from plastic windows?

soap solution

These products help to wash off the yellowness, and the manufacturers themselves advise using them absolutely harmless: laundry soap, dishwashing liquid or washing powder. To work, you will need a soft cloth, sponge or microfiber cloth.

Dissolve soap shavings, dishwashing gel or powder in water, apply to the profile and rub a little, rinse. If dirt remains, lather the plastic again and leave for 15-30 minutes.

Rinse off the remaining product with a damp cloth and wipe the profile so that moisture does not seep between the glasses. So you can wash the fumes, soot, greasy deposits, yellowness from nicotine and most other household contaminants.

Advice: before using any home remedy, check it on an inconspicuous section of the profile, you should be alerted by a change in the color or texture of the plastic, loss of gloss. If such changes appear, then this tool should not be used.

Alcohol, ammonia, bleach, hydrogen peroxide

Soak a cloth in one of the suggested products and gently wipe the surface of the frame and window sill. Do not forget to wipe the plastic with a damp cloth after a few minutes. ammonia glass can also be wiped, in addition, it washes away yellowness and gives the surface a beautiful even shine, and also helps.


A mixture of perhydrol and bleach powder will help whiten a yellowed window sill. Do not heat perhydrol, use cold water. For half a liter of water, dissolve a tablespoon of both. Apply the resulting mixture to the window sill and rub well, rinse. If not everything is washed off, repeat again.

Restoration gel " retrobright"

The video recipe for this gel was found on one of the forums where org repairmen gather. technicians, thrift store owners and restorers. " retrobright» is used for bleaching yellowed consoles, computer cases and set-top boxes, keyboards and other plastic parts that have turned yellow from time to time.

This remedy very strong and can hardly be used for new PVC windows. But it will become just a salvation if you settled in rented apartment and past tenants left you old refrigerator, yellowed windows and smeared with grease kitchen furniture, everything is not very dear to the heart, but very dirty.

To prepare the pasta we need:

  1. Vanish OXI Action
  2. Hydrogen peroxide 32% - 100 gr.
  3. Water - 200 gr.
  4. Potato or corn starch - 4 teaspoons
  5. An unnecessary dish, a glass jar, a couple of glasses and a plastic spoon (the metal reacts with the product, but we don’t need this), cling film, adhesive tape.

Hydrogen peroxide 32% is not available in a regular pharmacy, but you can buy it in a specialized store selling chemical reagents for laboratories or order it on the Internet.

Be careful when handling reagents latex gloves, because such peroxide can leave a chemical burn on the skin.

Quarter teaspoon Vanish OXI Action dissolve in 25 ml. warm water. 4 teaspoons of starch (with a slide) are diluted in 100 gr. cold water, mix well. Pour the resulting mixture into a ladle with preheated water (75 gr.) We heat the mixture, stirring constantly, after a while the starch will thicken. We need the consistency of thick semolina. When the desired density is reached, turn off the gas and transfer the paste to glass jar.

Stirring continuously, add to the gel 100 gr. peroxides. When a homogeneous consistency is reached, pour into a container Vanish and mix thoroughly again. Apply the gel with a brush plastic frame and on top we attach cling film with adhesive tape so that the composition does not dry out.

Attention: exposure time "Retrobright" - 12-24 hours. In the case of windows, this time is reduced. Ultraviolet should not fall on the composition, so the gel is left overnight, and washed off early in the morning with a damp cloth. Plastic parts of refrigerators or keyboard buttons can be left wrapped in plastic for a day or even more.

Industrial facilities

How to clean plastic windows from yellowness using household chemicals. Exists wide choose industrial products for the care of plastic windows:

For the cleaning PVC profile Sold in a set, which also includes a rubber seal care product and lubricant for window fittings. "Phenozol" has an antibacterial effect, relieves static stress, is non-flammable, harmless to the skin of the hands, biodegradable.

The prophylactic set "Phenozol" is recommended to be used twice a year. This will allow you to wash the profile, ensure easy opening of the window and extend the service life. rubber seals. The agent is applied to the frames and washed off with a damp cloth. The set includes:

  • FENOSOL (100 ml) - neutral cleaning composition for the profile, not containing aggressive substances and solvents. Due to the antistatic effect, dust and soot do not sit on the washed profile for a long time. For PVC and aluminum profiles.
  • FENOFLEX (50 ml.) - agent that maintains the elasticity of rubber seals and prevents premature wear. The seals are lubricated in spring and autumn, so that the rubber does not freeze in winter and does not overheat in summer.
  • FENOSOL (20 ml) - grease for fittings in aerosols. Softens friction and protects metal from corrosion. The oil does not smell, does not contain acids and resins.

In addition to "Phenozol" good feedback deserve the money: Amway L.O.C.», « PROFOAM 1000», « Special Reiniger», « Mellerud», « Mr Muscle», « REHAU», « Cif Cream», « MEINE LIEBE».

COSMOFEN 20- PVC profile cleaner (it is worth warning the reader that this product destroys a thin layer of plastic at the molecular level, thereby removing residual dirt and yellowness). Therefore, pay attention to the number after the name, the larger it is, the less aggressive the remedy. COSMOFEN 5 is a strong solvent used in manufacturing as a polish for PVC and by professional builders to remove scratches, cracks and abrasions from plastic surfaces. For routine cleaning, choose twenty and use no more than twice a year. A yellowed window sill can also be treated with Cosmofen or another solvent: "White Spirit", "Defender 30504"

Remember that before using any cleaner (solvent) for plastic, the window must be thoroughly washed with soapy water.

If none of the above helped and the windows are still frankly yellow, then the last resort is painting. Available for sale special paints for plastic, in the absence of such, you can use nitro paint or car enamel.

Anastasia , September 1, 2016 .

Upon completion of the repair work, it remains to wash the premises from construction dirt, debris and dust. Special attention should be given to plastic windows. They, in most cases, are installed before the start of the main repair activities. The design of the window is covered with a layer of dirt no less than the room itself. Therefore, many housewives are concerned about the question: “How to quickly and efficiently wash windows after repair work?”. The procedure itself can be divided into two components: cleaning the frame and washing the glass. And this applies not only to the new double-glazed window, but also to the one that was already in operation.

How to clean the profile from dust and remove traces of mounting foam

In the event that the protective film pasted by the manufacturer was not removed from the structure only after installation, you can simply remove it and wash the plastic with a slightly wrung out rag. But there are times when the film is removed before installation work or the windows were already in operation. Then the structure is covered with a thick layer of dust and dirt, which will not be easy to wash off. There are several ways to clean windows:

  • It is necessary to take an ordinary detergent, dilute it with warm water and wipe the structure. This procedure, as a rule, is enough to remove a light coating of dust.
  • To remove dried dirt, it is better to apply the product in liquid form to the frame and leave for 10 minutes. When the dirt becomes softer, it can be easily removed with a cloth dampened with water.
  • If after these procedures it was not possible to wash the remains of plaster, concrete or foam, they can be carefully scraped off with a blade or a clerical knife.
  • It happens that after work on the plastic structure there are traces of mounting foam. It is difficult to remove it, but it is quite possible.
  • Take a spatula and carefully remove the cured foam from the unit. Usually, it is quite easy to remove without applying special efforts. Only when the foam has soaked into the frame can it be difficult to clean it.
  • It is necessary to take a plastic cleaner or a solvent containing acetone in its composition. Next, wet a piece of felt and cover the rest of the foam with it.
  • As soon as the foam is soaked, they vigorously begin to wash it with felt until all the dirt is removed.

What to do if all else fails and the windows are still dirty

If, after the above steps, the double-glazed window could not be wiped off, you can resort to the process of electromechanical polishing. To carry out the procedure, a small grinding machine or drill is useful, liquid agent, which has acetone in its composition, and felt circles with GOI cream. The repair process takes place in two stages:

  1. With a spatula and a cleaning agent, remove the maximum possible part of the dirt from the foam.
  2. Put a circle of felt on the power tool and polish the surface. Thus, it will take off upper layer structures with dirt that has eaten into its structure.

By grinding, you can not only remove dirt, but also remove residues from mounting foam and minor defects. If the scratches are deep, it is recommended to cover them with acrylic white color or liquid PVC, which is sold by window companies.

How to wash glass

If neat masters are caught, it means that you are very lucky. Since after them there will be only a layer construction dust, and not traces of mounting foam on the glass. To remove dust after repairs, many housewives resort to the standard window cleaning procedure with a rag and plain warm water. This method is simple, however, does not always bring the desired effect. It happens that after cleaning there is still a white coating from the foam. In order to wipe the glass using only an aqueous solution, it is necessary to carry out the procedure at least 10 times. And there is no guarantee that all contamination will be removed.

To clear plastic double-glazed window After repair, the following steps must be taken:

  1. In one liter of warm water it is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia or a glass of vinegar. In the event that this was not at home, you can use bleach, diluted in relation to 50 grams per 1 liter of water.
  2. Immerse the sponge in the water with the solution, wring it out slightly and wipe the glass. Then polish it with a newspaper to a shine.

If it is not possible to reach some parts of the glass, or the design is made with deaf parts, you can use a handle that changes length. It has two surfaces - one with a sponge, and the second silicone. The sponge is dipped into a basin of water, the windows are washed with it, and then excess moisture is removed along with dirt using a silicone nozzle.

  1. Solvents that are not intended for PVC can damage the frame, as they contain acid. Therefore, it is recommended to use them with extreme caution.
  2. When cleaning windows with solvent, wear rubber gloves and protect your eyes.
  3. Care must be taken to ensure that the detergent does not get on the rubber. Since it can deteriorate and the tightness of the window will be broken. In some cases, the problem may not have a solution, since most designs are made with built-in rubber, and it is not possible to replace it.
  4. To wash the remains of building putties, it is recommended to use a tool that removes cement-lime dirt. It is possible to buy it in every supermarket that sells building mixtures for repair.


Some mistakenly assume that it is very difficult to wipe off the plastic structure at the end of the repair work. However, they are wrong. If everything is done correctly, then soon the windows will again shine with cleanliness and whiteness and will become better than they were.

Plastic windows that manufacturers offer on the market today are distinguished not only by their high functionality, but also by their attractiveness. appearance and ergonomics.

By providing products with proper care, you can extend their properties for long time without the need for replacement and cosmetic repairs. However, the joy after installation does not last long and fades before the question of how and with what means to wash plastic windows.

Many housewives believe that the window will stay clean longer if protective film do not touch until it starts to lag behind itself. This is the deepest delusion. Much more dust will accumulate under the adhesive tape, and in combination with the adhesive substance, it will create very strong pollution.

Therefore, PVC windows immediately after installation must be freed from all protective elements not only on the glass, but also on the frames and window sills.

After installation, experts advise washing the windows in two to three weeks. Of no small importance is the choice of a suitable arsenal of tools for laundering. Therefore, it is worth sticking to a few rules when solving the problem of how to clean plastic windows.

  • It is not recommended to use abrasive products, as well as hard hard brushes or sponges. Chemical compounds can also damage the surface of the plastic because they corrode this material.
  • We clean glass by special means, which are sold in household and construction stores. If there is no glass cleaner in the house at the time of washing, it can be replaced with dishwashing detergent or a self-prepared soap solution.
  • From improvised means the best option there will be a soft fabric that will not leave stains and scratches on the surface.
  • In order not to bother with the question of how to wash the glass and window sills of plastic windows, it is recommended to arrange a general cleaning twice a year - at the beginning of autumn and at the end of winter.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Agent

As noted above, you need to buy a product that does not contain fine abrasives, includes a minimum of chemical harmful substances. It's worth being guided two principles.

1. The solution must be liquid or gel. It can be both a composition for washing glasses and cleansing hobs from glass. An alternative is dishwashing detergent.

2. The solution can be made independently at home. There is three options:

  • dilute 2 tablespoons of potato starch in one liter of water;
  • dilute one glass of table vinegar (9%) in one liter of water;
  • Dilute two tablespoons of ammonia in one liter of water.

However, home remedies are not as effective as store-bought ones. With them, the process of washing windows will be somewhat longer, but many times safer.

Dirt on the windows outside most often appears after rain. It gets not only on the glass surface, but also inside the frame if the window was open or with a broken seal. Additional sources of dirt are also fingerprints, the consequences of repairs. Therefore, when I wash windows, it is important pay attention to all its elements.

  1. Start first work from window frames. Pay close attention to both the inside and outside. Remove all visible dirt with a damp cloth. After that, treat the surface with soapy water. He will perfectly wash windows from yellowness. Then move on to PVC double-glazed windows.
  2. Double-glazed windows. First, in the same way as with the frames, remove visible dirt and dust with a damp cloth. detergent for this stage will not need. After removing the layer of dust, start cleaning the glass by dampening the cloth with washing solution or by spraying a cleaning spray on them. Glass cleaning is carried out from their top to bottom.

A lot of dust collects near the joints, so you can not miss a single centimeter of the glass surface.

Soap foam from the outside of the glass will be washed with water supplied from a hose or a special device for washing cars. Water should be poured from above.

After cleaning the main surface, wipe all joints with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.

The final stage will be glass polishing with special products containing alcohol (“Master Shine”, “Mr. Muscle”, etc.). The optimal auxiliary material will be a microfiber cloth.

launder plastic window sill can in several ways.

  • A solution of soap and water will help out if the stains are fresh. To prepare it, you need to grate laundry soap (1/3 bar) and dissolve in one liter of warm water. A sponge soaked in this product cleans the surface well.
  • Dishwashing detergent will clean the surface better, but it will also be harder to wash off.
  • A special cleaning powder designed for laminated surfaces will help if the window sill has turned yellow. An improvised tool, you can choose an old toothbrush or the back of a sponge for washing dishes.

At the final stage, wipe the cleaned window sill with a cloth dipped in table vinegar. It will remove soap residue and odor, providing additional protection from annoying insects.

Do not ignore products that are sold for cleaning kitchen surfaces and washing the bathroom. They will not only wash off strong pollution, but also remove yellowed spots, and also help wash the window sill from soot and soot.

They wash the window sill with the obligatory removal of all plugs and after removing the main layer of dust and dirt.

After the main flush, you need to take care of the PVC window fittings. The most important element is the seal, which should be treated with silicone grease twice a year after each general washing of the products. The same should be done with handles, just use engine oil.

How to wash plastic windows after repair?

After completing the repair, you will see that a lot of pollution has appeared on the windows. different nature. They will arise, even despite the precautions taken. No matter how you cover the window sills or hang the double-glazed windows, drips from paint, adhering mounting foam, splashes from the primer can not be avoided one way or another.

Do not panic, because with the help of With the following methods, you will be able to remove even the most severe pollution.

1.Dye. It is necessary to wash off paint from PVC windows as soon as its first drops hit plastic or glass. Then it will be possible not to resort to aids and the paint can be removed with a damp cloth. If you didn’t catch yourself in time, then you have to use one of the following proven methods.

  • Sunflower oil. They are abundantly lubricated with spots and made up for some time until the paint is completely dissolved.
  • special solvent. It is worth choosing it based on consultation with a specialist. He will tell you the most gentle remedy that will not harm the window surface.
  • soap solution Works well with water based paint.

2.Scotch removed with the following ways.

  • School eraser. They need to carefully rub the soiled surface. The glue rolls up, it can be brushed off with a dry cloth.
  • Vegetable oil. It is worth acting in the same way as in the case of paint.
  • White Spirit. Cotton pads are moistened in it and wipe marks from adhesive tape.

Before you start smearing the visible surface, test the mineral spirits on an inconspicuous area of ​​your window.

3. Primer- the most dangerous material for PVC windows in the process of repair work. This is due to its transparent color, which is difficult to see before drying. After the substance hardens, ugly gray spots appear on the windowsill and frames. In this case will help:

  • warm water. It is abundantly moistened with a stain and left until completely softened. After wipe with a rag;
  • any liquid remover limescale In bathroom. Glass surfaces can also be treated with these substances. Follow the instructions on the package;
  • solvent. Extreme measure. It is used only when the previous methods have not coped with the task.

If the above methods did not help wash the windows, there is only one way out - to paint them. Today, stores sell dyes designed for plastic surfaces. An alternative would be nitro enamel or spray paint for cars.

During the off-season cleaning, we thoroughly wash our windows. V Lately PVC windows have become very popular. Plastic constructions are easy to wash and clean. In addition to the windows, we have to wash the window sill, which is also mostly plastic.

In view of the large number of options for contamination, it is not always easy to wash it from dirt and stains. In this article, we will just analyze the basic methods of washing a plastic window sill, and tell you how it is done at home.

When washing a window, it is necessary to clean all related surfaces from dirt.

Basic Methods

In most cases, to wash the window sill, we do not need to resort to special methods, a regular soap solution will do. Using a sponge or rag, you can easily wash off fresh dirt from the plastic surface. The frame of a plastic window is also allowed to be washed with this simple composition.

Smooth and even plastic is easy to clean with standard microfiber cloths, which have good absorbent qualities. It is permissible to use other soft rags: flannel, cotton, suede. If the window sill is made of rough plastic, it is easier to use an ordinary sponge for washing dishes, and in difficult places a brush with a strong bristle.

That's what definitely cannot be applied to a plastic window sill, so it's metal brushes and sponges, even for the most stubborn stains, because such tools will definitely scratch it.

If fat acts as fresh dirt, which most often affects windows in the kitchen, then it is better to make a foamy solution with dishwashing detergent, since greasy deposits are still more within its competence. However, when using household chemicals for washing dishes, you will have to rinse the window sill several times to remove the detergent from it.

Regular maintenance will keep your windows clean.

For window sills made of strong plastic, which are not afraid of abrasive cleaners, a powder is suitable, but in practice such an abrasive is used extremely rarely. Therefore, you can arm yourself with a standard spray with detergent and treat the plastic surface. Remember to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from the caustic solution. In addition, strong household chemicals are contraindicated for people suffering from asthma or allergies, this must also be remembered.

The corner between the window sill and the window frame is the most difficult to clean from dirt; a large amount of dirt is always clogged into this small gap, which is difficult to pick out. It is extremely difficult to get there with a sponge or rag, so take a brush, you can even use an old toothbrush.

Household chemicals

If we do not have health problems, we may well use modern household chemicals. These tools are very effective in removing the most various pollution, are easy to use, and their cost is in an acceptable range. Going to any hardware store, you can easily see this.

A typical set of household chemicals on a shop window

We have identified some of the most popular compositions used in working with window sills:

  • Pemolux - one of the most popular dishwashing detergents, is available not only in powder form, but also in gel form. Perfectly removes greasy plaque, old dirt, divorce from water. This gel is very gentle, not classified as aggressive household chemicals, so if you forgot to wear rubber gloves, it's okay. The composition is more suitable for spot application, it helps to wash the plastic surface from stains, for this it is simply rubbed into the stain, and then washed off with water. For deep stains, you can use the gel a couple of times.
  • Domestos is a very popular and commonly used cleaner for white plastic as it not only removes dirt but also has some . Perfectly copes with traces of rust, yellowness and other colored deposits. Using Domestos at home is extremely simple, the detergent is applied to the plastic surface of the window sill with a rag or sponge, and then, after 10-15 minutes, it is washed off with dirt.
  • Mr. Proper is an excellent product that can be purchased in any form, in the form of a liquid or powder. The cleaning composition is strong enough to wash dirt from various surfaces including plastic. The detergent is available in the form of a concentrate, therefore, regardless of whether you have a powder or a liquid, you must dilute the composition with water. Then wash the window sill, remove the remaining dirt stains, and rinse with clean water.
  • Sanita is one of the magical cleansers, active. It is quite acceptable to wash them with a window sill. Spread the composition over its entire surface with a sponge, rub a little and rinse with water, all the dirt comes off perfectly. If the dirt has an old character, you can give the composition 5 minutes to corrode it. When used, the composition does not smell the most in the best way, frank chemistry.
  • - one of the extremely powerful tools from the arsenal of home household chemicals. The composition is very strong, caustic, with a pungent odor. It is recommended to use it for the most persistent dirt on the window area. To remove dirt from plastic elements, it is necessary to apply a detergent composition to their surface and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes. After that, all dirt and detergent is easily washed off with water. In the presence of deeply ingrained stains, you can repeat the procedure a couple of times, but as practice shows, this does not happen with Sillit.
  • Sif is a gel detergent used by housewives for rough plastic window sills. Handles contaminants well flower pots, stains from water and other household dirt.
  • White Spirit, Solvent - In some cases, solvents can help to remove sticky dirt or traces of drawing. Strong and less caustic formulations are White Spirit and Solvent. The first is more suitable for removing sticky dirt, like, and the second for washing traces of pens, pencils, felt-tip pens and other paints.

Popular household solvents

To remove minor dirt from the windowsills, ordinary wet wipes can help you, or a specialized one with the addition of alcohol for wiping household appliances, glasses, mirrors. Window cleaners do the job just as well.

One of the pressing problems of many people is to wash the primer from the plastic of the window sill, which appears on it after repairs. This is not easy to do, so housewives go to extremes, using strong acids, abrasive compounds and tools that most often damage the surface: corrode it and scratch it. To prevent this from happening, you can try to turn to the folk recipe.

homemade recipes

To remove dirt from plastic windows, many housewives use a melamine sponge. Most of them are satisfied with the quality characteristics of this material.

To clean a rough window sill, it is permissible to apply toothpaste. This tool easily removes not only plaque, but also dirt from the plastic. Approximately the same qualities of a soft abrasive have a chalk solution. For getting excellent result, it is necessary to apply it to the surface, wait until it dries and is sufficiently absorbed, and then wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

A typical plastic window sill in our homes

Another cleaning recipe is based on the properties of vinegar and soda. It is used to remove old stains and other heavy dirt. It is necessary to pour soda on the surface and rub it a little with a rag dipped in vinegar. You will immediately see how the pollution is removed.

However, there are some caveats when using this technique:

  • be sure to wear rubber gloves;
  • it is advisable to open the window window, or turn on the hood;
  • do not leave baking soda and vinegar on the windowsill for a long time, because the caustic mixture will burn out the paint in this place, which will cause an inappropriate white spot.

When choosing between home remedies and household chemicals, you will have to take into account many factors, including: the level of pollution, the presence of children and pets in the house, allergies or asthma in family members. Household chemicals, of course, the dirt is washed off faster and with less physical costs, but the harm that it can cause in the future may not be comparable.

Finally, we would like to give a couple of tips on cleaning the windowsill after repair work in the apartment. In these cases, it is often actively used as a shelf, and after that it does not look the best.

Most often, windows are installed at the very beginning of the repair.

The list of necessary actions can be summarized as follows:

  • At the first stage, it is important to produce high-quality dry and wet cleaning surfaces, for which plugs are removed, all dust and debris are swept away, the plastic surface is wiped with a wet cloth.
  • It is impossible to remove the primer or traces of plaster in this way, these materials adhere strongly, so many builders recommend covering the window sill surfaces as much as possible when working with them. You'll have to use a stronger one. The cleaning composition is applied to traces of pollution and left for 10-15 minutes. During this time, it corrodes the primer, plaster and other related elements, after which they can be removed. If the primer is simply washed off, then the plaster is carefully pry off and removed with a spatula.
  • Traces of mounting foam, which often end up on the windowsill, are easy to clean with a brush with a strong bristle, after pre-soaking in detergent.
  • At the end of the work, the window sill can be additionally washed with ordinary soapy water, rinsed with water and wiped dry with a microfiber cloth.

Usually such procedures are enough to remove all the dirt from the plastic surface of the window sill, but if you have tried everything possible options, and nothing helped, that is, there is another way out.

It is very simple and easy to mask any dirt on the windowsill by pasting it with a white glossy or matte film. The film is not afraid of moisture, and subsequently can always be replaced.

These are the methods of washing plastic window sills used by housewives. Finally, let's say one more banal phrase, if you clean the surface regularly, there will simply be no old and stubborn dirt.