How to get rid of mold in flower pots. Mold in a flower pot: why it appears and how to deal with it

Quite often in flower pots appears on the ground white mold although the color may vary. As a rule, it appears either under the influence external factors, or due to improper care of indoor plants. A white coating appears first at the border of contact between the soil and the pot, and then quickly fills the entire space.

This may be due to the fact that there are spores of fungi in the air, which, under certain conditions, begin to multiply rapidly, growing into entire colonies. This is dangerous not only for the plants themselves, but also for the people living in the apartment.

There are many types of mold. It can be white, brown, green and even black.

black mold

Black mold can appear due to excess moisture in the pots. May vary in different shades. Considered the most dangerous view, therefore, when it appears, measures should be taken immediately to get rid of it. The spores of this mold cause allergies and lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the lungs.

white mold

This is the most common type of mold and most often appears on the ground in flower pots. Appearing in a pot, mold spots resemble salt spots, but differ in their structure. If salt stains differ in crystalline structure, then the mold has a soft texture that is easily rubbed with fingers.


As a result of chemical reactions, spots of various shades can form on the surface of the soil, which have nothing to do with mold and are called efflorescence. Efflorescence render Negative influence on all layers of the soil, if they penetrate deep into the soil.

When the first signs of mold growth appear, which may be accompanied by a specific smell, it is necessary to pay attention to the schedule of watering the plants. It is possible that the watering schedule is not suitable for this type of plant and the amount of liquid needs to be reduced. As a rule, many plants do not need frequent watering.

If the plant requires abundant watering, then it must be alternated with loosening the soil so that it can breathe, but this must be done very carefully so as not to harm the root system.

Methods for getting rid of mold in pots:

  • If the appearance of mold is noticed, then it is necessary to remove the upper ball of soil as soon as possible, until the fungus begins to penetrate deep into the soil. If he gets to the root system, the plant will quickly die.
  • After that, the lower layers of the soil are moistened with the addition of citric acid, which stops the reproduction of the fungus and has a beneficial effect on the growth of the flower.
  • Then, instead of the removed upper ball of soil, a new ball is poured, with the addition of antibacterial drugs. As an additive, it is permissible to use small sphagnum and pieces of charcoal.
  • In conclusion, the soil in the pot is watered with the addition of foundationazole: 2 grams of this substance is dissolved in 1 liter of water. If the infection managed to hit the plant itself, then it is treated with the same solution.

So that the soil does not stagnate and can breathe, it is necessary to regularly loosen upper layer. This leads to an even distribution of moisture throughout the volume of the pot.

If the earth in the pot began to become covered with white mold, then the flower should be watered with a solution of water and citric acid at least 2 times a month. To prepare the solution, you need to take 1 glass of water and half a teaspoon of citric acid, then stir everything until the acid is completely dissolved.

Most effective option getting rid of mold in a flower pot is to completely replace the entire soil and transplant the flower into new pot. In this case, the landing must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. In addition, it does not hurt to study the rules for caring for the affected plant so that the situation does not happen again.

To get rid of the fungus, as well as the special smell, it is necessary to cultivate the soil using the following technology:

  1. Infected soil is separated from the root system.
  2. The earth from the pot is removed to another container.
  3. Water is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  4. After that, the soil is watered with boiling water.
  5. The earth is poured onto a baking sheet and placed in the oven.
  6. Wait until the ground cools down.
  7. The pot is treated with a disinfectant.
  8. The earth is poured into a pot, after which a flower is planted here.

Have the highest efficiency chemical substances that are sold in flower shops. At the same time, you need to take into account:

  • The nature of the plant.
  • Type of plant.
  • The degree of infection by the fungus.
  • What types of fertilizers are used in plant nutrition.

Incorrect choice chemical drug may have the opposite effect, since in some cases it is not advisable to use chemicals.

If you opt for organic preparations, they make the soil unfavorable for the development of mold.

Mold is considered quite dangerous for the plant, therefore, it should not be allowed to actively fill the space in the pot, and here's why:

  1. The plant is sick because the mold blocks the access of nutrients to the stems, leaves and flowers.
  2. The access of oxygen to the root system is also blocked.
  3. Mold can cause various diseases.
  4. Since the soil moisture is higher than normal, the roots of the plant can simply rot.

If you postpone the fight against the fungus for an indefinite time, then the flower will simply die.

There are several reasons why mold appears in flower pots. For instance:

  1. Incorrect watering of plants, due to which liquid stagnates in the pot.
  2. In conditions low temperatures and high air humidity.
  3. Watering the plant with cold water.
  4. Absence in a pot drainage system, so the liquid waterlogs the soil.
  5. Application of contaminated soil.

As a rule, the more humidity and no air movement, then these are the conditions for the rapid reproduction of mold. Most often, mold appears either in spring or autumn.

This is due to the fact that the average daily temperature does not allow moisture to evaporate quickly, so there is an excess of moisture in the pots of domestic plants. And these are the conditions for the rapid reproduction of fungal spores.

Besides, increased dampness in the house also contributes to the appearance of mold in flower pots and not only. In a damp apartment, when the ventilation system does not function well and hard-to-reach places air stagnates, mold may appear here. In addition, the fact of placing an apartment plays a big role: if under it there is basement, where it is observed high humidity, then this will definitely affect the microclimate of the apartment.

The appearance of mold in the pots where houseplants are grown can be considered an emergency and a signal that all measures must be taken to prevent the fungus from spreading further. To prevent this from happening, it is better to think about it in advance. For instance:

  • From time to time, loosen the upper ball of soil so that it breathes and there is no stagnation of moisture and air.
  • When planting plants, take care of a normal drainage system.
  • Grow indoor plants in special pots equipped with holes in the bottom.
  • Feed with wood ash or activated charcoal. Do not forget about other actions that can reduce the likelihood of mold in flower pots.

For example, you can treat the soil with potassium permanganate, at least once a month. In this case, a weak solution should be prepared that cannot harm the plants.

Enough effective tool garlic is considered against the fungus, which must be cut into several pieces and placed next to the stem. This is done before watering, and when the top ball of soil dries, the garlic is removed. It can be used in sequence once a week. If mold has appeared, then garlic is applied every two days.

If you monitor the condition of the soil in pots and regularly carry out preventive actions, then you can get rid of such a problem as mold, and not only in flower pots. You should always remember that it is better to spend some time preventing the appearance of mold than to put in the effort to fight it. When the plant is properly cared for and quality soil is purchased for planting, then the likelihood of infection is zero. Therefore, you need to monitor the humidity, regular ventilation and sufficient lighting. At the same time, care must be taken that the plants are not in a draft.

When the house contains plants, it is necessary to constantly monitor the microclimate, avoiding an excess of moisture.

In the fight against mold, some tips from experienced amateur flower growers can help:

  • Buy soil only in trusted outlets.
  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with its composition.
  • You should not buy heavy substrates, since the fungus spreads much faster in them than in light soils.
  • Before planting a plant, it is imperative to disinfect the soil with the same potassium permanganate, which will reduce the likelihood of a fungus.

Content indoor plants requires a special approach to their cultivation, since this is due to the rules of cultivation and care, which cannot be violated or simply ignored by organizing care at your own discretion. This approach can lead to unpredictable results, which may be due to the appearance of mold. If you ignore this fact, then soon only memories will remain from home flowers. The fact is that mold damage to a flower often leads to its death, if you do not try to solve the problem at an early stage.

Mold in a flower pot is a visible coating that forms colonies of microscopic molds. It not only looks extremely unaesthetic, but also has negative impact on plants.

Why does the earth grow moldy in pots of indoor plants

Fungus spores are constantly around us, these microscopic particles are easily carried by air and are waiting for favorable conditions for reproduction.

Mold is a colony of fungus

The appearance of mold on the ground in a flower pot is most often caused by care errors and unfavorable conditions of detention:

  • Incorrect moistening mode, in which the earth in the planting tank does not dry out, but remains constantly wet.

    Mold most often appears from improper watering.

  • Bad drainage. Clogged, rooted, or simply very shallow holes prevent excess moisture from draining into the pan, causing water to stagnate.

    Roots that have come out of the pot can block the drainage hole.

  • Cold and damp indoors.
  • Watering with unsettled cold tap water.

    The tap water for indoor plants is too cold

  • Poor quality or unsuitable soil for this plant.

    The soil in the pot may be of poor quality.

  • The planting capacity is much larger than the size of the root system of the flower, which is why the roots are not able to absorb all the liquid.

    The root system of a flower can be much smaller than the planting capacity

In pots, indoor flowers can develop not only the usual white mold, but also black mold, the spores of which can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions and even respiratory failure.

Mold most often appears with improper care.

The risk of mold increases in summer, when there is no heating in apartments and houses, and the air is quite humid. It is at this time that you need to water the flowers especially carefully. Watering is done only after the top layer of the earth has dried. It is rare that a plant easily tolerates constant humidity.

Video: where does mold come from in a flower pot and how to remove it

Fighting mold in flower pots: basic methods

At the first signs of the appearance of a fungal colony in a flower pot, you must immediately begin to take action:

  1. Remove the infected top layer of the substrate.
  2. Spill the remaining soil with a weak (slightly sour taste) solution of citric acid. Fungi do not grow well in an acidic environment.
  3. Pour fresh clean soil to replace the old one. To increase the protective qualities, small pieces of sphagnum moss or charcoal are added to the new substrate.
  4. Water the flower with a solution of a fungicidal preparation (Fundazol, Topsin-M, Vitaros, etc.).

Fundazol is effective against various fungi

If the fungus is on the plant itself, then it is also sprayed with antifungal drugs.

In case of ineffectiveness of the measures taken, they act more radically:

  1. The plant is removed from the pot, the infected soil is removed from the roots as carefully as possible.

    The plant is removed from the pot and the earth is removed from the roots.

  2. The planting container is washed and treated with disinfectants, doused with boiling water or calcined in the oven (only ceramics).

    The pot must be thoroughly washed and disinfected

  3. A drainage layer is laid out at the bottom of the vessel.

    A layer of drainage must be poured at the bottom of the pot

  4. Pour fresh soil suitable for this crop, and plant a flower. Can be processed before planting root system fungicidal drug.

    The flower is placed back in the pot and covered with fresh soil.

If it is not possible to purchase the right soil, you can disinfect the old soil by calcining it in the oven or steaming it in a water bath.

You can disinfect the old soil in the microwave

Video: how to deal with mold in a flower pot


To prevent the appearance of fungal colonies, proceed as follows:

  • regularly loosen the substrate in a pot;

A whitish or brown coating on the surface of the soil in a flower pot is not necessarily mold, but almost always an indicator that the plant is not properly cared for. To determine the nature of the raid, you need to wear latex gloves, take a little suspicious substance from the surface of the soil and rub it between your fingers.

If the colored plaque crumbles, we have efflorescence, that is, the result chemical reaction. Mold, unlike efflorescence, is moist and soft, easily rubbed on the glove.

Obvious signs of mold

Causes of mold in the pot

There are always microspores of molds in the air. But flower growers sometimes create favorable conditions for mold development:

  • waterlogging of the soil and stagnant water due to excessive watering and inefficient drainage. Most plants only need to be watered when the topsoil is completely dry. At the bottom of the pot, it is imperative to put drainage (for example, expanded clay);
  • high humidity at low temperatures and insufficient lighting. Most often, mold in a flower pot appears in autumn or spring;
  • contaminated soil. Sometimes mold spores can even be found in purchased soil mixture, and in the land collected in the garden or on the lawn, they are always there. So experienced growers it is recommended to fry the soil in the oven or steam it, and only then use it for planting.

Mold damage

The mold crust looks unaesthetic, but the harm of pathogenic fungi is not limited to this. There are types of mold that cause allergies in people and even provoke the development of cancer.

Due to the fungus covering the surface of the soil, the plant receives less oxygen and useful substances. The fungus that penetrates the soil will sooner or later provoke rotting of the roots.

Therefore, it makes no sense to find out exactly what type of fungus hit the soil and how harmful it is. If mold has appeared in the pot, it must be destroyed.

Methods for removing mold in a flower pot

If the mold is visible only on the surface of the soil, this does not mean that the mycelium has not gone deep. Sooner or later, you still have to transplant a flower, and the sooner the better.

However, if the fungus appeared in winter, when the plant is not recommended to be transplanted, then half measures can be dispensed with for several months:

  • remove and remove the top layer of soil. Spill the soil remaining in the pot with a solution of "Fitosporin-M" or potassium permanganate;
  • pour a layer of new soil on top, previously calcined in the oven. If the plant likes neutral or slightly alkaline soil, mix the top layer with ash or crushed activated carbon. For lovers of acidic soils, cover the ground in a pot with a layer of sphagnum moss;
  • if signs of wilting or decay are noticed, pour the flower with a solution of "Fundazol".

Transfer to new ground is the only way to save indoor flower from mold

But as soon as spring comes, the flower will need to be transplanted. The pot is cleaned of infected soil and washed with household chemicals containing chlorine. The old soil is discarded and replaced with new.

The roots of the plant are shaken off the ground and washed in a solution of "Fitosporin-M" or potassium permanganate. If at least one root is rotten, it is cut out, and the remaining roots are treated with Fundazol. The transplanted plant is carefully observed, when rot appears, it is sprayed and watered with a solution of "Fundazol".

Prevention of mold in potting soil

When the fungus is destroyed, the root system is always injured to one degree or another. It is better to use one of the simple methods of prevention and prevent the appearance of mold in the pot:

  • once a month, water all plants with a solution of "Fitosporin-M". This biological product contains a strain of soil bacteria that destroy pathogenic fungi. "Fitosporin-M" is harmless to plants and is suitable for watering any indoor flowers;
  • 4 days before watering, insist garlic water. Grind (with a knife or with a press) 3-4 large garlic cloves and pour 3 liters of boiled, settled water. With this infusion, water the plants once a month. Especially beneficial garlic water affects phalaenopsis;
  • once a month, water the plants with a solution of 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 3 liters of water;
  • once every 2–3 months, water the flowers with a very weak (barely pink) solution of magnesium chloride;
  • there are tips once a month to water indoor plants with acidified water: 2-3 drops of lemon juice per liter of water. Indeed, mold does not develop well in an acidic environment. But this method is applicable only to flowers that love acidic soils. For example, for phalaenopsis and azaleas, water with lemon juice- balm. For pelargoniums, not everything is clear: they love slightly acidic soils, but not acidic ones. Acidified water can damage laurel, hibiscus or milkweed. So when choosing a method of prevention, you need to take into account the characteristics of a particular plant.

In no case should you pour flowers. When transplanting a plant into a new pot, you should make sure that it has drainage holes in it (if not, cut them out yourself). Expanded clay or at least brick chips are used as drainage. Perlite and vermiculite minerals have proven themselves perfectly, absorbing excess moisture, and then gradually giving it to the plant.

The fight against efflorescence

There are several reasons for the appearance of efflorescence (salt deposits):

  • too hard water for irrigation, with a high content of chlorine;
  • too heavy soil;
  • the volume of the pot is much larger than the plant needs;
  • stagnation of water in the pot due to poor drainage;
  • fertilizer overdose;
  • excessive dryness of the air.

When efflorescence appears, you need to change the irrigation regime. The top layer of soil in the pot is removed and replaced with earth mixed with calcined river sand. To avoid reappearance efflorescence, expanded clay can be decomposed on the soil surface.

The first thing you need to know is that mold is fungal disease. The plaque that forms in flower pots is nothing more than a fungus.

Why does mold appear and what to do?

There are several reasons for the appearance of mold on the top layer of soil:

  • Excess moisture is both excessive irregular watering, and high humidity air, and inefficient soil drainage;
  • Low air temperature in the room;
  • Increased acidity;
  • Poor air circulation at the roots;
  • Excess nutrients and soil mineralization;
  • Plastic pot.
The ideal room for the growth and development of mold: temperature above + 20? C, humidity above 95%, no air movement and no sunlight at the same time.

It should be noted that all types of plants and house flowers are prone to the appearance of mold, its occurrence is not associated with the cultivation of certain plant varieties.

Mold in a flower pot is different - black, white, blue, green and yellow. Yellow is considered the most dangerous for humans, but for planting any mold in a flower pot can be fatal. Mushroom spores are able to penetrate deep into, not stopping only at the top layer, infect the roots and lead, as a result, to the death of the flower. The earth in a pot is covered with a fungus - what to do?

How to defeat mold on the ground?

The most obvious and simple option is to remove the top layer of earth and fill in new soil. It is better to completely change the earth in a pot. Shed the substrate with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to destroy fungal spores, or with foundationazole (fungicide; handle with care, toxic). Sometimes, to refresh the earth, it is shed with a weak solution of citric acid or diluted lemon juice.

Popular folk way how to get rid of mold in flower pots - bury peeled garlic cloves in the top layer of soil. When watering, garlic juice, along with water, will penetrate into the deeper layers of the soil and contribute to disinfection.

How to prevent mold in pots?

  • Loosen the ground regularly, especially after heavy watering;
  • Monitor acidity - the right choice of soil during planting and transplanting will minimize the risk of mold;
  • Shedding even healthy plants a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • If the substrate is too greasy - add some sand, it will make the earth less dense;
  • Dry the soil than pour it - excess moisture is the first cause of mold in flower pots;
  • A good preventive measure would be sunbathing, for those sprouts that tolerate bright sunlight well.

Mold in a flower pot, although it can lead to the death of a plant, is not an incurable disease.

It is important in general to maintain moderate humidity in the room, regularly ventilate and monitor the temperature, especially during the off-season.

In early spring and autumn, the apartments become cool, and central heating, which dries and warms the air in the room, has not yet been turned on.

Keep in mind that not always a white coating on the surface of the earth is mold. Most often, this is limescale, which is formed due to watering with too hard water. It feels like lime to the touch, while mold in a flower pot is fluffy and damp. Get rid of limescale can be removed by removing the top layer of soil. If the tap water runs so hard that it leaves a plaque, it must be defended for at least a day before watering.

One of the most common problems in growing indoor plants and garden seedlings considered waterlogged land in a flower pot. Because of this trouble, leaves fall from a flower, a plant, and mold, rot appear in the soil, bad smell or flying midges that feed on rapidly rotting roots start up. The first symptom of excess moisture in the soil is a white coating on its surface. How to remove the smell and get rid of it, and what to do with the flower?

If the earth in a flower pot or in a garden was flooded, then emergency measures must be taken to save the flower. How to save a flooded flower in the country? First of all, the flower must be removed from the pot and left for several hours to dry. It is advisable to plant a flower in new soil, but if necessary, you can save the old soil with reuse. To do this, it must be treated with antibacterial solutions and steamed in microwave oven for 15 minutes. After that, the soil is well dried and used for planting.

If the ground in the flower pot has not yet become covered with green mold, then the symptoms of waterlogging are eliminated quite easily. A little clay, sand or wood ash to absorb excess moisture. You can also loosen the soil with a wooden stick and make deep punctures in it, which eliminate excess moisture. The easiest way to dry the soil is to cover the soil in a pot with ordinary paper napkins. It is very important to check the drainage holes of the planting container if there are problems with the soil. After all, they can be clogged, which is why the earth in the flower pot is constantly wet and does not dry out. How to make flower pots with your own hands, you can find out.

Plaque on the surface

If the earth in a flower pot receives an excess of water, then white or yellow plaque. main reason this is watering with very hard water. Because of this, lime deposits form on the surface of the soil, and it turns white. Fix this problem in several ways. The first thing they start with is to exclude watering flowers with water directly from the tap. It should settle within one day. You can also add to water citric acid. For one liter of water, half a teaspoon of the substance, thanks to this, it is possible to neutralize lime compounds.

In addition, in order to prevent the formation white plaque from above, the soil is covered with expanded clay, which absorbs excess moisture. And you can also sprinkle the soil in a pot with large river sand, which is loosened along with the ground. Such activities favorably affect the health of the roots of the flower. The next way to eliminate excess moisture is to remove the top layer of earth and add dry leafy soil to the pot. The surest and easiest way to eliminate plaque on the ground is to install a water filter in the house, which will soften hard water. To soften the water, rag bags with peat are lowered into it.

Mold in pots

When the ground in a flower pot is very wet, it becomes a breeding ground for mold, so the plant needs to be provided proper watering and good drainage holes that will prevent stagnant water. If the soil is already moldy and soil black bugs have started, then watering is immediately stopped, and the root system of the plant is dried. outer layer soil must be removed at a height of at least 2 cm and replaced with fresh substrate.

If these activities are not given positive result and the soil in the flower pot remains wet, then all the soil will have to be replaced. Before planting, the flower, together with the earthy clod, is removed from the pot and left to dry for at least one day. The old earth must be thrown out, and the new earth must be steamed at a high temperature. If a ceramic pot is used for planting, then it should be doused with boiling water. The ceramic pot should be boiled in water for several minutes.

When the earth grows moldy plastic pot, then it is better to throw it away, since fungal spores are present on its walls, which will multiply in the new soil. At the bottom of the pot there should be a drainage layer of expanded clay. The top layer of soil is sprinkled with sand, which will help to avoid high humidity.

Midges in the ground

Sometimes the ground in the flower pot is covered small midges that feed on rot. The first thing they start with in the fight against midges in orchids is the removal of all wilted and poorly rotting parts of the flower that feed on harmful microorganisms and insects. It is very difficult to deal with them, so it is easier to get rid of the old soil, wash the roots of the flower and plant it in a new, steamed substrate. It is also necessary to treat the roots before transplanting.

Waterlogged land in a flower pot willingly attracts small pests that lay their eggs on the ground. To prevent such a nuisance, the topsoil of the flower must always be dry, and sufficient drainage holes must be provided in the pot. To prevent the reproduction of midges, the room in the house should be regularly ventilated and treated with special preparations against insects.

It is advisable to hang flycatchers next to house plants, as these insects are carriers of all kinds of plant diseases. You can also use to fight midges folk remedies. For example, take 20 gr. laundry soap and grate it. Then dissolve it in a liter of water and spray the flowers with this composition once a week. Even the earth in a pot is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which also gives a good effect.

Unpleasant smell from the soil in the flower pot

When the earth in a flower pot emits an unpleasant odor, stinks, this indicates that there is mold and pathogenic bacteria inside.

So that the earth does not smell, it is necessary to remove upper part soil. The remaining soil is treated with a disinfectant solution of foundationazole or water with manganese. The missing part of the soil is replaced with fresh soil, which is steamed in advance in a microwave oven for 15 minutes. Then it is well dried and placed in a flower pot. It is also important to keep an eye on the drainage holes, which may be clogged.

Why do animals eat and dig the earth?

Usually young Alabai puppies and kittens, who are just learning to dig, dig or eat earth, grass, coal. new world and try to taste everything. How to wean a puppy or a child if he climbs and rakes the soil? Animals are driven by ordinary curiosity, so after several attempts to eat the earth, everything stops. The puppy of that terrier will understand that the earth is not tasty and will not taste it again. However, this sign is not curiosity, but the reason psychological state dogs or cats. This happens due to the fact that the animal does not feel comfortable in the house or dislikes a new family member.

Perhaps the owner treats the cat or dog badly, punishes him, and he takes revenge in this way. Sometimes animals gnaw and tear furniture, walls or shoes of their owner. Therefore, in order to understand why an animal licks clay and sand, digs or eats earth from a flower pot, it is necessary to examine its health, for example, for feline anemia. If the reasons lie in the personal hostility of the animal or in psychological discomfort, then the owner and his household should give the pet more affection. It is very important to communicate more with the pet, give him time, praise him, play with the animal.

Signs about a flower pot in a dream

When you dream of flowers in pots, this is one of the most favorable plots that predicts good luck and success in the future. Perhaps a large material reward awaits a person ahead, or he will buy expensive property. However, this interpretation is correct in the case when the flower did not fall and dreamed of blooming, green and fresh. If in a dream a person sees sluggish, dried flowers, then this may indicate trouble in the future. For example, there will be trouble at work, financial losses or quarrels in the family. When a flower crumbles in a dream, this indicates illness.

If in a dream a person dropped and broke an empty pot on the floor in a room, poured earth from a pot or broke it, then this may portend discord in the family in the future, up to a divorce. Also, scattered earth at night speaks of illness, loss of loved ones or difficulties in financial plan. It is worth considering that the prediction of dreams may depend on who dreamed of a flower pot. For example, if beautiful flower dreamed of a young girl, then a wedding awaits her. For older women blooming flower talking about possible pregnancy, and for older ladies, such a dream promises the presence of diseases of the reproductive system.

Decorating the earth in a pot

When the earth is decorated in a flower pot, in most cases fine gravel is used, which is painted with multi-colored dyes.

The painted pebbles are washed with water and covered with a lump in a flower pot with a layer of up to 2 cm. If desired, patterns, drawings or ornaments are made from colored stones. The main thing is to show imagination and use stones for mulching different sizes, starting from 2-3 mm and ending with large specimens up to 1 cm.

Also, fine orange gravel or coarse-grained, colored sand, which can be bought at a flower shop, is used to decorate the top layer of soil.

Usually the soil is decorated for cacti of different sizes in landscape design. Group plantings of succulents of different varieties look very impressive, which are decorated with multi-colored pebbles. You can also use sea, small pebbles, pebbles for decoration. For plants that need high humidity, sphagnum moss is used, which makes the surface of the soil a rich green color. If the moss has lost its beneficial features, then its top layer becomes brown. In this case, it is replaced with new moss. Lot useful information in the article: .