What is the name of a flower blooming in autumn. What to plant in the fall in a flower garden: choosing autumn flowers

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The sad time has come to say goodbye to the red summer. Gradually, the entire tree and shrub fraternity dresses in gold and crimson. What a wonderful, unrivaled game of variety. different shades yellow-red flowers. And in the crystal clear blue sky, the cranes are already screaming. Farewell Summer! Nature puts on an elegant dress for a farewell banquet. It is not for nothing that the poet called this time "the charm of the eyes."

According to the calendar, as you know, autumn begins on the first of September. Astronomers consider the beginning of autumn to be the day of the autumnal equinox - September 22, meteorologists - the date of the stable transition of the average daily air temperature through 10 degrees to the lowest temperatures. The transition of the average daily temperature after 5 degrees is a sign of the end of the growing season. Autumn is usually divided into two periods. The first lasts from the first frost to the end of November, and the second - from the end of November to the beginning of winter. The first frosts are the beginning of autumn. But behind them, as a rule, warm and dry weather begins, the so-called "Indian summer" begins. In these days of golden autumn, it is as if summer is returning again, and a number of plants are blooming again. But this joyful, colorful autumn season is very short.

Phenologists believe that autumn begins with the beginning of a noticeable yellowing of leaves on trees and bushes. V different years leaves turn yellow in different terms... Leaves on birches turn yellow first, later on linden, then bird cherry, branches, crowns, viburnum bushes are covered with crimson. Yellowing of leaves and November are the most characteristic features autumn. Why do the leaves turn yellow in autumn? This question has been heard more than once from different people. In summer, the leaves are green from the presence of a large amount of green pigment - chlorophyll. But, in addition to chlorophyll, the leaf also contains yellow-orange pigments - carotene and xanthophyll. In summer, the pigments are masked by chlorophyll, so the leaf looks green. In autumn, chlorophyll is destroyed, and yellow-orange pigments give the leaves golden and orange tones. But, in addition to yellow, on many trees and plants, the leaves acquire even more varied shades: from red-crimson to purple colors. This is explained by the presence in the cells of the leaves of a special colored substance - anthocyanin. With a cold snap, the anthocyanin content increases, because low temperatures and bright light contribute to its formation.

No less characteristic for autumn is the falling of leaves from trees and. This phenomenon cannot be explained only by the onset of cold weather, as some believe. If you transplant a tree into a room or greenhouse where the temperature does not drop, it will still shed its leaves. This is because a special cork layer forms at the base of the leaf stalks by autumn. This layer separates the leaf from the plant. A light breeze is enough, and the leaf falls off. By November, a lot of substances accumulate in the leaves, not needed by the plant, and with the fall of the foliage, these substances are removed from the plant. November, like a change in leaf color, is associated with a change in vital activity plant organisms in preparation for adverse winter conditions... It is vital necessary fixture developed over millennia under the influence climatic features temperate zone. After all, with leaves, trees would not be able to survive in the harsh conditions of winter. During the warm period, trees, for example, evaporate about seven thousand kilograms of water through their leaves ... If the birch remained with leaves for the winter, it would die from a lack of water, since it is impossible to take it from the soil in such quantities in winter ... Another thing - coniferous trees, they do not throw off their clothes for the winter, which, due to the special structure of their needle-like leaves, evaporates very little water, and therefore they are not afraid of winter water hunger.

Gradually, the leaves fall from the trees and bushes, but the herbaceous plants still retain their green color. True, among them there are already many with yellowed stems and leaves, and many plants are even blooming. Some plants bloom again only occasionally, and for some, repeated blooming in autumn has become almost common. Plants such as adonis, fragrant violet, marigold, cuckoo flowers, forest anemones and a number of others often bloom for the second time. Peculiar weather autumn, when after a cold snap, there is a prolonged warming.

Some plants, in particular weeds, can bloom, as they say, from snow to snow, that is, from early spring to late autumn. Among them are the stellate or wood lice, talaban (yarutka) and others. In autumn, you can also meet with flowers and later forms of some plant species. These are eyebright, tenaciousness, field violet, gravilat, etc. These species bloom in early summer, later seem to disappear, and bloom again by autumn. Such seasonal forms of individual plant species are still very little studied.

Some of the autumn flowering species are plants that bloom in the second half of summer and continue to bloom in autumn. Chicory, cinquefoil, crow's feet, some of them, carnations, tansy, sverbyzhnitsa and others fade late. In wet places, a succession still blooms.

And there are some types of plants that bloom only in autumn. Among them, first of all, it should be noted - a plant that is most interesting in its biology. Only in the fall, the yellow flowers of the sternbergia of the autumn Amaryllis family also open. it rare plant found in our Odessa region and in the Crimea. Autumn snowdrops bloom in the fall, some types of saffron, etc. Finally, they also fade. Early winter is coming, and the first loose white snow will cover the ground.

Bright, varied autumn flowers in the garden, photos and names of which are mentioned in this article, will help to brightly color the flower garden of a modern hostess against the general background of fading nature. To create a real cradle for a sleeping garden, it is important to know what fall flowers you need to plant and how to do it correctly.

Autumn color classification

Before deciding on the flowers that you would like to see in your flower beds in the fall, you need to have an idea of ​​what types of these plants are.

  • Autumn flowers delight the eye with a riot of colors, which is clearly visible in the photo. But they are also distinguished by long flowering periods. Most of them bloom all September, October, and some last until the first frost.
  • Ornamental classification is based on color, height, decorativeness, shape, flowering time, etc. In this case, we have to talk about a significant difference in species.
  • From a scientific point of view, there are annuals and perennials.

Knowing the distinctive features of autumn flowering plants will help you to competently break garden beds and create unusual compositions. For example, you can arrange plants according to colors or flowering period. In order to properly organize a flower garden in a flower bed, it is important to take into account the height of the plants, the characteristics of the leaves. The low ones should not be obscured by the higher ones.

Compositions created from autumn flowering plants amaze with splendor and riot of colors, and a photo of a garden flower bed installed on a desktop will allow you to preserve a piece of blooming autumn in all its glory.

September flowers - names, descriptions

September weather tends to be reminiscent of late summer. Only in the second half of this month changes are felt. Summer flowers are living out their last days in the garden. However, there are many plants that are just beginning to bloom in September. Among them, the following stand out:

Oaks (Chrysanthemums)

Chrysanthemums, their more familiar name, boasts a wide variety of varieties, differing both in height and in size and color of the flower. The inflorescences of this plant resemble asters, which is clearly visible in the photo, only the color palette of the latter is more diverse. Oaks feel great under the sun, on rich, moderately moist soils. The plant begins to bloom at the end of summer and continues throughout the fall.

Now they have gained particular popularity korean oaks who are completely unassuming. The bush of the plant is strewn with many small flowers. As for the leaves of chrysanthemums, they differ in appearance and size.

Oaks are wonderful flowers for any garden. And artificial chrysanthemums made in the style of kanzashi can decorate the main bouquet of these flowers.


Delicate, beautiful, unpretentious plants boast a wide variety of shapes and colors. They bloom at the very beginning of autumn. A huge number of species allows you to choose flowers for every taste and color, from blue and white to purple or pink.

Belonging to the herbaceous genus, this plant multiplies easily and has increased resistance to mild frosts. Asters continue to bloom on the flower beds until winter. Often, so many flowers form on the bush at once that the leaves of the plant are completely invisible.

Bouquets of asters look great in a vase on the table. They will be a wonderful decoration for any interior.

Autumn Gelenium

Numerous and incredibly beautiful flowers make a fully blooming bush look like a fireworks, consisting of many different shades. Tall helenium bushes are like ready-made bouquets, they will become a worthy decoration of a summer cottage or a front garden. It blooms before the onset of frost, attracting bees from all over the area.

Rudbeckia hairy

Quite a popular, beautiful plant with bright yellow or orange flowers with a dark brown core. It resembles a large chamomile. Stems are tall, straight, elastic. As for the leaves, they are elongated, thick, rough.

Rudbeckia blooming in September pleases the eye until the first frost. The land on which it grows must be moist and fertilized. There are no special requirements for leaving.


They bloom in September and are pleasing to the eye until the first frost, until the leaves and inflorescences are on the stem, they wither and disappear. If there were minor frosts that did not last long, and the dahlias did not have time to throw off their buds, then we can soon expect their re-blooming, however, not in all cases. Unassuming, shade-tolerant dahlias can grow on almost any kind of soil. They love moisturizing, but they cannot stand excess moisture.

There are six types of this ornamental plant, depending on the shape, terry, size of flowers (they can reach 10-12 cm). This plant will look great when decorated garden paths, colorful parterres, when creating a group composition on the lawn. Dahlias made in accordance with the Japanese kanzashi style turn out to be original and unusual. A handmade creation can be added to regular bouquets, making them more creative.

Zinnia graceful

On vigorous and erect stems with yellow fluff, majestic flowers rest, the shape of which depends on the species. They are also characterized by their abundance and wide range of colors. The flower is very whimsical. Requires nutritious soil, plenty of sun and wind protection.

Flowers of october

In October, the weather is significantly different from summer. Many plants in the garden have already faded, but it is the October autumn flowers that can give a real fairy tale. Among all, the following stand out:

Snapdragon (Dogs)

This plant is perennial, but it is more commonly used as an annual. It got its interesting name due to unusual shape flowers that resemble the mouth of a lion. Snapdragon it can be both tall, up to 80 cm, and completely dwarf, no higher than 20 cm.

Dogs are an unpretentious flower. Prefers light loamy soil, likes well-lit areas. If those inflorescences that have already faded are removed regularly, without touching the leaves, this will lead to the development of lateral processes, which are usually abundantly strewn with colorful flowers.

Pansies or Viola

Delicate, graceful perennial garden culture. This stunted plant resembles a violet in the shape of flowers. The shade-resistant plant is distinguished by a wide and varied range of colors. Viola compositions serve great decoration balconies, outdoor flowerpots.


In order for the flower garden to please the eye, it is important to follow certain rules when placing ornamental plants.

  • With the correct selection of plant species, the flower bed can bloom all year round.
  • The small distance between the planted flowers can lead to the fact that they are simply intertwined with each other, and this is not always beautiful.
  • Plants in the same flower bed should be selected in such a way that they are in harmony with each other in terms of size, color, and leaf shape. So, if you place too small and too large flowers next to it, then it will look rather unsuccessful than beautiful.
  • Try to avoid the proximity of flowers with the so-called "basic colors" - red, blue, yellow.
  • Between red and bright yellow flowers, white ones will look great. But the neighborhood of lemon-yellow shades in this version is best avoided.
  • If possible, do not overload the site with a large variety of plants.

Kanzashi - art inspired by the beauty of autumn colors

Kanzashi is a hair accessory worn by Japanese girls during the Edo period. V recent times this type of needlework is especially popular. As part of the art of kanzashi, you can create not only original flowers, but even whole bouquets. Creating autumn flowers using the kanzashi technique is an easy task, anyone can master it. The main thing is to be patient, skill will come with time. A description of the manufacturing technique and the corresponding photos of works in the kanzashi style can be easily found on the Internet.

To create a masterpiece within the framework of kanzashi art, you will need satin ribbons different colors, wire, scissors, thread with a needle, ruler, tweezers, lighter. When making petals and leaves for kanzashi, you can use two techniques: create a sharp or round look. Flowers using the kanzashi technique can also be an interior decoration. They can be used to decorate a flowerpot or put them in a vase.

Autumn flowers are very diverse and amazingly beautiful. And it doesn't matter if it is oak, rose, aster or simple daisy, the main thing is that, blooming at a time when nature begins to fade, they delight the eye and give a boost of energy and Have a good mood everyday.

Autumn is the time when nature prepares for relaxation, and autumn flowers in the garden will delight the eye with a riot of colors. When it slowly starts to get colder outside and some are characterized by blues, blooming flowers on garden beds cheer up. Moreover, the first autumn frosts absolutely do not interfere with the flowering of many plants.

For professional summer residents, as a rule, flowering in the garden begins in early spring, and ends in late autumn. Flowerbeds, combined from plants different sizes and colors, are able to amaze any imagination and drive crazy with their aroma. And the flower beds blooming in autumn are doubly pleasant to look at. It is not at all necessary to be a professional gardener in order to admire the riot on your site all season flower paints, because many plants are quite unpretentious and grow.

In the middle of summer, summer cottages delight us with might and main with their flowering. The variety of plant species allows you to create the most diverse in the garden autumn flower beds... Further, there will be a description of some plants that begin to bloom in the summer (with the transition to autumn). It should be added that in southern and some middle latitudes, flowering, which I define as autumn, begins in the local areas at the end of summer. But this action is only to the delight of all flower growers.


It is a perennial bulbous flowering plant... Feels great on many soils, loves light, needs moderate moisture. Crocosmia (or Japanese gladiolus) begins to bloom in the garden in July and ends at the end of August.

Some plants can be up to 1 meter high. The foliage of crocosmia is light green in color, has a xiphoid shape. The inflorescences of the plant are funnel-shaped, their diameter is about 5 cm, paniculate.

Of the common varieties, plants with inflorescences of the following colors can be distinguished:

  • "Vesuvius" - scarlet inflorescences;
  • "Golden Fleece" - lemon yellow;
  • "Chees Madgest" - orange-scarlet;
  • "Emily McKenzie" - brownish petals, and bright orange blotches at their base;
  • "Reingold" - yellow color.

For the period of winter cold crocosmia, warming is necessary - spruce branches, also for these purposes you can use fallen oak leaves. Crocosmia needs to be propagated in the spring - by children.


Perennial root-tuber autumn "candle" blooming very beautifully. Even a novice gardener can grow this plant. Landing Liatrice on summer cottage carried out in early May, and from July it will begin to bloom.

The plant is quite tall, some varieties grow up to 80 cm, but the inflorescences, collected in baskets, are rather small, no more than 2 cm. They are located at the top of the peduncle, and in a spike-like manner. Because of this, outwardly, the inflorescence of this plant resembles a dishwashing brush. Color shades plants from pink to purple.

Liatris needs sunlight, loves fertile soil in the garden and warm places. He does not need special care, he is able to stay in one place for many years. On cold period it is not necessary to cover it.

In the flower beds and ridges of these autumn "giants" can be combined with perennials, you can arrange complex borders. In addition, for decorative cutting, liatris is even grown specially.


Refers to perennials, blooms very beautifully. Loose soils are preferred for lupine, it loves moisture, light, although it can grow in shaded garden areas of the country.

Lupine is quite tall, some species reach 120 cm. Its stem is straight, foliage is palmate. Flowers are in racemose inflorescences, the length of which can reach 30 cm. Flowering begins in early July and ends with frost. To allow yourself this in a flower bed, do not forget to remove faded inflorescences in time.

Common varieties with inflorescences of the following colors are:

  • "Page", 1 m high - red;
  • "Governor", meter giants - blue and white;
  • "Chandelier", 1 meter long lupine - yellow-orange;
  • "Roseus", 110 cm tall - pink;
  • "Rubinkonig", maximum height 1 meter, ruby ​​purple.

Lupins are widely used in gardening a summer cottage, and also stand in the cut for a long time.

Lily Henry

This unpretentious beauty, for the most part, belongs to the category of hybrids, multi-flowered. The diameter of the inflorescence of Henry's lily reaches 8 cm. Each flower is very interesting: turban-shaped, it can grow to the side or up. It has an apricot hue with dark red beards on the petals. Lilies bloom in early August.

The plant is quite tall, with favorable conditions reaches 150 cm in height. Landing can be carried out in autumn period- until mid-September, as well as in spring, but not earlier than early May. When planting, the bulbs are buried in the ground by 20 cm, the distance between the holes is at least 30 cm.The lily of this species can grow in the shade, but it is better to choose for it open space... Preferred soils are slightly acidic or neutral, always drained. The flower is unpretentious, resistant to fungi, tolerates frosty winters well. In the first year after planting, the plant must be covered. Flowers can be propagated by scales of bulbs or baby bulbs.

Even more beautiful are the Eastern and Asian representatives of this species (see photo below). With the latter, there are also no problems when growing, but with the eastern ones there is already more fuss, but they are worth it!


Not adapted for wintering in the middle lane, therefore it is grown in country garden like an annual plant. Feels great on different soils, is drought-resistant, but moderate watering will not hurt him. The plant is light-loving, grows very poorly in the shade and does not please with flowering, in normal conditions continuing until the beginning of September frosts.

Purslane is not a very tall plant - only about 20 cm, with creeping, fleshy stems, which, moreover, branch strongly. The foliage is small. Flowers are single, about 7 cm in diameter, terry. Color spectrum:

  • Red,
  • white,
  • pink,
  • orange,
  • yellow.

However, purslane grows very poorly from seeds. Therefore, the best solution would be to buy ready-made seedlings, for example, in a nursery, but in the fall the plant will be weeded out by seeds that will perfectly grow on next year.

Celosia (paniculate and comb)

It is an annual but can be found perennial varieties and even shrubs. Common annuals of this type are: comb celosia and paniculate celosia.

The flowers of the paniculate plant have a pyramidal shape of inflorescences, which are located on the shoots. The whole variety of colors of paniculate celosia is presented in yellow-violet - white-red shades.

The plant can be short (maximum height - 40 cm), tall - about 80 cm in height. Low-growing varieties will be an excellent decoration for borders, and high ones for cutting. In addition, celosia looks great as a dried flower.

Celosia comb has fused shoots, and its inflorescences are similar to the comb of a rooster. The varieties of this plant are short - about 30 cm and tall - about a meter high. All varieties of celosia in the garden on the site are propagated by seeds. Plants are planted in the ground at the beginning of summer, the distance between the shoots is from 20 cm.


It is believed that it can be grown both in flowerpots on the street and in small pots on the windows. Zinnia fits perfectly into panoramic compositions, and as part of a bouquet, the plant attracts attention.

Very light-requiring, drought-resistant. It does not tolerate frost, therefore it blooms only until mid-September. In a damp climate, this plant does not feel well, there is a high risk that it will wither. If it grows in a suitable place, then large baskets of zinnias of various colors will delight the eyes with their beauty for a long time.


The most common is Echinacea purpurea, which is a perennial with a short rhizome. In the garden, echinacea can grow up to 1 meter. It is a plant with a straight, rough brownish stem. The leaves in the root area are arranged in winged petioles, serrated and collected in a rosette. The leaves on the stem grow in a sequential order. The flower itself is very pubescent. The diameter of flowers - baskets can be 15 cm.

Notable varieties of purple echinacea

  • "The King" - a giant (110 cm) of red-purple color;
  • "Kim" s Knee High "- maximum plant height - 45 cm, mauve petals with a fiery red core;
  • "Irresistible" - is the first "double" Echinacea variety, 0.8 m high. Branched peduncles, inflorescences - red-orange;
  • "Kim" s Mophead "is a hybrid variety, its height does not exceed 45 cm. The petals are white, and the core is golden-green.

Echinacea loves sun and rich soil. Able to bloom without transplant for about 6 years. Propagated by seed or division. However, the seeds do not germinate well, therefore it is better to propagate vegetatively.


An annual plant, popularly nicknamed "touchy". Its shape can be spherical, creeping or pyramidal. Plant height fluctuates, but it does not grow more than 75 cm.Stems of autumn balsam Green colour, smooth. Shoots with a reddish bloom, and very soft. The leaves are slightly pointed, arranged alternately, their edges are serrated.

The color range of balsam is not very wide: orange, red and pink shades, their diameter is 5 cm. The seeds of the plant ripen in a box, "exploding" from any touch (hence popular name). Balsam loves warmth very much, because seedlings can be planted in the ground only at the end of May.

The beginning of autumn - September flower parade

This month it gets significantly colder, frosts begin at night and many summer plants in the garden are finishing flowering. But they are being replaced by no less beautiful autumn flowers.


Corm perennial at their summer cottage, which is dug out of the soil for the winter. The leaves of gladioli are sessile, linear or xiphoid. Height flower stem reaches one and a half meters, and at its end there is a long spike-shaped inflorescence. These flowers are arranged in one or two rows, their total number per plant can reach 23. They are funnel-shaped, rather large, of various shades.

Gladiolus is a noble plant in any garden. In the glamelia technique, gladioli are used very actively.


This beautiful autumn flower is popularly nicknamed "long-flowered", because it pleases our eyes until severe frosts begin.

Common in horticulture. This plant is compact, not very tall (no higher than 60 cm), with small inflorescences-baskets (diameter 1.5 cm). Baskets are in an inflorescence, the diameter of which is approximately 7 cm. The color of the petals is blue or purple, but there are white and pink shades.

Ageratum loves the warmth and light of the sun, it stops growing in the shade. Young shoots do not tolerate even light frost. To increase the flowering period, faded inflorescences should be removed, and together with the top of the shoots.

Ornamental cabbage - brassica

Generally, these fall plants in the garden are two years old, however, they are grown as annuals. In early September, brassica (another name for ornamental cabbage) reaches its peak.

Cabbage leaves are tall, sometimes narrow and wide, and can be curved or straight. In addition, they are surprisingly "trimmed" along the edges: light or deep cuts, waves, teeth, there are even finely curled ones. As for the coloring, everything is also very interesting here. The leaf can be monochromatic, or it can simultaneously include several shades: from light green to dark red and even purple. As a rule, the outer leaves of the same color are green, but several shades may be present in the outlet at once.

When used in a bouquet, such brassica cabbage is necessarily an accent plant, so to speak, an optical center.


This annual can be an excellent addition to any autumn garden, bouquet and other compositions.

Asters are divided into types

  • Terry - well-known and popular among gardeners,
  • non-double - not so popular, it differs in the shape of the bush, color and height of the plant.

Depending on the height of the aster, a site for planting is selected. Low-growing varieties become a decoration for borders, and medium and tall varieties find their place in flower beds.

The plant has voluminous (about 16 cm) inflorescences of different structures. These fall beauties have a wide color palette. Asters love sunlight, resistant to light frost.


It is a beautifully flowering liana. The plant is tall, with tendrils, which in its natural environment it clings to bushes. Antennae are located at the base of the leaves. Vine inflorescences are medium, about 5 cm in diameter. The most common colors are white and purple. First, inflorescences certain types kobei are light, exude a musky aroma, then, becoming purple, the aroma of honey.

Kobeya is afraid of large subzero temperatures, therefore it is grown as an annual plant. Liana is unpretentious, able to grow in any soil, grows well.


In any garden where autumn flowers are grown, there is definitely a place for chrysanthemums. This plant is resistant to light frosts, looks great in bouquets, and stands for a long time in the cut.

The height of chrysanthemums varies from 30 to 75 cm, so it can be used both as a decoration for paths and in flower beds. This bushy perennial has flowers, the diameter of which can be either 3 cm or 30 (depending on the variety). The inflorescence consists of many tubular and reed petals. They have different colors, shapes and sizes.


The plant is a complex hybrid. it autumn plant- a perennial, which must be hidden from frost in winter (dug out).

Its stem is straight, of different heights (20-200 cm), branched, foliage is pinnately divided. The inflorescence of the plant is a basket, along the edges of which there are reed-shaped petals, and in the center - tubular. Dahlia can have more than one shade, but several at once. These flowers love warmth. They reproduce in a vegetative way.


Light-loving autumn, which begins to bloom at the beginning of the last month of summer, the perennial feels great on a plot in the garden. It is resistant to light frost, but rudbeckia still needs to be covered during severe winter cold weather.

The plant loves moisture. With moderate watering, it will delight with its flowering for a long time. The height of the rudbeckia is from 50 to 150 cm.

The leaves of the plant are oval and dark green in color. The flower is bright yellow, during frost the color changes, with a diameter of about 9 cm, the core is brown-black, in the form of a ball. Rudbeckia blooms throughout September.

October: end of the flower parade

In October, it is usually already cold, summer flowers in the garden have long faded, some autumn flowers have also completed their solemn performance. But, even in the middle of autumn, you can still see many beautiful plants reminiscent of the sun and warm days.


Popularly known as " Night beauty". The flower blooms at dusk, and closes in the morning. The plant is one year old, still blooms in October. Mirabilis loves the sun, prefers fertile soil.

"Night Beauty" is a branched plant, up to 70 cm in length, has pointed leaves of bright green color. The inflorescence is of medium size, funnel-shaped, located on the peduncle. Their color is varied:

  • Pink,
  • white,
  • orange,
  • red.

It also happens that different flowers bloom on one plant.


In the garden, this autumn plant will delight with its flowering, starting in late autumn, for about a month. Light frost is not terrible for the crocus.

The plant is not tall, it can be planted in a flower bed where other autumn flowers are located, or you can use it to decorate a curb path.

Colchicum has large, lanceolate leaves, elongated, and single funnel-shaped flowers of various colors. Colchicum is photophilous, but can grow in partial shade. Needs moderate hydration. This plant is poisonous, however, its bulbs are used in medicine.


It is difficult to imagine autumn flowers in the garden without nasturtium. It is an annual plant that can grow in the shade. It is not afraid of small frosts, therefore it blooms throughout October.

There are several types of nasturtium: undersized (up to 30 cm), creeping (up to 3.5 m). Shoots are light green, branched. The root system is practically on the surface of the soil. Large, rounded leaves are arranged on petioles that can be red or green in color. Single flowers large sizes are in the axil of foliage. Their color ranges from pale yellow to bright red. Nasturtium blooms towards the end of June.

Popular climbing varieties of nasturtium

  • "Theodore",
  • "Aurora",
  • "Cardinal",
  • "Orange ball".

Famous bush varieties of nasturtium

  • "Vesuvius"
  • "Snow Maiden",
  • "Othello",
  • "Ruby".


In gardening, paniculata phlox is popular, although there are other varieties of it. A perennial autumn plant, it can reach a height of 1.5 meters. Phlox stems are leafy, woody near the roots, numerous. The leaves have a lanceolate-oval shape, paniculate inflorescences, located at the crown of the stem.

Phlox inflorescences are star-like, have a tubular base, exude a light pleasant aroma... These autumn beauties can be either monochromatic or interspersed with a different color. Phlox will look great in a flower bed in combination with plants that have a carmine red color.

After cutting, phloxes last for a short time; you need to frequently change the water in the vase.

Plants blooming in spring, summer and autumn

Gardeners prefer not only those plants that bloom only in summer or only in autumn. After all, there are such plants, the flowering of which can be admired all season, including spring. The main thing is to sow seeds on time and grow seedlings.


Quite a popular plant in the garden, there are long-lived varieties, and there are annuals. Verbena flowers can be:

  • Dark blue
  • burgundy,
  • red.

But all the flowers of this plant have a white eye in the middle.

Verbena loves warmth, sprouts are planted at a certain distance in loose soil. It can become a decoration for flower beds, borders, and also grow at home on the window.


Viola, or Pansies, is perennial plant, which is used as a biennial.

The plant is winter-hardy, tolerates partial shade and even full shade. Viola can grow on windows located on the south side. If the plant is in the sun, then it blooms for a long time. In the shade of pansies, they do not bloom so profusely. Large viola inflorescences are located on long pedicels. The diameter of the flowers of this plant is about 9 cm, their color can be different: purple, blue, blue, yellow. As a rule, inflorescences pansies three-ton, but there are also monophonic varieties.

The leaves are petiolate, rounded-heart-shaped. V summer period viola is planted outside, where they bloom until the autumn cold comes.


Light-loving undersized (25 cm), long-lived plant, however, gatsania (gazania) is grown as an annual. It has linear leaves and inflorescence baskets of medium size (7 cm), tongue-shaped petals, different in color. As a rule, most gatsania varieties open their inflorescences only during the daytime, when there is sunshine. Blooms all season.


it garden plant so called by the people, its real name is antirrinum. In general, snapdragon is a perennial, but since it does not tolerate frost, it is planted annually. Antirrinum is called snapdragon for a reason, outwardly the flower looks like the open mouth of a lion.

Its inflorescences are a raceme with large, two-lipped flowers with small seeds of black or brown... Snapdragon prefers places that are open to the sun's rays. They need regular irrigation, they grow better in nutritious soil.


It is a cold-tolerant plant that blooms profusely throughout the season, including autumn. It has strong stems of medium height (55 cm), on top of which there are large chamomile inflorescences. Osteospermum tolerates not only light frost, but also heat, is resistant to temperature extremes and weather conditions.

Large (4.5 cm) white daisy-shaped reed-shaped inflorescences have a center of blue color... Some varieties of osteospermum have a different color of inflorescences: lilac, yellow, orange and their shades. Better flowers grow on fertile soils.


Semi-shrub long-lived plant. It can be low (15 cm), and maybe a giant (1 m). Due to its bright, large and very beautiful flowers, petunia has rightfully become a favorite in every garden.

The plant can have a creeping, erect or densely branched stem with round, pubescent green shoots. Leaves, different in size, alternate, also pubescent, vary in size and shape.

Petunia flowers are solitary, sitting on small pedicels in the axils of foliage. They have a double perianth, a five-part calyx, the sepals of which are fused at their base. Petunia blooms all season under favorable conditions.

But even in the fall we are pleased with:, tenacious, ....., and the swimsuit can bloom again.

With the end of summer, many crops stop blooming, the flower beds look empty and dull. Autumn flowers will help to add color. There are not so many varieties of them, but they are not inferior in beauty to their summer counterparts. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and resistance to temperature differences... A well-designed flower bed will delight the eye before the onset of frost.

Formation of flower beds

Many crops begin their flowering from the beginning of summer and continue until the very cold. They should be chosen taking into account the specifics of the site: lighting, soil composition, irrigation characteristics. Before wondering what flowers bloom in the fall, you need to consider a plan for their placement. All plants are divided into 4 groups by height: creeping, undersized, medium-sized and tall. From their correct location will depend on general form flower beds:

Tall representatives of the flora are planted along fences and decorative fences. Flowers of medium size - on the sides of paths and paths. The smallest ones are planted in separate containers and hanging pots.

Autumn flowers are perennial and annual, each plant has its own advantages. Perennials grow in one place for up to 5 years and do not need a transplant. Annual crops make it possible to change the entire appearance of the garden every year.

September colors

In September, the weather is almost the same as in summer. And therefore, many August plants continue to bloom this month. Gerberas, begonias, balsams gradually fade, and chrysanthemums come to replace them. Autumn flowers, the name of which is known to everyone, boasts a wide variety of varieties and colors. There are tall representatives and miniature species. Flowering begins in August and continues until cold weather. Unpretentious are gaining popularity Korean varieties chrysanthemums. Dense bushes are abundantly covered with small beautiful flowers. They prefer a well-lit place with moist soil.

Korean varieties:

  • altold - dark yellow;
  • snow white - white double flowers;
  • lada - pink-lilac;
  • gebe - yellow-pink, blooms until frost.

Astra - unpretentious herbaceous plant... It stands out for its long flowering period. There are many varieties, different in height, shape and color of flowers. Aster develops on any soil, multiplies easily and is resistant to slight frosts.

Dahlias - grow everywhere, but prefer loose nutritious soil and moderate watering without waterlogging. Shade-tolerant, but it is advisable to place them in well-lit areas with protection from drafts. Flowering begins in summer and continues until frost. So that the flowers do not become smaller, no more than 3 buds are left on the bush, and the rest are removed.

Snapdragon - the plant got its name from unusual view flowers that resemble the mouth of the king of beasts. The color is varied: white, burgundy, lilac, pink, orange. There are both dwarf representatives and tall ones.

Snapdragon prefers light soil and well-lit areas. Regular removal of wilted buds prolongs the flowering period.

October gold

The October weather is already far from the summer heat, rains begin, many plants die off. But for this month there are flowering representatives:

Flowerbed in November

In late autumn, I also want to see a bright flower garden. But the choice of plants for the last autumn month is small.

Before falling into winter sleep, the garden flashes with the farewell beauty of autumn colors. Under the gentle sun of September and October, the most different flowers... They are joined by decorative cereals, which give the bright flower beds a special charm. Late flowering shrubs dress magnificently and elegantly on autumn days.

Autumn flowers for the garden


Of all the variety of late flowers, one cannot but single out the aster, which fully justifies its name, which is translated as "star". Colored stars amuse the eye until the frost. Annual asters grow quite large and full-color, but perennials look like bouquets of small inflorescences. A variety of asters - unpretentious santabrinka and octobrinka - amaze with a variety of colors and sizes.


A guest from Japan, a chrysanthemum, feels great in our gardens. Varieties with large flowers are very fond of sun and warmth, but chrysanthemums from Korean breeders are able to withstand temperatures up to -7 degrees. Chrysanthemum has a wonderful bitter scent, the widest palette of shades.


Graceful and delicate croplands, or colchicums, very touchingly grow at the end of September, like snowdrops, right from the ground. The most common varieties are autumnal and magnificent.

Cute plant - crocus


Rudbeckia shine with bright suns. Rudbeckia resembles a chamomile. Very hygrophilous and gratefully blooms on fertile soils... The dissected rudbeckia blooms in September, and the glossy one pleases the eye all October.
Luxurious dahlias that came to us from South America, perfectly settled down in our area and feel good until the first frost. Currently, up to eight thousand varieties of this luxurious plant are known.


On cool days, the queen of flowers, rose, does not cease to delight gardeners. Especially good late varieties: Orange Triumph, Souvenir de la Malnison, Irish Rose.
The flowers of autumn helenium are small - only 3-4 cm. But how good they are when the bushes in the shape of a ball are strewn all over. Gelenium can be colored bright orange, deep reddish brown.

Roses are beautiful at any time of the year

Cereals for autumn flower beds

Boutelois graceful

Special decorativeness garden design give cereals blooming in the last warm days. The spikelets of Boutellois look original and elegant. This plant is also called mosquito grass. Its inflorescences tilt exquisitely at an angle.

Reed spine-flowered

Sharp-flowered reed is a rather tall cereal, reaching a half-tarometer height. Indispensable when decorating the back of flower beds. Amazingly delicate bloom with pale pink panicles.

Reed reed - a beautiful tall cereal

Moliniya blue is compact and very decorative due to its unusual bluish or purple hue.

The Miscanthus cereal attracts with silvery-red inflorescences against the backdrop of beautiful brown foliage.

Shrubs with late autumn flowering


Lush beauty can be admired in September blooming hydrangea... The elegant balls of this shrub are a real treat on any garden plot. Fluffy balls of different colors, blooming on the same bush, look especially magical.

Blooms in summer and autumn - hydrangea


Will please and common heather... Its flowers of deep pink and purple shades delight until November.

Buddley of David

Small flowers of Buddley David are decorated in erect panicles and are painted in a rare purple-orange color.

Plant care in autumn

It is necessary to stop watering plants blooming in autumn, except for young and transplanted ones. Faded inflorescences are removed. Perennials are cut at the root. With high pruning, overwintered stems are removed in spring. Plants need to be fed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Corms are fed only with potassium sulfate. Dahlias, chrysanthemums, roses are covered with soil or a mixture of sand and peat, and in the cold they are covered with spruce branches or cut branches.

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