Perennial coreopsis flower: types, varieties, tips for care. The original decoration of the suburban area - the bright lights of coreopsis

"Kind of a bug" - this is how it is translated from Greek " Coreopsis". This is the name of the flower of the Astrov family. Like everyone in the family, plant coreopsis differs in a basket inflorescence.

It is named after its form. In the center there is a core-bottom, and on the sides there are elongated petals-sides. It is enough to remember Camomile. Coreopsis flowersimilar to her. And then the bugs? About this and not only, further.

Description and features of Coreopsis

Achenes look like bedbugs Coreopsis. On the picturethey are flat on one side and convex on the other. On the sides are thin, brown plates, like protruding wings. By the way, most bugs have wings.

In the photo, perennial coreopsis

An ovoid "body" is located in the center of the achene. Its point at the top resembles the head of an insect. Different types of bugs have red or yellow spots on it. Coreopsis seeds also have a golden mark at the growth point.

Seeds are hidden inside the "bug" of Coreopsis. They are small and round and form in September. Prior to this, the plant blooms, starting in June. The opportunity to admire Coreopsis buds all summer attracts gardeners.

Not everyone knows they are watching inflorescences. The core of asters is made up of small tubular buds, and the periphery of lobed ones. The latter are mistaken for petals.

In its kind Perennial coreopsisadjacent to the annual. The last in the flower beds in the majority. Herbaceous plants die by winter. In health, Coreopsis are voluminous bushes with straight stems.

Their leaves are dissected, or single. The greens of the hero of the article are collected in a root outlet. Long, thin, but strong peduncles rush up from it.

In the photo, coreopsis is terry

In height Coreopsis annual, like perennial, reaches 110 centimeters. Consequently, the grass grows rapidly. However, among Coreopsis, there are also undersized species that do not exceed 20 centimeters.

The size also varies. The standard diameter of "buds" is 3-3.5 centimeters. But, there is Coreopsis grandiflorum with 5-8 cm wide baskets.

The inflorescences-baskets of Coreopsis are often completely or partially colored yellow. The color is bright, like the midday rays. Therefore, in the literature there is a concept “ Solar Coreopsis "... Popularly nicknamed Lenk and Maiden's Eyes.

They can look at people not only in the garden, but also at home. As a pot Coreopsis are grownrarely, but put in vases. After cutting, the flowers do not wither for at least a week. Therefore, the beauty of the hero of the article complements many floral arrangements.

In the photo, coreopsis verticulate

Sometimes Coreopsis complements the wrong thing. Small seeds are free flowing and light, they are simply carried around the site. This forces the grain to be harvested, moreover, in several passes, without the need for seed.

Planting and reproduction of Coreopsis

The seeds of the hero of the article are so small that 500 pieces fit in 1 gram. Accordingly, in a standard package weighing 0.1 grams, there are approximately 50 grains. They remain viable for 2-3 years. You can determine the quality of the seeds by their gloss. It is pronounced in fresh grains. Over the years, Coreopsis seeds fade.

Planting Coreopsiswith fresh seeds gives almost 100% germination. It can be applied to the ground before winter, or in spring. The first method of planting Lenka is acceptable in regions with a mild climate.

In places with harsh winters, seeds introduced into the soil in autumn will die instead of hardening. Another danger is decay. So that the seeds introduced into the soil in the fall avoid it, they use the beds on the hills and do not water the plantings.

In the photo, large-flowered coreopsis

Plus planting Coreopsis before winter - early flowering. The buds are blooming by the end of May. Spring sowing take place, at the earliest, in mid-April. Coreopsis sprouts by early May. Flowering starts in June.

In order to achieve early buds bypassing planting before winter, it is grown seedlings of Coreopsis... The seeds are planted for her in March. It is enough to sprinkle the grains on the surface of the loose earth and cover the container with foil.

Without dusting with earth Coreopsis from seedgrown for reasons of light-requiring culture. In the bright sun, the grains hatch faster, there are more seedlings. It is enough to slightly moisten the soil. Do not overdo it, because the homeland is the arid regions of America. The foil over the container will keep the necessary moisture in the soil.

Coreopsis will also protect from waterlogging by an abundance of drainage. Instead of expanded clay from the store, you can add pebbles or broken brick to the substrate. The very same soil is acceptable.

In nature, Coreopsis grows easily in halim sand. The main thing is that the soil is free of acidity. It kills bacteria that assimilate nitrogen. This element provides a set of green mass.

In the photo, coreopsis dyeing

Nitrogen bacteria live at the roots of Coreopsis, supplying it with nutrition. In acidic soil, flowers are deprived of supplies. If the substrate is bad, it is worth adding lime. It neutralizes acidity as it is a natural alkali.

In separate pots, Coreopsis sprouts are planted with the appearance of 3-4 leaves. Outdoors Coreopsisturns out with the appearance of the 8-9th plate of greenery. Leave 20 centimeters between the plants. We will learn how to care for in adulthood.

Coreopsis care

Since the hero of the article is sensitive to nitrogen, care for Coreopsisorganic included. Compost is suitable from the handy. it is given in small portions throughout the flowering period. In the absence of pure organic matter, they are fed with complex mixtures from the store.

In the photo coreopsis Amulet

Fertilizers give Coreopsis the strength to bloom for a long time. However, you can't do without cropping. This is the removal of wilted buds along with peduncles. Cut them with garden shears. Leave the peduncle, continue to perceive it as an extra mouth, "afraid" to have new "children".

Flowering almost does not depend on watering Coreopsis. The plant is not accidentally drought-resistant. Have a powerful root system... It draws moisture from the depths. However, resistance to moisture deficiency does not mean abandoning it.

Rare watering is needed. An alarming signal is reduced leaf turgor. This refers to intracellular pressure. It gives tone to the greenery. The drooping foliage is evidence of a lack of moisture, because the pressure is provided precisely due to the volume of fluid in the cells.

"Sunny" corresponds to the title not only by the color of the petals, but by the love of light. An open place is chosen for Coreopsis. But you don't have to worry about the heat. resistant to coolness, easily survives it. Otherwise, the flowering of the grass would not last until the first frost.

In the photo, lanceolate coreopsis

The buds on Coreopsis continue to bloom when the neighbors have already faded. By the way, about the neighbors. The hero of the article gets along well with Sage, and.

Of them make up garden compositions... Only 5 items, but hundreds of appearance options, because each plant has a mass of species and more more varieties... Coreopsis is no exception. Let's find our own option.

Types and varieties of Coreopsis

In nature, there are about 70 species of Maiden's Eye. In culture, 10 are grown. Basically, these are annuals. In their favor, the choice falls due to long flowering. Perennial Coreopsis delights with buds 1-2 months less. Therefore, we will devote a review to popular annual flower species.

The championship in demand took Coreopsis "Krasilny"... His name, like the name of the entire genus, is associated with seeds. The grains color the water yellow. It is easy to see this by soaking the seeds before planting.

In the photo coreopsis Roulette

This helps the grains grow. It will end at the meter mark. So, "Krasilny" Coreopsis is tall. But the stems of the plant are so strong that they do not require props.

The leaves of the "Dyeing" varieties are feathery. This is the name for many plates of greenery attached to one cutting. Such foliage looks decorative. Flowers are also pleasing. They are large, like the plant itself, reaching a diameter of 6 centimeters. At the same time, the core of the flowers is usually dark, and the reed petals are light.

Miniature varieties of "Dyeing" Coreopsis are an exception to the rule. The Red Tiger is unique. Its bushes grow only 15-20 centimeters. 10 centimeters taller than Crimson King and Coreopsis "Amulet".

The "Roulette" variety reaches 35 centimeters in height. However, "catchy" Coreopsis "Roulette" others. The flowers of the variety have 2 rows of reed petals. The lower ones are burgundy and wide. The top row of petals is thinned and colored in vanilla.

The second cultivated type of the hero of the article is "Lanceolate". Coreopsiswith this name of medium height. Usually, it is 60 centimeters. The name is given to the varieties of the species because of the shape of the foliage. Her plates are stretched out. Flowers of the same species are distinguished by a tendency to wilting. Instead of "looking" into the sky, the grass lowers its heads to the ground.

"Lanceolate" Terry coreopsis... The petals of the buds are covered with villi. They reach 5 centimeters in diameter. The flowers are painted yellow.

In the photo, coreopsis pink

Of the varieties, Russian gardeners liked Goldfink and Golden Queen. The latter is typical of the growth species, and the former is a dwarf. Goldfink bushes do not exceed 30 centimeters.

The third type of flower popular with gardeners is "Whorled". Coreopsisthis one stands out from the range of yellow flowers. The buds of varieties of the species are colored pink, red, cherry. Differs in "whorled" Coreopsis and the shape of the reed petals. They are narrow. Due to this, the flowers of the species resemble stars.

On the size "Whorled" type is average. An exception is the "Sun Child" variety. Its limit is 30 centimeters. Plants of the variety stand out, in the same way, with the torn edge of the reed petals.

The fourth type of Coreopsis on the list of popular is "Pink". Its leaves are similar to the greens of Leek. The typical color of the buds is pink, for which the species is named. Color shades vary.

In some varieties they are almost white, while in others they are crimson. Minus is size. Coreopsis "Pink"does not exceed 2 centimeters in diameter. The bushes themselves are stretched up to 40 centimeters.

In the photo coreopsis Golden Queen

TO popular varieties Coreopsis "pink" includes: "Sweet Dream", "Heavenly Gate" and "American Dream". The latter is distinguished by flowers of a pale gray color.

Sweet Dream has white periphery petals and yellow central buds. Variety "Heavenly Gates" surprises with inflorescences different colors... One bush contains pink and white paints.

"Drummond" is the 5th popular type of article hero. Buy Coreopsisthe group wants, when looking at scarlet flowers with a brown "lake" in the center. The Sunrise variety has double petals. You can admire them from July to September. By autumn Coreopsis "Sunrise"grows up to 45 centimeters. Most varieties of the species stretch by 60.

Diseases and pests of Coreopsis

Lives in soil. The pest penetrates into the roots of Coreopsis through cracks, breaks. Inside the flower, Fusarium obstructs its "blood flow". As a result, the plant turns yellow and withers. But, it all starts with rotting roots.

In the photo, leaf rust disease

Since Fusarium is waiting for victims in the soil, it is worth neutralizing it. The pot is calcined in microwave oven, and the site is spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In stores, instead of folk remedies, they offer "Trichodermin".

This drug is also prophylactic. If the infection has already been recorded, they fight with Fundazol. True, it is impossible to save Coreopsis in the later stages of the disease. Process healthy bushesand the dying are uprooted and burned.

Leaf rust is also of fungal origin. The manifestation of the disease is spots on the leaves. The color of the markings resembles rust. It spreads quickly because Heterobasid mushrooms only drink live juices. The invaders don't like dead organics. spread to next plant, leaving the former to rot naturally.

In the photo, the disease fusarium

Leaves are covered with spots in many diseases. Rust is distinguished by the presence of orange spores on the back of the greenery. They are carried by the wind, easily survive the winter.

A solution in 5 liters of water of a teaspoon of "Fairy", a tablespoon of soda and the same amount of oil will help to destroy the insidious mushroom. The affected Coreopsis bushes are sprayed with a mixture of components once a week.

17 June

Coreopsis (Coreopsis) - perennial in the garden

A striking addition to the garden that will make any front garden or garden play with colors is the coreopsis flower, which is often called a ray of sunshine or a Parisian beauty. Some amateur gardeners, due to their inexperience, confuse the perennial coreopsis flower with a succession, but it should be said that these are two completely different representatives of the flora. Proper planting and care of the crop when grown in the open field from seeds will allow you to get a magnificent carpet of fresh flowers. The perennial feels great in a shady and semi-shady garden.

The material in an accessible form tells about planting coreopsis in the garden and about growing a crop from seeds using the seedling method. Quite simple care of coreopsis will ensure long-term lush flowering of this member of the aste family. Here you can find out amazing facts about planting a Coreopsis flower and its subsequent care on personal plot: experienced agronomists and flower growers share useful information with newbies.

Take a look perennial coreopsis in the photo and continue the story about the rules of agricultural technology of this garden culture:

Look at the flowers of coreopsis in the photo, which shows the most different colors of the buds

Botanical description of the coreopsis plant (with photo)

A beautiful herbaceous plant, coreopsis, belongs to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. In total, it has about 100 species, but few are used as cultivars, since some are distinguished by a rather meager external decorative effect. All representatives of the genus are divided by botanists into perennial and annual grasses or dwarf shrubs.

In some sources, namely in botanical description coreopsis is indicated as his homeland northern and partially South America, where how wild plant this genus is represented by a large number of species. Look further on the page for a detailed description of coreopsis and his photos, illustrating all the above facts.

Typically, coreopsis reaches a stem height of 40 to 120 cm. Long, upright branching stems form a neat, not spreading shrub. The shoots have leaves on themselves, which can have a finger-split or pinnacle-dissected shape, as shown in the photo below. Opposite leaves on the stems may differ in shape depending on the species presented.

The main decorative element is a flower. The buds bloom from early July to September. They gather in small basket inflorescences. The fact is that many gardeners note that they are very similar to daisies, while confusing an inflorescence with a bud. But, in fact, "chamomile" is formed by flowers of two forms, "reed" with a serrated edge and tubular, located in the center. Depending on the species, the number of reed flowers changes, which are often mistaken for corolla petals, but we can definitely say that there are always from 8 of them. Coreopsis bears fruit well, its fruits are very similar to ticks or bedbugs, which is where the name of the plant comes from. Horticultural crops tend to self-seeding in most cases.

Coreopsis varieties: whorled, lanceolate and large-flowered (with photo of flowers)

Several flowering varieties of coreopsis are used as horticultural crops, namely, only 30. The color of the inflorescence and its doubleness depend on the belonging of a particular representative. In nature and in number garden varieties it is not uncommon to find hybrids with red reed flowers. Next, let's look at several very popular types of coreopsis and see it in the photo that will be presented below.

Perennial horticultural crops often include the whorled species of coreopsis, which is presented as a low branched shrub up to 90 cm in height. The openwork tops are formed by leaves cut into lobes, like needles, collected in whorls. The petiole is absent and the leaves "sit" directly on the shoots. Flowering can be seen from early summer to autumn. The flowering period usually lasts about 40-70 days, during this time beautiful whorled inflorescences are formed, similar to stars or baskets, having a diameter of about 3 or 5 cm. Ligulate petals yellow color, the center is formed by tubular buds of the same shade, but a couple of shades darker, as you can see in the photo below.

Whorled coreopsis is distinguished by a wealth of colors and types of petals

In the whorled species, botany distinguish a large-flowered species, in which the diameter of the inflorescences can reach 8 cm.The plant itself does not exceed 80 cm in length. There are several garden varieties that are often used as a decorative addition to the site, mainly dwarf perennials. An interesting cultivar called Zagreb forms a "hat" of golden flowers on a low shrub about 40 cm high. The "sun child" variety is even smaller in stature. It reaches a height of about 30 cm. Its buds are bright yellow. A special decorative effect of this variety is given by the fact that the petal-like flowers have a platinum-colored base. "Moonbeam" is also a very popular short perennial with gray-yellow flowers.

Look at the whorled coreopsis in the photo, where it is illustrated different shapes buds:

Another perennial species of coreopsis is the large-flowered form, which includes several interesting varieties... In shape, it is a tall grass, about 45-60 cm tall with straight branching stems. A herbaceous plant can form a neat bush up to 50 cm wide. On the shoots, bright green leaves are formed, dissected into 3-5 lanceolate lobes. The most common form in horticulture is the form with yellow flowers, which can be observed from late May to August. It is worth highlighting several varieties of large-flowered type of coreopsis, namely: "Early dawn" with a single flower, which is formed as an apical inflorescence on thin stems, up to 45 cm tall. Lingual petals are yellow, and tubular ones are much darker. Look at the photo of these coreopsis flowers, where you can see the typical differences:

Another popular species grown as a beautiful garden plant is the lanceolate coreopsis.presented in the form of a small shrub up to 60 cm high with branching shoots. On the stems there are elongated leaves with a sharpness at both ends. The inflorescences are very similar to chamomile, while the reed flowers are bright yellow, and those that form the central disc are several shades darker. They are collected in drooping inflorescences, which can be seen from mid-summer to late autumn. The varieties "Goldfink", "Goldqueen" and "Rotkelchen" with red buds bloom very beautifully.

Among all species, gardeners often note the beauty of some hybrid varieties with double flowers. Namely "Goldfink", which is dwarf plant, growing up to 40 cm, Ruby Frost with red double inflorescences and growing up to 40 cm, golden Quin, up to 40-60 cm high with yellow buds up to 6 cm in diameter. Rotkelhen is also famous for its beautiful double flowers, inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter, collecting yellow petals and a red central disc.

Looks very nice in the rays summer sun garden hybrid Buttermilk. This coreopsis is distinguished by inflorescences with color petals butter and a dark center. The plant does not exceed 40 cm in height.

The light-loving bright yellow coreopsis is represented by another very popular garden species - the golden ball. It is distinguished by beautiful double flowers... The perennial culture blooms very profusely, forming a bright yellow inflorescence cap on a small bush.

Growing a perennial coreopsis from seeds: how to plant

In order to start growing coreopsis and plant it as a garden plant, it is important to follow a few rules. Even the fact that it is a rather unpretentious representative of the family and blooms well even as a wild herbaceous perennial, it is worth knowing about some of the nuances. First of all, choose the right place for planting the coreopsis perennial: it can be a well-lit sunny area. Only whorled or pink species can be grown near large-sized trees and trees, they will easily tolerate slight shading. Plants are quite frost-resistant, therefore, in the middle zone of our country, they can not be covered for the winter.

Almost all types of coreopsis are not whimsical to the composition of the soil, but it must necessarily be fertile with a moderate content of nutrients and with good moisture. At the same time, it is worth noting that it should not retain moisture and the soil with stagnant water is not suitable for growing coreopsis.

Coreopsis is grown from seeds in several ways, namely directly into the ground or by seedlings. The first option can be carried out in the spring or planting before winter. But, this method does not give flowering in the first year. If you want to see beautiful flowers already in the same season when planting is carried out, then it is worth resorting to propagation by seedlings.

Before planting coreopsis on seedlings, you need to take a container with nutritious soil and sow seeds into it without deepening. This is best done in early March. To make the seeds germinate much faster, you can create a mini greenhouse wiring using glass, which covers the box with future plants from above. During the first 2 weeks, the first shoots will go, they need to dive, leaving a distance of about 2 cm between the seedlings.When the plant reaches a height of 12 cm, you can plant the bushes in pots. Usually 3-4 bushes are planted on one small container. During the planting of coreopsis in open ground it is important to ensure that there is a distance between the plants, as it will grow over time.

Some species differ in that the seedlings of coreopsis are susceptible to fungal diseases - this significantly complicates the whole process. Most often, she gets sick with a black leg, which arises from excessive waterlogging, therefore it is worth observing moderate watering. Before replanting the plant in open ground, it must be hardened. On the street in the spring, pots with seedlings are taken out and gradually increase the time they are in the open air. In May, when the threat of night frosts has passed, you can start planting seedlings in open ground. Each new plant should be located at a distance of 50-60 cm from another.

In fact, it is the seedling method that almost all types of coreopsis are grown. The fact is that this plant is prone to self-seeding, therefore, when vegetative propagation properties of the mother bush may be lost. But, this method can also be used. This is done as follows: in the fall, a bush is dug up, divided and seated in the holes. Such a procedure is necessary for all bushes growing in the garden, since the plant grows rapidly and its decorative effect may be lost. This is done once every few years.

Care for perennial coreopsis in the open field after planting (with photo)

This plant, beloved by gardeners, is quite unpretentious, but some knowledge about planting perennial coreopsis and caring for it will not be superfluous. Even though it is a hardy plant, in some regions numerous species are grown as annual crops. The fact is that if in winter the temperature drops below -25 degrees, then long-term coreopsis will not survive such frosts. With the onset of warmth, the growing season begins. At this time, you need to water the plant, but most hybrids are drought tolerant and they have enough natural precipitation. Despite this, some gardeners still prefer to water the coreopsis. This should be done in moderation and after each procedure, loosen the ground around. If this is not done, the soil will begin to crack.

When planting coreopsis and caring for it in the open field, you need to fertilize only those plants that grow on poor soils. For this, mineral solutions are suitable. Do not use organics under any circumstances. By the way, as it grows, a support for the bush may be required, since the shoots can very strongly branch and settle.

Wilted inflorescences must be cut off. In autumn, before wintering, all coreopsis stems are cut off, with the exception of the large-flowered species. See what results it gives correct fit perennial coreopsis and caring for it in the photo, where adult spreading plants are presented.

Shelter is not required for the winter, but if you grow coreopsis in regions with a harsh climate, then you can cover the plant with needles or spruce branches. In early spring, stagnation of moisture in the soil can occur, this can only be avoided with good drainage system... Otherwise, the flower will die from the fungus.

Most often, coreopsis is attacked by aphids, which feed on leaf juice. Of the diseases, it is mainly a fungus that can develop like black spot, rust or fizariosis. If the lesions are local, then the affected parts are removed, if the plant is completely infected, then it is removed, and the soil is disinfected.

Look for your infield.

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Coreopsis is an extensive genus of herbaceous shrub and semi-shrub representatives of the Astrov family. Includes about 100 varieties, mainly perennial ornamental crops. However, in areas of the middle zone with an unstable climate, some varieties are grown as annuals. Natural area growth - the American continent. Flowers are widely used in the design of gardens and household plots, which is due to a wide variety of inflorescence shapes and a bright color palette. In addition, the plants are unpretentious in care and stay in a loose state for a long time.


Of the wide range of species available at home and garden cultivation, about thirty are most in demand. Almost all coreopsis are perennial, with the exception of a few. In the generalized description of plants, the advantage of the yellow color of the inflorescences can be distinguished, but there are pink, red, with a brown tint. Most have pinnately dissected petals, forming double or simple inflorescences-baskets. The height of the branching stems varies from 20 to 115 cm.

The blooming period is long, almost all summer, until the first frost.

Varieties often found in garden decoration:

  • The golden ball is a spectacular decorative cultivar, with rounded double inflorescences of a golden color. The height of the stem reaches 50 cm. It blooms in July, retaining its beauty until late autumn.
  • Ruby Red is a meter tall whorled representative with crimson baskets. Leaves are light green, needle-like, overly elongated. It is frost-resistant, photophilous, lives for a long time without transplanting.
  • The Golden Kid is a compact frost-resistant plant that blooms profusely from mid-July to September. The height of leafy bushes is 40 cm. Baskets of inflorescences are double, golden-yellow, 3-4 cm in diameter.
  • Thuringia is a large-flowered perennial of the dwarf type (20–25 cm). The flowers are terry, spherical, from many feathery petals.
  • Moonbeam is a meter long perennial coreopsis with sedentary narrow leaves... It blooms with many white-yellow inflorescences with radiant petals.
  • Earley Sunrise (Early Sunrise) is a compact perennial 60 cm high. The inflorescences are semi-double, golden yellow, 5–6 cm in diameter. Blooms all summer.
  • Roulette - has flowers of deep red color with longitudinal yellow stripes.
  • Golden Severin - bushes with an abundant deciduous component, undersized, no more than 20 cm in height. It blooms with large orange inflorescences.
  • Crimson King - roughly stretches up to 30–40 cm in height. Inflorescences of an unusual rich carmine color with a brown tint.
  • Red Tiger is a dwarf species, up to 20 cm in height. The petals in the form of rays are collected in dense rosettes of yellow-red colors.
  • Gold Teppih - yellow inflorescences with a bright red center. It blooms longer than usual for perennial coreopsis. The bushes are medium-sized, about 40 cm.
  • Karmesin Keningin - up to 35 cm tall, with flowers of a dark color palette (red and brown).

The most popular varieties of coreopsis are presented in the table:

Name Description Visual photo
Lanceolate (Coreopsis lanceolata)An ornamental plant with a bushes height of 55-60 cm. The flowers are simple, with toothed yellow petals, no more than 7 cm in diameter
Whorled (Coreopsis Verticillata)Densely branching bushes just over half a meter. They stand out with thin needle-like foliage. The buds in a loose state are of a rich yellow hue, simple in shape. The blooming period lasts the whole summer season... Successfully takes root in one place without the need for a change for about 5 years
Pink (Coreopsis Rosea)Inflorescences of red or purple color, consisting of rare oval petals and a fluffy yellow core. Bushes stretch up to 40 cm in height
Large-flowered (Coreopsis Grandiflora)It is represented by highly branching shrubs of one meter height. Leaves at the base are whole-cut, closer to the top - dissected. Terry large yellow inflorescences with a diameter of 7-9 cm. It does not grow in one place for 2 years in a row, even with careful care
Dye (Coreopsis Tinctoria)It blooms together from July to September with yellow-purple flat inflorescences. In the middle, a dense burgundy ball appears, consisting of many stamens
Eared (Coreopsis Auriculata)Compared to other varieties of dwarf growth. Blossoms in June with bright yellow semi-double inflorescences. In good weather it blooms until September
Coreopsis main, or DrummondQuite a rare representative with thin stems 40-60 cm high. Inflorescences are large, 6-7 cm in diameter, with ligulate petals. More often yellow in color, with a crimson circle around the staminate core. There are specimens with pure red petals. Blooms in July, retains its shape until the end of October

Growing from seeds

Perennial and annual varieties equally love the sun, but do not tolerate wind blowing and dampness. Therefore, the site for planting is selected without shading, with drained and non-nutritious soil. The close occurrence of groundwater is unacceptable, which leads to the inevitable death of the plant.

In the garden, it is preferable to grow from seeds. In regions with a warm climate, sowing is carried out directly in open ground, in early spring or at the end of summer. In the middle lane, where summer comes a little later, it is recommended to plant seedlings at home. On permanent place its growth is relocated after the soil has completely warmed up, when the risk of recurrent spring frosts has passed. There are no special requirements for seedling germination. It is important to ensure that you have sufficient light and water on time.

Seedlings bloom in mid-June. When sown with seeds, flowering occurs in mid-July.

In spring open sowing, seeds are distributed superficially, covered with a small layer of earth from above. The soil is pre-watered. In autumn, moistening is not required so as not to provoke rotting and freezing of the seed. Seedlings will not keep themselves waiting long (maximum 2 weeks), and without much care. Standard activities: watering, loosening, weeding. If you cover the seedlings with foil, the sprouts will appear ahead of schedule. Dense plantings are thinned out, distributing the bushes at a distance of 30–40 cm between themselves.


After disembarking in the garden, care involves a number of easy activities:

  • The plant is drought-resistant, so abundant watering is necessary only in extreme heat. Moreover, varieties with red and orange inflorescences are more moisture-loving than yellow ones. The frequency of humidification is regulated independently, focusing on the state of the plantings and the upper soil layer.
  • Top dressing is applied with depleted soil. The procedure is shown twice during the growing season: in spring and summer. Any water-soluble mineral formulations are suitable: dilute 15–20 g of powder per 10 liters of water. A limited amount of organic matter is allowed. Too much in this regard leads to inhibition of bud setting along with increased growth of the leaf mass.
  • After flowering, the buds are promptly removed. In this way, the flowering period is extended. The seed pods are cut off without allowing full ripening. Then the plant will not waste energy, and self-seeding is also excluded.
  • Tall representatives are tied to vertical supports.
  • Coreopsis develop intensively, so every 2-3 years they resort to dividing and planting bushes.

In middle latitudes, flowers hibernate without shelter. Preparation consists in autumn pruning stems under the base with a small residual hemp protruding by 5-10 cm. But large-flowered species do not cut, otherwise they will not survive the harsh winter without losses. In extreme cases, the bushes are covered with dry foliage or coniferous spruce branches.

Perennial plants have long won the hearts of gardeners. They do not require annual renewal and are more hardy than annuals. A worthy representative of them is coreopsis, popularly known as lenok or karylazok. Bright color of flowers and original cut leaves make it decorative throughout the season.

Coreopsis perennial - description

Coreopsis is an erect plant with a basket-shaped inflorescence consisting of tubular central flowers and reed marginal flowers. Their color is quite varied: shades of yellow, brown and pink. The height of the plant depends on the species and ranges from 10 cm to 100 cm.

Types and varieties of perennial coreopsis

The genus Coreopsis belongs to the Aster family and includes about 120 species, of which only 30 are used in modern breeding. The following species of this plant are most often found in our gardens:

  1. Coreopsis is auricular. Its bright yellow, daisy-like inflorescences appear in May and, with timely pruning, do not disappear until September. The height of most varieties of this plant does not exceed 30 cm, so coreopsis is suitable for landscaping balconies and alpine slides... The most popular are dwarf varieties - Nana or Zamphir.
  2. Coreopsis pink. The plant is about 40 cm tall with pink or white marginal petals. There are bicolor varieties such as Sweet Dream. Among monochromatic varieties, American Dream is especially decorative.
  3. Coreopsis lanceolate is a semi-shrub with branched stems up to 60 cm high. Its drooping yellow or brown inflorescences reach a diameter of 6 cm. The flowering period lasts from early July to late August. Russian stores often sell varieties such as Sterntaler and Tequila Sunrise.
  4. Coreopsis whorled. Densely branched plant with narrow, needle-like leaves and star-like yellow or orange flowers. Its height reaches 100 cm, but removed and undersized varietiesfor example Zagreb.
  5. Large-flowered coreopsis is the most popular species. Its main feature is inflorescences, the diameter of which exceeds 8 cm. The height of the bush is about 100 centimeters. To date, many varieties have been bred, differing from each other in both the size of the plant and the shape of the flower.

Known varieties of coreopsis:

  • "Baby Sun" is a dwarf variety less than 40 cm high;
  • "Sun Ray" - a variety with double flowers;
  • "Domino" is a tall variety with long flowering.

How coreopsis reproduces

An easy way to increase the amount of coreopsis in the garden is to divide the bush, which is produced in the fall. Young plants propagate by cuttings. In order to get quality planting material, in early spring, they spud the lower part of the flower with loose, moist earth. After a month, additional roots are formed on the side shoots, and they are transplanted to a new place.

Growing perennial coreopsis from seeds

Almost all types of coreopsis, with the exception of double and hybrid varieties, are propagated by seeds. They are collected independently or purchased in a store.

Planting seeds in open ground in the fall

Excellent cold-resistant qualities of the flower allow sowing seeds immediately to a permanent place. Coreopsis shows good germination of seeds and earlier flowering when planted before winter.

Prepare the soil before sowing. Perennial coreopsis has been growing in one place for more than one year, therefore, when digging the land, complex fertilizers are applied. When choosing a place in a flower garden, keep in mind that its cultivation will be successful only in a sunny area.

Seeds are planted in loose, well-drained soil at a distance of 20 cm from each other. To avoid seed decay, do not water the flower bed during autumn planting.

Planting seeds in open ground in spring

Plants, which were planted in spring, lag significantly behind their autumn counterparts in development. Their first flowering occurs only next year.

Spring sowing is carried out immediately after the establishment of warm weather. AT Middle Lane In Russia, this period falls, as a rule, in mid-April. The pledge of friendly seedlings is a well-moistened soil. If the earth has already dried out, the future flower garden is watered abundantly.

Planting seeds for seedlings

When growing valuable varieties of coreopsis, it is practiced seedling method... To do this, at the beginning of March, seeds are scattered over the surface of the disinfected moist earth and covered with glass or film. To accelerate germination, seeds are treated with any biostimulant, for example, epin.

Seedlings appear in one to two weeks. Until this happens, it is important to prevent the seeds from drying out. If necessary, the earth is sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

Seedling care

Coreopsis seedlings are provided with access to light. Its lack leads to stretching of seedlings and weakening of the plant. Watering is carried out once every two to three days with settled water.

After the appearance of a pair of true leaves, the plants dive. If the weather is warm at this time, then they are planted in a permanent place. Otherwise, the seedlings are transplanted into larger pots and left at home.

Galina Kravchenko, expert

Perennial coreopsis care

Long-term coreopsis is a happy unpretentious plantthat responds well to even minor care. Favorable conditions prolong flowering and increase its intensity.

Watering, feeding and lighting of coreopsis

AT wildlife most species of coreopsis grow in arid regions of North America, so the flower has enough atmospheric moisture. But in the case of a long absence of rain, it is better to water the plant to preserve its decorative effect. An exception is pink coreopsis, which does not tolerate drought.

All representatives of this plant love the sun. Only coreopsis pink retains its decorative effect in partial shade conditions.

On excessively fertile soils, coreopsis stops flowering and begins to grow powerful shoots. To avoid this, sand is added to the soil when planting. But on very depleted land, the plant also does not feel well and reduces the size of the flowers. In this case, add 15 grams to the bucket of water for irrigation. mineral fertilizer. Top dressing is done no more than once a year.

Pruning and diving shoots

Caring for coreopsis consists in the timely removal of excess seed bolls and pruning of shoots. These treatments extend flowering until late fall.

Tall species require the installation of supports. Without them, the shoots droop and the bush takes on a sloppy look.

Before the onset of winter, the entire aerial part of the plant is cut off. Usually coreopsis tolerates frost well without additional cover. But when growing it in the northern regions, it is better to insure yourself and insulate the flower with spruce branches or non-woven material.

Pests and diseases

The main pests of coreopsis are insects that feed on their succulent leaves and shoots. Aphids are most often found on the plant. To combat it, green mass is processed chemical preparations... Minimize risk reappearance aphids will help fight anthills in the immediate vicinity of the flower garden.

Sometimes coreopsis is affected by disease. Fungi cause stains or rust on the leaves. If they are found, the affected parts of the plant are burned and measures are taken to reduce moisture. A good effect is obtained by treatment with fungicidal agents. Special attention requires the manifestation of curl, which is the main symptom of a plant infection with a virus. Instances with a similar symptom are immediately destroyed.

Perennial coreopsis is found almost throughout Russia. Flowers are used in flower beds, flower beds and planted in containers. Each grower has his own way of growing this plant. Share your secrets and post a photo of your favorite flower in the comments!

Perennial coreopsis very fond of novice gardeners and old-timers. The plant is unpretentious in care, does not require annual planting, and most importantly, it pleases with flowering from mid-summer to the very frost. Common varieties - with inflorescences of all shades of yellow, however, coreopsis with pink, red, purple and variegated flowers are no less attractive.

Perennial coreopsis flower: description

Plant characteristics:

  • Depending on the variety, can be herbaceous plants or semi-shrubs with erect, branchy stems.
  • Inflorescences are baskets, in which the marginal flowers are ligulate, and in the center are small tubular.
  • Fruit - achene, by appearance similar to a bug, which is due to the appearance of the name coreopsis.

From Greek "koris" is translated as "bug". Popularly called brown-eyed, golden chamomile, Parisian beauty, girlish eyes. It is found naturally in North and South America, which indicates the heat-loving nature of the flower. Many growers grow coreopsis as an annual plant, unaware that it requires shelter for the winter.

Flowers belong to the Asteraceae family of the genus Coreopsis. In nature, there are about 100 varieties, and only a third of them cultivated plants... Most coreopsis are perennial, however, annual varieties are also bred. Popular are the dark red varieties Bullfinch and Krasilny Amethyst.

Coreopsis are:

  • with simple and double inflorescences;
  • marginal flowers can be fine-toothed or with large teeth, oval or lanceolate;
  • perennial coreopsis also differ in the color and shape of the leaves;
  • flowers are dwarf (from 20 cm in height) and tall (up to 1 meter).

Variety of coreopsis flowers

Perennial Coreopsis belongs to plants from the 5th zone of winter hardiness. This means that it can survive the winter with frosts down to -20 ° C without shelter.

Planting perennial coreopsis

Coreopsis prefer sunny flower beds, although some plants tolerate partial shade. The soil should be loose, breathable, moderately fertilized and sufficiently moist. There are several ways of planting perennial coreopsis. However, it is better to grow a new variety for yourself from seeds.

Growing seedlings from seeds

The seeds are harvested on their own, or you can buy them in garden stores. But, it is important to remember that self-collection of seeds of hybrids with double flowers is undesirable, since the plants can be reborn.

Sow coreopsis perennial in spring for seedlings or at the end of October in open ground. The flower also multiplies by self-sowing in regions with mild snowy winters.

  1. For planting seeds, boxes are prepared and filled with soil mixture. Take ready-made universal soil or garden soil with the addition of sand.
  2. Seedlings are sown in late March - early April.
  3. Seeds are embedded in moist soil to a depth of 1 cm. Further, the boxes are removed to a bright, warm place and watered regularly.
  4. After the appearance of 3 true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into separate containers. This step can be avoided by immediately sowing coreopsis with a distance of 10-15 cm between plants. But we must remember that the germination rate of seeds is rarely 100%, especially those collected independently.
  5. Perennial coreopsis seeds can be stored for up to three years, during this period they do not lose their germination.

Learn more about planting seeds for seedlings from the video:

Landing in open ground

Seed planting rules:

  1. Seeds are sown in open ground in late April - early May.
  2. Previously, the soil is loosened well, a little sand and humus are added.
  3. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm and watered abundantly.
  4. To protect against frost and maintain constant moisture, the crops are covered with foil or garden non-woven material.
  5. Seedlings in open ground are planted in mid-May, when the threat of return frosts has passed.

With this method, flowering occurs in the second year of cultivation.

The soil must be loosened and humus or peat added. Dwarf and undersized perennial coreopsis are planted according to the scheme of 20 cm between plants and 30 cm for honey in rows. For tall varieties, use a 30x40 cm scheme.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good harvest even on low fertile soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Outdoor Coreopsis Care

Coreopsis is undemanding to care for, however, for abundant flowering comply with the conditions:

These conditions are important for all coreopsis, but tying is also necessary for tall bushes to avoid breaking off the shoots in windy weather. They use special wire supports, or you can install a peg in the center of the bush and tie a rather long cord around the coreopsis to it.

Fertilizing and feeding

It is desirable to feed perennial coreopsis with complex fertilizers. You can purchase drugs for flowering plants, humus or humus.

Feeding scheme:

  1. For the first time, fertilizers are applied in the spring, during planting, to help the plant adapt faster in a new place.
  2. The second feeding is carried out during flowering.
  3. Further, it is desirable to fertilize coreopsis once every 2-3 weeks to stimulate abundant flowering.
  4. At the end of August, feeding is stopped.

Care should be taken with nitrogen sources such as different types manure, herbal infusions, etc.

This is due to the fact that the green mass of the plant will actively develop, and the number of inflorescences will significantly decrease.

Diseases and pests

Coreopsis is not particularly susceptible to any disease. But under adverse weather conditions or in case of infection from a sick "neighbor" various spots or twisted leaves.

Rust or fusarium can occur from fungal diseases. The first is expressed by the appearance brown spots on leaves and stems. With the second, many whitish spots appear on the leaves. Both of these diseases can be successfully treated with fungicides.

Biological fungicides can be used, for example:

  • Fitosporin-M;
  • Agate-25K;
  • Previkur.

They spray not only the plant, but also the soil under it. If the case is neglected, then more powerful drugs are suitable, for example, Bordeaux liquid.

If the tops of the plant roll up into a tube, the plant has stopped developing, then one can judge the presence viral disease... Unfortunately, it cannot be cured and the bush must be completely removed to avoid infecting the rest of the flowers.

Of the pests, the main enemy of perennial coreopsis is aphid.
With crowds of these small insects they fight with insecticides, for example, Fitoverm, Aktara, etc. And you can folk remedies starting with attracting ladybirds to the garden and ending with spraying with infusions of tobacco dust or laundry soap.

Sometimes you can find bugs on the bushes that eat the juicy leaves of coreopsis. They are collected by hand.

Preparing for winter

A prerequisite, regardless of the growing region, is cutting off the shoots. The bush is cut completely, leaving no more than 10 cm above the soil surface. Thus, the main task of the grower is to preserve the root.

If in winter the temperature does not drop below -20 ° C and an impressive snowdrift forms on the flower bed, nothing else can be done. But if there is a risk of early frosts or severe winters are typical for the region, then coreopsis will need to be covered.

They use as insulation:

  • pine or spruce spruce branches;
  • fallen leaves of healthy plants;
  • pine cones;
  • humus.

It is imperative to remove the shelter in time to prevent overheating of the root.

Reproduction of coreopsis

Perennial coreopsis is propagated on the site by dividing the bite, especially since every 3-4 years this must be done to lush bloom... Coreopsis is also grown from cuttings, but the process is more laborious. You can cut a plant from a donated bouquet.

Dividing the bush

The optimal time for dividing the bush is spring, when the soil has already thawed, but the plant has not yet started to grow.

Bush division rules:

  • The bush is widely dug so as not to damage the roots and get out of the ground.
  • With a sharp, clean knife, carefully cut the rhizome into parts so that 3-4 buds remain on each of the divisions. It is advisable to pre-disinfect the knife to eliminate the risk of plant infection.
  • Slices sprinkle wood ash and leave to dry for about 1 hour so that the wounds heal faster.
  • Sand and humus are added to the holes for a new plant., place the cut, trying to maintain the level of immersion in the soil, cover it with earth and water it.

Be sure to compact the soil so that the roots are in good contact with it and there are no air chambers left. But this must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Propagation by cuttings

Coreopsis cuttings are carried out in the summer in June-July. To do this, choose a healthy strong plant with strong long shoots.

Cutting rules:

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they gave more harvest than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you cannot grow a normal crop without fertilizing, and this feeding increases the amount of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result. "

Varieties and varieties

Coreopsis lanceolate

It got its name from its oblong lancet-shaped leaves. Most of the leaves are found in the root part of the stems, and the flowers are located on numerous long bare peduncles. Grows in bushes 60-90 cm high.


The varieties have flowers of a golden yellow color with a dark middle and differ in the height and splendor of the bushes:

  • Stentaler;
  • Sunburst;
  • Fun;
  • Cavalier.

Flowering begins in July and lasts 60-70 days.

With many highly dissected leaves in the form of collected whorled needles. The inflorescences reach only 3 cm in diameter, but there are a lot of them. In height, the bushes reach from 30 to 100 cm.The species grows in one place without dividing up to 6 years.


More often there are varieties with light yellow star-shaped flowers:

  • Zagreb;
  • Moonbeam;
  • dwarf child of the sun.

You can find plants with peach petals - Mango Punch, Sweet marmalade, red - Ruby Red, Red Satin.

It differs in low (30-40 cm), but very lush, up to 70 cm in diameter, bushes. Small flowers of characteristic pink color cover the plant abundantly. It has many narrow, dark green leaves. Blooms from June to September. There are varieties with monochromatic flowers, for example, American Dream, and with two colors, for example, Sweet Dream - crimson in the center and white at the edges.


Pink undersized coreopsis does not exceed 30 cm in height. It tolerates partial shade well, but it may lose a little in the brightness of the inflorescences. The Heavenly Gate variety is distinguished by a gradient color of the petals, the pink center brightens towards the edges of the inflorescence.

Sweet Dream

Coreopsis large-flowered (large-flowered)

Boasts large flowers and the impressive size of the entire bush. Its growth, as a rule, reaches 1 meter, but there are also dwarf varieties with large inflorescences. The most unpretentious of all coreopsis, but it does not differ in the variety of colors.


Varieties with simple yellow flowers:

  • Amber;
  • Star thaler;
  • Thuringia;
  • Sun bunny;
  • An idea;
  • Domino, with a dark core;
  • Sandancer dwarf;
  • Mayfield Giant Tall;
  • Calypso, variegated foliage (variegated).

Perennial coreopsis in landscape design

Due to the variety of colors and sizes, as well as unpretentiousness, coreopsis is deservedly popular among landscape designers.

  • Dwarf and undersized perennial varieties perfectly fulfill the role of border plants. They are boldly planted in balcony boxes and grown on southern terraces and loggias. They feel good in rockeries and on alpine crusts, suitable for compositions in the Mediterranean style.
  • Tall coreopsis create a beautiful dense background for mixborders... Very effective in single landings, as well as in curtains.

Plants with contrasting flowers, eg:

  • With yellow coreopsis blue delphiniums, veronica, bells, catnip go well. Pink looks great next to rudbeckia, echinacea, lilies.
  • Raspberry Coreopsis stand out brightly against the background of white roses, yarrow, daisy, alyssum. They look interesting against the background of green host or cereals.

Perennial coreopsis has been cut for a long time. This feature allows you to use it to create comfort in your home. Lush bushes with sunny inflorescences will illuminate the front garden even in gloomy weather.


Be sure to plant perennial coreopsis in the country or in the garden. The flower is grown by seedlings or sown with seeds directly into the ground. Care does not require much attention and energy, and the result will certainly please. Blooming coreopsis adorns a flower bed on the site, and a cut flower stands in a vase for a long time.