Chamomile garden large long-term landing and care. Proper landing and care for a long-term garden chamomile

Motherland Plants - Pyrenees and America. Many flowers are known such name, Kakyomyari ordinary, Nyurik Leucanthemum or a different PAP (Leucanthemum Vulgare). Decorative herbal culture from the genus Nyurist refers to the Astrovy family, or complex (AsteracEae). All representatives of this culture are low herbaceous plants. and have half-dissected leaves consisting of numerous subtle fractions.

Splitty inflorescences are represented by hemispherical baskets with a diameter in the range of 4-20 mm. Flowers culture for a long time. Baskets contain two types of flowers. On disks are located yellow color Tubular rim flowers. At the edges there are false-tongue pestile flowers white color. Fruits are represented by ribe seeds. The bloom is early, and after a bunching, numerous seeds are formed.

Nivnyak is the largest: the main differences from the chamomile garden

The comparative characteristic of the chamomile garden and the niblnya largest has some differences:

  • nyurists are large and beautiful, have one stem with a floral basket;
  • chamomile meadow and garden has a branched stem with several inflorescences;
  • nyurists are distinguished by dense and rigid, consisting of a solid sheet plate with jar of leaves;
  • the daisy leaves are very gentle and characterized by strong dissection, besides, such a plant is annual, and nyonds are perennial decorative cultures.

Nyurists are often referred to as white head heads and whyushku, forest marryas and chamomile, a suntech, wild and craving chamomile. However, in its characteristics, this large decorative culture is a fairly close relative of chrysanthemums.

Features of the cultivation of leukanets of nyondician from seeds

Leowcanthemum nyondyar is perfectly multiplied by seeds. Grow independently decorative perennial recommended ensure, adhering to the following simple rules:

  • use for growing a nicely fertilized and pure soil substrate;
  • use of well-washed and disinfected seedlous containers of sufficient volume;
  • failure to the bottom of the boarding capacity of high-quality drainage;
  • sowing seed material with rehabilitation in a centimeter;
  • high-quality moistening of the crops of well-resistant soft water in room temperature;
  • support temperature mode Air indoor air at 22-23 o C.

After the emergence of mass sedresses, the air temperature is recommended to lower for about a pair of degrees. About a month and a half floral seedlings You can be carefully signed in separate planting containers. Plant floral material on permanent place in open sad It is necessary to exercise after completely passes the threat of spring return freezers.

Features of growing chamomile garden (video)

Popular species

Numerous flower types are grown under garden flower conditions. The most popular is the variety "Silver Princess" up to 25-30 cm high, as well as maiden chamomile « Snowball» And chamomile meat-red or persian.

Chamomile meadow

The LEUSNTHEMUM VULGAR is referred to tall perennials forming single inflorescences - a diameter of 60-70 mm. White tongue flowers complements yellow middle. Garden forms are applied to the number of the most popular in culture of varieties "San Susti", "May Quin"and large-flowered form Maxim Kenig.

Mahrova long-term

Skest's bed is the most beautiful and inconspicuous in care. A huge amount of hybrids is characterized by very characteristic and large inflorescences, which have a pronounced aroma, absolutely not characteristic of daisies.

Astra Alpine, Blue Alpine or Mountain Astra is colored comprehensive cultures. The lowest variety is perfect for creating alpinarians, and also has special decorativeness. Pink, white or purple petals color is complemented by a yellow and terry center formed large quantity Small tubular petals.

Matrysri, SHAMILL, refers to one-year herbaceous plants with a height of no more than half a meter, with a straight and bare stem part, dissected and pasty leaves. Small blooming part looks like a daisy. It is quite widely cultivated in order to further produce oil.

Nyurist the largest or chrysanthemum chamomile is represented by a perennial rhiza plant forming tall bushes. Such a bush form popular in our country differs in large single inflorescences and is the genericants of many garden Forms, including an unpretentious winter-hardy hybrid "Alaska" and a gustomahlo on a strong dense stem "Aglady".

Other types of flower

Bolotny nyondist (L.RoludOsum) or Chrysanthemum Bolotnaya is a shorter, but a very bushy plant with a height of an overhead part of no more than a quarter meter and sedentary bright green leaves of a shovel type of the next location. Inflorescences are represented by numerous baskets with short tongue white flowers and a large yellow middle formed by tubular flowers. No less popular Chinese Poamwhich has long been known as a very popular anti-inflammatory agent.

Reproduction and landing in open soil

Growing from seeds is quite accessible even in the absence of experience. Such reproduction of many years of culture is carried out quickly and easily. Under the landing you need to highlight the sunny section. Seeds are sown in March-April in mini-greenhouse, then in about May or June, the grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in flower beds.

Before planting a plant, it is necessary to make a people and soil loosening, as well as the removal of all weed vegetation. Landing is carried out after the soil is quite warm, And the air temperature will be comfortable for decorative culture, about middle or late May. To plan, it is necessary to prepare large planting wells with dimensions of 30 x 30 cm in advance. At the bottom of the landing holes need to be filled with compost or humus, as well as a slight amount of mineral fertilizers.

How to trim chamomile (video)

Features of planting and care

Perennial culture of light-headed, but can grow perfectly in half. Sitting on flower beds in flower pots and balcony boxes. Domestic flowerflowers grow some types of culture as environmentally friendly safe way Combating different pests. When perennial flowers are flowing and begin to fade, they are recommended to trim.

The soil must be quite fertile and breathable. The plant is steadily for temporary droughts, but it is very hard to carry a strong overvailing and moisture stagnation at the root system. Perennial retains perfectly root system Under the snow layer in winter, and also can easily carry late spring and early autumn frosts. Bushes garden perennial You need to share every three or four years.

In the conditions of nice flower growing, a huge number of species of perennial and annual decorative crops are grown, the flowers of which have an external similarity with wild or garden chamomiles. Most often, Doronikum, Melolepetnik, Pyrethrum, Astra, Majors, Garden Chrysanthemums, Brachik Maerisoliste, Buzotnoe, Venidium, Gotanya, Georgin, Gerbera, and Dorphota and Dorothantus are most likely.

Most early View With inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of up to 10 cm golden yellow color. Winter-hardy rhizome perennial The garden can be represented by the Doronicum Eastern or Caucasian (D.orientale, D.Caucasicum), a height of no more than half a meter. Alpine Gorki Take off little variety "Gold Dwarf." Early spring blossom There is a high-flowered large-flower doronikum plantain (D.Plantagineum).

Ryrthrum or Persian chamomile belongs to the category of decorative perennials and has overhead up to 60 cm high with the characteristic omission of the stem part and the peristo-disseated foliage. Large flowers Collected in inflorescences and baskets.

Perennial Astra

  • alpine (A.alpinus), blooming at the end of May or mid-June and forming single baskets of a single basket of purple, lilac, blue or white color with a yellow center. Best varieties White Color "Alba", Colored "Goliath", "Dunkla Shena", "Rosea", "Glory" and "Superbus";
  • italian (A.Amellus) with semi-shaped bushes height up to half a meter and shovel inflorescences of lilac-violet color with a yellow middle. Flowering from mid-summer and until October. Perfectly suitable for group landing;
  • sustainic (A.dumosus) a short border plant with strong-tetwist balls-balls different in height and staining of flowers;
  • novobelgian (A.novibelgii) with blurred inflorescences presented more than a hundred inflorescences - a diameter of no more than 40 mm;
  • novoangali (A.NovaEngliae) Tall Astra with Autumn blossoms and durable stems with numerous blurred inflorescences having a yellow, reddish or purple middle.


Zinnia (ZinniA) refers to herbaceous and shrub perennials from the Astrov family from the territory of South Mexico. Most popular in garden culture(Z.elegans), terry California giant, cactious giant, supercactive and beabyosolous or agenic color.

also in last years Area Haagi (Z.Haageana), or narrow (z.angustifolia), thin-cexual (z.tenuiflora) and Linaris (z.linearis) are actively cultivated. Of particular interest are the "Magellan", "Profud", "Swisl", "Cherry Ivory" and "Scarlett Yello".


Chrysanthemum garden variety "Crimean chamomile" and very interesting domestic novelty varieties with simple inflorescence "Stranger", "Yuri Gogatikov", "Yaltinka"and "Victory" - Unpretentious and very decorative.

Charming red-color foreign grade with simple inflorescences "BOSSA TIME" And multicolored garden chrysanthemum Foxi Time will also serve excellent alternative Garden chamomile. However, varietal garden chrysanthemum has a special similarity with Nyuriton "Harita" With snow-white petals and yellow enough large middle.


Garden daisy, of course, at its base is a kind of chamomile. Small herbate plant It has short rhizome, stupid shovels Gorced roasting leaves, a no-beyond stem, on which one floral head is formed. Wild minor perennial daisies enjoy extremely popular (RELLIS RENNIS), which are very well suited for registration of lawns and borders.

Completed nonachhroval varieties include small daisies "Liliput"and "Montrose". To the best and popular varieties Perennial daisies include large-flowered "Robella"as well as miniature variety "Rob Roy", ocherizing "Bella Daiz" and "Pomponette". No less pretty series Tasso, "Speedstar"and "Rominett."

How to plant chamomile garden (video)

Among the numerous species of plants that are most likely to have particularly popular with domestic amateur flower and high-temperature varieties. For proper choice There is an opportunity to get a long blooming and maximum attractive flower garden.

Always dreamed of dilute in her garden all sorts useful herbs. Once upon a time I tried to plant a pharmacy chamomile in the garden in the garden, it didn't work out. And then I met seeds in the store and was not kept, I bought the seeds of the daisy pharmacy (drug chamomile). So far I do not really imagine where I will plant. Okay, the time is suitable - I will find the place.
In March, it's time to plant a chamomile medicinal seedlings.

Seeds chamomile is seeded in autumn to seeded ridges or in februarymarta on seedlings. When planting in the spring, stratification is required: to sow seeds to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm, moisten from the sprayer, cover and put in the refrigerator (temperature 5 - 7 degrees) for 10 to 15 days.

Landing seeds of daisy pharmacy (Drug Chamomile)
In early March (March 4), I sowed the seeds of the daisy of the pharmacy (medicinal) into a plastic box with a lid and put it in the refrigerator onto the middle shelf. The temperature, though not frozen.

During this time, she looked into the box once, just in case, at the same time he was dragged. He took out from the refrigerator 13 days (March 17) and put on the windowsill.

At a temperature of 18 - 20 degrees, shoots appear on 10-14 days. At this time you need to closely monitor moisture and ventilation.

My shoots appeared on the third day, March 20. I really began to doubt whether I had a daisy? It turned out that she's definitely.

In the event that there is no germination, it is necessary to repeat cold-heat.

Seeding seedlings Chamomile pharmacy (Drug chamomile)
Chamomile seedlings need to dive in phase 2-3 of real leaves. My chamomile in a month after landing (April 5) there were already 2 real leaves.

I transplanted part of the seedlings of a reasonable in the box. The rest left in a small box
On the sipping of chamomile with detailed photos can be found .

Daisible landing pharmaceutical (dishomashes medicinal) in open ground
The seedlings are planted in a garden after 4 - 6 weeks. Chamomile prefers solar sites or light half.

I landed my chamomile seedlings in the middle of May. After the transplant, she all ranged as non-fat. I have already decided that I did not carefully transplanted. But still every day I watered my landing. And after a couple of days, everything went up to one chamomile. Seedlings, which was not sipped, I put it with a bunch.

After two weeks, at the end of May it was already funny growing daisy bushes.

In mid-June, almost three months after the germination of my seeds, I noticed the first flowers at my medicinal chamomile.

And at the end of June, began cleaning floral heads. I cut them with scissors in a basin. And put to dry. Flowers of the pharmaceutical chamomile are very fragrant, my daughters love to add them to tea. And with a cold, sore throat and cough brewed chamomile - the first medicine Our family.

Chamomile fresters quickly, so it is impossible to slow down with cleaning.

As I tried, of course, all the flowers could not cut. A lot of them remained on the beds. Flowers dried and the resulting seeds were thickly poured on the bed.

In September of the same year, new young daisies climbed a dense carpet. In this form, they went to winter, under the snow.

Chamomile Pharmacy (Drug Chamomile) for the second year after landing
Spring next yearAlready in the twentieth of April, on last year's beds were wonderful young daisies.

Chamomile rose very thickly, you can send it to large square Or to swift.

In mid-May on next year After landing, the chamomile began to gain flowers.

In one place, the chamomile drug can grow 5 - 7 years, then a medicinal bed should be transferred to a new place.

Favorite plant for naive child fortune telling "Loves - does not like", the sunny flower in a wide frame of snow-white petals, summer maiden wreaths is all chamomile garden. Light in cultivation, cute in bouquets and on the flowerbed, daisy varieties have long been interested in flowerflowers. Learn all about planting a cute plant in the open soil and care for it.

Description: Varieties and varieties of Nyuriti

In fact, no one is a chamomile. Real daisies have small inflorescences with edge flowers, in size, seeking to zero, such as, for example, in fragrant. But the name for hearing the name began to apply to our heroine. Poppiece and Nyurist are the genuine names of the chamomile garden.

it perennialbelonging to the botanical family of astera. From real medicinal daisies it is different:

  • challenged stems;
  • solid dense leaves;
  • comparatively large, single inflorescences.

In nature, Nyurist prefers a moderate climate. By origin, he is very close to chrysanthemums, so it is not surprising that three types (Nyurists ordinary, the greatest and magnificent) hit the list cultural plants Open soil. For landing in house flower beds, suitable on the photo varieties of chamomile garden:

  • Alaska - cold-resistant grade, blooming all summer;

  • Crazy Daisy is a magnificent terry variety with glittering leaves and impressive, up to 1 m, growth, requires good irrigation;
  • May Queen - when landing in autumn and good care Begins to bloom B. the last days school year;
  • Princess - diameter of inflorescences up to 10 cm;


  • Northern Star - famous for extraordinary white long edge flowers.

Council. Tell the children that in the legend a large chamomile grows out where the fallen star hit the land. They will gladly help you care for the plant.

Plant landing: two alternative ways

Effective relatively recently, Nyurist did not forget the skills of self-seed reproduction. Survey is recommended in the spring, on the outcome of May, when completely passes the threat of the return of the cold. Seeds are thickly scattered over the surface of the site, slightly rotate with fertile soil. IN nordic regions You can cover the plot with seeds of agrofiber.

Non-Russian shoots at the age of three pairs of real leaves have thinned. This is done because small plant seeds are difficult to separate apart. Fighting against thickening, leave 2-3 rashes at each point, between which they leave up to 40 cm. Watering is made with caution.

Disembarking chamomile seeds in open ground

Cultivation of garden chamomile can be started with seedlings. As in the first case, the seeds are almost not close, and the seedlings are subsequently dive into individual containers. Before the appearance of germs, the future plantation of the Nyondan is kept under the film or glass, later sprayed from the sprayer. In the open ground, Nyuritan seedlings are transferred at the end of May.

Attention! The root system of the Package does not withstand water stagnation, which causes the need for a good drainage layer in pots with seedlings.

Care of flower bed with garden chamomile

The planting of the solar flower is produced only in the drained soil on a well-lit place. Care on it is required minimal, but systematic. It consists of the following events.

  1. Weeding. Weeds are difficult to score Nyurist, but its thin stems and small leaves are lost against the background of foreign vegetation. In addition, strangers can bring pests with them and pick up water and food from chamomile.
  2. Watering. The amount of water and the frequency of the event depends on the particular region, but in any case the soil dryness cannot be allowed.
  3. Loosening. On the open land Around the coarse chamomile bushes systematically break the soil crust. This allows you to minimize the evaporation of water and improve the conditions for breathing the roots.

Before the offensive of the winter, the drying feces are cut into the pencils. Young plants can be covered with a layer of fallen leaves, adults are capable of overpowing in the open ground alone.

Fertilizer and dressing for bright flowering

When growing a garden chamomile, it is impossible to do without fertilizer, because it needs food to dissolve a huge inflorescence. The larger in the growth and more active in flowering variety, the more he needs nutrients.

Water chamomile as the soil drying

Phosphorus-potash fertilizer is brought in autumn when preparing a flower garden to future landings. In the future, nitrogen feeds are carried out:

  • in the spring after a complete snow cover;
  • when starting bootonization;
  • in the middle of July.

As a nitrogen source will fit ammonium nitrate, urea, diluted in the water of a korlard or bird litter.

Attention! Chicken litter - fertilizer oversaturated by nitrogen substances and capable of burning chamomile roots. Divide it in a ratio of 1:15 and make only wet soil.

Chamomile Garden: Reproduction of Plants

Nyuritian seeds are well held on his flat basket even after full ripening. Dead flower shoots are cut off and sued indoors, after which the seeds gently remove from baskets and fold into opaque packages. You can store seeds in banks with a good air margin that put in a cool shaded place.

The second method of reproduction of the nornyate is the division of the bush. The operation is carried out in spring, digging and dividing the largest instances. For each deduction, it is necessary to prepare the landing well in a depth of 15-20 cm with a layer of fertile soil at the bottom. After disembarking, the soil pressed against the roots and pour themselves. Further care When growing a decene exactly the same as when sowing seeds.

Adult bush can be divided by division

Diseases and pests of Nyuriti

  • tormentous dew, similar to small white powder;
  • gray rot in the form of an unpleasant dirty fluff from mycelium fungus;
  • rzavchina, P. appearance resembling uneven red spots;
  • fusariosis, expressed in general oppression, taking and drying the plant.

All this fungal diseasesThe struggle in which is timely processing with high-content drugs copper Kaper Or a strong mortar of the household soap.

From the number of pests on Nyuricate, you can meet TRU and TRIPS, against which the "accomplish" spraying (instruction on the label) is helped. Yellow median flowers affects a starfall flying to niakar with other astrine plants. The destruction of weeds - the best way Stop the breeding of the fly.

Chamomile on flowerbed

Blooming in the meadow and in the garden chamomile no one else is indifferent. Chamomile Sadovaya - Favorite flower of Russian dacities. Several dozen species of grassy perennials in nature can be found in all climatic zonesexcept tropics, ice and deserts.

Description of garden perennial chamomile

For the design of the flower use the brightest large-color plants. For the first time chamomiles, the flower flowers were interested in more than two hundred years ago, therefore many cultural varieties appeared over the past time. And although the perennial garden chamomiles can be of different heights, have different times of flowering and the form of inflorescences, all daisies have a lot in common. First of all, this recognizable form of inflorescences - baskets, which consists of small tubular flowers of yellow color, and the framing is from false-language petals.

Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, the semi-and- and terry grades Sadden chamomile.

Compared with wild specimens from cultural perennials:

  • flowers are larger;
  • the formation of buds is much more active;
  • flowering period longer;
  • possibly repeated appearance Colors in the second half of summer.

Garden chamomile depicted in the photo, Leucanthemum Vulgare or Leucanthemum Maximum, or Leucanthemum Maximum, is most often referred to as Nyurik or Pake. Early spring over the soil appears a socket of oblong covered bark leaves. When inflorescence appears on facetime stems faceted, the plant height can vary from 20 to 80 cm. Depending on the variety, the diameter of the inflorescence can reach from 3 to 10 cm.

Reproduction of garden chamomile dividing bush

The chamomile sitting on the range well grow up, form the curtains, which and out of flowering retain decorativeness and resemble green pillows. However, after a few years, rejuvenation is required, otherwise inflorescences every year becomes less, foliage mines and weakens.

Perennial gardens daisies multiply by a seed and vegetative way. If these beautiful flowers grow on the flower beds, it is enough to divide the adult curtain into several.

Seared the perennial best in the first half of the autumn, sharing the plant on the part so that each has a part of a strong root and several growth points. The soil for landing chamomile must be a stubble, peeled from weed and moisturized:

  1. The well digging a little more root system.
  2. Plant B. landing pit Place at the same level, pre-placing the root.
  3. The hole is falling asleep soil, which is compacted and watered.

Since the seeds of the seamless baskets do not transmit the features of parental plants, vegetative reproduction Indispensable if you want to get young kurtins of any varietal garden chamomile.

The more often the curtains are rejuvenated, the more effectively their flowering and large inflorescences. However, the spring transplant can postpone or cancel the appearance of buds.

Sowing a garden perennial chamomile and its landing in the ground

Chamomile seeds have excellent winter hardiness, so you can sow them as in the spring and under the winter. Autumn Sowing not only save precious spring Time, but also provide natural stratification. This means that shoots will be more friendly and strong.

Spring reproduction of garden camomile seeds is possible in two ways:

  • sowing in the fatal, dumb and explosive open soil;
  • sowing at home to seedlings, which in the warm season is transferred to the flowerbed.

In the second case, the plants are stronger, they used to bloom and have a magnificent strong outlet for the winter. Landing a garden chamomile at seedlings is held in the second half of February or in March. For sowing take a light loose substrate based on sand, garden land and. Seeds of several pieces are laid out in a seating container or peat potsfilled with moisturized soil. Topped with a thin layer of the same substrate.

Under the film or glass and high humidity Sowing must be until the appearance of germs, that is, 10-15 days. Then the trays are transferred to light and the shelter is removed. If necessary, organize for 14 hours a day, otherwise the seedlings are very pulled and weakened.

The picking is carried out when the seedlings of the garden chamomile reveals 2-4 of the present sheet and will be about 5 cm high. For active interface, the main stem can be vaccinated.

After a half or two months after sowing, young plants put into open soil on pre-prepared solar sections without water stagnation and with neutral soil acidity.

The landing of garden daisies is carried out in the prepared soil, which not only is drunk, but also loose. Severe plants are carefully selected from the soil, and a comprehensive fertilizer for decorative floral crops makes seedlings.

It is more convenient to transfer seedlings with a lore earth, without damaging the root system. In this case, the wells dig a little more than the size of the containers, and the gaps are neatly falling asleep with the soil, seal and watered. Although the plants are still small, they have to grow strongly, therefore, there are gaps from 20 to 40 cm between the seedlings depending on the grade of the garden chamomile and the flower bed project. The first bloom of plants planted with seeds and seedlings should be waited only in a year.

Care for garden chamomile after landing

All types of chamomile, including garden, light-headed. They poorly carry the proximity of groundwater and growing in a dense, flattened soil.

But at the same time, perennials favorite flowers are very undemanding for the care and can grow even on the poor humus soils, to carry drought and not be afraid of serious pest attacks.

However, after planting a garden chamomile, care must be attentive and systematic. Young plants need frequent until the rooting, watering. Freightly settled flowers are not so gentle in a new place, and they are watered only in hot dry weather.

Time for watering is chosen so that water drops in the sun played the roles of lenses and did not cause ugly burns on the leaves and inflorescences.

Although garden chamomile is very unpretentious, achieve lush flowering It is possible only under the condition that the plants get enough food. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizers contribute under the roots. Faded inflorescences are necessarily cut together about the stem. This will help keep the plant for strength and decorate a plot with white chamomile lace for a long time.

When flowering ends, the care of flowers does not stop. Closer to the autumn, adult curtains are carried out, all the old, dead parts are removed, color paints and dry leaves are cut.

If the ground on the area is sour, in the autumn it must be deoxidated with dolomite flour or lime.

The chamomile frost resistant, however, in the minor winters they can freeze, so the curtains in front of the cold are cut to the soil and dust sprinkle peat, sweetheart or other suitable material.

Video about the long-term garden chamomile

Garden chamomile is many years of flowerwho is unpretentious and very beautiful. A white chamomile field is especially unforgettable. Due to durability and color, this plant is used in landscape design and at the design of the garden. But in this case, anchored variety is used. How to grow and care for the chamomile on own plotYou will learn from this article.

Initially, chamomile is wild field Plant.which, thanks to its appearance and endurance, people decided to specifically grow in their sites. A big plus of this amazing flower It is that chamomile can be grown from seeds. And along with other seedloves or bully perennial flowers, it is much more profitable and easier.

Important! For the first time, the name of the flower "Chamomile" is mentioned in history in the 18th century. In the territory ancient Russia It was believed that chamomile grows where the star fell. And translated from the Polish adverb chamomile is a "Roman flower". By the way, B. Ancient Rome The flower with exactly such characteristics, but by another name, was considered healing and revered not only for external data. At the same time in Ancient Egypt This plant was associated with the God of the Sun. The ancient Egyptians believed that where chamomile had grown, this was held there sunny God. And not in vain, because in our time, and then, the plant prefers a lot of sun and heat.

Modern vulnerable daisies are the result of the work of breeders. The main features of this culture:

  1. Chamomile also give preference to the heat and the sun, while in the shadow they will develop no worse.
  2. By autumn, the ground part of the plant will inevitably die. Spring growth and flowering are resumed.
  3. The period of flowering species on average ranges from 40-60 days.
  4. Flowers are distinguished by color, sampling basket form and size.
  5. The middle of the chamomile remain unchanged. She is yellow or red-brown.

Varieties of garden chamomile

On the territory of our country there are a huge number of species of this amazing flower. They differ in size and color, and blossom time. The most common and demanded by our gardeners such varieties of daisies:

Chamomile nyondyan

In the people, this type of plant is known as a chamomile garden large (giant) or a PAP. There are more than twenty varieties of this species. The most sought after:

  • ordinary Nyurist;
  • kurilsky;
  • the greatest nyondist.

This plant differs from its relatives big sizes Petals that are terry, semi-grade or simple. The core is yellow.

Important! Features of planting and growing such a chamomile on their own plot require to adhere to the following recommendations:

Chamomile Pyrethrum

In another other, it is also called the Persian chamomile. The petals of such a variety of chamomile are terry or simple. They have red, pink and yellow. Distinctive trait This type of chamomile is the height of the stem. It can reach from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Pyrethrums are grown not only to decorate the site. Another type of chamomile is used to protect things from moth. The flower is dried and placed in a closet, where his smell scares pests.

Important! Features of care and landing such a chamomile are as follows:

Chamomile Doronikum

This species is considered one of the most early-minded. The flowering period begins at the beginning of May and ends already in June. At the height of the plant reached 70 cm. Petals have a saturated yellow color.

Important! Such chamomiles are absolutely undemanding to the soil and develop even in darkened areas.

Pharmacy chamomile

This species is the most popular among our gardeners. It has a pleasant, obviously pronounced, apple fragrance. Differs amazing medicinal properties, at the expense of what the flowers and stems of the pharmaceutical chamomile use for therapy and prophylaxis various diseases, as well as as a component in cosmetic permeals, creams, masks.

Although such a plant belongs to the category of 1-year-old, it is possible to grow it in one site for 2-3 years in a row.

Important! When growing such varieties, consider what they need:

Chamomile Melolepetnik

Blossoms such daisies are late - from mid-June to September. Height - up to 1m. Gamma Shades Diverse - Flowers are:

  • purple;
  • white;
  • pink;
  • blue.

Important! Prefer loose soil and illuminated, sunny plots.

Popular Romashki varieties

Not only with the type of chamomile it is necessary to decide, but also with suitable variety. This completely depends on how time the site will be to care, and how attractive will be the landscape. Take a note on the most popular, persistent and beautiful, varieties - it is better to give preference to already proven gardeners in colors.

Varieties with large flowers:

  • Ophelia;
  • Beethoven;
  • Alaska;
  • Silver Princess;
  • Maxima Kenig;
  • San Sousi;
  • Julischnee.

FROM terry flowers Most often such daisies are planted:

  • Swan Lake;
  • Crazy Daisi;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • Aga
  • Snow Lady;
  • Edelweiss;
  • Wirral Supreme;
  • Christine Hagemann;
  • Garldrausch;
  • Sunny Sade.

With the inflorescences of different shades of chamomile there:

  • red - Cellway, Atrosangvina, Granat Star;
  • pink - Vanessa.

Landing Sadovaya Romaist

You can grow a chamomile by deteen from the bush and seeds. When landing the first method you will quickly get lush bush. But if there is no adult daisy, seed seeds.

Landing a giant chamomile - a seed basis

To the bush fit well, in the process of preparation and directly landing, follow these rules:

Growing chamomile from seeds

From the seeds grow seedlings at home or contribute directly to the ground. The rules of this landing are as follows:

  1. The optimal landing date is the end of May - the beginning of June.
  2. Prepare stationery beds.
  3. Form the rows of 1-1.5 cm deep.
  4. Moisten the soil.
  5. Make seeds in rows, but not very thick to get rid of yourself in the future from the need to dive.
  6. Plush with wet sand from above.
  7. Cover the film and remove it when there is no danger of frosts, and the first sprouts appeared.
  8. Wait until 4-5 sheets appear on the chamomile, and dispel the colors of 2-3 pieces at a distance of 40 cm.

    Important! The first shoots will appear after 10-14 days, provided the soil temperature of 15 degrees. Shrub bloom will occur by autumn or next spring.

  9. Finger the chamomile according to the following scheme:
    • in May - 2 tbsp. nitroposses on 10 liters of water, distributing 5 l / 1 m2;
    • after flowering - 1 tbsp. potassium and superphosphate for 10 liters of water, consuming at 6l / 1 m2;
    • after flowering - Sweeping wood ash Around the shrub in the proportion of 3-4 tbsp. / 1 \u200b\u200bm2.


So that you do not have any additional questions regarding landing and growing chamomile, look at the proposed video below. From it you will learn extra details.

Caring for chamomile

Rules Care for sadroom chamomile Very simple:

  1. Make sure that the flower is enough moisture, but do not pour it too abundantly, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.
  2. Regularly weagle weeds and loose soil.
  3. Every 2-3 years divide the bushes.
  4. For the winter, shelter bushes or make mulching by an organica, which is in stock - fallen leaves, sweetheart, wood sawdust.
  5. Make sure that the chamomile is healthy and carry out the prevention of fungicides. Most often this culture is sick:
    • gray rot;
    • fusariasis;
    • tormenty dew;
    • rust.
  6. Be vigilate to the appearance of pests and make prevention insecticides from:
    • wireman;
    • triples;
    • starberry fly.


Garden chamomile only at first glance is a simple flower. If it is properly planted and carefully refer to the cultivation, you will easily place very attractive design His plot and can use flowers for recovery.