Lilies La hybrids: planting and care. Varieties of lilies: Asian, terry, undersized, tall, white

Lilies (lilium) - herbaceous bulbous perennials from the Liliaceae family, originally from Asia. The genus is quite numerous, including about 100 species. Due to their poor survival in cool climatic zones breeders are working tirelessly to develop more hardy forms. Today, there is a large number of different varieties with high technical and decorative performance, which, in comparison with wild varieties, have a wide range of advantages: beauty, pleasant aroma, resistance to negative weather manifestations. The groups of OT and LA hybrids are most widespread.

LA hybrids are perennials obtained by breeding in the 90s. Two types of lilies became the progenitors: long-flowered and Asian. In their description, one can note larger flowers (17-25 cm in diameter), more often of a funnel-shaped tubular configuration, with an unobtrusive and persistent aroma. The color scheme abounds in all shades, from universal white to deep purple. Unlike Asian ones, they are endowed with stronger upright stems.

LA hybrids grow the bulb quite intensively, therefore they are suitable for early forcing. They are predisposed to the abundant formation of children, due to which they reproduce easily.

Valued by flower growers, especially in central Russia, for winter hardiness and unpretentious care, along with early flowering(comes 65-70 days after landing). Ideal for forcing, as they are adapted to short daylight hours in autumn. winter period. After cutting, they remain fresh for about 12-15 days. They look no less impressive in gardens and parks, in combination with other perennial ornamental crops.

The most beautiful varieties are shown in the table:

Titles Description Visual photo
IcebergThe flowers are whitish-green in color, cup-shaped, raised. They bloom in July in groups of 3-4 pieces on peduncles up to one meter high.
vanillaIt has flat wide flowers of delicate pastel colors: white, cream, pink. Opened diameter is about 17 cm. The petals are curved, fringed on the sides. Stems erect, densely leafy, meter high
GlowYellow representatives with large-scale inflorescences with a diameter of about 15-16 cm. It blooms in July, forming dense bunches of 5-6 buds on one peduncle. Just under a meter tall
Double WhiskeyWith beautiful funnel-shaped flowers of a pleasant orange hue. Blooms in the middle of summer
Royal ImpulseVariety from the category of orange lilies. Endowed with lush flowers, 15-17 cm in diameter, directed upwards. They form inflorescences of 6-7 pieces on strong stems, 100-110 cm high. Blooms at the end of June
Royal PerfumeAnother sunny copy with graceful arcuate petals. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces.
AlgarveThe flowers are light pink in color, cup-shaped, erect, large (18-19 cm in diameter). Meter peduncles vertically growing, with small narrow opposite leaves
Coral FashionBlooms in July with red cupped flowers

OT hybrids or orientpets - the result of crossing oriental and tubular species lilies. Depending on the variety, they can grow over 1.5 meters in height. characteristic feature is a maroon bulb. The stem is completely strewn with buds that exude a unique smell. These hybrids rarely get sick, steadfastly endure a drop in temperature. Due to their high growth in the garden, it is preferable to plant them in the background so that others do not block them.

Most the best varieties shown in the table:

Name Description A photo
AlbaniaThe flowers are funnel-shaped, about 20 cm in diameter, with curved petals, drooping. The main background is white, inside is a brown inclusion. In inflorescences are collected in 7-8 pieces. Stems stretch up to 130 cm tall
shockingThe buds are large, with yellow-red petals. Height 100-110 cm
Queen PromiseOutwardly, they resemble large white-pink bells. The edges of the petals are lightened. They form inflorescences of 4-5 buds on peduncles, 130-140 cm high
ManisaThey are distinguished by rich yellow flowers with a white border around the edge. Stem height - 120-130 cm


The plant propagates by bulbs or seeds. It depends on its type, characteristics of growth and development in an artificially created environment. Bulbous method of division is the most common.

The flower, germinating in the ground for about 3-4 years, begins to gradually wither. This is due to the fact that he needs to get rid of the children on the bulb. Separate such formations manually, without the use of sharp instruments. Planted separately and watered regularly until sprouts hatch.

Reproduction by seeds is rare, since flowering has to wait up to seven years. Long seeds, similar to small thin sticks, are separated from the flowers. Sowing is carried out in February-March, germinated in the warmth until winter. Then they are moved to a cool room. Transplanted to garden in spring.


The flower takes root well if the root bulb is not constrained. Therefore, for home cultivation, a larger container is selected. Reproduction and planting is carried out according to the rules regarding the form of the sprout - bulbous or seed.

Seeds are first planted and germinated at home, immediately in open field they won't get along. An old wooden or plastic box with holes is perfect for sowing. The soil mixed with the substrate is poured into it in a ratio of 1: 3. Next, small indentations are made for seeds with a width of 1 to 1.5 cm and a depth of not more than 1 cm. After the seeds are carefully placed in the holes, they are sprinkled with new earth and irrigated. The boxes must be placed on an open sunny area, away from household heat sources - batteries, fireplaces and others.

Planting bulbs is a simple procedure. When buying a finished material, the presence of damage and darkening on the surface is unacceptable. If planting is not planned immediately, then it is advisable to wrap the bulbs in a damp cloth or moss. Immediately before deepening, they are treated with fungicides. This will serve as protection against fungal infections. Landing is best done in early autumn, so that the heads have time to fully adapt before the cold snap, but it can also be done in the spring. Then the bulbs are stored for the entire winter period in the refrigerator, packed in ventilated bags.

The hole is dug depending on the growth of the plant - the higher, the deeper. The quality of the soil also affects: in clay, a strong drowning of the bulb will prevent its full development. A mixture of sand and wood ash is poured to the bottom. Then they fall asleep with earth, irrigate and mulch the earth with organic matter. It is not recommended to water with mineral fertilizers on the first day - this can provoke various diseases or attract pests such as worms or slugs.


Hybrids are valuable because they are unpretentious in care. Beginning flower growers are advised to start with these varieties. It is important to initially correctly determine the place of growth. Since these are tall specimens, gusty winds can break the stems. Therefore, they select a protected area, but with access to sunlight. It is ideal to plant next to compact lush shrubs, but not under trees.

Further care:

  • Regular but moderate watering. Stagnation of water leads to rotting of the bulbs.
  • Top dressing with liquid mineral fertilizers once every 2-3 weeks. If it is possible to use peat or chalk powder, it is better to add it to the soil.
  • With a strong thickening, the plantings are divided and transplanted separately. The need for this arises every 3-4 years.

Before wintering, the stems are cut almost completely, leaving a short stump on the surface. To on next year the lilies remaining in the soil have bloomed again, moisture should be minimized in the fall. Then the soil will be dry and loose, which will prevent the development of a pathogenic bacterial environment.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that lilies are quite resistant to various adverse influences, they tend to get sick. More often this happens due to the mistakes of flower growers, which provoke the development of a number of serious diseases.

Common growing problems are shown in the table:

Name Source, signs
AnthracnoseLeaves and bulbs are affected. A clear sign is the appearance of dark spots. To combat anthracnose, it is necessary to remove and burn the affected leaves, treat the flower and soil with a fungicidal solution, and reduce watering.
StaganosporManifested by a gradual defeat of the bulb. First on separate sections plants appear small red spots that grow rapidly. In the specialized literature, this phenomenon is defined as a "red burn". Treatment involves the treatment of the bulb with a solution of "Fundazol"
AphidStarts at the base of the stem with excessive watering. Delete mechanically and wash plantings with soapy water. Then the eaten areas are smeared with brilliant green. In the event that this does not help, they select the most effective drug for pest control. Pour the product into the soil itself or spray the bush. 2-3 days are enough to achieve the expected result
WormsWorms and other pests that can start in the soil eat the rhizomes, and sometimes the stem. In order to permanently get rid of them, the flower is transplanted. So that the infected soil does not migrate to a new place along with the root, after digging it is immersed in a manganese solution

When decorating a garden, lilies are often preferred due to their colorful and long flowering. They easily get along in the company of peonies and phloxes, which retain the saturation of the green mass until the first frost. Strongly tall groups of lilies are planted on background flower garden, which creates a spectacular multi-level composition. Short ones will look good on the first line coniferous plantings or cereals.

And ancient writings. Almost all sources indicate the divine origin of this flower. In many countries, the lily personified a symbol of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Middle Ages, it was an indispensable attribute of almost all holidays; it was decorated with the throne and emblems of ancient cities.

Lily - description

Lily is a perennial herb bulbous plant from the lily family. The genus of lilies consists of more than 100 species. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant can reach from 40 to 200 cm. The stems are straight, leafy. Beautiful glossy leaves are arranged in a spiral. The color and shape of the flowers are very diverse. Hybrid varieties are especially decorative. The shape of the flower can be bell-shaped, cup-shaped, star-shaped, turban-shaped and funnel-shaped. Some varieties of lilies are resistant to disease and cold.

Lily looks good single landing, and for planting large areas of the garden. Bouquet of lilies- royal bouquet No wonder it was considered the flower of kings. And many crowned persons used it as their own symbol.

What variety or type of lilies to choose?

Lily hybrids began to be created in the 19th century. Then experts suggested that lilies do not tolerate transplantation from natural conditions to the gardens. It has been suggested that crossed lilies would be both more beautiful and hardier. Indeed, new hybrids were highly decorative and acquired other qualities. Experts are still working on the creation of new varieties and species. Today there are hybrids amazing beauty with exotic colors and aromas.

All types of lilies are conditionally divided into several groups.

Lily hybrids

Asian hybrids (Asiatic hybrids). Of all the species - the most unpretentious to the soil. This is the most numerous group of lilies. They grow in almost any climatic conditions. They respond well to neutral or slightly acidic well-fertilized soils. This type of lily is distinguished by a variety of colors and structure of flowers, as well as plant height and flowering time. Plant height - 0.5 -1.5 m.

Martagon hybrids (Martagon Hybrids), or curly lilies. Hardy frost-resistant varieties resistant to diseases. Differ abundant flowering. They do not like acidic soil. Therefore, the soil around them cannot be mulched with sawdust. They like partial shade, but grow well in full sun. In one place can grow for many years. At the top of the peduncle there can be up to 25 drooping flowers of various colors with spots. Plant height - 1.2 - 1.8 m.

Oriental hybrids (Oriental Hybrids). These are varieties of extraordinary beauty. They differ especially in large, beautiful and fragrant flowers. They are considered aristocrats among lilies. However, they are very demanding on growing conditions and are prone to viral diseases. Take up breeding oriental hybrids lilies can only experienced gardeners. They like well-drained sour fertile soil. The landing site is a sunny, wind-sheltered spot. Shelter is needed for the winter. Plant height - 0.5 - 2.5 m.

Tubular and Orleans lily hybrids (Trumpet and Aurelian hybrids). They take their name from the shape of the flower - tubular or funnel-shaped. However, there are varieties with cupped, chalmoid and star-shaped flowers. Derived from hybrids of Asiatic lilies. They are distinguished by a strong, sometimes intoxicating aroma, a variety of flower shapes and colors, as well as long flowering. They like neutral, light, fertile soil. There are varieties that are resistant to cold and to viral or fungal diseases.

American hybrids (American hybrids). Obtained from crossing Canadian, leopard and Colombian lilies. This type of hybrid prefers non-acidic soils. Seeds sprout the next year, the transplant is poorly tolerated. Differ in bright exotic flowers. Full flowering occurs a year or two after the autumn planting. They like non-acidic soil and light partial shade. Plant height - 1.2 - 2.1 m.

Candidum hybrids (CandidumHybrids). Obtained as a result of crossing the snow-white lily and the chalzendon lily. There are few varieties of this type of lily, but they all have a strong aroma and elegant flowers of white and yellow in various shades. The shape of the flower is tubular or funnel-shaped. Susceptible to fungal diseases. Seeds are tied badly. These garden forms grow in the southern regions. Plant height - 1.2 - 1.8 m.

Long-flowered hybrids. (Longiflorum Hybrids) Very showy large flowers in the form of a bell with curved tips. They can reach 20 cm in length. These hybrids can be grown in closed ground for distillation, and at home in containers. Very demanding on growing conditions. Mainly used for high quality cutting. Plant height - 0.8 - 1.0 m.

LA - hybrids. A very refined form of flowers. Obtained from crossing Asiatic with Longiflorum lilies. Winter hardy, disease resistant. But still they require shelter for the winter with fallen leaves or spruce branches. Differ in a wide palette of shades - from white to dark red. Unlike the parents of "Asians", the flowers are larger and denser, the stems are stronger. The aroma is delicate. AT recent times deservedly won great popularity. They bloom much earlier than other lilies. Plant height - up to 1 m.

OT - hybrids. They are tall and large flowers. Appeared relatively recently as a result of crossing two groups - Oriental and Tubular lilies. They have a beautiful coloration. They have a bright aroma. Varieties of OT - hybrids stand out from the rest not only with truly royal colors, but also highly resistant to diseases and good winter hardiness. Because of this, they are steadily gaining popularity.

LO - hybrids. They appeared quite recently by crossing Longiflorum (Longiflorum) and Oriental (Oriental) lilies. The flowers are large and very decorative. Well suited for high quality cutting. Hybrids of this group are distinguished by higher frost resistance and resistance to diseases than their parents. However, shelter is required for the winter. Plant height - 1.0 - 1.5 m.

OA - hybrids. Appeared as a result of crossing two groups of lilies - Orientals (Eastern) with Asian hybrids. So far, there are few varieties of this group. But their popularity is growing all the time due to the exquisite beauty of large and fragrant flowers. They like sun or partial shade. Prefer slightly acidic soil.

Lily cultivation

Lily- a relatively unpretentious plant in relation to the amount of sunlight. It can grow equally well both in an open area and in partial shade. However, it is better not to plant it in damp lowlands and in areas with stagnant moist air. This can lead to defeat. The site should be well ventilated, but not blown by strong winds. Capricious lily is sensitive to unsuitable conditions for her. Unfortunately, many gardeners have been disappointed when growing lilies. Therefore, when planting, it is necessary to obtain as much information as possible about the variety and class of this plant being purchased.

soil for lilies

In one place, the lily will grow from 3 to 5 years. Therefore, the soil under the lilies must be saturated with the necessary fertilizers. Lily loves loose, drained and nutritious soil. Clay, sandy and wetlands are not suitable for a royal flower. If you decide to grow a lily, two weeks before planting, the soil must be dug up to a depth of about 40 cm. 1 bucket of humus and peat per 1 sq.m., as well as 4 cups of wood ash, 100 g of superphosphate each and potassium sulfate.

Fertilizer proportions may vary slightly depending on the variety purchased. Different varieties lilies can relate differently to the acidity of the soil. For example, oriental hybrids like sour, while tubular - acidic soils do not tolerate at all.

  • If the soil in your area is heavy. Application excess organic fertilizer will promote excessive growth of the green part of the plant to the detriment of the formation of bulbs. In this case, the plants themselves may be less resistant to diseases and less winter-hardy.
  • In poor soils, before planting, you need to add up to 8 kg of humus per 1 sq.m.
  • Less humus can be added to leached chernozem soils - 4 kg of humus per 1 sq.m.

Location selection

The choice of a place for planting lilies is very important aspect cultivation. From right place depends on the health of the plant and its flowering. Almost all varieties of lilies are quite tall specimens. From strong gusts of wind, the stem of a lily can break. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a site protected from the wind. However, this should not be an area with stagnant air, as this can provoke the development of various diseases. Ideal conditions are low shrubs that do not overlap sunlight. It is undesirable to plant lilies under trees. Since there is a strong shadow and the soil is almost always overdried.

The process of planting lilies is quite simple. When buying bulbs, you need to carefully examine them. A healthy bulb should be free of brown spots, rot and slime. It should be firm and smooth to the touch. If you plan to plant the bulb on a date other than the day you buy it, you can keep it in damp moss or a rag for several days. Before planting, the bulbs must be treated with a solution of foundationazole to protect and prevent against.

When to plant lilies

Experienced gardeners prefer autumn planting (in the second half of September). Before the first frosts, the bulbs will have time to take root well, especially if the autumn turns out to be warm. The optimal time for planting in the fall is chosen as follows - about a month after the flowers fade.

plant lilies maybe in the spring. When planting in the spring, care must be taken to planting material overwintered safely. Bulbs dug around October should be shaken off the ground, put in plastic bag with holes and lay in layers in wet sawdust. You can store lily bulbs in this form in the refrigerator. In the spring, as soon as the soil warms up enough, it can be planted in open ground. The most favorable time for spring planting is mid-April. Some varieties of lilies are best planted in early summer.

Usually the bulb is planted at a depth of 3-4 of its height (diameter). Tall varieties with large stems are planted even deeper. Lilies with a rosette of ground leaves such as terracotta, snow-white are planted to a depth of two centimeters, so that the tops of the scales are located near the surface.

The depth of planting lilies also depends on the quality of the soil. The heavier the soil, the less planting depth should be. Parameters such as humidity and optimal temperature in winter depend on the depth of planting. The longer the underground part, the more baby bulbs and stem roots are formed on it.

A little sand mixed with ash is poured into the prepared pit. Then the roots should be cut a little. You need to plant a lily on a sand cushion, evenly distributing the roots. Then it is necessary to sprinkle the bulb with a small amount of sand (this will help to avoid possible waterlogging), and cover it with earth on top and mulch it with peat.

  • Single line tape. The distance between lily bulbs in a row is 5-15 cm, and 50 cm between rows.
  • Double line tape. It is used as a rule for medium-sized lilies. The distance between bulbs in a row is 15-25 cm, between lines 15-25 cm and 70 cm between rows.
  • Three-line tape. It is used for undersized lilies. The distance between the bulbs and lines is 10-15 cm. Between the rows - 70 cm.

Lily transplant

It is not recommended to keep lilies in one place for more than five years. Since the planting becomes thickened, and the flowers become smaller. Therefore, periodically the lily needs to be transplanted. The transfer process looks like this:

  • Trim stems close to the ground.
  • Carefully dig up the bulb, being careful not to damage the roots.
  • Remove all dried scales from the bulb.
  • Divide the onion into smaller onions.
  • Hold the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Prepare holes for planting.
  • Make a hat of sand and plant a bulb on it, carefully straightening the roots.
  • Lightly press down the bulb, and cover with earth on top.
  • Mulch with sawdust or peat.

Lily feeding

During the season, the lily must be fed several times.

  • The first feeding - during the appearance of shoots. During this period, it is good to feed the lily with any - complex fertilizer. Agricola has proven itself well.
  • The second top dressing is during budding (1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate, superphosphate or Agricola-7 solution according to the instructions).
  • The third top dressing is necessary in the active phase of flowering.

Usually lilies grow well without a transplant in one place for 3-5 years. During this time, the plant is gaining strength, and nests are formed from bulbs of various sizes. Sometimes lilies are transplanted more often. In some cases, this is due to the requirement of the variety, sometimes with. For example, Asian hybrids require more frequent repotting.

It is undesirable to transplant lilies to a new place during flowering. The best time for transplanting lilies - autumn. In different climatic zones of our country, it can be early or late autumn. The plant should gain lost strength after flowering and get stronger.

Of course have general rules agricultural techniques suitable for all lilies. However, you need to know that each variety of lilies has its own characteristics. Considering them, you can achieve a better result.

Lily Care

Lily care consists of regular watering, loosening, fertilizing and weeding. These flowers do not tolerate strong waterlogging, but they always need moderate watering.

Regular top dressing (2-3 times per season) will provide a beautiful and lush bloom. Also, care consists in anticipating the appearance. Gray rot, aphids, lily beetle and fusarium are especially dangerous for lilies. Regular inspection and removal of damaged plants is necessary. At the end of the season, all plant residues must be burned. In early spring, lilies should be treated with fungicides against fungal diseases.

In order for the plantings not to thicken, the plants must be transplanted regularly (once every 3-4 years). Under all conditions, this royal flower will surely delight you with magnificent flowering and delicate aroma. Some varieties of lilies require special care.

Lily breeding

There are many ways to reproduce lilies. They reproduce by daughter bulbs, cuttings, bulbs, scales, leaf and stem cuttings, as well as seeds.

One of the methods - bulb nest division. Small bulbs form at the bottom of the bulb. Despite the fact that they do not yet shoot, they are quite suitable for reproduction. To do this, in the fall, after flowering, the bulb is slightly dug out, small bulbs are carefully separated and planted in a prepared place.

Reproduction by scales- also a fairly common way. To do this, no more than a third of the scales are separated from the bulb, planted in a prepared place and sprinkled with sand or sawdust on top. With regular watering, after a few weeks the scales will give petals.

Reproduction by children. This method consists in separating the onions that form on the root of the stem.

Reproduction from stem bulbs- small bulbs appearing on the stem. Sometimes they fall off on their own, take root and germinate. Such bulbs can be collected and transplanted to a new place.

Reproduction by cuttings. For this method, stem segments with a dormant bud and leaves with a piece of stem are used. The cuttings are cut, the lower leaves are removed from them and planted in the ground by 2-3 cm. After 1-2 months, the formed bulbs are separated and planted in a container to a depth of 2-3 cm. After some time, the bulbs germinate.

Reproduction by seeds. Seeds are sown in February-March in prepared containers. Shoots appear in 2-3 weeks. When a true leaf appears, the seedlings dive. They are kept warm until winter, and in winter they are transferred to the basement with a temperature of + 4-6 degrees. And next spring planted in a permanent place. With this method of reproduction, lilies bloom only for 5-7 years.

Photo of lilies

According to the third edition of the International Lily Register (The International Lily Register. Third Edition. The Royal Horticultural Society. London, 1982).

It features over 3500 varieties.

And although many features, such as the height of lilies, the timing of flowering, the number of buds and flowers of lilies on one stem, can vary greatly depending on their growing conditions, the basic requirements for growing lilies of a particular group remain similar, which you will agree , is of paramount importance if you decide to replenish your collection with new varieties of lilies.

All varieties of lilies bred were divided into 9 classes depending on the origin of their wild ancestors and general requirements to growing conditions:

Group 1 - Lilies Asian hybrids(Lilium Asiatic Hybrids)
Group 2 - Lilies Curly/ Lilies martagon(Lilium Martagon Hybrids)
Group 3 - Lilies Candidum hybrids (Lilium Candidum Hybrids)
Group 4 - Lilies American hybrids(Lilium American Hybrids)
Group 5 - Lilies Longiflora hybrids (Lilium Longiflorum hybrids)
Group 6 - Lilies Tubular hybrids (Lilium Trumpet Hybrids)
Group 7 - Lilies Oriental hybrids (Lilium Oriental Hybrids)
Group 8 - New hybrid lilies: LA librids, LO hybrids, OT hybrids(Lilium LA-Hybrids, Lilium LO-Hybrids, Lilium OT-Hybrids) etc.
Group 9 - Species lilies (Lilium species)

Consider the most common lily hybrids:

Asian hybrids

Lily Planting Time:
Lily bloom period: June-beginning of August
Lily Height: 0.4-1.2 m
Lily flower size: 10-14 cm
Lily flower shape:
20-30 cm
10-15 cm

Lilies Asian hybrids are winter-hardy, hardy, unpretentious in culture, grow well both in sunny open areas and in partial shade.

Asian hybrids do not grow well on calcareous soils, preferring neutral or slightly acidic and well-fertilized soils. Many varieties of Asian hybrids form small air bulbs (bulbs) on the stem in the axils of the leaves. Bulbs ripen (usually this happens towards the end of flowering), crumble to the ground and germinate. This is the easiest and fastest way to propagate lilies.

They bloom before all hybrid lilies in late June - early July. The color of the flowers is very diverse (white, pink, cream, yellow, orange, two- and three-color, red and maroon, almost black). The shape of the flower is most often cup-shaped or turban-shaped; in relation to the central axis or stem, the flowers can be directed upwards (upward looking), sideways (horizontal) or downwards (drooping). The size of the flower, its diameter is from 8 to 20 cm. All lilies have a flower consisting of 6 petals, but in the group of Asian hybrids there are several varieties with double flowers. Plant height from 50 cm to 150 cm.

These unpretentious and beautiful varieties are good for everyone, but they have one drawback - the lack of aroma.

LA (LA)-hybrids

Lily Planting Time: end of April - May or end of September - October
Lily bloom period: July
Lily Height: 0.8-1.2 m
Lily flower size: 12-15 cm
Lily flower shape: classic star shape, wide open
Distance when planting lilies: 20-30 cm
Lily Bulb Planting Depth: 10-15 cm

Lilies LA (LA) hybrids are the most promising to date, these are hybrids between Longiflorum (Longiflorum) and Asian (Asiatics) lilies.

First of all, they are intended for year-round forcing flowers indoors, but they are also widely used outdoors due to their resistance to fungal diseases and good winter hardiness.

A variety of flower colors (from white to maroon with all possible transitions) are also inherited from Asian hybrids. At the same time, compared to the "Asians", LA hybrids have larger and beautiful flowers, delicate, delicate aroma and not so fragile petals, which is especially important when transporting cut flowers. The stems are strong, strong, but bulbs on them, as a rule, are not formed.

Landing in the ground in autumn - in September, but spring is preferable - April-May. They bloom profusely and for a long time almost at the same time as Asian hybrids or a little later. They grow well in open or slightly shaded areas with a neutral or slightly acidic soil.

Oriental hybrids (Oriental hybrids)

Lily Planting Time: end of April - May or end of September - October
Lily bloom period: Aug. Sept
Lily Height: 0.4-1.2 m
Lily flower size: 20-25 cm
Lily flower shape: wide open with ruffled petals
Distance when planting lilies: 20-30 cm
Lily Bulb Planting Depth: 15-20 cm

Lilies Oriental hybrids , have unusually beautiful, large and fragrant flowers and, undoubtedly, belong to the aristocrats among lilies, and indeed all other summer flowers.

Modern Eastern hybrids come in very different heights, including very short ones, only 30-50 cm. Two very important conclusions follow from this at once - they can be grown almost at the very edge of flower beds and mixed borders and, even more interestingly, they can be used in small floor vases, balcony boxes and patio containers.

It is Eastern hybrids that are most often used in distillation to produce cut flowers. And the reason is the same - beautiful and large, almost airy flowers, usually with a strong floral aroma. Although it's a matter of taste. On the street, this fragrance is perceived by most people as very pleasant and bewitching, but in a closed space of rooms, someone may not like it.

Oriental hybrids are recommended to be planted depending on the climate in August - September or in spring, in April-May. The layer of soil above an adult bulb should be on average two of its diameters, but not less than 10-12 cm. In late autumn, when the ground is already slightly frozen, it is advisable to mulch the plants with fallen leaves or coniferous needles or peat with a layer of 10-15 cm. In more northern regions lily bulbs should be planted a little deeper than the recommended depths, the soil layer above the bulb should be 15-20 cm. In this case, the lilies "sprout" a little later than usual and, as a rule, no longer fall under frost, which can even be in early June, and low shoots are easier to cover.

Oriental lilies need loose, nutritious, permeable soil for good growth. On heavy, damp or poorly cultivated soils, lily bulbs can rot due to the accumulation of moisture between the scales. Such soils must first be made more loose and breathable - by adding sand, peat, perlite, vermiculite or other baking powder. It is advisable to add a little ash and well-rotted compost. Using fresh manure, as with most other plants, is strongly discouraged.

The planting interval for Oriental Lilies usually depends on the height and vigor of the varieties being planted. It is recommended to plant the bulbs at a distance of at least 20-25 cm. This will allow the lilies to eat well and provide good ventilation of the root areas, which are most susceptible to all kinds of fungal diseases. It is better not to loosen the soil around the lilies during the growing season, but only mulch, since it is likely to disturb the superficially located supra-bulbous roots or babies formed on the stems, or accidentally break a young stem that is quite fragile in May - early June.

Oriental lilies prefer sun or light partial shade. Abundant sunlight throughout the day is not necessary for lilies, but it is highly desirable in the morning or evening. It is recommended to cut lily flowers, like the vast majority of bulbs, early in the morning, keeping as many leaves on the stem as possible. Removing a large number of leaves leads to a deterioration in flowering and even its complete absence next year.

OT hybrids (Lilium OT-Hybrids)

Lily Planting Time: end of April - May or end of September - October
Lily bloom period: July August
Lily Height: 1.2-2.5 m
Lily flower size: 20-30 cm
Lily flower shape: broad-cup or funnel-shaped
Distance when planting lilies: 20-30 cm
Lily Bulb Planting Depth: 15-20 cm

Lilies OT - hybrids obtained as a result of crossing oriental lilies(Oriental) and tubular lilies (Trumpet).

Lilies OT hybrids are a huge number of beautiful flowers (up to 30 inflorescences) with a strong aroma. A very pleasant aroma spreads in the garden during the flowering of OT hybrids. The flowers are very large, 20-25, and sometimes up to 30 cm, wide-cupped or funnel-shaped, directed upwards or to the side.

Flower color - yellow, pink, orange, red or multicolor. Lilies OT-hybrids have strong, strong stems, in the growth of an adult and even much higher, for which they are also called "Lily-trees".

The height of such lilies is often 120-180 cm, and when favorable conditions for 3 years "Lilies-trees" can grow up to 2.5m! The aroma is intermediate, closer to tubular lilies, but more delicate and pleasant.

Lily varieties of OT-hybrids give excellent cut and tolerate transportation well. Also, lilies OT hybrids are suitable for decorating the garden, they grow well among fruit trees.

Lilies Tubular hybrids (Lilium Trumpet Hybrids)
Lily Planting Time:
end of April - May or end of September - October
Lily bloom period: June-September
Lily Height: 1.2-1.9 m
Lily flower size: 12-18 cm long
Lily flower shape: tubular or funnel-shaped
Distance when planting lilies: 20-30 cm
Lily Bulb Planting Depth: 15-20 cm

Lilies Tubular hybrids- originate from hybrids of Asiatic lilies, which provides them with fairly good unpretentiousness and winter hardiness. In addition, tubular lilies are practically not susceptible to viral and fungal diseases. Tall peduncles (on average 1.5 m) and beautiful funnel-shaped flowers up to 18 cm long in a variety of colors, very long flowering, which can stretch up to three months and end as early as September. The group of tubular lilies enjoys constant love and popularity among gardeners.

lilies LO hybrids obtained by crossing Longiflorum (Longiflorum) and Oriental (Oriental) hybrids. Flowers are short-tubular or funnel-shaped; white, white-pink or deep pink color with a pleasant aroma.

lilies OA hybrids- a completely new and promising group, obtained by crossing Oriental (Oriental) and Asian (Aziatic) hybrids.

For reference: OT, OA, LO, etc. hybrids - abbreviations from the generally accepted names of lily groups: O - orientals (oriental lilies), T - tubular, A - Asiatic lilies and L - longiflorums. These are interspecific hybrids, as a rule, fixing most of the positive parental traits in their offspring. Hybrids can also be more complex - between species and already existing hybrids, for example, LOO = LO + O, OOT = O + OT, etc. Hybridization has created such a wide range of shapes, sizes, colors of flowers and plant exteriors that these lilies are sometimes more similar to their counterparts from other groups than to their predecessors, oriental lilies. As a result of this painstaking work, the flowering period of oriental hybrids has significantly increased, as well as their winter hardiness and resistance to diseases.

Hybrid lilies of the class LA (Longiflorum-Asiatic) are formed on the basis of crossing long-flowered and Asian lilies.

Varieties of lilies of the class LA hybrids are distinguished by very large flowers, they have dense petals of a waxy texture. Cup-shaped flowers look up; the diameter of the huge flower is from 18 to 28 cm.
Many varieties of lilies of the LA hybrid class have a delicate aroma.

The height of most lily varieties from the LA hybrid class is about a meter or a little more. And in favorable conditions, the height of the flower stalks reaches 1.8 meters - giant lilies grow almost to human height!

Asian hybrids bloom before all hybrid lilies in late June - early July. The color of the flowers is very diverse (white, pink, cream, yellow, orange, two- and three-color, red and maroon, almost black). The shape of the flower is most often cup-shaped or chalmoid. The size of the flower, its diameter is from 8 to 20 cm.

Lilies from the class LA-hybrids in the middle lane usually hibernate without shelter. Even in regions with very frosty winters, overwintering of the bulbs under snow (with a snow cover thickness of more than 40 cm) is successful.
However, in order to avoid damage to plants in winters with little snow, mulching of plantings of lilies is recommended; for example, with peat in a layer of 10-15 cm.

Asiatic lilies are winter-hardy, hardy, grow well both in sunny open areas and in partial shade. They do not grow well on calcareous soils, preferring neutral or slightly acidic and well-fertilized soils.

Asian hybrids are easily and quickly propagated by baby bulbs, scales. Many varieties of this section form small air bulbs (bulbs) on the stem in the axils of the leaves. Such lines are called bulbous. Bulbs ripen (usually this happens towards the end of flowering), crumble to the ground and germinate.

This is the easiest and fastest way to propagate lilies. They reproduce well by seeds, but, despite rapid germination, their germination rate is below 70%, so it is necessary to sow quite thickly.

Care comes down to watering, which begins to be carried out in the spring and is necessarily carried out in hot, dry weather, sometimes combined with liquid top dressing. Lilies need moderate humidity throughout the growing season, but in the first half of summer, during the period of active development and after flowering, during the accumulation of nutrients for the winter, the need for water increases dramatically. Water lilies under the root and only in the morning or afternoon.

Since lilies are planted for a long period (3 - 4 years or more), soil preparation plays an important role in growing lilies. They need loose, nutritious, permeable soil, free from weeds. Clay, water-resistant and sandy low-moisture soils are not suitable for lilies. The area where the lilies are planned to be planted should not be flooded with water, because the bulbs can rot and die from stagnant water and poor drainage.

For planting, flower growers buy bulbs or share 3-4-year-old nests. In the first case, the bulbs are chosen unwrinkled, intact, large, fleshy. They cannot be stored for a long time. better bulbs purchase before landing or a few days in advance. Or plant your own bulbs from a bush that grew in one place without a transplant for 4-5 years, where a whole nest of bulbs was formed, in which there may be several well-developed large bulbs. Such nests must be divided and the bulbs planted one at a time. This provides the best food each bulb, gives it the opportunity to form a strong plant with good flowering. To do this, they dig the nest, cut the stems and break the nest with their hands, separating the bulbs. Often well-ripened bulbs in the nest disintegrate themselves.

Planting lilies can be done in spring or autumn. If planting takes place in the fall, then it is better to do this throughout September and until October 20.

The planting depth of the bulbs is 18-20 cm. Also, the depth also depends on the size of the bulbs. Before planting, coarse river sand is poured into the hole up to 2 tbsp. spoons, then add 1 tbsp. spoon organic fertilizer"Barrier" and 1 teaspoon of "Flower" fertilizer. All this is mixed and the bulbs are planted. In this case, you need to straighten the roots and sprinkle them with this soil mixture. Then we fill the hole with our hand, tamp it down and leave it until the first cold weather. In November (in the second decade), the soil is mulched with a layer of up to 10 cm with humus or peat.

To protect lily bulbs from mice and moles, they plant them in vessels without a bottom. Vessels are prepared from large plastic bottles, cut upper part and remove the bottom, leaving a vessel 20 - 22 cm high. Then you need to dig a hole 20 cm deep and place a vessel in it, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of river sand, 2 tbsp. spoons of fertilizer "Barrier", 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Berry fertilizer, mix all these components, level and plant one bulb in a vessel. After that, the vessel is completely covered with a soil mixture of peat with humus and compacted not only in the vessel, but also around it.

Due to the fact that the supra-bulbous roots of lilies are located in top layer soil, its drying and overheating adversely affect the development of plants. To avoid drying out and overheating of the supra-bulbous roots, the soil is mulched with a preparation or peat with a layer of 3-4 cm.

Water under the root, as moistening the leaves contributes to the development of gray rot. For the formation of larger bulbs, when grown on planting material, the resulting buds are removed from plants. Lily flowers are cut early in the morning or late in the evening, and in a cool, cloudy weather- Anytime. For the normal development of the bulb, when cutting the inflorescences on the plant, leave at least 1/3 of the length of the stem.

Lily La hybrids appeared when crossing Asian and Long-flowered forms. These hybrids are unpretentious and it is they who are recommended to be grown by beginner flower growers who want to plant lilies. La hybrids also have features in planting and care, which will be considered.


Lilies are planted in spring and autumn. Spring planting begins at the end of April, and autumn - in mid-October. Soil temperature should be below fifteen degrees Celsius. In this case, the bulbs take root better and start growing. But even at a higher temperature, they can normally take root if you organize the right, better drip, watering.

La lily hybrids do well in sunny areas. The best option is the illumination of the sun's rays in the morning. They can also tolerate partial shade.

Soils for such lilies are required with a neutral reaction, light, well breathable. Sandy soils are perfect for them.

Prepare the ground before planting, after digging it up. The depth of digging should be approximately forty centimeters. The bulb deepens twenty centimeters and roots grow another twenty centimeters.

In heavy soils, sand should be added. They take not quarry clay, but washed river. About a bucket of sand is required per square meter. A good effect is given by rotted coniferous needles. But they must be disinfected before application.

The day before planting, the soil is qualitatively moistened. Should be planted in dry weather.

Before planting the bulbs, they are moistened.

Before boarding bulbs are thoroughly disinfected. To do this, they are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate, the concentration of which is 0.1 percent. You can use special fungicidal agents intended for the treatment of bulbous plants.

Directly during planting, attention should be paid to the optimal depth. This is the depth of three bulb sizes. First, dig a hole, the depth of which should be about twenty centimeters. River sand is poured into it with a layer of a couple of centimeters. Next, a lily bulb is placed there, the roots are straightened and covered with soil.

Caring for La Lily Hybrids

An essential element is the mulching of the soil surface. This helps retain moisture and prevents excessive compaction of the soil on the surface.

It is very important for lilies to provide proper watering. And not only during flowering. In the second half of summer, the plants already fade, but they begin to accumulate reserve substances for the winter. During this period, high-quality hydration is also required. in the best way are drip irrigation or abundant, but not very frequent watering, carried out under the root of the plant. Water should not get on the leaves. The combination of water droplets and bright sun leads to burns.

It is necessary to fertilize plants, but at the same time follow a number of rules. Lilies, including La hybrids, do not like the introduction of fresh manure. If you use manure, then you should take well-rotted, which has lain for at least three years.

The best options for high-quality and active fertilizer will be complex formulations. They contain minerals in a chelate form, which makes them more accessible to plants.

The first top dressing is carried out in the spring, before the first shoots appear. Then they are fed during the appearance of buds, using ammonium nitrate. After flowering, the plants are fertilized with double superphosphate, as well as potassium magnesia. All formulations are applied in dissolved form.