How to grow onions in the open field. How to plant onions correctly so that large bulbs grow

For several years now I have been growing onions using my own method. Neighbors come to wonder at my turnip and I am happy to share my experience with them. There are no special secrets here: laborious physical labor and unthinkable care. It will simply be necessary to spud it several times during the entire ripening of the onion. You can see it in my photos. On the Internet, you can read the most extraordinary growing methods, especially fertilizers and feeding surprises me. I will definitely say that onions do not like fresh manure and constant moisture. I am not going to criticize those who have not even held a shovel in their hands, I'll just tell you how I grow turnip onions. I plant onions in early May, when the earth dries out and warms up.

I dig a bed for sowing onions, break up all the clods of earth, for this I go through it with a rake and sprinkle some ash. The onion sets are purchased from me, I sort through it, cut off the upper ends with scissors and immerse the whole onion in a previously prepared bright pink solution of manganese. There he lies with me for half an hour. I pour the used solution into a watering can and dilute it with water, water the currant bushes (this is only good for the currant.)

I draw a bed of onions with a special stick for this on the line for planting sets, a gap of 15 cm. Then, in each line with the same stick, I make indentations every 15 cm to a depth of 2-3 cm. I lower the set with the cut tip up into these holes. Then I fall asleep and pat it lightly with my palm. In dry weather, I water it. After 3-5 days, the onion rises with an even green feather, be sure to water it every evening. I carefully sprinkle the grown onion, at the same time remove the weeds. I carry out hilling two more times, as the greenery grows. An important condition, if you want to get a large turnip, then you do not need to cut off the central feathers, otherwise some lovers will cut off everything for the salad and wait for new ones to appear, and besides, the onion will grow giant.

In the month of July, onion feathers noticeably grow, become long and juicy. I carry out the third hilling of the onion. And it seems that there are no more worries with him. When watering, I look at how it feels. No yellowing, lodging, shooting. For prevention - times in two weeks I water the onion with a pink solution of manganese. In the very bottom photo you can see how juicy the feathers of the onion are and the moment when I shook the earth from the neck of the bulb. Now the turnip will be big, very big!

At the end of July, I prepare the onion for final ripening, now the task is not to grow a feather, but to develop the turnip itself. To do this, I scrape off the soil from each neck of the bulb, but not too much. The onion will do the rest as soon as it feels free. You will immediately notice this transformation; in just a few days, the onion will grow larger. But the feathers in the garden bed will begin to lay down, this is a sign that the onion is ready for harvest. Green feathers can be collected and used for food, they do not taste bitter at all, and are quite suitable for many dishes. I cook okroshka, salads, and I freeze most of it along with dill in the form of briquettes for the winter. I'll talk about this and show you in the next topic. I stop watering so that the onions do not rot. Onions are usually harvested before August 8-10. I do it early in the morning, on a sunny, dry weather. I don't dig in the onion, I just pull out the feather and leave it to dry in the garden. During the day I stir it up so that it is better ventilated. In the evening I cut off the feathers and take the onion under the canopy, sprinkle it there for further drying. The onions are perfectly stored, they are enough until the next harvest. Absolutely free of any chemicals and environmentally friendly.

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Now, varieties are in use, mainly semi-sharp and sweet, the seed of which is poorly stored - it simply dries up, that is, disappears. And there is no place to store it: it rots in the cellar, and in well-heated rooms only one shell remains of it. Since the 60s of the last century, it has been successfully practiced to grow turnip onions from seeds in one year by directly sowing seeds in open ground or through seedlings.

The third feeding: it is done at the end of June, if you feed it in July - exclude urea (nitrogen). Tip # 4

Onions intended for growing on a feather are planted in early spring, so it is better to prepare a bed for it in the fall. Before planting, the bulbs are cut at the "shoulders". This operation awakens the bulb and accelerates the regrowth of the leaves. The soil in the garden should be fairly loose. Compaction of the ground or pressing the turnip too hard will delay root development. In order for the earth to warm up faster, you need to mulch the bed with humus or peat. You can also use plastic wrap or other non-woven covering materials reinforced on temporary frames. Under these conditions, onion germination will accelerate, and you will receive greens one or two weeks earlier.

What is a vegetable garden without onions? AND onion is no exception, although in the north and northeast this crop is grown reluctantly, in the central and southern regions of Russia the cultivation of onions is quite popular. And so how to grow onions in your garden? It's not that hard good root vegetable as you know, it turns out from the so-called sevka, the easiest way to buy sevok and actually plant, but you can grow sevok yourself from seeds, you just need to peep at the neighbors for the bows who sent the arrow and ask for seeds, but as an option, you can buy the variety you like. In the first year after ripening, you actually get the same set that is next year will delight you with its fruits.

  • When the seedlings appear, you need to start thinning them, leaving 3-4 centimeters between the plants in a row. It is unnecessary to rush to thinning, because you can additionally harvest green onions from the garden.
  • Strigunovsky
  • Harvesting of onions is carried out in the third decade of August, when the onion feathers are fully covered. Remove the greens from the onions and dry the bulbs in the garden (or under a canopy in damp weather) while the outside onion peel will not become "explosive". Drying usually takes about a week.
  • Video about growing onion sets

Feed with solutions such as mullein (1:10).

Are you planning to plant onions in your area, but do not know how to achieve a good harvest and manage to grow large bulbs before the first frost? Most gardeners prefer to grow onions from small onion sets - this method has been proven over the years and consistently gives excellent results.

Seed onions should be sown in well-lit and wind-blown areas. it should not be placed in the same place earlier than 3-5 years later, as well as next to perennial onions and onions grown from seedlings and seed plants. The last requirement should be observed in order not to infect onions from seeds with diseases and pests.

5 grams of potassium, 10 grams of urea and 30 grams of superphosphate, also diluted in water (10 liters).

We planted sevok, got a turnip

Pour a little common table salt into a row for onions, this will help to cope with the fight against onion fly.

Alternatively, it is possible autumn planting onions on greens. It is carried out about a month before the temperature drops to 0 ° C. The distance between the planted turnips is about 3 cm. With this method of planting, 1 sq. meter will take from 100 to 600 bulbs (depending on their size). In order to protect the planting from freezing, the garden bed is covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, at least 15-20 cm. In the spring, the leaves must be removed, and the plants themselves must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. When growing green onions, all methods of chemical plant protection are excluded, therefore, do everything on time preventive actions, whatever to prevent contamination of plantings, damage to plants by pests and pathogens: remove plants with signs of damage, water and loosen the soil in time. When the leaves grow 25-30 cm, you can start harvesting.

There is nothing easier than growing onions. Put it in the ground, he will grow up himself. Many people think so. But what actually happens? In reality, it can rot, it can be eaten by pests, it can simply go into the arrow. To have a good onion harvest, you still need to know some of the features.

It is necessary to water in May - June once a week, and in hot and dry weather - 2 rubles. 5 - 10 liters per week per square meter... In early July, you need to reduce watering, since the ripening of the bulbs begins. If it is very hot and dry, you can water the onions once a week with a small dose of water to prevent the bulbs from completely wilting. Watering must be done carefully, from a small watering can with a fine sprinkler to prevent the onion feather from breaking. Myachkovsky

Hello dear friends!

Level the beds, tamp down a little and apply a planting scheme: between the bulbs in one row, the distance should be about 10 cm, and the row spacing should be at least 16-19 cm.The sevok is buried into the soil by 2.6-3 cm - then the root system will be be in a moist soil layer, which will ensure rapid growth of the bulbs. With shallow planting, due to lack of nutrition, the bulbs slow down development, and then completely die.With the formation of bulbs, watering, feeding and loosening the soil should be stopped. When the green leaves wilt and completely fall, and the neck of the bulbs softens and becomes thinner, the seedlings can be collected from the garden and dried.

  • Sevok requires less maintenance than seedlings and seeds, plants grow more successfully even on poor soils. Due to its resistance to low temperatures planting onion sets in open ground starts early - you will receive early harvest... The powerful root system of small onions will protect the vegetable crop from heat and from weeds. Of the three main ways of growing onions for sharp and semi-sharp varieties, sets are best suited.
  • The soil for onions must be prepared in July-August of the previous year. It is necessary to remove the remnants of the predecessor, add 5-6 kg per 1 square meter of well-rotted humus and dig deep. If autumn is dry, water several times to induce germination of weed seeds. In the spring, as early as possible - as soon as the soil is ripe - add 30 g of urea or 40 g per 1 square meter ammonium nitrate and the same amount of superphosphate and 20 g potash fertilizer... Introduce them under harrowing.
  • You should not allow an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the onion heads will suffer, but the feather will be good and green. Fertilizer with potassium sulfate is also suitable.
  • Tip # 5

Feed the onions with tea tip # 1

It is best to plant onions in winter. It does not turn into an arrow, onion flies like it less, it ripens early. The bulbs should be planted small, about one centimeter in diameter.

Growing turnip onions from seeds in one year

When the leaves grow slowly, the onions can be fed. To do this, in 10 liters of water, you need to dilute a glass of mushy mullein or bird droppings, a tablespoon of urea, at the rate of 3 - 4 liters per square meter.

Garden bed preparation: Many gardeners in our time, have masteredHow to grow large onion turnip? Image of onion sevkaYou can purchase a ready-made set in a specialized store or in the market, or you can grow it yourself from seeds (nigella). In order to collect onion sets by autumn, you need to start growing it in the spring, and then next season you can already start growing turnip onions from ordinary sets.

Do not get carried away with germination and other methods of seed preparation. But with a protracted late spring, you still have to germinate the seeds. Place them in a gauze bag and immerse them in warm (40-50 degrees) water for 20-30 minutes. Then the bag, distributing the seeds in it in a thin layer, put in a flat dish or baking sheet.

  • Tip # 7
  • Gardeners advise sowing carrots side by side, or you can make rows and sow a row of carrots, and alternate the next row of onions. The carrot plant repels the onion fly, and the onion repels the carrot fly.
  • Seeds of a variety of onions germinate very long and hard. For it to germinate you need: take half a teaspoon baking soda and pour hot tea leaves. When the solution becomes warm, add seeds (nigella) there, and leave for one hour. With this method of soaking the seeds, the onions emerge within a week and evenly.

Onions must be looked after.

Watering should be stopped from mid-July. When the leaves are laid down, the bulbs must be pulled out and dried in a shaded place, protected from rain, until the roots and leaves of the bulb are dry. A sign of good drying - easily detached leaves

For sowing onion seeds, it is better to prepare a bed in the fall. For one square meter, you need to make 3 - 5 kilograms of humus, 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska and a couple of tablespoons of dolomite flour. You can also use regular chalk.

Growing turnip onions from seeds

For this you need:

And if you want the cultivation of turnip onions from sets to be successful, you must provide optimal conditions for winter storage sevka. A well-dried set is placed in boxes with a layer of 6-8 cm or in thin bags weighing 2-3 kg and stored in a warm ventilated room with a temperature of + 15 + 19 degrees. Before planting, be sure to sort out the sevok, remove the diseased, germinated and dried onions, and also sort by size (with a diameter of 1 to 2.6 cm). To get friendly shoots, small bulbs are first planted, then large ones.

Video about planting onion sets

To keep the seeds moist, cover the bag with a damp cloth from natural materials and keep at a temperature of 22-25 degrees. After 6-8 hours, the seed bag is washed in running water and remove the water that has collected on the bottom of the dish (baking sheet). Cover the bag with a cloth again. After 1-2 days of such treatment, individual seeds will sprout. Their entire batch is dried to flowability and sown.

It is not recommended to feed plants with potassium chloride and fresh manure. If you add potassium chloride to the soil, then only in the autumn season. Yes, if you add chlorine when growing a vegetable, then the yield will decrease many times, apply only in the fall.

Tip # 6

Tea cures disease, and soda softens water.

Onions like to be weeded, loosened and watered. While the feathers are small, loosening the onion is a bit tricky, but there are no further problems. It remains only to loosen it constantly. If the soil is hard, then it should be loosened more often than soft. This is usually done after the rain has passed, or after watering.

And roots. Unripe bulbs with a juicy, thick neck are not left for storage. Seed preparation for sowing:In one year. The main secret this method of obtaining a good bulb consists in

Water it during the growing period, especially during the appearance of leaves and formation of bulbs, stopping watering a month before harvest;

Soak fresh seeds (not older than 2 years) for a couple of hours in water and place in a damp burlap for 2-3 days so that the seeds begin to germinate. After soaking, dry the nigella thoroughly. You can sow seeds at the end of April in pre-prepared and cultivated soil. Make rows at a distance of 9-11 cm from each other, scatter seeds all over them, cover the top of the groove with humus or peat 2 cm.

Growing turnip onions without hassle

Onion secrets

Sowing onions should be very early, as soon as the condition of the soil allows. In arid regions (in Ukraine - Donbass, Dnieper, southern regions and Crimea), onions must be sown on a flat surface, without making raised beds - they can lose a lot of moisture. If you do not have time to sow onions early and the soil dries up, it should be watered with sprinkler irrigation and sowed in 1-2 days. If there is a lack of water, you can water the seed furrows and sow seeds immediately.

Happy growing!

During the onion growing period, it is necessary to make three additional dressings for a good harvest.

Tip # 2

Onions should be watered regularly for most of June. If a small onion has little moisture, then it will give a corresponding crop. Then look at the circumstances. As soon as the onions begin to ripen, watering should be stopped. Otherwise, it will rot during storage.

For the emergence of early shoots, the seeds must be soaked in water (temperature 23 - 25 degrees) for 2 - 3 days. In this case, the water must be changed 2 - 3 times. Then dry the seeds a little until flowing and start planting.

Early thickened

Loosen the top layer of the soil at least 4-7 times over the summer (small bulbs will grow in dense soil);

Growing onions in the garden. Video

Growing onions on a feather

Calibrated onion sets need additional processing for more even and faster germination, before planting in the ground. Carefully cut off the dry part of the neck of the small onions, being careful not to touch the sprout, otherwise the first leaves will not grow fully and remain damaged. After pruning, soak the seedlings in room temperature water for 10-12 hours. For the prevention of diseases, you can pour the onion set with a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 9-10 liters of water) for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse the bulbs in running water and you can start planting.

Seeding seedling care:

Top dressing onions

The rows are placed according to line patterns 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 50 cm (five rows every 25 cm, and then a wide row spacing - 50 cm - and then the same block, that is, the same number of rows every 25 cm). You can practice the scheme 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 60 cm (here narrow row spacing after 30 cm, and wide - after 60 cm). Based on 10 sq. m will require 12-15 g of seeds, and place them in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. After sowing, roll the bed or compact with a wide board.

Greetings, dear friends, blog readers

First feeding: when two feathers appear.

It is worth remembering that onions do not like to be planted or sown in clay soil, if the earth is still clay, then you need to add peat, sand and mix or plow everything. And if the sour earth then must be brought into the ground in the fall dolomite flour for soil deoxidation. Flour is applied to the soil in late autumn.

It is necessary to sow onions more often, given the risks of sprouting. If it rises well, then you can thin out. Yes, and for the first greens, extra seed is quite suitable. If the bow is not intended for a feather, but for the formation of a turnip, then the feather should not be cut off.

Growing turnip onions from seeds

Sowing seeds:

Sowing seeds.

Carry out top dressing - a couple of weeks after the emergence of your shoots, infusions of mullein, and for 40-45 days with solutions of mineral fertilizers;

It is best to start growing onions for a turnip at the end of April, or you can wait until the beginning of May so that the ground warms up above +12 degrees, otherwise the bulbs will quickly give an arrow. If planted later, due to the high temperature, the plants will grow slowly.

As the seedlings germinate, they need to be thinned out to obtain larger bulbs;

When all the seeds sprout and the rows are marked, they do the first shallow loosening (sharovka) of the soil to a depth of 3-5 cm. In the future, loosening is repeated after heavy rains and watering. To prevent the plants from stretching, already at the first loosening, it is necessary to break through the seedlings, leaving the plants after 2-3 cm or stretching a rake with thin but long teeth across the rows. They break through again after 20-25 days, leaving the plants after 6-8 cm. When growing turnip onions from seeds in one year, do not leave the plants thickly, since the bulbs can grow small.

Chicken droppings dilute with 10 liters of water and add two glasses of ash and 40 grams of superphosphate (previously dissolved in warm water). Chicken droppings can also be replaced with slurry (manure one liter)

Tip # 3

When planting in a hole, the soil can be flavored with "nutrients" - add compost. And add ash in the spring. These options are suitable for feeding and repelling pests. There are also special organic mineral fertilizers, intended for garden crops... Their use will be very useful for obtaining a high yield of onions.

In one year, both large "onion-turnip" and "onion-pick" and "onion-set", that is, small, medium and large onions, can grow. They need to be sorted by size.

Seeds should be sown evenly in prepared grooves, with a seeding depth of 1.5 - 2.0 centimeters, sprinkled with soil and slightly compacted. After sowing, the garden bed should be watered with warm water (25 - 30 degrees) from a watering can with a fine strainer (3 - 4 liters per square meter). To get early shoots, the bed must be covered with a film, which is removed immediately, as soon as the first, single onion shoots hatch. The seeds are planted from 20 to 25 April.

Most suitable varieties for this method

Do not cut off the green onion feathers (either you grow onions for greens, or for large bulbs).

Loosen the soil regularly, especially after rain;

After each breakthrough, and then after another 12-15 days, feed with a mullein, diluting it with water 5 times, slurry - 3 times, or bird droppings - 15 times. If only mineral fertilizers are available, dissolve 20 g of urea or ammonium nitrate and the same amount of potassium fertilizer in a bucket, as well as 30 g of superphosphate.

! Many gardeners still grow onions in a two-year culture. In the first year, they sow densely seeds - nigella and receive small onion sets. In the autumn-winter time it is stored somewhere (at the same time we drive onions in the house), and in the spring they are planted, and by July they have well-covered with husks onions that are perfectly stored.

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Onions are an indispensable ingredient in cooking; it is difficult for cooks to do without this vegetable. Nowadays, recipes have already been invented in which onions are the main component of the dish. And today we will analyze how to grow this crop, and what kind of care it needs to achieve a larger harvest in the garden. After all healthy foods should always grow by summer cottage.

How to grow onions

Since everyone is familiar with this vegetable, we will not waste time on the characteristics and description of the variety, because everyone knows what the onion variety looks like. This species has a flat-round head covered with golden husks. In the photo you can see that the cut onion white with a pungent onion smell and excellent taste. Therefore, let's go straight to planting and caring for the plant. As for planting onions, there are several ways you can use:

  1. Nigella. These are onion seeds, which are grown specifically in order to collect sets at the end of summer and leave them for seedlings next year. Thus, onion culture is bred experienced summer residentsbecause it takes a lot of time and effort to grow them. This plant can be considered two years old, since the crop after the first cultivation cannot be used, it is too small and not suitable for culinary ideas.
  2. Growing onions from sets is the most common way, mainly summer residents use it, buying small onions in sales markets or growing them from nigella. Onions planted in this way grow quickly, so at the beginning of autumn you can collect large harvest, unless, of course, you follow all the rules for growing onion heads at home.
  3. In addition, gardeners often use this method, namely, they grow onions from quarters. They simply clean the large head, cut it into 4 parts (the smaller ones are halved) and planted in the open ground. Usually, this planting of bulbs is carried out much earlier, mainly at the end of April. "Adult" bulbs are not afraid of cold weather and can easily tolerate temperatures up to - 7 degrees.

The growing season for onions lasts about three months. The growing season can be extended by northern regions countries because of the unstable climate. The cultivation of onions begins with the preparation of the seed. This type of onion usually does not provide for the cultivation of seedlings, so the seeds can be planted directly into the prepared soil. Initially, you need to sort, selecting from the whole seed only dense, dry heads. Further, it is advisable to calcine onion seeds for about 7 hours at 40 degrees. Then pour the onions with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour and then rinse the onions clean water... If necessary, you can place the seedlings in growth accelerators for an hour. The seed is now ready. These procedures are carried out only with sets, otherwise peel the onion, cut into 2-4 parts, process with potassium permanganate and can be planted.

Attention! The bow goes to the arrow if the seed is more than 3 cm. Therefore, good harvest collecting will not work. It is better to use smaller copies.

Vegetative propagation of bulbs

Many gardeners prefer vegetative propagation onions, mainly the northern cities are engaged in vegetative seedlings. The bulbs are propagated by planting smaller onions, which are similar in appearance to nigella, but are not. Onions reproduce mainly in beds or ridges, which are prepared in the fall. A nest of 7-20 bulbs is formed from one seed. The active growth of the root crop, namely the turnip, begins in the second half of June, so it is important to take care of the fruits and not let the earth dry out.

Onion care

After a couple of weeks, you can see the first young green onion in the beds. The technology for growing onions is simple but competent care. And you should start with weeding and loosening. You can get a good harvest of onions only with timely removal of weeds and loosening of the soil after each watering and rainy weather. These procedures will help avoid crust formation on the earth's surface.

Watering the onion under the root in hot weather is necessary once a week, if the climate is temperate, then two abundant waterings per month will be enough. These norms are quite enough for the bulbs to restore the water balance. After prolonged rains, the next watering should occur after the soil is completely dry. A month before harvesting, they stop watering the plant in order to prepare it for long-term storage. If it rains, then cover the onion with a film to prevent moisture from entering the soil.

It is imperative to feed onions. The first dressing of onions in the open field is carried out after the emergence of the seed. In the video reviews, gardeners recommend fertilizing the plant with a solution a couple of weeks after planting the seeds, which can be obtained by mixing 10 liters of water, 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of nitrate and 20 g of potassium chloride. The resulting mixture is poured over the beds for accelerated growth plants.

The next top dressing is done one month after planting the seeds. It is considered the main one, and is needed so that the grown onions become large by the end of summer. In this case, you can use the previous recipe, increasing the dosage of drugs by 10 liters of water for 10 g of each substance. Or you can buy finished product Agricole 2. Only 200 ml of the substance is needed for a bucket of water. The resulting solution is used on 2 square meters, spilling the soil well under each bulb.

The final dressing of growing onions should be done when the head grows to 4 cm in diameter. How to feed onions in July? The preparation "Effekton-O" will do its job well and will help accelerate the ripening of vegetables, enriching the earth with the necessary minerals. The mixture is diluted, following the instructions in which it is detailed in detail how much and what to add to the water and in what quantities to water the onion.

Attention! It is forbidden to fertilize fruits with nitrogen if your efforts are aimed at obtaining a large harvest.

Every gardener should know how to trim the onion before storage, otherwise he simply will not be able to keep the harvest until spring. So, after drying, the limbs of the heads are cut off, namely, the rhizome is cut off, not reaching the bulb 3-5 cm, and the dry neck is cut at a distance of 10-15 cm from the turnip. These indicators will prevent viruses and bacteria from entering the center of the bulb and protect it from adversity until the spring sun.

Useful information! After harvesting, some specimens can be seen to have a thick neck. This suggests that the onion is not ripe and is not suitable for long-term storage and transportation. It is best to eat it first.

Now you know how to grow properly, how to water an onion crop, what top dressing is for, and what accelerating onion fertilizers will help you achieve the desired results. It remains in July or August to harvest the crop, properly process the bulbs, dry them and harvest them on long-term storage in the cellar or hang in the apartment.

How to grow onion seeds

As you already know, onions multiply with the help of seeds, but this does not mean that you need to go to the market right away and buy goods, because the product may be of poor quality or spoiled. It is better to grow the planting material yourself, but how to get the seeds themselves is not an easy task and it will take much more time to grow them. Than a regular bow. First, you need to correctly select the mother liquors, that is, the bulbs that are able to bring seeds. So, attention should be paid to large heads, the diameter of which is not more than 10 cm and not less than 5 cm. Rotten and sluggish specimens will not be suitable for reproduction, therefore it is advisable to discard them immediately. After harvest, mothers are sent for storage much later. All this time, they must be warm, and in winter they are redirected to storage. This procedure is carried out so that the onions are covered with husks as much as possible. Then the bulbs are calcined in the oven at a temperature of 40 degrees. Storage conditions for onions should be different from normal storage, usually the temperature of mother liquors is lowered to +2 degrees.

At the end of April, the mother onions are planted in open ground to obtain seeds. The growing season of the bulbs lasts a month longer, which explains why such an early planting. The neck of the bulbs is shortened before planting. This action will ensure early and friendly germination of greenery. The plant is deepened into the soil so that the neck is covered with a 4-5 cm layer of earth. Under the film cover, the neck deepens into the soil by 2 cm.

Growing and caring for mother liquors requires increased attention. Weeding every week will protect the land from weeds, which means your crops have a good opportunity to grow faster. The next important step is to water the plant. It is performed with warm water, watering the bushes under the root. Do not forget about the antifungal methods that must be performed during the flowering period of the plant.

If the bow went to the arrow, it means that you spent quality care... It is now important to save the onion arrows so that you can collect the seeds. In order for them not to fall from their own weight, it is recommended to tie the greens to a vertical or horizontal support, which can be iron pegs or a stretched strong thread.

Grow onions for collection planting material will not be a hassle if all procedures are done on time. In addition to tying and watering onions, you need to know how to speed up ripening and how to harvest onion seeds. The arrows must be cut with a sharp knife at the very moment when the seed boxes begin to open. The cut material is removed to the attic or veranda for ripening. It is advisable to put a canvas under the arrows so that the seeds that ripen can fall onto the fabric. This will make it easier for you to collect your nigella after hatching.

To separate quality seeds from empty seeds, you can fill them with water for an hour. Good seed will settle to the bottom, and the spoiled will float on the surface, so it is easy to remove it. After the selection of the planting material, the nigella is dried with further harvesting in a box or cloth bag for further storage... Do not forget to indicate the date and type of onion on the box with onions.

Agrotechnics of growing onions

It would seem that planting and caring for onions in the open field is not difficult, however, during cultivation, you need to find a place where the onions can give the maximum yield, and in order to do this, you need to know what kind of soil the onion likes and whether it is available in your garden. In fact, this question can only arise from people who have recently taken up summer cottage affairs, because an avid gardener knows that onions need to be grown on sunny side... Therefore, first of all, in sunny weather, look where the sun's rays fall, and there, mark the place for planting the bulbs.

How to grow a large crop? Choose a land where crops such as squash, cucumber, pumpkin, tomato or legumes grew last year. Such soil is full useful vitamins, which are useful for growing onions. In addition, the one who will place a bed with cabbage or carrots during planting of seed material next to the garden will be able to boast of large grown onions in the open field.

Reasons for shooting onions

You now know how to grow onions in your summer cottage, but some gardeners have a problem with arrows. The onion, or rather, the turnip, does not like flowering, because it begins to take away all the nutrients, which leads to a decrease in the root crop and a change in its shape. Therefore, such a crop must be processed first after harvest, otherwise it will spoil.

The main reason is improper storage of the bulbs before planting. Each type of onion has its own norms. temperature regime during storage and if they are disturbed, the onion perceives this as a signal and slowly begins to grow. I will also help to reduce the shooting of the bow with our practical tips:

  • the bow will go to the arrow if it is planted in the ground, the temperature of which has not warmed up to 20 degrees;
  • for planting, choose only dense medium to small bulbs;
  • water the seedlings only with warm water, which has managed to settle in the container.

What to do if the bow still goes to the arrow? The main thing is not to get upset and carefully pinch them at the root so that nutrients do not enter this pipe. It is advisable to grow such a bow with arrow formation better on a feather, but some chefs manage to collect and use arrows in the kitchen, adding to dishes or preparing blanks for the winter from them.

Onion varieties

The varieties and names of onions have no boundaries, and for each earth belt you can find your own varieties of onions. Experienced gardenersIt is always important for grown onion crops to know what is growing in their garden and what is the name of this or that variety. Therefore, we decided to tell you briefly what varieties are and how they differ from each other. And let's start with sweet varieties.

Sweet varieties of onions are often added to salads, because they are the type of salad, because they contain only 7% sugar and a minimum amount essential oils, which are responsible for the bitterness of the bulbs. Given bow do not leave for storage and try to eat it right away, because it quickly deteriorates and good properties not endowed in lying or long transportation. How to grow sweet varieties? Seedling method in open ground. Unlike other species, sweet bulbs rarely seed, so it is much more difficult for them to reproduce. Sweet onions are grown only for a turnip, sometimes collecting greens during the growing season. The most popular onion varieties include:

  • comet;
  • spanish;
  • kutnovska;
  • kaba.

Semi-sharp onion varieties are more mature if you know what to do after collecting the heads and how to prepare them for wintering. The structure of the fruit is not dense in a thin skin, which increases the chance of injury to the bulbs during harvest. By the way, it is also worth noting that given view onions have good yields and are grown in a seedless way. During experiments, onions grew well in all conditions. TO the best varieties include:

  • spool;
  • carmen;
  • danilovsky 301.

Spicy varieties are ready to bring a large and large harvest, if you know how to feed the plant to accelerate growth. Bulbs are considered to be long-lasting, they can lie all winter and not spoil. Such a harvest will go for salting and cooking, even in fresh it is often used. In our time, for some reason, they are used to keeping onions in the cellar, and our ancestors always decorated their houses with bulbs. They say that spicy onions will protect the house from evil spirits and diseases if they are in the hut. Well-dried onions can be tamped into nets, or braided, looking at a photo from the Internet. The varieties sold include:

  • aleko;
  • ufa local;
  • timiryazevsky.

All species are generally flat-round in shape, and the white bulb is hidden in a golden husk. However, the breeders did not stop at the achieved result and bred several more non-standard varieties that differ in color and shape. Among them, elongated bulbs are often found, these include varieties such as:

  • Bamberger;
  • Sturon;
  • Shaman.

If we talk about the non-standard color of onion scales and fruits in general, the following varieties occupy the first places in sales:

  • Bombay;
  • Red Baron;
  • Stardust.

If you did not manage to collect or save the crop the first time, then you should not stop trying to grow onions. It is better to take into account all the mistakes that you made during the cultivation and make a new sowing of seeds or nigella in open ground to achieve best results... In our article, we have described all possible ways growing and caring for large bulbs, so read the material carefully before planting the bulbs in your garden. We wish you good yields and excellent mood.

Onions are a beloved crop that is easy to grow and simple to store.

There are a huge number of dishes that cannot be prepared without onions. And although it is inexpensive, many housewives prefer to grow their own onions, which are environmentally friendly and tasty.

Some onion varieties are valued for a good harvest, others for early maturity, still others for excellent taste, and still others for their unpretentiousness and resistance to cold weather. Some onions are used exclusively for forcing for greens, while others are good for bulbs.

How to grow onions

There are several ways to grow this vegetable:

For 1 summer season... You can get turnips by planting seeds in early spring or using seedlings.

For 12 months. For this, winter sowing is used.

For 2 years. We grow onion sets, on next year turning it into a turnip onion.

Planting onions before winter

Popular types of onions

The most common types of edible onions and their characteristics:

- Onion.It has long, tubular, hollow leaves of bright green color. The bulbs are rather large in diameter, with yellow, white and sometimes purple husks. It has a pungent odor and a pungent taste. Used in cooking, used in traditional medicine... In growing, it is relatively unpretentious.

- Shallot.Has narrow long leaves with thick walls. The bulbs are often small, oval or round shape white, less often pale purple... The greens taste pleasant, with a slightly spicy aftertaste and delicate smell. Shallots are softer and more juicy than onions. Shallot is used in folk medicine, as it contains calcium, potassium, iron, carotene and vitamins C, PP, B1. It tolerates unfavorable conditions and is cold-resistant.

- Batun.A perennial plant that has a false stem instead of bulbs, and the leaves grow up to 50 cm in length. Onion leaves start growing from spring and grow until autumn frosts. The plant is cold-resistant, so it can overwinter in the ground. Batun is rich in vitamins, minerals and salts. You can harvest up to three times in one summer.

- biennial plant... His homeland is Asia, from there he migrated to the Mediterranean. In Russia, leeks are very popular.

The following types of onions are also in demand today: chives, slime, wild garlic (bear), blue and giant onions.

How to prepare a place for onions

It is necessary to choose a place for planting taking into account the fact that the onion is photophilous. You can not plant it in shade, lowlands. It is advisable to make narrow ridges in order to process the area more conveniently. Onions grow best on fertile, moderately moist, breathable and non-acidic loams. This vegetable crop prefers blown beds where air does not stagnate. You should not plant onions in those parts of the garden, where last year not ripe manure was introduced.

The soil is dug up in the fall, weeds are removed and fertilized. In the spring, when the snow melts, the soil is loosened with a rake or dug before sowing the onions, leaving the structure of the lower layers of the soil intact, which helps to retain moisture in it.

When planting, you must follow the rules of crop rotation. Only after 3 years can the bow be returned to its old place. It is recommended to plant onions in places where they grew in the previous year: potatoes, early cabbage, rye, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Planting onions

Seeds or sets are planted in prepared and carefully loosened beds. Onion seeds are planted in spring, the distance between the beds should be 12-18 cm and between the bulbs 1.5-2 cm. They are planted to a depth of about 2 cm.After that, the soil is watered and then mulched with straw and sawdust or covered with a dark film to prevent it from drying out.

Preparing onions for planting, processing before planting onion sets

Onions can be planted safely next to carrots, beets, radishes and cucumbers. Also nearby may be dill, parsley and spinach (the latter should be moved away from legumes).

Watering and feeding

The lack of moisture in spring is noticeable especially on leeks: its feather takes on a bluish tint, and the tips dry out and begin to bend. With an excess of moisture and in the case of a lack of light, the feather becomes thin and pale. Therefore, moderate watering of the onion is especially important. After planting, in May or June, onion beds are watered twice a week, consuming 7 to 11 liters of water per 1 square meter. Later, watering is reduced to 1 time in 2 weeks, since the onion heads are ripening.

With weak onion growth and slow development of plants, it is fed. To do this, you need to take 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium chloride and 15 g of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water, which is designed for 1 square meter of the garden.

How to grow onions for a feather

To grow green onions possible of all varieties. It is better to choose the one that has more rudiments. It is necessary to provide the bed with enough sunlight or artificial light. This is necessary to acquire a bright green color and for the best taste... When choosing a place, one must take into account that the type of soil must have the ability to retain moisture.

How to plant onions on a feather

When using bulbs as planting material, they must be soaked in water before planting. They are chosen with a diameter of 2.5-47 cm and cut off the top. This contributes to an increase of 55-75% in the amount of greenery.

You can grow onions on a feather from purchased seeds, which do not need to be prepared for planting: they are sold pre-processed. Seeds, like bulbs, must first be soaked in warm water, which stimulates growth.

How to grow onions

Tilling the soil for onions begins in the fall, while the site is deeply dug with a shovel or plowed into the plow. In early spring harrow, limiting the evaporation of water. Subsequent processing is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the soil. Sevka and large onions are planted on a plowed or dug area in a prepared bed.

Growing onions on a feather in winter

Growing onions in the ground or substrates. Select a container no more than 6 cm high. You can use 2 containers, alternating planting times. Garden soil is calcined in the oven or spilled with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, then water.

How to save onion harvest?

It is not enough to grow onions on your site, it still needs to be properly preserved. Storage requires compliance with the rules:

1) Correct drying harvest. The process takes place in 3 stages:

Drying onions in the garden;

Peeling onions, cutting off areas affected by infections;

Drying vegetables at a temperature of 30-35 degrees outside the garden.

How to weave a bow in pigtails

2) Onions should be stored in a dry, adequately ventilated area. The air temperature is from 0 to 20 degrees, and the humidity is 60-70%.

3) For long-term storage, ripe, not overripe bulbs are usually selected. They should have flakes peeling off and there should be no traces of disease or injury.

The editors of the site hopes that these tips will help you get a good harvest in onion beds. Read about how to protect it from diseases and pests in our next article.
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How great it is in summer and winter to always have fresh herbs on hand, for example, onion feathers. After all, it is so often needed for salads and pies, and it is very easy to grow it right on the windowsill. In this article you will find 2 step by step instructionshow to grow green onions at home on water or in the ground.

Method 1. How to grow onions for herbs in water

It would seem that this method of growing onions at home is so simple and known to everyone that it does not even require instructions. You just need to put the head in water and wait for the harvest. However, this method has two problems - the rapid decay of the vegetable and the appearance unpleasant odor... To minimize these costs and speed up the growth process, we suggest growing onions using the following improved instructions.

What you need:

  1. Common onion from the store. Ideally, it is best to pick up an already sprouted bow with small arrows. Any medium-sized bow will do, however, as long as the head is firm and healthy.
  2. A glass or jar with a small neck.
  3. Standing water.
  4. Activated carbon 1-2 tablets.


Step 1. First of all, you need to prepare the onion for distillation. To do this, pre-clean the onion from the top layer of the husk, pierce its root cup with a skewer and cut off the top of the head by 1-1.5 cm as shown in the photo (if the onion is already sprouted, then the top does not need to be cut off).

Step 3. After one day, when the roots grow on the onion, you can drain a little water from the glass so that the water only covers them and does not touch the cup. This simple trick will keep the onion from rotting and smelling longer.

Step 4. It remains only to wait 2 weeks and during this time periodically change the water. Once the feathers have germinated to about 15cm, it's time to harvest.

Tips and Tricks:

  • To prevent the onion from rotting even longer, add 1-2 tablets of activated carbon to the water.
  • If you want to sprout a lot of onions at home with a minimum of effort, purchase from a store hydroponic plant "Onion happiness". It works as follows: 20 heads are inserted into the wells, the container is filled with water, then the compressor creates an air-water environment. Due to the fact that the root cups almost do not come into contact with water, the bulbs do not rot, and due to the saturation of the roots with oxygen, they give 2 crops per month, 30-40 cm long.

  • It is very convenient to germinate a dozen bulbs in a package of eggs on the windowsill at once. To build such a "hydroponic installation" with your own hands, you just need to divide the container into two halves, cut holes in the cells of the upper "tier", and fill the lower "pan" with water and cut off the extra bumps from it. Then fold the two pieces on top of each other and place wooden skewers between them, as shown in the photo below.

  • By the same principle, you can grow leeks bought in a store on the windowsill with your own hands. To do this, cut off the white roots from the feathers (in the photo below), and then place them in a container of water, only 1 cm deep. Leave the roots in water for 2 weeks, changing it periodically (preferably every day). However, a week after forcing, when young shoots appear, the leek can be transplanted into the ground.

Method 2. How to grow onions for herbs in the ground

It is best to grow onions on a feather at home in the soil, and not in water. It's almost as simple, but the bulb will be able to harvest at least 2 times, stand for 1-2 months, and at the same time almost no smell. In addition, if you plant turnips in a pretty pot, then your mini-garden will also decorate your windowsill.

What you need:

  1. Priming. In winter, you can buy a suitable soil in the store (for example, it can be a mixture for cacti with a high content of sand or just a universal soil), and in summer you can take soil from the nearest land plot.
  2. Several small healthy bulbs, preferably not fresh, but lying for a couple of months and sprouted. If you wish, you can grow sets on a feather, but then the feathers will have to wait longer, and you won't be able to use the sprouted set a second time. Another alternative to onions is leeks. It must first be germinated in water for 7 days (as described in the first instruction) and only then transplanted into the ground.
  3. Container, pot, or any other container of a suitable size.
  4. Standing water for irrigation.


Step 1. From the selected turnips, remove one layer of the upper husk, cut off 1-1.5 cm of the tops (if the bulbs are without sprouts), and then soak their root cups for a couple of hours or more in warm water so that they germinate a little. All of these techniques will speed up feather growth.

Step 2. While the bulbs are soaking, fill the soil with a depth of 4-7 cm into the container.

Step 3. Now we plant the bulbs or sets every 2 cm, but without deepening. That is, so that only the root cups of the heads come into contact with the soil. Remember that the less the bulb is in contact with the soil, the less likely it is to rot. When you have planted all the onions, pour a little warm water over the soil to keep the soil slightly moist without the onions getting wet.

  • To plant a set on a feather, you need to use loose soil and plant the onions 1-2 cm deep, tightly to each other.
  • To plant leeks, it must also be dug into loose soil to a depth of 2 cm.However, it will take longer to wait for the harvest - about three weeks.

Step 4. You should not immediately place the onion bed on the windowsill: it is better to put it in a dark cool place for germination for literally a few days. If you have planted an onion that is already lying and sprouted, then you can do without this stage.

Step 5. Well, that's all. Now it remains only to wait a couple of weeks, when the greens grow up to 15 cm, and at this time, lightly water the garden once every 3-4 days. You need to cut off mature feathers in the middle of the bunch and not too close to the bulb, then it will have sprouts that will soon give the next harvest.

Tips and Tricks:

  • To save space on the windowsill, you can create with your own hands vertical bed... To do this, take a 5-liter plastic bottle with a stable bottom, cut off its neck, make several holes at the bottom and cut holes on the walls in a checkerboard pattern at intervals of 3-4 cm (you will get about 4 tiers). Then gradually start filling the bottle with soil.

  • As soon as the soil reaches the first tier, place the bulbs in the holes as shown in the photo above, water the soil and repeat the above steps to fill the bottle to the very top. Place the bottle on a plate and water the soil every 4 days for 2 weeks.

  • Leeks and onions can be grown in the same garden bed.
  • Another secret: to always have fresh herbs in the house, grow onions in 2-3 containers, planting them every 10 days. Then you will have a "vitamin conveyor".
  • To speed up the growth process and improve the taste of greenery, in the evening and at night, the garden bed on the windowsill can be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp. This advice is especially relevant in winter.
  • Also, for greater juiciness, you can periodically spray the feathers, but so that moisture does not get on the turnips themselves.
  • In summer, make sure that the temperature in the area of \u200b\u200bthe windowsill where the onion grows does not rise above 30 °. Otherwise, the feather will stop growing. To protect the crop from overheating, you can wrap the tray with foil.