How to properly lay tiles on the floor: the main secrets of tilers. How to lay tiles on the floor: laying and how to lay them with your own hands correctly, how to lay down a video and lay tiles How to lay tiles on the floor

Ceramic tiles are the most successful solution for flooring in the so-called wet area, in other words, in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, because there the probability of water getting on the decorative coating is quite high. To competently lay tiles on the floor in an apartment or a private house with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with construction technology installation, as well as learn professional secrets experienced craftsmen.

The first thing the owners of the renovated premises face is the purchase of decorative finishing materials(facing, grouting) and related products. As for the design of the tile, here everyone relies on their own taste, but its purpose must be clarified, otherwise you risk purchasing material that can be laid exclusively on the walls, moreover, floor tiles are needed. The main differences between these two varieties ceramic tiles- this is:

  • thickness;
  • coating texture;
  • strength.
Laying tiles on the floor

Please note that products that are placed on the floor are provided with a rough surface in order to avoid injuries when wet feet come into contact with the floor covering due to slipping. We also recommend making a purchase. the required amount cladding at a time from one consignment, otherwise you may encounter a difference in shade, and this will negatively affect the decorative effect.

According to the same principle, grout is selected for the joints. Currently, designers offer a lot of options for processing ceramic coating, where the grout does not have to match the tone of the cladding - it can be contrasting.

Do not forget about a small stock of tiles, because in the process of work, a defect may be found or during cutting several samples will crack, which often happens even with experienced craftsmen, not to mention those who carry out repairs with their own hands.

Preparing the floor for finishing

The quality of the work performed directly depends on the condition of the base, which means that the floor must be flat and free of all kinds of dirt. Since the base in the kitchen or toilet can be made of various building materials, we propose to consider each option separately.

Cement strainer

Laying tiles on cement screed

In most cases, in a new building, ceramic cladding is laid on concrete screed, and here the main thing is to withstand the time after pouring it until the moment when it will be possible to put the tiles, which will take at least 30 days. This period is quite enough for the complete setting and hardening of the cement-sand mixture.

Remember that mortar hardeners create a strong film on the floor, which will reduce the adhesion of the substrate to the tiling. You also need to know that new house gives technological shrinkage, and the load-bearing substrates can become cracked.

To avoid troubles when facing surfaces with your own hands, it is advisable to organize a plastic layer between the floor and the decorative material, then both the tile and grout will serve you for more than a decade. Planning to put decorative cladding in the toilet or in the shower room in an old house, and the base there cracked from time to time? We will have to eliminate all existing defects with the help of special repair compounds. Any specialist will tell you with confidence that it is best to lay ceramic products on a concrete base, the main thing is not to forget to prime the subfloor.

Wooden floors

Plywood flooring on a wooden floor

It is very rare to find perfectly flat wooden flooring, so in most cases you will have to put sheets of plywood on top of it with your own hands or OSB boards... Ideally, the thickness of the pressed shavings or plywood backing should be at least 12 mm, as it must safely withstand the pressure of the massive tile without deforming.

In bathrooms and toilets, it is better to give preference to elastic linings, because wood is subject to intense swelling during humid environment causing the floor cladding to crack.

Old tiles

Dismantling old tiles

Getting started with installation floor covering, often you have to face a problem when it is not possible to remove the old tile without significant damage to the base, then you will have to dismantle it and refill the screed, filling all the voids and irregularities with fresh mortar. Unfortunately, this process will take a long time, and this is not suitable for everyone.

You can also solve this problem in another way, namely, sand the surface (grout must be carefully removed) until a rough texture is formed.

Required tool

When planning to put do-it-yourself decorative tile material in the toilet or in the kitchen, you need to prepare in advance necessary fixtures, with the help of which the main process is carried out and the grouting is performed.

Tiling tools

To do this, you will need:

  • glasses to protect the eyes from possible splinters;
  • professional tile cutter;
  • level;
  • notched spatula;
  • rubber spatula for seams;
  • wide sponge;
  • tape measure and slate pencil;
  • plastic crosses of the required size;
  • a hammer;
  • clean rags.

At the time of collecting the tool, you need to determine the pattern, according to which the material will be laid on the floor. You can lay decorative material do it yourself evenly seam into seam, diagonally, in a run. Whether you want to limit yourself to monochrome tiles, combine contrasting shades in a checkerboard pattern, or add decor - it's up to you, the main thing is that the result is harmonious and pleasing with its beauty.

Laying tiles

Usually, tiles on the floor in a bathroom, toilet or kitchen start from the wall, which always remains in sight, and it is better to leave trimming in those areas where furniture and plumbing is planned to be installed. Do not forget to control the center lines of the window opening, because when entering the room, the mismatch tile joints and those very lines instantly catches the eye and does not look aesthetically pleasing.

To avoid such mistakes, first lay out a part of the ceramic veneer without gluing and make sure that the desired pattern is achieved. This procedure will not take much time, but as practice shows, it will be very useful.

Adhesive selection

On the shelves of hardware stores, there are two types of adhesive base for ceramic tiles:

  1. Ready glue.
  2. A dry mixture for preparing a solution with your own hands.

Calculation of glue consumption

The finished mass is poured into plastic buckets, and you can immediately start using it without additional preparation. The only drawback of this material is its high price. Dry mixes can be considered a more popular glue, which, in turn, are divided into several categories:

  1. Universal- designed for most cases.
  2. Reinforced- used for laying large-sized heavy tiles and porcelain stoneware.
  3. Basic- applied on perfectly flat surfaces without errors.
  4. For complex surfaces - material with a smooth texture (glass, metal) can be put on them.

A solution is prepared from dry mixtures according to the instructions on the package. For this, a dry mass is poured into a container with water in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer. The grout for the joints is prepared in the same way. We do not recommend mixing a large amount of glue right away, as it hardens quickly, and you simply will not have time to work it out.

The main stage of installing tiles on the floor

In order to lay the cladding material without problems, it is necessary to ensure the correct temperature regime in the toilet or bathroom, where the work will be carried out. The optimal mark is considered to be +20 C. If this parameter is less, the drying time of the glue will increase, and at high rates, the moisture from the solution will evaporate very quickly, which will negatively affect its strength.

Starting to lay the floor tiles in the toilet with your own hands, you need to take a spatula with the flat side, draw glue on it and apply the mixture to the floor at an acute angle, while applying some effort. This method will help the glue to penetrate into all the cracks, and it will be evenly distributed over the flat surface.

Next, you need to walk along the glue with the notched side of the spatula, keeping equal angle pressure, otherwise the grooves will have different heights, which means that the tile will lie unevenly. The optimum adhesive layer should be at least 3 mm.

Installation of tiles

Ceramic cladding laid on the floor, starting from the intended wall... If this is your first time doing such work in the bathroom or toilet on your own, start with solid tiles, and fill the resulting gaps with cut material. Each tile is firmly pressed against the surface lubricated with glue so that the grooves are completely filled with mortar, and its excess from the seams is wiped off with a rag.

So that the dimensions of the joints between the decorative segments are the same, and the grout lies evenly in them, you need to install plastic crosses at the joints of the tile. Make sure that the line of joints does not shift during work - it should be straight.

Undercutting ceramic facing material is performed using a special tile cutter, but in the case of thin samples, you can get by with a glass cutter or a scraper with a victorious tip. The edge of the tiles is carefully chipped off with sharp pliers.

After 24 hours, grout can be applied to fill the gaps between decorative coating... IN building stores a multi-colored fugue is on sale, and you can easily match it to your tile. The procedure for applying the fugue is quite simple and is carried out with a rubber spatula.


After the material has dried, wipe the floor surface with a damp cloth. In order for the grout to last longer and not lose its color, it can be covered with a special solution. By following our advice, you will be able to lay your own tiles on the floor in the toilet or shower.

Many people think about how to lay the tile floor with their own hands. And especially how to do it efficiently and quickly. The process itself is not very difficult and difficult, and therefore even a beginner can cope with it, the main thing is to clearly follow the instructions, which we will further consider.

Where to start work

The first step is to decide? how to conduct installation work on preparation for laying tiles, and in what order to organize the process. For this, it is necessary to fully study the stages of tile laying. In total, the whole process can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Preparation of tools and materials.
  2. Surface preparation.
  3. Markup.
  4. Laying tiles.
  5. Grout.

Here common list stages, we will consider them further in more detail for laying tiles on the floor and walls.

Tools and materials

In this case, the first step is the preparation of tools and the choice of material. Speaking of tools, it is required here standard set tiler:

  1. Spatula set (regular, notched, rubber)
  2. Level.
  3. Roulette and pencil.
  4. Construction mixer.
  5. Tile cutter or grinder.
  6. Solution containers.

But with materials, the situation is a little more complicated. The choice of glue and accessories will depend strictly on the one in the bathroom. And therefore, you need to clearly determine the choice of facing material in advance (this can be done by studying our articles).

And we note that already at this stage, many make mistakes when laying tiles, before starting it. In particular, we are talking about wrong choice, both the tile itself and the glue or leveling systems (, etc.).

Floor covering

So, we note that if the goal is to find a solution to the question of how to quickly lay tiles, then it is necessary to start preparation from the floor. And then we will consider all the stages of laying floors, and some secrets of the correct work.

Preparatory work

As already mentioned, the primary task becomes right choice materials. After that, you need to start preparing the surface. The training itself is carried out as follows:

Note that many "masters", absorbed in the desire to do everything quickly and correctly, forget about the importance of layout. In particular, they forget that it may be necessary to trim the tiles, as a result, they start laying from the corner and as a result, the trimmed sections fall into the most prominent places, which completely spoils appearance rooms.

To avoid this, you need to pay attention to all the secrets of laying tiles, in this case pre-lay out and measure accurately... And besides, it is necessary to think over where to put the pieces of tiles so that they are not striking.

Laying tiles

Now you can start finishing. And it's time to learn how to lay the tiles yourself. Naturally, the surface must be leveled and if necessary.

Let's consider the whole process in the form of step-by-step instructions:

This is how you will be able to lay the tiles correctly step by step.

Wall mounting

Now it is worth paying attention to some of the features of laying tiles on the wall. The technology itself is very similar to the arrangement of the floor, but at the same time there is a number characteristic features, namely:

  1. If a deviation of up to 1 centimeter is permissible on the floor, then in the case of walls, the maximum permissible becomes 5 millimeters. Otherwise, the tiles may simply float when installed. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check the verticality of the walls and the absence of bulges or depressions in it and, if necessary, plaster.
  2. If necessary, alignment should be carried out, which is done with plaster or drywall arrangement.
  3. It is necessary to prime the surface, and ideally to waterproof the walls in the bathroom, especially if used gypsum plaster or drywall.
  4. Next, you need to determine the height of the tile and at a height less than 2 centimeters than the height of the tile, determine the level. Beat off the first row with a dye thread around the perimeter. A plank is installed above the thread, as a rule, a drywall profile is used, along which the first row will be laid.
  5. The bottom row is stacked last. It will need to be trimmed, while unsuccessful trimming can be well masked using an angular layout.

And read the nuances of work on the website.

Tile laying scheme on the wall


And the final stage of the work is grouting, and let's look at how to make it and lay the tiles correctly. It is necessary. Then get to work.

More details on how to choose a grout and how to apply it can be found in our separate article.

Well, you can already be congratulated, because, having read the material, you already know how to lay the tiles in the bathroom yourself, and to fully consolidate your knowledge, we suggest watching several videos.

Laying tiles on your own is not an easy task, and therefore, many people trust its professionals. But such a solution is quite costly, and therefore, do-it-yourself work is far from uncommon. This is where the step-by-step tile installation helps.

Strict adherence to the work technology becomes an important factor in this case. In total, the whole process can be broken down into 7 stages. More specifically, the laying of ceramic tiles on the floor is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, the calculation of materials, their purchase and preparation of the tool are performed.
  2. Next, you need to prepare the surface, in this case, the base is leveled and primed.
  3. The next step is marking, which involves roughly laying out the tiles and making markings, in some cases support stops.
  4. The next step is to start laying, in particular the first row.
  5. Further, the entire area is laid with solid tiles.
  6. The next step is tile cutting and laying.
  7. And in the end, grouting is carried out.

Thus, for the correct implementation of the laying of tiles on the floor with your own hands detailed instructions are simply necessary. And then we will consider in more detail each of the stages of work.

Preparation of tools and materials

In the case when the tile is being laid with your own hands, you will need the following tool:

  1. Master OK.
  2. Several spatulas, in particular notched, regular and rubber.
  3. You should also arm yourself with several levels, small, up to 50 centimeters in size, and medium, up to 1 meter.
  4. The next one is the rubber mallet.
  5. Another necessary tool becomes a grinder or, since in most cases it is simply necessary to cut tiles. Here you can also note additional devices such as wire cutters, sandpaper and file.
  6. And the last device is a container for adhesive mixture.

With the tool sorted out, now you should pay attention to the materials, or rather to their calculation and purchase.

In particular, for a correct calculation it is not enough just to measure the surface area; factors such as are also important here:

  1. Tile size.
  2. The thickness of the layer of adhesive mixture.
  3. Tile type.
  4. Base material.
  5. The presence of obstacles.

All these factors just need to be considered. In addition, if you need to cut tiles, you should also pay attention to the size of the segments. Since, if they make up more than half the size of the tiles, then for one such row, you will need to purchase twice as many tiles.

Usually, when calculating, 10-15% is added to the resulting number, which is mostly enough to cover the costs of cutting, as well as cases of marriage (damage to tiles, incorrect cutting, etc.).

Speaking of the glue mixture, here the calculation is carried out based on the type of tile, the type of the mixture itself, size, and required thickness layer, which is usually indicated on the package.

To calculate the required amount of grout and glue, you can use the calculators on our website:

With this issue sorted out, now you can go directly to the technological process.

Surface preparation for laying

The first question is precisely the preparation of the foundation. It is very important to ensure that the surface is as flat as possible, otherwise the perfect styling will not work. The main mistake is the myth that a slightly larger layer of glue can hide irregularities, which is not true. High-quality installation is possible only on a flat surface, and nothing else.

Before laying, first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the old coating, if any, right down to the very base. The next step is to form and.

The method of leveling the floor does not play a role here. It can be either, or, arrangement of the "warm floor" system, etc. The main factor is full compliance with the technology of work.

Also, all sills, baseboards and other obstacles that may interfere with putting the tiles back to the wall are subject to dismantling.

In some cases, it is possible to lay tiles on the floor, without dismantling the old coating (in particular, provided that it is also a tile).

Surface marking

And the next step is to mark the floor surface, which is especially important when laying uneven tiles. It is carried out as follows:

  1. An even line of the first row of tiles is marked. Since the laying is carried out starting from the far corner of the room, accordingly, the markup is also.
  2. Next, the material location marks are drawn. In cases where tiles are laid without seams with a pattern, a complete drawing of the location of the elements is necessary.
  3. Laying at the entrance becomes an important factor, in this case, the markings should be carried out in such a way that solid fragments lie at the doors, respectively, it may be necessary to indent from the far wall.
  4. An important factor in the layout is the consideration of which also plays a role.
  5. You can also carry out a preliminary layout of the tiles on the surface, for more accurate marking.

Laying tiles diagonally

Start laying and filling the area with solid pieces.

After the markup is completed, you can start laying ceramic tiles with your own hands. To begin with, we will analyze directly the arrangement of the first row and the further laying of solid fragments, after which we proceed to cutting and final laying.

So, let's look at how the tiles are laid, step-by-step instruction in this case it will be the best helper:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the glue mixture. Difficulties should not arise here. We do everything in accordance with the instructions on the package. In this case, the amount of mixing should not exceed the required for a plot of 1 square meter.
  2. Now, armed with a notched trowel, apply a layer of glue to the floor surface. For greater reliability, you can also apply a layer on the tile itself, in this case, the grooves of the mixture on the surfaces should be perpendicular to each other.
  3. We put the first tile on the glue, after which we press it down, lowering it to the required level. Next, you need to align it to the ideal horizontal position, which is checked using building level.
  4. For leveling, a rubber hammer is used, with the help of which, by light tapping, the tile is pressed more tightly to the surface.
  5. It is important to do everything quickly and accurately. After laying, it is highly undesirable to remove the tiles from the surface.
  6. So, the first tile is laid and leveled. Now you can start laying the subsequent ones.
  7. In the same way as in the first case, glue is applied and the tiles are laid on the floor. Next, alignment is carried out to the level of the first element. You can add some glue if necessary.
  8. After the final shrinkage of the tiles, the excess mixture is removed.
  9. It is important not to forget about or special, to form the same seams over the entire surface.
  10. It should be placed either in the corners, at the intersection, or with an indent of 2-3 centimeters from the edge of the tile.
  11. All gaps between tiles should be immediately cleaned of excess adhesive, as after it dries, cleaning will be almost impossible.
  12. The laying of large tiles is carried out in the same way.
  13. Further, the area of ​​the base is completely covered with whole fragments.

This completes this phase, and you can move on. Before, it is necessary to allow the glue to set and harden to such an extent that it is possible to walk on the coating. It is advisable to leave the masonry for a day, and then continue working.

Cutting tiles and laying the remaining fragments

The next step is cutting the missing pieces of the coating. Several tools can be used to cut the tiles, depending on the type and thickness of the tiles. In some cases, it is permissible to use a glass cutter, in others it is possible to cope only with the help of a grinder. And for porcelain stoneware tiles you will need it already.

Having chosen a tool, it is necessary to initially carry out all the necessary measurements and make marks on the tile. All marks are drawn from the back. Having marked the tiles, you can start cutting. Since the process is quite dusty, it is advisable to carry it out outdoors.

If it is necessary to cut uneven fragments, for example, arcuate, a machine with a diamond wheel or a special tile cutter is used.

The cutting process itself is carried out as follows:

  1. The tile must be firmly fixed so that it does not wobble or vibrate during cutting.
  2. After that, following the applied marks, cutting is performed.

In the case of using a special tile cutter, it includes a special fixing platform and stops with which you can indicate the cutting direction.

Grouting tiles

And the last stage is grouting. It can not be carried out only if seamless styling tiles.

To start it, you need to wait until the glue mixture is completely dry, and then completely remove crosses and other auxiliary materials from the surface, if any.

Before starting, we carry out a complete cleaning of the surface, which can be done with a vacuum cleaner, and proceed. The process itself is carried out as follows:

  1. We glue the edges of the tiles masking tape... This is done if the tile is matte and the pores are large and to avoid contamination and reduce tile cleaning when using epoxy grouts.
  2. The next step is to dilute the grout, and apply it with a rubber spatula.
  3. Movements are performed perpendicular to the seam, while with pressure, in order to completely fill the seam with the compound.
  4. After that, the excess mortar is removed, the seam at the same time deepens and smoothes out a little.
  5. After complete drying, the adhesive tape is removed and the surface of the tile is wiped with a damp sponge.

In the minds of people far from the tiling craft, there are two opposite opinions. Some consider tiling with tiles too difficult, while others are convinced that you can figure out how to lay tiles on the floor in a couple of days. The golden mean has not let anyone down yet, it works in this case too. Laying ceramics is not nuclear physics, but it should not be considered a trifling matter. However, with the theoretical basis obtained from the article, and with the help of practice, you will soon be able to refine the interior on your own.

Preparing the tile subfloor.

Adhesive laying of floor tiles is impossible without a prepared substrate. For the cladding to be a pleasant, not painful process, and in order to save material, the surface must be perfectly flat. To do this, the floor in the room is poured with a screed or a self-leveling floor is made using self-leveling mixtures.

  • The screed requires more skill, but it is cheaper and is suitable for leveling surfaces with huge differences.
  • Self-leveling floor will come out more expensive, but it does not require much skill. Given that extremes with horizontal are rare in a standard dwelling, it is recommended to use it.

Self-leveling mixture

The mixture is a solution that easily spreads over the surface, forming a horizon. There are mixtures on cement and gypsum base... The latter are suitable only for dry rooms with a difference of no more than a centimeter, and this goes against the "tiled" purposes. Cement slabs are ready to level out a rather uneven floor (up to 5 cm).

Watch the video.

Before using the solution, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the base from debris, remove the frank "hills", and stamp large cracks, if necessary. Immediately before pouring, the surface should be treated with a primer.

Slowly priming the floor with a roller.
Pre-screwed into the base beacon screws for a guide to the thickness of the layer. They are leveled.

Mixes are usually sold in bags of 25 kg. This amount requires approximately 7 liters of water (the exact dosage is indicated on the package). Insofar as ready mix need to be consumed within 30 minutes, calculate the strength.

Knead the mixture drill with a mixing nozzle.

Self-leveling floor requires compliance temperature regime- less than +5 degrees already negatively affects the final result.

Pour out the solution from a bucket and spread with a spatula throughout the room.
We level the solution needle roller which removes air bubbles.

Although you can walk on the finished substrate after 6-12 hours (depending on the layer), laying ceramic tiles on the floor is possible in three days.

ready... With such a base, the layer of glue will be even, and there will be almost no need to use a level when laying.

The leveling of the floor in the bathroom or shower should be correctly accompanied by a slight slope. In the first case, the trapped water should drain from the bath to the door, in the second - to the drain hole (ladder). In this case, the floor level in the bathroom should be lower than in the corridor, or in doorway there must be a nut. This is done to protect the entire apartment from flooding.

Types of layouts.

The most popular options for laying tiles on the floor are: seam in seam, diagonally and offset.

The tiles can be laid "seam in seam", "staggered" and diagonally. The first method is familiar and popular, the boundaries of the slabs must match. The second is the simplest, reminds brickwork; even if small deviations appear, they will not be very noticeable. Laying tiles on the floor diagonally is the most difficult way... It is difficult to do it correctly the first time. There are still exotic methods, and many, but it is better to apply them as you master the ones described above.

Tile marking.

Depending on the type of layout, the floor is also marked. If you decide to lay the tiles in the first two ways, it will be enough for you to calculate the number of tiles, taking into account the seams. Laying the floor tiles (and laying the wall tiles correctly) always starts from the most visible area, and the trimming goes to the less relevant places. Therefore, the calculation of the whole tile must be started from the most "important" wall.

pull the beacon cord along long wall... Make sure that no wedges form along the remaining walls. To make the line clearly visible, draw it according to the rule.

Most the right way get beautiful cuts on both sides - align the center of the first tile with the center of the floor. And then continue styling to the edges. On the bathroom floor, the center is calculated from the bath screen to opposite wall... In some cases, it makes sense to deliberately shift the center of the installation or change the size of the room by a couple of centimeters (at the expense of the box) in order to avoid trimming altogether.

FROM back side we look at the arrow. Mark the direction with a pencil at the end so that you can see it after applying the glue.

Floor seams and wall tiles do not have to be the same.
The best video on how to lay tiles on the floor correctly:

Diagonal markings

Laying tiles in this way is not easy for a beginner. This layout makes sense because of the greater decorativeness and visual increase in space. The disadvantages include not only the complexity of the cladding, but also the increased consumption of slabs due to more waste.

There are several ways to lay diagonally. All of them require rectangular plot geometry, which will be outsourced to this type of layout. If the right angles are not kept in the room, the outermost tiles that run along the perimeter along the walls will be cut unevenly. To avoid this, you can surround the central rectangular area with tiles in the usual way (or frieze). This will smooth out visual imperfections. But this is a matter of taste.

Axis markings when laying diagonally tiles:
a - marking of the diagonal b rectangular room, b - laying tiles of the same color along the frieze at correct markup, c - laying multi-colored tiles along the frieze with incorrect markings, d - laying tiles with an angle in the center to form a one-color row around the frieze perimeter.

The rectangle is beaten off with cords and a tape measure. The opposite sides, like the diagonals, must be equal. Having walked along the outer contour of the rectangle with seam-in-seam tiles, you can start laying the ceramics from the most visible place. The inner contour consists of alternating halves and whole slabs. Unlike the usual way, the cords should be pulled along two diagonals, forming a right angle.

The process of laying tiles with your own hands.

Before how to lay tiles on the floor, treat the self-leveling floor with deep penetration soil.

If the floor has not previously been waterproofed, you will need a liquid barrier device. Let's say more: additional waterproofing won't hurt, don't rely on home builders. When it comes to tiling the bathroom floor, waterproofing is a must. Making it is not problematic, usually a dry mixture diluted with water is used. Knead according to the instructions and with a brush-mat, go over the floor surface, grasping the walls by 10-15 cm.

When the waterproofing has completely hardened, you can start laying the tiles.

The glue is mixed with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer and mixed for 3-5 minutes. You need to let the mixture infuse for 10 minutes and mix it again before use.

You need to apply the solution either to the tile or to the base. If the room is voluminous, the second option is more reasonable - the process goes faster. If the floor is small or it comes to trimming the tiles, it is better to coat the ceramics.

We apply the glue with a regular spatula in a dense layer.
We remove the surplus notched trowel, holding it vertically or at a 45 degree angle. The angle must always be the same, otherwise the thickness of the glue will be different. As a result, grooves are formed, which will allow the tiles to be glued in the same layer.

Trowels with 8-12 mm notches are suitable for floor tiles, depending on the unevenness of the substrate and the size of the tiles.

Laying tiles on the floor starts from the most prominent place - the entrance.
The tile is glued with firm pressure to the surface: thanks to the thin layer and the same amount of mortar, the tile will lie down almost flat... To adjust while pressing down, move the tile back and forth in a circular motion.
Control the position relative to the adjacent tile with a short level.
Check the general horizon long rule(1.5 m).
To form between the plates identical seams, use tile crosses. Due to insufficient tile calibration, you may have to resort to using plastic wedges - they help to more accurately adjust the seams. They are also suitable for creating a small gap against a wall.

Helpful hints:

  • Do not wet the substrate and tiles.
  • Do not use glue that has stood for more than 40 minutes.
  • If you "glue" both the base and the tile, the adhesion will increase. In this case, one of the elements will be enough to apply the mixture "under the sdir" - to apply and immediately remove with a spatula. The thinnest layer remaining will enhance adhesion.
  • To prevent the glue from sticking to the comb, keep it constantly in water.

How to properly cut tiles on the floor.

It is not enough to be able to glue tiles, you need to master the art of trimming. The most popular profile tool is the tile cutter. There are many variations, usually a double-rail bearing is used. But since floor tiles are much stronger than wall tiles, a tile cutter must be expensive. Cheap household models make a lot of waste. It's easier to cut everything off with a grinder.

In addition to mechanical cutters, there are also electric tile cutters. They are more versatile and allow you to work with thicker ceramics.

The figured cut is performed using a grinder. Sometimes the help of wire cutters is required.

With the help of a grinder with a disc on the tile, you can make any trimming.


Laying the tiles on the floor with your own hands is over, it remains to seal the seams. This is done using a special grout and a rubber spatula. If several colors are used, you need to glue masking tape on the tonal borders.

Before jointing be sure to clean the seams.

With a putty spatula, apply the mixture in diagonal movements to the seams, immediately removing the residue. As the fugue hardens with a sponge, bring the gaps between the plates to the desired condition.

Well, you've taken the first step in understanding how to lay tiles on the floor correctly and quickly. You know how to lay the tiles different ways, now it's time to start practicing.

Tiling is a popular option because ceramics can be used in almost any situation. A wide assortment allows you to choose an interesting texture, color solution and create a unique interior design. How to lay tiles on the floor with your own hands without mistakes, we will consider in our material.

The choice of building material

Before disassembling how to properly lay the tiles, consider what to consider when choosing a future cladding. You should not rely only on decorative features material, it is important to learn about the technical characteristics. Keep in mind that the miser pays twice, so do not buy products from unknown manufacturers at suspiciously low prices.

What to consider:

  • The cost of a tile depends on its type. Ordinary ceramics are cheaper, but porcelain stoneware tiles are more durable and frost-resistant. It is suitable for outdoor installation, in rooms with high traffic or high humidity.
  • Format. There is a wide selection of tiles in different formats on the building materials market. Measure and find out the area you need to tile. Figure out how to lay tiles on the floor without trimming and with less waste.
  • Specifications. You can find out about the technical characteristics of each individual batch from the designations that are on the packaging. More on this below.
    The following icons may appear on the packaging:
  • Snowflake - frost resistance of the material, it can be used outdoors.
  • Diamond - has increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage.
  • The image of the foot is a tile on the floor.
  • The human palm is for walls only.

There are other pictograms and characteristics to watch out for. PEІ - designation of the wear resistance class. There is a number next to PEI that denotes the class. The first class is suitable for rooms with minimal traffic, for example, for a bathroom.

The second class is suitable for living quarters, the tile has improved characteristics. If you are planning to install flooring in the hallway or corridor, choose the third class.

Remember: the cost depends on the technical characteristics, the higher the wear resistance class, the higher the price. The fourth and fifth grades are used for commercial purposes, for flooring in offices, train stations, shopping centers.

The technology for laying tiles on the floor is as follows:

  1. surface preparation;
  2. markup, purchase of materials;
  3. the actual installation itself according to the planned plan;
  4. grouting and other finishing work.

Preparing the surface

How to prepare the floor for tiling? Often, the tiles are laid precisely on the concrete floor, because the screed can provide an even base over the entire plane, without drops. In addition, the screed does not shrink much, "does not play".

You need to prime it twice with a small gap. It is necessary to let the base dry according to the instructions, but you do not need to postpone the installation itself, because dust and dirt will again collect on the floor, which will interfere with work.

Base waterproofing

Many people skip this important stage of work, but it should not be neglected, especially if laying floor tiles in rooms with high humidity is required.

Waterproofing is possible in two main ways:

  1. Pasting, that is, using roll waterproofing... In this case, you need to spread the waterproofing on a rough base, and then set up beacons and pour under the tiles.
  2. Coating or using liquid waterproofing... The advantage of this method is that it allows you to miss hard-to-reach places, all gaps, as well as corners and joints between the floor and the wall. You need to coat not only the floor, but also the walls to a height of 10 cm from the floor. Such a coating can be performed after pouring the floor along the beacons. Read the instructions on how to apply and dilute such mixtures.

Installation of tiles

Laying the tiles on the floor begins, but before starting work, make sure that you have all the necessary tools:

  • A set of spatulas. A small spatula will be required, it plays an auxiliary role. It is convenient for them to apply the solution to a tile or surface. A notched trowel or comb with different notch heights will help you adjust the layer thickness and quickly apply the adhesive to the surface.
  • Rubber spatula. Mentioned separately because it is not needed for installation, but for grouting at the very end.
  • A building level is needed to check the plane.
  • A construction mixer is needed to mix the glue. Doing it manually, especially when it comes to large volumes of work, will be difficult and tedious.
  • Rubber hammer. Sometimes you need to make a lot of effort to attach tiles, with a rubber hammer it will go faster. A hammer is needed when tiles are laid on a layer due to uneven subfloors.
  • Crosses for adjusting the thickness of the seams.
  • A grinder or tile cutter for cutting.

Getting started: preparing the glue

Laying ceramic tiles on the floor is possible on ready-made adhesives, but they are distinguished by a high price, so dry powder mixtures are popular, which pay off even at high consumption.

The glue is diluted in the following way:


If the solution begins to dry out, do not add water to it. This can deteriorate its properties, it is better to just stir it without adding water and try to work it out faster.

Apply glue to floors or tiles?

How to lay floor tiles? Where should the glue be applied: on the floor or on the tiles? There is no definite answer to the question, but there are some points. By applying adhesive to the tiles, you can keep the markings intact on the surface, which may still come in handy.

At the same time, applying glue to large area flat floor, quick installation of tiles on the floor is possible. The tiles are laid one after the other on a ready-made base. Recommended for experienced tilers working with a flat base.

If the back is corrugated, you may need to apply glue to both the tile and the substrate. In this case, the direction of the grooves on the floor and on the ceramic must be perpendicular to each other.

Laying tiles

Tile laying sequence:

  1. Lay the first tile on the base. With the help of a building level and a rubber hammer, fix it well and at a level.
  2. Then lay the next tile. Adjust the seam thickness with crosses.

    When using tiles for the floor, make sure that no glue remains in the inter-tile space. Then you will need to wipe the seams with a special grout, but it will not be easy to remove the frozen glue.

  3. Each tile is individually adjusted, its horizontal and flatness is checked. If it is depressed in comparison with the adjacent one, you need to remove the tile and add mortar. If she does not want to sit down and continues to stick out, there is no need to apply force. Better to remove the tiles and remove the layer of mortar. Otherwise, the ceramic will crack under pressure, because it shows itself poorly in terms of flexibility.

How to put floor tiles on a plane? Necessary adjustment produced immediately, because later, when the glue has dried, it will be very difficult to remove the individual tiles.

Tiling options may vary. To create beautiful geometry, use the masonry method in rows. But if you doubt the evenness of the walls, you should not start from them. It is better to lay out a row of tiles beforehand on dry and see how it lays down.

Laying tiles on the floor with your own hands detailed instructions - video

There are combined ways of laying tiles on the floor, for example, in a checkerboard pattern using two types of tiles different colors... Alternatively, it can be laid with an offset of half the tile, that is, you start from the wall in one piece, and end with a strip. Start the next row by cutting. Easy way, but allows you to mask the seams, so that they are more difficult to see.

Tile cutting

Pruning cannot be avoided until you figured out how to lay tiles on the floor without waste and cutting.

How to properly cut tiles with a cheap tile cutter - video

There are several ways to cut:

  • Using a grinder.
  • Using a tile cutter.
  • Manually using wire cutters.

The grinder is used when cutting at an angle or cutting a complex configuration, for example, for pipes, is required. In this case, the tile must be securely fixed so that it does not break and fly out during cutting.


When working with a grinder, do not forget about funds individual protection... Wear goggles to prevent a piece of pottery from accidentally getting into your eye.

The tile cutter is ideal for fast, straight cutting. You can quickly cut a strip of two centimeters or more. To do this, make notes on which you will need to cut.

After the roller, slide once along the cutting line, lightly pressing the roller against the tile. The tile remains on the axis of the cut line, a slight hand movement will crack along the cut line.

Nippers are good if you need to bite off a small piece of pottery, but the attractive appearance fades into the background. Bite off with nippers small areas, but care must be taken that the tile does not crack under pressure. Sharp edges and burrs may form and can be smoothed out with a file or hard emery paper.


Floor tiles will get their finished appearance after installation, if you rub the seams with high quality. Also, grouting has a practical purpose: it prevents water and moisture from getting under the ceramics, which would lead to the formation of mildew, mold and tile flaking.

How to properly rub the seams after laying - video

Things to consider:

  • The seams must be embroidered, that is, no mortar should remain in them.
  • Grouting on cement base... They are sold in the form of a dry powder, which will then need to be diluted with water to a pasty state. Epoxy based grout is sold ready-made in buckets. Improved specifications ductility and strength, for example, explain the high cost of the material.
    Epoxy grout is best used for high traffic flooring, such as in a hallway or living room. In the bathroom where high humidity, the grout must be strong and resistant to moisture and fungus.
  • We collect the ready-made grout with a rubber spatula, after which we press the solution into the tile joints. It is important that the grout fills the entire space tightly and securely.

    Rubber spatulas are used to avoid scratching or damaging the ceramic.

  • After grouting, remove any remaining grout from the tile surface. If you wait, then the grout will set and remove it will be problematic. This can be done with a damp sponge. Rinse off any remaining grout from the tiles, but be careful not to wash the grout out of the joints.

Laying tiles on the floor with your own hands is an achievable goal, the main thing is to responsibly approach this process. Applying the tips from the article, you can achieve a beautiful result and ensure the durability of the cladding.