What to make a hole in the glass. How to drill a glass with a regular drill. Ways to make a hole in a glass without drill

The fact that glass is extremely fragile and complex for processing at home material - a well-known fact. However, no one will argue that it would be at least irrational to the house of a specialist-glassier every time you need to perform any small household workassociated with this material, such as hanging the mirror in the bathroom, install or repair the glass shelf in the bedside table or table. In this article we offer you simple solutions In situations related to glass processing that can happen in everyday life. Namely - how to drill hole in glass or mirror.

It is possible to do a small hole in the glass by applying an ordinary drill with a tempered drill. The secret is that the drill must be hardening on fire until it starts to blush. After the drill is rolled enough, it is necessary to move it into a container with a pre-cooked savory, the drill will cool in it. After such manipulations, the drill can be safely used for the product of holes in glass surfaces. Immediately before drilling, the tip of the drill must be slightly moiste with turbidar. The drilling is carried out as follows: To begin with, it is necessary to make a small deepening in the glass (you need to drill on low turns of the drill), then stop. To the resulting deepening drop of any technical oil for the best drill.

Attention! When working with glass, it is necessary to comply with the proper safety technique! Working with glass, be sure to use gloves and goggles, it will protect the most vulnerable parts of the body. Sometimes experts also advise to wear a protective mask or respirator to protect the respiratory tract from glass crumbs, inevitable in working with glass. Work on drilling glass must be carried out only in specialized clothing: particles of glass have a sticking property in clothes, which may continue to cause discomfort and cause itching on the skin.

How to make a hole in the glass using a wire?

This technology is almost identical to the previous one, with the difference only that the drill tempered on the heat here is replaced with a wire, which, like a drill, must be fixed in the cartridge drill. First, it is necessary to cover the working surface of the glass with a special composition: 2 parts of the turpidar are taken, 1 part of the camphor and 4 parts of the eath powder. The prepared solution should be applied to the place on the glass in which it is planned to make a hole.

There is also another modification this method - With the only difference that you will not need lubricating fluids.

For this method, you will need glass cutter and a slightly modified "drill". From the glass cutter, you need to remove the diamond roller, which must be fixed in a metal rod with a predetermined groove. The roller is fixed in the rivet rod. This is done in order for the video to be rigidly fixed in the landing place and did not turn when drilling. Next, such a "drill" is installed in a drill cartridge, and you can easily produce necessary work.

How to drill in glass hole for large diameter?

All the above methods of producing holes in the glass are suitable only for small household needs, and drill holes big diameter Such methods are extremely difficult. But what to do, if you certainly need to drill in a glass or mirror hole big size? Below is a technology that will make it possible to achieve the desired result. However, it is unlikely that this method can be called drilling.

First, it is necessary to clearly carefully and gently clean and completely degrease the surface of the glass or mirror, in which it is planned to produce holes. Next, you should predetermine the point in which drilling will be carried out. Evil sand is stacked around this place: the planned hole will be located in the center. Repeat on the maximum compliance with safety regulations. Working with glass - in a certain sense, a very dangerous and time-consuming process, requiring increased concentration of attention and accuracy.

So, in a specially prepared container is placed solder. It should be warm up to about a temperature of 250-280 ° C, no less. Calculate the number of solder, based on what you need to fill the required sandy form. By filling out the form, it is necessary to leave the tin cool. When tin cool, the unnecessary piece of glass falls off with the solder. At the output you get smooth hole in glass Any desired size.

On this, the transfer of household and accessible to almost each methods of drilling holes in the glass ends.

To work with glass, it is best to use special drills (1, 2) and diamond spraying crowns (3, 4) shown in the figure below. They will allow you to perform a large number of holes high Quality. You can also drill with the help of hardened and winning drills (5). Work will be more laborious. Apply such a tool with extreme caution.

Make a hole in the glass will allow even the usual metal drill (6). To do this, it is necessary to pre-pour small wet sand into the area of \u200b\u200bwork, after which it periodically add it. Disadvantages of this method: laboriousness, tool blunting.

Glass drilled on low revs: 300 - 700 per minute. A manual or electric drill is suitable with adjustable rotation frequency. Radial and axial drill bit in the cartridge must be minimal. Otherwise, it needs to be replaced.

Drills glass at home

It is impossible to drill on weight without stop. Glass should be put on a flat horizontal surface so that it fits tightly to it. It will not be superfluous to use a thin soft tissue substrate.

Marking center hole is convenient to perform marker, felt-tip pen or gel handle. It is desirable to retreat at least six thickness from the edge of the glass. Otherwise, the likelihood of cracking is great.

In the process of work, it should be constantly wetting the coolant drill and a hole, providing heat dissipation. For this purpose, water, kerosene or turpentine usually use water. You can protect the place of drilling with plasticine ring and pour fluid into the formed bath.

With the help of a lining in the form of a wooden plank or plywood with a hole of the required diameter, you hold the drill from slipping. You can use another option - stick on the glass sticky tape.

The pressure rendered on the drill must be small. Otherwise, the likelihood of glasses cracking significantly increases. As the pressure is progressing should decrease. This will help to avoid the outlet of the hole of significant chips. The resulting sharp edges must be cleaned with shallow sandpaper.

Tempered glass can not drill

This will lead to his splitting into many small fragments, despite the fact that it has increased strength. Strained glass Widely used in the automotive industry, furniture industry, housing construction. Distinguish it on labeling in the form of the letter " Z."Or inscription" Tempered.". If there are no designations, you should pay attention to other characteristic signs. It can be rainbow stains that are visible on the surface at a certain angle, as well as through polarization glasses and filters.

According to GOST R 54162-2010, edges and holes are processed before hardening. Sharp edges indicate that the glass is non-double.

There is an ancient, but something forgotten now the method of producing holes in the glass. The space on the glass where the hole should be, as it should be cleaned of dirt and fat with gasoline, acetone or alcohol. Further, the wet smallest sand is poured into the washed place and the sharp chopper of the required diameter is made in the sand to the glass funnel. In the form prepared in this way, the melted solder is poured (permissible lead or tin). After 1-2 minutes, the sand should be reset and remove the solder cone. The glass appears even through hole.

Getting holes in glass

It is encountered an ancient, but something forgotten now the method of producing holes in the glass. The space on the glass where the hole should be, as it should be cleaned of dirt and fat with gasoline, acetone or alcohol. Further, the wet smallest sand is poured into the washed place and the sharp chopper of the required diameter is made in the sand to the glass funnel. In the form prepared in this way, the melted solder is poured (permissible lead or tin). After 1-2 minutes, the sand should be reset and remove the solder cone. A smooth through hole appears in the glass.

Hole drilling in glass

The hole in the glass can be drilled using a carbide drill. The secret of the success of this operation - in the liquid, which is wetting the glass. It is prepared from aluminum alums dissolved in acetic acid, or from a mixture (one to one) camphor or turpentine. The range of drilling space is built roller from plasticine. Inside the resulting bath is poured fluid. Glass during the processing period is obliged to lie on a soft matter.

Another way to make a hole in the glass

Another method how to make a hole in the glass.
For work, the plasticine solid metal drill is useful for the production of a small bath, a combination of equal shares of camphore and turbidar, as well as a piece of dense rubber.

Once again about how to drill a hole in the glass

About how for 10-15 moments drill a hole in the glass. For this, it will be necessary to sharpen a thin tip as a chisel and attach in the cartridge of a hand drill. Do not forget only at the time of drilling to give susticks to cool even occasionally to use it.

Drilling a large hole in glass

The drill is made from a piece of aluminum, dural or copper tube with a length of 40-60 mm. From the 1st ending, it is clogged with a wood plug to a depth of 20-25 millimeters, and on a different end, the teeth are cut on a three-edged file. A small screw with a thickness of 4-5 mm is screwed into the plug so in order to smooth part of it performed by 10-15 mm. Head scolded. It is glued to the glass on both sides of a paper washer with a hole equal to the drilled diameter. Glass is put on a piece of rubber. A slightly abrasive powder is poured into drilling space. Then insert the cork protruding from the tube manual drill, lubricate the teeth with a chipidar and then get drove. When the tube is deepened in glass at least 1/3 of its thickness, the glass turn over and cum drilling from the second side.

Cutting round glasses

We offer the possibility of cutting round glasses. A roller from glass cutter is fixed to one sponge of the calipers. Other sponge through the rubber washer relies on the glass. The roller is rolled over a couple of times in a circle, then 3-4 tangents are carried out with a standard glass cutter, facilitating the glass of glass along the borders of the cuts. The pointed edges are cleaned with a file or emery under the jet of water.

Non-traditional glass drilling methods

1. The thin steel drill, heated, is soaked, temper in mercury or a piece of Surguc and is honed. Then a saturated camphore solution is prepared, in a chipidar, wetting the drill, planted on the coland, and quickly drill the glass, which is wetted at the point the information by the named solution. This way can drill glass with a thickness of 1 cm in less than one minute.

2. In order to drill a hole in the glass, we recommend to take a three-way file, omit it into the turpidar and carefully drill the hole.

3. You can also drill the glass on turning machine Copper rod, lubricating it with oil and sprinkling emery. Special attention You should turn to the hole when the drilling process comes to an end and only the last thin layer remains, since the glass can easily crack

Hole in glass video

drills glass at home

Three ways to drill glass at home

Very often, when working on the house, we are faced with the need to drill a hole in the glass or a mirror. For many, this process can cause some difficulties and turn out to be at all solvable. But in fact, if you know some subtleties and the "nuances", you can simply simply solve this issue using only underdress tools and means.

And so, let's not waste time and consider in detail these methods that will help us find out how to drill glass or glass Product. Well, then when you get necessary informationI think you can easily decide what kind of way is the most optimal for you.

Method number 1.

The first method is the simplest of all. In order for them to take advantage of us, the following materials and tools will be required:

Metal drill or better for ceramic tile (with a sharp winning tip), or you can use a three-way file, sharpened in a special way

- Drill (low robust) or screwdriver
- alcohol
- Skipidar
- Plasticine
- Smooth surface (table)

Now proceed to prepare for drilling:

To begin with, we put the glass on a flat surface with such a way that its edges would not be fused and the glass did not play on the table.

We establish the speed of rotation of the drill (screwdriver) into the minimum permissible speed, insert the drill and check it to the offset "Bilation". If the beat is large, then change the drill.

Degrease the surface of the glass with alcohol, then from the plasticine, we make a restrictive circle and pour a little turpentine there. All ... Now you can drill glass.

The only thing you need to consider is not to make great efforts when drilling, otherwise the glass can crack.

And so you have mastered the first way, telling how to drill glass at home, and now it's time to go to the second ...

Method No. 2.

This method is known for a long time, when there were no electrical drills and screwdrivers. And in order to use them do not need neither drill or drill ...

To work, we will need:

- lead or tin
- Metal circle
- Gas burner or stove
- alcohol

Now we prepare a space for drilling ... For this, they degrease the surface with alcohol. Then we squish wet sand on it. And the sharp object in the sand makes the funnel of the corresponding sizes.

Now the melted lead or tin is injected into the harvested shape in the sand. After two or three minutes, the sand can be removed from the surface and extract the frozen solder. As a result, you will see a smooth end-to-end hole.

And now, when another way that tells about how you can drill the glass is mastered, I have to tell me about the third, the last way to me ...

Method number 3.

This method is inherently modification of the first method, but at the same time does not require further with the drilling of lubricating fluids.

True, in this case, it will be necessary to finalize the "drill", which will be used during the work.

To do this, we need to take the glass cutter and extract the diamond roller from it.

Then, this video should be fixed into the metal rod, in which the slot was pre-drank. Then fix the roller in the rivet rive, so that the roller would be hard in the landing place and did not have the ability to turn.

Now we fix our homemade drill into the cartridge drill ... and now you can calmly drill the hole in the glass of the hole.

That's all ... on this description of methods that allow drilled glass or glass surface is finished. I wish you successfully use the knowledge gained in practice.

When repairing the house, the need for the manufacture of holes for hanging the shelves, mirrors fastening. And glass, and products from it are not an exception, despite its fragility. We will tell you some nuances and the subtleties of the process that will help to perform work with the help of remedies that are available in every home.

IN industrial conditions To do the holes in the glass use a special tool. But for special cases, its purchase is not appropriate, there are more simple methodsthat we consider below. According to the first technique, the usual drill is used to drill glass, and act on such instructions:
  1. Select the correct drill, for metal. And even better to take the designed for ceramic tiles, which has a winning tip.
  2. You will also need a low-speed drill or screwdriver, alcohol, plasticine and turpentine.
  3. The drill must be preloaded on fire by closing the pliers and placing the gas burner in the flame.
  4. Next, send the tool to the container where the surgasch is located, and leave it to cool.
  5. Place the glass on the smooth and solid surface, the material should not hang over it.
  6. The speed on which you will carry out the drill is minimal.
  7. After you inserted the drill to the drill, be sure to check the batting and change the tool if this parameter is large.
  8. Declaring glass using alcohol.
  9. Make a circle to limit when drilling, plasticine is excellent.
  10. Perform a hole byaming the tip of the drill in the turbidar.
The second way implies the use of a segment as a drill copper wire or tube. It is fixed in the cartridge drill. To work, you will need a special paste, which consists of a turpidar (2 parts), camphores (1 part), emery powder (4 parts). This composition is applied immediately before the working process on the drilling site.

The third method consists in the use of flat noodpenery fixed in a drill. The tool must be sharpened and have a kind of acute chisel. When drilling glass, it is necessary to periodically make pauses to sharpen the nap. By the way, the material that has a thickness of millimeters 6 will be drilled in 15 minutes.

The fourth way of tricking holes in glass is very ancient, because once there were no such tools like a drill or screwdriver:
  • For work, prepare tin or lead, gas burner., alcohol, sand, metal mug.
  • To prepare the place of drilling, process the glass with alcohol, mark the drilling circuit.
  • Pour into the surface of wet sand in which you need to do a funnel of a certain size.
  • In this form, pour tin or lead should be poured, pre-melting it to a temperature of 250-300 degrees. The sand form must be completely filled.
  • After a couple of minutes, remove the sand.
  • When removing the solder, a piece of glass falls off with a pulling and a through hole is formed.

In addition, if you can modify the drill, it will disappear the need to use lubricating fluids. A diamond roller is used, extracted from stoveturis, which is fixed in a metal straightener, more precisely in the slot in it. And then it remains only to fix the homemade drill in a drill.