How to sharpen a kitchen knife sharply. Sharpening planer and chisel blades. How to maintain the same angle at all times

A bar manually (with a video without SMS and registration) and understand why it should be done at all. Professionals, of course, are aware of this topic, but for them, perhaps, there will be helpful information... Or it will be a reason to update your knowledge in order to "keep in good shape."

If you have to put more and more effort into cutting, then this is a reason to think about sharpening your knife. Because using a blunt weapon is dangerous. It can slip off at any time, and believe that the sharpness of the blade will be enough to inflict a serious wound on you or a person standing next to you.

Preparation for sharpening. What should be done before this?

On closer inspection, the blade of a knife looks like a saw, and the more often the teeth are located in it and the smoother the transition between them, the easier it is to use the tool. A dull knife loses these teeth, they wear out, bend and crumble.
There are many ways to sharpen a knife using mechanical and electrical sharpeners, as well as special machines with sharpening wheels. But sharpeners do not give an ideal result, and easel sharpening requires considerable knowledge and skills. Therefore, we will consider how to properly sharpen knives with a bar, in step by step guide for independent work in at home... This method will give you two main advantages: considerable savings in money and excellent results.

The first thing to do is to determine the degree of damage to the blade. This is very easy to do. Place it at an angle to a beam of bright light. This method instantly identifies all chips and irregularities that you need to eliminate. They will look like dots or lines on the blade. If the boundary between the planes is uniform, sharply defined, without transitions, then the instrument is in excellent condition.
After that, the knife must be washed in water with the addition of soap. This is done to facilitate subsequent work. The knife will become easier to slide over the sharpening bar, and it will be easier for you to maintain the required angle between the planes of the blade and blade.

Choosing the right bar

The main tool in subsequent work will be a whetstone. To obtain perfect result, you will need several stones of different grain sizes. The minimum number is two, but if needed razor sharp blades, perfected, you can use up to five whetstones.

There are two types of bars. The first ones are artificial, used for primary metal processing, made of the following materials.

Synthetic gems (diamond, sapphire, etc.):

  • borazon;
  • silicon carbide;
  • elbor;
  • and others.

The second are natural. They are used for the final sharpening of the knife:

  • diamond;
  • garnet;
  • corundum;
  • japanese water stones.

It is clear that natural donkeys cost decent money, but if you really want to get good result, you have to fork out a little.
An important parameter is the choice of the size suitable for the bar to work. At least it should be the same length as the knife you will have to work with. Ideally, one and a half to two times more. In this case, the width of the stone does not matter and is selected based on personal preferences. Although if you take a wider touchstone, then even an inexperienced beginner will find it easier to work on it.
Before starting, you must soak the bar in water (artificial) or oil (natural). The liquid will nourish, close the pores in it, reduce subsequent pollution and make your work easier.

Correct sharpening angle

How to sharpen correctly kitchen knife bar? Holding it at the right angle. It is this parameter that will subsequently be decisive in terms of the durability of the blade and the frequency of its sharpening. The larger the angle you get, the higher the metal's resistance to external influences, which means that you need to renew its sharpness less often. An acute angle gives ease of cutting, but due to the fineness of the metal obtained in this place, it wears out faster.

The determining factor will be the purpose of the knife:

  • japanese culinary blades sharpened at an angle of 10–20 degrees;
  • fillet knives and professional chefs require an angle of 25 degrees;
  • household knives - 30 degrees;
  • hunting blades are processed at an inclination of 35-40 degrees.

You will need not only to determine the angle of inclination, but also to maintain it throughout the entire work.

Advice! To find and hold the required amount degrees it is good to use a sheet of paper folded several times. It is a fast, cheap and accurate meter.

If, after reading the article, you still have questions about how to sharpen knives with a bar correctly, the video attached to it will fully clarify them. It clearly shows the entire sequence of actions, which means that it will be easier for you to repeat them, gaining your own experience.

The knife is one of oldest instrumentscreated by mankind, irreplaceable in household... Knives come in different types, are designed for different things and are made from different types become. But most products have in common that they need sharpening. If you do not sharpen the blade for a long time, it becomes dull and stops performing its functions well. In order to sharpen the knife in a timely manner and not spoil it in the process, you need to know the rules of how this is done.

Kitchen tools

The most commonly used and irreplaceable look a knife at home is a kitchen knife. At home, various knives are used, depending on the enthusiasm and desires of the owner. Professional kitchen tools are used in the professional kitchens of restaurants and cafes. This is a whole range of blades, different in shape and function. They also differ in the material from which they are made.

The most common materials are:

To correctly sharpen a knife, you need to know what material it is made of. The harder the alloy is, the smaller the sharpening angle. And also the method of sharpening the blade is selected from the hardness of the alloy.

Blade shapes

A knife is always a combination of a blade and a handle. But the blades can vary greatly and have component parts. The part of the blade that needs constant maintenance and regular sharpening consists of the following parts:

  1. Cutting edge, cutting edge height
  2. Butt and its thickness
  3. Rectangular section and its height
  4. Slopes, their height
  5. Cutting edges, their height and thickness

The following blade forms are also found:

  1. Wedge-shaped
  2. Shaving
  3. Chisel, "Japanese"
  4. "Chopping Chinese"
  5. Bullet

Dulling and sharpening the blade

Blade bluntness occurs due to the following factors:

  1. The blade rubs against the product during the cutting process
  2. The blade has rough contact with non-uniform particles in food or when dropped and hit with the surface
  3. Chemical oxidation on contact with acidic foods and herbs
  4. Unsymmetrical side loads

A dull blade is easy to identify, it can be seen even by eye, and it is felt quite easily to the touch.

The task of sharpening is to restore the correct shape of the cutting edges of the blade and grind them to the required smoothness. The main difficulty of sharpening for people inexperienced in this matter is that you need to maintain the desired angle of inclination of the knife all the time during sharpening. To make it easier to cope with this, special mechanisms or devices are often used.

Often, in addition to kitchen utensils, you need to sharpen at home such tools as a straight razor, hairdressing or household scissors, and other tools. If a person shaves at home with a straight razor, or often uses scissors as a household tool, or scissors for metal, they also become dull. Sharpening rules and tools for them are the same as for knives.

Most often, stones are used for sharpening at home. They meet different shapes and stones are made from different materials: mineral natural stones, polymer alloys, abrasive mixtures, ceramics. When sharpening on stones, you can set the required sharpening angle and sharpen the knife correctly, but a special skill is required.

Sharpeners, which are made on the principle of pulling the blade, do not allow setting the sharpening angle, and therefore are suitable only for short-term edits. And in some cases, it is generally undesirable to use them - you can damage the edge of the blade.

Chefs use musat - a handle with a shaft made of longitudinal ribs. But sharpening on musat requires a certain skill and this method may not work the first time.

There are also electric sharpeners, but they are not suitable for sharpening kitchen knives.

How to determine the angle of sharpening of a knife

The size of the sharpening angle depends on the purpose of the blade. There is a table by which it can be determined. It was developed by the world company CATRA, which controls quality and advises on sharpening all types of knives.

On it, depending on the purpose of the blade, the following sharpening angles are recommended:

In the table you can find the angles and the proportion of more rare tools that can be used at home.

Also, do not wash knives, razors, scissors and other metal blades. hot waterput in dishwashers to avoid dulling too quickly.

It should be borne in mind that stones and sharpening stones are also designed for different types blades - these properties are indicated on them, and the stone must be chosen so that it fits the existing blades for sharpening. Often the stone comes with a set of knives and must be suitable for a particular set or blades with a similar characteristic.

Sharpen your knives correctly Is a very valuable ability. Any hostess will confirm that a poorly sharpened knife can significantly complicate any cooking process. In fact, sharpening knives is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right way, with which you can sharpen them. Our article will help you choose this method, and also tell you how to sharpen kitchen, Japanese, ceramic, hunting and any other knives at home.

With a bar or a grindstone

To properly sharpen knives with a bar or a sharpening stone, you need to stock up on two copies at once, one of which should be coarse-grained structure, and second - fine-grained... Immediately before sharpening, the knife blade should be well moistened clean water, tilt it 20 degrees, then fix the coarse-grained bar or whetstone on the table or any other flat surface. A block or a whetstone should also be moistened with water, and only then can you begin to sharpen a knife. This should be done until burrs form on the blade, which can then be easily smoothed out with a fine-grained bar. It is imperative to sharpen knives with a bar or a sharpening stone on both sides, after which they should be washed in clean water.

On the machine

In order to properly sharpen a knife on a special grinding machine or, as it is also called, on an electric grinder, you should have some knowledge and skills. Sharpening knives on an electric grinder is not at all an easy task, because if you do it wrong, then the knife can be completely ruined, after which no sharpening will help. It should also be remembered that when the discs rub against the blade, they tend to heat up. Not every material can withstand high sharpening temperatures.

To sharpen the knife correctly on the machine, you should do it on the side surface of the grinding wheel. The blade of the knife should be rotated 25-30 degrees, and it should be sharpened until a burr appears on the blade. They will need to be carefully removed and the knife blade should be slightly adjusted with a fine-grained whetstone.

Electric knife

The electric knife is the most convenient way properly sharpen the knife at home. Most often, she has two modes: sharpening directly, and also polishing. All you have to do to sharpen a knife is insert it into a special hole and wait a whilewhile the electric knife sharpener does it all for you.


Sharpening knives with musat is quite difficult. More often musat is used to grind a knifesharpened in some other way. To sharpen the knife correctly, you need to choose a ceramic or with the addition of diamond chips. Then you just need to run the blade over the musat several times, having achieved the desired result, and then wash both devices and put them on the table.


To properly sharpen a knife with sandpaper, you must put it on a flat surface, and hold one free hand edge of sandpaper, take the knife in your other hand and start sharpening it with sliding movements. Do not wet the sandpaper or blade with water. But you will need double sided tapeif you want to secure the sandpaper to a flat surface.

How to sharpen different types of knives correctly

    Any sharpening method will work for kitchen knives, provided the knives are not ceramic. The main thing is to sharpen correctly, following all the recommendations from our article.

    Knives ice screw should only be sharpened with a sharpening stone. It can be of any shape, however, it should be understood that its surfaces must necessarily be flat. You need to sharpen ice screw knives as follows: Place the sharpening stone on a level surface so that it does not wobble or slip in different sides... After that, take a drill knife in your hands, attach it to the grindstone and make several circular movements. This will remove the burrs and prepare the knife for sharpening. Next, grab the blunt part of the drill knife and start sharpening it, rotating it in different directions. It is only necessary to sharpen the outer part of the ice screw knife, otherwise there is a possibility to completely spoil the device.

    Knives for meat grinder can be sharpened with a bar. To do this, it must be installed on a flat surface, slightly moistened upper part, then put a knife on it, which should be sharpened. Now begin to gently rotate the grinder knife in different directions, sharpening only the outside of the knife. During sharpening, the bar should be regularly wetted to ensure more efficient sharpening.

    Hunting the knife is usually sharpened by hand using a sharpening stone. In this case, it is advisable to immediately determine the degree of inclination of the blade during sharpening, as this will affect the final result. Optimal slope for sharpening a hunting knife is about 15-20 degrees. In this case, the whetstone must be installed on a flat surface and pre-moistened with any oil. Then you need to take in both hands hunting knife and attach it to the surface of the emery stone, then forcefully hold the blade cross-to-cross. For each side, you need to make about ten movements in order to perfectly sharpen a hunting knife at home.

    Japanese knives are of special quality and durability, therefore they need to be sharpened in a suitable way. In order to sharpen a Japanese knife by hand, a Japanese designed for this business is ideal. water stone... It looks like a whetstone and has a double coloring: on one side, the water stone has white color, and on the other - dark brown or orange. Before sharpening a Japanese knife with water stone, it should be immersed in water for a few minutes. When the stone has no bubbles, you can start sharpening. First, sharpen a Japanese knife on a coarse brown surface, and then polish it with a white one.

    Ceramic knives can only be sharpened with grinding machine, and then under the condition that for it there is diamond nozzle... At the same time, it is desirable to have minimal skills in working with this tool, otherwise there is a possibility of permanently damaging the ceramic knife. To properly sharpen a ceramic knife with a grinder, you need to lean the blade against a diamond abrasive wheel, tilt the blade 25 degrees and turn on the machine. Be careful: the smaller the angle of inclination, the sharper the sharpening will be.

    Inoculating the knife should only be sharpened on one side. This is done as follows: turn the knife so that its blade is directed towards you, then start sharpening the upper section of the knife, gradually going down. Adjust the angle of the blade so that the blade is about most likely at the end. It is necessary to sharpen the grafting knife with a bar and a whetstone, the surface of which should be regularly moistened with water.

    Disk fleshing knives, like hand plane knives, can only be sharpened with a sharpener. It is best to give such knives to professionals who will sharpen circular knives or hand planer knives as needed. It is better not to sharpen such knives on your own, especially if you do not have any skills when working with a grinding machine.

If our advice did not help you sharpen a knife correctly and effectively at home, then we advise you to watch a video tutorial for sharpening knives, as well as read a book or any other educational literature on this topic. Sharpening knives is not easy and requires at least minimal knowledge.

Knives are one of essential elements on the kitchen. It is difficult to imagine the cooking process without them. Many types of knives are sold, differing in shape, purpose and material of manufacture. In this article, we will consider how to properly sharpen knives with a bar at home.

Ceramic knives are some of the best in cutting boneless food. Ceramics are not subject to abrasion, therefore they do not lose their sharpening quality. Metal counterparts need additional sharpening over time. For this, it is better to use abrasive stones. How to choose the right bar for a beginner? How is sharpening done and how to keep the knife sharp as long as possible? Find the answers to these questions in this article.

Safety and Precautions

In order for the sharpening to take place efficiently and safely, it is imperative to observe precautions.

Eye protection. During sharpening, metal friction against stone occurs, which leads to stone chips, when the smallest pieces of a sharpening bar can fly off in different directions, including into the eyes. Construction glasses are used to protect the eyes from sharp debris.

Arms . Sharpening bars small size it is not always convenient to hold in the hand. While moving with a knife, he can slip out and injure his hand. Moreover, during sharpening, metal particles accumulate on the knife blade, which, if they enter the wound, can lead to infection. To avoid such a situation, knives are sharpened with gloves from thick fabric.

During work, use a bedding of plain paper so as not to scatter metal shavings on the floor.

Sharpening step by step plan

First stage. Wet the stone with water to wash away the dust and dirt that was on its surface. To improve the effect, some craftsmen add a drop detergent.

Second phase. Organize workplace... Fit cutting board or table. At this stage, it is important to determine the angle of inclination of the stone in relation to yourself. The optimal position is determined with experience. Then you need to determine the sharpening angle - the larger the angle, the longer the knife is sharp, and the smaller, the sharper.

Stage three. Position the knife correctly in relation to the block. Place the knife at a right angle to the bar, then smoothly and slowly move from the handle to the corner of the blade.

Video instructions

Burrs form on the surface of the blade during sharpening. They are removed with musat. It is a long rod with a characteristic longitudinal groove, which removes burrs.

  • It is recommended to rub the blade before and after each use to maintain sharpness for as long as possible.
  • Thoroughly but gently wipe the knife dry after each wash.

Types of bars

The bars are divided into:

  1. Ceramic.
  2. Diamond.
  3. Japanese water stones.
  4. Natural bars.

For more delicate work, use abrasive paper.

How to choose a bar

For the sharpening process to bring the desired results, it is important to select suitable stone under the knife. The bars are marked with several letters and numbers, which determine the type of stone, manufacturer, grain size.

The grain size determines the amount of metal grinding - with a high grain ratio and a thin blade, the blade is ground more than it is sharpened. There is little benefit from such work.

Pay attention to the color of the bar. Produce whites, darker and gray shades... In the composition of light, there are more natural components that act as an abrasive. More dark color speaks of various impurities that have a not so strong base, therefore, they are quickly erased and crumbled.

Even a beginner will be able to sharpen a kitchen knife at home with high quality, provided that he follows the recommendations. The right block and well-honed movement will help extend the sharpness of the kitchen appliance for a long time.

After a long time in the kitchen, any knife needs to be sharpened. Many, to do this quickly, resort to using a special grinding wheel, which is driven by an electric motor. In his absence, the most desperate try to sharpen knives with a file and even but few know how to sharpen knives with a bar correctly.

This process is simple, but quite painstaking, requires perseverance and a little skill that comes with experience. Before the bar, it is necessary to correctly select the bars. In total, you will need two bars for sharpening: one coarse-grained, and the second fine-grained. During the process, you must constantly keep the knife blade wet. It is best to lubricate it with mineral oil, but if you don't have one at hand, you can also use plain water.

Also, in front of that stone, look for a piece of leather. In this case, you can use the old belt. More precisely, you only need its back, which is not processed and looks like suede.

Sharpening angle selection

Before getting down to business, it is necessary to determine at what angle we will sharpen the knife. The range is quite wide and ranges from 15 to 45 degrees. The choice is made depending on the quality of the steel from which the knife is made, and on the purpose for which it will be used in the future.

It is also necessary to take into account the following feature. The smaller the angle at which you sharpen the knife, the faster it will dull. This can be explained by the fact that the edge sharp knife quickly rounds off, or, even worse, crumbles.

How to maintain the same angle at all times?

Let us now figure out how to sharpen knives with a bar correctly. First, place the block on the table and lock it still. Then position the blade of the knife in relation to the block at the angle you want. Move the blade along the block only in one direction, for example, away from you, trying to maintain a given angle. It can be immediately noted that this is difficult. Therefore, it is better not to rush, but to do everything smoothly.

The inexperienced can be given this advice. Make a blade with an angle corresponding to the required sharpening angle. Put the blade on wooden wedge and move the knife along the bar with it.


First you need to take a coarse grain bar. Moisten it with water or oil before use, as mentioned above. Sharpen the blade until a so-called burr appears along its entire length. In order to determine its presence, simply run your fingernail along the back side, which has not been sharpened, from butt to edge. Also sharpen with back side, after which the burr should bend in the other direction. Repeat the same with a fine-grained bar. This will make the burr slightly smaller.

A third time, repeat the manipulation with the bar, which has a fine grain. This will reduce the burr even further. To get rid of it completely, use the skin on the back.

Thus, after reading this article, you already know how to sharpen knives with a bar correctly. However, there are many more ways to make the knife sharper. It can also be special sharpeners that are sold in any underground passage. But the better to sharpen knives, a person understands only with experience, having tried a whole arsenal of devices.