Mass effect andromeda make an impression check strangers. This quest will become available after the construction of an outpost on Eos

Job type: Tasks in Elea: Eos

Required conditions: outpost on Eos

Starting location: Eos

How to get a: install seismic hammer

Install the first seismic hammer


The level of seismic activity on Eos has increased. By influencing the tremors with a seismic hammer, the water supply to Prodromos could improve. Find the location of the first seismic hammer (1) and activate it. Prepare to be attacked by the Relics.

Install a second seismic hammer

Follow the navigation point (2) to the Relic monoliths, where the second hammer should be placed. As you approach, you meet people.

Check strangers

People from this group call themselves citizens of the sovereign state of Advent. They don't have enough water and would like to make a deal: mining natural gas for Prodromos in exchange for water. You can agree, in which case the group leader will direct you to the next hammer.

After your conversation, two navigation points will appear on the map (3) (4) . Extraction of water at the point (3) , natural gas at point (4) . You cannot use both deposits at once. But no matter what you choose, the result will be the same - an epic battle awaits you.

Install a second hammer to start extracting water or gas

After selecting a drill location, another navigation point appears nearby to place the final seismic hammer (5) .

Install the third seismic hammer

Place the hammer at the last navigation point (5) .

Defeat the Architect of Relics

After placing the third seismic hammer, a giant Relic appears from the ground. This is the "father" of all Relics, called the Architect. On each planet where you establish an outpost, you can meet your Architect. You can find boxes of ammunition and health everywhere on the battlefield. Use them, and take cover often, to defeat the Architect.

There are many endings, each of which depends on what decisions the gamer made during the development of the plot. And there are an incredible number of such solutions. But besides this, there are many other decisions and choices in the game for the development of the plot and the world, which will be reflected and described in one way or another at the end. So, some options greatly influence the ending, for example, who exactly will come to your aid in the finale. There are also options that will affect the development of Mass Effect Andromeda in the future (continuation of the series). There are even moments that have almost no meaning at all.

Below we will look in detail at all the endings and some decisions that exist in the game and what they affect, the consequences of choice

Mass Effect Andromeda All endings and resolutions Part 1

Several hero choices and decisions can be found in the Codex. For example, these are the consequences of completing story missions. Relations with allies and satellites are also reflected in the corresponding category. But, in fact, This game has many endings, because they all depend on what decisions you made. Everything is taken into account: from the plot to an additional task or loyalty mission. Therefore, we will consider variations in decisions and choices.

In this material: Plot, missions influencing the ending and allies.

ME Andromeda Storyline Decisions

Prologue. Has the hero explored Habitat 7 in detail? If so, Alec Ryder will speak highly of the future Trailblazer as being hardworking and moral.

Mission 1. On Eos, at the end you will have a choice of which outpost to build: scientific or military.

  • If you choose scientific, then all subsequent cut scenes and dialogues will refer to that moment. Also, the solution to internal issues of development of this colony will also depend on what you choose. There will be no significant result for the plot.
  • If you select military, then this will be mentioned in the dialogues. But in the future development of the plot, if military support is needed, it will be possible to get it from Prodromos.

Mission 3. While on Voeld (Nol), at the very end of the mission at the base, you will have to fight the Kett Cardinal. After the battle and a short cutscene, a choice will appear: destroy the entire base along with the Cardinal, save the temple as the Cardinal asks, and save the hangars, but take a plot shot at the Cardinal OR save both the object (the temple) and the Cardinal. If you save, save the temple (the Cardinal will give the order to release the prisoners in the hangar), but kill the Cardinal (a QTE activity for him will appear in the lower right corner during the dialogue), then in the last mission on Meridian the hangars will come to your aid. If the facility and hangars are destroyed, then no one will help you in the finale. Thus, first you agree to rescue the prisoners (answer on the left), and then shoot the Cardinal.

Mission 4. Was the deal with Sloane Kelly accepted? Let her kill Verena or not.

  • If you keep him alive, he will then appear in the Angaran resistance.
  • If you agree with her that he should die, you can still talk to him, and then he will be executed. This way, regardless of your choice, you will see him.

Mission 4. Whom Ryder saved at the end of the mission after the boss fight with a modified krogan. Found Kroans or Salarian Pioneer. The choice will affect who joins you in the final mission. The escape phase itself will not undergo any changes. Either a krogan or a salarian will simply join you, but you will still have to shoot back from waves of kett.

If Drac is on your team, then he will definitely speak out about any of your choices.

Mission 6. Point of no return. The fate of Captain Dunn (Captain Hyperion). She may die, or she may survive.

In order for Dunn to survive, you need to before starting this task : Complete Kora's loyalty mission and in the Turian Ark mission, convince Avitus to become a Turian Pathfinder. Thus, in the last mission you should have three Pathfinders: One of two salarians, one turian, and one of two asari variants. As a result, Captain Daa will survive the emergency landing.

If the conditions are not met, she will die after the heroic rescue of the crew.

Epilogue. Who will Ryder make ambassador to the Nexus? Just choose whoever you think is right for you :)

ME Andromeda Solutions to important additional missions

Nexus: The First Killer. This is a long chain of various tasks that will end with a choice: expel Rensus or let him go in peace.

  • If you expel then later you will meet him on Kadara. Chat with him and he will tell you about his fate.
  • If you let me go in peace, then a terrible life and eternal torment, pressure from others awaits him. He will return to cryostasis, but before that you can chat with him in the cryo-compartment.

There are many missions that influence the plot, the ability to establish an outpost on the planet or enlist support for the final battle, therefore

ME Andromeda Ally and Romance Decisions

Who did Ryder build a relationship with? Here, only the chosen one is important, who is mentioned at the end, but it will not actually affect the development of the plot. Therefore, choose exactly the one you like.

Cora's task. What will happen to the asari pioneer.

  • If you keep everything a secret, the asari will appear at the end of the story and provide support to Rider.
  • If you disgrace the asari and appoint another as the pioneer, then Vederia will appear at the end of the game and will also come to the aid of the hero.
  • If you disgrace Sarissa, but allow her to be a pioneer, the dialogue will change slightly, but the asari will help in the end game.

Liam's mission. During the quest to save Veranda and company, at the very end of the task you will have a choice: send everyone home or change the Nexus codes first.

  • If you select sending home, then everything will end well and you will receive Liam’s loyalty and the opportunity to develop the relationship further
  • If you select change codes, then later during the dialogue it will happen discord in relationships (romance). Loyalty will be gained.

Jaal's mission. At the end of the task, you will have to make a choice regarding the life and death of Akksul. During the cutscene to reunite Jal's family, the girl will try to kill him. Look at the lower right corner of the screen and make a choice.

  • If you kill him, Jaal will be upset, but his family will help you in the finale.
  • If you save your life (as Jaal will want), then Jaal will be wounded in the face, but his family will still come to the rescue.

Pibee's mission. The fate of the mysterious device. If Ryder makes the choice (to kill Kalinda or not), then there will be no consequences as such (you will have to come up with excuses for Peebee), but if Peebee herself makes the choice, saving Kalinda and losing the device, then Kalinda will appear in the finale.

Mission Brawl. What will happen to Aaron?

  • If Drac interrogates him and saves his life, then Vorn will appear in the finale.
  • If Drak throws him down, Vorn will still appear in the finale.

Gil's mission. Was Ryder able to cheat him at poker? Regardless of the choice, only the dialogue itself at the end will change. The choice to accept SAM’s help or not will not have any plot influence.

A similar situation will occur in the case of the subsequent choice regarding the child. Only the dialogues will change.

Callo's mission (Tempest pilot). There will be a choice of point of view. Options to support Kallo or Gil will not affect anything. Loyalty will still be there. It won't affect the ending.

There are also choices and decisions in stories, in additional tasks or decisions on planets.

The quest begins after reading the block given on Object 1 or after approaching Object 2.

Stage 1: Inspect Object 2: Fortitude

Elements of the project are scattered (on purpose) at the research station, and the researchers themselves are killed. First you need to go into the main building - from the right side of the complex, with a loader at the entrance. There, SAM will point to a mysteriously locked door. Turn on the power to activate it, and then all the others, thereby releasing the Demon to freedom.

Stage 2: Defeat the kett

If you complete the quest at the beginning of the game, then the first skirmishes can be dangerous, and then there is the Demon in addition. Try to be in cover (it is best to climb onto the roof of the complex). After the battle, you can start searching for elements.

Stage 3: Find secret project details

The initial data will be on the second floor of the building where the Demon was sitting in a cage. They are called Special Project Sigma, but the components are missing.

Stage 4: Find three elements

The first will be in the same complex, but in the building located in the upper right corner of the entrance to the building with the Demon.

The second is on the southern shores of the lake, not far from Object 2.

The third is in the kett research complex where you first met Drak (the hall where the monolith lock is turned off).

Stage 5: Scan project

Return to the building where you found the diagrams and scan the project with all the necessary elements on hand.

The quest is over.

Defeating the kett

To the west, beyond the mountains, lies a mysterious kett facility surrounded by a protective barrier.

Stage 1: Deactivate protective barrier

There is only one entrance to the base, and it is infested with kett. The passage is guarded by a small squad and turrets; it is worth using cover. After the fight, go to the console by the door and hack it. An area is created around the console that cannot be left until the hack is completed. At the same time, a new squad of kett will attack you. After the fight and unlocking, go inside.

Optional: Gain access to kett defense systems

To prevent new kett troops from interfering, you need to activate the code on the console, not far from the entrance. Clear the nearby area and interact with the console to turn off the warning signal. If you do, kett who are not currently at the base will not come to the aid of their relatives.

Optional: Overload shield generators

The road ahead from the consoles will split into two, and on both sides you need to disarm the shield generators. Once done on each side, return to the console protective systems, go up to the second level and deactivate the shields.

Stage 2: Gain access to the fortress reactor

Go forward, go down to the lower level and enter the main building. There, go up to the top floor, turn off the console next to the window. This is the first of three security terminals that must be deactivated in order to proceed. The second one is not far, go to the left side of the building on the same floor. Jump down and follow the corridor to the third console. Go to the main hall and there, after clearing, open the hole in the floor with the console, and this way you will find yourself in the main headquarters.

Stage 3: Get to the control center

This level has the most enemies. Follow the marker, trying to stay in cover and not let the shields go out. The kett commander, the Inquistor, is waiting for you in the control center. If you complete the task at the beginning of the game, then this is the first serious boss you will face. First, eliminate the sphere that hovers around it, and then the carrier itself. Beware of boss attacks. Then eliminate the kett ranks, if there are any left.

Stage 4: Get into the observation compartment "Zenith"

Use the console in the center of the lower floor to open the door forward. There, through the corridor, go to the elevator, which will take you to Zenit. Use the console in the center of the room to disable the station.

The quest is completed.

Make an impression

This quest will become available after constructing an outpost on Eos.

You need to find and activate three hammers that will help improve water production on the planet.

First is located north of the lake located in the center of the map.

Second located near the molonite relics, west of the lake. A representative will come to talk to you sovereign state of Advent, and will ask for a deal: the birthplace of natural gas Prodromos in exchange for water for Advent. You can only choose one hammer.

After activation third hammer, which east of the second, the Architect, the eldest of the relics on earth, will immediately emerge from the ground. To defeat him you need to hit his “head”, but to do this you need to immobilize him - hit his limbs. The Architect is fast and constantly attacks, so defeating him from one position is a difficult task. He is also capable of summoning smaller relics.

After defeating the Architect, his shell will fly into orbit, and the remains can be scanned from the Storm.

The quest is completed.

Curse of the Kett

While traveling through western Eos, you will be contacted by a man named Bane. He will give a tip to the main structures of the kett, the destruction of which will help weaken the alien defenses on the planet. But first you need to find him himself.

He will be in the kett camp, where a broken shuttle is smoking. This very black smoke will be the navigator. Talk to him and get two objectives.

Destroy the generator

Approach the console and begin deactivating the generators. This will take some time, so make sure you don't get shot at.

Destroy the barracks

We share our impressions of the first hours in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Gambling addiction

Direct text

TO Mass Effect: Andromeda Many fans of the series were skeptical from the very beginning. People expressed dissatisfaction with the facial animation shown in the videos, the absence of Casey Hudson and Drew Karpyshyn on the list of developers, and these doubts were only reinforced by a sometimes dubious PR campaign. Instead of showing the main thing - characters, quests and dialogues - we were told in vivid colors about how great it is to travel through the deserts on a new all-terrain vehicle and how fun it is to develop the space station.

Were the fears confirmed? We cannot answer yet. But we’ve already played for several hours and now we’ll tell you about our impressions of the introduction.

Three hours - normal flight

The main thought that comes to mind after an hour of playing: this is exactly the one Mass Effect that we fell in love with ten years ago. Pleasant “cosmic” music in the main menu, an atmosphere of something majestic, a recognizable style - familiar feelings arise from the first minutes. But it is important that, instead of exploring flora and fauna, collecting resources and fussing with construction, the game focuses on history.

Andromeda takes place in a new galaxy, six hundred years after the events of the trilogy. All this even causes a certain sadness - one wonders how the stories of the beloved characters ended!

Yes, judging by what we managed to see, the previously boring things are here: gathering, building outposts, and exploring similar spaces. But it doesn't seem like the game is abusing this yet. But we met a lot of interesting characters, took on a murder investigation quest (which reminded us of one great task from Knights of the Old Republic), and spent most of the time in dialogues with the characters.

Contrary to all fears, there are a lot of interesting conversations: from almost every more or less significant character you can find out everything, from the situation at the station to his biography. At the same time, the story is presented not only through dialogues - as in previous parts, NPCs around are constantly communicating, revealing details of the world, and party members generally do not shut up and comment on almost everything.

As in the first part, the battles are not yet inspiring. But I want to believe that the situation will improve over time.

I'm glad that the atmosphere of the original has been preserved. The local space station, “Nexus,” resembles the “Citadel” both in appearance and in content - all these turians, asari, krogans, salarians look and speak the same, and their interracial problems did not disappear even after the change of galaxy. Even the weapons in the local store remain the same: M-8 “Avenger”, “Viper” sniper rifle, and so on. It was as if there had never been a break of six (and for some, six hundred!) years.

We enjoyed exploring the new ship, the Tempest. It has many rooms and characters for conversations, and also a pleasant atmosphere home comfort. At such moments, you remember your first visits to Normandy, which after three games became almost a sacred place for many players. I would like to believe that the same fate awaits “Storm”.

There are references to old characters and events here; we already counted several at the very beginning.

In general, Andromeda feels most reminiscent of the first part of the series. And it’s not just that we again have to drive an all-terrain vehicle around unexplored planets and collect objects that can be processed into gel. Just a new game, seems to once again give Mass Effect fans the opportunity to be a pioneer.

Yes, the setting is familiar, but, as in the original, players find themselves in a completely new place, meet new characters, and the galaxy this time is completely different and hides many secrets. You can also draw parallels between Shepard's (or Ms. Shepard's) lines and the Riders. If the commander took on the burden of becoming the first human "specter", then main character or the heroine of Andromeda - “pioneers”. Explorers must explore a new galaxy and find a place to call a new home. And here, too, you feel on the threshold of something majestic, with many discoveries and accomplishments ahead.

I want to believe that this feeling will not disappear. At least so far Andromeda hasn't disappointed.

First problems

True, this does not mean that we did not find any shortcomings. Of all that I managed to watch, I still didn’t like two things - the action and the technical implementation. Local combat system It seems a little chaotic, but I haven’t been able to really “feel” it yet. The weapon in your hands is almost not felt, hits on enemies, be it bullets or hand-to-hand blows, are also not felt. The cover system is now automatic: the hero himself attaches himself to certain places. But it works strangely: often it’s simply impossible to understand whether you’ve taken cover or not, and it’s not always possible to force the character to take the desired position.

After their arrival, the would-be colonizers faced a huge number of problems.

Those who will certainly not be bothered by all this are biotics lovers. Dashes at great speed into a crowd of enemies, the ability to grab and throw an enemy - all this feels and looks even better than before. Once more skills like this are unlocked, this style will likely be a lot of fun to play.

In terms of technical implementation, everything is predictable: problems were already visible in the game demos. The most frustrating thing is the facial animation: the characters’ eyes are completely lifeless, as if they were hollowed out of stone and painted with gouache, eyelashes are almost invisible, the skin color of some of the comrades is unnatural, and their facial expressions are wooden.

At the same time, what’s funny is that during the gameplay the game looks very good, but in the videos all these scary faces, as well as cloudy textures and not very good shadows catch the eye. Although we played on Xbox One (by the way, the frame rate sometimes lags there), so this may be a feature of the version, and the first day patch will probably fix something.

Kadara: Murder at the Port

Reyes Vidal will entrust Ryder with helping him solve a bunch of murders that were committed in the Kadar port. His suspicions fall on the Roekaars, and accordingly, Ryder has to confirm his suspicions.

  • If Ryder completes the quest and punishes all those responsible, the killings will stop.
  • If Rider ignores the task, the killings will continue, and as soon as he visits Kadaru, everyone will gossip and talk about them.

Kadara: Reyes vs. Sloane

During one of additional tasks you'll see Reyes and Sloan lock horns. You will be asked to choose a side and support someone.

  • If you support Kelly, then the Les Miserables will continue to control Kadaru, and the girl herself will come to the rescue in subsequent tasks.
  • If you side with Vidal, then his faction, the Collective, will rule the planet and he will come to the rescue.
  • If you don't participate at all, then the leadership of the planet will remain with Sloan, and the factions will continue to conflict.

Voeld: Brother's Fate

Angara Maarel will want to know about the fate of her brother. Ryder will be able to shed some light on this.

  • If tell the truth, then Maarel will go to Havarl to mourn.
  • If you'll lie, then Maarel will return home.

During the mission "Search for the Past", Ryder will have to decide the fate of the Angaran Ancient AI at the end.

  • You can kill him, but it won't lead to anything important or significant.
  • If you leave it “live”, the AI ​​will kill the Hostage, and Ryder will be able to use it for good.

Then you have to choose how to use Ancient AI

  • If allow me to work with SAM, then there will be no effect on the apparent importance.
  • If, against the wishes of the AI, transfer it to the hangar, That angarans will help you in the final battle, using the data that the AI ​​will present to them.

Elaaden: secret water source (reservoir)

The objective of one of the side quests on Elaaden is to find a secret water tank that has been captured by one of the factions. When you find it, you will find yourself in the midst of a confrontation and will have to make a choice who to support.

  • If you let me control the water Annie, she will also give you a bribe and provide support in subsequent missions.
  • If you decide to assign the source to yourself, then you will have to fight the girl. Annea will run away and disappear (maybe she will return in DLC or another game). She will be replaced by Raya, a representative of the people from the Nexus.

Elaaden: Remnant Engine Core

At the end of the story on the planet, when the opportunity to decide the fate of Elaaden is almost open, you can find the core of the Relic engine, which is a powerful source of energy. The krogan will want to own it.

  • If you give it away, then the krogans will allow you to improve and populate the planet, but there may be consequences in the future.
  • If you don't trust the krogan, then keep the core for yourself, get 2000 credits and 1000 Relic research points, BUT, you will not be able to establish an outpost on the planet Elaaden and complete the quests.

Turian Ark: The Fate of Avitus