How to Get Rid of Mold: The Ultimate Guide. Garlic penicillosis (blue-green onion mold)

Surely, each of us has seen what mold looks like. it green spot may appear on stale bread or other products. Mold accompanies us throughout the entire period of evolution. She survives very well different conditions environments and adapts well to them. From the mold a man gets known by all medicine- penicillin. Also, do not forget that mold can cause fatal diseases. In everyday life, we often meet with green and black mold. Let's look at what black and green mold is, how to deal with it.

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Photo gallery: Mold black, green: how to deal with it?

Mold is present almost anywhere. We do not even notice how we inhale its spores along with the air. Mold gets on food and begins to grow when conditions are favorable for it.

There are many types of mold and each type has a different structure. But any mold has two threads, one of which stretches upward, and the other penetrates inside. Mold threads can stretch over the entire area of ​​the product. Therefore, even cutting off the part of the product where the mold was located, you should not eat it.

Green and black molds are named for the coloring of their threads.

Mold green.

Green mold, also known as trichoderma, is most often found on food. It is similar to that green mold that lives in the earth and from which the medicine penicillin is made.

Green mold grows very quickly both on the surface and inside the product. The most optimal conditions for the existence of this type of mold are high humidity and heat.

Products on which you even noticed small plot mold, must be thrown away immediately, because the threads themselves, which formed the mold, can be toxic and cause poisoning. By removing the green film from the jam, you will not secure this product. Toxins will already be contained in all the jam. By eating such a product, you doom yourself to poisoning.

Mold is black.

We can find this type of mold on the walls in damp entrances, in the bathroom between tiles and in its joints, in basements where pickles and vegetables are stored. If the mold is disturbed a little, then it is in large quantities will send its disputes through the air. These spores are highly toxic. Inhaling this mold, you can feel suffocation, nasal congestion, tearing. Constant intoxication with spores of this type of mold can lead to serious diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, allergies, and cancer.

Green and black mold: how to fight?

Mold is very difficult to deal with. Even if you make very expensive repairs, mold can reappear. All this is due to the fact that mold suits the humidity and temperature in your home. If a mold spore gets on wet surface, it will immediately begin to grow.

The optimum temperature for mold to exist is 20 degrees and 95% humidity. Mold is very afraid of drafts and ventilation. The first and most important thing to start fighting this scourge is to ensure good ventilation and make sure that the humidity of the room is not too high.

Significantly increases the likelihood of mold in the house dirt. A very large number of mold spores are found in ordinary house dust - they can begin to germinate at any time.

Books should not be kept in damp rooms. wooden crafts, natural fabrics. To prevent mold from appearing on these products, it is important to constantly ventilate the room and equip it with good ventilation.

Remarkable conditions for mold to settle in your home are constantly dripping tap water, condensation, wet walls in the bathroom.

Mold is afraid of high temperatures - at low temperatures it does not die. To get rid of spores, you need to boil the thing for 2 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees.

A wonderful remedy for mold is drying things and the sun's rays.

To protect your home from mold, preventive measures must be followed during construction. Usually they consist in processing the material with anti-mold compounds. If this is not done, then almost any material (wood, carpet, laminate, concrete, brick) will be quickly damaged.

Basement walls from mold are best treated with a solution of clerical glue or blue vitriol. The walls of damp rooms can be treated with lime. To fight the already existing mold in the basement, it is necessary to burn sulfur in it at the rate of 200 grams of sulfur per 100 square meters. m. premises.

The walls of the bathroom, basement, furniture, floors in which mold has settled must be treated with the following composition: 44 grams of potassium aluminum quartz, 18 grams of table salt, 22 grams blue vitriol dissolve in 1 liter of water.

Books in which mold has also appeared are best treated with formalin diluted in water. This is done as follows: a cotton swab must be moistened in a solution and the infected sheets should be wetted with it.

The following wonderful recipe will help you keep your bread mold-free for as long as possible, which is especially true on a long trip. A small cotton ball should be placed in a small vial, soaked with iodine (5-10 drops). Close the neck of the vial with another loose cotton ball and put in a bag of bread and tie. This will not spoil the taste of bread at all, and it will be stored for a long time. The same vial can be stored in the refrigerator. Vapors of iodine will not allow mold spores to germinate.

If black spots appear on the walls of the refrigerator or bread box, it is recommended to treat the “infected” surface with baking soda. After this treatment, it is advisable to hold the bread box in the sun, and wipe the refrigerator additionally and leave to dry, while not closing the door.

Bischofite salt is well suited for treating wooden surfaces from mold. The tree, in order to avoid mold, is impregnated with natural drying oil.

In rooms with high humidity, do not place furniture close to the wall.

In winter, the house should have good air circulation. It is necessary to immediately wipe the condensate when the windows are fogged up, wipe dry the floor and walls in the bathroom.

Now you know what mold is and how you can fight it. The knowledge gained will help you protect your home, as well as your health from this scourge.

Mold is a visible coating that is formed by microscopic mold fungi. They are ubiquitous: they can grow on any materials and in any conditions. appears not only on the surface of objects, but also penetrates the threads of the mycelium inside them, so it will not always be easy to get rid of it.

What is she like?

Most often, mold in the apartment is of the following types:
  • White mold. Likes flower pots, wood, bread and certain foods.
  • Green mold. Prefers food.
  • Blue. Appears on wooden surfaces giving them a blue tint. May affect furniture, parquet or window frames.
  • Black mold. The most malicious type of fungus that thrives everywhere: from paper wallpaper in the bedroom before tiles in the bathroom.

Why does mold appear?

Mold begins to multiply when it enters the right environment.

  • Humidity. The ideal level is 60–80%. In a house, there can be so much moisture in the bathroom or shower rooms if you have recently been flooded by neighbors or if condensation has appeared on the windows after a change in weather.
  • Temperature. Mold survives in both very low and high temperatures. The most favorable range is from 4 to 20 °C.
  • Ventilation. closed windows, a pile of furniture, heaps of scattered things - and now it’s difficult for the air to circulate around the room, it is becoming more and more saturated with mold spores, and it becomes easier for the fungus to multiply.

How to understand that mold has already appeared?

At first, mold can be detected by smell - sharp, damp and specific. In the future, the fungus gives itself out with the corresponding plaque spots.

What do you need to fight mold?

  • For personal protection: goggles, gloves, respirator.
  • To remove plaque: brush / sponge / scraper / rag / sandpaper, water container, any detergent, garbage bag
  • For final processing: fungus-destroying agent, wood varnish.

Before starting the treatment of the premises, put on goggles, gloves, a respirator, a protective suit will not interfere. When handling affected items, be careful not to spread mold spores around the house.

Inhalation of spores can be hazardous to health. Be sure to use personal protective equipment.

The algorithm is extremely simple:

  1. Mechanically clean the affected surface from plaque.
  2. Treat with any anti-mold agent.
  3. Dry the surface and ventilate the room.
  4. Prevent mold recurrence.

The most important thing is to carefully remove visible plaque. If the mold layer is recent, it can be easily removed with a sponge, brush and warm soapy water.

Mold on wallpaper can only be successfully removed in its early stages. Later, it is desirable to clean part of the wall to the plaster. Don't delay! Literally in a year, the fungus is able to hit concrete and brick, passing through the plaster. Use sandpaper to be sure and don't forget to dampen the walls to prevent the spores from spreading through the air.

If mold has appeared on the ceiling and hit the whitewash, clean it off with a scraper or sandpaper. Just wet the surface first.

Mold in the bathroom loves the seams between the tiles and the joints. Scrape off the affected sealant, clean the seams. After drying, treat with a disinfectant, seal the seams and joints with new sealant and grout.

The waste remaining after processing, immediately throw it into an airtight bag. This will prevent mold from spreading.

Which mold repellent should I choose?

The main question is: how exactly to treat the surface so that the mold does not reappear? We have compiled a list of the most effective means, each of which acts on all types of fungus. Choose the most suitable one for you.


Suitable for tiles, glass, but not for porous materials. Toxic, use with caution. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 10. It is applied with a brush or with a spray gun.

table vinegar

Suitable for all surfaces and materials. Has an odor. Can discolor wallpaper or furniture. Apply with a sprayer or cloth. For prevention, the procedure is repeated after a week.

Citric acid or juice

It has the same properties as vinegar, has a pleasant smell. You can process any materials, best suited for tiles. One tablespoon of citric acid is diluted in a glass of water. The solution is applied to the surface with a sprayer or cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Safe and comfortable to work. It can be used on any surface, with caution - on dyed and fabrics, so as not to discolor. Apply with a sprayer or cloth. For prevention, the procedure is repeated after a week.

Baking soda

Safe, no strong odor. Can be applied on any surface. A tablespoon of soda is diluted in a glass of water. The surface is treated with a sprayer or a rag. After an hour, everything is wiped with water to avoid streaks.

Essential oils

Tea tree, lavender and rosemary oils have antibacterial properties and a pleasant smell, they are safe. Any surface can be processed. It is enough to add 10-20 drops of oil to a glass of water and apply the solution with a spray bottle. Repeat procedure better times a couple of days for prevention.

How to remove the smell of mold?

If the mold is gone, but you can still feel it, use:
  • Food soda. Spread a thin layer on the place where the mold has grown, leave for several hours, and then remove with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Charcoal. Arrange several containers with coal around the perimeter of the room - in a day or two the smell will disappear.
  • Good ventilation and any aroma candles, aerosols or incense. This will help to finally ennoble the air in the house.

How to make sure that the mold does not appear again?

  • Control room humidity. Insulate walls and take care of waterproofing. Install an air conditioner to dehumidify the air. When cooking, turn on the hood, ventilate the apartment more often, especially if you dry clothes in the bathroom.
  • Maintain a stable temperature. Insulated windows and working heating will not allow condensation to form, which the fungus loves so much.
  • Make a rearrangement, disassemble the mezzanine. Freely circulating air will prevent mold from growing.
  • Be more careful with flowers in pots, especially geraniums and violets. Do not overfill them or use untested fertilizers.

The best assistant in detecting and preventing mold in the apartment will be light regular cleaning.

Unfortunately, many managed to get acquainted with mold. But not everyone knows that it is different. Not only colors differ, but also the structure, as well as the effect on the human body. What types of mold exist?

Mold: what is it, why does it appear?

Mold is fungus. The spores of these microorganisms are almost everywhere: they hover in the air, settle on clothes, any surfaces, as well as food. And if such disputes got into favorable conditions, then they will begin to multiply and develop new territories. Mold can settle on almost any surface, including wood, concrete, brick and other building and finishing materials. Often, fungi get into food and multiply there. The mold has two threads. One of them penetrates into the substance and begins to form a mycelium (vegetative body), the other goes up and contains the resulting spores.

The types of mold are quite numerous, but the causes of the appearance of fungi are the same:

  • Lack of ventilation. If there is a deficiency fresh air, then the fungi will quickly take root and begin to multiply. That is why they most often live in poorly ventilated areas, such as bathrooms or cellars.
  • Increased humidity. This condition for the reproduction of fungi is ideal. And if the humidity rises to 90-95%, then mold immediately begins to develop. In a humid room, condensation forms on the surfaces, which provokes the formation of mold.
  • Temperature fluctuations. They lead to condensation.
  • Bad sealing. In this case, moisture penetrates into the room (or into the food packaging, for example).

What is mold?

There are different types of mold. It may vary in color and structure. If you look at the pictures, you can see the most unusual images. And when viewed under a microscope, you can see the interweaving of threads and spores. In the photo, the fungi look like small specks or rather large clusters with a fluffy surface. Each type of fungus is amazing.

black mold

Black mold is often what scares people the most, as it is more visible on many surfaces. In the photo it looks like black spots small sizes. Black mold is not one specific species, but a whole group, since various strains at different stages of development can acquire this color. Also, the shade may depend on the surface on which the fungus has settled.

So, black mold includes the following strains:

Thus, black mold can indeed be considered the most common and one of the most dangerous.

green mold

Green mold is a genus of fungi from the Ascomycetes group. It can also be considered very common. Its spores are most often found in the soil or in a variety of organic materials e.g. in compost. In the photo, the fungi look like a light green coating with an uneven surface. Often, green mold affects vegetables and fruits, as well as other products (especially sour-milk). It develops quite quickly and almost immediately penetrates deep into the tissues, thereby infecting them completely. That is why eating spoiled fruits can lead to serious poisoning. Often, green mold settles on building materials (especially on wood) and begins to gradually destroy them.

Green mold is quite whimsical, as it loves high humidity, as well as relative heat. The optimum temperature for reproduction is 20-25 degrees.

Pink mold is represented by the trichocetium genus, which includes about 70 various kinds fungi. In the photo, it looks like a light pink matte or slightly fluffy coating. Most often, such fungi are harmless and safe for humans, but still you should not eat them. This type in most cases, it affects plant residues, as well as decomposition or decay products, for example, rotting plants, spoiled vegetables or fruits, improperly stored cereals and grains.

White mold is also common, but generally less of a concern. Indeed, it is less dangerous. Most often, white mold affects the soil (including the one in which houseplants live), trees, various plants, as well as cheese and bread. Some species are used to make noble cheeses. In the photo, the mushrooms look like white coating with many weaves of the finest threads.

White mold is represented by the following strains:

Blue mold is a blue fungus that most often infects wood. Some species are used to make cheese. In the photo, such fungi look like a blue coating. Blue mold is not dangerous to humans.

gray mold

Gray mold belongs to saprophytic microfungi and is very dangerous for humans. She looks like gray coating. It is worth noting that gray mold can affect any surface and materials, as well as food.

How to fight?

To get rid of mold, you need to eliminate the causes of its occurrence, that is, reduce humidity and ensure normal air circulation in the room. To remove plaque, use special means- antiseptics. It is important to remove the entire mold, probably with part of the finishing or building materials. Spoiled food is best thrown away.

Now you are familiar with all types of mold.

From this article you will learn:

Mold is a whole colony of a single-celled fungus. It develops from spores, constantly hovering in huge quantities in a "canned" state in the air. But as soon as favorable conditions are created (humidity and heat), they “wake up” and begin to multiply intensively. Mold fungi develop on the surface of building and finishing materials, destroying them. Wood is especially affected. They can grow anywhere - on concrete, paint, stone. They look like spots or dots of black, brown, green, blue flowers. You need to know, and not wait until it destroys everything and contributes to development various diseases and decreased immunity. But first, determine the reasons for its appearance. Eliminate these factors - and never again in the future will face this problem.

Causes of mold

Most often, mold appears in the bathroom, since there is the most high humidity.

To get rid of house mold, to begin with, it will be necessary to eliminate the conditions favorable for her life. Without this, the fungus will again and again appear on the seams between the tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen, on the pipes, in the closet, on the walls and even on clothes. It needs three factors to grow:

  1. The presence of spores in the air that enter the apartment from the street. We cannot influence this, since we are not able to clog ourselves in our home and not go out anywhere.
  2. Organic growth medium: paper, concrete, wood, stone, dirt, flowers, soil indoor plants. We cannot get rid of all this either.
  3. Favorable climate: high humidity (already 70% is enough) and temperature around +20°C.

Even if the first two conditions are met, which we cannot influence, but the humidity in the apartment is low, the mold will peacefully live in its infancy on our walls and in cabinets, without being activated and without causing harm. This means that the main task is to make sure that the humidity level in the apartment does not rise above 70% (the norm is 45-60%). How to fix it to get rid of house mold? Main reasons high humidity, and therefore - and the activation of the fungus - most often the following circumstances are:

  • poor ventilation system;
  • condition of water supply and sewerage;
  • lack of waterproofing in old buildings;
  • increased thermal conductivity of corners and heat loss in end rooms due to the increased area of ​​the outer walls facing the street;
  • cold outer walls;
  • leaking gutters and drains;
  • moisture from the soil.

If the building of the house is old, has not been repaired for a long time, or the rules were violated during the construction of the foundation, walls, installation of water supply and sewerage, mold is nowhere to be found. Yes, it can be taken out various means, which we will write about below, but if the reasons for its appearance are not eliminated, it will again and again attack the walls, bathroom, tiles, cabinets in the apartment ... Moreover, much will depend on what kind of fungus you caught: you can get rid of some for 2 minutes, others will take much longer.

The origin of the concept.

The word "mold" is Proto-Slavic. It is akin to such concepts as pale, light and decay.

Types of mold in the apartment

Mold can be different: black, white, blue ...

Do not know, how to get rid of mold at home quickly and most simple ways? First, take a look at the fungus that attacked your apartment. Different species are destroyed in different ways.

black mold

It's black mold

This color of the mold depends on its type, stage of development and the material on which it grows. Varieties of black fungus:

  • Ulocladium affects materials and products.
  • Cladosporium is colorless at first, then gradually turns black, but can also shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Attacks plants. It is activated mainly in summer. It is called in the common people a kerosene mushroom, as it loves combustible materials.
  • Penicillium - famous in medicine, penicillin can grow on the walls of your cozy apartment.
  • Alternaria infects fruits and vegetables, skin and respiratory tract. It can be not only black, but also gray.
  • Aspergillus is very often activated in apartments. The mycelium itself is white, but the spores are black. This mold is one of the most dangerous for human health.
  • Chaetomium is a very black mold in direct and figuratively. If you do not get rid of it, it can cause a severe attack of allergies. Fatal cases have been reported.
  • Phoma - black mycelium with colorless pores.
  • Wallemia, despite being practically harmless, can infect large areas.

Take a closer look at those fungi that grow on your wall, and look for methods how to get rid of black mold, because other colors and shades are displayed much easier.

white mold

white mold

White mold in the apartment is not so dangerous and does not occupy such vast areas. Most often it appears on the ground, plants, wood, bread, cheese, in flower pots. On the walls - very rarely. Need to distinguish white mold from efflorescence. The latter has a crystalline structure, noticeable naked eye, crumbles in the hands, while the fungus crumples. Do not know, how to get rid of white mold in flower pots? Just water it diluted in water citric acid. But be careful not to harm your indoor plants.

blue mold

blue mold

Blue mold affects mainly wooden houses. It easily penetrates the paint film and creates a kind of lines of "water pipes". It helps to increase the moisture content of the wood. Pine is particularly susceptible to blue mold.

There are also actinomycetes (a cross between fungi and algae) that infect wooden houses, and efflorescence - alkaline deposits, but they should not be confused with mold, and they rarely appear in apartments. Before considering the methods of getting rid of this scourge, let's make sure that it is necessary. After all, there are such skeptics (or just lazy people) who do not consider it necessary to destroy mold islands on the walls of the apartment, arguing that there is nothing dangerous in this. There is - and how much more!

The expression is very suitable for mold: "When we are together, we are strong." Tiny fungi living in huge colonies represent a very powerful force. They are able to capture large areas, destroy plaster, brick and more durable materials.

Why do you need to get rid of mold?

Mold in the apartment - very dangerous for health

Let's not waste time on the fact that a fungus on the wall of an apartment or bath is a very unaesthetic sight. First of all, it is very unhealthy. Everyone should know, getting on the skin (through direct contact), into the lungs (by inhalation of spores), blood (through cuts and scratches), stomach (when using products on which spores have settled):

  • allergy;
  • skin diseases: dermatoses, mycoses;
  • respiratory diseases: runny nose, cough, asthma, sinusitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, nosebleeds;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • articular and rheumatic diseases;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • decreased immunity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • general depletion of the body;
  • nausea, indigestion;
  • internal bleeding;
  • damage to the kidneys and liver;
  • emphysema.

Particularly susceptible to harmful effects mold the elderly and children with a weakened immune system. You don't have to put your loved ones in danger. We noticed mold in the apartment - immediately destroy it with all methods familiar to you. There are store-bought drugs and folk remedies. You choose what you will use in the fight against the fungus.

Like this!

According to research, mold is the oldest inhabitant of our planet. It is 200 million years older than humans.

A hygrometer allows you to always be aware of the humidity in your apartment.

To get rid of mold in the apartment, to begin with, accept quick guide to action. It will help speed up the fight against the fungus without harm to the health of all your household members and with minimal losses to the interior.

  1. Get a hygrometer that will show the humidity level in the room.
  2. Buy an air conditioner or at least ventilate the room more often to debug the ventilation system.
  3. Repair plumbing and sewerage. Replace old metal pipes on plastic.
  4. Insulate exterior walls and corners.
  5. Make floor repairs.
  6. Never touch mold with bare hands. Get rid of it only with gloves, because it is not known which strain you are dealing with and how dangerous it is to your health.
  7. If you find mold, moisten it with plenty of water: it will not allow harmful spores to rise into the air.
  8. Those means that you will use in the fight against the fungus, apply abundantly not only on the stain itself, but also grab 1 m from its edge, where spores may also be.
  9. An ordinary sponge for washing dishes and rags will not be useful here. The fungus eats very deeply into the material, and therefore it will have to be removed from there with a metal brush.
  10. If possible, remove a piece of material on which mold has appeared (a separate tile, a shelf in a closet, a sheet of wallpaper, etc.) and burn it.

Be sure to follow these guidelines if mold in your apartment. This simple but effective instruction allows you to quickly get rid of it. Now let's look at store-bought products that promise to save tiles, wallpaper, cabinets, and most importantly, health while destroying a harmful fungus.

Curious fact.

In ancient times, it was believed that to combat harmful mold, you need to beat the bells. Their sound was thought to inhibit the growth of mold cells. Although this issue remains controversial.

Store-bought mold removers

In the store you can buy a variety of anti-mold products

Let's see, is it possible to get rid of mold permanently with the help of the means that the modern chemical industry offers us. By the best means to eliminate the fungus are fungicides, which contain boron compounds. You can buy universal products for removing any type of mold, but there are also those that are designed only for a certain type.

  1. Atlas Mykos. Concentrate. Diluted with water 1:2.
  2. Teflex Antimold Express. Removes mold from wood, brick, concrete, plastic and other materials.
  3. Izohan Grzybostop. For processing building materials, concrete and mortars.
  4. SZAVO. A very popular product for removing mold from bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, showers, swimming pools, baths, saunas, basements, food warehouses. Leaves no traces behind.
  5. Belinka. Simple and safe to use, the drug is fast acting and highly effective.
  6. Spectrum Fungicide. Fights fungus on walls, wood, plaster, paintwork.
  7. Antialga B25. Low toxicity and odorless.
  8. PS 50. Removes mold from drywall, wood, plaster.
  9. well done. An ultra-modern antibacterial drug acts simply, effectively and with instant results.
  10. Snowball Impregnation. Antifungal agent.
  11. Boramon C30. Antiseptic drug. Especially good for removing fungus from wood.
  12. Titan Fungicide. Allows you to remove mold from walls painted with paints without the need to remove the layer.
  13. Mellerud. Destroys any kind of mold in the apartment, swimming pool. Works instantly. Disinfects. Ideal for wallpaper and painted walls.
  14. Boramon. Suitable for plaster brickwork, tree.
  15. Schimmelentferner Dufa. Water spray with chlorine. Disinfects.
  16. Astonish. Fights great black mold. Ideal for window frames, tiles, plastic shower curtains, concrete.

Before purchasing any shop drug against mold, read reviews about them to know the positive and negative sides each of them. During surface treatment, it is advisable to wear a respirator and make sure that no one is in the apartment for 2-3 days. After removing the fungus, it is necessary to properly ventilate all rooms. If you do not want to spend finances or you are just an opponent of the chemical industry, you can try remove mold from house folk remedies .

Did you know that...

… about mold even in the Bible? Surprisingly useful and true advice is given there on how to get rid of it: “if the mold hit the wall, then you need to destroy the affected area, bring in all the affected items from the house.”

How to get rid of mold folk remedies

Folk remedies to eliminate mold

Before you know how to get rid of mold home remedies, you should keep in mind that all of them, despite their maximum safety for human health, do not differ high quality and instant action. You may have to fight the hated fungus for a long time with these recipes. Be prepared for this.

  1. Bleach. Pros: eliminates all types of mold in the apartment, kills spores too, perfectly cleans tiles in the bathroom, glass, floor. Cons: under the action of bleach, things discolor and deteriorate, it emits toxic fumes, corrodes the skin of the hands. Recipe: 1 part bleach to 10 parts water.
  2. Tea tree oil. Recipe: mix 10 ml of tea tree oil with 2 cups of water, shake, apply and do not rinse. Cons: Tea tree oil is expensive, leaves a smell behind.
  3. Baking soda. Plus: absolutely harmless. Recipe: Dissolve 10 g of soda in a glass of water, spray the surface affected by mold.
  4. grapefruit seed extract. Recipe: Mix 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract with 2 cups of water. Shake, apply, do not rinse.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. Minus: has a whitening effect, which will adversely affect fabrics and painted surfaces.
  6. Vinegar. Apply to mold for an hour and rinse with water.
  7. Ammonia. Recipe: mix half and half with water and spray, leave for 4-5 hours, rinse with water. Cons: strong, pungent smell.
  8. Bura. Recipe: mix 1 cup borax and 4 liters hot water, apply, clean with a brush after 5-10 minutes. Do not rinse.

To get rid of mold that settled in the apartment, you need to find out as much information about it as possible. Gather a dossier: why did she appear? what kind? how long ago was it activated? Remember that you need to act quickly: both eliminate the root cause and remove the stain itself by any methods available to you. If all else fails, or if you're already stuck in the first step trying to figure out what's wrong with your home, you can call in a specialist to help you answer all these questions.

There are many types of green molds that a mushroom grower may encounter in his practice, especially if his enterprise does not have a proper attitude to sanitation, and technological operations are not clearly carried out.

The spores of these molds are widely distributed in soil and organic materials in a variety of environments. They can be easily carried through the air, by insects or mites, by personnel, and on any inventory and equipment used on a mushroom farm. Rats and mice that feed on mycelium from the surface of the compost can also carry the disease.

Green molds can grow on wood equipment, on compost, on casing soil, and even on poorly prepared mycelium grains.

Green mold on the underlying fabric.
conditions for growth different types are not the same, but optimal temperatures range from 22 to 26°C.

The degree of yield loss of champignons depends on the type of mold, the degree of infection and the amount of spread on the farm. The fight against green mold, like many other molds, is purely preventive in nature, and therefore all attention should be directed to preventing its occurrence.

Consider some cases of mushroom culture damage by green molds and possible ways prevent their occurrence and spread.

The source of mold distribution is mycelium grains

Before sowing, carefully inspect bags with mycelium, discard bags with affected grains. The producer of the mycelium is obliged to replace the low-quality mycelium with a healthy one. Store mycelium in a separate refrigerator. Do not use too old mycelium.
A bag of mycelium infected with green mold.
Grain with mycelium affected by green mold.
Mold appears on individual grains on the surface of the compost. main reason this is the lack of filters on supply ventilation, insufficient sealing of chambers. In addition, after spraying the ridges with a formalin solution on paper during the growth of mycelium in the compost, puddles remain on the paper, under which the mycelium dies, and green mold begins to develop on the grains.

To prevent this - it is undesirable to scatter mycelium on the surface of the compost, try to achieve an even surface of the compost and moisten the paper so that there are no puddles. And most importantly - keep an eye on the presence and cleanliness of the filters on the supply ventilation.

The appearance of green mold in the compost

The presence of various types of green mold in the compost is an indicator of insufficient compost selectivity.

Violations either in the fermentation process, or in the process of pasteurization or compost conditioning, too wet compost can lead to the appearance of green molds. Especially actively green molds grow on the substrate, in which there are easily digestible carbon compounds in excess. Therefore, the use of additives such as soybean meal, cottonseed meal, etc., on non-selective or poorly mycelial compost can lead to very unpleasant results. The degree of damage to the compost by green mold can be so strong that during the growth period from the moment of sowing, the mold can completely drown out the growth of mushroom mycelium.

Green mold at higher magnification.
Compost bag affected by green mold.
To avoid such problems, you should be careful already from the first step of composting. It is undesirable to use low-quality raw materials for laying compost: moldy straw or old stale bird droppings.

Watch the acidity of the substrate during its preparation. Some species of Trichoderma in particular grow well below pH 6, especially when nitrogen levels are low. A carbon to nitrogen ratio of 22 or 23:1 is favorable for the growth of Trichoderma in compost (the normal ratio is 15:1). Use the right amount of gypsum based on your compost recipe.

Not all varieties of green mold have the same effect on the yield of champignons. For example, among the many strains of Trichoderma, there are those that grow particularly well in the presence of mushroom mycelium and thus create the most problems when they enter the compost at the same time as the mycelium. In a closed mycelium germination system, such as in bags or film-packed blocks, where temperatures are often high, these molds are most dangerous.

The fight against such strains of trichoderma is much more difficult. In plants where the disease is already present, contamination of new batches of compost occurs mainly through mold spores, which are ubiquitous by air movement, personnel movement, as well as insects, mites and small animals such as mice and rats. Therefore, the main task is to exclude the possibility of a new infection. This can only be achieved with increased attention to hygiene and a program such as that used to combat viral diseases mushrooms. Special attention care must be taken to prevent contamination of the compost during the period from cooling to the end of the first week of growth.

For this you need:

  • before unloading the compost and sowing the mycelium, treat the prepared clean equipment and machines with a 2% formalin solution;
  • to carry out all work with mycelium in a clean, clean clothes and clean hands;
  • filter the air entering the premises for pasteurization and sprouting of mycelium;
  • regulate and control the movement of personnel in the "clean" and "dirty" areas;
  • fight rodents and insects;
  • get rid of areas of compost affected by red pepper mites by sprinkling salt or burning them;
  • after sowing, cover the compost with paper, spraying it every 3-4 days with a 2% formalin solution;
  • steam the growing chambers, containers, fixtures and equipment used after each growing cycle at 70°C for one hour. If steaming is not possible, thoroughly clean, wash and disinfect all materials;
  • regularly disinfect all structures and concrete surfaces inside and outside the farm;
  • the clothes of pickers and other personnel working in the growth chambers should be washed daily in washing machines, or steamed in drying cabinets for 30 minutes at maximum temperature.

Green mold on casing soil

The mushroom grower can detect pockets of green mold both on ridges with recently applied cover soil and on old fruit-bearing ridges.
Green mold on top.
Mold usually settles on organic materials such as dead mushroom mycelium, dead ovaries, or stems left over from cut mushrooms. As a rule, green mold grows on ridges that are kept in poor condition and not well cleaned.

The appearance of green mold on the surface of the cover layer is facilitated by poor ventilation, high level humidity and pH below 7.3.

Disinfection of the cover soil with too high concentration formalin solution or its steaming also stimulates the development of Trichoderma.

To prevent or contain green mold:

  • be careful when adding additives before applying casing soil, especially if the compost is not well covered with mycelium;
  • make sure that the pH of the coating layer is high enough, i.e. above 7.5;
  • do not use too much formalin when disinfecting casing soil during preparation;
  • use clean raw materials for the preparation of cover soil, in which there are no undecayed woody tissues;
  • actively ventilate the grow room from time to time to reduce humidity and CO2 levels, avoid stale, humid air;
  • keep the ridges clean, regularly remove dead ovaries and remaining mushroom legs;
  • some mushroom growers recommend sprinkling salt or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) on the casing soil affected by Trichoderma to raise the pH. Try to recognize the mold and treat the affected areas at an earlier stage, before a huge number of spores are formed.

Green mold on wooden surfaces

Green mold often settles on the wooden surfaces of shelves and containers, especially after they have been steam treated. Mold growth begins as a strong development of white mycelium, which turns green after 2 to 4 days as the spores mature. Extensive colonization of the container tree often results in spots on mushroom caps, especially those growing on the edge. These spots are pale brown in color and do not have well-defined borders. Due to this, the commercial quality of mushrooms is greatly deteriorating. Therefore, in order to preserve the harvest, it is necessary to carefully monitor all the wooden equipment that is used in the mushroom enterprise:

  • containers should be thoroughly cleaned after steaming at the end of each growing cycle, it is also a good idea to combine steaming with chemical treatment;
  • store clean containers in a designated area, treated containers can be easily recontaminated if left standing around the farm until reused.