Gray coating on pear fruits. Diseases of the pear with photo illustrations and the fight against them. Pear diseases and the fight against them video

Diseases and the main pests of pears are found in home gardening quite often, and the fight against them must be carried out in a timely manner and as correctly as possible. Defeat fruit trees not only reduces the yield, but also in the most severe cases causes the death of the plant, which is why it is important to correctly determine the harmful factor and choose the best treatment option.

Pear protection features

Which are organized based on the needs and botanical characteristics of the fruit crop.

When choosing a method of protection and treatment of fruit plantations in the garden, preference should be given to the safest for humans and environment methods, which can be agrotechnical, mechanical, biological and chemical. Reliable protection and treatment of an adult garden and seedlings can only be obtained as a result of a skillful combination of complex measures.

Pears: varieties of diseases (video)

The main types of pests

There are a significant number of pests that can cause significant harm to fruit plantations and can even cause the death of a plant.

Name of the pest Damage Folk remedies Chemicals
hawthorn Damage the foliage, causing the branches of the fruit tree to dry Manual collection of butterflies, followed by spraying with garlic infusion In the spring, spraying "Antio", "Zolon", "Karbofos" or "phosphamide"
Brown fruit mite The foliage affected by the pest on the plant dries quickly enough Collection and destruction of fallen leaves, digging the soil under the plants In early spring, the preparations "Acartan", "Antio", "Zolon", "Karbofos", "Metaphos" or "Phosfamide" are used
flower beetle Beetles gnaw out narrow holes in the kidneys, and the larvae glue the buds and the pear does not bloom At the stage of swelling and dissolution of the kidneys, shake off the pests on the spread bedding Processing with Fufanon, Aktellik, Corsair, Karbofos and Vofatoks
gall mites It feeds on vegetable juice with the formation of swellings
pear itch It feeds on plant sap with the formation of swellings, as a result of which the leaves curl Branches and leaves with severe damage should be cut and burned. At the stage of bud exposure, spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur diluted at the rate of 100 g per bucket of water
Pear leaf midge Small pests feed on the leaves, making them brittle, yellow and curled. Destroy twisted leaves, shake larvae from the tree onto the litter
Pear fruit midge Damaged ovaries become deformed Regular collection and destruction of damaged ovaries spring processing"Antio", "Zolon", "Karbofos", "Metaphos" or "Chlorophos"
pear codling moth Pear fruits and seeds are damaged Digging the soil in and burning fallen leaves Single treatment with "Benzophosphate" or double spraying with "Chlorophos" or "Rovicurt"

pear sawfly

Collection and destruction of spider web nests with pest larvae

Spring processing "Antio", "Zolon", "Karbofos", "Metaphos" or "Chlorophos"

Pear tube turner

Damaged foliage curls up and serves as food for larvae

Deep digging of soil in trunk circles

Crown processing with Actellik, Ambush, Corsair or Karbofos

Diseases of pear trees

The place of localization of pathogenic pathogenic microflora can be fruits, foliage, as well as the bark of a fruit tree. When the first signs of the disease are detected, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of damaging factor and, based on this, develop the maximum effective scheme horticultural treatment.

Disease Signs of defeat Methods of treatment Prevention
Bacterial burn Inflorescences and leaves wither and turn dark brown. Repeated treatment with Bordeaux mixture, removal and destruction of affected areas The cut sites are treated with antibiotics at the rate of a couple of tablets per liter of water.
powdery mildew The formation of a powdery-white coating, acquiring a reddish color Removal and destruction of shrunken shoots by spraying the tree with "Fundazol" or "Sulfite" Treatment with a mixture based on 50 g of soda ash, 10 g of liquid soap and 10 liters of water or spraying with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate
bark cancer The appearance of abnormal thickenings, ulcers, trunks and branches rot and crack Cutting and destruction of affected areas, lubrication of cuts with garden pitch or Bordeaux mixture at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and care of fruit plantations
septoriosleaves The appearance of numerous grayish spots with a dark brown border on the leaves, after which the foliage dries up and falls off Spraying the soil and crown before the dissolution of the posek with a solution of Nitrafen, diluted at the rate of 300 g per 10 l of water Removal of fallen leaves and digging up the soil in the trunk circle
The appearance of brown spots on foliage and fruits Spraying the soil and crown with Nitrafen, Iron vitriol, Copper vitriol or Oleocuprite preparations Removal of fallen leaves and digging up the soil in the near-trunk circle, the use of the "Rayok" preparation at the green cone stage
Cytosporosis or stem rot The appearance on the bark of a red-brown hue and dried patches Carefully cut off the areas of the bark damaged by the disease and cover them with clay Regular removal of dry and damaged branches, whitewashing of the stem part of the tree for the winter period
pear rust The appearance of first light, almost yellow, and then characteristic dark orange spots Late autumn processing trees and soil in the trunk circle with a solution based on "Carbamide" at the rate of 0.6-0.7 kg per bucket of water Timely removal of all fallen leaves and digging up the soil in the trunk circle
Moniliosis The appearance of brown spots on the surface of the fruit Spring and autumn treatment with 1% Bordeaux mixture or "HOM" preparation Regular collection and destruction of diseased fetuses

For a preventive purpose, it is also possible to treat a cultivated horticultural crop with a solution based on the drug Ecoberin or Zircon, which will increase the resistance of pear plantations to diseases and adverse external factors. Such prevention should be done before pronounced signs of disease damage appear.

How to treat a pear from rust (video)

Prevention of damage by fungal infections is carried out:

  • at the stage of bud break "Azophos", diluted at the rate of 100 ml per bucket of water;
  • "Pennkotzeb", diluted at the rate of 20 g per bucket of water at the stage of bud break;
  • "Soon", diluted at the rate of 2 ml per bucket of water before flowering;
  • "Strobi", diluted at the rate of 2 g per bucket of water during fruit growth.

Also, to maintain the immunity of the plant on high level it is necessary to observe the pear cultivation technology.

Problems due to improper care

Quite often, a pear tree grows very poorly or withers prematurely, as well as practically does not bear fruit with the following care errors:

  • non-compliance with the regime of irrigation measures;
  • wrong choice of site for planting and growing fruit crops;
  • lack of correct and timely sanitary pruning;

  • it is very important not to neglect the preventive, protective measures that pear trees need at all stages of growth and development.

Quite often, pear fruits burst. Such a phenomenon is often not only a manifestation of a fungal infection of a fruit crop, but is also formed as a result of physiological changes. Most often, cracks in the fruits appear during a long dry period, which is replaced by heavy and prolonged rains. In this case, it is necessary to provide the soil with humus and mulch the near-stem circle with cut grass or compost.

Bacterial burn: methods of struggle (video)

In home gardening, it is very important to make the right choice of variety, giving preference to varieties with high rates of resistance to major diseases and pests. Carrying out competent and timely treatment, as well as the use of preventive measures, help protect the fruit crop, and contribute to the restoration of fruiting as soon as possible.

Many diseases and pests prevent gardeners from getting a full-fledged crop of appetizing pears. Luckily, they don't meet very often. The main diseases of the pear are scab and fruit rot. But knowing the signs of other diseases does not hurt. Pear diseases and their treatment take a lot of time and effort from the gardener, so it will be much easier to prevent diseases or pest attacks.

    Fungal infections



    black cancer

    European cancer

    Shrinking branches

    fruit rot


    Brown leaf spot (phyllosticosis)

    leaf rust

    powdery mildew

    Septoria pear or white spot

    Sooty fungus (black)

    Bacterial infections

    Bacterial burn

    Bacterial bark cancer

    Bacterial root cancer

    Viral infections

    Stony pear fruit


    Witch's broom

    Furrowing of wood

    Subcutaneous viral spotting



    Scale apple comma-shaped

    Flower beetle apple

    Aphid green apple

    Aphid gray

    pear codling moth

    apple moth

    Pear sucker (leaflet)

    leaf roller


    Wrong care



Fungal infections

Fungal microorganisms are among the most persistent organisms in our world. They need only moisture to grow and develop. Most infections develop slowly and are difficult to treat. Fungal diseases of fruit-bearing pears are the most common and diverse.

Fungi penetrate through the natural openings of plants (stomata, cells), are carried by wind and insects, germinate on bark wounds.

For fungal diseases, the following changes and formations on the leaves are characteristic:

  • mold;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rot;
  • necrosis;
  • spots;
  • raids;
  • mummification;
  • withering.

These infections affect all fruit and berry plants. The expansion of fungal diseases is especially pronounced in warm and rainy seasons. There are quite a lot of fungal diseases of pears and all fruit trees:

  • cytosporosis or infectious drying of the cortex;
  • comber;
  • black cancer;
  • common or European cancer;
  • tuberculosis or drying of branches;
  • moniliosis or fruit rot;
  • scab;
  • phyllosticosis or brown leaf spot;
  • leaf rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • septoria;
  • sooty fungus.


This disease is easy to identify by characteristic features. Numerous small convex tubercles (mycelium) grow on the bark. Cracks form at the border between healthy and infected cortex. In spring, young trees dry up in large numbers.

The disease is treated only at the beginning of the course, when the fungus has not penetrated into the wood. Be sure to remove and burn dried branches. To prevent infection, we use prophylactic treatment with Bordeaux liquid in spring time.


The fungus grows on dried, weak branches and parts of the trunk. If the pears are covered with white fungus caps that look like chaga, the tree is probably infected.

Control measures are standard: cleaning the bark from fungal bodies, whitewashing the bark, disinfection with 3% copper sulphate. Affected branches are removed and burned.

black cancer

First, red-brown spots appear on the bark, then it becomes covered with numerous cracks, crumbles. Cracks form between healthy and infected bark. Stem infection does not spare the trees, they dry out in a year or two.

At the same time, dark spots similar to rot also appear on the leaves and fruits. The cause of infection is often hidden in the presence of frost holes on the trunk. The affected parts are cut out, the bark is treated with 15% copper sulphate.

European cancer

This disease can be identified by the formation of deep wounds on the cortex with sagging along the edge. Dark red swellings with fungal spores appear on the affected areas.

Wounds lead to rapid drying of the wood. In winter, the tree is severely affected by frost. The treatment is the same as for black cancer.

Shrinking branches

The disease manifests itself in mid-summer. On infected eyelids, the leaves begin to curl and lose color. By the end of summer, some of the leaves on the pear had already dried up, and pimples of spores turned red on the dried branches.

They fight the drying of branches by pruning infected parts and treating with copper-containing preparations.

fruit rot

Moniliosis destroys most of the crop. The disease is widespread everywhere, so prevention is indispensable. Infected fruits begin to become covered with gray spore pads.

Pears rot on the branch, the fruits turn black, become mummified and may not crumble until the next season. It is clear what to do when an infection is detected - to collect dried fruits, cut down diseased branches.

Three times spraying the tree with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or fungicides Scor, Horus will help: by buds, after flowering, 2 weeks after flowering.


Symptoms of the disease appear in early spring. Leaves on the underside are covered with brown spots. A diseased tree can no longer bloom in in full, it sheds flowers, ovaries and leaves.

The fungus releases spores, spots grow on pears. The leaves on the pear wither, the pears become twitchy, lose their taste. Good treatment of wood with a 5% solution of urea, fungicides such as Skor, Strobi, Vector helps.

Brown leaf spot (phyllosticosis)

Phyllosticosis refers to leaf diseases that do not lead to the death of the tree, but retard growth and development. The description of this infection helps answer the question of why pear leaves turn red. This happens at the beginning of the disease.

Reddish rounded spots first appear on the leaves, then they turn brown. Spotting leads to the fact that the foliage falls prematurely, depriving the tree of good nutrition.

An experienced gardener knows well how to process a pear. It helps to spray the tree with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture before bud break.

leaf rust

This is leaf damage. The pear disease does not threaten death, but the trees grow slowly, the annual growth grows little. After all, the tree does not have enough nutrition when the leaves are affected. Green leaves are covered with rounded orange-red or crimson spots.

A preventative spray with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid before the pear begins to bloom will help prevent rust. Infected branches are disinfected early in the spring with a 5% solution. blue vitriol.

powdery mildew

This infection destroys buds, inflorescences, leaves, young shoots. At first they look pale, as if covered with a whitish mealy layer. Later, the plaque becomes brown, black dots appear, the leaves are wrapped in different directions.

Flowers do not bloom, pears do not form, young shoots are bent. A tree can easily become ill with this infection in a dry, warm summer. In the spring, until the pear has spread its leaves, the branches are sprayed with Topaz.

Septoria pear or white spot

leaf spot diseases in different forms the pear endures quite persistently. Of course, the harvest is reduced, but the fruits do not get sick.

Only on the leaves appear light spots with a dark border, which subsequently fall out. Prevention is important to prevent spotting.

Sooty fungus (black)

The disease appears in the middle of summer. It usually grows on the sweet secretions of aphids, whiteflies and other insects. The fungus covers the leaves, interferes with photosynthesis and plant nutrition.

The appearance of this fungus is prevented by thinning thickened branches, good watering and regular feeding. Fungicides of the copper group do an excellent job with the disease: Strobi, Horus, Flint, Skor.

Pear fungal infections are much easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, carrying out preventive measures in gardens with pear trees became a mandatory procedure. Fungi are most active in last month summer.

The fight against fungi is carried out with the help of natural, chemical or biological fungicides - protective agents.

The first protector against fungi is manure. In the spring, it is desirable to lay out manure in tree trunks, covering it with a thick layer of mulch from drying out.

A decoction of bitter wormwood is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of any fungal diseases. And also it helps to get rid of a large number of harmful insects.

We put 1 kg of crushed wormwood on half a bucket, fill it with warm water for a day. Then the infusion should be boiled over low heat for half an hour, cool, strain and dilute in 10 liters of water. Spray all damaged areas.

Celandine, tansy, dandelion, horsetail will help to cope with fungal diseases and pests no worse than chemicals. Their only drawback is the long cooking time.

But the lack of harm and poisonous effects compensates for this shortcoming. Medicinal properties and contraindications of each plant can be found in gardening magazines and Internet articles.

Solutions of Bordeaux liquid, copper or iron sulphate, chemical fungicides protect against many infections.

These substances are toxic, they are used after winter before bud break or in late autumn, after the foliage has fallen.

Bacterial infections

Bacteria are single-celled organisms. They have their own metabolism and live full life. Bacteria use living organisms as a feeding medium and a breeding ground. Against them, only one remedy is effective - antibiotics.

The following leaf changes are characteristic of bacterial diseases:

  • spots of various colors;
  • dry tips;
  • withering.

Tumors, growths, tubercles on the bark, rot are characteristic.

There are few bacterial diseases of the pear, but all of them are difficult to treat and quickly lead to the death of the plant:

  • bacteriosis or bacterial burn;
  • bacterial necrosis of the cortex;
  • bacterial root cancer.

Bacterial burn

The disease manifests itself in the form of blackening and drying of the leaves and young shoots. At the same time, the leaves curl, but do not fall off. In addition to shoots and leaves, flowers, fruits, trunk, roots are affected. Mostly young trees are affected.

With the manifestation of the disease, dried branches must be cut out. Spring pear treatment with copper-containing preparations is necessary. The best remedy than to treat a bacterial burn - a solution of antibiotics.

You can use streptomycin, one ampoule per 10 liters is enough. This is enough to process 10 trees under five years old. Varieties resistant to bacterial diseases are restored after a year.

Bacterial bark cancer

This disease manifests itself in the spring, from it the kidneys turn brown and dry out. The bark near them also dies off. The young shoot turns black, black spots appear on the leaves from the end of the leaf.

The branches and trunk swell in places and then crack. The bark lifts up and twists. The wood rots and exudes a rotten smell. The affected areas are cut out and disinfected with 17% copper sulphate.

Bacterial root cancer

The fungus provokes increased division of root cells and the formation of tumors and growths. And the appearance of pimples on the roots ends with the growth of tubercles up to 12 cm in diameter.

Tumors that affect the central root or root collar lead to the rapid death of the pear. The dead parts of the root lead to infection of the soil with cancer viruses. The diseased tree must be dug up with the roots and burned, and the soil should be etched with a 2% bleach solution.

Bacterial pear diseases in the country can be slowed down by treatments, but the likelihood of their return is high. In order not to spread the infection, diseased trees are uprooted and burned.

Viral infections

They invade a living cell and force it to produce copies of viruses. In this case, the cell usually dies. Viruses can infect bacterial cells, they suppress the immunity of the infected cell.

For viral diseases, the following leaf changes are characteristic:

  • shape deformation;
  • stunting, dwarfism;
  • leaf mosaic.

Pears rarely suffer from viral diseases, however, they are also found on a fruit tree. Viral diseases include:

  • stonyness of the fetus;
  • mosaic;
  • witch's broom;
  • striated wood;
  • subcutaneous viral spotting of a pear.

Stony pear fruit

This is pitting disease. It is reflected in the leaves, fruits, trunk. The leaves are covered with vague yellow-green spots, yellow veins stand out on them. Dark areas of green color appear on the fruits. In this place, the tissue of the pear does not grow, which is why pits are formed, the pear is bent.

The fruits are twisted and tasteless, their tissue becomes stiff. The bark of the pear is covered with watery pimples. Over time, the blisters burst and the tissue underneath dies. Young trees get sick less. How to deal with pit disease is unknown, prevention is important.


Pronounced changes the color of the leaves. Lighter spots appear on them. Further, yellowing of the veins, and then we get the formation of yellow spots, which indicates the defeat of the yellow mosaic virus.

Infectious chlorosis of pear green leaves is most often carried by aphids, but the infection can be spread by pollen or through bark breaks. Infected leaves die off, the yield is reduced by half. Sick trees are uprooted.

Witch's broom

This is a viral or fungal disease that affects pears. At the site of infection, thin shoots begin to grow in large numbers, forming a dense rounded cluster on the branches, similar to mistletoe. These shoots are covered with underdeveloped leaves, which soon curl and fall off.

Lumps of light white color characteristic of a fungal infection. If this viral disease, then the pear will not survive, the disease is fatal.

Why the pear develops this disease has not yet been clarified. There is no means of getting rid of the disease, the tree writhes and burns.

Furrowing of wood

The disease most often appears on young 2-3 year old pears. Cracks appear on the bark, similar to frost cracks. The infection penetrates through them, the communication between the roots and leaves is broken. They begin to curl, branches dry, lag behind in growth. The leaves also curl up, the tree cannot set fruit.

The disease does not respond well to any treatment, reliable ways there is no cure. The tree is removed from the garden along with the roots.

Subcutaneous viral spotting

The disease leads not only to a reduction in yield, but also to the stonyness of grown fruits, to the loss of their taste. A dent forms in the affected area of ​​the fetus, the pear becomes a curve.

Pear leaves change color, becoming covered with light spots, dry quickly. Cracks appear on the trunk and branches.

The disease cannot be cured, it is transmitted by insects that feed on juice. For example, aphids or psyllids.

Infection can be carried out through grafting with infected cuttings. Pears with a detected infection are uprooted and burned. To prevent the disease, preventive spraying is carried out:

  • in the spring on bare branches, spray with Nutrofen;
  • before flowering sprayed with 0.4% Tsineb or 0.4% solution of copper oxychloride;
  • after flowering, treat the plant with 1% Bordeaux liquid;
  • repeat the treatment after 2-3 weeks.

Antiviral drugs are only effective on early stages disease and for prevention. There are practically no cures for diseases caused by viruses. The affected plant is dug up and burned.


Insects can cause no less harm to a pear than disease, and leave the gardener without a crop. Insects primarily eat leaves on a tree, but can destroy buds, flowers, damage the bark and roots. The list of harmful insects that damage pears is large:

  • sapwood;
  • glass case;
  • apple shield;
  • green apple aphid;
  • aphid gray;
  • apple codling moth;
  • apple moth;
  • apple sucker;
  • leaflet.


Bark beetle that can attack absolutely healthy trees. The beetle gnaws through winding passages under the bark, laying eggs. The hatched larva eats wood, making its moves in it.

In May, the beetles come out from under the bark. The affected parts of the tree dry out. The beetle attacks mainly weakened and frozen pears. It helps to spray trees after the end of flowering, during the summer of insects, with Decis.

Scale apple comma-shaped

These pests are covered with a protective brown chitin shield. Shchitovka places eggs under the shield, which facilitates the process of overwintering of larvae.

After blossoming flowers on a pear, the larvae begin to roam the branches. Only at this time they are vulnerable to insecticides - protective agents against pests; then the larvae stick to the bark, acquire a shield and begin a new cycle of reproduction.

Mechanical cleaning of the tree from dry bark and colonies of scale insects, whitewashing of branches, pruning of dry branches, thinning of the crown will prevent the appearance of scale insects. Processing a pear after flowering with Karbofos or Fufanol will destroy the larvae.

Flower beetle apple

Brownish weevils climb on pears when the air temperature is positive. They begin to feed on the kidneys, then lay their eggs there. The larva eats away the kidney, the flower does not bloom, it dries up. Young insects crawl out of dried buds and eat foliage.

In July, they climb under the bark, and overwinter in cracks in the trunk and in dry leaves. Cleaning plant residues, imposing trapping belts, dropping insects and autumn digging reduces the number of weevils. It is reasonable to use insecticides such as Aktara, Intavir, Iskra, Mospilan only when the buds open.

Aphid green apple

These are very small insects living in numerous colonies on young leaves and shoots. Aphids eat plant sap, so young leaves affected by aphids always curl into a shapeless lump.

New growing shoots, on which the aphid is located, also grow twisting and gradually dry out. Aphids can produce up to 15 generations per season.

This is such a common pest that gardeners have long learned to deal with it effectively. Infusions of strongly smelling plants are widely used: tansy, wormwood, tomato and potato tops, yarrow.

Before bud break and during the growing season, Decis, Karbofos, Fufanol are used. I spray the tops of the affected shoots with a 0.5% solution of soda with liquid soap.

Aphid gray

When it appears, the leaves begin to curl up and swell, acquiring a pink or cherry color. These insects graze on young leaves and shoots. Aphids also eat plant sap, so the young pear shoots are depressed and stunted.

Damaged foliage dries and falls off after a while. Aphids also damage the fruits, on which red spots also appear. Places of accumulation of aphids are sprayed with natural or chemical insecticides.

pear codling moth

This is a small grayish butterfly, whose flight begins three weeks after flowering. The codling moth caterpillar bites into a pear and eats the seeds inside it.

One caterpillar can only eat the seeds of one pear. The destruction of the larvae occurs when collecting fallen fruits, cleaning from dry bark. Insecticides are used during the flowering of white acacia, when young caterpillars appear. The treatment is repeated two more times with an interval of 2 weeks between sprayings.

apple moth

The caterpillars of this butterfly feed on leaves, forming many oblong rounded mines, similar to a brown film. Mines dry up, the leaf is deformed, the normal nutrition of the tree is disturbed.

Pear sucker (leaflet)

This insect can both fly and jump. Its larva feeds on plant sap, secreting a sticky and sugary liquid. Sooty fungus quickly grows on it. The insect damages leaves, buds, flowers. Often there is nothing to open and bloom on a tree infected with psyllid.

By the middle of summer, the entire part of the plant damaged by the pest withered, the leaves fell off, the fruits were deformed. Fruit buds are not laid, the pear is poorly prepared for winter and often freezes.

The fight against sucker is carried out with the help of insecticides and fumigation of the garden. After flowering, pears kindle small fires of straw in half with tobacco dust and burn them for at least 2 hours, fumigating the affected trees with acrid tobacco smoke.

leaf roller

Leaf rolling on a pear - the easiest way to determine this pest. The rolled leaves on the tree are clearly visible. Such cocoons begin to sag, the leaves darken and betray its presence. The leaf roller on a pear appears in the form of a butterfly that lays a large number of eggs.

The pear leaflet gives several generations per season. The caterpillars begin to eat away the buds, then move on to the leaves. They can destroy the entire crop and half the leaves on the tree.

A mobile caterpillar emerges from the eggs. She folds the leaf with the help of a web, pupates in it. The whole tree is often covered with drooping, curled leaves. Such cocoons must be plucked and destroyed.

Wintering pests are exterminated by spraying with Preparation 30. In addition to it, the most effective insecticides from leafworms: Atom, Binom, Desant, Zolon. Caterpillars are destroyed with the help of Fitoverm. Butterflies are baited by hanging traps with fermenting liquid.


This white butterfly from the white family. The pest also belongs to the type of leafworms. Lays a large number of eggs. The caterpillars that have appeared are quite large, up to 5 cm long. The caterpillar eats leaves, buds and buds. As soon as the buds open and the first leaves appear, the caterpillars emerge from the cocoon and begin to eat greens.

Caterpillars can eat up to a third of all foliage on a pear. They hibernate in leaves wrapped in a web, which is released by an adult insect. The leaves roll up into a tube, covering each individual caterpillar.

Until the tree blossomed, before the buds open, the pear is treated with Nitrofen, Lepidocide, Bicol. Before flowering, they are sprayed with Metaphos, Karbafos, Chlorophos or the biological insecticide Bitoxibacillin.

Wrong care

A tree is a living being and needs constant care. Just as a small child can catch a cold in the cold, so a tree can get cracked from frost or the sun. Improper care and lack of attention to green spaces can lead to sad consequences that will be difficult to correct.

A pear can be seriously damaged if:

  • there is a lack of nutrition;
  • insufficient watering of the soil;
  • the earth is excessively moist;
  • damage caused by winter frosts;
  • have been subjected spring frosts from which the damage occurred;
  • damage happened from solar activity;
  • lichens and mosses have grown;
  • rootstock and scion did not grow together well.

Lack of nutrition causes stunted growth and development, weakening of the plant, premature fall of foliage. Eliminating this is extremely simple - water the tree with a solution of organic or complex mineral fertilizers.

Lack of nutrition is directly reflected in the leaves of the pear. With a lack of iron, chlorosis occurs - yellowing of foliage with green veins. The color of the veins distinguishes chlorosis due to iron deficiency from infectious chlorosis.

Lack of zinc, mania, sulfur also provokes non-infectious leaf chlorosis. Phosphorus deficiency is manifested by the appearance of red spots. Ferovit and Cytovit microfertilizers will not only help the pear recover from malnutrition, but also cope with stress.

Insufficient watering leads to the fact that leaves and branches dry on the tree much earlier than the natural drying time. Wilting is easily stopped by watering the tree well with several buckets of water.

Over-watering is rarely done by the gardener. More often this is facilitated by rainy summer and autumn. With an excess of water in the root zone, they can rot due to lack of oxygen. Therefore, the earth after prolonged rains must be well loosened.

If a pear seedling grew in the wrong place with a high location ground water, then it must be transplanted to a more suitable place. A transplant is done either on an artificial hill or on another place with a deep occurrence groundwater. Only a young tree is transplanted.

Damage to the bark by frost, sun or frost occurs according to different scenarios, but the result is the same - the appearance of cracks in the bark. To prevent them, it is recommended to whitewash boles and skeletal branches with whitewash in autumn and spring.

Spring frosts damage pear blossoms. Frozen leaves curl at the pear, flowers and ovaries fall off. You can delay the flowering of a pear by spreading snow under it and covering it with mulch.

excessive solar Activity, temperature fluctuations, dry air can cause a milky sheen on pear leaves. The leaves become light, with a pearly tint, brittle. Nothing can be done in this case. Watering and feeding over time will correct the color of the leaves and the condition of the tree.

Lichens and mosses by themselves do not harm the tree. They appear in ecologically clean areas. But they greatly weaken the tree, covering the bark with a continuous carpet. Numerous pests hibernate in such coatings, and the tree easily picks up a fungal infection. Trees are cleaned of lichens and mosses mechanically, removing plaque with iron scrapers. Sprayed with 3% iron sulphate.

With an incorrectly selected stock, swims are formed at the place of vaccination, the leaves turn red. Nothing can be fixed, the seedling will die over time. It is possible to fix everything if you choose a suitable stock and make a new graft.


Preventive protection measures should be carried out throughout the growing season:

  • plant disease and pest resistant varieties;
  • comply with agricultural practices;
  • provide a balanced plant nutrition;
  • thin out thick branches;
  • treat gum wounds;
  • carry out autumn and spring digging of the soil;
  • disinfect the soil with Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol;
  • destroy weeds;
  • spray pears with protective equipment;
  • burn fallen leaves and sawn branches in autumn;
  • clean the trunk and branches of the tree with an iron bristle brush;
  • whitewash the trunk and branches with whitewash in spring and before winter sleep;
  • to activate the immune system of pears, spray them with Zircon, Albit, Buton, Epin-Extra immunostimulants;
  • before opening the buds, spray the tree with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid against fungal diseases, lichens;
  • when unfolding the leaves, carry out summer spraying with 10% karbofos against sucking and leaf-eating insects;
  • after flowering, treat with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture against scab;
  • three weeks after the end of flowering, install trapping belts from pests.


Diseases and pests of pears are very diverse. But don't be afraid. The article, like an encyclopedia, lists possible diseases pears and their control, as well as pests. Probably many of them will never appear in the garden.

The main thing is to strive to create optimal living conditions for the plant, care for it and carry out prevention. A healthy and strong tree will never succumb to pest attack and quickly cope with the infection.

Pear diseases and the fight against them photo

Gardeners often encounter tree diseases, the main difficulty in treating which is to find out exactly what the plant is sick with. Pear leaves may begin to curl, turn yellow, bloom and even dry out. in early spring. Viruses and fungal bacteria infect fruits, twigs and pear bark.

A catalog with photos and descriptions of the signs of diseases will help in the timely detection of the disease. Having identified the infection, treatment should be started immediately, as well as preventive measures should be taken to protect against infection of other plants.

Most often, viral infections and fungi infect plants of the same group, multiply and are transferred between them. Therefore, having identified diseases of fruit trees on one of the crops - a pear, an apple tree, a plum, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of all pome and stone fruits in the garden.

Pear fruit diseases: photo and description of signs of infection

In many gardens there are striking fruits fungal diseases pears, and the fight against them are the daily worries of gardeners. If you do not carry out timely processing of fruit trees, then the whole garden can get sick. The sooner you engage in prevention, the more chances to grow good harvest fruits.

Pear scab (lat. Venturia pirina Fusicladium pirinum)

Scab, affects many horticultural crops. Scab is caused by the fungus Fusicladium pirinum.

Further, the scab manifests itself in the form of putrefactive dark spots on fruits, the peel in these places cracks, and the pulp itself becomes hard. With early infection of the fruit, they are deformed, become asymmetrical.

For the prevention of scab, it is necessary to spray the trees with 1% Bordeaux mixture three times:

  • the first time - with the advent of greenery;
  • the second - for rose buds;
  • the third - after the end of flowering.

One of the best preventive measures against scab is good ventilation and oxygen supply. To do this, be sure to thin out the crown of the tree. The soil in the near-stem circle is constantly loosened, and the carrion is regularly removed.

In autumn, fallen leaves must be burned. Severely infected trees should be treated with Dnok or Nitrafen paste. Good treatment results are shown by treatment with a systemic fungicide Speed. Such drugs are used strictly according to the instructions.

Resistant to scab are pear varieties such as: Muratovskaya, Rusanovskaya, Yanvarskaya.

Fruit rot or Moniliosis (lat. Monilia fructigena)

The causative agent of moniliosis of stone fruit crops, apple and pear, is the fungus Monilia fructigena. Fruit rot appears as brown spots on the fruit.

Later, growths are formed in which the spores of the fungus are located. They are carried by wind and insects throughout the garden, infecting other crops. The pulp of the infected fruit becomes loose, loses its taste qualities.

Some of the affected fruits crumble, and the other dries right on the branches, which is the main cause of the disease in next year. Mass destruction of fruits is observed in the second half of summer, when the harvest begins to ripen and the weather is hot and humid.

Preventive measures can be:

  • timely pruning of trees;
  • installation of fences and fences that do not trap air flows;
  • regular collection and destruction of diseased fetuses.

In spring and autumn, spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture or HOM preparation is mandatory. At the beginning of the season and before the onset of cold weather, lime milk treatment is necessary (1 kg of lime per 10 liters of water).

Good results are obtained by the use of a biococktail of several drugs at the same time: Actofit, Ecoberin, Healthy Garden and Baikal. I'm being held foliar top dressing throughout the season. This cocktail strengthens immune system plants, protects against stress and pathogenic fungi.

There are no pear varieties completely resistant to Moniliosis, but they are distinguished by high immunity: Honey, Autumn Dream, Cheremshina.

Sooty fungus (lat. Fumago vagans Pers)

Often on the forums you can find a question about pear disease: the leaves turn black, how to treat such a disease. In the second half of summer, a black coating resembling soot can be found on the leaves and fruits of the pear. The reason for this is soot fungus. First of all, the disease affects weak plants that lack minerals, damaged by pests or other diseases.

It feeds on the sugary secretions of insects such as aphids, which damage the surface of the plant and reduce its immunity. Spores of the fungus easily endure winter under the bark and in dried foliage.

Prevention of the disease is the use of the insecticide Calypso, which is used to prevent the accumulation of harmful insects. Together with it, a sparing fungicide Fitoverm is used, which suppresses the growth and reproduction of the fungus.

High immunity to many fungal diseases, and practically protected from damage by sooty fungus, the Cathedral pear variety.

Pear - leaf diseases and treatment

Most often, the reason why a pear ceases to bear fruit is diseases of the leaves, bark and roots of a tree. Infection occurs due to fungi and bacteria that infect flowers, leaves and bark with improper care of the tree or its accidental damage.

Powdery mildew (lat. Podosphaera leucotricha)

In early spring, a powdery-white coating can be seen on the blossoming shoots, which eventually acquires a reddish tint. Affected leaves and inflorescences dry up and fall off. Young shoots also suffer the most: they dry out and become a hotbed of spore accumulation.

Prevention of powdery mildew is: removal of dried shoots with their subsequent burning. As well as periodic spraying of trees with Fundazol and Sulfite preparations.

Gardeners often use folk ways struggle. Treatment is carried out with a mixture of soda ash 50 g, with liquid soap 10 g, per 10 liters of water. Spraying with a 1% pink solution of potassium permanganate also helps.

High resistance to powdery mildew have such varieties of pears: Moskvichka, Dukhmyanaya, Janvarskaya.

Pear leaf rust (lat. Gymnosporangium sabinae)

Often the reason why a pear dies is leaf diseases, rust of pome crops is caused by a fungus of the Pucciniaceae family.

With this disease, first light, almost yellow, and later characteristic dark orange spots appear on the leaves and fruits. Fruit affected by rust must be disposed of without fail.

If pear rust has been found in your garden, control measures must be carried out in early spring by spraying the trees with a 1% Bordeaux mixture solution. In autumn, the leaves must be removed and disposed of.

After the first frost, it is recommended to treat trees and soil trunk circle solution of Carbamide (0.6-0.7 kg per 10 liters of water). Good results are obtained by the use of the systemic fungicide Bayleton, which is processed at least five times per season. There are currently no rust-resistant pear varieties.

Stem and root pear diseases and their treatment, photo

Pear diseases and control methods are very different, as is preventive treatment to protect against the onset of diseases. Damage to the roots or bark is the hardest to recognize, since at the first manifestations of the pear disease, the leaves turn black, but this does not mean that the reason is in them.

Black pear crayfish (lat. Sphaeropsis malorum Peck)

vernacular name black pear cancer - "Antonov fire", manifests itself for several years. It affects the bark of the trunk and skeletal branches - small cracks appear, which quickly increase in size, the bark gradually breaks and the cambium is exposed.

Along the edges of the cracks, characteristic brown spots can be found. Such spots look like wet ones, in fact, they are open wounds that pathogenic microbes or spores of fungal diseases can easily get into.

The affected bark must be cut with a sharp knife, capturing a healthy part. The wound is treated with copper sulphate and covered with clay mixed with mullein. In autumn, fallen leaves must be disposed of. Such pear varieties have high immunity: August dew, Samaryanka.

Cytosporosis (lat. Cytospora)

The causative agent of pear cytosporosis is the fungus Cytospora leucostoma. In the people, this disease is called "stem rot". The bark in the affected areas acquires a red-brown hue and begins to dry out. The cause of the disease can be sunburn and frostbite.

The affected bark, as with black cancer, is cut off and smeared with clay. It is necessary to regularly remove dry and damaged branches, whitewash the trunks for the winter. Choosing such pear varieties as Moskvichka and Yanvarskaya, you can forget about Cytosporosis.

Bacterial burn

One of the most dangerous diseases pears - bacterial burn of pome crops. It is this that turns out to be the reason when figuring out why the leaves of the pear turn black, and the treatment is complex. The causative agent of the disease is Erwinia amylovora bacteria, which can be spread by insects, wind or rain.

The first signs of the disease appear when the pear blossoms. Inflorescences quickly wither and become dark brown. The leaves curl and turn black, but do not crumble. Shoots and bark begin to die.

Starting on one branch, the disease can very quickly affect the entire plant. Pear varieties that are not resistant to bacterial burn often die, while resistant ones endure it to some degree of severity, and in a year or two they can restore their productivity. The Muratovskaya, Yanvarskaya and Moscow pear are quite easily tolerated by a bacterial burn.

If a bacterial burn is detected, it is necessary to immediately cut off the affected shoot, capturing 15-20 cm of healthy wood, and burn it. Thoroughly disinfect garden tools after work is completed.

Often gardeners treat cut sites with antibiotics (2-3 tablets per 1 liter of water). The resulting solution is also sprayed throughout the plant. With the onset of the growing season, repeated processing with Bordeaux mixture is carried out, up to nine times per season.

Pear diseases and the fight against them video


At right choice pear varieties tolerate many diseases without showing any signs. Before purchasing seedlings, find out which diseases are most common in your area in order to select varieties that are resistant to them.

Pear diseases, the photos of which are attached in the article, cause a lot of trouble for gardeners, and can cause crop loss, or even the death of a tree. Proper and timely treatment and prevention will help protect the plant and restore fruiting as soon as possible.

Greetings, dear friends!

To get good and regular pear harvests, you need to make sure that the tree is healthy. And for this you need to know what diseases this culture is affected by, how they manifest themselves, how to deal with them and what preventive measures exist. So, let's talk about pear diseases and their treatment on the site.

pear scab

If this disease appears on the tree, then black-greenish spots with a velvety coating form on the leaves. Pretty quickly, the spots get bigger, the leaves dry up and then fall off. With scab, dense hard spots form on the fruits, the flesh under which cracks heavily.

Also, young shoots are affected by scab, which are bent, and the bark on them is covered with cracks. Often such shoots dry up.

The causative agent of this disease lives on the fallen infected leaves, the bark of diseased branches and the remaining fruits. Scab spreads especially rapidly in regions with big amount precipitation that falls in spring and summer. This disease is found almost everywhere, except for the arid zone.

Control measures:

1. Mandatory cleaning and destruction (burning) of fallen leaves.

2. Treatment with Bordeaux liquid or preparations containing copper. The first time spraying is carried out before flowering, when the buds just burst, but did not release the first leaf (green bud cone). The second spraying - at the end of flowering, and the third time - 10-12 days after the second. In seasons with high rainfall in spring, the number of treatments is increased: the first - by the kidneys, the second - when the buds turn pink, the third - after flowering and the fourth - after 10-12 days.

3. In regions where scab appears every year, it is advisable to treat pears every spring with Bordeaux liquid (4%) over bursting buds. applied on fruit crops, with such spraying, it protects against infection with scab until the end of flowering, and therefore the second spraying can be carried out only at the end of flowering.

4. Also, to combat this disease, fungicidal preparations such as Strobi, Skor, Popiram-DF, Gamair are used.

"Strobi" process pears during the growing season twice with a gap of two weeks. Spray solution is prepared from 10 liters of water and 2 grams of the drug.

The preparation "" is sprayed with trees before and after flowering. Between spraying should take at least 10-12 days. In 10 liters of water, dilute 2 grams of the drug.

5. Prevention of this disease is the selection of varieties resistant to scab. Among them, the following varieties can be distinguished: Marble, Michurinskaya Beauty, Otradnenskaya, Lyra, Svetlyanka, Yakovlev's Memory, Tenderness, Central Russian, Chizhovskaya and others.

Fruit rot or moniliosis

This disease begins with the appearance of a brownish spot of a small size. Usually such a spot is formed on the fruit in places of damage by insects. The pulp of the pear becomes loose, and yellowish-gray swellings appear in the shape of a circle on the skin. These swellings consist of a large number of fungal spores, which cause the disease moniliosis (fruit rot). In the future, the infected fruits dry out and turn black. If such fruits are not removed in time, then the spores from them will be carried by the wind, raindrops and insects to healthy pears that can get sick.

Control measures:

1. Regular cleaning of fallen and rotten fruits in the garden, and after harvesting, the mandatory collection of all black and rotten fruits that remain on the pears. You also need to ensure that during the collection of fruits they are not subjected to mechanical damage.

2. In spring and summer, Bordeaux liquid, Abiga-Peak, Skor and other fungicidal preparations are treated. The first time the trees are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid 3-4 days before flowering, the second time - during the first carrion, and the third - 10-12 days after the second. Fungicides are used according to the instructions.

3. Compulsory control of harmful insects, as they help the penetration of the moniliosis fungus through the damaged skin of the pear. And insects such as goose bring spores into cracked and damaged fruits.

4. Prevention of this disease is also the planting of pear varieties resistant to fruit rot. These pears include: winter Michurina, Cure, Bere, Saint-Germain, Oktyabrskaya and Aurora.

Black cancer

Talking about pear diseases and their treatment , it is impossible not to mention the "Black Cancer". This disease is caused by a fungus that settles on fruits, leaves, on the bark of the trunk and large main branches of the crown. Cortical disease is considered especially dangerous. First, a slightly depressed spot is formed on the bark, painted in dark color, after some time, small black swellings appear on the bark, then the bark strongly cracks and dries out. As a result of black cancer, shoots located above the affected area die off quickly. If the spots are circular on the trunk, then the whole tree dies.

The fungus that causes this disease enters the tissues of the tree through various damages (mechanical, frost holes, sunburn).

Most of all, black crayfish is found in the North Caucasus and other regions, where strong temperature fluctuations occur in spring, leading to damage to the bark.

On the fruits of pears, this disease appears in the form of black rot. At the same time, small blackish swellings form on the surface of the skin. Black cancer on the leaves forms small spots.

Control measures:

1. First of all, you need to create the best conditions for growing pears. It is impossible to plant this crop in the lowlands and at the bottom of the southern slope, where temperature drops are especially strong. Also unsuitable areas for growing pears are places with stagnant water and a lot of lime in the soil.

2. On the sides of the pruning wound, fatty shoots should be left, which help the flow of nutrients, and thereby accelerate the healing of the wound.

3. To protect the bark on the trunks and branches from sudden changes in temperature, they are covered with milk of lime. Whitewashing should be done in autumn.

4. To prevent the appearance of black cancer, you need to protect the tree from sunburn and mechanical damage.

5. Damaged bark is first removed with a scraper or other tool. Then the wood is cleaned and treated with a solution of copper sulfate (1%), and then covered with drying oil or oil paint.


This disease is quite common in the central part of Russia and more its northern regions. Signs of cytosporosis resemble those of black cancer. It appears as slightly sunken spots of a brown-red tint on the trunk and large main branches. Where the diseased tissue borders on healthy tissue, strong cracks form, and the cortical tissues soften.

Small black swellings, in which spores of the cytospore fungus are stored, are randomly arranged along the pear bark. This fungus mainly settles on skeletal branches that have mechanical damage or frost holes.

Control measures:

1. Timely pruning and mandatory burning of diseased branches. You also need to whitewash the trunks and main branches. lime mortar autumn to prevent damage from extreme temperature changes.

2. Treatment of affected branches is carried out only when the wood under the bark is not damaged. In this case, the diseased bark is carefully removed, treated with a solution of copper sulfate and covered with oil paint.

pear rust

This common disease appears on the upper surface of the leaves as roundish orange-reddish spots. Places of accumulation of rust spores have the shape of a small cone. They appear on the underside of the leaves in July.

This disease can affect not only leaves, but also shoots. If a pear is heavily infected with rust, then it does not grow, and the fruits fall off ahead of time.

Control measures:

1. Treatment of trees with a solution of colloidal sulfur (1%) or Bordeaux liquid (1%) before and after flowering, as well as 10-15 days later. Good results are obtained by spraying Bordeaux liquid (4%) at the very beginning of the growing season (when the buds just burst).

2. You can also treat pears with the preparation "Skor", which is an extended action fungicide. Two sprayings are carried out: before flowering and after it ends.

I hope the article pear diseases and their treatment will help you in maintaining the health of the garden. See you soon, dear friends!

This is usually the result of:

  • wrong choice of landing site;
  • neglect of the rules of care;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • unbalanced soil composition.
  1. Chlorosis as a result of a lack of Fe, Mn, Mg, S, N, O₂ in the soil or its high carbonate content (yellowing or whitening of the apical leaves, inhibition of growth, fruit deformation or shedding);
  2. hydrothermal burn as a result of the negative effects of sunlight and excess moisture in combination with wind when wrong choice landing sites (leaves turn black and die in July-August);
  3. Frost and sun-frost burn- freezing of branches with subsequent death, or rupture of the bark, due to temperature changes inside the trunk and on the surface;
  4. Proliferation(non-infectious) - intensive awakening of dormant buds, leading to the growth of upright lateral shoots, drowning out fruitful branches, and leading to a decrease in yield and fruit quality.

fungal diseases caused by spore pathogens that form conidia and sprouting of mycelium in the vegetative organs of the plant. The most common:

For your information: The main methods of combating fungal diseases are reduced to:

  • removal of vegetative parts of the plant that retain the spores of the pathogen;
  • spring and autumn spraying Bordeaux liquid and 7% solution of urea or copper chloride, colloidal sulfur;
  • sanitary pruning of a tree and covering cuts and wounds with garden pitch;
  • whitewashing of trunks;
  • deep digging near the trunk circle.

The causative agent is a single-celled microorganism of wide species diversity that spreads by insects or water.

For your information: Quarantine is regulated for bacterial diseases: after the destruction of the plant, the place is disinfected with copper oxychloride and left in the fallow for 1-2 years. There is experience in treatment with streptomycin (1 ampoule x 5 liters of water) and immunity stimulants.


The pathogen reproduces inside the cell, has a large species diversity, affecting all living things. The virus kills the host cell or remains in it in a latent state for many months and years - chronic diseases. Carriers of viruses to plants are unicellular organisms, fungi, insects, nematodes.

  1. mosaic disease- is identified by angular light spots on the formed leaves. Infection occurs during vaccinations.
  2. Furrowing of wood(flattening of branches). The disease is typical for trees aged 2-3 years. Pathology in the growth of the trunk leads to cracking of the cortex, into which a viral infection penetrates, affecting the formation of the vascular system of the cambium. Affected branches look flat and twisted. The communication system of the crown and roots is broken, which leads to the death of the plant.
  3. Viral proliferation(witch's broom). Under the influence of viruses, a surge in the activity of dormant buds occurs, the plant throws out up to 250 root shoots, which affects the root load. The tree turns into an infertile bush that has lost its varietal qualities.

For your information: The fight against a viral infection has only radical forms: uprooting, destruction by fire, quarantine of the earth.

Visual signs, diagnosis of pear diseases

Which is more effective: cure or prevent?

The process of treating a plant affected by a disease, laborious, costly and inefficient. Some diseases have no cure at all. There is only one way out - prevention:

  • careful selection planting material, its acquisition in licensed nurseries;
  • the correct choice of landing site and compliance with recommendations on its density;
  • conscientious implementation of all agrotechnical measures, and within the standard terms (pruning, watering, cleaning dry residues, digging the land);
  • timely elimination of pests and conditions for the growth of their population;
  • regular inspection of the plant and an adequate response to visual changes in its condition.