Time to plant goji seeds. Species and varietal diversity. Propagation of Tibetan barberry by seeds

Only the lazy don’t know about goji now. Sweet and sour red berries, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, are loved by many, especially people seeking a healthy lifestyle.

One problem is that the price of goji berries is obscenely high. After all, they are adored by Hollywood stars, are presented as a panacea for a whole bunch of diseases and are grown in distant China.

Should I try growing goji berries in my dacha? Ordinary barberry grows well and winters in our area, so why not grow Tibetan barberry? Let's find out how to grow goji from seeds yourself and achieve good harvests this miracle berry...

Actually a bush Tibetan barberry can grow and bear fruit even in northern regions, and in middle lane and even more so. In nature, goji is found mainly in mountainous areas; it is completely unpretentious and very hardy. Drought or rain, frost or heat - this plant doesn’t care about anything. Therefore, goji berries practically do not require special conditions and special agricultural technology. It has few pests and diseases.

The only, but, let's be honest, small difficulty in growing goji is getting seedlings and planting them correctly. Of course, you can search in nurseries and buy ready-made young plant, but it is much safer to grow seedlings yourself from seeds.

Ideally, for planting, you need to take seeds from fresh berries, which is not feasible in our realities. It’s not scary, seeds from dried berries also germinate well, especially if you soak them for an hour in one of the growth stimulants before planting: epine, zircon, or any of them.

The soil for planting seeds is prepared from two parts earth and one part peat. Can be added to soil mixture a small amount of ash.

First, the seeds are sown in one box, in shallow grooves and covered with a half-centimeter layer of peat. It is recommended to cover the box with film and place it in a warm place. dark place before the first shoots appear. Then the container with the seedlings is placed on a bright windowsill. Soil moisture is maintained using a sprayer, as goji seedlings are very flimsy at the beginning.

After the appearance of the fourth true leaf, the plants are planted in individual containers. It is better to take deep cups of 500 milliliters, because the root system of goji develops mostly in depth. Therefore, when replanting, it is important to pick up the seedling as deeply as possible and replant it together with a clod of earth.

As soon as the threat of frost has passed (in May-June), young goji plants can be planted in open ground.

As a permanent residence for the Tibetan barberry bush, it is better to choose a sunny area, a hillock - in general, a place where the snow melts quickly in the spring and the water does not stagnate. Goji can grow in any soil, but prefers alkaline and rocky soils, so when planting a seedling in a hole, be sure to add ash. Future bushes are placed at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other.

For small seedlings grown from seeds, it is enough to make holes 20 centimeters deep, fill them halfway with a mixture of humus and ash, and then plant the plants.

For larger seedlings from the nursery, you will need holes half a meter in diameter and 40 centimeters deep. A bucket of compost, peat or humus is poured into the bottom of such a hole and liter jar ash. If you are not opposed to mineral fertilizers, you can add 150-200 grams of superphosphate to the soil mixture.

After planting, goji seedlings need to be well watered, mulched and a support or trellis installed - the branches of young bushes often bend towards the ground, so it is recommended to tie them up immediately.

Further care for goji: pruning, shelter, reproduction

Caring for goji barberry comes down to forming a bush using pruning and covering the plant on winter period. Watering and fertilizing in this case are not necessary (unless in very dry summers you will need to water the bushes no more than twice a week).

You can shape goji in the classic way or in one stem. Pruning is best done in the fall.

With classic pruning, in the first three years, three to five of the strongest and longest branches are selected, and the rest are cut out. In the fourth year, one or two shoots 20-50 centimeters long are left on each skeletal branch. These shoots will become a kind of fruiting shoulders. On next year 3-4 strong fruiting branches are left on the fruiting shoulders. In the future, the fruit branches of the current year are pruned annually, leaving 1-4 buds on each. Such severe pruning stimulates the growth of young shoots, on which the harvest is formed.

When forming a goji bush in the form of a tree, from the second year after planting, all branches except one of the longest and most powerful are cut out. She is immediately tied to a high peg. In the future, they continue to cut out all excess shoots until the main stem reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Then, as in the classic version of pruning, fruiting shoulders and branches are formed.

In addition, do not forget to cut out weak, thin, dry branches, branches that did not have berries, and lower branches (lower than 40 centimeters from the ground).

In general, the technology for pruning goji is in many ways similar to pruning grapes. If you grow grapes at your dacha, then you don’t need to invent anything new; feel free to follow the usual pattern.

Goji can withstand temperature drops down to -15°C, but in severe frosts it can still freeze. So it’s better not to take risks and cover the bushes in the fall with spruce branches, tops or covering material.

Tibetan barberry reproduces well vegetatively - by shoots. To do this, in mid-June, take a young branch, bend it to the ground, and place it in a small Plastic container and dig into the ground. If necessary, the shoot is watered. By autumn it will give its own roots, and next spring it is separated from the mother bush and replanted.

Finally, I would like to note that with the proper lighting conditions (with additional lighting in winter time) goji berries can be grown and bear fruit even at home, in a bowl.

We wish you success and great harvests!

Few people know what conditions goji berries require, however, planting and caring for the plant requires a careful and responsible approach. If you follow certain recommendations, you can grow a shrub in your garden. Thus, you will receive a real Tibetan healer for personal use, because the fruits of the bush have numerous healing properties, which are successfully used in the treatment of various diseases.

Propagation by seeds

Another name for the goji plant is Tibetan barberry, common wolfberry. The shrub reproduces in several ways - by seeds and vegetatively. It depends on whether a person has the opportunity to find a mature plant in order to cut a small branch from it.

Goji seeds are best collected from fresh berries. Since the tree is mainly distributed in Tibet, this will be quite problematic. However, you can also use dry fruit, the seeds of which retain important properties and are characterized by high germination due to their thin outer shell.

Before sowing, the material should be soaked in a growth stimulator for several hours to increase the chances of success. For this purpose, you can use any available drug - Zircon, Epin, etc.

You must first prepare a suitable soil - mix 2 parts soil, 1 part peat and add a little wood ash. The soil should be placed in a shallow box, moistened well and small grooves made. The seeds are sown at a distance of about 1-2 cm from each other and sprinkled with a thin layer of peat, the height of which should not exceed 0.5 cm.

Goji berry "New Big"

To create the elevated temperature and humidity necessary for rapid germination, it is advisable to cover the box plastic film and place in a warm place. As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to move the container to a windowsill or other bright place.

The soil needs to be watered regularly. This must be done using a special sprayer so that the soil is moistened evenly and gently. This is necessary so as not to accidentally damage weak shoots. As soon as 4-5 leaves appear on the seedlings, each plant should be transplanted into a separate cup. Since wolfberry is characterized by a developed root system, 500 ml containers should be used for picking.

It is advisable to plant common wolfberry in open ground no earlier than May. This will prevent any adverse effects spring frosts on immature goji plants. The hole must correspond to the volume of the glass in which the seedlings grew, since the plant must be moved together with all the soil.

Vegetative propagation

A very simple way to propagate wolfberries is by cuttings or rooting lower shoots. It is available only to those people whose relatives or neighbors grow this plant.

Growing shrubs using cuttings means that in July you should cut lignified shoots about 10 cm long. You need to make sure that each part contains at least 4-5 buds and at least 1-2 cm of old bark.

All cuttings must be dipped in a growth stimulator and planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse. It is here that the optimal conditions for rooting of shoots are present. The ideal soil is a mixture of peat and sand. The shoots must be buried at least 3-4 cm in order for a sufficiently powerful root system to form.

The easiest way to propagate shrubs is by digging in the top or lower stems. The shoot, located underground, must be watered regularly to create sufficient moisture. In addition, this will allow roots to form faster. You need to separate the new plant from the mother bush in early or mid-autumn in order to transplant it to permanent place and cover well to prevent freezing.

Choosing a site for goji berries and planting features

Tibetan barberry grows well in any soil. It can be slightly acidic or highly alkaline soil, which does not affect the development of the bush at all.

The area for goji berries should be sunny, as the plant loves bright sunlight. You cannot place the bush in a lowland, as it reacts poorly to stagnant water. The optimal time for planting is spring, but with the vegetative propagation method, after separation from the mother bush, the seedling must be immediately planted in a permanent place.

To ensure optimal conditions for the rapid growth and development of goji berries, you must first prepare a special hole up to 40 cm deep and about 50-55 cm wide. Fertilizers should be poured into the bottom - 150-200 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate or wood ash, and also about 10 kg of humus or peat. Mix all ingredients well. Deepen the roots of the seedlings slightly into the resulting soil and sprinkle with soil on top.

When growing Tibetan barberry from seedlings, the planting hole will be much smaller, depending on the volume of the root system.

It is advisable to have at least 2 plants in 1 plot to achieve successful fruit set. This is due to the fact that the bush is cross-pollinated.

Care and fertilization

Planting and caring for goji berries in the Moscow region involves the use of the same measures that are carried out in other regions. The main feature is shelter for the winter, which is due to at different times the onset of frost and its intensity.

You need to care for the plant constantly, but especially in the first year after planting. This is the most important period, on which future fruiting largely depends. In the absence of precipitation, it is necessary to water young bushes, loosen the soil for sufficient penetration of oxygen into the soil, remove weeds, and apply fertilizer to the ground. In general, Tibetan barberry is very unpretentious and grows very well. There is no need to treat the bush with insecticides, since it is extremely rarely affected by pests.

Fertilizing is applied only at the time of planting; in the future, it is advisable to enrich the soil with nutrients once a year, preferably in the spring. For this purpose, you can use special ready-made mixtures containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, and also use organic fertilizers in the form of compost.

An important part of caring for the common wolfberry is pruning and shaping the bush. There are 2 options for carrying out this work - classic and 1 stem:

  1. Classic pruning. In the first year of the growing season, 3-4 of the most powerful branches should be left, the rest should be completely removed. This principle must be adhered to over the next 2-3 years. Starting from the 4th year of growing season, on each main branch it is necessary to leave 3-4 shoots (fruit arms) 20-40 cm long. Such pruning will have a stimulating effect on the intensity of growth of new stems and thus the formation of a rich harvest.
  2. Pruning to 1 stem. It makes it possible to grow not a bush, but a small tree. The essence of the method is to leave only 1 branch on the plant and remove the rest. To prevent the goji berry from falling, it must be tied up immediately, since it must reach at least 1.5-2 m in height. IN further pruning planting is carried out in a classical way, the main principle of which is the complete removal of weak, lower and thin branches.

Pruning a goji plant is very similar to shaping grapes, and if garden plot If you eat this berry, there will be no problems with Tibetan barberry.

In the first year of the growing season, the common wolfberry must be covered with spruce branches, tops or any other similar material. After all, a young plant can withstand frosts only down to -15°C. Subsequently, the goji berry grows quite thick wood and its frost resistance increases significantly (up to -30°C).

Having grown Tibetan barberry in a garden or summer cottage, You'll get unusual plant, which has a lot of useful properties.

Goji berry, or Tibetan barberry, or barbaric wolfberry, comes from Tibet, where it grows wild. The plant was found by monks, and, thanks to its qualities, became effective medicine from many diseases.

Growing goji in an apartment or in a country house is becoming popular, as the berries are an excellent remedy for the treatment of ARVI, flu, and colds in children and adults. The healing fruits of goji contain 500 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and in terms of mineral composition they have no analogues among other representatives of the flora. The berry contains 21 types of mineral salts.

Goji berries have revolutionized the weight loss market. The results of using Tibetan barberry are stunning: without diets and grueling exercises, you can lose up to 10 kg in a week (see video). The berries are poisonous fresh, but once dry they are quite edible. The plant belongs to the nightshade family, which is why it has a specific taste.

For cultivation, Chinese agronomists specially created a variety with larger berries and perfect taste. Goji is Chinese, unlike wild plant, produces fruit only after 2-4 years of growth. At home, the seeds of Tibetan barberry sprout quickly, and the cuttings take root without much difficulty or additional stimulants. How to grow Tibetan barberry in a garden plot or at home in a pot?

Agricultural technology

Goji Tibetan is a shrub with creeping stems, in the wild reaching a length of 8 m (see photo). The branches have sharp thorns along their entire length, the leaves are long and narrow, completely covering the stem. Flowering occurs in spring and summer. The fruits are formed at the top of the stems. The berries are bright red in color and resemble cherry tomatoes in appearance. Inside there are small seeds, 8-15 pieces. Goji tastes sweetish with bitterness and slight sourness. The first harvest is harvested in the summer and continues until late autumn. Not only the berries are useful, but also the bark and leaves. In China, goji is popular as a seasoning for cold and hot dishes.

Goji berries are watery and difficult to dry. There are about 40 species in total, of which only Chinese and Tibetan goji have healing qualities. Fresh berries in contact with human skin cause severe oxidation and darkening of tissues. The whole plant in fresh poisonous! The crop is harvested on burlap, spread under the bush, and the ripe fruits are knocked down with a stick.

The climate conditions in central Russia make it possible to grow goji in the country. Rocky soil is suitable for the plant; on fertile soil the plant also grows and reproduces well. Care consists of watering, pruning, harvesting, and preparing for winter.

At home, the plant is provided with:

  • draft protection;
  • diffused light without direct sunlight;
  • 1 month of wintering in January-February with an air temperature of 10 0 C;
  • frame for stems;
  • pruning and formation of fruit branches;
  • alkaline soil;
  • watering once a week.

Goji is propagated by seeds and cuttings. In specialized stores you can purchase seeds, seedlings and adult plants, but it is not always possible to grow and maintain fruiting. Growing Tibetan barberry from seeds and seedlings is a labor-intensive, time-consuming process. The plant begins to bloom and bear fruit only in 2-4 years.

Propagation of Tibetan barberry by seeds

To grow a plant at home from seeds, collect mature large berries. Soak the berries in water for a couple of hours. Small seeds (about 1 mm - see photo) are selected from the fruit shell of the berry and soaked for 1-2 hours in a plant growth stimulator. Epin and Zircon will do. The seeds have good germination.

Prepare a soil mixture of loam and peat (2:1) with a neutral pH reaction for seedlings. Arrange drainage in the pot (1.5-3 cm). The soil is deeply moistened. Several seeds are planted in one container. The seeds are buried 2-2.5 cm into the soil. The soil is constantly watered, preventing it from drying out. It is important to provide favorable conditions without temperature changes and protect from drafts. After 2 weeks, the first shoots appear. After germination of the seedlings, the container is moved to a bright place, but without direct sunlight.

The seedlings are transplanted into separate pots immediately or after two true leaves appear. The root system of goji seedlings is very developed and grows deep. Therefore, there is no need to waste time with the transfer. Pots for seedlings are chosen at least 7 cm deep. A plant grown from seeds at home begins to bloom the very next year.

How to grow berries by cuttings and seedlings

The technology of growing fruit-bearing plants at home from cuttings can significantly speed up harvesting. To do this, cut the adult stem at a height of 35-40 cm. The cut stalk is cut at an angle, 10-15 cm long. The cuttings are placed in moist soil, covered glass jar. Regularly moisten the soil. After the leaves appear, remove the jar. Rooted cuttings with 2-3 leaves (see photo) are planted in a pot and provide constant care.

It is easy to grow goji at home using purchased seedlings. average cost seedlings for Russian market is 300-600 rubles. The rooted seedling should be transplanted into a larger diameter pot and provided with appropriate care.

To plant seedlings in open ground, prepare a sunny place. When choosing a site, take into account that there should be at least 1.5-2 m between plants. Dig a hole with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of 40 cm. Fill it with a mixture of humus, soil and coarse river sand. The plants are planted in a row, with a row spacing of at least 2-3 m. The seedling is slightly buried.

Conditions for growing goji can be easily created at home on a windowsill or in a garden plot in central Russia. The plant tolerates frosts down to -30 degrees, gusty winds, frosts, dry air and heavy rains in summer. Seeds and cuttings take root well and produce a harvest the following year. This resistance to weather changes is due to the Spartan lifestyle of the wild plant in the mountains of Tibet. The value of goji berries is incomparable to any other fruit plant.

Many have heard about healthy berries goji, which in Asian countries are used to treat various diseases and lose weight. Many people like their unusual taste, which is difficult to compare with anything else. To have goji on your site, care and cultivation must be carried out according to all the rules.

Goji bush - description

The fruit plant belongs to the Solanaceae family. It is also called “dereza”. In nature, the shrub grows in China, Tibet and the Himalayas. If you know the growing conditions, then goji can be planted in your garden or at home in a pot.

  1. It can reach a height of 3.5 m, but if you prune it, you can make it grow wider. Experienced gardener manages to create a standard look.
  2. There are thin spines on the surface of the branches, and the leaves are elliptical in shape. The flowers look like bells and are purple in color.
  3. The berries are oval in shape and colored scarlet-red. They reach about 12 mm in length. Goji bears fruit, the care and cultivation of which is carried out according to the requirements, either from May to September or from July to October. During this time, up to 13 harvests can be collected, but the most valuable are the fruits picked in August.

Goji planting

In order for the shrub to take root and develop well, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a location. It is important to consider that goji is a fast-growing crop that has a powerful root system. You can use it as a hedge or it is better to grow it in empty areas. To get large goji berries, planting can be done in sunny or shaded areas. You can even grow this crop at home, observing the wintering conditions.

Goji tree - planting with seeds

The harvest can be harvested in 4-5 years and each fruit contains 8-15 seeds. The berries must first be soaked for 5-10 minutes. in warm water to make it easier to get small seeds. It is recommended to leave them for a couple of hours in or “Epin”. For successful cultivation goji from seeds, consider a number of features:

  1. The temperature should be moderately warm, that is, in the range of 20-25°C. Moist soil is equally important. To ensure these conditions, it is better to plant in a deep container, which must be covered with film or glass.
  2. The soil should be normally drained and of medium looseness. It is better to give preference to neutral soil. You can mix peat and loam in a 1:2 ratio.
  3. You should not deepen the seeds more than 2-3 mm, otherwise it will be difficult for thin sprouts to break through. It is important that the soil does not dry out even for a short period of time.
  4. To start the active growth of goji, caring for and growing it at home involves removing the film or glass when the sprouts appear. Continue to monitor soil moisture. It is better to water using a spray bottle so as not to flood the soil too much.
  5. Transplantation into a separate pot can be done when 2-3 pairs of leaves appear. The pot should not be deeper than 7 cm. When the bush already has good branches and reach a height of 30-40 cm, you can transplant it into open ground.

Planting goji seedlings in spring

To propagate the plant, you can use semi-lignified cuttings with old wood. In most cases, hybrid varieties are grown as seedlings.

  1. It is important that the length of the cutting is at least 10 cm. To speed up growth, it is recommended to dip the cut in Kornevin.
  2. Planting and caring for goji begins in July-August, and this should be done under film or in a greenhouse. In order for the rooting process to go quickly, it is better to choose a cool place, for example, glass balcony. This process takes time from autumn to spring.
  3. Under the seedling, you need to make a hole approximately 40 cm deep and up to 60 cm wide. If several specimens are planted at once, then there should be a distance of 1.5-2 m between them. Please note that goji is a cross-pollinating plant, so you need to grow at least two bushes.
  4. All that remains is to water and apply peat or humus.

Goji tree - cultivation

A hardy crop does not require special conditions or the use of complex growing techniques. The main thing is to choose the right place for planting and you can already consider that half the work is done. When figuring out how to grow goji berries, we note that the fruits can be collected 3-4 years after planting and this can be done very easily: you need to lay a film or any fabric under the tree and simply shake the bush.

Growing goji - soil

Since this crop is hardy, it does not make any special requirements regarding the soil. The shrub develops well on neutral and alkaline soils. It will take root in acidic soil, but it will grow and produce less well. In order to collect goji berries every year, you can grow the plant on rocky soil at your dacha, especially since this will prevent stagnation of water.

When a seedling is planted in open ground, it is recommended to prepare a soil mixture: combine fermented humus, coarse river sand and garden soil in equal proportions. To increase fertility, it is necessary to add a number of fertilizers: 200-300 g of superphosphate and 1 liter of wood ash. Another option is to pour 300 g of potassium sulfate under each bush.

Goji Shrub Growing Temperature

Since in nature the plant is found in mountainous areas, it is not afraid of low temperatures. It has already been said that the seedling takes root at a reduced temperature. Growing Goji Plant in open ground It is worth starting in the spring, since the young animals may not survive the winter. An adult shrub feels normal at -15°C. It is also not afraid of heat; the main thing is not to forget about watering in case of severe drought.

Goji - care

  1. During the first years, the shoots of the plant are thin, and they can fall behind the ground. To avoid this, install a trellis or support nearby.
  2. To obtain a rich harvest of goji berries, care and pruning are carried out according to the rules, so if you do not shorten the branches, the bush can grow above 3 m, and the fruits will be small. It is better to form a low and spreading plant that will bear large berries. Remove excess skeletal branches, leaving only the strongest ones in different directions. Shoulders will form on them, and fruit branches will emerge from them, which need to be trimmed every year, leaving no more than four buds.
  3. If the winter is too cold, the goji may freeze, so care and cultivation involves transplanting it into a deep container and lowering it into the basement. There are gardeners who claim that covering with spruce branches and snow is quite enough.

How to grow a goji plant - watering

During the first years after planting, the young plant is vulnerable, so care includes proper watering. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out, but excessive moisture should also be avoided, as this can harm the roots, especially in the cold season. To avoid this, the list of procedures necessary for proper cultivation Goji bush, should include covering the ground around the trunk with film during prolonged rains or frosts. Mature plant Requires watering only during dry periods and if it grows in a sunny area.

How to grow goji - feeding

Unlike many berry crops, this shrub is able to grow and bear fruit even on poor soils, but it is better to add organic matter to the ground before planting it. Caring for goji in the spring involves adding compost and a balanced mineral fertilizer, which includes potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. No other feeding will be needed during the year.

Growing goji at home - diseases and pests

The shrub is not only easy to care for, but also resistant to various diseases and pests. Young shoots can rarely be damaged by aphids, and can be noticeable on flowers and young ovaries. Colorado beetle. When growing goji berries during rainy periods, it may appear. You can cope with pests by spraying with wormwood infusion. Diseases, for example, appear due to poor care or selection of unsuitable soil. As a preventative treatment chemicals no need to carry out.

IN Lately Goji berries are incredibly popular; they are considered to be one of the most effective means for weight loss and a source of numerous trace elements and minerals. Another name for goji is Chinese wolfberry, a shrub no more than 3 meters high, growing mainly in northwestern China. The plant prefers a warm climate, but thanks to the work of breeders, some varieties can be successfully grown in a summer cottage in central Russia. Experienced gardeners will tell you how to grow goji and care for shrubs.

Choosing a variety of goji berries for cultivation in central Russia

Externally, goji berries are similar to barberries: oblong in shape, no more than 2 cm long, orange-red in color. The shrub is quite attractive in appearance and will serve as an excellent decoration for a summer cottage. Its branches are light, with a yellowish tint, have small spines, the leaves are light green, elongated, the flowers are delicate purple. To date, varieties have been bred that can withstand frosts from -15 °C to -25 °C. The most popular ones are presented below.

  • "NEW BIG"- the result of the work of Polish breeders, fruits are round in shape, with a pleasant sweet taste. Tolerates drought, wind, and city smog well.
  • "Goji Lhasa"- the variety is early ripening, fruiting occurs already in the 3rd or 4th year after planting the seedling.
  • "Chinese Goji"- the variety guarantees a high yield, ripening time is average.
  • "NR1 Lifeberry"- has good frost resistance and unpretentiousness, has immunity to a number of diseases.

Goji berries have a strong diuretic effect; using them in food in unlimited quantities can be dangerous to health!

Choosing a site for growing goji

How to grow goji in central Russia? For successful growth and development, the shrub needs good lighting. However, on open areas may feel uncomfortable under the scorching sun. It is better to provide the dereza with light shading, for example, by planting trees or shrubs with openwork, finely dissected leaves (rowan, sea buckthorn) on the south side.

The shrub does not have any special requirements for the composition of the soil, but wildlife grows on rocky terrain. In order for the growing conditions in the garden to be as close as possible to natural ones, the substrate must be alkaline in composition, but wolfberry will grow quite successfully on neutral soils. The soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged; in swampy and frequently flooded areas, the plant may die. To prevent moisture stagnation in the roots, drainage is placed in the hole before planting the seedling.

Growing goji from seeds

How to grow goji from seeds? Many summer residents ask this question, because seedlings of this popular plant are quite expensive. In order to grow seedlings yourself, you need to order seed material online or purchase it at a nursery. Some people prefer to buy a handful of dry goji berries at the market and take a seed from them, but in this case it is impossible to predict how the seedling will grow and whether it will be able to grow in a moderately warm climate.

Sowing is very simple. It is necessary to prepare a box and fill it with a light nutrient substrate (mixture for growing seedlings). Next, the surface of the earth is slightly moistened and the seeds are laid out, pre-treatment they don't require it. The seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil; it should be no more than 3 mm. How to grow goji (seedlings) after planting? The box with the substrate is transferred to a well-lit room, the surface of the earth is sprayed daily with a spray bottle and wait for sprouts. At favorable conditions young seedlings will appear after 15 days.

As soon as the cotyledons open, professionals advise treating the plants with phytosporin, which will prevent the development of fungal infections. As goji grows, it is fed with complex mineral fertilizer and potassium humate, which stimulates the growth of seedlings. As soon as the plants reach a height of 7 cm, you can begin planting them in the garden bed.

Planting goji seedlings

Knowing how to grow goji from seeds, you need to study the technology of planting seedlings on the site. Planting is carried out exclusively in the spring, so that over the summer the plant can grow its root system and become stronger before the onset of frost.

If several shrubs will be grown, then it is better to plant them in rows, maintaining a distance of at least one and a half meters. Row spacing is done at a distance of 2.5 m. landing pit dig up a size of 50x50x50 cm. The excavated soil is mixed with fertilizers:

  • compost - 1 bucket,
  • wood ash - 1 liter jar.

All components are thoroughly mixed and placed in a hole, having previously placed a drainage made of crushed brick, expanded clay or river pebbles on the bottom. If the seedling was purchased from a nursery and is in a shipping container, then planting is carried out together with a lump of earth. It is recommended to drive a strong support next to the seedling; it should rise two meters above the ground. You can use wooden or metal carcass. Support is necessary so that shoots growing downward do not bend to the ground.

Features of goji care

How to grow goji on personal plot? Caring for dereza is done in the same way as for others. fruit and berry crops: watering, fertilizing, pruning, organizing winter shelter.

Watering and fertilizing

The shrub can withstand drought well, so frequent soil moisture can even be detrimental to it. Watering is necessary only in the first year after planting; its frequency should not exceed twice a week. If the weather is rainy outside, there is no need to moisten the soil. In subsequent years, it is recommended to water the wolfberry only in particularly dry months.

There is no need to apply large amounts of fertilizer. If the soil was enriched with organic matter during digging, then this year There is no need to feed the plants. Starting from the second year of life, in the spring, during the phase of active foliage growth, you can apply complex mineral fertilizer.

Goji pruning and shelter for the winter

Knowing how to grow goji in a summer cottage, all that remains is to learn how to prune the plant correctly. In the first years of life, it is necessary to identify 3–6 strong skeletal branches and carry out further work focusing on them. Subsequently, numerous fruiting shoots will appear on the skeletal branches. Sometimes wolfberry is grown exclusively as ornamental plant and form in the form of a small tree. In this case, not supports are driven next to the seedling, but a strong peg 3 m high; pruning is carried out so that only one main shoot remains. As soon as the seedling reaches a height of 1.2 m, the trunk and crown begin to form.

To prevent freezing of the root system and above-ground parts, the bush is hilled up, the soil is insulated with a layer of mulch (10–15 cm thick), and the branches are covered with burlap or folded in 3–4 layers non-woven material(lutrasil, agrofibre). Additionally, the plantings can be covered with spruce branches, and as soon as snow falls, snowdrifts can be formed.

Video on how to grow goji