The most unusual plants on earth. The most amazing leaves

The appearance of this plant is not very presentable, but it deserves the title of one of the strangest representatives of the flora. Velvichia amazing has only two leaves and a very strong stem with roots. As they grow, the leaf plates gradually take on the appearance of some kind of fairy-tale character with a shaggy mane. The growth of the trunk is directed more broadly than upward, and mature plant It amazes with its size: up to two meters high and up to eight meters wide. The amazing Velvichia lives from four hundred to one and a half thousand years. She can survive without water for up to five years. This plant has a very pleasant taste and is consumed both raw and baked. Behind taste qualities Velvichia amazing is also called in another way - desert onion.

A plant such as the Venus flytrap is known to many due to its unique traps and carnivorous nature. Its leaves close with the help of a complex interrelation of their turgor, elastic fibers and growth. When the leaf is open, its edges are turned outward; when closed, they turn inward, forming a chamber from which the hairs prevent getting out. Irritation of these hairs sets calcium ions in motion and forms an electrical impulse that spreads over the entire surface and midline leaf. If the victim is unable to get out immediately, its throwing stimulates the internal cells of the leaf, causing them to grow. This leads to the fact that the edges close tightly, forming a kind of “stomach” where the digestive process starts. It is catalyzed by enzymes secreted in the lobed glands. Digestion usually takes ten days, during which time all that remains of the victim is an empty chitinous shell. And the trap is again ready to catch unwary insects. Over the course of its life, it captures about three victims.

The largest and most unusual flower in the world is Rafflesia Arnolda. If you want to really surprise your family and friends, plant this giant in your garden. The plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, it reaches ninety centimeters in diameter and can weigh up to ten kilograms. It is not recommended to place a flower in a room because of its very unpleasant putrid odor, which attracts pollinating insects. The bud ripens for several months, but the flowering itself lasts only a couple of days. Numerous seeds are dispersed by both large mammals (this may include elephants carrying crushed berries on their feet) and insects such as ants.

Another curiosity of the flora is the dancing Desmodium. It is able to slowly rotate the stipules located on each leaf. The movement occurs as a result of changes in the level of turgor in the cells located at the junction of the leaf axis and the petioles of the stipules. Desmodium blooms with small brownish-yellow flowers; it is extremely thermophilic and requires year-round warm maintenance. Loves acidic soil, but grows well in neutral soils. Constant moisture of the substrate should be maintained, avoiding drying out. In winter, you can water after the soil has dried out a little. Desmodium needs strong diffused light, but direct sunlight, which can cause burns, is contraindicated.

Very similar to a greenish-brown ball or a round cactus without needles. This small succulent forms almost perfect shape ball. It is a rare species endemic to the Northern Cape. Uncontrolled export of the plant provoked the extinction of Euphorbia obese in natural conditions. Today the succulent is under national and international protection. legislative framework. The plant, along with other succulent milkweeds, is included in the Annex of the Convention governing international trade in endangered wild flora and fauna. Therefore, any plant transported across the border must have the appropriate permit. Without documentation, you can transport seeds, pollen and seedlings of plants grown indoors.

“Corpse flower” is another name for Amorphophallus titanica because of the disgusting smell of rotten eggs or fish. The flower is much taller than a human. Japanese cooks often use its tubers, adding them to various dishes. In addition, it is ground into flour, from which noodles and special gelatin are made, necessary for making tofu. Amorphophallus is also used in medicine. It is used to produce products for diabetics. The plant lives for forty years, blooming only three or four times.

Baobab, also known as bottle tree. This word is the general name of a genus that includes 8 species of trees, distributed in Australia, the African continent and Madagascar. The name of the plant was given for a reason - after all, it can store up to three hundred liters of water. Is it any wonder then that the lifespan of a baobab tree often reaches half a millennium?

Eighth place will be given to Dracaena cinnabar or dragon tree. As an ancient Indian legend says, on the island of Socotra, which is washed by the Arabian Sea, a ruthless dragon ruled, killing elephants and savoring their blood. But it so happened that the old, but still mighty elephant managed to fall on the monster and crush it. The blood of the animals mixed and nourished the earth, where strange plants grew, which were called dracaenas, which means “female dragon.”

It turns out that plants can be shy, like, for example, the shy mimosa. Its leaves are very sensitive, therefore they have the peculiarity of folding and falling in the dark, from the slightest touch or any other irritating signs. Who would have known that flowers have such deep sensuality?

Selaginella squamosum is called the resurrection flower. She is also known as the Rose of Jericho. The flower's popularity is influenced by its peculiarity - Selaginella is able to survive after it has almost completely dried out. In its natural habitat in dry weather, it rolls its stems into a ball and opens only after the rain has passed.

In the collections of amateur flower growers today you can find flowers from all over the world. It is difficult to imagine how many titles today include full list such crops, and it is completely impossible to name the most beautiful indoor plants. Some people like views with luxurious inflorescences, others love foliage of unusual colors and shapes, and still others have window sills lined with pots with the most unpretentious plants, which they say “planted and forgotten.”

Speaking of “the very best,” each gardener means his own personal circle of plants. But what if we try to talk about 15 indoor plants that will cause surprise, admiration in most people, and perhaps a desire to get to know unusual house flowers better, and not just with their photos and names.

Photos and names of rare indoor plants of unusual shape

The main decoration of a plant is not always its flowers. Relatively recently, decorative deciduous crops with leaves of all shapes and colors of the rainbow have come into fashion. But it turns out that besides them, there are an incredible number of truly unique plants in nature’s storehouses.

Today, flower growers are discovering species that attract attention original form, which sometimes makes you think: “Is this really an unusual indoor plant or an invention of an abstract designer?”


In the first half of the 19th century, an extraordinary plant was discovered on the dry rocky plains of the South African coast, which still amazes with its bizarre shape. Trachyandra, which is related to the usual one, is quite small. The length of the twisted green leaves, reminiscent of a plastic toy, does not exceed 25–30 cm, and the peduncle bearing star-shaped white or pinkish corollas rises 30–40 cm above the ground.

Having gained fame thanks to photography, the exotic indoor flower with a name still unfamiliar to the general public, today it is rarely found in private collections. However, the unpretentiousness of the plant, which takes root on western or eastern windows, needs moderate watering and is content with room temperature, speaks of good prospects for this living “miracle of nature.”

Euphorbia tirucalli ( Euphorbia tirucalli)

Exotic lovers will not remain indifferent to this domestic exotic plant, the photo and name of which indicate that the culture comes from dry, hot places. At home, euphorbia tirucalli demonstrates a non-capricious disposition and grows in soil mixture for succulents and with minimal care can reach 2 meters in height.

A characteristic feature of the plant is fleshy shoots practically devoid of leaves, colored pink and orange at the tops. Euphorbia flowers are very small, greenish, and inconspicuous. Tiny lanceolate leaves are located at the tops of the branches and are colored and the same bright colors.

The plant needs moderate watering; due to the lack of foliage, it tolerates exposure to the sun well, and in the shade it regains its natural green color.

In winter, a dormant period is arranged for milkweed, allowing it to rest at a temperature no higher than +15 °C.

Euphorbia obesa

At first glance, Euphorbia obese resembles a cactus or a skillfully executed Japanese temari ball embroidered with silver-green threads. In fact, this is the closest relative of the previously described plant. The modified stem has the shape of a ribbed bluish ball with rows of small spines. The plant's green or barely pink flowers are arranged in a crown-like arrangement at the top.

Gradually, the depicted name of a rare indoor plant, in the photo, is becoming more and more famous both among succulent connoisseurs and among ordinary flower growers. Today they have at their disposal even more amazing than Euphorbia obese, its interspecific hybrids, as well as various forms.


Many experts indoor plants Mil's milkweed is a sign, popularly called the crown of thorns. Unpretentious plant with medium-sized white, pink, red flowers on a prickly stem, it is very reminiscent of a spectacular pachypodium.

True, last type flowers cannot be called modest. Snow-white or, less commonly, yellow, quivering flowers, like a crown, crown a rosette of hard leaves on a swollen stem covered with long thorns.

The plant of arid plains loves bright light throughout the year, needs regular abundant watering in the summer, and slows down its development and rests in the winter. Like other succulents, pachypodium is not picky.

When caring for koi, you need to be careful because of the sharp spines and poisonous, irritating koi juice.


The Tolstyankov family is famous for the extraordinary appearance of its plants. Crassula is a large genus, many of whose representatives have attracted the interest of gardeners and have long been grown as ornamental houseplants.

The juicy, fleshy greens can store enough moisture to help Crassulas survive drought. Plants do without nutrient-rich soil, do not have a pronounced dormant period, and bloom, such as the popular Money Tree, rarely reproduce vegetatively at home.

At the same time, they are unpretentious, content with minimal care, easily coexist with succulents and delight their owners for a long time with their bright colors and bizarre shapes.

Exotic house plants: photos and names

From time immemorial, man has been drawn to distant countries to unknown beauties and amazing discoveries. Today, to become a natural scientist, you do not have to go to the ends of the earth. Below we will talk about the names and photos of exotic ones that will allow any gardener to feel like a true adventurer, a conqueror of the depths of the sea, a guest in a tribe of cannibal savages, and even a participant in a landing on an alien, unfriendly planet.

Stapelia Variegata

Stapelia is not a new or rare crop, but even those gardeners who are well acquainted with the plant do not always know about its unusual “zest” This large motley flowers are purple-golden or purple-gray in color. The flattened corollas are supported by elongated recumbent stalks and, to attract pollinators, emit the same unpleasant meaty smell.

One of the most unusual indoor flowers called stapelia can also be known as orbea. This home view Rhodes from South Africa is not capricious, easily tolerates moisture deficiency, excess light and is only afraid of damage to the root system.

A close relative of the plant is also grown in indoor culture. This is a giant stapelia with flowers more than 20 cm in diameter.


When listing exotic house plants, from photos and names, one cannot help but dwell on a culture that has recently begun to be developed room window sills. This pseudolithos is one of the most unusual succulents, more like a sea stone overgrown with algae and corals.

Today, less than a dozen varieties of this plant have been discovered and studied, all of them are extremely decorative and, although they are not easy to grow, they will become a bright star in any collection.

In nature, pseudolithoses live between rocks on the South African dry plains, which explains the species of plants and their apparent adaptation to lack of moisture. Due to the lack of traditional pollinators, pseudolithoses have learned to use flies. To attract these insects, the blooming small purple-greenish flowers spread the specific smell of rotting meat throughout the area.

Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Above were photos and names of exotic indoor flowers that attract insects for pollination. However, the Venus flytrap is much more “cunning and ruthless.” This amazing houseplant, like an alien from a horror movie, opens small but numerous and toothy traps to catch the unfortunate fly or spider alive. A midge falling into a tenacious trap forces the trap to close so that the flower can digest and assimilate the prey.

The plant will be interesting not only to grow, but also to observe. For good health, the flower requires high humidity in the air and soil, as well as a bright place with a small transparent shadow.

In summer, the flycatcher grows at room temperature, but is afraid of cold temperatures below 15 °C. In winter, the pot is put into the refrigerator for the winter.

The most beautiful indoor plants: photos and names

Flowering plants traditionally evoke universal admiration, demonstrate the skill and diligence of the gardener, decorate the interior and lift the mood. Today, a lover of indoor plants has the right to choose among tens and hundreds of worthy and very bright views. However, there are rare indoor flowers, which are not yet very well known or undeservedly forgotten.

Lantana camara

Lantana - the most beautiful shrubby plant originally from Africa and South America comes from the Verbenov family. In indoor floriculture, the crop is valued for its amazing multi-colored inflorescences, combining corollas of yellow, orange, purple, crimson and other shades.

Small tubular flowers, collected in dense caps, change color, so the appearance of the shrub up to one and a half meters high is constantly changing. At the same time, flowering lasts from May until autumn; the plant has bright, slightly rough, jagged foliage and branched shoots that form a spreading, wide crown. In a pot, lantana can be grown as a shrub or, with the help of pruning, can be formed into a small graceful tree.

IN middle lane the indigenous inhabitant of the tropics does not overwinter and is grown only in the house; the pot can only be taken out into the garden for the summer, when there is no threat of frost and cold rain.


The name of the tree-like houseplant in the photo is or indoor maple. The genus, which is closely related to mallow, hibiscus and lavatera, is interesting for gardeners due to the duration and incredible splendor of flowering, during which the subshrub or small standard tree is covered with large bright bells.

An indoor flower with orange flowers or corollas as in the photo in white, scarlet, soft apricot, raspberry, yellow and purple tones will not leave the most picky esthete indifferent. The plants are easy to shape, have a high growth rate, are undemanding and maintain their decorative properties throughout the year.

Abutilon was named domestic maple because of its characteristic five-fingered leaves, which in some orts can be not just green, but with a white, silver or golden edging, specks or entire light segments.

The most beautiful indoor plants can be not only large shrubs, but also very modest species. A typical example is lachenalia, bright, blooming in winter bulbous plant.

Moisture-loving, suitable for forcing original plant It grows well in well-lit places, loves coolness and already at a temperature of 8–12 °C it begins to develop and produces a peduncle with a cluster of tubular flowers, colored in yellow, greenish, orange and purple tones.


The window sill will be made no less bright by small, lushly blooming calceolaria bushes, which at first glance amaze not only with the abundance of flowers, but also with their unique shape. The corollas, reminiscent of doll's handbags or shoes, are painted in a variety of colors and crown stems 15 to 20 cm high.

At home, this plant is grown as a biennial and the crown must be shortened when mass flowering ends. To ensure that the flowers shown in the photo, the most beautiful indoor plants called calceolaria, remain bright and fresh longer, they are placed away from direct sunlight, and the soil is regularly moistened.


The Gesneriev family generously presented amateur flower growers with many decorative species, which today are deservedly considered the most beautiful indoor plants.

From Madagascar and the shores of South Africa, it arrived on Russian window sills, capable of competing on equal terms for the love of fans with the famous Saintpaulias and Gloxinias.

Varietal streptocarpus bloom continuously for several months. They do not require a period of rest and easily reproduce using seeds, leaves and children. And in terms of splendor, their flowering is not inferior to violets over a spectacular leaf rosette, several dozen tubular flowers of a wide range from white to deep purple or burgundy can rise at the same time. The flower, which claims to be the most beautiful indoor plant, loves diffused light.

Rare hanging indoor flowers: names and photos

It is impossible to imagine the home collection of a true floriculture enthusiast without spectacular hanging specimens. Such species usually claim the title of the most beautiful indoor plants, and photos and names of such crops are always heard.


This magnificent hanging plant, unfortunately, cannot be found in every home. And the point here is not the difficulty of care, but the size of the adult specimen. The rare indoor flower shown in the photo, called columnea, grows and produces thin one and a half meter shoots, densely strewn with pointed foliage and bright red-yellow flowers. The bizarre corollas are very reminiscent of Chinese goldfish, which was the reason for the appearance popular name goldfish flower.

In cultivation, the small-leaved variety is more common, although the glorious columnar, distinguished by purple foliage, is in no way inferior to it in decorativeness. The plant loves partial shade and indirect sunlight and needs to be maintained high humidity and caring for greenery.


One of the most beautiful indoor plants can rightfully be considered delicate and at the same time luxurious. In nature there are numerous varieties of this tall climbing crop found in the humid tropics of Africa, Asia and South America.

Powerful perennials stand out with bright greenery and lush flowering, and the flowers of each species are not similar to each other, are incredibly beautiful and often fragrant. The advantage of the plant is long-lasting and abundant flowering even when grown in a pot, as well as care accessible to everyone.


Vegetable world Our planet is so rich and diverse that it never ceases to amaze even scientists. This rating presents the 10 most unusual plants in the world, capable of changing the understanding of botany with their appearance. It seems that being a botanist is quite honorable, since these scientists can surprise the whole world with their discoveries.

10. Creepy handshake

Thanks to the flowers unusual shape, Chirantodendron is called the “devil's hand”. The homeland of this tree is Mexico, which was inhabited by the Aztecs several centuries ago. They used chirantodendron flowers in their magical rituals, and all because of their similarity to a five-fingered hand. The coloring of the petals only adds color, because at the ends of the so-called fingers, red sharp claws are clearly visible. During the flowering period, the tree is very abundantly covered with “palms” that sway terribly in the wind.

9. Blooms and smells

For Europeans, this plant is very unusual, but people living in the tropics and subtropics do not consider amorphophallus to be anything unusual. The plant develops from a tuber the size of an average grapefruit. And for local residents it is of gastronomic interest. In Japanese cuisine, amorphophallus tubers are added to soups and stewed with vegetables. And the dried pieces are ground into flour, from which noodles are subsequently made. But having become acquainted with amorphophallus during the flowering period, not every tourist then dares to eat it. The amorphophallus flower reaches a height of 2.5 m. This huge and incredibly beautiful flower, like the famous rafflesia, the heroine of the top 10, exudes an unreal stench. The smell of rotting meat attracts insects that pollinate the plant. And the amorphophallus can snack on the larvae of some types of moths, replenishing its supply of nutrients. This plant proves by its example that appearances are deceiving. And because of unpleasant odor there are few people willing to admire it live beautiful flower. The rest opt ​​for high-quality photographs.

8. Blood of the Dragon

If you damage the bark of a dragon tree, a red, tarry liquid similar to blood will appear at the site. Because of this feature long years The aborigines considered the tree sacred. Modern scientists do not revere the sap of dragon trees, but study them with great interest. These unusual plants are found on the African continent and on the southern islands of Asia. They grow rather slowly, but there are specimens of impressive size, the girth of which can reach 15 m. Specimens of a very respectable age can boast of such dimensions. Experts say that the dragon tree can live up to 9,000 years, but without complex research it is impossible to determine the age of the plant, since it does not form growth rings.

7. Living Desert Rocks

Translated from ancient Greek, this plant is called “having the appearance of a stone.” Many amateur gardeners also call these unusual indoor plants living pebbles. Lithops come from the African desert, but with proper care they feel good in an ordinary city apartment. Lithops consists of two fleshy leaves that are separated by a slit. A pair of leaves lives for one year, then it is replaced by a new pair, the dividing gap of which will be located strictly perpendicular to the previous one. Such life cycle due to the arid climate characteristic of these plants. Old watery leaves serve as a source of moisture and nutrients for new ones. As lithops develop, they can “throw out” another pair of leaves nearby from one root. Over time, they grow into small flocks.

6. Established supermarket

The baobab is considered an unofficial symbol of the African savannah; it has a very recognizable silhouette. unusual tree. Baobabs have peculiar proportions; their trunk is too wide relative to the height of the tree. And all because the plant accumulates and stores nutrients and water in it. The reserves are sufficient for the entire period of drought, however, at this time the tree decreases in volume and even sheds its leaves. Local residents have learned to use baobabs to the fullest. They joke that if a baobab grows nearby, then there is no need to go to the market. So, nets and mats are woven from the bark, the fruits are eaten, shampoo is made from them, faces are painted with the juice of rhizomes, and wood ash saves the aborigines from many diseases. The tree itself can serve as a good home. The fact is that wet wood under the influence of fungal infections it is often destroyed, and the baobab becomes hollow inside. However, this does not prevent the mega-hardy tree from continuing to grow and bear fruit. Based on the results of recent studies, it was concluded that baobabs live for more than one thousand years. So, such empty trees can shelter up to 40 people inside. But when the baobab does die, it crumbles into small pieces, leaving behind only a mountain of rotten wood.

5. Vague prospects

There are unusual plant species in the world that need to be comfortable life specific weather. One of these exotic plants is Welwitschia amazing. This plant can be found on the rocky desert soils of Namibia and Angola, where it rains only 2 months a year. The rest of the time the sun kills all living things. At the same time, Velvichia manages to survive. And all because the main source of moisture for this plant is thick fog caused by the proximity Atlantic Ocean. The plant absorbs moisture from the air with its huge leaves. True, there are only two of them, but the length of each reaches up to 8 meters, and the width - up to 2 m. To shade the rhizome, the plant divides its wide leaves into narrow parts in the form of belts. The latter die off over time, but their shadow allows the plant to survive in extreme conditions. Due to the withered foliage, the plant seems dead, but in fact its vital potential is amazing. Welwitschia is often mistaken for a grass, but in fact it is a tree, and quite an ancient one. Using carbon dating, it was found that the age of individual specimens exceeds 1,500 years.

4. You don't need a reason to dance

Growing in Asia unusual shrub Desmodium gyrans. Its peculiarity is that the leaves of the plant are constantly in motion. This occurs provided that the plant receives enough moisture and light. Only then can you watch how some leaves literally dance on the branch. Scientists explain such movements by surges in water pressure inside the leaf cells. But, despite the scientific findings, from the outside it looks a lot like magic. It is striking that the cyclical movements of the leaves resemble the human heart rhythm. As a result of research, an Indian scientist was able to establish this. Well, a person should remember that he is as much a part of nature as the exotic Desmodium gyrans. But the bush dances are worth a look.

3. Water lily for Thumbelina

Some unusual plant species enjoy special attention among residents of the countries where they grow. Thus, Victoria Amazoniana flaunts on the coat of arms of Guyana, a small South American state. And there is something to be proud of, because this is the largest water lily in the world, the leaves of which reach 2 m in diameter. Such a leaf can support not only the fabulous Thumbelina, but also a person or animal weighing up to 50 kg. The flowers of the plant require special attention, they appear once a year for 3 days. Delicate flowers with a diameter of 30 cm are snow-white on the first day. At night they close and go underwater to emerge on the morning of the second day in a soft pink color. On the third day they change color to crimson or purple, and in the evening they go under water for the last time. So, for three days the water lilies appear on the surface of the water in all their glory, but their withering is hidden from the eyes of the audience.

2. A fly for lunch

The Venus flytrap is a rare representative of plant predators. Its specially shaped leaves are capable of slamming shut, trapping an insect inside. Once the food is inside, the leaf begins to secrete an enzyme for the insect to digest. On average, one leaf takes up to 10 days to completely digest organic matter. After which, only the chitinous shell remains of the fly. During its life, a leaf manages to “eat” up to three insects. This predatory behavior of the plant is dictated by its growing environment. Under natural conditions, this plant can most often be found in humid climates on marshy soils. Similar conditions are found in the United States along the Atlantic coast. Swampy soil poor in nitrogen, by eating insects, the flycatcher makes up for the lack of nutrients. Today it is fashionable to grow unusual indoor plants, and the Venus flytrap may well become one of them.

1. Timid beauty

Mimosa pudica has perhaps eclipsed all the most unusual plants in the world. This herbaceous plant responds instantly to the slightest touch. As soon as you touch it, all the mimosa leaves, as if embarrassed, curl up, and the branches droop. True, after 5-10 minutes of rest the plant regains its original appearance. In nature it is exotic plant can be found in Central America, but as a houseplant, the shy mimosa grows throughout the world. However, you need to see this with your own eyes.

As you can see, nature is generous with miracles. And once again you can verify this by reading.

The flora of our planet is so rich and diverse that it never ceases to amaze even scientists. This rating presents the 10 most unusual plants in the world, capable of changing the understanding of botany with their appearance. It seems that being a botanist is quite honorable, since these scientists can surprise the whole world with their discoveries.

10. Creepy handshake

Due to its unusually shaped flowers, chyrantodendron is called the “devil's hand”. The homeland of this tree is Mexico, which was inhabited by the Aztecs several centuries ago. They used chirantodendron flowers in their magical rituals, and all because of their similarity to a five-fingered brush. The coloring of the petals only adds color, because at the ends of the so-called fingers, red sharp claws are clearly visible. During the flowering period, the tree is very abundantly covered with “palms” that sway terribly in the wind.

9. Blooms and smells

For Europeans, this plant is very unusual, but people living in the tropics and subtropics do not consider amorphophallus to be anything unusual. The plant develops from a tuber the size of an average grapefruit. And for local residents it is of gastronomic interest. In Japanese cuisine, amorphophallus tubers are added to soups and stewed with vegetables. And the dried pieces are ground into flour, from which noodles are subsequently made. But having become acquainted with amorphophallus during the flowering period, not every tourist then dares to eat it. The amorphophallus flower reaches a height of 2.5 m. This huge and incredibly beautiful flower, like the famous rafflesia, exudes an unreal stench. The smell of rotting meat attracts insects that pollinate the plant. And the amorphophallus can snack on the larvae of some types of moths, replenishing its supply of nutrients. This plant proves by its example that appearances are deceiving. And because of the unpleasant smell, there are few people who want to admire the beautiful flower in person. The rest opt ​​for high-quality photographs.

8. Blood of the Dragon

If you damage the bark of a dragon tree, a red, tarry liquid similar to blood will appear at the site. Because of this feature, for many years the natives considered the tree sacred. Modern scientists do not revere the sap of dragon trees, but study them with great interest. These unusual plants are found on the African continent and on the southern islands of Asia. They grow rather slowly, but there are specimens of impressive size, the girth of which can reach 15 m. Specimens of a very respectable age can boast of such dimensions. Experts say that the dragon tree can live up to 9,000 years, but without complex research it is impossible to determine the age of the plant, since it does not form growth rings.

7. Living Desert Rocks

Translated from ancient Greek, this plant is called “having the appearance of a stone.” Many amateur gardeners also call these unusual indoor plants living pebbles. Lithops come from the African desert, but with proper care they feel good in an ordinary city apartment. Lithops consists of two fleshy leaves that are separated by a slit. A pair of leaves lives for one year, then it is replaced by a new pair, the dividing gap of which will be located strictly perpendicular to the previous one. This life cycle is due to the arid climate characteristic of these plants. Old watery leaves serve as a source of moisture and nutrients for new ones. As lithops develop, they can “throw out” another pair of leaves nearby from one root. Over time, they grow into small flocks.

6. Established supermarket

The baobab is considered an unofficial symbol of the African savanna; the silhouette of this unusual tree is very recognizable. Baobabs have peculiar proportions; their trunk is too wide relative to the height of the tree. And all because the plant accumulates and stores nutrients and water in it. The reserves are sufficient for the entire period of drought, however, at this time the tree decreases in volume and even sheds its leaves. Local residents have learned to use baobabs to the fullest. They joke that if a baobab grows nearby, then there is no need to go to the market. So, nets and mats are woven from the bark, the fruits are eaten, shampoo is made from them, faces are painted with the juice of the rhizomes, and wood ash saves the aborigines from many diseases. The tree itself can serve as a good home. The fact is that wet wood is often destroyed under the influence of fungal infections, and the baobab becomes hollow inside. However, this does not prevent the mega-hardy tree from continuing to grow and bear fruit. Based on the results of recent studies, it was concluded that baobabs live for more than one thousand years. So, such empty trees can shelter up to 40 people inside. But when the baobab does die, it crumbles into small pieces, leaving behind only a mountain of rotten wood.

5. Vague prospects

There are unusual plant species in the world that require specific weather conditions for a comfortable life. One of these exotic plants is Welwitschia amazing. This plant can be found on the rocky desert soils of Namibia and Angola, where it rains only 2 months a year. The rest of the time the sun kills all living things. At the same time, Velvichia manages to survive. And all because the main source of moisture for this plant is the thick fog caused by the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The plant absorbs moisture from the air with its huge leaves. True, there are only two of them, but the length of each reaches up to 8 meters, and the width - up to 2 m. To shade the rhizome, the plant divides its wide leaves into narrow parts in the form of belts. The latter die off over time, but their shade allows the plant to survive in extreme conditions. Due to the withered foliage, the plant seems dead, but in fact its vital potential is amazing. Welwitschia is often mistaken for a grass, but in fact it is a tree, and quite an ancient one. Using carbon dating, it was found that the age of individual specimens exceeds 1,500 years.

4. You don't need a reason to dance

An unusual shrub, Desmodium gyrans, grows in Asia. Its peculiarity is that the leaves of the plant are constantly in motion. This occurs provided that the plant receives enough moisture and light. Only then can you watch how some leaves literally dance on the branch. Scientists explain such movements by surges in water pressure inside the leaf cells. But, despite the scientific findings, from the outside it looks a lot like magic. It is striking that the cyclical movements of the leaves resemble the human heart rhythm. As a result of research, an Indian scientist was able to establish this. Well, a person should remember that he is as much a part of nature as the exotic Desmodium gyrans. But the bush dances are worth a look.

3. Water lily for Thumbelina

Some unusual plant species receive special attention from residents of the countries where they grow. Thus, Victoria Amazoniana flaunts on the coat of arms of Guyana, a small South American state. And there is something to be proud of, because this is the largest water lily in the world, the leaves of which reach 2 m in diameter. Such a leaf can support not only the fabulous Thumbelina, but also a person or animal weighing up to 50 kg. The flowers of the plant require special attention, they appear once a year for 3 days. Delicate flowers with a diameter of 30 cm are snow-white on the first day. At night they close and go underwater to emerge on the morning of the second day in a soft pink color. On the third day they change color to crimson or purple, and in the evening they go under water for the last time. So, for three days the water lilies appear on the surface of the water in all their glory, but their withering is hidden from the eyes of the audience.

2. A fly for lunch

The Venus flytrap is a rare representative of plant predators. Its specially shaped leaves are capable of slamming shut, trapping an insect inside. Once the food is inside, the leaf begins to secrete an enzyme for the insect to digest. On average, one leaf takes up to 10 days to completely digest organic matter. After which, only the chitinous shell remains of the fly. During its life, a leaf manages to “eat” up to three insects. This predatory behavior of the plant is dictated by its growing environment. Under natural conditions, this plant can most often be found in humid climates on marshy soils. Similar conditions are found in the United States along the Atlantic coast. Swampy soil is poor in nitrogen; by eating insects, the flycatcher makes up for the lack of nutrients. Today it is fashionable to grow unusual indoor plants, and the Venus flytrap may well become one of them.

1. Timid beauty

Mimosa pudica has perhaps eclipsed all the most unusual plants in the world. This herbaceous plant instantly reacts to the slightest touch. As soon as you touch it, all the mimosa leaves, as if embarrassed, curl up, and the branches droop. True, after 5-10 minutes of rest the plant again regains its original appearance. In nature, this exotic plant can be found in Central America, but as a houseplant, the modest mimosa grows all over the world. However, you need to see this with your own eyes.

Nature is inexhaustible in its imagination. There are a huge number of amazing creatures living on Earth: from funny to terrifying. There are also the most unusual plants in the world. Let's talk about them today.

Amorphophallus titanum

The second name is Corpse lily. What makes it the most unusual plant in the world is not only the gigantic size of the flower, but also the terrible smell that it emits. It’s good that you only have to smell the aroma of rotten meat and fish for two days - this is the flowering period of this amazing plant. Another feature of it is its rare flowering. The “corpse lily” lives for a long time, up to 40 years, and during this time flowers appear on it only 3-4 times. The plant can reach a height of up to 3 meters, and its weight large flower is about 75 kilograms.

The homeland of Amorphophallus titanica is the forest of Sumatra, where it is now practically exterminated. The plant can be seen in many botanical gardens around the world.

Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Only the lazy did not write about this amazing predator plant. But no matter how much is said about it, the Venus flytrap amazes with its absolute alienness. One can easily imagine her as an inhabitant of some distant and dangerous planet inhabited carnivorous plants. Venus flytrap leaves are an ideal trap for small insects. As soon as the unlucky victim touches the leaf, it slams shut. And the more actively the insect resists, the more it stimulates the growth of plant cells. The edges of the leaf trap grow together and turn into a “stomach”, where the digestion process takes place within 10 days. After this, the trap is again ready to capture the next victim.

This unusual predator can be “tamed” - the Venus flytrap is successfully grown at home. Here it is important to follow the rules of care, and then for an amazing carnivorous plant you can see for yourself.

Wolffia angusta

It is one of the most unusual plants in the world due to its tiny size. This aquatic plant subfamily duckweed. The size of the wolffia is negligible - about a millimeter. It blooms very rarely. Meanwhile, in terms of the amount of protein, the plant is not inferior to legumes and can be used for human food.


This beautiful plant also seems to come from other worlds. Unusual flower brought missionaries who saw him in South Africa, an allegory about the savior’s crown of thorns. This is where the second name of one of the most unusual plants in the world came from - passion flower (passion of Christ).

Passionflower is a woody climbing vine with more than 500 species.

Victoria amozonica (Victoria amozonica)

This is the most amazing and unusual water lily in the world. The diameter of the plant's leaves reaches two meters. They are so large that they can support up to 80 kg. The flowers of this water lily are very beautiful, and Victoria Amazonis is the most popular and unusual plant in greenhouses and botanical gardens.

About many amazing plants the world has known for a long time. But there is absolutely unusual representatives flora that few people know about. Meanwhile, they truly amaze with their appearance.


Another predator plant that surprises with its unusual appearance. Grows mainly in Asia. Climbing high on neighboring trees, this bush-like vine, along with ordinary leaves, has special trapping leaves that take the shape of a jug up to half a meter long. They are painted in bright colors to attract the attention of insects. The upper edge of the jug contains fragrant nectar. The insect, attracted by the smell and color of the plant, crawls inside the jug and rolls down its smooth surface. At the bottom there is a liquid consisting of digestive enzymes and acids - real gastric juice. Inner surface The trapping leaf is lined with wax scales, which do not allow the prey to escape from the trap. Like the Venus flytrap, Nepenthes takes several days to digest the insect. This is one of the most unusual and impressive plants in the world.

An inedible mushroom native to Europe, North America and Australia. It looks like a small piece of cake covered in strawberry syrup. It is not eaten as food due to its strong bitter taste. Except amazing appearance the mushroom has and beneficial features– its pulp has an antibacterial effect and contains blood thinning substances. It only looks unusual young plant, the snow-white pulp of which exudes drops of reddish liquid.

White crow, or doll's eyes, is an unusual plant not for the faint of heart. The fruits that appear on it in the second half of summer really most resemble doll's eyes mounted on a branch. The homeland of the white crow is mountainous areas North America. The plant does not pose a mortal danger.

Porcupine Tomato

Porcupine Tomato is one of the most unusual plants in the world with huge thorns. This is a Madagascar one and a half meter weed, decorated with beautiful purple flowers. But it is very difficult to pick them, since the leaves of the plant are protected by long poisonous thorns orange color. It was named tomato for its fruits, which look like small tomatoes.

Many unusual plants of the world, in the course of evolution, have learned to take the form of other living beings. The flowers of the duck-billed orchid, for example, are very similar to tiny two-centimeter ducks. In this way, the plant attracts insects - male sawflies - for pollination.

Lithops or living stones (Lithops)

Among indoor plants you can find the most amazing and unusual specimens. This is confirmed by living stones that will decorate and diversify the room. They are classified as succulents and therefore quite unpretentious. The main thing is to comply proper care behind them, and one day you will be able to admire how the lithops, which look like small stones, will bloom. This usually occurs in the third year of the plant’s life.

If in the 18th century, when this unusual plant was first described, they knew about airplanes, it would have been called that way. It belongs to succulents and forms a dense interweaving of thread-like shoots. The plant feels great at home and is used for decorative design premises.