Comfortable life outside the city: an overview of the best projects of single-storey houses with a garage

The popularity located in suburban villages increases every year. Building such settlements is also conducted by construction organizations, and in individual order. Ready or original project Houses with a garage as implementing will help in solving at least two problems at least. Along with the comfortable housing, the owner receives a room for a vehicle.

The idea of \u200b\u200buniting at home and garage is very successful and allows you to use the best way. Built-in technical premises have a number of advantages over a separate building. First, the cost of its construction is significantly less. Secondly, a garage, which is part of the house, is convenient in terms of everyday use especially during the cold season. No need to go out to get to the car.

Diverse projects of homes with attic and garage are offered by architectural bureaus and other specialized organizations. The main advantage of such housing is the most complete use of the entire internal space of the structure. With relatively small exterior sizes in houses such a layout, there is everything you need. Variants of accommodation of residential and office premises Great set.

Project of the house with a garage and an attic in the style of chalet

The garage box can be located in, located along one of the walls of the cottage under the same roof with it. Another option: The technical room can serve as the basis for the residential rooms of the attic floor. Common for all such projects is the distribution of premises by levels in accordance with their functions.

Plan of the first floor of a house with a garage and an attic

On the first floor it is usually a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a sanitary node, on the second: bedrooms and bathrooms.

Mansard floor plan

Single-level residential buildings with garage boxes

Ready projects one-storey houses The population of our country is extremely popular with the garage. Their main advantage: simplicity of implementation and as a result relatively high price. One-story buildings have a smaller weight, which helps reduce the load on the foundation and soil. This circumstance allows them to be facilitated to a certain level of foundations.

When all rooms are located at one level, there is no need for expensive stair transitions. As a result, the entire useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house can be used more rationally. Placement scheme of premises miscellaneous destination It is designed in such a way that kitchens and bathrooms are located between residential rooms and garage. Such an approach minimizes negative influence From the neighborhood with the garage box.

An example of planning and location of rooms in a single-storey building with a garage

Multi-level houses with garage: execution options

Limited dimensions land plots Do not always allow accommodation, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich would be sufficient for a comfortable placement of the whole family. Diverse projects two-storey houses With a garage - an excellent opportunity to resolve this problem. When preserving the external dimensions of the building inner space Increases at least twice.

There are different layout diagrams of multi-level buildings. For the most part, they concern, above all, location garage Boxing. The logic dictates the need to place the technical premises on the lower floors of the houses. Built-in garages can be located both at the ground level and below it in the basement. Such projects are extremely popular among the population, and make it possible to build worthy housing on a small platform.

Duplex houses with a garage in the basement - one of the most sought-after execution options.

Boxing and office space: boiler room, kitchen, bathroom, and the living room serves as the basis for the bedrooms located above the bedrooms, children's and bathrooms.

An example of a model layout of the house with a garage in the ground floor

Moving people between levels is carried out by. There are many options here: from simple straight marches installed in separate rooms to original screw structures.

Architectural solutions implemented in a set. As an option: the indoor terrace can be located on the garage box, which is used in the warm season. Open architectural element Applies home to a certain charm and makes it easy and air. The terrace site is used mainly for recreation, feeding and tea drinking.

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Project two-storey house With a garage and a terrace located above it

Specialized bureaus offer ready-made projects, and also engage in the development of individual projects. Usually, during the preliminary negotiations, the client shows typical developments that are most suitable according to the characteristics to the requirements of the customer. Serious organizations have dozens and even hundreds of ready-made projects that are reduced to catalogs or collections with sonorous names.

In multi-level residential buildings, garage boxes can be placed below the ground level in the basement.

The construction of such houses is usually produced in order to fully use the designated platform during limitations at a general height. The project of a separate dwelling with a garage located in basement, perfectly fits into a complex area of \u200b\u200bthe plot, for example, on the hillside.

Project of the house with a garage in the basement floor located on the slope

Special attention in the process of conducting construction work It is necessary to pay waterproofing. The project includes a set of activities aimed at creating drainage system and applying coatings that prevent moisture penetration. In the shredded garage rooms it is necessary to provide effective system Ventilation. Maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity mode is necessary to ensure the safety of the car.

Specificity of houses equipped with a garage from different materials

Construction technologies involve the use of materials with different properties and characteristics. One of the most accessible and only attractive clients are wooden houses with a garage of a profiled bar or rounded log. Lumber natural humidity Create in interior premises Special microclimate promoting and maintaining health.

Services in the construction of houses from wood offer many companies. When choosing a contractor, preference is given to those enterprises that they have their own modern production. With built-in garage boxes can be both typed and developed in accordance with the wishes of the customer. Building material allows the construction of a single-level or multi-storey well-maintained dwelling.

An example of a two-story project wooden house With garage

Original projects of houses with a garage from a bar of whole or glitter diverse by architectural solutions. The choice can be made from the finished development or make an order for design individually. The technical task in this case is formed on the basis of the wishes of the customer and taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.

It has a number of features. Manufacture complete set Details are carried out at the woodworking company. Modern high-precision equipment allows elements with the necessary tolerances. Parallel to production assembly set The basis of the base is carried out: ribbon or slab. Assembly process on ready foundation It takes a little time.

Another option of using wood in individual housing construction :. This technology has long and successfully applied to developed countries Scandinavia, North America and Europe. In Russia, projects frame houses Garage are becoming increasingly popular. Explanation Simple: In comparison with other methods of construction, this is the most inexpensive.

The frame structure comes in the form of an assembly set of industrial manufacture. The small weight of such buildings allows the use of lightweight, and, therefore, inexpensive bases. Widespread applications were obtained by columns and pile-scolded foundations. Bearing frames are made from a rectangular timber of different sections and amplified by steel linings in places of compounds. It is carried out by mats of mineral fiber or foam.

In addition to wood in the construction of private houses, traditional and innovative materials are used. We are talking about brick and blocks produced different ways. One- and two-storey houses with a garage of foam blocks perfectly proven themselves in our country, especially in northern latitudes. Energy saving in such buildings raised to a completely new level.

During the two-story house with a garage of foam blocks

Material has sufficient strength in combination with a relatively small specific weight. Foam block is used to build carriers and partitions as single and two-level houses. At the same time, the limit load on the foundations in such buildings is significantly lower. There is an opportunity for saving materials and a general reduction in financial and labor costs during construction.

Projects of brick houses and cottages with a garage can be attributed to the category of classic. By virtue of the features of technology and high costs manual labor Such buildings are quite expensive. Architectural bureaus and other similar organizations offer from this material and develop documentation under the order. This process is quite complicated, however the use of special software Allows it to intensify.

It is difficult to imagine life in a country house without a garage! The question is rather: to build a house with a built-in garage or house separately from the garage? It all depends on the specific situation. The garage in the house, properly designed and properly built, more comfortable than the separate one. But such a house, it takes more space on the site, especially if we are talking about a single-storey building with a garage attached to its implementation, a wider area will be required to implement it. If the site is just wider and not deep, then the house with the garage on the contrary will help save space on the site.

Projects of houses with a garage: Benefits

  • Comfort. The house with the garage will allow faster and more convenient to enter overall things into the house. In rainy or frosty weather you will not have to go out to get behind the wheel (in the case of a radio-controlled external gate).
  • Saving. With its construction, you will save at least one wall and foundation under it. And in the case of a fully built-in garage in the house hull (for example, if you consider projects with a garage and attic) and on the roof. The remaining walls of the garage room (depending on the project) can be built from more budget materials than the house itself. You will save on the laying of water supply systems, sewage and heating to a detached premises - the required components of the garage for proper content in it car.

When building a house with a garage, we recommend you to pay attention to the following key points:

  • If your chosen home project still does not have a garage, do not hurry to add a garage to the house yourself . Even if it allows planning, it is not always that simple as it seems. The project of the house with the garage provides for the fulfillment of a number of constructive requirements in relation to the whole house as a whole, the violation of these requirements is fraught with serious consequences. When designing a home heating system with a garage, heat loss is taken into account through the enclosing garage designs with the general calculation of the building heat loss, prebels the ventilation system in the garage, without which the exhaust gases can penetrate into the house.In addition, incorrectly chosen dimensions of the garage premises, the disproportionate angle of inclination and the type of roof can negatively affect the appearance of the whole house.
  • Before designing a garage in a basement or basement room, carefully analyze the costs of its construction.. It must be borne in mind that the basement device is very expensive pleasure, its cost can reach 30% of the total house, due to the large volume of earthlings and foundation. And convenient, such a garage, will in the event it will be if it will provide an angle of inclination of the driveway to it not more than 12 ° and take care of the molding of glaciation on this site in winter.

If you decide to go to live in a suburb, then under the same roof may be optimal decision. Because - it is not only beautiful, unity with nature and life in a quiet place, but also a great contribution to the arrangement and building life. One of the necessary elements of a country life is a car.

The United States has developed a whole culture of the so-called comfort-taunov. These are such small towns that are almost like sleeping areas at megalopolis. There are low-rise buildings in them, quiet, greens and grace. And from there, people go to work every day. For example, from New Jersey, which, in general, neighboring staff, in New York. There is almost no exception to all projects of houses with a garage.

Selecting a garage type

Before planning construction, you need to choose. After all, the approach to choosing a project is fundamentally different if you build, albeit for frequent hits, and a generic nest, where several family generations will live the next hundred years. Equally how to take into account the lifestyle. Do you often have guests? Or maybe you need a carpentry workshop for the soul?

The second stage - rate your material opportunities. Construction can be insidious. Even with the most stringent calculations, something will surely go wrong, because it is necessary to mortgage at least a small backlash for unforeseen situations. Well, of course, try not to go on the common stereotypes and do not save on materials, in order not to redo it and not to repair it in a year.

As for garages, you need to answer a few pretty simple questions:

  1. How many cars will the garage?
  2. Will you fix the car in it?
  3. Does it need a place there for storing something other than automotive accessories?
  4. What is the form of a plot and where is the entry?
  5. Where and how do you plan to build a house?

So it will be clear to you, what needs are primitive, and what can be neglected.

Detached garage

The garage can be put separately. In the United States often testifies to the revenue age of the house, which was built, even when the cars smelled badly. Our other options are still almost found. To the advantages of this type can be attributed:

  • Fire safety. Since gasoline and other fuel and lubricants are often standing in the garage, then you will be much calmer if the random fire will not reinflect on the house.
  • Noise isolation in case of car repair. If you are planning to repair yourself, then secure home from noise and dust. Yes, and the observation pit in a separate foundation will be cheaper and easier than under the house.
  • The ability to put at any point of the site where there is a check in. It plays a decisive role if you have a land area complex form Or it is necessary to place buildings so as not to demolish what is already on it (for example, the garden).

The main minus is primarily expensive if you make a capital building with a foundation from aerated concrete or brick. But even if you build a lightweight option, then the wiring of communications can fly into a penny.

Garages combined with home

Where to get the project?

A lot of offers can be found on the Internet: at least free projects, at least paid typical, and even more customized for any of your needs. In the same place, on the sites of construction companies or architectural bureaus, you can make an order and contact the manager.

If you find a suitable free project, then you will save about 10% of the total price of the house. Approximately so much is worth creating a project from scratch. If you stop the choice on the type of offer of the construction company, then besides a pleasant price, you get another advantage. The confidence is that this is the already tested project, on him already built a house and, perhaps, not one.

But the main risk and typical, and free projects: They are like a cat in a bag. May not approach the structure of your site: geodesic features, soil type, relief, shape. You may not fit the wiring of communications. It seems to be a trifle, and to transfer from one corner to another - a good adventure is not always joyful. And not in all cases it is clear, there will be a tiny alteration of point intervention, or will require global changes. For example, the change of materials can be a problem due to the difference in design loads, and everything will have to recalculate everything from the foundation.

And you should not particularly rely on the photo at home. They will not tell you anything really important, this is an advertising element that creates an attractive atmosphere. But a detailed plan - yes. Drawings, communication layout scheme, location, their size and orientation on the Sun is important. It depends on whether the house will be warm, light, convenient.

Projects of houses with a garage under one roof: Different planning

Even if you do not plan for a long time and stubbornly repair your "swallow", then it is still noise and smell. Because it is important that:

  • combining the garage stands with technical premises. Storage rooms, boiler, kitchen in extreme cases;
  • all the side and side of the house and on the side, and on top, if you plan something over the garage, should be carefully warm and soundproofed, since the garage is often not heated or is heated weakly;
  • take care that it is reliable and in terms of mentioned thermal insulation, and just closed reliably. Not only to protect the car, but also because there is a door to the house, which is usually not reliable, or forget to close;
  • do not plan over the garage spalienlet him be there or something like that.

Important! When planning a built-in garage, ensure reliable fire protection. It should be a class not lower than the protection of the whole house.

In everything else, when choosing a project home, focus on the needs of the family. On average, a house of 120 square meters is quite suitable for 4 people. m. The question is just how to distribute them. But, depending on the composition of the family and needs, this area may change.

One-storey houses with garage

TO one-story house The easiest way to attach the garage, if it was originally scheduled. A B. small house It will also be an additional useful area where you can remove unnecessary things for seasonal storage, to keep stocks.

Tip: Refuse the option where the garage is located next to. Exhaust gases can spoil your holiday, and it will be difficult to remove the dirt on the glasses.

Two-storey houses with garage

Homes with the attic can be found more and more. They appeared in the Middle Ages, to avoid taxes on floors. And then they were the refuge of poets and artists. After all, attic, especially if you add it to the window in the roof, romantic and cozy place. And practical! Because it allows you to use all available space for housing. Especially if the idea came to mind.

Projects of houses with a garage and an attic intermediate option between the first two types. On the one hand, they are not so difficult to equip, on the other, it is one of the most economical extension options. Depending on, such a project can be like budget option "Only for bedrooms", and maybe a full-fledged floor. But the cost of construction increases in proportion. In general, the principle is simple: the higher the roof, the sharper the angle of the skate, the less space you lose on the height difference.

Traditional American two-storey house With garage and attic. Fronton over the garage "Saves" the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house

In any case, to the choice of the project of the house with or without a garage, you need to come as much as possible. After all, it is not even as scary if in the process you need to urgently change or seriously redo. The most unpleasant thing is to put the whole soul into the house, and then find that you are bad and inconvenient to you.

Therefore, you should not hurry with the choice. No need to charmive beautiful photos in the catalogs. It is better to spend more time, but find an architect that designer houses for your area. See the most common projects. You can even chat with neighbors to find out what problems are in their home. So you will be sure that you have provided everything for a comfortable life in your own home.

For people living beyond the city, the car is very often becomes not just a luxury, but one of the essential items, which, of course, needs to be accommodated somewhere. This requires a garage. With arrangement country plot It is important to function functionally. square meter Square, not forgetting beauty. Therefore, various options for combining buildings are often chosen, one of which is united under one roof of the house and garage.

Features of designing houses with a garage

Garage - a technical room that can be used not only to accommodate a car, but also for storing various household supplies, applied as a workshop, etc. Optimal than all such buildings are located separately, but the size of the site often cannot allow such an option and Watching additional bulky buildings is not always beautiful.

Video: pros and cons of garage accommodation in the house and separately

The advantages of combining home and garage:

  • saving costs for the construction and consumption of materials, as one structure is being built instead of two separate rooms;
  • the possibility of equipment in the garage of an additional access to the house, which will save time from entering it and will exclude the need to constantly go out, especially in winter or in bad weather;
  • an increase in the useful space of the site;
  • ability to combine communication;
  • improving the functionality of the garage - it can be additionally used as a noosuit or storage room, where you can quickly transfer things to the house.

Combining the house and garage looks beautiful and has a lot of advantages

At the same time, when combining buildings, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions:

  1. The project must comply with the requirements of sanitary and fire regulations.
  2. If the house and garage will have a common foundation, they should be erected at the same time, since if the main building will first be built, and only then the garage, the first foundation will have time to seek, and the level of buildings will be different.
  3. When planning the garage, powerful ventilation and gas insulation must be provided to unpleasant odors And the particles emitted during the operation of the car substances did not fall into the residential premises.
  4. It is necessary to design good waterproofing To maintain the optimal humidity regime.
  5. If the garage is attached to finished houseIt is important to observe the correct ligament of the walls.

The garage room should not be knocked out general style Buildings. Its facade and roof should be the same colors and from the same building materialsas the house itself.

Photo Gallery: ideas of houses combined with garage

When an extension of the garage on the side of the house is important to observe the ligament of the walls The roof of the house is asymmetric: a longer skate forms a garage roof The garage with the house can be connected by the transition in which you can equip an additional room. Unusual finish Combines the house and garage into a single ensemble Garage roof effectively goes into a visor over the entrance to the house Placing the garage in the basement helps to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe plot

Options for combining buildings

There are several basic types of object combination:

  1. Underground - the garage is located on the ground floor or in the basement of a residential building. This method helps reduce the overall building height, reduce the costs of excavation. This embodiment of buildings is well suited for areas where the relief bias is present.
  2. Overhead - the garage is equipped on the first floor of the house, and residential premises are located above it. With this method of combining the height of the structure will increase, but this will help preserve the useful space around the house.
  3. Ground - Garage is attached to the side of housing. This option is often used when you need to combine a garage with a ready-made building.

Projects of houses with a garage attached to the house

This embodiment of buildings is most convenient, as it can be implemented in the process of building the main building, and after its completion. When designing the extension of the garage to the house, it is recommended at the initial stage to provide total doorconnecting both rooms. In some cases, buildings are connected not close, but constructing between them the transition, which contributes to the preservation of heat in winter, and in addition, can be used as an additional furnace or economic room. The roof of the garage attached to the left or right side can also be applied rationally, equipping an open terrace on it, a winter garden, a workshop or an office.

On the flat roof garage can be equipped with an open terrace

This house has a classic form, but the garage attached to the left has modified the perimeter of the building, creating new opportunities for planning the landscape of the site. Modest color gamut emphasizes strict architectural forms. Dark gray The roofs are effectively combined with a light gray stone tiled, which is lined with the building base. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe house is 141.1 m 2, living - 111.9 m 2. The garage area is 29.2 m 2. The house is built of aerated concrete and ceramic blocks.

The garage is often the united architectural ensemble with the house

On the ground floor there is an open living room right side From the entrance, on the left - three bedrooms. The garage room is separated from a residential bathroom and kitchen.

The garage room and bedrooms are preferably not to have

Two-storey house with a terrace over a attached garage

This project is decorated in modern style. The terraces at the first and second level combine the entire structure into a spectacular architectural ensemble. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe house is 125.8 m 2, living - 105.4 m 2. The garage takes 20.4 m 2, the terrace with a canopy is located above it.

Thread terrace adorn the fronton at home

At the first level there is a spacious living room, combined with a dining room, and a kitchen equipped with a large pantry. Fireplace located interior Wall, heats the room and creates a cozy atmosphere. And also on the floor there is a bedroom with a private bathroom.

From the dining room there is a way out on the terrace, which allows you to enjoy the spacious and fresh air

On the second floor there is a sleeping area consisting of three rooms With shared bathroom. The largest of the rooms has access to the terrace on which you can equip summer zone recreation.

On the terrace you can comfortably relax in the summer

Projects of houses with a garage on the first floor

Options with the placement of garage boxing on the first floor of the house are well suited for small sections. The garage embedded in the building needs particularly durable overlaps.

The facade of the house is decorated in a fashionable modern style with a contrast finish, while large squares Glazing and four-tiled tiled roof give notes comfort and traditional comfort. The useful space is 163.7 m 2 with a total area of \u200b\u200bthe house of 187.4 m 2. The garage on one car occupies 23.7 m 2. The height of the structure is 8.81 m.

The project combines fashionable design and classic comfort

The first floor creates a feeling open space Thanks to the large glazing area and the second light in the living room. The dining room and living room are separated by a fireplace, which can be equipped with an additional furnace from the side of the terrace for an external grill.

The garage has two exits in the residential part of the house

On the second floor there are three bedrooms with a spacious shared bathroom and a single dressing room.

On the second floor of the project there are three bedrooms and a bathroom.

Thanks T-shaped The house has a stylish and unusual appearancedespite the simple and practical design. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building is 139.2 m 2, residential - 100.2 m 2. Garage area - 27.5 m 2.

Bright roofing creates a stylish focus in simple decoration at home

Bearing walls in the project are missing, which gives wide opportunities Redevelopment of both the first and attic floor.

At the first level there is a kitchen, partially separated from the living room L-shaped partition. The fireplace in the living room not only decorates the interior and heats the room, but also creates a unique atmosphere of heat and comfort. The dining room and living room are equipped with outputs on the terrace, which creates a feeling of free space. The house is distinguished by extensive glazed surfaces, which provides a good influx of natural light. The car box has direct access to the house, which facilitates the transfer of things from the car to the room and eliminates the need to go out on the street. In addition, there is an additional space in the garage room, which allows the workshop there. Also on the first floor there are small roomwhich can be used for the private account.

In the garage there is an additional compartment in which you can arrange a workshop or a place for storing things

On the mansard floor There is a sleeping area from four rooms with one shared bathroom. The bathrooms are located one over the other, which makes it easier to carry out communications. In the spacious room above the garage you can place the library, a rest room or a bedroom.

In the spacious room above the garage you can equip an extra room

Projects of houses with a garage located in the ground floor

The underground floor serves as an additional foundation and gives it greater stability, especially if the terrain is hilly or has a slope. The disadvantage of this method of garage extension is the high cost of work with the soil and the ventilation and waterproofing devices. Before construction, it is necessary to study the level of groundwater and the type of soil - in the swampy terrain to build the ground floor will not be possible.

When placing the garage in the basement, it is often necessary to improve the congress or ramp. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements:

  • the width of the ramp should be more width garage doors 50 cm on each side;
  • the length of the congress is recommended to do at least 5 m;
  • the end of the descent must be not higher than 25 °;
  • the coating of the congress should not be slippery;
  • between the ramp and counterpart must be present a drain groove, closed with a lattice.

Raduce should be equipped with a garage in the basement floor

The scheme for placing the garage in the basement floor or basement of the house is quite common. At the same time, at the first level over the garage, there are office space (bathrooms, kitchen) and a day zone - a dining room and a living room; On the second - the residential area (bedrooms, children's, offices). All floors are connected by stairs. Often the base is made expanded to arrange an open or closed terrace on an additional platform above the garage.

One-storey house with a garage in the basement

This project is beautiful, simple, functional and suitable for lovers modern architecture. The house looks spectacular thanks to the roof of dark tiles in combination with a facade covered with light plaster and trimmed with wood. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe house is 213.5 m 2, living - 185.9 m 2. The garage is located in the basement and takes 20.9 m 2.

Beautiful compact house will suit lovers of modern architecture

At the first level there is a day zone. The room designed under the office can be converted to an additional bedroom or guest. The living room has access to a spacious indoor terrace, which is perfect for spending time in the fresh air.

The inner space of the house is clearly divided into day and night zone

In superstructure social Floor There are three bedrooms, one of which has access to a separate bathroom, and the other two are in common.

The stairs can be climbed to the second level, where the sleeping area is located.

Video: Houses of houses with garage

Features of operation and care of the roof of the garage combined with the house

The most common, simple and cheapest option is to combine the house and garage under the total double roof. But if you want your home to look more effectively and unusually, you can use other ideas, for example, to arrange a broken roof: over the main building - a single-table, and above the garage - flat. At the same time, roofing cake of technical premises should be equipped high-quality system Water disposal. In accordance with fireproof standards The ceiling of the garage room should be covered with an inadequate material with a thickness of at least 4 mm.

If the roof of the garage is decided to do the operated flat, perhaps several options:

  1. Place a recreation area on the roof of the garage room - an open area or under a canopy.
  2. To equip the roof parking for parking machines.
  3. Create a green zone - for this, a fertile soil layer is applied over the coating, which is satisfied with the lawn or plants are settled.
  4. Make a terrace open or closed, with artificial or natural coating.

In some cases, the pool, greenhouse, sports ground are organized on the roof exploited roof, etc.

On a flat operated roof of the garage, you can arrange a green zone

Features of care

  1. In time, inspect the root for damage, cracks, slopes. It is necessary to replace the favorable material on time if you ignore the problems, then you have to make a major overhaul.
  2. Every year conduct preventive work.
  3. Clean the roof from snow, leaves, dirt on time.

Video: Operated flat roofing garage

Combining a house with a garage will help not only rationally use the area of \u200b\u200bthe countryside, but also to improve its appearance. Of different options Building associations You can choose the one that is suitable for you. The main thing is to comply with all the features of construction and stick necessary rules and norms to end up using home and garage with maximum comfort and safety.

The layout of any house begins with choosing its location. It is best to place a house so that it falls as much light as possible. Ideal for this are suitable hills. Since we will talk about the house with a garage, it is worth taking care of a convenient entrance. Let's consider in more detail all the subtleties of the plan.

Two-storey house: advantages and disadvantages

Two-storey house is well placed on a small area

Maintenance advantages of two-storey houses:

  • attractive appearance;
  • savings of the plot area for construction;
  • the possibility of taking a balcony;
  • saving on the construction of the foundation due to the smaller area;
  • ability to divide space on separate zones.

To disadvantages of a two-storey house These factors can be attributed:

  • the need for design and the construction of stairs;
  • careful calculation and design of ventilation systems;
  • significant waste to install plumbing and heating systems.

How to plan the first floor

Click to enlarge

Usually, on the first floor of a two-story house there are a public zone, that is, the premises common use . You can also place rooms for the elderly family members to save them from the predicament of the stairs. The link you can see what happens. How to build a terrace with your own hands, you can look at the video.

Classic room for the first floor:

  • kitchen;
  • dining room;
  • living room;
  • hallway;
  • pantry;
  • bathroom;
  • rooms for guests.

By placing these premises on the first floor, you will provide free access to them as owners and guests at home.


Residential premises in the garage will allow you to make a stylish and trendy room.

When planning, the garage has under one roof with a house, or attached to it. As a rule, it has two entrances: from home and through the central gate.

Planning the position of the garage, you need to pay special attention Comfortable leaving, both in the summer and in winter.


Click to enlarge

In classical layout, the second floor is a family recreation zone. The second floor has the following premises:

  • bedrooms;
  • children's rooms;
  • bathroom in adult bedroom;
  • general bathroom bathroom;
  • study;
  • wardrobe.

House for two floors

Do not place children's rooms and bedrooms above the garage. Since the exhaust gases and gasoline pairs are harmful to the human body.

To exclude these substances in the living quarters, it is necessary to equip the garage with a powerful ventilation of forced type.

Avoid large corridors on the second floor. Enough to plan small space Before the stairs, in which all the doors of the premises will be published.

What needs to be considered when planning

Designing a two-storey house with a garage inside, need to take into account certain norms:

  1. Communication. Heating and plumbing systems. When planning heating, it is necessary to take into account the costs of it;
  2. In the garage must be equipped good system Ventilationso that the room, located above the garage, did not receive exhaust gases and unpleasant odors;
  3. It is worth taking care of quality noise insulation;
  4. The garage room is not heated in such a volume as residential, therefore it is necessary to consider the insulation of the floor in the room above the garage;
  5. If winter garden is planned over the garage, it is necessary to carry out work on the insulation of the walls;
  6. Electricity and placement lighting devices inside the house and in the garage;
  7. Planning the cost of construction and decoration, always point out percentage 20 for unforeseen spending.

What can be arranged above the garage

From the balcony will open a wonderful look

In the room above the garage, you can place a winter garden, a terrace or a living room.

Over the garage you can arrange a winter garden. However, it is worth considering that this room requires a large amount of energy. Therefore, it will be advisable to make heating floors. Room walls to separate good heat insulating materials. This will significantly reduce heating costs.

Especially relevant placement of a winter garden over the garage, if it is located on the south side of the house. Roof winter Sadom Must be steep, so that the snow does not accumulate on it, and in summer, the sun did not heat the surface.

Living room

Two-storey house need to properly design

Indoors above the garage can be located and living room. The main thing is that it was not a children's and not a bedroom. In this room, you can equip a home theater, an office study, gym or creative workshop.