The most efficient heating of a private house without gas. Autonomous gasification: expensive. Plus the electrification of the whole country

One of modern systems heating without the use of natural gas is the use innovative heating geothermal heat pump.

The principle of operation of a heat pump is to extract low-temperature heat from soil, water or air, convert it in the evaporator into high-temperature heat (up to 65 degrees) and transfer heat for heating the home and cooking hot water... This principle can be compared to the operation of a refrigerator, just the opposite. The refrigerator takes heat from the inner chamber and transfers it to the radiator located on the rear side, and the heat pump from the environment takes low-temperature heat, heats it in the evaporator and supplies it to the heating system.

The geothermal heating system consists of three circuits:

  • closed primary circuit, in which propylene glycol is heated from soil or water to a temperature of 5-6 degrees. Circuit (collector) of polypropylene pipes is laid horizontally in the ground below the freezing level, vertically or obliquely into drilled wells, or on the bottom of a natural non-freezing reservoir. As you know, at depth, the temperature is practically constant all year round - about +5 degrees;
  • a heat pump evaporator, in which low-temperature heat is converted into high-temperature heat. The circuit is filled with a safe refrigerant - carbon dioxide or hydrocarbon (freon is used in refrigerators and air conditioners).
  • internal circuit of the heating system and hot water supply at home.

The heat pump can also be used to cool the air (as an air conditioner) during hot seasons.

The system consumes little electricity, which, in principle, is only used for compressor operation, which makes it possible to use a small mobile generator in emergency situations with power supply.

Heat pumps are quite efficient. So, when a compressor uses 1 kW of electricity at the output, we have 4-5 kW of thermal energy, receiving 3-4 kW of free energy from the environment. The efficiency of heat pumps in comparison with gas heating is more than three times.

The rooms for the geothermal heat pump system do not have special requirements, in contrast to the rooms for gas boilers. For installation installation will fit any utility room, without chimneys or even ventilation - storage room, basement, garage ...

Depending on the method of laying the primary circuit, the systems differ in the type of heat sources:

I will allow myself a small digression:

An instructive story happened to my neighbor in a dacha cooperative. He installed himself a heat pump. Its section goes to the river bank and he decided to lay a closed loop at the bottom of the reservoir. To save money, instead of cast-iron dubengings that are attached to polyethylene pipe for the weight every meter, I decided to use bricks with nylon ropes.

The savings turned out to be significant, since one dubbing with a clamp for fastening costs about 1 euro, and the length of the collector pipes was more than 300m.

After a while, due to poor attachment to the pipe, the weights moved and the pipes partially floated to the surface of the water. At this time, frost struck and the first ice appeared on the river and ... fishermen, who with their bald spots and brakes broke the pipes. The collector has become unusable, and the propylene glycol has leaked into the river.

As a result of such "savings" the neighbor had to change the entire circuit in the spring and fill in a new coolant.

The cost and installation of a heat pump system is quite costly. Equipment for your two-storey house 6 x 8m (with a total area of \u200b\u200bup to 100sq.m.) Will cost 4-5 thousand euros. But it pays off given view heating much faster than any other heating system.

How the heat pump works:

To date, heating a private house without gas and electricity is quite affordable for every owner. It is far from always possible to connect gas inexpensively. And electricity is not all that cheap, considering the fact that the cost of it will be high in winter.

there is different types heating systemsif there is no gas in the house.

Different heating options will help answer the questions of how to heat water and simultaneously warm up the room.

Solar collectors

Great alternative gas heatingsolar collectors... Such installations operate smoothly and economically. Collectors ways for a long time keep the room warm. But the main thing is that when good conditions they can generate electricity. Such installations have both advantages and disadvantages.

So, solar collectors are absolutely safe. It is quite simple and quick to mount such installations. Collectors are installed anywhere on the facade of the building. The installation will fit perfectly into the design of the house, since you can choose the most suitable option for yourself among a wide range of products. But most importantly, collectors provide significant savings in utility costs. Therefore, this type of installation is perfect even for low-income families.

The only drawback of these collectors is that they are powered entirely by solar energy. This predetermines the specifics of the collector installation. In regions where it is sunny almost all year round (usually this is the south of the country), the installation of collectors fully justifies itself. But in northern latitudes, these installations will be completely useless.

Heat pumps

How to heat a large house? Heating system country house without gas can also be arranged using a heat pump. Thanks to such an installation, it will be possible not only to heat the room, but also, if necessary, heat water for domestic needs. What are the features of such installations for giving without gas?

The main sources that generate heat when using this type of pump are the bowels of the earth, soil or water. And this already suggests that the operation of the pump will also not cause any harm. environment... Alternative heating of a country house without gas by means of a heat pump has many advantages. So, pumps are also environmentally friendly. Moreover, the use of such installations completely excludes fires or explosions.

Heat pumps heat efficiently and better than many other installations, but at the same time they are quite economical. This setting very easy to adjust even by an inexperienced user. This makes it possible to set the desired room temperature. And also heat pumps have an automatic regulator, which, if necessary, can turn on or off the unit.

The only significant drawback of a heat pump is its high price... Of course, today there are many pump models, among which you can find both expensive and cheaper options. And it's not about quality at all. Just different settings can be focused on heating large or small rooms. Nevertheless, practice shows that even the use of the most expensive heat pumps pays for itself during operation. After all, utility costs are significantly reduced.

Solid fuel boilers and furnaces

How to heat a house inexpensively? The most affordable and initially cheapest option for heating a country house today is the use of ordinary firewood. It's old and proven safe view fuel. But if in a simple village small house people have enough firewood and small oven, then this will not be enough for a modern country house. And here special boilers that run on solid fuels will come to the rescue.

As a rule, firewood produces a lot of heat. Therefore, with the help of them, you can also heat the room, cook food and heat water if necessary. When it comes to heating a large house with several rooms, then one boiler or stove will not be enough. Here special batteries or radiators will come to the rescue, which will carry heat to all rooms from the main source installed in a certain place. Heat will circulate throughout the heating system. If you wish, you can make such a system adjustable, which will allow you to heat some rooms and keep others cold.

Today, there are 3 main types of solid fuel boilers in total. These are pyrolysis units, classic devices and gas generating boilers. Each model has both its undeniable advantages and disadvantages. The most inexpensive and popular are classic installations. They are not that expensive, they work almost without interruption and without serious breakdowns.

But still the cheapest for country house will acquire the usual wood stove... Such economical heating will help solve several problems at once. It will be possible to cook food, heat water on it. In this case, the stove will perfectly warm the air in the room. And in regions with a particularly harsh climate, such an oven is convenient because you can also sleep on it.

Figure 1. Wood stove in a private house.

The stove can either be built in the house on your own, or you can invite a specialist who will assemble it according to finished project... It all depends on financial resources homeowner. If you approach this issue competently, then you can make such a wood-burning stove, which will differ not only in high functionality, but also perfectly fit into the interior. An example of such an installation is shown in the photo (Figure 1).

But when choosing such a heating option, some disadvantages should be taken into account. So, you will constantly have to load firewood into the oven. If coal is used, then this can be done a little less often. When using the stove, it will be necessary to closely monitor compliance with safety rules. Another significant disadvantage for many homeowners is that when using the stove, you will need to constantly remove garbage and ash. And this can only be done mechanically... Therefore, in advance you will have to abandon carpets in a room with a stove.

How to heat a house without using electricity and gas is now clear. Why is it cheaper to do this? Such a question cannot be answered so quickly. Much will depend on the accompanying factors. But still there are now many alternative heating options. Therefore, you can always find the most suitable solution for yourself.

If there is no gas in the house, then heating can be built on solid fuel or electricity, or better - a combination of both. The more diverse the sources of heating, the less likely the system will fail.

For example setting solid fuel boiler can be supplemented electric convector for each room. You can combine the Russian stove on the ground floor of the house, and infrared heaters On the second floor. However, electric and solid fuel energy sources are not the whole list. So let's start in order ...

To heat a house without gas or electricity, consider combustion energy solid fuel:

There are also fireplaces, but it is difficult to attribute them to the heating system of a house, since they can only heat one room.

Boiler working conditions

The main models of solid fuel boilers are designed so that the combustion air flow is directed by a mechanical thermostat with a chain drive. In this case, the natural draft of the chimney must be ensured. However, for normal boiler operation, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • Place the branch pipe so that it is not higher than the incoming pipe.
  • Provide the system with free communication with external environment through open expansion tanklocated at the top.
  • Create a pipe system with optimal diameters and a minimum number of dead-end branches.
  • Equip the boiler with fire safety equipment.


The cost of solid fuel boilers varies in a very wide range - from 20 to 300-400 thousand rubles. It all depends on the design and capacity.

However, despite the price, solid fuel boilers are the bestsellers among equipment for heating a house without gas and electricity.

The difference between a liquid fuel boiler and a solid fuel boiler is insignificant. To obtain heat energy, liquid fuel is poured into a liquid boiler instead of coal:

  • diesel fuel;
  • fuel oil;
  • kerosene;
  • vegetable oils;
  • alcohol.

The last two are given only as an illustration of the possibilities. The use of oil and alcohol is an unaffordable luxury. And the point is not even that alcohol, for example, is very expensive, but that this fuel is obtained from plant materials that could be used for food production.


A distinctive feature of liquid fuel boilers is their high efficiency - up to 92%. In addition, for installation and operation, you do not need permission from special services, unlike, for example, gas boilers.


The price range for such boilers ranges from 25,000 to 180,000 rubles and depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the combustion chamber. The average annual heating cost of a private house is 150 sq.m. without gas and electricity on diesel fuel about 150,000 rubles.

Which is higher than the cost of solid fuel and even electricity.

Converting solar energy into thermal energy is possible only if the sun shines frequently and for a long time over the roof of your house. Unfortunately, 80% of Russia's territories have nothing to do with this. However, even in warm climates it is impossible to rely only on solar heating; a backup source is required.

Principle of operation

In place “under the sun”, light-absorbing batteries are installed, which convert solar energy directly into thermal energy, and then transfer it to the coolant. There are two types of solar collectors - vacuum and flat. Vacuum is considered the most efficient and economical. Using the energy of the sun is a scientific achievement.


Plus solar heating is a small price for solar collectors. Flat devices can be purchased at prices ranging from 1,500 to 60,000 rubles. Vacuum ones are much more expensive - about 80,000 rubles. However, if we consider that there is no need to pay for fuel, then the price is quite adequate.

Biofuel use

Biofuel is any organic matter that can burn. However, under these terms in recent times began to understand the use of gases released by rotting organic matter.

Principle of operation

Anything that rots with sufficient intensity will do for a source of such gas. Usually they use manure, food waste, plant mass. All gases formed in the process of decay burn perfectly and replace natural gas.

The biofuel heating plant itself consists of units that collect the emitted gas, clean it and feed it to the boilers for combustion. And then the principle of operation is the same as that of a natural gas boiler.


A significant disadvantage of this heating method is the low productivity of rotting in natural conditions. In order to speed up this process, you need to increase the temperature, and this is a cost of energy.

For this reason, it is impossible to use biofuel as the main heating method for a large house, but heating small house or it is quite possible to create an auxiliary system.

Heating with biofuel is widely used by farms in countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal.

Such heat is obtained from nothing, just from the air. This is the reverse air conditioner. The pump itself does not produce heat, it only extracts it from the medium and sends it in the right direction.

Operating principle

The principle of the pump is to take heat from the medium in which it is placed. However, the pump needs starting energy. For example, in order to move 10 kW of heat energy, he needs to consume about 3 kW of electricity.

The difference is impressive! And in the presence of electricity, it allows you to make a choice in favor of a heat pump for economical heating of a private house without gas.

Features and prices

However, the problem is that in severe frosts, such a pump malfunctions. Works well in freezing temperatures down to -15, stops working at -30. There is one more drawback - with practically free energy, the naoso itself is very expensive - from 200,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.

Once they were called potbelly stoves. This name dates back to distant times. civil war and subsequent devastation, when the simplest joys of life were associated with great wealth.

Much has changed since then, but the iron stove is still called a potbelly stove. Now they look different. Many of them are equipped with fireproof glass windows, but their essence has not changed - they quickly heat up and cool down just as quickly.

Maybe that's why this stove was called a stove, because to maintain a constantly high temperature, a lot of firewood is required in a bourgeois way.

Folk fantasy

In Siberian taiga huts, where you can bring a cast-iron stove, but it is difficult to deliver a brick, a potbelly stove is lined on three sides with large stones rolled in by a river. It turns out beautifully and functionally - the stones heat up and slowly release heat to the air.

This technique is quite applicable in a country house - when the house is built, and the heating is not yet ready. To some extent, stones perform fire-fighting functions, absorbing accidental sparks and excessive heat. Stone structures can serve as a reason for the flight of the designer's imagination.

Efficiency metal oven will increase if you equip it with a coil for heating water and connect heating batteries to it.

Brick stoves or Russian stoves

IN classic form the Russian stove is a miracle of engineering soap with a very effective system heating. Not only did the stove heat the entire hut, it was also a multifunctional kitchen, a heated bed and even a sauna.

In our time, a number of functions of the Russian stove are not needed, but as heating in a private house without gas and electricity, it is effective!

In modern conditions

Making an ancient Russian stove modern is quite simple:

  • If one of the sides is built into the wall separating one room from the other, then two rooms will already be heated. However, the stove has four sides.
  • If you manage to build a stove into two walls of two different rooms, then almost the whole house can be heated.
  • If the house is large, then the forces of one heat source cannot be dispensed with - you will have to make a system of pipes and batteries with a water heating element.

The Russian stove differs from a simple brick one in size and in the absence of a stove bench. A brick kiln has great inertia - it heats up for a long time, but also cools down for a long time.

To make the cooling process last longer, there is a damper system that traps hot air. However, it is in this system that the biggest danger of the furnace lies - if the damper is closed ahead of time, then carbon monoxide from the firebox will go not into the chimney, but into the house.


Construction cost brick oven depends on a number of factors: firstly, on the size, secondly, on the materials chosen, and thirdly, on the payment for the stove-maker. And the work costs the most.

So, if the stove-maker takes it in moderation, and you are not going to decorate the stove with marble and ceramics, then you can keep within 20-60 thousand rubles. Whether it is expensive or not - everyone estimates it in their own way. However, one should take into account the fact that the oven will stand for more than a dozen years.

How to heat the stove

You can drown everything that burns. The classic option is firewood and coal. However, at all times, the following sources of thermal energy went into the furnace.


Dung - completely dried cow dung... It burns well and leaves almost no ash. Horse manure can be used for the same purpose. By the way, there is no smell from such fuel.


Peat, or rather peat briquettes. In terms of calorific value, this is something between wood and coal. Briquettes are burning in an already heated firebox. This means that you first need to heat the stove with wood, and then lay the briquettes.

Advantages - peat is environmentally less toxic than coal.

More precisely, the toxicity of peat smoke can be equated with the toxicity of firewood. Only from peat ash and smoke more. The benefits of using peat can only be talked about if you have the opportunity to buy it at a low price. In all other cases, it is better to use wood and coal.


Firewood burns quickly and is not always hot. To maintain a high temperature in the house, you need not just a lot of firewood, they need to be put in the firebox all the time.


Coke is best used. Coal burns for a long time, and good coking coal is also hot.

If you use black coal with low ash content and high calorific value, then one measure of coal can give as much heat as 3-5 such measures of their firewood will give. The only argument against coal is its high ash content.

Ash from coal is toxic, so there will be a problem with its disposal.


There are other substitutes for firewood. For example, seed husks or corn cobs. Both burn well, but not for long, and without intense heat. However, these fuels should not be taken seriously.

Thus, wood and coal are worth choosing from all types of solid fuels. Moreover, it is in combination. Firewood is good for lighting the stove, and coal for long and slow burning.

Instead of a conclusion

There are dozens of systems for heating a private house without gas and electricity - from a classic stove to solar energy. It is difficult to advise on which of them to stop. However, I can give one universal advice - try to form a multifunctional system with duplicating functions and minimizing risk, as on warships.

If you have a large farm, have access to cheap diesel fuel and have a free shed to house a diesel boiler, you can purchase one. Such boilers are expensive, they exist only in a powerful floor-standing version.

IN ecologically worse than wood. In the house itself, you can also allocate a room for a boiler room, but you have to take care of enhanced ventilation and soundproofing of the walls - these boilers are very noisy.

Modification of a liquid fuel unit - a boiler for development. They are low-power. A simple device, such a boiler is easy to assemble with your own hands. Dignity - "omnivorous": you can heat with waste oil, diesel fuel, etc. Minus - low environmental friendliness... These models are often installed in garages and utility blocks.

Air heating

A feature of most boilers is that they are designed to work with a water circuit. There are steam models, but they are rarely used in residential buildings, usually in technical facilities. Minus water heating - dependence on electricity: it works circulation pump ().

Heating a private house without gas and electricity can be done in three ways:

  • install a gravity pipeline - without a pump, on natural circulation... Installation is technically more difficult; such a system will not be able to effectively heat a large house;
  • use an autonomous energy source (see below);
  • heating without electricity and without gas is possible with an air heating system, without a water pipe.

The most famous alternative heating a private house without gas and - a classic village stove: Russian, Dutch, Swedish, in the bathhouse - a heater. The metal counterpart - the so-called. "Potbelly stove": it has low inertia, unlike brick and stone, metal quickly heats up and quickly loses heat.

Brick ovens keep warm for a long time. If desired, an impromptu water boiler can be made from the furnace: install a heat exchanger above the firebox. But in this case, you need a pump for heating.

Minus stove heating - limited area. there is different ways increase the efficiency of the oven. It is often placed in the middle of the house, in the wall dividing the rooms.

IN two-story house install another oven on the second floor, smaller, strictly above the first. Brick / masonry is heavy, such a structure requires its own.

Another option to expand the heated area is to connect air ducts to the stove. An example is a metal boiler Buleryan: a horizontally installed barrel with a loading door at the end.

On the side walls there are several short nozzles through which heated air escapes. For heating small area the unit can be used as is. IN big house duct pipes are connected to the nozzles and they are bred in different rooms.

Among the air heating options without gas for a country house, one should also mention heating electrical appliances: oil batteries, convectors, fan heaters, heat guns.

The gun cannot serve for constant heating: it has high power and high energy consumption. It is used when you need to heat the room instantly. Convectors or oil heaters are suitable for permanent heating.

Other technologies

Among the water types of heating a country house without gas, we should mention heat and geothermal pumps. The principle of their work is the extraction of heat from the ground, water, air and the redirection of this energy to the home heating pipeline.

Geothermal systems are of three types:

  • vertical - the reservoir is located in a well up to 200 meters deep;
  • horizontal - the placement of the collector is area, in trenches buried below the soil freezing line;
  • water - placed on the bottom of a non-freezing reservoir.

The principle of the pump is like a refrigerator. With the only difference that the refrigerator uses cold, and the pump, on the contrary, uses the heat released during the condensation of the refrigerant. This technology is most effective in areas where hot waters are located close to the surface.

There are also such regions in the Russian Federation - Kamchatka, Kuriles. Nevertheless, for Russia such heating without gas and firewood is a novelty. Heating a house without gas is most often arranged using more traditional methods.

The geothermal system is unpopular due to the expensive installation process: high drilling costs, excavation... They pay off in a few years, but the initial investment is large. In addition, this results in heating without gas and firewood, but electricity is still needed for it - a heat pump works on it.

There is an inexpensive and accessible technology - biogas. She came to us from China. Organic waste (for example, manure) is loaded into a sealed container, water is added, and heated. In a closed container, the mixture begins to ferment.

The gas released in this case is discharged through pipes to the home gas supply system.

An important point is to control the pressure in the tank: if it exceeds a critical value, the container may explode.


Since it is impossible to do without electricity in the house, regardless of heating, in the absence of power supply or in case of unreliable operation of the centralized power grid, residents country houses resort to autonomous sources... The most common are power generators.

Subdivided according to the type of fuel:

  • gasoline;
  • gas;
  • diesel.

Gasoline generators are usually low power (). Their resource is comparatively small. They are not used as a constant current source, only as an emergency option in case of wire breakage.

Diesel - only powerful. Can be used as a permanent stand-alone station in a large house or farm. Cons - high fuel costs, low environmental friendliness, noisy work.

The largest power range for gas. Among them, you can choose a model for both a permanent station and for emergencies. For emergency situations - low-power: have air system cooling, they have less resource. Powerful ones, which are suitable for constant work, have liquid cooling. But if you need heating without gas in a private house, such a generator will not work.

Alternative energy sources

Is heating possible without gas and firewood, pipes and boilers? In such cases, alternative natural technologies are used to generate electricity: solar panels, wind generators, water turbines.

Solar panels - option for the south or middle band: store energy even in winter, although to a lesser extent. In the north, during the polar day, they work constantly, but on winter period have to look for another source of energy.

Wind turbines justify themselves when the average annual wind speed is sufficient.

Their installation requires permission from the local administration, because:

  • the height of the mast may exceed the height of buildings allowed in the area;
  • the device is electrically hazardous;
  • creates noise and interference with TV / radio broadcasts.

The installation of a hydro turbine also needs a permit.

You will need to prove that your design will not harm the ecology of the reservoir and will not serve to destroy the coastline.

Video about heating a house without gas and without electricity.

At the present time, many owners of country houses or summer cottages are increasingly having to look for an alternative to gas as the main type of fuel to heat their homes. The reasons are different: for some, natural gas is becoming too expensive a pleasure, someone has the opportunity to use other energy resources, and for someone the main gas is simply unavailable due to its complete absence nearby. Then the question arises - which one exists at all economical heating at home without gas and what kind of fuel is better to use then?

Alternative energy sources

There is no definite answer to this question, since each individual case has its own nuances. For example, on your land plot a lot of old large trees grow, which just ask for a wood-fired boiler.

Option two: in return for some services, the customer is ready long time supply you with diesel fuel or coal. It is clear that in such situations you will lean towards these types of energy sources and not pay attention to others. In the long term, this will be a mistake, since such sources will sooner or later run out and you will have to look for other ways to heat a country house or buy the same fuel, but at the generally accepted cost.

We will try to develop some kind of universal method for determining the optimal energy carrier for heating a home, which is suitable for each individual case. First, we will make a reservation that the methodology will help to determine for ourselves the cheapest heating without gas, we do not take it into account.

Just as we do not take into account various high-tech and exotic types of heating, inaccessible to ordinary citizens. This includes heat pumps, solar panels, wind turbines and different kinds machine and vegetable oils... Then how to heat the house if there is no gas and the above sources? We have at our disposal:

  • ordinary firewood;
  • eurowood;
  • pellets;
  • coal;
  • diesel fuel;
  • liquefied gas in cylinders;
  • electricity.

For each of these energy carriers, a cost calculation should be made for the entire cold period, then it will be clear the cheaper it is to heat the house.

Important! Before starting the calculations, it is imperative to bring the units of measurement of the amount of fuel into conformity, that is, to avoid confusion between volume (m3) and mass (kg). It is recommended that all types of energy sources, except for electricity, be reduced to units of mass - kilograms.

Calculating heating costs

To find out what is the most economical heating of a country house, it is recommended for clarity to draw up a simple plate of this form:

In this table, the second column is filled in based on the cost of each type of fuel in your region, or your individual price is entered into it. The third column is already filled in for convenience of calculations. The cost of 1 kW of thermal energy can be easily determined by dividing the price of 1 kg of fuel (column 2) by its specific calorific value (column 3).

The fifth column is filled based on the fact that the average consumed thermal power in a private house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m2 per season is 5 kWh, and the duration heating season - 180 days (5 x 24 x 180 \u003d 21600 kWh).

It is clear that house designs are all different and the area will be different, just as the length of the season in your region may differ, so you will need to make appropriate adjustments. By multiplying the data in columns 4 and 5, we determine the estimated costs for the season.

However, these values \u200b\u200bdo not take into account the efficiency of the equipment, the values \u200b\u200bof which are given below. Dividing the estimated costs by the efficiency value, in the last column we get a direct answer to the question - the cheaper it is to heat a house except for gas.

For homeowners whose homes already have gas boilers, you can add one more line below for comparison, filling it with data on natural gasbased on actual fuel consumption and price.

It would seem that now everything has fallen into place and you can safely make a choice in favor of one or another energy carrier for economical heating. But this approach is one-sided, because there is also such a thing as convenience and complexity in the maintenance and operation of the heating system of a private house.

Choosing an energy carrier taking into account ease of use

The comfort of operation of boiler equipment that supplies heat to water heating is an important factor, since any unnecessary troubles and inconveniences are your time and money. That is, the total cost increases indirectly according to how much effort is put into keeping the system running. In some cases economical systems heating after the first season no longer seem so economical and sometimes you want to pay extra money, just not to get involved with such problems.

In contrast to financial indicators, ease of use - the value for each type of fuel is unchanged, so you can find out immediately, which will help you make the right choice. We will evaluate the convenience by the following criteria:

  • the complexity of repair or maintenance of the boiler plant;
  • the need and convenience of storage;
  • comfort in daily operation (the need for fuel loading, and so on).

To find out which of the energy carriers will provide comfortable and economical heating of a private house, we will draw up a second table, where for each of the criteria we will put down all types of fuel according to a five-point system, after which we will summarize.


Electric boilers do not require any maintenance, except for sometimes opening the lid and dusting off or cleaning the contacts, for which they receive the highest marks. Some actions are required if you heat a country house with liquefied gas. It is recommended to check and, if necessary, clean the igniter and the burner once every 2 years, because propane is a solid four. Pellet boilers receive 3 points for the fact that they require cleaning the combustion chamber several times a year and once the chimney.

Accordingly, wood and coal units need to be cleaned often, as they become dirty. The worst situation in this regard is the case with diesel fuel, since its quality often leaves much to be desired, which is why the frequency of service is unpredictable.


It is clear that electricity does not require storage space, while LPG and diesel fuel may require some storage space. But when economical heating of a private house with wood is organized, a lot of storage space will be required. The same applies to pellets, as they require a dry room or special silo. As for coal, there is a lot of waste, dust and dirt from it, therefore - the lowest rating.

Ease of use

And here economical electric heating turned out to be on top, since it does not require any intervention during work Pellets and liquefied gas must be replenished periodically, 1-2 times a week, or even less frequently. A little more attention should be paid to diesel fuel, more for supervising work than for adding fuel.

Well, the most troublesome traditionally heating system in a private house on coal and wood, here loads into the combustion chamber are needed from 1 to 3 times a day.

In the last column, by summing up, the results are summed up, according to which the most comfortable and convenient is heating a country house in winter with electricity. If this result is considered in combination with financial costs, then electricity may not be the worst option.


An integrated approach to the issue shows that the most economical heating systems for summer cottages and country houses can be the most troublesome during operation. Therefore, you should not rush and carefully weigh and calculate everything, or even better - install an electric boiler in combination with any other.